The Wiki and the digital libraryJeremy Frumkin
Erstpublikation in: OCLC Systems & Services, Year: 2005 Volume: 21 Number: 1 Page: 18 -- 22
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Purpose - To look at how collaborative tools, such as Wikis, can be utilized in a digital library environment. Design/methodology/approach - A discussion of Wikis and postulation as to how such a tool might be used to facilitate research and collaboration in a digital library setting. Findings - Three potential applications of a digital library Wiki are discussed - the Wiki as a knowledge base tool, the Wiki as a content management tool, and the Wiki as a tool to empower interactive finding aids. Originality/value - Provides ideas for digital library developers and implementers, especially those looking for increasing collaboration and interactivity in digital libraries.
Von Jeremy Frumkin im Text The Wiki and the digital library (2005)
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