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Analyzing Collaborative Processes and Learning from Hypertext Through Hierarchical Linear Modelling

Agni Stylianou-Georgiou, Elena Papanastasiou, Sadhana Puntambekar
Zu finden in: Analyzing Interactions in CSCL (Seite 145 bis 159), 2010 local 
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Analyzing Interactions in CSCLThe purpose of this study was to investigate whether supporting sixth grade students to monitor and regulate their group navigation behavior while reading from hypertext would lead to a rich understanding of domain knowledge. Metanavigation support in the form of prompts was provided to groups of students who collaboratively used a hypertext system called CoMPASS to complete a design challenge. Multilevel analysis techniques were used to understand how the provision of metanavigation support to groups interact with group navigation behavior and learner´s metacognitive awareness of reading strategies to affect individual learning. The findings of this study revealed that providing metanavigation support to the groups contributed positively in enabling students to gain a rich understanding of domain knowledge. Our findings also indicate that there was a significant negative interaction of students´ metacognitive awareness and perceived use of reading strategies and the presence of metanavigation support while interacting with hypertext.
Von Agni Stylianou-Georgiou, Elena Papanastasiou, Sadhana Puntambekar im Buch Analyzing Interactions in CSCL (2010) im Text Analyzing Collaborative Processes and Learning from Hypertext Through Hierarchical Linear Modelling

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