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Mobile Technology and Interactive Lectures

The Key Adoption Factors
Vimala Balakrishnan, Chin Lay Gan
Zu finden in: Mobile Learning Design (Seite 111 bis 126), 2016 local 
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Mobile Learning Design

Lecture classes are fundamental and essential for teaching and learning in higher education. The objective of this study is to investigate adoption factors for promoting interactive lectures in higher education from reviews of technology acceptance models, motivational factors, and cultural dimension theory. The study aims to elicit key factors influencing mobile technology adoption in the classrooms as an interaction tool, focusing on the notion of communication barriers caused by classes with large number of students. Survey involving higher education students enrolled in academic courses in Malaysia was conducted with a sample size of 396. Factor analysis produced three key factors: User system perception (USP), system and information quality (SIQ) and user uncertainty avoidance (UUA). Results of regression analysis revealed UUA as the strongest significant predictor of adoption (beta = −0.225, p < 0.001), and a high proportion of UUA was strongly explained by USP (r = −0.513) and SIQ (r = −0.537). This study underscores the need for researchers to further explore blended learning pedagogies using mobile technology.

Von Vimala Balakrishnan, Chin Lay Gan im Buch Mobile Learning Design (2016) im Text Mobile Technology and Interactive Lectures

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Blended LearningBlended Learning , Lernenlearning , Motivationmotivation , technology acceptance model (TAM)technology acceptance model

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