Peer education: The untapped potential
William Damon
Erstpublikation in: Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, Volume 5, Issue 4, October-December 1984, Pages 331-343

The purpose of this paper is to provide a rationale for making broader educational use of peer learning principles as explicated in developmental theory and research. The paper argues that peer learning brings with it unique motivational and cognitive benefits for participating peers. Research has shown that peer learning can bolster children's self-esteem, awaken their interest in challenging tasks, enhance scholarly achievement, and foster prosocial behavior. In particular, it is an effective means of enabling children to grasp basic concepts that underlie school curricula.
Two different forms of peer learning, "peer tutoring" and "peer collaboration," are distinguished. Each has its potential use: peer tutoring for transmitting information and drilling special skills; peer collaboration for facilitating intellectual discovery and the acquisition of basic knowledge.
Some general guidelines for the integration of peer tutoring and peer collaboration in the classroom are offered. It is recognized that specific curriculum plans implementing these guidelines must be formulated with a view to the overall cultural context of the school system. Such plans must be molded in context to suit the needs of each particular site. It is concluded, however, that the general principles of peer education set forth in this position paper would enhance all varieties of schooling. As explicated in this article, peer education complements rather than supplants adult teaching, freeing up teachers' time and attention and enabling them to focus more directly and effectively on individual children's learning needs.
Von William Damon im Text Peer education: The untapped potential (1984) Two different forms of peer learning, "peer tutoring" and "peer collaboration," are distinguished. Each has its potential use: peer tutoring for transmitting information and drilling special skills; peer collaboration for facilitating intellectual discovery and the acquisition of basic knowledge.
Some general guidelines for the integration of peer tutoring and peer collaboration in the classroom are offered. It is recognized that specific curriculum plans implementing these guidelines must be formulated with a view to the overall cultural context of the school system. Such plans must be molded in context to suit the needs of each particular site. It is concluded, however, that the general principles of peer education set forth in this position paper would enhance all varieties of schooling. As explicated in this article, peer education complements rather than supplants adult teaching, freeing up teachers' time and attention and enabling them to focus more directly and effectively on individual children's learning needs.
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5 Erwähnungen 
- Individual and Social Aspects of Learning (Gavriel Salomon, David N. Perkins) (1998)
- Szenen, Gruppen, Peers (2010)
- CSCL 2011 - 9th International Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Conference, July 4-8, 2011, Hong Kong, China (Long Papers) (Hans Spada, Gerry Stahl, Naomi Miyake, Nancy Law) (2011)
- GML2 2012 - Von der Innovation zur Nachhaltigkeit (Nicolas Apostolopoulos, Ulrike Mußmann, Wolfgang Coy, Andreas Schwill) (2012)
- The ICAP Framework - Linking Cognitive Engagement to Active Learning Outcomes (Michelene T. H. Chi, Ruth Wylie) (2014)
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