Assessing the computer attitudes of students
An Asian perspective
Timothy Teo
Erstpublikation in: Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 24 , Issue 4 (July 2008)

Research has found that computer attitudes play a key role in influencing the extent to which students accept the computer as a learning tool and in determining the likelihood that computer will be used in the future for learning and study. A sample of 183 students reported their computer attitudes using a Likert-type questionnaire with three subscales, computer importance, computer enjoyment, and computer anxiety. One-way MANOVA revealed no significant differences in computer attitudes by gender although male students reported more positive towards the computer than female students. There were significant differences between students who own computers at home and those who do not and students who own a computer at home also reported a lower level of computer anxiety compared to those who do not.
Von Timothy Teo im Text Assessing the computer attitudes of students (2008)
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