Taking full advantage of life in 21st century Canada: Developing the skills needed to be an active and responsible global digital citizenMichel Leger, Takam Djambong, Manon LeBlanc, Viktor Freiman
Zu finden in: EdMedia 2018, 2018
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In this project, we focused on young Canadians and their relationship with the global, interconnected and digital world around them. Our knowledge synthesis study aims to fill the lack of knowledge on the acquisition and development of digital citizenship skills among young people in this new and complex digital age that presents both new opportunities and challenges. We focused our efforts on the skills needed to be an active and responsible digital citizen in a global context. Mainly based on narrative synthesis (Popay, Roberts, Sowden et al., 2006), our systematic literature review focused on qualitative works as well as national framework policy document and case studies. Our review of the literature revealed some confusion in the terminology used to describe the concept of digital citizenship, pointing to the fact that digital citizenship is a still evolving concept. The studies resulting from our literature review seem to point to the fact that 21st century skills are not necessarily dependent on the acquisition of digital skills. In fact, digital skills can be considered as a component of 21st century skills and are likely to play an important role in the acquisition and development of other 21st century skills. All of these skills help to build global citizens, better able to thrive in an increasingly digital world.
Von Michel Leger, Takam Djambong, Manon LeBlanc, Viktor Freiman im Konferenz-Band EdMedia 2018 (2018) im Text Taking full advantage of life in 21st century Canada: Developing the skills needed to be an active and responsible global digital citizen
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