Jedes neue Kommunikationsmedium fordert die Gesellschaft heraus


Unfortunately, such access is usually limited to small elite. The Axial Age invention of the twenty-two-lett er alphabet did not lead to a society of literate Israelite readers, but a society of hearers, who would gather in the town square to listen to the Torah scroll read to them by a rabbi. Yes, it was bett er than being ignorant slaves, but it was a result far short of the medium’s real potential.
Likewise, the invention of the printing press in the Renaissance led not to a society of writers but one of readers; except for a few cases, access to the presses was reserved, by force, for the use of those already in power. Broadcast radio and television were really just extensions of the printing press: expensive, one-to-many media that promote the mass distribution of the stories and ideas of a small elite at the center. We don’t make TV; we watch it.
Computers and networks finally off er us the ability to write. And we do write with them on our websites, blogs, and social networks. But the underlying capability of the computer era is actually programming - which almost none of us knows how to do. We simply use the programs that have been made for us, and enter our text in the appropriate box on the screen. We teach kids how to use soft ware to write, but not how to write soft ware. This means they have access to the capabilities given to them by others, but not the power to determine the value-creating capabilities of these technologies for themselves.
Zitationsgraph (Beta-Test mit vis.js)
5 Erwähnungen 
- Studien zur nächsten Gesellschaft (Dirk Baecker) (2007)
- Vorwort
- Program or Be Programmed - Ten Commands for a Digital Age (Douglas Rushkoff) (2010)
- Das Neue Spiel - Strategien für die Welt nach dem digitalen Kontrollverlust (Michael Seemann) (2014)
- Mehr als 0 und 1 - Schule in einer digitalisierten Welt (Beat Döbeli Honegger) (2016)
- Lehrmittel in einer digitalen Welt (Beat Döbeli Honegger, Michael Hielscher, Werner Hartmann) (2018)