Fostering Collective Intelligence
Helping Groups Use Visualized Argumentation
Albert Selvin
Zu finden in: Visualizing Argumentation, 2003
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Conklin’s work is developed further in Chapter 7, Fostering Collective Intelligence: Helping Groups Use Visualized Argumentation, in which Albert Selvin details the principles behind facilitating CSAV in real time, in business contexts, and the functional requirements on tools to support this. These are derived from his work on the Compendium approach, which extends Conklin’s Dialog Mapping approach both conceptually (overlaying formal modelling on IBIS), and technically (bringing CSAV into the age of the web and open standards). Selvin then presents three examples of Compendium in use, to illustrate how the principles and tool functionalities he has proposed play out in different contexts.
Von Paul A. Kirschner, Chad Carr, Simon J. Buckingham Shum im Buch Visualizing Argumentation (2003) im Text Preface Dieser Text erwähnt ...
Personen KB IB clear | Ted Nelson , Donald A. Norman | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Begriffe KB IB clear | Hypertexthypertext , Visualisierungvisualization | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Zitationsgraph (Beta-Test mit vis.js)
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