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Impact Study of Tourism Destinations' eLearning

The Case of the Switzerland Travel Academy
Nicole Regazzoni, Nadzeya Kalbaska, Lorenzo Cantoni
Zu finden in: EdMedia 2018, 2018
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Through the Internet, information about tourism destinations have multiplied and consumers are faced with many, and sometimes contradicting information from a number of different online sources. The figure of the travel professional is again gaining importance since consumers can rely on travel professionals to get access to the relevant information they need in order to plan their travel in the best way. For travel professionals, it is therefore of crucial importance to stay updated about what a destination has to offer. Switzerland Tourism, the national tourism board of Switzerland, has created an eLearning course about Switzerland in order to provide travel professionals with the quality information they need to sell the country to their potential clients. The aim of this study is to find out the level of effectiveness of the eLearning tool in terms of travel professionals’ satisfaction, confidence in selling Switzerland as a destination, and of the level of knowledge acquired from the offered eLearning tool. This was achieved by using an online survey built upon the Kirkpatrick’s model. Eventually, the response rate was satisfactory and the results demonstrate a positive feedback by travel agents to the eLearning tool both in terms of satisfaction and transfer of knowledge. Moreover, suggestions were collected for the implementation of future eLearning courses on tourism destinations.
Von Nicole Regazzoni, Nadzeya Kalbaska, Lorenzo Cantoni im Konferenz-Band EdMedia 2018 (2018) im Text Impact Study of Tourism Destinations' eLearning

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