Proof by incomplete enumeration and other logical misconceptionsGeoffrey L. Herman, Lisa C. Kaczmarczyk, Michael C. Loui, Craig B. Zilles
Zu finden in: ICER 2008 (Seite 59 bis 70), 2008
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The ability to reason with formal logic is a foundational skill for computer scientists and computer engineers that scaffolds the abilities to design, debug, and optimize. By interviewing students about their understanding of propositional logic and their ability to translate from English specifications to Boolean expressions, we characterized common misconceptions and novice problem-solving processes of students who had recently completed a digital logic design class. We present these results and discuss their implications for instruction and the development of pedagogical assessment tools known as concept inventories.
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4 Erwähnungen 
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- Commonsense computing (episode 6) - logic is harder than pie (Tammy VanDeGrift, Dennis J. Bouvier, Tzu-Yi Chen, Gary Lewandowski, Robert McCartney, Beth Simon) (2010)
- Commonsense computing (episode 6) - logic is harder than pie (Tammy VanDeGrift, Dennis J. Bouvier, Tzu-Yi Chen, Gary Lewandowski, Robert McCartney, Beth Simon) (2010)
- Entwicklung und Validierung eines Instruments zur Messung des Wissens über Fehlvorstellungen in der Informatik (Laura Ohrndorf) (2016)
- Computer Science Education - Perspectives on Teaching and Learning in School (Sue Sentance, Erik Barendsen, Carsten Schulte) (2018)
- SIGCSE 2019 - Proceedings of the 50th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, SIGCSE 2019, Minneapolis, MN, USA, February 27 - March 02, 2019 (Elizabeth K. Hawthorne, Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, Sarah Heckman, Jian Zhang 0036) (2019)
- Supporting Guided Inquiry with Cooperative Learning in Computer Organization (Yeajin Ham, Brandon Myers) (2019)
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