Wiki-based collaborative learningincorporating self-assessment tasks
Ben Liu, Hejie Chen, Wei He
Zu finden in: WikiSym 2008, 2008
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When assigning technological articles as the collaborative
writing task, students may nd that the available knowl-
edge repositories leave little room for them to contribute
and therefore write nothing. To provide guidelines for stu-
dents to discover topics, as well as tools to practice problem
solving skills, we integrated a computer assisted assessment
module into the Mediawiki and employ self-tests as the col-
laborative tasks. In these task, item models are used to
automatically generate test questions. The items deriving
from a same model share a common structure; however, the
randomly initialized parameters of the model make them
dier from each other. These dierences result in that the
answers of an item are usually inapplicable to other items
deriving from the same model. Therefore, examinees have to
solve these generated items on a case by case basis. Further,
how to solve questions deriving from certain models can be
served as the topics about which students write articles.
The wiki self-assessment system was used in a course on
Computer Networks oered to junior students majored in
computer science. Five self-test tasks were assigned to 98
students, and they were encouraged to write wiki pages to
explain their solution methods. Evidence from this prelim-
inary application indicates that the presented approach has
a positive eect on learning outcomes.
Von Ben Liu, Hejie Chen, Wei He im Konferenz-Band WikiSym 2008 im Text Wiki-based collaborative learning (2008)
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