An Integrated Model of Multimedia Learning and Motivation
Erstpublikation in: Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 3–21
Zu finden in: Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia (JEMH) (Seite 3 bis 21), 2004

Evidence from multimedia research is far from being conclusive because of producing confounding effects or of neglecting parameters. Motivation plays a major role in this shortcoming as traditional multimedia theory is mainly based on cognitive factors, widely ignoring the fact that motivation significantly influences learning resources. Within this article, several theoretical models are critically reviewed and an integrated model of multimedia learning and motivation is presented, which is based on current research in the field of educational psychology. The model can stimulate research, as it represents an expansion of the popular cognitive theory of multimedia learning from Mayer (2001). It integrates additional variables, such as mental resources management and motivational processing. The model can also provide instructional designers with a summary of main factors that have to be considered when developing multimedia-based learning environments.
Von Hermann Astleitner, Christian Wiesner 

The authors review several theoretical models critically and evaluate their advantages and drawbacks. As they emphasize the motivational elements in multimedia learning, they combine Mayer's cognitive theory of multimedia learning with motivational theories like Brünken, Plass & Leutner, Keller, Hoogeveen and Hede. The resulting model of motivation and multimedia learning includes mental resources management and motivational processing influencing Mayer's mental activities and describes the relations in-between these variables. Finally, the authors provide general predictions drawn from the model which stimulates different areas of multimedia research. First, research dealing with the motivational quality of multimedia elements has to be considered in connecting motivating features of multimedia environments with the postulated theoretical parameters. Second, personality characteristics can be linked with the theoretical components and aptitude-treatment-interaction (ATI) research can be undertaken. Third, the influence of motivational features on cognitive load has to be investigated. As specific predictions, they discuss the phenomenon of “seductive details” which are interesting but irrelevant adjuncts in instructional materials distracting or even disrupting the coherence of a learning process. They also mention motivationally adaptive mechanisms which enable addressing different types of learners.
This article introduces relevant motivational research issues concerning multimedia learning and offers an integrated model of motivation and multimedia learning combining important cognitive and motivational variables. Further research and design is necessary to analyse the interrelations of the involved variables in this integrative model.
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