Opportunities of Web 2.0
Potentials of learning
Erstpublikation in: International Journal of Media and Cultural Politics, Volume 6, Issue 1

Starting with the empirical evidence regarding young people's attitudes towards the Internet with focus on the social web in the every day lives of adolescents, the article discusses what successful learning can be like. Furthermore, an Austrian pilot study on learning with Web 2.0 encompassing nine schools is outlined. In this project children worked together on a school-embracing wiki on Austrian national parks. Through the evaluation of the project, which included questionnaires, interviews and focus group discussions in class, different aspects of successful project-based learning as well as relevant aspects on Internet safety were investigated. In doing this, weaknesses in pupils' Internet usage on the one hand as well as ways of raising children's awareness of safer Internet use through project-based learning with wikis on the other were discovered.
Von Ingrid Paus-Hasebrink, Christine Wijnen, Tanja Jadin im Text Opportunities of Web 2.0 (2010)
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