academic social network academic social network

academic social network, scholarly social networking site
Despite the excitement and investment, it is
far from clear how much of the activity on
these sites involves productive engagement,
and how much is just passing curiosity — or
a desire to access papers shared by other users
that they might otherwise have to pay for.
Von Richard van Norden im Text Scientists and the social network (2014) 
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![]() Verwandte Begriffe (co-word occurance) | ResearchGateResearchGate(0.12),, Mendeley(0.11) |
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Einträge in Beats Blog
3 Erwähnungen 
- Analysis of a Scholarly Social Networking Site - The case of the dormant user (Meg Murray) (2014)
- Scientists and the social network (Richard van Norden) (2014)
- Digitalisierung - Subjekt - Bildung - Kritische Betrachtungen der digitalen Transformation (Valentin Dander, Patrick Bettinger, Estella Ferraro, Christian Leineweber, Klaus Rummler) (2020)