Cross-cultural Design and Development of Courses for FacultyAnne-Marie Armstrong, Arturo Ocampo
Zu finden in: EdMedia 2018, 2018
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Working with counterparts in a bilingual context has many challenges and rewards. Designing and developing courses that are relevant and sustainable is a product of true cross-cultural cooperation and collaboration. This paper includes a descriptive outline of the research, design and development used to develop one course, Mobile Learning, as part of a professional development initiative for a Mexican university. The research, theories and methodologies that were considered in the design, development and assessment of the course for faculty preparation for English and IT certification included Transactional Distance, technological appropriation and the community of inquiry framework. For example, technological appropriation directly applies to the m-learning course as the power negotiation changes the relationship between the instructor and the learner. The instructor becomes a guide and mentor, a facilitator. Transactional Distance theory was used because it is not just a geographical or temporal distance between teachers and students and instruction can be changed to overcome distances. Thirdly, the Community of Inquiry framework describes three types of presences in the learning process: social, cognitive and teaching. The CoI was considered in the course development as well in the assessment of the effectiveness of the course. Additionally the course was meets UNESCO standards for using English in the classroom to enhance those skills.
Von Anne-Marie Armstrong, Arturo Ocampo im Konferenz-Band EdMedia 2018 (2018) im Text Cross-cultural Design and Development of Courses for Faculty
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