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perversity thesis perversity thesis

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perversity thesis, These von der Sinnverkehrung, Sinnverkehrungsthese


The Rhetoric of ReactionThe perversity thesis asserts that "the attempt to push society in a certain direction will result in its moving all right, but in the opposite direction."
Von Albert Hirschman im Buch The Rhetoric of Reaction (1991) im Text The Futility Thesis
Evgeny MorozovIn his influential book The Rhetoric of Reaction, Hirschman argued that all progressive reforms usually attract conservative criticisms that build on one of the following three themes: perversity (whereby the proposed intervention only worsens the problem at hand), futility (whereby the intervention yields no results whatsoever), and jeopardy (where the intervention threatens to undermine some previous, hard-earned accomplishment).
Von Evgeny Morozov im Buch To Save Everything, Click Here (2013) im Text Solutionism and Its Discontents
The Rhetoric of ReactionThe structure of the argument is admirably simple, whereas the claim being made is rather extreme. It is not just asserted that a movement or a policy will fall short of its goal or will occasion unexpected costs or negative side effects: rather, so goes the argument, the attempt to push society in a certain direction will result in its moving all right, but in the opposite direction. Simple, intriguing, and devasrating (if true), the argument has proven popular with generations of "reactionaries" as well as fairly effective with the public at large. In current debates it is often invoked as the counterintuitive, counterproductive, or, most to the point, perverse effect of some progressive" or "well-intentioned" public policy. Attempts to reach for liberty will make society sink into slavery, the quest for democracy will produce oligarchy and tyranny, and social welfare programs will create more, rather than less, poverty. Everything backfires.
Von Albert Hirschman im Buch The Rhetoric of Reaction (1991) im Text The Perversity Thesis

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Albert Hirschman Albert

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Albert Hirschman Albert

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Albert Hirschman Albert

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