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Learning Fields in Vocational IT Education - How Teachers Interpret the Concept

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Torsten Brinda

Vocational schools in Germany are part of the compulsory school system, but they differ from other secondary school types. They combine theory and practice by using learning venue cooperation between schools and vocational training companies. Taking this into account the curricula in the field of computer science (CS) and information and communication technologies (IT) are arranged in so-called ”Lernfelder” (learning fields). Learning fields are worded openly, so teachers get leeway to select learning content for their purposes. But it seems that teachers interpret the concept of learning fields quite differently. The question is: How do vocational IT school teachers deal with learning fields? The elicitation study described in this paper explores the IT teachers´ knowledge of the concept of learning fields. It is part of a project which aims to develop exemplary learning situations and helpful tools for several learning fields, which will support teachers in creating lessons in this context.

Von Simone Opel, Torsten Brinda im Konferenz-Band Informatics in Schools - Sustainable Informatics Education for Pupils of all Ages (2013) im Text Learning Fields in Vocational IT Education - How Teachers Interpret the Concept

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