Using students’ reflections to understand their perceptions in introductory programming learningAnabela Gomes, Maria José Marcelino, António José Mendes
Zu finden in: EdMedia 2018, 2018
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Learning computer programming is recognized to be problematic for many students. In the context of a wider study, which aims to design a pedagogical strategy for introductory programming learning, we decided to use some less conventional activities. In that context, we asked students to write biweekly reflections about their learning difficulties, the strengths and weaknesses of classes and exercises. We also encouraged them to suggest possible improvements in the teaching/learning process. After each deadline, the teacher tried to identify aspects that needed his intervention to address individual needs or to improve the learning process. At the end of the course, we did a detailed and systematic analysis of all student’s reflections, looking for clues that can be used to refine the overall pedagogical strategy.
Von Anabela Gomes, Maria José Marcelino, António José Mendes im Konferenz-Band EdMedia 2018 (2018) im Text Using students’ reflections to understand their perceptions in introductory programming learning
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