Managing the Crisis in data processingErstpublikation in: Harvard Business Review 57(2) S. 115-126
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Policy-making executives can take steps to manage growing data processing resources by analyzing the stages of growth in a company's DP function in terms of six projected stages of growth. In 1977, half of the nation's larger companies were found to be in stage three or four. Levels of achievement can be measured against benchmarks, which, in the first stage of analysis, involve assessment of the data processing expenditure curve. Stage two of this analysis involves defining business functions for the organization unit, determining how data processing supports each function, matching the supports given to the system with the benchmarks of development, and finding mismatches between expenditure and need. After developing an effective strategy, the action of the senior management steering committee determines further managerial development.
Von Klappentext im Text Managing the Crisis in data processing (1979)
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![]() Begriffe KB IB clear | Nolan-Stage I: Initiation
, Nolan-Stage II: Contagion
, Nolan-Stage III: Control
, Nolan-Stage IV: Integration
, ![]() |
Dieser Text erwähnt vermutlich nicht ... 
![]() Nicht erwähnte Begriffe | Nolan-Stage V: Data Administration, Nolan-Stage VI: Maturity |
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5 Erwähnungen 
- Evolution and Organizational Information Systems - An Assessment of Nolan's Stage Model (John Leslie King, Kenneth L. Kraemer) (1984)
- The Stages Theory - A Framework for IT Adoption and Organizational Learning (Richard L. Nolan, David C. Croson, Katherine N. Seger) (1993)
- IT-Management in Schulen - Pädagogische Hintergründe, Planung, Finanzierung und Betreuung des Informationstechnikeinsatzes (Andreas Breiter) (2001)
- 2. Pädagogische und organisatorische Rahmenbediungungen für den Einsatz neuer Medien in Schulen
- Organisatorische Einbettung von E-Learning in Hochschulen - Endfassung der Studie (Andreas Breiter, Arne Fischer, Herbert Kubicek, Christian Wiedwald) (2004)
- Konzepte und Wirkungszusammenhänge bei Beschaffung und Betrieb von Informatikmitteln an Schulen (Beat Döbeli Honegger) (2005)
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