Motivating and enabling organizational memory with a workgroup wikiSean A. Munson
Zu finden in: WikiSym 2008, 2008
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Workgroups can struggle with remembering past projects and
sharing this information with other groups in the organization. In
a case study of the deployment of MediaWiki as a publishing tool
for building organizational memory, group members’ motivation
to document past projects increased. A browsable collection of
past projects allowed for discovery of past work, building the
reputation of individuals and the workgroup, and development of
transactive memory within the workgroup. The “anyone can edit”
feature, frequently touted as the main benefit of wikis, had both
benefits and drawbacks in this implementation. Group members
did not feel comfortable making substantial edits to others’ content
but did occasionally use the wiki to coauthor content and also
categorize and link to others’ content and fix typos, particularly
when asked to help.
Von Sean A. Munson im Konferenz-Band WikiSym 2008 im Text Motivating and enabling organizational memory with a workgroup wiki (2008) Dieses Konferenz-Paper erwähnt ...
Begriffe KB IB clear | ContentContent , MediaWiki , Motivationmotivation , Reputationreputation , Wikiwiki |
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Nicht erwähnte Begriffe | Wiki in education |
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