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Captology Captology

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Persuasive Technology
Von B. J. Fogg im Buch Persuasive Technology (2002) auf Seite  5
Persuasive TechnologyBriefly stated, captology focuses on the design, research, and analysis of interactive computing products created for the purpose of changing people's attitudes or behaviors. It describes the area where technology and persuasion overlap.
im Buch Persuasive Technology (2002) auf Seite  5


Persuasive TechnologyIn my view, it will become important for most people designing end-user computingproducts to understand howprinciples of motivation and influence can be designed into Interactive experiences with Computers. As end-user computing matures, understanding captology may become as important as understanding usability.
Von Eva Stolpmann, Peter Brichzin im Buch Persuasive Technology (2002)
Persuasive TechnologyWhen it comes to persuasion, computers not only have an advantage over traditional media. They also have six distinct advantages over human persuaders. Specifically, they can do the following:
  1. Be more persistent than human beings
  2. Offer greater anonymity
  3. Manage huge volumes of data
  4. Use many modalities to influence
  5. Scale easily
  6. Go where humans cannot go or may not be welcome
Von B. J. Fogg im Buch Persuasive Technology (2002) auf Seite  7
Persuasive Technology"Captologv" is the term that B.J. coined to capture the domain of research, design, and applications of persuasive Computers. It is an acronym for computers as persuasive technologies. I predict it soon will be coin of the realm for all those interested in how Interactive technologies can operate to change opinions, attitudes, and values and to affect the behavior of people—in short, for understanding how these new machines can change old minds in specific, predictable ways.
Von Philip G. Zimbardo im Buch Persuasive Technology (2002) im Text Foreword

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Auf dem WWW Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab: The Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab creates insight into how computing products — from websites to mobile phone software — can be designed to change what people believe and what they do. ( WWW: Link OK 2021-03-21)

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