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Using a Theoretical Framework for the Evaluation of Sequentiability, Reusability and Complexity of Development in CSCL Applications

César Osuna, Yannis Dimitriadis, Alejandra Martínez
Zu finden in: Euro-CSCL, 2001
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Euro-CSCLIn this document we describe how the use of an educational telematic framework has helped us to evaluate and improve the properties of sequentiability, reusability and decrease of complexity in the developing of constructivist collaborative learning applications. This framework is represented by three levels, namely: situational, constructivist and co-operative level, which are based on a knowledge-construction spiral model; its representation is completed by means of a series of five templates which describe those properties that must be included in CSCL applications and are designed following object-oriented techniques; subsequent to this, three CSCL applications that deal with three different learning contexts serve as a basis for the introduction of the use of the framework, and finally, we provide an outline of its usefulness in the evaluation of these three CSCL applications regarding the above mentioned properties.
Von César Osuna, Yannis Dimitriadis, Alejandra Martínez im Konferenz-Band Euro-CSCL (2001) im Text Using a Theoretical Framework for the Evaluation of Sequentiability, Reusability and Complexity of Development in CSCL Applications


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Von Beats Bibliothekar, erfasst im Biblionetz am 29.07.2006

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CSCLComputer-Supported Collaborative Learning , Evaluationevaluation , Lernenlearning , Wiederverwendbarkeitreusability

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