An Analysis Of The Effectiveness Of Podcasting As A Supplemental Instructional ToolA Pilot Study
Russell Baker, Jeffery Harrison, Barry Thornton, Rhett Yates
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Podcasting is the creation of audio or video files for use on ipods and other mp3 players. It allows the user to view or listen to downloadable files wherever or whenever desired. In higher education, podcasting is experiencing extraordinary growth. While a significant volume of literature exists both lauding and lamenting the incorporation of podcasts into university curricula, the authors were unable to find any empirical studies in either the academic or popular press evaluating any benefits or detriments attributable to educational applications of podcasting. This paper presents the pilot for an empirical study of the effectiveness of podcasting as a course supplement.
Von Russell Baker, Jeffery Harrison, Barry Thornton, Rhett Yates im Text An Analysis Of The Effectiveness Of Podcasting As A Supplemental Instructional Tool (2007) Bemerkungen
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