Creativity Design Principle 02: Low threshold, high ceiling, and wide walls


- Low floors: The tool must be intuitive enough to allow new users to acclimate to it gradually and with a degree of confidence.
- High ceilings: The tool must allow experienced users to create increasingly complex applications that grow more intricate and nuanced äs their proficiency in using the tool increases.
- Wide walls: The tool must allow for a wide range of projects, let users tap into elements of personal experience and populär culture, and let them design and develop programs that are unique and represent their own interests and backgrounds.

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9 Erwähnungen 
- Some Reflections on Designing Construction Kits for Kids (Mitchel Resnick, Brian Silverman) (2005)
- Creativity Support Tools - Report of Workshop on Creativity Support Tools (Ben Shneiderman, Gerhard Fischer, M. Czerwinski, Brad Myers, Mitchel Resnick) (2005)
- 3. Design Principles for Tools to Support Creative Thinking (Mitchel Resnick, Brad Myers, Kumiyo Nakakoji, Ben Shneiderman, Randy Pausch, Ted Selker, Michael Eisenberg) (2005)
- 3. Design Principles for Tools to Support Creative Thinking (Mitchel Resnick, Brad Myers, Kumiyo Nakakoji, Ben Shneiderman, Randy Pausch, Ted Selker, Michael Eisenberg) (2005)
- Creativity Support Tools - Report From a U.S. National Science Foundation Sponsored Workshop (Ben Shneiderman, Gerhard Fischer, M. Czerwinski, Mitchel Resnick, Brad Myers, Linda Candy, Ernest Edmonds, Michael Eisenberg, Elisa Giaccardi, Tom Hewett, Pamela Jennings, Bill Kules, Kumio Makakoji, Jay Nunamaker, Randy Pausch, Ted Selker, Elisabeth Sylvan, Michael Terry) (2006)
- Creativity support tools - accelerating discovery and innovation (Ben Shneiderman) (2007)
- Connected Code - Why Children Need to Learn Programming (Yasmin B. Kafai, Quinn Burke) (2014)
- MaKey MaKey Projektideen (Michael Hielscher, Beat Döbeli Honegger) (2015)
- ISSEP 2015 - Informatics in Schools. Curricula, Competences, and Competitions (Andrej Brodnik, Jan Vahrenhold) (2015)
- 8. Programming in Scratch Using Inquiry-Based Approach (Jiří Vaníček)
- 8. Programming in Scratch Using Inquiry-Based Approach (Jiří Vaníček)
- Ozobot Projektideen (Michael Hielscher, Beat Döbeli Honegger) (2016)
- Lernen und Lehren mit Technologien: Vermittlung digitaler und informatischer Kompetenzen - Erziehung & Unterricht 7&8/2017 (2017)