Monitoring an Online Course With the GISMO ToolA Case Study
Riccardo Mazza, Luca Botturi
Zu finden in: Usage Analysis in Learning Systems (Seite 251 bis 265), 2007
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This article presents GISMO, a novel, open source, graphic student-tracking tool integrated into Moodle. GISMO represents a further step in information visualization applied to education, and also a novelty in the field of learning management systems applications. The visualizations of the tool, its uses and the benefits it can bring are illustrated through a detailed case study of an online course. GISMO provides visualizations of behavioral, cognitive and social data from the course, allowing constant monitoring of students’ activities, engagement and learning outcomes.
Von Riccardo Mazza, Luca Botturi in der Zeitschrift Usage Analysis in Learning Systems (2007) im Text Monitoring an Online Course With the GISMO Tool
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