ITiCSE 1997
Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference on Integrating Technology into Computer Science Education, ITiCSE 1997, Uppsala, Sweden, 1-5 June, 1997

- CLAP - teaching data structures in a creative way (Veijo Meisalo, Erkki Sutinen, Jorma Tarhio) (1997)
- Teaching software engineering and project management to 300 participants without drain of quality or intensity (Stefan Biffl, Thomas Grechenig) (1997)
- Visual programming with Java; an alternative approach to introductory programming (Frank Wester, Marleen Sint, Peter G. Kluit) (1997)
- You learned all you need to design educational software design in kindergarten (panel) (Hal Berghel, Cathleen A. Norris, Elliot Soloway, Harriet G. Taylor, Joe Turner) (1997)
- Distance learning of the management of software projects (Marie-Michèle Boulet) (1997)
- Concurrent programming CAN be introduced into the lower-level undergraduate curriculum (Michael B. Feldman, Bruce D. Bachus) (1997)
- Algorithm visualization on the World Wide Web - the difference Java makes! (Thomas L. Naps) (1997)
- Ethics, programming, and virtual environments (Michael E. Houle) (1997)
- Computer mediated communication in collaborative educational settings (panel) (Ursula Wolz, Jacob Palme) (1997)
- Harnessing technology for effective inter/intra-institutional collaboration (panel) (Marian Petre, Douglas Siviter) (1997)
- An interactive learning system visualizing computer graphics algorithms (Achim W. Janser) (1997)
- Teaching programming through paperless assignments - an empirical evaluation of instructor feedback (Blaine A. Price, Marian Petre) (1997)
- Recursion and grammars for CS2 (Viera K. Proulx) (1997)
- The use of the WWW to support distance learning through NTU (Douglas D. Dankel II, James Hearn) (1997)
- Designing laboratory materials for computing courses (panel) (Deborah Knox, Daniel T. Joyce) (1997)
- Design and realization of an interactive multimedia server in education (Karin Coninx, B. Daems, Frank Van Reeth, Eddy Flerackers) (1997)
- Teaching C++ on the WWW (Martin Hitz, Stefan Kögeler) (1997)
- Monitoring and evaluating a redesigned first year programming course (Dianne Hagan, Judy Sheard, Ian MacDonald) (1997)
- Using multimedia communication technologies in distance learning (Tomás Robles, David Fernández, Encarna Pastor, Santiago Alamillo) (1997)
- Integrating design and simulation into a computer architecture course (Deborah Knox) (1997)
- A genetic algorithms tutorial tool for numerical function optimisation (Edmund K. Burke, D. B. Varley) (1997)
- WebCT and first year - student reaction to and use of a Web-based resource in first year computer science (Murray W. Goldberg) (1997)
- Instructional software for closed laboratories in CS1 (Mohsen Beheshti, Bill Waller) (1997)
- Using online seminars to demonstrate the social psychological impacts of computer-mediated communication systems (Jacqueline Taylor) (1997)
- Multi-media integrated into CS 2 - an interactive children's story as a unifying class project (Ursula Wolz, Daniel Domen, Michael McAuliffe) (1997)
- Improving discrete mathematics and algorithms curricula with LINK (Jonathan W. Berry) (1997)
- Cost effective multimedia courseware development (Chris Pilgrim, Ying K. Leung, Doug D. Grant) (1997)
- VIBDaST - a virtual interactive book as a data structures teaching aid (Dimitrios Theotokis, Georgios Gyftodimos, Panagiotis Georgiadis 0001, George Philokyprou) (1997)
- Does collaborative hypertext support better engagement in learning of the basics in informatics? (Pekka Makkonen) (1997)
- OBOA model of explanation module in intelligent tutoring shell (Ljubomir Jerinic, Vladan Devedzic) (1997)
- Excel as an algorithm animation environment (Erkki Rautama, Erkki Sutinen, Jorma Tarhio) (1997)
- A modelfor the creation of online courseware (Pamela B. Lawhead) (1997)
- International initiative (Anita Jawary, Christiana Birchak, Susan Strack Vargo) (1997)
- Using a network simulation package to teach the client-server model (Michael W. Dixon, Tanya J. McGill, Johan M. Karlsson) (1997)
- Teaching via the Internet - the impact of the Internet as a communication medium on distance learning introductory computing students (Linda Carswell) (1997)
- Using Java in computer science education (panel) (Nan C. Schaller, Michael Berman, Judith Bishop, Paddy Nixon, Evelyn P. Rozanski, Peter Welch) (1997)
- Use of computer conferencing to teach a course on humans and computers (Jacob Palme, Sirkku Männikö) (1997)
- Changing computer science curricula (panel) - planning for the future (Barbara Boucher Owens, Shirley Booth, Marian Petre, Anders Berglund) (1997)
- Perspectives on innovations in the computing curriculum (panel) (John Impagliazzo, Michael Goldweber) (1997)
- A fantasy adventure game as a learning environment - why learning to program is so difficult and what can be done about it (Robert Moser) (1997)
- Computer managed, open question, open book assessment (John Rosbottom) (1997)
- Using IT to integrate societal and ethical issues in the CS/IS curriculum (panel) (Mary J. Granger, Joyce Currie Little) (1997)
- Distributed algorithms in Java (Mordechai Ben-Ari) (1997)
- CS student research experience applied to developing instructional technology (Dawn Cizmar) (1997)
- A pedagogical pattern for bringing service into the curriculum via the web (Carl Erickson, Paul Leidig) (1997)
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