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Introduction: How to Think About Digital Activism

Mary Joyce
Zu finden in: Digital Activism Decoded, 2010 local web 
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Digital Activism DecodedThe goal of this introduction is to provide a framework for thinking about digital activism. We begin by identifying the infrastructure, economic, social, and political factors that define the environment in which digital activists operate. Next, we discuss activism practices themselves, both how they are currently understood in the narrative form of case study and how they might be codified in the future as foundational knowledge. Finally, we lay out the range of opinions on the value of digital activism and explain why determining value conclusively is still difficult. In this Introduction, we will discuss both what is known and what is unknown about digital activism—the mechanics of which are just beginning to be understood.
Von Mary Joyce im Buch Digital Activism Decoded (2010) im Text Introduction: How to Think About Digital Activism

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