Fördert BYOD One-to-One-Computing?
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Ist angesichts des privaten Gerätebesitzes BYOD die vernünftige (und einzig finanzierbare) Art, wie eine 1:1-Ausstattung in der Schule erreicht werden kann?
Von Beat Döbeli Honegger, erfasst im Biblionetz am 17.09.2011Bemerkungen
Make no mistake: 2015 is the year in which each and every student in America’s K12 public school system will have a mobile device to use for curricular purposes, 24/7. For the majority of schools, one-to-one will be achieved because they will have adopted a BYOD policy: Bring your own device. Schools simply can’t afford to buy a computing device for every student: Bonds aren’t passing, and budgets are being slashed. And most school-age children are acquiring their own mobile computing devices for entertainment and communication.
Von Cathleen Norris, Elliot Soloway im Text Tips for BYOD K12 Programs (2011)