digital natives: Alltäglichkeit führt nicht zwingend zu Verständnis


Growing up with an application, however, does not mean having an advanced skill set, no more than growing up with the English language means having advanced compositional skills. My experience training students leads me to conclude that their native familiarity provides not any given set of skills, even in applications that students claim to know, but rather a basic orientation and familiarity.
Von David R. Vance im Text Technology Skills Of Incoming Freshman (2006)
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Argumente gegen das Digitale in der Schule | DigitalNativesArgument | 20.09.2011 |
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- Technology Skills Of Incoming Freshman - Are First-Year Students prepared? (Jeffrey A. Stone, Mark E. Hoffman, Elinor M. Madigan, David R. Vance) (2006)
- Total digital? Wie Jugendliche Kompetenzen im Umgang mit neuen Technologien erwerben - Dokumentation der Analysen des Vertiefungsmoduls zu ICILS 2013 (Birgit Eickelmann, Wilfried Bos, Mario Vennemann) (2015)