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Monitor for ICT integration in Flemish education (MICTIVO): Research set-up and some preliminaries

Pieter Jan Heymans, Eline Godaert, Jan Elen, Johan van Braak, Katie Goeman
Zu finden in: EdMedia 2018, 2018
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MICTIVO is a monitoring tool to evaluate ICT integration in the formal Flemish education. It was first conducted in 2008, based on a literature review of several European monitors for mapping the adoption and diffusion of technology for teaching and learning purposes to evaluate the return on investment and effects of ICT on educational practice. The tool consists of different aspects concerning ICT: infrastructure and policy, perceptions, competences and integration at micro-level. In 2008, MICTIVO was tested a first time, the indicators for the different components were validated and empirically tested. In 2013 and 2018 a follow up study was conducted to monitor the current state of ICT integration. The scale and breadth of MICTIVO makes it possible to get representative information on the status of ICT integration in Flanders and the evolution of trends through time.
Von Pieter Jan Heymans, Eline Godaert, Jan Elen, Johan van Braak, Katie Goeman im Konferenz-Band EdMedia 2018 (2018) im Text Monitor for ICT integration in Flemish education (MICTIVO): Research set-up and some preliminaries

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