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The Smart Marketing Book

The Definitive Guide to Effective Marketing Strategies
Dan White , local 

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The Smart Marketing BookIn today s complex commercial environments, marketing has become a central aspect to every successful business. Businesses need flexible, effective means of gaining commercial traction by managing their relationships with audiences, stakeholders and competitors. They require effective marketing and branding that move beyond the standard forms of brand orientation and commercial interaction. New marketing models must think smart to create innovative strategies which have long-term sustainable economic goals.
The Smart Marketing Book is a practical, reliable and concise title that offers the core marketing principles applicable for anyone who wishes to improve their organization s financial and creative values. It is a straightforward guide that avoids unnecessary and time-consuming practices. An illustrative handbook that covers marketing principles and topics through visual innovation. A credible statement to all marketers trying to source the most relevant strategies from a field cursed with infinite information.
Von Klappentext im Buch The Smart Marketing Book (2020)

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Informationinformation , Innovationinnovation , Marketingmarketing

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