Lehren und Lernen mit neuen Medien
(Forschungsbericht Nr. 125)
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If new theoretical approaches emerge from criticism of established theories, they have to prove reasonable in the framework of empirical research projects. This is also true for approaches of situated learning. In this contribution, characteristic features of situated learning approaches will be described. In addition, the most important research surveys and their designs will be discussed. Following the first predominantly ethno-methodological phase, current research focuses on the investigation of the collaborative culture of learning, analysing both the shared and the individual knowledge. At this stage, research is mainly based on the principle of ecological validity, implemented by means of complex designs and field experiments. The presented surveys of five research groups show a change in methodology that is called interactive or integrative methodology. Finally, this contribution refers to possible consequences for educational philosophy and technology.
Von Frank Fischer, Heinz Mandl im Text Lehren und Lernen mit neuen Medien (2000) Dieser Text erwähnt ...
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