Informatik computer science
Informatik, computer science
Von Peter Rechenberg im Konferenz-Band 25 Jahre Schulinformatik (2010) im Text Was ist Informatik? auf Seite 53
Von Kurt Bauknecht, Carl August Zehnder im Buch Grundlagen für den Informatikeinsatz im Text Vielfältiger Einsatz - einfache Grundlagen auf Seite 16
Von Peter Rechenberg im Konferenz-Band 25 Jahre Schulinformatik (2010) im Text Was ist Informatik? auf Seite 53
Von Christian Schucan im Buch Effektivitätssteigerung mittels konzeptionellem Informationsmanagement (1999) im Text Begriffliche Abgrenzung auf Seite 60
im Buch Das Fremdwörterbuch auf Seite 341
Von Lutz Engelmann im Buch Informatische Grundbildung 2 (2004) im Text Algorithmen, Daten und Computer auf Seite 9
Von Juraj Hromkovic in der Zeitschrift Der informatische Mensch im Text Homo informaticus (2013) auf Seite 67

Die Informatik ist das Fachgebiet der systematischen Darstellung und automatisierten Verarbeitung von Informationen, namentlich mit Computern. Ihre Geburtsstunde schlug in den 40er Jahren des 20. Jahrhunderts mit der Entwicklung erster elektronischer Rechenautomaten. Die Informatik ist gleichzeitig eine Grundlagen- und eine Ingenieurwissenschaft und hat inzwischen breiteste Anwendungen.
Von Jacqueline Schleier, André Golliez im Text Was ist Informatik? (2008) Die Informatik als Grundlagenwissenschaft untersucht die Grenzen der Automatisierbarkeit und die quantitativen Gesetze der Informationsverarbeitung. Sie entwickelt algorithmische Methoden zur Lösung von Problemen sowie Konzepte zur Datenverwaltung und sicheren Datenkommunikation. Sie setzt diese Methoden und Konzepte mittels Programmieren um. Als angewandte Ingenieurdisziplin durchdringt sie mit ihren Softwaresystemen alle Bereiche des Lebens.
Von ABZ Ausbildungs- und Beratungszentrum für Informatikunterricht im Text ABZ-Lehrplan für das Ergänzungsfach Informatik (2008) Die Wissenschaft Informatik befasst sich mit der Darstellung, Speicherung,Übertragung und Verarbeitung von Information.Dabei untersucht sie die unterschiedlichsten Aspekte: elementare Strukturen und Prozesse, Prinzipien und Architekturen von Systemen, Interaktionen in kleinen,mittleren und weltumspannenden Netzen, die Konzeption, Entwicklung und Implementierung von Hardware und Software bis hin zu hochkomplexen Anwendungssystemen und der Reflexion über ihren Einsatz und die Auswirkungen.
Von Susanne Biundo, Volker Claus, Heinrich C. Mayr im Text Was ist Informatik? (2006) 

Von Christiane Floyd im Text Human Questions in Computer Science
Von Carl August Zehnder im Buch Informatik-Projektentwicklung (2001) im Text Informationssysteme und Datenbanken (2. Auflage) auf Seite 264
Der Mörder ist immer der Gärtner. Und
der Datendieb ist immer der Informatiker.
im Text Kameraüberwachung gegen Datenklau per Handy taugt nichts (2012) Von Joseph Weizenbaum im Buch Computermacht und Gesellschaft (2001) im Text Gegen den militärischen Wahnsinn auf Seite 106
Von Neil Gershenfeld im Buch FAB (2005) auf Seite 4

Wissen Sie, Mathematik war früher die Lingua franca der Naturwissenschaften an allen Hochschulen. Und heute ist dies die Informatik.
Von Lino Guzzella im Text «Die Digitalisierung macht uns Menschen noch mächtiger» (2017) Ein Infoanlass des Gemeindeverbandes hat kürzlich wieder einmal gezeigt, dass sich Informatiker leider kaum allgemein verständlich ausdrücken können.
Von Robert Grogg im Text Mit neuen Medien lernen lehren (2009) 
Die Informatik ist sowohl eine Grundlagenwissenschaft als auch eine Ingenieurwissenschaft. Darüber hinaus besitzt sie Aspekte einer Experimentalwissenschaft. Ihre Produkte sind zwar überwiegend abstrakt, haben aber sehr konkrete Auswirkungen. Ihre Denkweisen dringen in alle anderen Wissenschaften ein, führen zu neuen Modellen und Darstellungsweisen und lassen neuartige Hard- und Softwaresysteme entstehen.
Von Susanne Biundo, Volker Claus, Heinrich C. Mayr im Text Was ist Informatik? (2006) 
Der Begrif Informatik wurde 1962 in Frankreich aus der Kombination von Information und Automatik als Kunstwort (informatique) geprägt zur Bezeichnung jener Bereiche, die in den USA damals wie heute «Computer Science» und «Data Processing» genannt werden. Auf Deutsch sind «Informationstechnik», «Informationstechnologie» und die Abkürzung «IT» mit Informatik gleichbedeutend. Auf Grund des immer stärkeren Zusammenwachsens von Informatik und Telekommunikation seit den 90er Jahren ist inzwischen auch der Oberbegrif wichtig: «ICT» steht für Informations- und Kommunikationstechnik (Information and Communication Technology), deutsch auch «IKT», französisch und italienisch «TIC».
Von Jacqueline Schleier, André Golliez im Text Was ist Informatik? (2008) Mit der allgemeinen Verbreitung des Computers in unserer Gesellschaft hat sich die Informatik zu einer Querschnittsdisziplin entwickelt, die heute in alle Lebens-, Wirtschafts- und Wissenschaftsbereiche wirkt. Die Bioinformatik etwa dient der Entwicklung neuartiger Medikamente. Medizinische Neuerungen wie der Herzschrittmacher oder die Überwachung von Intensivstationen wurden erst mit Informatik möglich. Meteorologen erstellen mit informatikgestützten Wettermodellen immer bessere Wetterprognosen. Die Erkundung des Weltraums ist ohne Informatik undenkbar: Simulationen ermöglichen eine minutiöse Planung teurer Missionen, Roboter erkunden selbstständig fremde Planeten und Monde.
Von Jacqueline Schleier, André Golliez im Text Was ist Informatik? (2008)
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6412 Erwähnungen 
- Rechtsfragen aus der Sicht der Informatik (Carl August Zehnder)
- So schützen sich KMU vor IT-Fallen (Carl August Zehnder)
- Object-oriented concept mapping using UML class diagrams (Ernest Ferguson)
- Computing Relations - Pile System White Paper (Peter Krieg)
- Planspiel «Datenschutz 2.0» - Eine Unterrichtsreihe des Projekts Informatik im Kontext
- On the «Learn to Code» Movement and Its Lies - A hobbyist’s take on the fallacies of the coding hysteria (Hindley Milner)
- Fach Informatik (Brice Canvel, Beate Kuhnt)
- Zu wenig Informatiker und dennoch viele Jobsuchende (Olivia Raths)
- Ziele und Inhalte des Informatikunterrichts (Rüdeger Baumann)
- Frauen in Wirtschaftsinformatik und ICT Berufen - Ergebnisse aus dem Projekt WimIN (Isabelle Clerc, Simone Artho)
- Experience: Learner Analytics Data Quality for an eTextbook System (Kyu Han Koh, Eric Fouh, Mohammed F. Farghally, Hossameldin Shahin, Clifford A. Shaffer)
- Comparing loops misconceptions in block-based and text-based programming languages at the K-12 level (Monika Mladenović, Ivica Boljat, Žana Žanko)
- Programming Multimedia Stories in Scratch to Integrate Computational Thinking and Writing with Elementary Students (Shaunna Smith, Lauren E. Burrow)
- It’s Time to Do Something - Mitigating the Negative Impacts of Computing Through a Change to the Peer Review Process (Brent Hecht, Lauren Wilcox, Jeffrey P. Bigham, Johannes Schöning, Ehsan Hoque, Jason Ernst, Yonatan Bisk, Luigi De Russis, Lana Yarosh, Bushra Anjam, Danish Contractor, Cathy Wu)
- 10?! Myke Näf, Doodle-Gründer (Myke Näf, Reto Vogt)
- Empfehlungen für gendersensible MINT-Angebote (Bernadette Spieler)
- Über die Informatik und ihr Image (Juraj Hromkovic, Dennis Komm, Pamela Nussbaumer)
- Computerization and Controversy - Value conflicts and social choices
- Psychologie des Software-Entwurfs (Wolfgang Dzida, Udo Konradt)
- Struktur begrifflichen Wissens im menschlichen Gedächtnis - Anregungen für den Software-Entwurf ? (Hartmut Wandke)
- Informationssysteme und Datenbanken (Carl August Zehnder)
- Grundlagen für den Informatikeinsatz (Kurt Bauknecht, Carl August Zehnder)
- Smartbooks Computer-Lexikon (Peter Fischer)
- Informatik-Duden - Ein Sachlexikon für Studium und Praxis (Volker Claus, Andreas Schwill)
- Was ist Informatik - Eine allgemeinverständliche Einführung (Peter Rechenberg)
- Computer und Weltbild - Habitualisierte Konzeptionen von der Welt der Computer (Peter Berger)
- Informationssicherheit in Schweizer Unternehmen - Eine Umfragestudie über Bedrohungen, Risikomanagement und Kooperationsformen (CSS Center for Security Studies der ETH Zürich, Manuel Suter)
- Ideen der Informatik - Grundlegende Modelle und Konzepte (Uwe Schöning)
- Algorithmen - kurz gefaßt (Uwe Schöning)
- The Computer Boys Take Over - Computers, Programmers, and the Politics of Technical Expertise (Nathan L. Ensmenger)
- Ausgewählte Elemente der theoretischen Informatik als Element der informatischen Bildung im Primarbereich (Lukas Peter Sellin)
- Grundlagen der Informatik (Helmut Herold, Bruno Lurz, Jürgen Wohlrab)
- Grundlagen der Informatik, Band 1 - Programmierung, Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen (H. Peter Gumm, Manfred Sommer)
- Ästhetik als Informationsverarbeitung - Grundlagen und Anwendungen der Informatik im Bereich ästhetischer Produktion und Kritik (Frieder Nake) (1974)
- Rechner-Gestützter Unterricht - RGU '74, Fachtagung, Hamburg, 12.-14. August 1974, ACU-Arbeitskreis Rechner-Gestützter Unterricht (Klaus Brunnstein, Klaus Haefner, Wolfgang Händler) (1974)
- LOGO - Eine Programmiersprache für Schüler - Inhaltliche und Methodische Aspekte ihrer Anwendung (Gerhard Fischer, Ulrich Kling) (1974)
- Tutorieller und Trainingsorientierter Unterricht in Informatik und Mathematik (Klaus Kreisel) (1974)
- LOGO - Eine Programmiersprache für Schüler - Inhaltliche und Methodische Aspekte ihrer Anwendung (Gerhard Fischer, Ulrich Kling) (1974)
- ACSES, An Automated Computer Science Education System (Jürg Nievergelt) (1974)
- The architecture of concurrent programs (Per Brinch Hansen) (1977)
- Wirtschaftinformatik I (H. R: Hansen, G. Neumann) (1978)
- 1. Einführung und Überblick
- Die manipulierte Information - und die Krisen unserer Gesellschaft (Hubertus von Tobien) (1978)
- Die Einführung der Informatik an den Mittelschulen - Informationsbulletin Nr. 13 der EDK (Raymond Morel, Pierre Banderet, Fritz Egger, Erich Hui, André Jaquenod, René Jeanneret, Jürg Nievergelt, Edo Poglia, Marcel Sutter) (1978)
- Zur Informatik-Ausbildung an der Mittelschule (Jürg Nievergelt) (1979)
- Nichtnumerische Datenverarbeitung (Herbert Bruderer) (1980)
- The Computer in the School - Tutor, Tool, Tutee (Robert Taylor) (1980)
- Teaching children thinking - Logo Memo No. 2 (Seymour Papert) (1970)
- Teaching children thinking - Logo Memo No. 2 (Seymour Papert) (1970)
- Differenzierung und Integration im System der Schulfächer bei der Einführung von Informatik (Rudolf Künzli) (1981)
- Die neue Bildungskrise - Herausforderung der Informationstechnik an Bildung und Ausbildung (Klaus Haefner) (1982)
- Die Einführung der Informatik an den Mittelschulen - Informationsbulletin Nr. 29 der EDK (Raymond Morel, Pierre Banderet, Rudolf Gartmann, Christian Jung, Peter Läuchli, Aegidius Plüss, Marcel Sutter, Giovanni Zamboni) (1982)
- Informatik in 24 Stunden - Pascal (Erich Hui, Christian Jung, Max Schmid) (1982)
- Informatik in 24 Stunden - BASIC (Hans Maag, Michael Vowe) (1982)
- Algorithmen (Robert Sedgewick) (1983)
- The Cartoon Guide to Computer Science (Larry Gonick) (1983)
- Die elektronische Zukunft der Schweiz - Nutzen und Probleme vergrösserter Handlungsspielräume - GDI-Tagung zum Thema Mikroelektronik (1983)
- Kurs auf den Eisberg - oder nur das Wunder wird uns retten, sagt der Computerexperte (Joseph Weizenbaum) (1984)
- Das allmähliche Verschwinden der Wirklichkeit - Ein Pädagoge ermutigt zum Nachdenken über die neuen Medien (Hartmut von Hentig) (1984)
- 3. Welche Aufgaben und welche Chancen hat die Pädagogik angesichts der Neuen Medien? - Eine Aufforderung zum Handeln
- Informatik als Herausforderung an Schule und Ausbildung - GI-Fachtagung Berlin, 8.-10. Oktober 1984 (Wolfgang Arlt, Klaus Haefner) (1984)
- Informationstechniken an kaufmännischen Schulen - Eine curriculare und unterrichtsorganisatorische Planskizze (Bernhard Borg) (1984)
- Bildung und Ausbildung für eine human computerisierte Gesellschaft (Klaus Haefner) (1984)
- Planspielsysteme (Joachim Baehr) (1984)
- Informatik - Herausforderung an den Mathematikunterricht und umgekehrt (Klaus-Dieter Graf) (1984)
- Datenverarbeitung in der technisch-gewerblichen und kaufmännischen Berufsausbildung bei IBM. (Klaus Pawlek) (1984)
- Lehrerfortbildung Informatik in Bayern (Karl-August Keil) (1984)
- Veränderungen von Zielsetzungen des Analysisunterrichts im Computerzeitalter (Bernard Winkelmann) (1984)
- EDV-Ausbildung in kaufmännischen Berufen am Beispiel der Ausbildung von Industriekaufleuten (Richard Koch) (1984)
- Ist es überhaupt didaktisch sinnvoll und wünschenswert, den Mikrocomputer im Physikunterricht einzusetzen? (Heinrich Brockmeyer) (1984)
- Zukunftstendenzen der Informationsverarbeitung (Theo Lutz) (1984)
- Informationstechnik an Volkshochschulen (Klaus Pehl) (1984)
- Neue Medien - Herausforderung an Bund und Länder (Hans-Georg Rommel) (1984)
- Kontaktstudienangebot «Informatische Grundkenntnisse'' für Lehrer (Ilona Wanke, Peter Gorny) (1984)
- Informatik in der Weiterbildung von Journalisten (Gerhard Vowe) (1984)
- Aufbau und Konzeption einer freiwilligen Informatik-AG an einer Hauptschule (Klaus P. Wolff) (1984)
- Informatik in der Sekundarstufe I - Eine Überforderung für viele, eine gebotene Förderung für manche (Alexander Wynands) (1984)
- Praktische Erfahrungen mit EDV an kaufmännischen Berufsschulen in Österreich (Viktoria Bertignoll) (1984)
- Didaktische Aspekte zur Vermittlung von Programmiersprachen (Bernhard Koerber, Ingo-Rüdiger Peters, Ingrid Sobeck) (1984)
- Fernstudium Informatik in Nordrhein-Westfalen (Günther Gathmann) (1984)
- Der vollcomputerisierte Campus - Erste Erfahrungen (Ernst-Erich Doberkat) (1984)
- Kognitive Strategien von Schülern beim Programmieren (Christa Kaune) (1984)
- Vom Programmieren zum mathematischen Verallgemeinern (Matthias Reiss) (1984)
- Informatikunterricht - Die Sambaschule der Nation? (Günther Cyranek) (1984)
- Konzepte und Inhalte für einen Lehrplan «Informatik» in der gymnasialen Oberstufe (Wilfried Koch, Lothar Sack) (1984)
- Zur Didaktik der Datenstrukturen (Walter Dosch) (1984)
- Die Wechselwirkungen zwischen Problemstellung, Programmiersprache und verwendeten Informatikmethoden am Beispiel der beiden Bundeswettbewerbe in Informatik (Volker Claus, Andreas Schwill) (1984)
- Informatik in Stochastik und Linearer Algebra (Bernd Ebbmeyer, Karl Stamm) (1984)
- Aktuelle Situation und historisch-kultureller Hintergrund der Computer-Literacy und der Schulinformatik in Schweden - der Computer als Werkzeug. (Hans Köhler, L.-G. Stahl) (1984)
- Didaktik der Schulinformatik (Peter Heyderhoff) (1984)
- Allgemeinbildung im Umgang mit dem Computer - Projekte und Ansätze Baden-Württemberg (Klaus Menzel) (1984)
- Der Mikrocomputer im englischen Anfangsunterricht (Dieter Mindt) (1984)
- Lehrerfort- und Weiterbildung im Bereich Informatik für Lehrer an berufsbildenden Schulen (Karl-Ludwig Renker) (1984)
- Dynamische Labyrinthe - Ein Einstieg in die Computerwelt (Elmar Cohors-Fresenborg) (1984)
- Programmieren im Pflichtbereich der Sekundarstufe I? (Mario Spengler) (1984)
- Datenverarbeitung in der Ausbildung zum Medizinischen Dokumentaristen (Hans-H. Schindler, Bruno Schweizer) (1984)
- Über die Menge der natürlichen Zahlen, die sich nicht als Summe paarweise verschiedener Kubikzahlen darstellen lassen. (Michael Kleinert, Winfried Nilson) (1984)
- EDV als Bestandteil der Aus- und Weiterbildung in der Druckindustrie (Klaus Breuer) (1984)
- Ein Minimalprogramm «24 Lektionen Informatik» für alle Schweizer Gymnasiasten und die entsprechende Lehrerausbildung (Carl August Zehnder, Andrea Ventura) (1984)
- Informatik in Schule und Ausbildung im internationalen Vergleich (Theo Lutz) (1984)
- Zur Integration der Informatik in andere Schulfächer (Leo H. Klingen) (1984)
- Durchführung einer Unterrichtseinheit «Kleine Texte formatieren'' (Wolfgang Müller) (1984)
- Basislehrgang Informatik - "Bürgerinformatik'' für alle Schüler (Tom J. van Weert) (1984)
- 10. Grundbildung Informatik für jeden Schüler (Ulrich Bosler)
- 15. Informatik in der Realschule Bericht aus einer Kölner Arbeitsgruppe (Helmut Barsuhn)
- 52. Zielsetzungen und Inhalte des Informatikunterrichts
- 53. Empfehlungen zur Ausbildung, Fortbildung und Weiterbildung von Lehrkräften für das Lehramt Informatik für die Sekundarstufe I und II
- 54. Stellungnahme und Empfehlungen zum Volkshochschulzertifikat Informatik
- 55. Empfehlungen der Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V. (GI) über 'Eine praktische Tätigkeit für Informatik-Studenten an Universitäten'
- 56. Lernziele des Informatikunterrichts an kaufmännischen Schulen
- 57. Neue Empfehlungen der Gesellschaft für Informatik für das Informatikstudium an Fachhochschulen
- 58. Entwurf einer Rahmenempfehlung für die Informatik im Unterricht der Sekundarstufe I
- 59. Rahmenempfehlung für die Einbeziehung von Informatik-Inhalten in die berufliche Erstausbildung an gewerblich-technischen berufsbildenden Schulen, kurz: Informatik an Gewerblich-Technischen Schulen
- 60. Arbeitspapier zum Entwurf neuer «Empfehlungen zur Lehrerbildung im Bereich der Informatik»
- 61. Entwurf: «Empfehlungen der Gesellschaft für Informatik für die Ausbildung von Diplom-Informatikern an wissenschaftlichen Hochschulen»
- 62. Verordnung über die Ersten (Wissenschaftlichen und Künstlerisch-Wissenschaftlichen) Staatsprüfungen für die Lehrämter (1.LehrerPO 1982)
- 63. Verordnung über die ergänzenden Staatsprüfungen für Lehrämter (ESPO)
- Informationstechniken an kaufmännischen Schulen - Eine curriculare und unterrichtsorganisatorische Planskizze (Bernhard Borg) (1984)
- Zur Bedeutung des Programmierens im Informatik-Unterricht (Emil Wettstein) (1984)
- Alarm in den Schulen: Die Computer kommen - Deutschlands Kultusminister und Lehrer stehen vor einem "notwendigen Abenteuer" (1984)
- Der Computer vor der Schultür - Entscheidungshilfen für Lehrer, Eltern und Politiker (Heinz Moser) (1986)
- Informatik-Grundbildung in Schule und Beruf - GI-Fachtagung, Kaiserslautern, 29. September - 1. Oktober 1986, Proceedings (Ewald von Puttkamer) (1986)
- Empfehlungen der GI zur Lehreraus-, Lehrerfort- und weiterbildung in Informatik (Wolfgang Arlt) (1986)
- Berufsfeldbezogene Informationelle Forbildungskursfolge für Handelslehrer - unterrichtsgeeignete Anwendungssoftware (Bernhard Borg) (1986)
- Multifunktionale Software-Werkzeuge im Geographie-, Sozialkunde- und Ökologieunterricht (Rüdeger Baumann) (1986)
- Funktionale und objektorientierte Programmierung (Gerhard Barth) (1986)
- Interaktives Lösen von Beweisaufgaben mit Hilfe eines Computers (Wolfgang Barz, Gerhard Holland) (1986)
- Das rechnergestützte Unterrichtssystem POLY zur Darstellung und Manipulation ebenbegrenzter Objekte (Andreas Meier, Hansbeat Loacker, Fredy Paquet, Thomas Kohler) (1986)
- Computer im Erdkundeunterricht (Bernhard Heim) (1986)
- Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologische Grundbildung - Konzeption und Struktur des Modellversuchs in Nordrhein-Westfalen (Ulrich Bosler, Rolf Oberliesen) (1986)
- Ergebnisse aus dem niedersächsischen Modellversuch - Mikroprozessoren in der Elektroausbildung. (Harry Schmidt) (1986)
- Standardisierung und Portabilität von Unterrichtssoftware (Bernhard Husch, Bernd Kokavecz) (1986)
- Ein Unterrichtsmodell zum Einsatz des Computers im Geometrieunterricht einer 8. Klasse (Ferdinand Weber) (1986)
- Allgemeinbildung und informationstechnische Grundbildung (Willi van Lück) (1986)
- Informationstechnische Grundbildung (ITG) für Lehrkräfte an gewerblichen Schulen (Hans Schuler) (1986)
- Computertechnik an den gewerblichen Schulen (Hans Schuler) (1986)
- Anlegen und Verwalten von Karteien (Eberhard Lehmann) (1986)
- Multiplan - Tabellenkalkulationssoftware als Hilfsmittel bei der Konstruktion eines ökonomischen Planspiels (Thomas Schwäbe) (1986)
- Versandgeschäft - Modellhaftes Arbeiten in der Grundbildung Informatik (Dieter Lohmann) (1986)
- Kassensysteme - ein Beitrag zur ITG (Lothar Sack) (1986)
- Berufsfeldbezogene Informationelle Fortbildungskursfolge für Handelslehrer - ein Pilotversuch (Bernhard Borg) (1986)
- Beeinflussung des Wissenserwerbs durch lernbegleitende Dialog- und Rückmeldungsstrukturen (Peter Michael Fischer, Heinz Mandl) (1986)
- Anforderung der Industrie an eine informationstechnische Grundbildung (Klaus Dubiella) (1986)
- Genius(2, 0) - Computerunterstützte Ausbildung an der Hochschule (Rainer Schnitzler, Reinhold Gebhardt, Walter Ameling) (1986)
- Der Computer als Unterrichtsmedium im Fach Mathematik (Erlo Stegmaier) (1986)
- Statistikprogramm zur Berechnung des exakten Tests von Fisher (H.-J. Ludwig) (1986)
- Kompetenzen von Hauptschülern mit Computern (Alexander Wynands) (1986)
- Was sollte von Informatik in der Schule vermittelt werden? (Volker Claus) (1986)
- Die neuen Techniken - Konsequenzen für das Bildungswesen (Jochen Schweitzer) (1986)
- Auswirkungen von Programmiersprachen auf das Problemlöseverhalten von Schülern (Renate Schulz-Zander) (1986)
- Dateiverwaltung am Beispiel des Freizeitverhaltens einer Schulklasse (Caren Carstensen, Ulrich Bosler) (1986)
- Simulationen und Planspiele in Biologie / Ökologie (Joachim Wedekind) (1986)
- Informationstechnische Grundbildung in der Sekundarstufe I in den allgemeinbildenden Schulen des Landes Rheinland-Pfalz. (Joachim Bliemeister) (1986)
- Moderne Informationsdienste auf dem Gebiet der Informatik (G. König) (1986)
- Informationstechnische Grundbildung in der Sekundarstufe II (Jürgen Burkert) (1986)
- Demonstration des Unterrichtssystems POLY zur Darstellung und Manipulation ebenbegrenzter Objekte. (Andreas Meier, Hansbeat Loacker) (1986)
- Aktivitäten von Bund und Ländern zur Einführung der informationstechnischen Bildung in Schule und Ausbildung. (Georg Knauss) (1986)
- Versprachlichung - ein für Erwachsene besonders geeigneter Zugang zum Erlernen des Programmierens. (Rainer Mantz) (1986)
- «Informatik Grundbildung» als Herausforderung an die berufliche Bildung. (Peter Diepold) (1986)
- Beispiele Didaktischer Software als Hilfe für die Grundbildung Informatik in der Sekundarstufe I. (Günther Käberich, Friedhelm Steigerwald) (1986)
- Zur Problematik von Softwareentwicklung für den Unterricht (Annemarie Abshoff) (1986)
- Informations- und kommunikationstechnische Grundbildung in Hessen Mädchenbildung und neue Technologien. (Hannelore Faulstich-Wieland, Rudolf Peschke) (1986)
- Fortbildungstagung in CNC und SPS (R. Stang) (1986)
- Grenzen der künstlichen Intelligenz (Christiane Floyd) (1986)
- Erste Erfahrungen aus dem MATS-Modell-Versuch (Mikrocomputer an technischen Schulen) (Berthold Steinmetz) (1986)
- Eine Konzeption des benutzerorientierten Informatik - Unterrichts für kaufmännische Berufsschulen mit integrierter Standardsoftware. (Ralf-Rainer Piesold, Klaus Sauer) (1986)
- Alltagsinformatik - Entwicklungsprojekt für die Oberstufe der Zürcher Volksschule (Hans R. Dietiker) (1986)
- Modellversuch computergestützter Informatikunterricht - Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen (Thomas Ottmann, Peter Widmayer) (1986)
- Grundlinien der Gestaltung benutzerfreundlicher Computer-Oberflächen (Brigitte Metzinger) (1986)
- Benutzeroberflächen (Helmut Balzert) (1986)
- Lehrerfort- und Lehrerweiterbildung als Voraussetzung einer Grundbildung Informatik (Johanna Bosse, Jens Fleischhut, Bernhard Koerber, Ingo-Rüdiger Peters) (1986)
- Neue Technologien und Schule zur niedersächsischen Konzeption «Informations- und kommunikationstechnologische Bildung» (Gerd Behrens, Heiko Gevers, Horst Hischer, Dieter Schoof, Thomas von Zimmermann) (1986)
- Mikroprozessoren in der Elektroausbildung (H. Schmidt) (1986)
- Informationstechnischer Grundkurs an der Bertolt-Brecht-Oberschule in Berlin-Spandau (D. Grammel, H. Poser, G. Zippan) (1986)
- Empfehlungen der GI zur Lehreraus-, Lehrerfort- und weiterbildung in Informatik (Wolfgang Arlt) (1986)
- Computer Environments for Children - A Reflection on Theories of Learning and Education (Cynthia Solomon) (1986)
- Informatik - für das 9. und 10. Schuljahr (Peter Fischer) (1986)
- Informatik an der Mittelschule - Obligatorisches Fach an der Kantonsschule Enge (1986)
- Informatik in der Berufsbildung (Emil Wettstein) (1986)
- Learning to program = learning to construct mechanisms and explanations (Elliot Soloway) (1986)
- SIGCSE 1986 - Proceedings of the 17st SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 1986, Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, February 6-7, 1986 (Joyce Currie Little, Lillian N. Cassel) (1986)
- A component part for a performance course (Charles M. Shub) (1986)
- A statistical analysis of the effect of discrete mathematics on the performance of computer science majors in beginning computing classes (James R. Sidbury) (1986)
- Implementing computer literacy - the year after (M. Gene Bailey, Rebekah L. Tidwell) (1986)
- A system to make visible the structure and execution of student programs (Willett Kempton) (1986)
- A profile of today's computer literacy student (Jean Buddington Martin, Kenneth E. Martin) (1986)
- Compiler construction using modern tools (Robert E. Noonan) (1986)
- A data processing communication skills course (Alka Harriger, Thomas I. Ho) (1986)
- The future of computer languages - implications for education (Naomi S. Baron) (1986)
- Teaching of tree data structures using microcomputer graphics (G. Scott Owen) (1986)
- A set of workshops for high school computer science teachers (George M. Whitson) (1986)
- An introductory course in graphics (John D. McGregor) (1986)
- Teaching data abstraction in a beginning Pascal class (Karl Rehmer, Linda Rising) (1986)
- Testing a model of program quality (Patricia B. van Verth) (1986)
- Finding minimal perfect hash functions (Gary Haggard, Kevin Karplus) (1986)
- A project for operating systems simulation (William A. Shay) (1986)
- Programming for learning in mathematics and science (Sylvia A. Shafto) (1986)
- Contemporary trends in computing (Richard M. Plishka) (1986)
- A senior design course for computer science (David Ballew) (1986)
- Graphics packages for teaching graphics (John E. Rager) (1986)
- Problems teaching database design with information complexity to information systems undergraduates (Judith D. Wilson) (1986)
- A project-based course in compiler construction (Harbans L. Sathi) (1986)
- Structured Assembly language in VAX-11 MACRO (Robert Leeper, Karl O. Rehmerk) (1986)
- A component part for a performance course (Charles M. Shub) (1986)
- Umdenken in der Informatik (1987)
- Umdenken in der Informatik (Christiane Floyd)
- Fortschritt mit neuen Netzen? (Herbert Kubicek)
- Der Informatiker und das 'Prinzip Verantwortung' - Was kann man tun? (Wolfgang Hesse)
- Understanding Computers and Cognition - A New Foundation for Design (Terry Winograd, Fernando Flores) (1987)
- Faszination Programmieren - Interviews mit neunzehn führenden PC-Programmierern (Susan Lammers) (1987)
- Bill Gates (Bill Gates, Susan Lammers)
- Algorithmics - The Spirits of Computing (David Harel) (1987)
- Unterrichtsmethoden I - Theorieband (Hilbert Meyer) (1987)
- 5. Ordnungsversuche zum methodischen Handeln
- Formation en Informatique dans l'enseignement secondaire (GIDES Groupe Informatique De l?Enseignement Secondaire) (1987)
- SIGCSE 1987 - Proceedings of the 18st SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 1987, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, February 19-20, 1987 (A. K. Rigler, Daniel C. St. Clair) (1987)
- A course on «expert systems» for electrical engineering students (Ian H. Witten) (1987)
- Augmenting a software engineering projects course with oral and written communication (John G. Meinke) (1987)
- Implementation of a debugging aid for logic errors in Pascal programs (Trevor Lukey, Kenneth D. Loose, David R. Hill) (1987)
- Teaching programming algorithms aided by computer graphics (Bruce R. Maxim, Bruce S. Elenbogen) (1987)
- The decline and fall of Operating Systems I (Charles M. Shub) (1987)
- A Monte Carlo comparison of the binary and interpolation search algorithms (Clark B. Archer) (1987)
- Defining ethical and unethical student behaviors using departmental regulations and sanctions (Janet M. Cook) (1987)
- Student-oriented features of an interactive programming environment (Gene L. Fisher) (1987)
- A pragmatic approach to systems analysis and design (Jane M. Fritz) (1987)
- A scheduling problem - modeling, approximate algorithms, and implementation (Robert L. Holliday, Lowell A. Carmony) (1987)
- Data-structures students may prefer to learn algorithms using graphical methods (David A. Scanlan) (1987)
- Tiling and recursion (I-Ping Chu, Richard Johnsonbaugh) (1987)
- A miniLISP interpreter (Dennis S. Martin) (1987)
- Teaching digital hardware by using complex lab projects (Franklin Prosser, David Winkel) (1987)
- An application to support a course in numerical analysis (Mark Temte) (1987)
- A course project to design and implement the kernel of a real-time operating system (Barry L. Kurtz, Joseph J. Pfeiffer Jr.) (1987)
- Leadership style vs. succssus in student chief programmer teams (Ted Tenny) (1987)
- Coordination of systems development courses (Dale K. Hockensmith) (1987)
- A Socratic approach to helping novice programmers debug programs (Judith D. Wilson) (1987)
- Abstraction in Pascal - data and control (Richard E. Pattis) (1987)
- Using emulators as vehicles for instruction in systems programming - prospective consideration (Amos O. Olagunju, Elvis Borders) (1987)
- On-campus cooperative education (Scott N. Woodfield, Gordon E. Stokes, Vern J. Crandall) (1987)
- An evaluation of a realistic approach to MIS (Gayle J. Yaverbaum) (1987)
- Prolog in the automation of the semantic component (Gregers Koch) (1987)
- Conversion of a PDP-11/40 assembler and simulator from mainframe Pascal to Ada on IBM PC microcomputers (Richard Gayer, Catherine M. Beise, G. Scott Owen) (1987)
- File processing and the undergraduate computer science curriculum (Kirk L. Malmrose, Robert P. Burton) (1987)
- Goals for and lessons from a computer literacy course (John T. Peterson) (1987)
- A multi-purpose language processing laboratory (Karen A. Lemone) (1987)
- On the teaching of Ada in an undergraduate computer science curriculum (Wing C. Tam, Michael Erlinger) (1987)
- Participatory teaching methods in computer science (James S. Jones) (1987)
- Introducing object-oriented programming into the computer science curriculum (John R. Pugh, Wilf R. LaLonde, Dave A. Thomas) (1987)
- A management system for monitoring and assessing the group-oriented database project (Darleen V. Pigford) (1987)
- An introductory algorithm teacher (William G. Bulgren, Rose M. Marra, Gregory F. Wetzel) (1987)
- A comparison of concurrent languages - a class project (Verlynda Dobbs) (1987)
- Profile of undergraduate software engineering courses - results from a survey (Barbee Mynatt Teasley, Laura M. Leventhal) (1987)
- Query generation in an instructional database management system (Bogdan D. Czejdo, Marek Rusinkiewicz) (1987)
- Computer science as the focus of a secondary school magnet program (Brian D. Monahan) (1987)
- Teaching personal computer Cobol with Watcom Cobol (Joseph W. Jr. Trigg) (1987)
- The control of a toy robot ARM - a real time programming experience (Mario A. Figueroa) (1987)
- Conference grading of computer programs (Ernest Ferguson) (1987)
- Laboratories for an undergraduate course in data communications and networks (Robert H. Greenfield, John H. Parr) (1987)
- Networking elements in a files course (Lillian N. Cassel) (1987)
- The senior information systems design project seminar (Mary Sumner) (1987)
- Graphos - a graphic operating system (Daniel A. Cañas) (1987)
- A case study of programming with abstract data types in a data structures course (Walter E. Brown) (1987)
- Visual simulations of data structures during lecture (G. Michael Barnes, Gary A. Kind) (1987)
- A computer science/mathematics major for liberal arts colleges (Nancy L. Hagelhans) (1987)
- A content analysis of six introduction to computer science textbooks (H. Willis Means) (1987)
- Recommendations for software engineering education (Doris L. Carver) (1987)
- Distribution of software engineering concepts beyond the software engineering course (James Calhoun) (1987)
- An updated information systems curriculum - first revision (Osvaldo Laurido-Santos) (1987)
- A course on «expert systems» for electrical engineering students (Ian H. Witten) (1987)
- Berechnungstheorie für Informatiker (Erwin Engeler, Peter Läuchli) (1988)
- Der Termin - Ein Roman über Projektmanagement (Tom DeMarco) (1988)
- Studying the Novice Programmer (Elliot Soloway, Jim Spohrer) (1988)
- Teaching children thinking - Logo Memo No. 2 (Seymour Papert) (1970)
- Teaching children thinking - Logo Memo No. 2 (Seymour Papert) (1970)
- Computer und Lernen (Brigitte Armbruster, Hans-Dieter Kübler) (1988)
- Einstieg in die Computerwelt — aber wie? (Miloš Lánský)
- Einstieg in die Computerwelt — aber wie? (Miloš Lánský)
- Informatik am Gymnasium (Informatik-Kommission Gymnasien) (1988)
- SIGCSE 1988 - Proceedings of the 19st SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 1988, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, February 25-26, 1988 (Herbert L. Dershem) (1988)
- A transition from bubble to shell sort (Joseph B. Klerlein, Curtis Fullbright) (1988)
- The computer background of incoming freshman - looking for emerging trends (Jan L. Harrington) (1988)
- Using assembly language to teach concepts in the introductory course (Barry J. Donahue) (1988)
- Planning and implementing an internship program for undergraduate computer science students (Ted Mims, Raymond Folse, Andrea Martin) (1988)
- Computing as a discipline - preliminary report of the ACM task force on the core of computer science (Peter Denning, Douglas Comer, David Gries, Michael C. Mulder, Allen B. Tucker, A. Joe Turner, Paul R. Young) (1988)
- Should computer science examinations contain «programming» problems? (Donald J. Bagert) (1988)
- Should short, relatively complex algorithms be taught using both graphical and verbal methods? Six replications (David A. Scanlan) (1988)
- Retraining pre-college teachers - a survey of state computing coordinators (Harriet G. Taylor, Cathleen A. Norris) (1988)
- A student system development diagrammer (Iraj Hirmanpour) (1988)
- A phased programming paradigm (C. T. Zahn) (1988)
- The role of supercomputers in higher education (Larry Neal, John Connolly, Doyle D. Knight, David Matthews-Morgan) (1988)
- Recruiting more computer science students - what to do after the «glamour» has gone away? (William E. McBride, James Calhoun, James L. Richards, Harriet G. Taylor, F. Garnet Walters) (1988)
- A content analysis of ten introduction to programming textbooks (H. Willis Means) (1988)
- Computing trends in small liberal arts colleges (Peter D. Smith) (1988)
- Teaching database using a real DBMS - experience with INGRES (David F. Haas) (1988)
- The case for Modula-2 in CS1 and CS2 (Elliot B. Koffman) (1988)
- File processing - a correctness approach (Richard M. Plishka) (1988)
- The effective use of undergraduates to staff large introductory CS courses (Stuart Reges, John McGrory, Jeff Smith) (1988)
- Introducing knowledge-based projects in a systems development course (Vijay Kanabar) (1988)
- Requirement methods - a graduate level course that integrates software engineering principles with information systems theory (Gayle J. Yaverbaum) (1988)
- Varieties of computer graphics courses in computer science (Steve Cunningham, Judith R. Brown, Robert P. Burton, Mark Ohlson) (1988)
- An introduction to the parallel distributed processing model of cognition and some examples of how it is changing the teaching of artificial intellige (George M. Whitson) (1988)
- Learning recursion as a concept and as a programming technique (Susan Wiedenbeck) (1988)
- Spin-out - the Chinese rings in the classroom (Brian A. Rudolph) (1988)
- Goal-oriented laboratory development in CS/EE (Keith Barker, A. Wayne Bennett, Gordon E. Stokes, Mike Lucas, Maarten van Swaay) (1988)
- Introductory computer science - the case for a unified view (J. Stanley Warford) (1988)
- The role of mathematics in the computer science curriculum (James Bradley) (1988)
- The multiuser calculator - an operating system project (Jerud J. Mead) (1988)
- Using concept expansion and level integration in an introductory computer science course (Barry L. Kurtz, J. Mack Adams) (1988)
- A simple technique to motivate structured programming (Terry Flaherty) (1988)
- A major in computer applications for small liberal arts colleges (J. Wey When, Gordon R. Jones) (1988)
- Modeling in Prolog (John Najarian) (1988)
- «Cactus Systems» - a computer science practicum that is more than a capstone (Charles P. Howerton) (1988)
- The trouble with for-loop invariants (William J. Collins) (1988)
- Program complexity - a tutorial (David Finkel, Gary Haggard) (1988)
- A microcomputer oriented computer literacy course (Alice L. Clarke, Gerald W. Adkins) (1988)
- IBM 3270 full screen interactive programming without CICS (Hilton Chen, Wayne Summers) (1988)
- The impact of menus and command-level feedback on learners' acquisition of data base language skills (Mary Sumner, James Benjamin) (1988)
- Application frameworks - experience with MacApp (John R. Pugh, Cafee Leung) (1988)
- Choosing group projects for advanced systems courses (Daniel Farkas) (1988)
- Requiring CS1 students to write requirements specifications - a rationale, implementation suggestions, and a case study (Dale A. Brown) (1988)
- A transition from bubble to shell sort (Joseph B. Klerlein, Curtis Fullbright) (1988)
- On the cruelty of really teaching computing science (Edsger W. Dijkstra) (1989)
- Computing as a Discipline (Peter Denning, D. E. Comer, David Gries, Michael C. Mulder, Allen B. Tucker, A. Joe Turner, Paul R. Young) (1989)
- Zukunftsperspektiven der Informatik für Schule und Ausbildung - GI-Fachtagung, München, 15.-17. November 1989, Proceedings (Franz Stetter, Wilfried Brauer) (1989)
- Netze in allgemeinbildenden Schulen (Karl-Heinz Ansteeg) (1989)
- Die Krise des Informatikunterrichts in den neunziger Jahren (Rudolf Peschke) (1989)
- Der Computer als Medium im Geometrieunterricht der Oberstufe - Entwicklung und Einsatz des Unterrichtsprogramms GEOVEK (Walter Gyr) (1989)
- Standard-Anwendungssoftware im Unterricht der kaufmännischen Berufsschule (Gregor Kuhlmann) (1989)
- Formulierung und Formel - Informationstechnische Bildung im Dialog von Deutsch- und Mathematikunterricht (Adalbert Wichert) (1989)
- Einkaufs- und Logistikentscheidungen - Computersimulation in der Ausbildung von Industriekaufleuten bei der Volkswagen AG in Wolfsburg (Ulrich Getsch) (1989)
- Der Einsatz von Bildschirmtext im Unterricht zur informationstechnischen Grundbildung (Eberhard Lehmann) (1989)
- Der Informatikunterricht in der Sekundarstufe II wird Mädchen nicht gerecht (Hiltrud Westram) (1989)
- Informatikausbildung mit Lern- und Spielwelten (Helfried Broer) (1989)
- Kegelschnitte im Unterricht mit Computernutzung (E.-L. Stegmaier) (1989)
- Computerunterstützter Unterricht mit konventioneller Software - Erfolge im wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Unterricht am Gymnasium (Adolf Präbst) (1989)
- Telekommunikation im Bildungsbereich unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Sekundarstufe I (Wolfgang Friebe) (1989)
- TECHPLAN - Ein Innovationsplanspiel (Regina Aumüller, Hans-Peter Fischer) (1989)
- Verteilte Rechen- und Kommunikationssysteme (Gerhard Krüger) (1989)
- Empirische Pilotstudie zur Konstruktion eines problemlösezentrierten Hilfesystem für einen Problemlösemonitor. (Gabriele Janke, Claus Möbus, Heinz-Jürgen Thole) (1989)
- Datenverarbeitung in hauswirtschaftlichen Schulen - Modellversuch in Baden-Württemberg (Marlies Dotterweich, Enno Burkhardt) (1989)
- Einführung rekursiver Denkschemata zur Problembeschreibung und -lösung am Beispiel einer Robotersimulation. (Dieter Stobbe) (1989)
- Nichtprozedurale Sprachen im Informatikunterricht der Oberstufe (Friedrich Gasper) (1989)
- Programmierumgebungen in der informationstechnischen Grundbildung (Klaus Dingemann) (1989)
- Über Informatikkenntnisse des gebildeten Bürgers (Gerhard Merkel) (1989)
- Die kommunikative (Ohn-)Macht des Computers - Analyse und Konsequenzen des computerunterstützten Lernens im Hinblick auf die Kommunikationsstrukturen (Dieter Euler) (1989)
- Einführung in die Technische und Theoretische Informatik im Unterricht (Hermann Stimm) (1989)
- Dokumentation und Bewertung von Unterrichtssoftware für den allgemeinbildenden Unterricht (Paul D. Eschbach) (1989)
- Interaktive Modellierung dynamischer Systeme (Werner Walser, Joachim Wedekind) (1989)
- Computer im Geometrisch-Zeichenunterricht - Integrieren statt Ersetzen (Karl Josef Fuchs) (1989)
- Der Computer im Unterrichtsexperiment (D. Reusse) (1989)
- Leistungskurs Informatik - Schwerpunkte der Richtlinienentwicklung NW (Wolfgang Pörschke) (1989)
- Computeranimation, Hyperrealismus, Super-Graphikrechner - zu den Möglichkeiten heutiger Computergraphik (Heinrich Müller) (1989)
- Informationstechnische Grundbildung - Wo bleibt denn hier die Informatik? (Annemarie Hauf-Tulodziecki) (1989)
- Netze in allgemeinbildenden Schulen (Karl-Heinz Ansteeg) (1989)
- Essays in computing science (C. Hoare, C. B. Jones) (1989)
- Computer Science Education 2/1989 (1989)
- Beyond Just a Job - Expectations of Computer Science Students (Laura Marie Leventhal, David W. Chilson) (1989)
- SIGCSE 1989 - Proceedings of the 20st SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 1989, Louisville, Kentucky, USA, February 23-24, 1989 (Robert A. Barrett, Maynard J. Mansfield) (1989)
- The design tree - a visual approach to top-down design and data flow (Jacobo Carrasquel, Jim Roberts, John Pane) (1989)
- Identifying the gaps between education and training (Freeman L. Moore, James T. Streib) (1989)
- Never mind the language, what about the paradigm? (Paul A. Luker) (1989)
- The effect of high school computer science, gender, and work on success in college computer science (Harriet G. Taylor, Luegina C. Mounfield) (1989)
- Success with the project-intensive model for an undergraduate software engineering course (Linda M. Northrop) (1989)
- Computer science - a core discipline of liberal arts and sciences (Robert E. Beck, Lillian N. Cassel, Richard H. Austing) (1989)
- Sizing assignments - a contribution from software engineering to computer science education (David F. Haas, Leslie J. Waguespack Jr.) (1989)
- Operations on sets of intervals - an exercise for data structures or algorithms (Bob P. Weems) (1989)
- Removing the emphasis on coding in a course on software engineering (Linda Rising) (1989)
- Teaching multiple programming paradigms - a proposal for a paradigm general pseudocode (Mark B. Wells, Barry L. Kurtz) (1989)
- Testing student micro computer skills through direct computer use (Michael M. Delaney) (1989)
- MPX-PC - an operating system project for the PC (Malcolm G. Lane, Anjan k. Ghosal) (1989)
- Concurrent programming in an upper level operating systems course (James L. Silver) (1989)
- An undergraduate course in applied data communications (Larry Brumbaugh) (1989)
- The TRY system -or- how to avoid testing student programs (Kenneth A. Reek) (1989)
- An undergraduate concentration in networking and distributed systems (Margaret M. Reek) (1989)
- Xinu/WU - an improved PC-Xinu clone? (Joseph Hummel) (1989)
- The new generation of computer literacy (J. Paul Myers Jr.) (1989)
- Laying the foundations for computer science (Leonard A. Larsen) (1989)
- Visual metaphors for teaching programming concepts (Leslie J. Waguespack Jr.) (1989)
- Preparing students for programming-in-the-large (Laurie Honour Werth) (1989)
- CASE and the undergraduate curriculum (James R. Sidbury, Richard M. Plishka, John Beidler) (1989)
- Using generics modules to enhance the CS2 course (Ashok Kumar, John Beidler) (1989)
- Discrete mathematics for computer science majors - where are we? How do we proceed? (William A. Marion) (1989)
- Toward an ideal competency-based computer science teacher certification program - the Delphi approach (J. Wey Chen) (1989)
- Low-cost networks and gateways for teaching data communications (Larry Hughes) (1989)
- Algorithms and proofs - mathematics in the computing curriculum (Newcomb Greenleaf) (1989)
- A software rotation for professional teachers (Philip L. Miller) (1989)
- Programming as process - a "Novel" approach to teaching programming (Rex E. Gantenbein) (1989)
- AIDE - an automated tool for teaching design in an introductory programming course (Dino Schweitzer, Scott C. Teel) (1989)
- Ada in CS1 (Leon E. Winslow, Joseph E. Lang) (1989)
- An example illustrating modularity, abstraction & information hiding using (Ivan B. Liss, Thomas C. McMillan) (1989)
- Integrating desktop publishing into a systems analysis and design course (Donald L. Jordan) (1989)
- Computer aided program design experiments - diagrammatic versus textual material (Ernest C. Ackermann, William R. Pope) (1989)
- Teaching introductory and advanced computer graphics using micro-computers (G. Scott Owen) (1989)
- The design tree - a visual approach to top-down design and data flow (Jacobo Carrasquel, Jim Roberts, John Pane) (1989)
- Beiträge zur Didaktik der Informatik (Günther Cyranek, Hermann Forneck, Henk Goorhuis) (1990)
- 1. Lehrerausbildung Informatik (Günther Cyranek)
- 3. Entwicklungstendenzen und Problemlinien der Didaktik der Informatik (Hermann Forneck) (1990)
- 4. Anforderungen an die Informatikausbildung in den neunziger Jahren aus der Sicht der Wirtschaft (Markus W. Meier)
- 5. Informationsfragen und Datenschutz im Unterricht (Carl August Zehnder)
- 6. Warum gehört das Thema 'Künstliche Intelligenz' in die Allgemeinbildung? (Henk Goorhuis)
- Didaktik der Informatik - Informations- und kommunikationstechnische Grundbildung (Anton Reiter, Albert Rieder) (1990)
- Informatik und Computernutzung im schweizerischen Bildungswesen - Bestandesaufnahme 1989 (Ruedi Niederer, Karl Frey) (1990)
- ICCAL '90 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Assisted Learning, Hagen, FRG, June 11-13, 1990, Proceedings (Douglas H. Norrie, Hans-Werner Six) (1990)
- Computer science for teachers - A quest for classics, and how to present them (Jürg Nievergelt) (1990)
- Computer science for teachers - A quest for classics, and how to present them (Jürg Nievergelt) (1990)
- Computer Science Education 4/1990 (1990)
- Intellectual Property Rights in Computer Education - Legal, Societal, and Ethical Issues (Regina Baron Brunner) (1990)
- Computer in der Schule 3 - Materialien für den Mathematik- und Informatikunterricht (Klaus-Dieter Graf) (1990)
- Basic für Eva? - Frauen und Computerbildung (Bernd Schorb, Renate Wielpütz) (1990)
- Das Verhältnis von Frauen zu neuen Technologien - Beobachtungen und Erklärungsansätze (Christiane Schiersmann)
- Abbau von Rollenfixierungen im Informatikunterricht - oder: Die Bemächtigung des Computers durch Schülerinnen (Johannes Glötzner)
- Das Verhältnis von Frauen zu neuen Technologien - Beobachtungen und Erklärungsansätze (Christiane Schiersmann)
- Die neuen Techniken als Herausforderung an die Schule - Wurzeln und Flügel durch eine dynamisierte Allgemeinbildung (Pierre-Gérard Foniolliet) (1990)
- SIGCSE 1990 - Proceedings of the 21st SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 1990, Washington, DC, USA, 1990 (Richard H. Austing, Lillian N. Cassel, James E. Miller, Daniel T. Joyce) (1990)
- Computer science research and instuction at institutions with large minority enrollments (panel session) (William L. Lupton, Mary Ellis, Andrew Bernat, Benjamin Martin, Surrendar Pulusani, Leroy Roquemore) (1990)
- The millionth computer program (Larry A. Dunning, Ronald L. Lancaster) (1990)
- An undergraduate operating systems lab course (Margaret M. Reek) (1990)
- Ada sources for computer science educators (panel session) (Michael B. Feldman, Mary Armstrong, Richard Conn, Philip A. Wilsey) (1990)
- Upgrading CS1 - an alternative to the proposed COCS survey course (Terrence W. Pratt) (1990)
- Issues in the computing sciences at two-year colleges (panel session) (John Impagliazzo, Helene Chlopan, Ronald M. Davis, David M. Hata, Karl J. Klee) (1990)
- Simulation of process and resource management in a multiprogramming operating system (James Hays, Leland Miller, Bobbie Othmer, Mohammad Saeed) (1990)
- Computability and data types (Newcomb Greenleaf) (1990)
- Experiences in teaching an advanced computer graphics course (G. Scott Owen) (1990)
- A virtual lab to accompany CS1 and CS2 (Daniel Joyce) (1990)
- Discrete mathematics as a precursor to programming (Peter B. Henderson) (1990)
- Computer graphics as a discipline (panel session) (Jeffrey J. McConnell, Steve Cunningham, Barbara Mones-Hattal, Deborah Sokolove) (1990)
- Implementing a single classwide project in software engineering using Ada tasking for synchronization and communcation (Barry L. Kurtz, Thomas H. Puckett) (1990)
- Reexamining the introductory computer science course in liberal arts institutions (J. Thomas Allen, Hayden S. Porter, T. Ray Nanney, Ken Abernethy) (1990)
- Teaching writing and research skills in the computer science curriculum (Paul M. Jackowitz, Richard M. Plishka, James R. Sidbury) (1990)
- Getting started with parallel programming (Dean Sanders, Janet Hartman) (1990)
- The central role of mathematical logic in computer science (J. Paul Myers Jr.) (1990)
- Computer science in correctional education (James R. Aman) (1990)
- Simulation in the undergraduate computer science curriculum (David J. Thurente) (1990)
- Computer science, home computing and distance learning - the largest computer science course in the world? (Gordon Davies, Jenny Preece) (1990)
- Program verification (tutorial session) - techniques and uses (Henry MacKay Walker) (1990)
- Algorthmic pradigms - examples in computational geometry II (N. Adlai A. DePano, Farinaz D. Boudreaux, Philip Katner, Brian Li) (1990)
- Facilitating intracorporate cooperation - a univerisity creates the environment (Stuart A. Varden, Frank J. LoSacco) (1990)
- Image Processing experiments (Timothy S. Kula, Raymond Konopka Jr., John A. Cicero) (1990)
- A survey course in computer science using HyperCard (Rick Decker, Stuart Hirshfield) (1990)
- Algorithm visualization in computer science laboratories (Thomas L. Naps) (1990)
- Methods of integrating the study of ethics into the computer science curriculum (panel session) (Donald Gotterbarn, Deborah G. Johnson, Keith W. Miller, Eugene H. Spafford) (1990)
- If you were lost on a desert island, what one ADT would you like to have with you? (Nell B. Dale) (1990)
- Should undergraduates explore internals of workstation operating systems (Charles M. Shub) (1990)
- Teaching assembly language - a comparison of IBM S/360 and Intel 80x86 courses (Richard C. Detmer) (1990)
- The ACM Scholastic Programming Contest - 1977 to 1990 (special panel session) (William Poucher, James R. Comer, J. Richard Rinewalt, Patrick Ryan) (1990)
- «Real world» skills vs. «school taught» skills for the undergraduate computer major (Janet Hartman, Curt M. White) (1990)
- Inventing a new sorting algorithm - a case study (Susan M. Merritt, Cecilia Y. Nauck) (1990)
- Converses of pumping lemmas (Richard Johnsonbaugh, David P. Miller) (1990)
- Multiple precision arithmetic - a programming assignment in CS2 applying linked lists (Narayan Murthy, Allen Stix) (1990)
- A project course in database (Robert Leeper) (1990)
- Where have all the women gone? (panel session) (Virginia Eaton, Sharon Bell, Nell B. Dale, Susie Gallagher, Helen M. Gigley, Cindy Hanchey) (1990)
- Computer science research and instuction at institutions with large minority enrollments (panel session) (William L. Lupton, Mary Ellis, Andrew Bernat, Benjamin Martin, Surrendar Pulusani, Leroy Roquemore) (1990)
- Informatik: Wege zur Vielfalt beim Lehren und Lernen - GI-Fachtagung, Oldenburg, Oktober 1991, Proceedings (Peter Gorny) (1991)
- Entity Relationship Modell (ERM) - Ein Beschreibungs- und Gestaltungsverfahren in der wirtschaftsberuflichen Ausbildung (Bernhard Borg) (1991)
- «Im Labyrinth der Lernprogramme» - oder warum Lernsoftware allein nicht ausreicht (Wilma Bombelka-Urner, Barbara Koch-Priewe) (1991)
- Fachdidaktische Fragen der Schulinformatik und (un)mögliche Antworten (Sigrid E. Schubert) (1991)
- Produktionsorientierter Einsatz von rechnergesteuerten Maschinen im Arbeitslehre-Unterricht (Joachim Höret) (1991)
- Zur Qualtitätssicherung von interaktiven Lernprogrammen (Rolf Winkelmann) (1991)
- Vorstellung des Modellversuchs COMPIG - "Ausgleich von Lernrückständen durch Computer in der Grundschule" (Willi van Lück) (1991)
- Ein Unterrichtsversuch mit PROLOG (Gabriele Lehmann) (1991)
- Unterstützung des Unterrichts durch einen interaktiven Editor zur Darstellung graphischer Strukturen mit einer Schnittstelle zur Animation. (Franziskus Timmermann, Michael Kempf) (1991)
- Visualisierung eines Datensicherungsprotokolls für die Studentenausbildung (Jörg Sauerbrey) (1991)
- Unterrichtssoftware zum Lernbereich Prozeßdatenverarbeitung unter Berücksichtigung behinderunsspezifischer Problemstellungen (Helmut Meschenmoser) (1991)
- Konzepte einer adaptiven Lehr-Lern-Oberfläche in einer objektorientierten Multi-Tasking-Umgebung (Rainer Schnitzler, Reinhold Gebhardt, Walter Ameling) (1991)
- Der Computer als Lern- und Unterrichtshilfe in der Grundschule - Ein Modellversuch zu Entwicklung, Einsatz und Evaluation eines Mathematikübungsprogramms für die Gru (Georg Baumann, Rolf Monnerjahn) (1991)
- Using Computerised Exercises on Mathematical Logic (Rein Prank) (1991)
- Autorenunterstützung für den gesamten Courseware-Entwicklungsprozeß (Dirk Meyerhoff, Uwe Dumslaff) (1991)
- Projektmethode sowie der Einsatz von PC und Standardsoftware in der gestaltungsorientierten politischen Bildungsarbeit. (Gerd Hurrle, Henning Lübbecke, Axel Hattingen) (1991)
- Ein Versuch unkonventioneller Vorlesungsgestaltung in Wirtschaftsinformatik (Karel Vejsada) (1991)
- Erfahrungen und Entwicklungstendenzen bei rechnerunterstützten Praktikumssystemen (Bruno Piochacz) (1991)
- Entwicklung guter Unterrichtssoftware mit einem Autorensystem - ein Arbeitsprozeß nach Versuch und Irrtum? (Steffen Friedrich) (1991)
- Fehlersuche in einfachen LISP-Programmen - Emulation von Expertenstrategien in der Analyse von Schülerlösungen (Josef Krems) (1991)
- Von Palimpsesten zu Hypertexten - Perspektiven in der Entwicklung philologischer Arbeitsumgebungen (Josef Wallmannsberger) (1991)
- Kreatives Computerobjekt für Mädchen - Konzeption und Erfahrungen mit einem ganzheitlich-integrierten Bildungskonzept. (Kerstin Wehrmann, Annette Schwarz, Renate Schulz-Zander, Rolf Oberliesen) (1991)
- Hierarchisches Modellieren komplexer Systeme (Jürgen Klüser, Werner Walser, Joachim Wedekind) (1991)
- Design- und Didaktikhilfen als vorimplementierte Modelle für den Lernsoftware-Entwurf (Friedrich Augenstein, Thomas Jechle, Jürgen Schöning, Alexander Winter) (1991)
- Didaktische Voraussetzungen für den Einsatz von Computerunterstütztem Lernen (Dieter Euler) (1991)
- Entwurf eines Hilfesystems für Petrinetzmodellierer (Knut Pitschke, Olaf Schröder, Claus Möbus) (1991)
- Zur Einführung in die Thematik des Workshops - Wissenserwerb mit kooperativen Systemen (Claus Möbus) (1991)
- Erprobung eines Systems zur Modellbildung und Simulation im Unterricht (Eckhard Klieme, Ulla Maichle) (1991)
- Das Spannungsfeld des Informatik-Dozenten (Wolf-Gert Matthäus, Martin Schleiff) (1991)
- Ansätze zur Integration wissensbasierter Komponenten in Autorensysteme (Michael Unger) (1991)
- Individualisierung der Lernunterstützung in ELM-LISP-Tutor (Burkhard Müller, Gerhard Weber) (1991)
- Informationstechnik in der Lebenswelt (Rafael Capurro) (1991)
- Modellbildung und Simulation im Unterricht (Hans-Ulrich Dönhoff) (1991)
- Computer Science Education 1/1991 (1991)
- Integrating Computer Science with Statistical Analysis (David Alan Grier) (1991)
- Computer Science Education 3/1991 (1991)
- Computer Science Education Overseas - The Case of Greece (Stamos T. Karamouzis) (1991)
- Computer Science Education 2/1991 (1991)
- Writing Activities Can Improve Learning in Computer Science Courses (Dean Sanders) (1991)
- SIGCSE 1991 - Proceedings of the 22nd SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 1991, San Antonio, Texas, USA, March 7-8, 1991 (Nell B. Dale) (1991)
- A mini-course on concurrency (David Jackson) (1991)
- The impact of computer-aided software engineering on student performance (Mary J. Granger, Roger Alan Pick) (1991)
- The introductory computer science course (Gary H. Locklair) (1991)
- A network specification language and execution environment for undergraduate teaching (Chris McDonald) (1991)
- A graph generation software package (Richard Johnsonbaugh, Martin Kalin) (1991)
- An experimental computer science laboratory (Edward C. Epp) (1991)
- The design, implementation, and use of DSTutor - a tutoring system for denotational semantics (Barry L. Kurtz, Richard L. Oliver, Edward M. Collins) (1991)
- Using Ada to specify and evaluate projects in a data structures course (James L. Silver) (1991)
- HyperCard applications for teaching information systems (Jane M. Fritz) (1991)
- Using Petri nets to introduce operating system concepts (John M. Jeffrey) (1991)
- An honors course in data compression (Debra A. Lelewer, Cheng Ng) (1991)
- The Iliad and the WHILE loop - computer literacy in a liberal arts program (David Arnow) (1991)
- Begin-BIG an approach to the introductory computing course (John Motil) (1991)
- Experience with the DYNAMOD program animator (Rockford J. Ross) (1991)
- Integrating logic programming into a data base course - views as rules in deductive relational data bases (Yuksel Uckan) (1991)
- Making files real with a virtual disk (Louis A. Foster, Norman L. Hughes) (1991)
- Estimating execution times - a laboratory exercise for CS2 (William J. Collins) (1991)
- Parameter passing - the rules the students construct (Ann E. Fleury) (1991)
- Searching in parallel - a case study with the single-source shortest path algorithm (Robert M. Harlan) (1991)
- Creation of a new case for LUPSort - ALTERNATING (Evan Golub, Moshe Augenstein) (1991)
- A software project for a data communication course (William A. Shay) (1991)
- Teaching software development in a studio environment (James E. Tomayko) (1991)
- Two neural network programming assignments using arrays (Susan R. Wallace, F. Layne Wallace) (1991)
- Teaching concurrency in the programming languages course (Dorian P. Yeager) (1991)
- HyperTalk as an overture to CS1 (Elizabeth E. Katz, Hayden S. Porter) (1991)
- An exercise in denotational semantics (Ken Slonneger) (1991)
- Pictures as invariants (Owen L. Astrachan) (1991)
- Most computer organization courses are built upside down (Greg W. Scragg) (1991)
- Laboratory activities for studying the formal semantics of programming languages (Barry L. Kurtz) (1991)
- Mathematics and computer science at odds over real numbers (Thomas J. Scott) (1991)
- User interface programming - a human-computer communication course for computer science (Steve Cunningham) (1991)
- The relationship between pre-college mathematics and the undergraduate computer science curricula (Vicki L. Almstrum) (1991)
- The plight of a minority in computer science - an educational manifesto (Amos O. Olagunju) (1991)
- A team-oriented, project-intensive database course (Hossein Saiedian, Hassan Farhat) (1991)
- Introducing undergraduate engineering students to laboratory automation using high-level application programs (August E. Sapega) (1991)
- Teaching a course in parallel processing with limited resources (Janet Hartman, Dean Sanders) (1991)
- A multilevel simulator at the register transfer level for use in an introductory machine organization class (Dale Skrien, John Hosack) (1991)
- Utilizing a transputer laboratory and Occam2 in an undergraduate operating systems course (Ted Mims, Andrzej Hoppe) (1991)
- A mini-course on concurrency (David Jackson) (1991)
- Sichtweisen der Informatik (Wolfgang Coy, Frieder Nake, Jörg-Martin Pflüger, Arno Rolf, Jürgen Seetzen, Dirk Siefkes, Reinhard Stransfeld) (1992)
- Grundlagen einer Theorie der Informatik - "Wissen" und "Information" bei einer Sichtweise der Informatik als Wissenstechnik (Alfred Lothar Luft)
- 1. Informatik - Eine Disziplin im Umbruch? (Wolfgang Coy)
- 2. Wozu Grundlagen? (Arno Rolf, Dirk Siefkes)
- 3. Für eine Theorie der Informatik! (Wolfgang Coy)
- 4. Sichtwechsel (Arno Rolf)
- 6. Theorie der Informatik im Spannungsfeld Zwischen Formalem Modell und Nichtformaler Welt (Klaus Fuchs-Kittowski)
- 7. Information, Kommunikation, Organisation Anmerkungen zur «Theorie der Informatik» (Jürgen Seetzen)
- 8. Sinn im Formalen? (Dirk Siefkes)
- 9. Der Anteil der Arbeit an der Theoriebildung der Informatik (Frieder Nake)
- 10. Ein Kulturhistorischer Blick auf Rechnergestützte Arbeit (Arne Raeithel)
- 14. Informatik und die Maschinisierung von Kopfarbeit (Frieder Nake)
- 15. Computer und Kultur (J. Pflüger)
- 17. Magischer Realismus und die Produktion von Komplexität (Bernhelm Booss-Bavnbek, Glen Pate)
- 19. Informatik vor dem Gesetz (J. Pflüger)
- 20. Ethik und Informatik (Reinhard Stransfeld)
- 21. Informatik und Verantwortung (Wolfgang Coy, Frieder Nake, Jörg-Martin Pflüger, Arno Rolf, Jürgen Seetzen, Dirk Siefkes)
- 22. Theorie oder Aufklärung? (Peter Schefe)
- 24. Die Herausforderung der Informatik für die Praktische Philosophie (Rafael Capurro)
- 25. Zur Verantwortung in der Informationstechnik (Bernd Mahr)
- 27. Ethik in der Informatik - Vom Appell zum Handeln (Bernd Lutterbeck, Reinhard Stransfeld)
- Grundlagen einer Theorie der Informatik - "Wissen" und "Information" bei einer Sichtweise der Informatik als Wissenstechnik (Alfred Lothar Luft)
- Software Development and Reality Construction (Reinhard Budde, Christiane Floyd, Reinhard Keil, Heinz Züllighoven) (1992)
- Studien-Arbeiten - ein Leitfaden zur Vorbereitung, Durchführung und Betreuung von Studien-, Diplom- und Doktorarbeiten am Beispiel Informatik (Marcus Deininger, Horst Lichter, Jochen Ludewig, Kurt Schneider) (1992)
- Technische Intelligenz oder Wie Ingenieure über Computer sprechen (Rolf Todesco) (1992)
- Lehrplan Volksschule Kanton Solothurn (1992)
- 11. Informatik (1992)
- 11. Informatik (1992)
- Bildung im informationstechnischen Zeitalter - Untersuchung der fachdidaktischen Entwicklung der informationstechnischen Bildung (Hermann Forneck) (1992)
- Computermathematik (Walter Gander) (1992)
- Computer Science Education 2/1992 (1992)
- Computer Science and Software Engineering - Splitting is the Wrong Solution (William A. Wulf) (1992)
- Computer-Based Learning Environments and Problem Solving (Erik De Corte, Marcia C. Linn, Heinz Mandl, Lieven Verschaffel) (1992)
- Kind und Computer - Spielen und lernen am PC (Gerald R. Hoelscher) (1992)
- LOG IN 1/1992 - Neuronale Netze (1992)
- Gründungsversammlung der Fachgruppe Informatik & Gesellschaft der Schweiz. Informatiker Gesellschaft (1992)
- Warum kritisches Denken in der Informatik (Joseph Weizenbaum)
- Unterschätzen die Informatiker die Bedeutung der Information? (Carl August Zehnder)
- LOG IN 2/1992 - Informationstechnische Berufe (1992)
- Informatikunterricht - Informatikstudium (Walter Gander) (1992)
- LOG IN 3/1992 - Sicherheit der Informationstechnik (1992)
- ICT und Medienkunde: wo ist die Informatik im Lehrplan 21? (Walter Gander) (1992)
- LOG IN 4/1992 - Informatische Bildung im Europa '92 (1992)
- SIGCSE 1992 - Proceedings of the 23rd SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 1992, Kansas City, Missouri, USA, March 5-6, 1992 (Nell B. Dale) (1992)
- Current trends in computer science curriculum - a survey of four-year programs (Sukhen Dey, Lawrence R. Mand) (1992)
- Teaching operating systems using Turbo C (Larry Hughes) (1992)
- Learning HCI design - mentoring project groups in a course on human-computer interaction (Brad Hartfield, Terry Winograd, John Bennett) (1992)
- Using scientific experiments in early computer science laboratories (Doug Baldwin, Johannes A. G. M. Koomen) (1992)
- Teaching computer graphics using RenderMan (G. Scott Owen) (1992)
- Using the Synthesizer-Generator to teach principles of programming language semantics (Barry L. Kurtz, John B. Johnston) (1992)
- A first computing course based on curricula 1991 (Juan Alvarez Rubio) (1992)
- A course in software portability (James D. Mooney) (1992)
- DBTool - a graphical database design tool for an introductory database course (Billy B. L. Lim, Richard Hunter) (1992)
- Introducing parallel computing into the undergraduate computer science curriculum - a progress report (Marsha Meredith) (1992)
- Get high school students hooked on science with a challenge (Marion Cohen, Marilyn Foster, David Kratzer, Patricia Malone, Ann Solem) (1992)
- An integrating pedagogical tool based on writing articles (Vianney Côté, Guy Custeau) (1992)
- Teaching concurrency with Joyce and Linda (Chris McDonald) (1992)
- Management information systems curricula in the United States and the Republic of China - a comparative study (Betty W. Hwang, Andrew B. Whinston, Wilhelmina C. Savenye) (1992)
- Teaching loop invariants to beginners by examples (Wing C. Tam) (1992)
- The documentation and evaluation of team-oriented database projects (Darleen V. Pigford) (1992)
- Detection of similarities in student programs - YAP'ing may be preferable to plague'ing (Michael J. Wise) (1992)
- Undergraduate software engineering laboratories - a progress report from two universities (James D. Kiper, Michael J. Lutz, Henry A. Etlinger) (1992)
- Designing interactive visualization tools for the graphics classroom (Dino Schweitzer) (1992)
- Down with polynomial addition! (Richard K. Brewer) (1992)
- Experience with the language SR in an undergraduate operating systems course (Stephen J. Hartley) (1992)
- The effects of an introductory computer course on the attitudes of older adults towards computers (J. Morgan Morris) (1992)
- Introducing functional programming in discrete mathematics (Roger L. Wainwright) (1992)
- Class discussion by computer - a case study (A. Michael Berman) (1992)
- Developing expertise in expert system development by developing prototypes for actual commercial applications (Lawrence J. Mazlack, Roger Alan Pick, Paul Tudor, Wallace R. Wood) (1992)
- The practical need for fourth normal form (Margaret S. Wu) (1992)
- Designing laboratory modules for novices in an undergraduate AI course track - artificial intelligence (Robert M. Aiken, Dean Allemang, Thomas Wehrle) (1992)
- Raising the self confidence and self esteem of final year female students prior to job interviews (G. Joy Teague) (1992)
- Current trends in computer science curriculum - a survey of four-year programs (Sukhen Dey, Lawrence R. Mand) (1992)
- LOG IN 5/6 1992 - Methoden des Managements von Projektunterricht (1992)
- Gestaltung interaktiver Systeme - Ein ökologischer Ansatz (Reinhard Keil)
- Gestaltung interaktiver Systeme - Ein ökologischer Ansatz (Reinhard Keil)
- Fundamentale Ideen der Informatik (Andreas Schwill) (1993)
- Was ist Informatik-Didaktik? - Gedanken über die Fachkenntnisse des Informatiklehrers (Jürg Nievergelt) (1993)
- Informatik-Grundbildung für Berufsschulen - Methoden - Inhalte - Beispiele (Peter Kradolfer) (1993)
- Einstieg in die Informatik mit PROLOG (Friedrich Gasper) (1993)
- Der Lehrplanentwurf für das Fach Informatik in der Oberstufe des Gymnasiums in Rheinland-Pfalz (Hermann Stimm) (1993)
- Mensch Maschine Methodik (Gregory Abowd, Russell Beale, Alan Dix, Janet Finlay) (1993)
- Revolution des Lernens - Kinder, Computer, Schule in einer digitalen Welt (Seymour Papert) (1993)
- Der Hintergrund des Wissens - Vorarbeiten zu einer Kritik der programmierbaren Vernunft (Peter Baumgartner) (1993)
- Informatik als Schlüssel zur Qualifikation - GI-Fachtagung Informatik und Schule 1993, Koblenz, 11.-13. Oktober 1993 (Klaus G. Troitzsch) (1993)
- Wissensbasierte Systeme in der Schule (Richard Sparrer) (1993)
- Technische Informatik an Fachhochschulen (Friedrich Pieper) (1993)
- Informationstechnnik - Antizipation - Gestaltung - Ein Handlungsforschungsprojekt zur informationstechnischen Bildung (Klaus-Henning Hansen) (1993)
- Explorative Datenanalyse und Statistik in Naturwissenschaft, Sozialwissenschaft und Mathematik (Helmut Kohorst, Wolfgang Weber) (1993)
- Gestaltung und Erprobung von Hypermedia-Arbeitsumgebungen zum Lernen und Üben (Willi van Lück) (1993)
- Neue Methoden der Software-Entwicklung im Unterricht (Bernhard Husch) (1993)
- Methoden der Zielbestimmung für die Informatische Bildung (Gabriele Lehmann) (1993)
- Software-Wartung - Ein neuartiger Einstieg in den Informatik-Anfangsunterricht (Eberhard Lehmann) (1993)
- Wirtschaftsinformatik an Fachhochschulen (Klaus Werner Wirtz) (1993)
- Computerunterstützte Selbstlernumgebung mit EDUCATION ONE - Satzgruppe des Pythagoras. (Wolfgang Tews) (1993)
- Der Studiengang Allgemeine Informatik an Fachhochschulen (Werner Burhenne) (1993)
- Informatik als Schlüsselqualifikation (Friedrich Buttler, Werner Dostal) (1993)
- Informatik-Didaktik in der Ausbildung - eine Voraussetzung zum Lehren von Informatik? (Steffen Friedrich) (1993)
- Veränderte Sichtweisen für den Informatikunterricht (Renate Schulz-Zander) (1993)
- Mädchenförderung im Informatikunterricht der Sekundarstufe II (Josef Schöpper) (1993)
- Das Studium der Informatik an Fachhochschulen (Jürgen Freytag) (1993)
- Architektur eines wissensbasierten Lehrsystems für das Lernen aus Beispielen (Christian Posthoff, Detlef Rätz, Michael Schlosser) (1993)
- Zu einer Didaktik der Informatik - Beitrag der Informatik zur Allgemeinbildung (Immo O. Kerner) (1993)
- Informatikunterricht und informationstechnische Grundbildung - ausgrenzen, abgrenzen oder integrieren? (Bernhard Koerber, Ingo-Rüdiger Peters) (1993)
- Zehn Jahre Bundeswettbewerb Informatik - Eine Bilanz (Peter Heyderhoff) (1993)
- SQL im Informatik-Unterricht? - Erfahrungen mit einer Programmiersprache der 4. Generation in der unterrichtlichen Praxis (Helmut Witten, Johann Penon) (1993)
- SESAM - Zwischen Planspiel und Adventure Game. (Kurt Schneider) (1993)
- TLS - Ein Hardware-System für die Ausbildung im Bereich der parallelen Datenverarbeitung (Jürgen W. Meyer, Volkhard Klinger) (1993)
- Die Elektronische Wandtafel - ein didaktisches Konzept zum computerunterstützten Unterricht am Beispiel des Faches Deutsch (Elin-Birgit Berndt, Günter Ihmels) (1993)
- Informatik-Qualifikation gleich Schlüsselqualifikation? - Für Frauen ein Trugschluß (Claudia Gembe, Martina Hammel) (1993)
- Informatik als Teil der Allgemeinbildung (Tom J. van Weert) (1993)
- Ideen für den Informatikunterricht (Michael Wirth) (1993)
- 1. Hardware
- Computer Science Education 1/1993 (1993)
- Object-Orientation and Ada - Towards Ada 9X in a Computer Science/Software Engineering Degree (Douglas D. Grant) (1993)
- Computer Science Education 2/1993 (1993)
- An Educational Tool for Formal Relational Database Query Languages (Suzanne W. Dietrich) (1993)
- Computer Science, Communications and Society - A technical and cultural challenge, Conference Proceedings Neuchâtel, 9/93 (1993)
- SIGCSE 1993 - Proceedings of the 24th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 1993, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, February 18-19, 1993 (Bruce J. Klein, Cary Laxer, Frank H. Young) (1993)
- An improved first year course taking into account third world students (Conrad Mueller, Sheila Rock, Ian D. Sanders) (1993)
- A software testbed for advanced projects in real-time and distributed computing (Richard A. Brown) (1993)
- Final report (abstract) - curricula for two-year degree programs in computer sciences, and computing and engineering technology (Karl J. Klee, John Impagliazzo) (1993)
- Getting research students started - a tale of two courses (Ian H. Witten, Timothy C. Bell) (1993)
- An Ethernet performance simulator for undergraduate networking (B. Lewis Barnett III) (1993)
- Scientific investigation in a breadth-first approach to introductory computer science (Thomas K. Moore) (1993)
- Possible models diagrams - a visual alternative to truth tables (Matthew C. Clarke) (1993)
- Gateway laboratories - integrated, interactive learning modules (Bruce Cowley, Greg W. Scragg, Doug Baldwin) (1993)
- An example from artificial intelligence for CS1 (Lowell A. Carmony, Robert L. Holliday) (1993)
- The internet programming contest - a report and philosophy (Vivek Khera, Owen L. Astrachan, David Kotz) (1993)
- The object oriented paradigm in CS 1 (Richard J. Reid) (1993)
- Final report - curricula for two-year college task force subgroup: computing for other disciplines (Richard H. Austing, Therese Jones) (1993)
- Data parallel programming - a transition from serial to parallel computing (Janet Hartman, Dean Sanders) (1993)
- A logic programming environment for teaching mathematical concepts of computer science (Norman Neff) (1993)
- Research experience for undergraduates (abstract) (Antonio M. Lopez Jr., Gerald L. Engel, Herbert L. Dershem, Santa Wiltz) (1993)
- Teaching artificial intelligence as the year 2000 approaches (Michele R. LaRusch) (1993)
- Attracting women to tertiary computing courses (G. Joy Teague, Valerie A. Clarke) (1993)
- The power of OOPS (abstract) - heterogeneous data structures in C++ (Richard G. Epstein) (1993)
- Programming languages-comparatively speaking (Bruce R. Maxim) (1993)
- A graduate course in computing security technology (Edward Amoroso) (1993)
- A project-intensive software design course (Evans J. Adams) (1993)
- Using C in CS1 - evaluating the Stanford experience (Eric S. Roberts) (1993)
- Dealing with different levels of abstraction in a data structures course (David B. Levine) (1993)
- CSP laboratory (Jacek Olszewski) (1993)
- Approaches to teaching parallel processing on the undergraduate level (abstract) (Angela B. Shiflet, Scott R. Cannon, Terry J. Frederick, Janet Hartman, Marsha Meredith, Chris Nevison, Dean Sanders) (1993)
- A software project management course role-play-team-project approach emphasizing written and oral communication skills (Sarah L. Sullivan) (1993)
- Emphasizing the process in delivering CS-1 (V. Arnie Dyck) (1993)
- Improving mentoring for women in computer science fields (abstract) (Vicki L. Almstrum, Anita Borg, J. Paul Myers Jr.) (1993)
- Teaching parameter passing by example using thunks in C and C++ (John Bergin, Stuart Greenfield) (1993)
- Ethercom - a studyof audio processes and synchronization (Richard Rybacki, Kay A. Robbins, Steven Robbins) (1993)
- Developing oral communication skills of computer science undergraduates (Gary McDonald, Merry McDonald) (1993)
- Laboratories and other educational experiences based on Curricula '91 (Angela Goh, Peng-Chor Leong) (1993)
- Successful associate degree programs in the computing sciences (Suzanne E. Gladfelter, William C. Harris, Karl J. Klee) (1993)
- Simulation and visualization tools for teaching parallel merge sort (Robin Trahan, Susan H. Rodger) (1993)
- A top-down approach to teaching an introductory computer science course (Thomas B. Hilburn) (1993)
- A «curriculum-cycle» environment for teaching programming (Spiros Mancoridis, Richard C. Holt, David A. Penny) (1993)
- Design and construction of the Very Simple Computer (VSC) - a laboratory project for an undergraduate computer architecture course (Robert A. Pilgrim) (1993)
- The design and implementation of a Unix classroom (Joel C. Adams) (1993)
- A hypertext module for teaching user interface design (Martin L. Barrett) (1993)
- Scheduled supervised laboratories in CS1 - a comparative analysis (Joseph E. Lang, Barbara A. Smith) (1993)
- An honors computer science seminar for undergraduate non-majors (David G. Kay) (1993)
- An improved first year course taking into account third world students (Conrad Mueller, Sheila Rock, Ian D. Sanders) (1993)
- Informatische Bildung als Teil der Allgemeinbildung (Norbert Breier) (1994)
- Konstruktivistische Modellbildung in der Informatik - Dissertation an der Universität Zürich (Henk Goorhuis) (1994)
- Das Gehirn und seine Wirklichkeit - Kognitive Neurobiologie und ihre philosophischen Konsequenzen (Gerhard Roth) (1994)
- Informatik 2/94 (1994)
- Die Weltsicht der Informatik (Henk Goorhuis)
- Datenmodelle, Datenbanksprachen und Datenbank-Management-Systeme (Gottfried Vossen) (1994)
- 1. Einführung
- Die Zukunft beginnt im Kopf - Wissenschaft und Technik für die Gesellschaft von morgen (1994)
- Informatisierte Gesellschaft - Perspektiven (Carl August Zehnder)
- Informatisierte Gesellschaft - Perspektiven (Carl August Zehnder)
- The Art of Prolog (Leon Sterling, Ehud Shapiro) (1994)
- Computer Science Education 2/1994 (1994)
- Project Development Approach to Technical Writing in the Computer Science Classroom - A Template for Management (Katharine M. Paine, Harriet G. Taylor) (1994)
- Computer Science Education 1/1994 (1994)
- Dysfunctional Programming - Teaching Programming Using Formal Methods to Noncomputer Science Majors (Michael Barnett, Phillip J. Windley) (1994)
- LOG IN 1/1994 (1994)
- Seminar Ethik & Informatik - 4. - 6. Februar 1994, Einsiedeln (Christiane Floyd, Heinz von Foerster, Henk Goorhuis, Hans Ruh, Helmut Schauer) (1994)
- LOG IN 2/1994 (1994)
- LOG IN 3/1994 (1994)
- LOG IN 4/1994 - Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen für den Unterricht (1994)
- SIGCSE 1994 - Proceedings of the 25th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 1994, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, March 10-12, 1994 (Robert Beck, Don Goelman) (1994)
- Computing laboratories and the small community college - defining the directed computing laboratory in the small college computing environment (Robert L. Tureman Jr.) (1994)
- Class testing the breadth-first curriculum - summary results for courses I-IV (abstract) (Keith Barker, Andrew P. Bernat, Robert D. Cupper, Charles Kelemen, Allen B. Tucker) (1994)
- Introducing parallel processing concepts using the MASPAR MP-1 computer (R. James Duckworth) (1994)
- A framework for CS1 and CS2 laboratories (William A. Waller) (1994)
- A scalable approach to integrating object oriented programming into the undergraduate liberal arts curriculum (abstract) (David Hastings) (1994)
- Too few women! Too few minorities! What can we do? (abstract) (Louise E. Moses, Rachell D. Isles, Frances Grundy, Danielle R. Bernstein, Valerie A. Clarke, G. Joy Teague) (1994)
- The creation and use of scoring standards (rubrics) - experiences with the advanced placement computer science exam (abstract) (Joe Kmoch, Mark Stehlik) (1994)
- The development of a multi-processor personal computer in a senior computer design laboratory (Constantine Katsinis) (1994)
- Integrating mathematics and programming into a three tiered model for computer science education (Ursula Wolz, Edward Conjura) (1994)
- Concepts in the classroom, programming in the lab (Robert Geitz) (1994)
- A software engineering «frosting» on a traditional CS-1 course (Judith L. Gersting) (1994)
- Teaching Ada by the book - the pedagogy of Ada in CS1 (John W. McCormick, Fintan Culwin, Nicholas J. DeLillo, Michael B. Feldman, Richard E. Pattis, Walter J. Savitch) (1994)
- Dynamic programming for pennies a day (Patrick Heck) (1994)
- Using literate programming to teach good programming practices (Stephen Shum, Curtis R. Cook) (1994)
- A target tracking system applied to swimming rats - an interdisciplinary project in computer science and psychology (abstract) (Jim Green, Stacey B. Zaremba) (1994)
- Reciprocal peer reviews (Sarah L. Sullivan) (1994)
- Tutorial-based teaching of introductory programming classes (Joseph L. Zachary) (1994)
- Analysis of personal mail attributes in a computer mediated communication environment (abstract) (Marc W. Brooks, John R. Chang, Ryan C. Horner, David W. Brown) (1994)
- Using graphical presentation techniques in closed laboratory exercises (abstract) (Viera K. Proulx, Harriet J. Fell, Richard Rasala, Johannes A. G. M. Koomen, Carol W. Wilson) (1994)
- Introducing computer concepts to novices by «practical» immersion (John R. Rabung) (1994)
- Integrating «depth first» and «breadth first» models of computing curricula (Russell L. Shackelford, Richard J. LeBlanc) (1994)
- Collaborative learning in an introductory computer science course (Roberta Evans Sabin, Edward P. Sabin) (1994)
- Handling interpersonal issues for student team projects (Thomas J. Scott, Ralph B. Bisland Jr., Lee H. Tichenor, James H. Cross II) (1994)
- Developing writing skills in computer science students (Marguerite Hafen) (1994)
- NSF supported projects - parallel computation as an integrated component in the undergraduate curriculum in computer science (David J. John) (1994)
- Derivation of programs for freshmen (Richard T. Denman, David A. Naumann, Walter Potter, Gary Richter) (1994)
- Simulation in computer organization - a goals based study (David Magagnosc) (1994)
- Using profiling to analyze algorithms (abstract) (Daniel E. Nohl) (1994)
- An environment for CS integrating hypertext, program design and language facilities (abstract) (Wendy A. Lawrence-Fowler, Richard H. Fowler) (1994)
- Finite state machine simulation in an introductory lab (Ryan L. McFall, Herbert L. Dershem) (1994)
- Teaching EBNF first in CS 1 (Richard E. Pattis) (1994)
- Teaching C++ to high school students (David Finkel, Chet Hooker, Scott Salvidio, Mark Sullivan, Christopher Thomas 0002) (1994)
- Teaching programming to liberal arts students - using loop invariants (David M. Arnow) (1994)
- Multimedia across the disciplines (Steven Epstein, Marla Fischer, Forouzan Golshani, Catherine Ricardo) (1994)
- The role of gender in high school computer mediated communication (abstract) (Matthew A. Ford, Elise N. Cassidente, J. Suzanne Rothrock, David W. Brown, Daniel Miller) (1994)
- The top 10 reasons why object-oriented programming can't be taught in CS 1 (Rick Decker, Stuart Hirshfield) (1994)
- Self-reference is an illustrative essential (Owen L. Astrachan) (1994)
- Reprogrammable hardware for educational purposes (Michael Gschwind) (1994)
- A practical approach for teaching reuse in a data structures course using Ada (abstract) (Akhtar Lodgher, Hisham Al-Haddad) (1994)
- Teaching parallel computing on a message-passing architecture (abstract) (Chris Nevison) (1994)
- Computer science needs an insight-based curriculum (Greg W. Scragg, Doug Baldwin, Hans Koomen) (1994)
- Organizational issues in teaching project-oriented software engineering courses (abstract) (Renée McCauley, Evans J. Adams, Donald Gotterbarn, Linda M. Northrop, Hossein Saiedian, Stuart H. Zweben) (1994)
- Engaging students and teaching modern concepts - literate, situated, object-oriented programming (Glenn Meter, Philip Miller) (1994)
- The future of programming instruction (abstract) (Philip Miller, Michael J. Clancy, Andrea A. diSessa, Jeremy Roschelle, Michael Eisenberg, Mark Guzdial, Elliot Soloway, Mitchel Resnick) (1994)
- From animation to analysis in introductory computer science (Richard Rasala, Viera K. Proulx, Harriet J. Fell) (1994)
- Opportunities in international teacher exchanges (abstract) (Dale Shaffer, George J. Davis, Keith Jolly, Martyn Roberts, Miriam Roy) (1994)
- CSI closed lab vs. open lab experiment (Mack Thweatt) (1994)
- A software development process laboratory for CS1 and CS2 (S. Ron Oliver, John Dalbey) (1994)
- Describing the CS forest to undergraduates (abstract) (Henry MacKay Walker, Kim B. Bruce, James Bradley, Tom Whaley) (1994)
- Attracting (& keeping) the best and the brightest - an entry-level course for experienced introductory students (Kim B. Bruce) (1994)
- A resource for research in computer science education - the CSedRes toolbox (abstract) (Vicki L. Almstrum, Cheng-Chih Wu, Debra Burton) (1994)
- Object-oriented programming (abstract) - how to "scale up" CS 1 (Stuart Hirshfield, Owen L. Astrachan, John Barr, Karen Donnelly, David Levine, Mark McGinn) (1994)
- A repository that supports teaching and cooperation in the introductory AI course (Giorgio P. Ingargiola, Nathan Hoskin, Robert M. Aiken, Rajeev V. Dubey, Judith D. Wilson, Mary-Angela Papalaskari, Margaret Christensen, Roger Webster) (1994)
- Themes and tapestries - a diversity of approaches to computer science for liberal arts students (David Arnow, Owen L. Astrachan, James D. Kiper, Robert Workman, Paula A. Whitlock, Brent Auernheimer, John E. Rager) (1994)
- Peer learning in an introductory computer science course (Craig E. Wills, David Finkel, Michael A. Gennert, Matthew O. Ward) (1994)
- ICONIC programming in BACCII vs. textual programming - which is a better learning environment? (Ben A. Calloni, Donald J. Bagert) (1994)
- New models for the CS1 course - what are they and are they leading to the same place? (Barbara Boucher Owens, Robert D. Cupper, Stuart Hirshfield, Walter Potter, Richard M. Salter) (1994)
- Understanding the bottom-up SLR parser (Sami Khuri, Jason Williams) (1994)
- New directions in the introductory computer science curriculum (Allen B. Tucker, Peter Wegner) (1994)
- Intractability - a geometric representation (Sami Khuri) (1994)
- Assessing the software process maturity of software engineering courses (James S. Collofello, Manmahesh Kantipudi, Mark A. Kanko) (1994)
- Computer science lecture room demonstration experiment in event counting (abstract) (David K. Walker, Hamid Chahryar, James W. Moore, David S. Tucker) (1994)
- Instructional uses of demonstration disks (William Myers) (1994)
- A new perspective on teaching computer literacy (Michael Goldweber, John Barr, Chuck Leska) (1994)
- Automated grading assistance for student programs (David G. Kay, Terry Scott, Peter Isaacson, Kenneth A. Reek) (1994)
- Assessment in computer science (abstract) (James Caristi, Nell B. Dale, Bill Marion, A. Joe Turner) (1994)
- Towards an introductory formal programming course (Kung-Kiu Lau, Vicky J. Bush, Pete J. Jinks) (1994)
- Teaching a first course on data structures - a software engineering approach (Rym Mili, Ali Mili) (1994)
- Computing laboratories and the small community college - defining the directed computing laboratory in the small college computing environment (Robert L. Tureman Jr.) (1994)
- Die Gestaltung des Unsichtbaren (Reinhard Keil) (1994)
- Computer Science Unplugged - Capturing the interest of the uninterested (Tim Bell, Gwenda Bensemann, Ian H. Witten) (1995)
- Informatik und Gesellschaft (Jürgen Friedrich, Thomas Herrmann, Max Peschek, Arno Rolf) (1995)
- Der Software-Entwicklungsprozess - Ganzheitliche Sicht - Grundlagen zu Entwicklungs-Prozess-Modellen (A. Frick) (1995)
- Fundamentale Ideen - Bericht über die 12. Tagung des Arbeitskreises Mathematikunterricht und Informatik (1995)
- Neuronale Netze und Subjektivität - Lernen, Bedeutung und die Grenzen der Neuro-Informatik (Anita Lenz, Stefan Meretz) (1995)
- 3. Vom Ursprung der Bedeutungen
- Innovative Konzepte für die Ausbildung - 7. GI-Fachtagung Informatik und Schule, INFOS'95, Chemnitz, 25.-28. September 1995 (Sigrid E. Schubert) (1995)
- Prozeßorientierte Qualifizierung für die rechnerintegrierte Fertigung (Heinz Beek) (1995)
- Komplexe Lehr-Lern-Arrangements in der Wirtschaftsinformatik - Erfahrungen aus einem Projektseminar (Uwe Hoppe, Katja Nienaber, Karl-Hermann Witte) (1995)
- PASCAL-Konzepte im Umgebung-Speicher-Modell (Gerhard Röhner) (1995)
- Programmieren lernen durch Bilder - nur was für Mädchen? (Eva Pilz, Debora Weber-Wulff) (1995)
- Computerunterstützte Gruppenarbeit im Unterricht - Das Projekt Trasse (Johannes Magenheim, Günter Opitz) (1995)
- Anforderungen an die Informatikausbildung aus Sicht der betrieblichen Ausbildung (Peter Leibner) (1995)
- Programmierstile im Anfangsunterricht (Andreas Schwill) (1995)
- Informationstechnische Bildung und Medienerziehung (Annemarie Hauf-Tulodziecki) (1995)
- «Klassenfest» - Eine Unterrichtseinheit für Mädchen und Jungen im ITG-Unterricht (S. Assmus, S. Bohnet, B. Bündgen, S. Gündel, Gertrud Heck-Weinhart, H. Kran, C. Niederdrenk-Felgner, B. Proschek, Gabriele Reich, G. Zinßmeister) (1995)
- Projekt- und handlungsorientierter Unterricht - Ein innovatives Konzept zur ITG. (Herbert Brand) (1995)
- Mediensysten zur Entwicklung der Raumvorstellung für die Sekundarstufe I und zur Berufsbildung (Helmut Meschenmoser) (1995)
- Wirtschaftsinformatik als Nervensystem der Wirtschaft - Neuere Entwicklungen in der Wirtschaftsinformatik (Rainer Bischoff) (1995)
- Informatik in der Schule als Sprachen-Unterricht (Volker Claus) (1995)
- Ein interaktives Lehr-Lernsystem für Algorithmen der Computergraphik (Achim Janser) (1995)
- Informatik-Didaktik - ein Fachgebiet im Aufbruch (Steffen Friedrich) (1995)
- Förderung der Handlungskompetenz im Bereich der Informationstechnik - ein Unterrichtsbeispiel nach dem Strukturhilfen-Konzept (Peter Steinbüchel) (1995)
- Bildproduktion und Bildrezeption - Fächerübergreifender Unterricht am Beispiel Informatik und Kunst in der Jahrgangsstufe 13. (Josef Schöpper) (1995)
- DECIDE - Entscheidungsfindung im Netz (Hans Rauch) (1995)
- Das ästhetische Labor - ein Beitrag zur informationstechnischen Lehrerbildung (Ulrike Wilkens, Frieder Nake) (1995)
- Telekommunikation (Gerhard Krüger) (1995)
- Elektronische Informationsdienste für Schule und Ausbildung - ein Überblick (Gerhard König) (1995)
- Wertefreiheit und Ideologie in der informatischen Bildung (Bernhard Koerber, Ingo-Rüdiger Peters) (1995)
- Kultur- und technikgeschichtlich begründete Bildungswerte der Informatik (Dieter Engbring) (1995)
- Informatikunterricht - Quo vadis? (Jürgen Burkert) (1995)
- Informatik-Grundausbildung und informationstechnische Rationalisierung - Eine Neukonzeption der Informatik-Grundbildung an schweiz. Berufsschulen (Hermann Forneck, Hans-Peter Hauser) (1995)
- Objektorientiertes Denken als didaktische Basis der Informatik (Cecile K. M. Crutzen, Hans-Werner Hein) (1995)
- Einsatz eines integrierten elektronischen Multimediadokumentes in der informationstechnischen Grundausbildung. (Wolfgang A. Halang, Bernd J. Krämer, Jürgen Schormann) (1995)
- Lernsoftware gestalten - Wege zu ergonomischen Benutzungsoberflächen (Uli Daldrup) (1995)
- Neuronale Konzepte der Künstlichen Intelligenz Simulationen mit Hilfe einer Tabellenkalkulation (Hopfield-Netze). (Wilmar Steup) (1995)
- Computeranalphabetismus (Friedrich Kittler) (1995)
- Prozeßorientierte Qualifizierung für die rechnerintegrierte Fertigung (Heinz Beek) (1995)
- Computer Science Education 1/1995 (1995)
- Abstraction, Design, and Theory in Computer Science - A Liberal Arts Course (James D. Kiper, Cathy Bishop-Clark) (1995)
- LOG IN 1/1995 - Anfangsunterricht (1995)
- LOG IN 2/1995 - Bildbearbeitung (1995)
- LOG IN 3/1995 (1995)
- LOG IN 4/1995 (1995)
- SIGCSE 1995 - Proceedings of the 26th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 1995, Nashville, Tennessee, USA, March 2-4, 1995 (Cary Laxer, Curt M. White, James E. Miller, Judith L. Gersting) (1995)
- Parallel threads - parallel computation labs for CS 3 and CS 4 (Robert M. Harlan, Joseph G. Akulis) (1995)
- Teaching computer science concepts and problem solving with a spreadsheet (Mary Veronica Kolesar, Vicki H. Allan) (1995)
- Microkernels - a submodule for a traditional operating systems course (Tracy Camp, Glen Oberhauser) (1995)
- Restructuring the introductory computer science course for engineers (Joseph M. Lambert) (1995)
- Creating an authentic learning experience in introductory programming courses (Nira Herrmann, Jeffrey L. Popyack) (1995)
- Teaching a modern numerical analysis course (James L. Noyes) (1995)
- Data communications in the undergraduate computer science curriculum (abstract) (Ron Classen, Larry Hughes, Elizabeth Leboffe, Wayne Smith) (1995)
- Teaching dynamic programming techniques using permutation graphs (Y. Daniel Liang) (1995)
- Solid modeling with Scheme (Edward C. Martin) (1995)
- Formal methods in the undergraduate computer science curriculum (abstract) (Henry MacKay Walker, H. Conrad Cunningham, Ruth Davis, Douglas R. Troeger) (1995)
- Executing an SECD machine using logic programming (Kenneth Slonneger) (1995)
- Ethical and professional issues in computing (abstract) (Mary Dee Medley, Kay G. Schulze, Bob Riser, Rebekah L. Tidwell) (1995)
- Using multimedia technology - different approaches and controversial issues (panel) (Gayle J. Yaverbaum, Eric W. Stein, Russell C. Kick, F. Stuart Wells) (1995)
- Experiences with Mosaic for legacy projects (J. Morgan Morris) (1995)
- Decision points in the introduction of parallel processing into the undergraduate curriculum (William E. Toll) (1995)
- Proposed joint ACM/DPMA/AIS undergraduate information systems degree curriculum model (abstract) (John Werth, John T. Gorgone, Gordon B. Davis, David L. Feinstein, Herbert E. Longenecker Jr., George M. Kasper) (1995)
- Using expert systems to understand object-oriented behavior (Yonglei Tao) (1995)
- Requirements for a first year object-oriented teaching language (Michael Kölling, Bett Koch, John Rosenberg) (1995)
- The effective integration of software engineering principles throughout the undergraduate computer science curriculum (abstract) (Renée McCauley, Clark B. Archer, Nell B. Dale, Rym Mili, James Robergé, Harriet G. Taylor) (1995)
- Computational science, parallel and high performance computing in undergraduate education (abstract) (Thomas L. Marchioro, Joseph L. Zachary, D. E. Stevenson, Ignatios Vakalis, Leon Tabak) (1995)
- O.S. bridge between academia and reality (Alfredo de J. Perez-Davila) (1995)
- Inexpensive advanced graphics applications for the C.S. majors graphics class (Lee H. Tichenor) (1995)
- Active use of hypertext to aid learning and classroom instruction (Thomas Moore) (1995)
- A new scheme for reinforcing concepts in CS2 (Dave A. Berque, Gloria Childress Townsend) (1995)
- Old dogs, new tricks (Mary Jane Willshire) (1995)
- Revitalizing the computer science course for non-majors (abstract) (Barry Burd, J. Glenn Brookshear, Rick Decker, Frances G. Gustavson, Mildred D. Lintner, Greg W. Scragg) (1995)
- Solving a problem using cooperating data structures (Ali A. Kooshesh) (1995)
- A three paradigm first course for CS majors (Juris Reinfelds) (1995)
- A visual simulator for a simple machine and assembly language (B. Lewis Barnett III) (1995)
- Computer-related judgements of computer professionals and students (Margaret Anne Pierce, John W. Henry) (1995)
- Teaching elementary queueing theory with a computer algebra system (Sue Fitzgerald, Jerry Place) (1995)
- Loop exits and structured programming - reopening the debate (Eric S. Roberts) (1995)
- Integrating parallel algorithm design with parallel machine models (Lan Yang, Lan Jin) (1995)
- Youngster - a simplified introduction to computing: removing the details so that a child may program (Scott D. Studer, James Taylor, Ken Macie) (1995)
- XDP - a simple library for teaching a distributed programming module (David M. Arnow) (1995)
- A joint first year program for computer science and information systems (Jan L. Harrington, Helen M. Hayes) (1995)
- A data-parallel programming library for education (DAPPLE) (David Kotz) (1995)
- The non-traditional student in computing - characteristics, needs and experiences (abstract) (Barbara Boucher Owens, Gene Bailey, Shelly Heller, Ted Mims, Laurie White) (1995)
- An interactive lecture approach to teaching computer science (Susan H. Rodger) (1995)
- DYNALAB - a dynamic computer science laboratory infrastructure featuring program animation (abstract) (Michael R. Birch, Christopher M. Boroni, Frances W. Goosey, Samuel D. Patton, David K. Poole, Craig M. Pratt, Rockford J. Ross) (1995)
- Latest developments in the «killer robot» computer ethics scenario (Richard Gary Epstein) (1995)
- An entry-level course in computational engineering and science (Joseph L. Zachary, Christopher R. Johnson 0001, Eric Eide, Kenneth W. Parker) (1995)
- A domain centered curriculum - an alternative approach to computing education (Iraj Hirmanpour, Thomas B. Hilburn, Andrew J. Kornecki) (1995)
- Teaching as a logic tool (abstract) (David Gries, Fred B. Schneider, Joan Krone, J. Stanley Warford, J. Peter Weston) (1995)
- A microprogram simulator and compiler for an enhanced version of Tanenbaum's MIC-1 machine (John L. Donaldson) (1995)
- Software engineering, C++, and Windows (Martin Osborne) (1995)
- Using an internal internship to enhance computer science education in a two-year college (Norman Cohen, Wanda Dann) (1995)
- A successful five-year experiment with a breadth-first introductory course (Donald J. Bagert, William M. Marcy, Ben A. Calloni) (1995)
- Using undergraduates as teaching assistants in introductory programming courses - an update on the Stanford experience (Eric Roberts, John Lilly, Bryan Rollins) (1995)
- Loop invariants and mathematical games (David Ginat) (1995)
- Experiencing the codesign process - Microcomputer Systems II laboratory (John K. Estell, Thomas A. Owen) (1995)
- TIC-TAC-TOE - introducing expert systems to middle school students (Robert A. Pilgrim) (1995)
- Alternative teaching strategies in CS I - supporting diversity (abstract) (Dorothy Deremer, Gail T. Finley, Lynn Ziegler, Doug Baldwin, Gordon Stegink) (1995)
- A cognitive-based approach to introductory computer science courses - lesson learned (Michael V. Doran, David D. Langan) (1995)
- A low-tech introduction to operating systems (Selmer Moen) (1995)
- Parallel threads - parallel computation labs for CS 3 and CS 4 (Robert M. Harlan, Joseph G. Akulis) (1995)
- Welchen Wert haben theoretische Grundlagen für die Berufspraxis? - Gedanken zum Fundament des Informatik-Turms (Jürg Nievergelt) (1995)
- LOG IN 5/6 1995 (1995)
- Computer Science Education Based on Fundamental Ideas (Andreas Schwill) (1996)
- Didaktik der Informatik - bzw. einer informations- und kommunikationstechnologischen Bildung auf der Sekundarstufe II (Franz Eberle) (1996)
- 1. Einleitung
- 3. Entwicklung, Auswirkungen und Bedeutung der Fachinformatik sowie Trends
- 4. Entwicklung der Informatik und der informationstechnologischen Bildung als Schulfach
- Praxis der EDV/Informatik - Ein Handbuch fuer Lehrerinnen und Lehrer (Clemens Hueffel, Anton Reiter) (1996)
- Informatik im Wandel - Hypermedia und Online-Kommunikation erobern die Klassenzimmer (Anton Reiter)
- Was lernen und wissen Schüler über Computer? (Günter Haider)
- Systems Research, Volume 13, Issue 3 (1996)
- Choices about Choices (Christiane Floyd) (1996)
- Choices about Choices (Christiane Floyd) (1996)
- Grundlagen und Techniken des Compilerbaus (Niklaus Wirth) (1996)
- LOG IN 1/1996 (1996)
- Felix Krull, ein Simulant ohne Computer - Vorschläge für begründete Simulationen mit dem Computer (Hannes Gutzer) (1996)
- Informatik und Schule - Ein Fach im Spiegel neuer Entwicklungen der Fachdidaktik (Heinz Ulrich Hoppe, Wolfram Luther) (1996)
- Neue Lernkultur in der Informatik (Andreas Huber) (1996)
- Fachseminar Informatik - Inhalte, Ziele, Beispiele (Karin Klein) (1996)
- Neuronale Konzepte der Künstlichen Intelligenz - Teil 2: Laterale Inhibition und Hopfield-Netz (Wilmar Steup) (1996)
- Felix Krull, ein Simulant ohne Computer - Vorschläge für begründete Simulationen mit dem Computer (Hannes Gutzer) (1996)
- LOG IN 4/1996 - PCs und weltweite Netze als Arbeitshilfe für Lehrkräfte (1996)
- Die Verantwortbarkeit des Computereinsatzes in der Schule (Hans-Jürgen Garstka) (1996)
- Die Verantwortbarkeit des Computereinsatzes in der Schule (Hans-Jürgen Garstka) (1996)
- LOG IN 2/1996 (1996)
- Informatik in der Schule - ein Fach im Wandel (Steffen Friedrich, Sigrid E. Schubert, Andreas Schwill) (1996)
- LOG IN 3/1996 (1996)
- Ethische Orientierung im Informatikunterricht (Bardo Herzig) (1996)
- Computer Science Education 1/1996 (1996)
- Obstacles to Learning a Second Programming Language - An Empirical Study (Karen P. Walker, Stephen R. Schach) (1996)
- Home Study Software - Complementary Systems for Computer Science Courses (Christopher Connelly, Alan W. Biermann, David Pennock, Peter Wu) (1996)
- Language Choice for CS1 and CS2 - Experiences from Two Universities (James D. Kiper, Ken Abernethy) (1996)
- Logical Reasoning with Diagrams (Gerard Allwein, Jon Barwise) (1996)
- Virtueller Campus - Forschung und Entwicklung für neues Lehren und Lernen (Hartmut Simon) (1996)
- Neue Formen der Internet-basierten Lehre in der Bioinformatik (Robert Giegerich, Georg Füllen)
- SIGCSE 1996 - Proceedings of the 27th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 1996, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA, February 15-17, 1996 (John Impagliazzo, Elizabeth S. Adams, Karl J. Klee) (1996)
- Teaching computer science - experience from four continents (Mats Daniels, Judith Gal-Ezer, Ian D. Sanders, G. Joy Teague) (1996)
- A supplementary package for distance education students studying introductory programming (Tanya J. McGill, Valerie Hobbs) (1996)
- Three-dimensional computation visualization for computer graphics rendering algorithms (David A. Goldman, Richard R. Eckert, Maxine S. Cohen) (1996)
- Software engineering emphasis in advanced courses (Massood Towhidnejad, James R. Aman) (1996)
- Documentation standards in the undergraduate computer science curriculum (Renée McCauley, Ursula Jackson, Bill Z. Manaris) (1996)
- Applying TQM in the computer science classroom (Linda M. Null) (1996)
- Object-orientation and the principles of learning theory - a new look at problems and benefits (Tim DeClue) (1996)
- Database theory in practice - learning from cooperative group projects (Suzanne W. Dietrich, Susan Darling Urban) (1996)
- Comparison of student success in Pascal and C-language curriculums (Richard F. Gilberg, Behrouz A. Forouzan) (1996)
- Successfully integrating traditional and object-oriented approaches with Ada 95 (James H. Cross II, Thomas M. Phillips) (1996)
- Songs and the analysis of algorithms (Darrah Chavey) (1996)
- Discovery learning in computer science (Doug Baldwin) (1996)
- A simple student environment for lightweight process concurrent programming under SunOs (Toby Berk) (1996)
- Viewing video-taped role models improves female attitudes toward computer science (Gloria Childress Townsend) (1996)
- The first programming paradigm and language dilemma (Susan S. Brilliant, Timothy R. Wiseman) (1996)
- Using inheritance to implement concurrency (Mordechai Ben-Ari) (1996)
- Derivation of recursive algorithms for CS2 (Richard T. Denman) (1996)
- A semester project for CS1 (Catherine C. Bareiss) (1996)
- Designing closed laboratories for a computer science course (Alan David Fekete, Tony Greening) (1996)
- A methodology for active, student-controlled learning - motivating our weakest students (Curtis A. Carver, Richard A. Howard, William D. Lane) (1996)
- Internet-accessible information retrieval tools for advanced DB/IR courses (Sally Jo Cunningham) (1996)
- Writing across the computer science curriculum (Harriet J. Fell, Viera K. Proulx, John Casey) (1996)
- Teaching OLE automation - a problem-based learning approach (Raymond P. Kirsch) (1996)
- Creating Windows applications using Borland's OWL classes (Laszlo Szuecs) (1996)
- Computer programming in high school vs. college (Martina Schollmeyer) (1996)
- The Pascal Trainer (Adam Brooks Webber) (1996)
- The joy of software - starting with objects (Mark Woodman, Gordon Davies, Simon Holland) (1996)
- Activities to attract high school girls to computer science (Susan H. Rodger, Ellen Lowenfeld Walker) (1996)
- CALOS - an experiment with computer-aided learning for operating systems (Murray W. Goldberg) (1996)
- Image processing as an exemplar of parallelism applied to graphics (Harry F. Smith, Patrick Plusnick, Mark E. Sarojak, William Seitz) (1996)
- Integrating collaborative problem solving throughout the curriculum (Roy J. Daigle, Michael V. Doran, J. Harold Pardue) (1996)
- Parallel and distributed algorithms - laboratory assignments in Joyce/Linda (Bruce S. Elenborgen) (1996)
- The INGRES Tutorial as a tool in teaching database theory (or, I can't believe it's not training) (Don Goelman) (1996)
- Multiple paradigms in CS I (Chuck Leska, John Barr, Laurie A. Smith King) (1996)
- Felder's learning styles, Bloom's taxonomy, and the Kolb learning cycle - tying it all together in the CS2 course (Richard A. Howard, Curtis A. Carver, William D. Lane) (1996)
- A system-based sequence of closed labs for computer systems organization (Brenda C. Parker, Peter G. Drexel) (1996)
- Explaining inheritance - a code reusability perspective (Robert Biddle, Ewan D. Tempero) (1996)
- On the retention of female computer science students (Mei-Ling L. Liu, Lori Blanc) (1996)
- Teaching ethical issues in computer science - what worked and what didn't (Kay G. Schulze, Frances S. Grodzinsky) (1996)
- Perspectives on assessment through teaching portfolios in computer science (James D. Kiper, Valerie V. Cross, Diane Delisio, Ann E. Kelley Sobel, Douglas Troy) (1996)
- Object-centered design - a five-phase introduction to object-oriented programming in CS1-2 (Joel C. Adams) (1996)
- Teaching inheritance versus inclusion to first year computer science students (Kenneth A. Reek) (1996)
- Efficiency of algorithms for programming beginners (David Ginat) (1996)
- Webucation - using the Web as a classroom tool (John T. Paxton) (1996)
- Teaching computer science - experience from four continents (Mats Daniels, Judith Gal-Ezer, Ian D. Sanders, G. Joy Teague) (1996)
- ITiCSE 1996 - Proceedings of the 1st Annual Conference on Integrating Technology into Computer Science Education, ITiCSE 1996, Barcelona, Spain, 2-6 June, 1996 (Lillian (Boots) Cassel) (1996)
- Computer supported peer learning in an introductory computer science course (David Finkel, Craig E. Wills) (1996)
- Foundations of computer science - what are they and how do we teach them? (Viera K. Proulx, Richard Rasala, Harriet J. Fell) (1996)
- Use of laboratories in computer science education - guidelines for good practice: report of the working group on computing laboratories (Deborah Knox, Ursula Wolz, Daniel T. Joyce, Elliot B. Koffman, Joan Krone, Atika Laribi, J. Paul Myers, Viera K. Proulx, Kenneth A. Reek) (1996)
- Computer supported peer learning in an introductory computer science course (David Finkel, Craig E. Wills) (1996)
- Mini-languages - A Way to Learn Programming Principles (Peter Brusilovsky, Eduardo Calabrese, Jozef Hvorecky, Anatoly Kouchnirenko, Philip Miller) (1997)
- Technik und Subjektivität - Das Wechselverhältnis zwischen Mensch und Computer aus interdisziplinärer Sicht (Christina Schachtner) (1997)
- Per Maus in die Erwachsenenwelt - Sozialisation am Computer
- Das Medium aus der Maschine - Zur Metamorphose des Computers (Heidi Schelhowe) (1997)
- Informatik und Lernen in der Informationsgesellschaft - 7. GI-Fachtagung Informatik und Schule, INFOS'97, Duisburg, 15.-18. September 1997 (Heinz Ulrich Hoppe, Wolfram Luther) (1997)
- Neue Objekttechnologien (Joachim Baumann) (1997)
- Workshop Informatikcurriculum und Technologieentwicklung (Michael Fothe, Sigrid E. Schubert) (1997)
- Schulen auf dem Weg in die Informationsgesellschaft - Duisburger Thesen (Gabriele Behler) (1997)
- Workshop Schulen im Internet - Projekte und neue Lernkultur (Hiltrud Westram, Heinz Ulrich Hoppe, Reinhard G. Bienert) (1997)
- ENLACES - The Chilean Educational Network. (Pedro Hepp) (1997)
- Entwicklung, Stand und Perspektive eines Landesschulnetzes in Sachsen-Anhalt (Ralf Feuerstein) (1997)
- Das 'Computer-Weltbild' von Lehrern (Peter Berger) (1997)
- Werkzeug-Denkzeug-Spielzeug - Zehn Thesen über unseren Umgang mit Computern (Sybille Krämer) (1997)
- MUSICO - Gestaltung einer Musik-Lernumgebung für den Informatikunterricht der Sekundarstufe I (Sanna Nuttelmann, Günter Minor, Heinz Ulrich Hoppe) (1997)
- ViACoBi - Ein Lehr-/Lernsystem zur Computergraphik und Bildverarbeitung mit unterschiedlichen Aufgabentypen. (Achim W. Janser) (1997)
- Diskrete Modellierung und Simulation - Methoden und Werkzeuge für den Informatikunterricht (Henry Herper, Ingolf Ståhl) (1997)
- Verstehen, um zu gestalten - Informatikunterricht und Medienerziehung. (Heidi Schelhowe) (1997)
- Workshop - Lehrerausbildung-Lehrerfortbildung (Karin Klein) (1997)
- Einsatz von multimedialen Lernsystemen im Informatikunterricht (Jens Lüssen, Stephan Sünderkamp) (1997)
- Authoring on the Fly (Christian Bacher, Rainer Müller, Thomas Ottmann, M. Will) (1997)
- Ein Computer ist ein Computer ist ein Computer (Dieter Engbring) (1997)
- Modellbildung im Informatikunterricht der Klasse 11 (Hermann Stimm) (1997)
- POINTRA - ein intelligentes Lehrsystem für die Programmierung dynamischer Verweisstrukturen (Christian Herzog) (1997)
- Unterrichtlicher Einsatz der Telekommunikation - Erfahrungen und Perspektiven aus der Sicht des Informatikunterrichts (Helmut Witten, Johann Penon) (1997)
- Grundlegende Konzepte von Informations- und Kommunikationssystemen für den Informatikunterricht (Peter Hubwieser, Manfred Broy) (1997)
- Informatik - Anwendungen, Internet, Algorithmen, Computer, Gesellschaft (René Hugelshofer, Michael Anderes, Henk Goorhuis, Ruedi Niederer) (1997)
- LOG IN 3/4/1997 - Programmiersysteme (1997)
- Ein neuer Ansatz für den Informatikunterricht am Gymnasium (Peter Hubwieser, Manfred Broy) (1997)
- LOG IN 6/1997 - Informatische Bildung und Internet (1997)
- JAVA jetzt - adieu PASCAL - Zur Evolution des Informatikunterrichts (Klaus Boettche) (1997)
- Internet und Informatik - "Runderneuerung" für den Unterricht? (Helmut Witten, Johann Penon) (1997)
- Eine neue Konzeption informationstechnischer Allgemeinbildung (Hermann Forneck)
- JAVA jetzt - adieu PASCAL - Zur Evolution des Informatikunterrichts (Klaus Boettche) (1997)
- LOG IN 1/1997 - Multimedia in der Schule (1997)
- Quo vadis Informatik? (Peter Rechenberg) (1997)
- Multimedia im Informationszeitalter - Pädagogische Überlegungen (Heinz Moser) (1997)
- Quo vadis Informatik? (Peter Rechenberg) (1997)
- LOG IN 2/1997 - Lokale Netze in Schulen (1997)
- Zukunftsorientierte Rechnerkonfigurationen - Möglichkeiten und Notwendigkeiten für den Informatikunterricht (Bernd Kokavecz) (1997)
- Werkstatt: Eine Klausur zum Projektunterricht im Fach Informatik (Eberhard Lehmann) (1997)
- Zukunftsorientierte Rechnerkonfigurationen - Möglichkeiten und Notwendigkeiten für den Informatikunterricht (Bernd Kokavecz) (1997)
- LOG IN 5/1997 - Programmieren weltweit (1997)
- JAVA - Stimulans für den Informatikunterricht (Rüdeger Baumann) (1997)
- Erste Schritte in JAVA - eine Online-Werkstatt (Christoph Denzler, Niklaus Mannhart) (1997)
- JAVA-Script und CGI-Script in der Schule - Schüler programmieren für das World Wide Web (Reinhold Ley) (1997)
- Auf dem Weg zu einer Theorie der Interaktion - Eine Entgegnung zu Peter Rechenbergs „Quo vadis Informatik?" (LOG IN, 1 997, Heft 1) (Heidi Schelhowe)
- JAVA - Stimulans für den Informatikunterricht (Rüdeger Baumann) (1997)
- Why Interaction is More Powerful Than Algorithms (Peter Wegner) (1997)
- Angst vor - Schule und Internet: Die fürviele unaufhaltsame Revolution im Klassenzimmer ist erst in Ansätzen erkennbar (Antonio Cortesi) (1997)
- SIGCSE 1997 - Proceedings of the 28th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 1997, San Jose, California, USA, February 27 - March 1, 1997 (Curt M. White, Carl Erickson, Bruce J. Klein, James E. Miller) (1997)
- Getting started with computer ethics (Laurie Honour Werth) (1997)
- Function objects, function templates, and passage by behavior in C++ (Richard Rasala) (1997)
- Application-based modules using apprentice learning for CS 2 (Owen L. Astrachan, Robert F. Smith, James T. Wilkes) (1997)
- Pattern-based programming in initial instruction (seminar) (J. Philip East, Eugene Wallingford) (1997)
- Collaborative learning - a case study for CS1 at Grinnell College and Austin (Henry MacKay Walker) (1997)
- Strategic directions in computer science education (panel) (Peter Wegner, Eric Roberts, Roy Rada, Allen B. Tucker) (1997)
- The road less traveled - a baccalaureate degree in software engineering (Michael J. Lutz, J. Fernando Naveda) (1997)
- The object-ownership model - a case study for inheritance and operator overloading (Adair Dingle) (1997)
- Computer access for students with disabilities - an adaptive technology laboratory (Frances S. Grodzinsky) (1997)
- Context + experiences = curriculum (Judith L. Gersting, Frank H. Young) (1997)
- CS0 - computer science orientation course (Curtis R. Cook) (1997)
- Grading student programs using ASSYST (David Jackson, Michelle M. Usher) (1997)
- Computing, diversity and community - fostering the computing culture (Danielle R. Bernstein) (1997)
- Educating the next generation of information specialists - industry and university collaborative learning pilot project (Kathleen A. Williams) (1997)
- Iterative development and commercial tools in an undergraduate software engineering course (Mark J. Sebern) (1997)
- Avoiding object misconceptions (Simon Holland, Robert Griffiths, Mark Woodman) (1997)
- The locker metaphor to teach dynamic memory (Ricardo Jiménez-Peris, Cristóbal Pareja-Flores, Marta Patiño-Martínez, J. Ángel Velázquez-Iturbide) (1997)
- Binary trees á laSTL (John S. Mallozzi) (1997)
- A Web based configuration control system for team projects (Ronald Curtis) (1997)
- Compiling - a high-level introduction using Scheme (Christopher T. Haynes) (1997)
- Defining multimedia courses within a computer science education (panel) (William Joseph Adams, Edward A. Fox, Gloria Melara Vides, Rachelle S. Heller) (1997)
- Experiences teaching data structures with Java (Mark Allen Weiss) (1997)
- An accelerated introductory computer science course sequence for non-traditional Master's students (J. Denbigh Starkey, Ray S. Babcock, Anne S. DeFrance) (1997)
- Teaching an engineering approach for network computing (Eric Dillon, Carlos Gamboa Dos Santos, Jacques Guyard) (1997)
- Integrating the practical use of a database product into a theoretical curriculum (Susan Darling Urban, Suzanne W. Dietrich) (1997)
- Distance education (panel) - promise and reality (Keith Barker, Judith Gal-Ezer, Pamela B. Lawhead, Kurt Maly, James E. Miller, Pete Thomas, Elizabeth S. Adams) (1997)
- Testing object-oriented programs - making it simple (John Rosenberg, Michael Kölling) (1997)
- A collection of tools for making automata theory and formal languages come alive (Susan H. Rodger, Anna O. Bilska, Kenneth H. Leider, Cecilia Magdalena Procopiuc, Octavian Procopiuc, Jason R. Salemme, Edwin Tsang) (1997)
- Teaching with object oriented libraries (Nick Parlante) (1997)
- Object-oriented design and programming - an Eiffel, C++, and Java course for C programmers (Dale A. Schoenefeld) (1997)
- A course on multimedia technology for computer science and computer engineering students (Douglas S. Reeves) (1997)
- Teaching OOP in C++ using an artificial life framework (Richard E. Pattis) (1997)
- I.S. '97 (panel) - a report and panel discussion of the joint ACM/AIS/DPMA information systems curriculum for four year undergraduate programs (J. Daniel Couger, Gordon B. Davis, David L. Feinstein, John T. Gorgone, Herbert E. Longenecker Jr.) (1997)
- A prototype for a data communications laboratory (Martin H. Levin) (1997)
- AnLex and AnSin - a compiler generator system for beginners (Marta Patiño-Martínez, J. Ignacio Castelló-Gómez, Ricardo Jiménez-Peris) (1997)
- Undergraduate women in computer science - experience, motivation and culture (Allan Fisher, Jane Margolis, Faye Miller) (1997)
- A comprehensive approach to teaching programming to science and engineering majors (seminar) (Joseph L. Zachary) (1997)
- WebLab! A universal and interactive teaching, learning, and laboratory environment for the World Wide Web (Rockford J. Ross, Christopher M. Boroni, Frances W. Goosey, Michael T. Grinder, Paul Wissenbach) (1997)
- On-line publication of CS laboratories (Deborah Knox) (1997)
- Teaching social and ethical issues in the literacy course (Jane Turk, Samuel J. Wiley) (1997)
- CALOS - first results from an experiment in computer-aided learning for operating systems (Murray W. Goldberg) (1997)
- Tournament play in CS1 (Roy P. Pargas, Joe C. Lundy, John N. Underwood) (1997)
- Java in the C.S. curriculum (seminar) (Fintan Culwin) (1997)
- Strategies for effective integration of software engineering concepts and techniques into the undergraduate computer science curriculum (Ursula Jackson, Bill Z. Manaris, Renée McCauley) (1997)
- Undergraduate research - welcome to the 21st century (Robert D. Cupper, Rhonda Eller-Meshreki, Gerald Pitts) (1997)
- Machines, statues, and people - strategies for promoting RSI awareness in computing curricula (Phil Pfeiffer, Matt Heintzelman) (1997)
- Using student-built algorithm animations as learning aids (John T. Stasko) (1997)
- The evolution of standards for accrediting computer science teacher preparation programs (Harriet G. Taylor) (1997)
- The use of animation to explain genetic algorithms (David Jackson, Andrew Fovargue) (1997)
- Computer networks and data communications (panel) - a laboratory focus (Kamyar Dezhgosha, Ted Mims, Richard Wasniowski, Frances S. Grodzinsky, Lawrence J. Osborne, Dean Sanders, Herbert L. Dershem) (1997)
- Examining student learning of computer science (Tony Greening) (1997)
- Getting started with computer ethics (Laurie Honour Werth) (1997)
- Constructivism in Computer Science Education (Mordechai Ben-Ari) (1998)
- Wenn die Dinge denken lernen (Neil Gershenfeld) (1998)
- Information and Education
- Medien, Computer, Realität - Wirklichkeitsvorstellungen und Neue Medien (Sybille Krämer) (1998)
- Der Kopf und die Denkmaschinen (Eberhard Lämmert)
- Input - Informatik und Gesellschaft (Peter Bucher, Walter Scheuble) (1998)
- Informatische Bildung in Deutschland - Perspektiven für das nächste Jahrhundert (Bernhard Koerber, Ingo-Ruediger Peters) (1998)
- Noten fürs Notebook - Von der technischen Ausstattung zur pädagogischen Integration (Peter A. Bruck, Guntram Geser, Andreas Pointner, Günther Stocker) (1998)
- Informatics in Higher Education - Views on informatics and non-informatics curricula (Fred Mulder, Tom J. van Weert) (1998)
- 20. Informaticians and informatical professionals - a conceptual framework
- 23. Towards a taxonomy for computer science (Hans Meijer, Hanno Wupper)
- Der Mensch in der Perspektive der Kognitionswissenschaften (Andreas Engel, Peter Gold) (1998)
- Philosophische Aspekte künstlicher Intelligenz (Peter Gold)
- Informatik und Ausbildung - GI-Fachtagung 98, Informatik und Ausbildung, Stuttgart, 30. März - 1. April 1998 (Volker Claus) (1998)
- Neue IT-Berufe (Bernhard Borg) (1998)
- Praktikum Elektronisches Publizieren für Informatiker (Uwe Quasthoff, Christian Wolff) (1998)
- Interaktive Visualisierungen in der Lehre der Theoretischen Informatik (Christian Pape, Peter Schmitt) (1998)
- Erfahrungen aus den TeleTeaching-Projekten der Universität Mannheim (Wolfgang Effelsberg) (1998)
- Integration von Internet und Workflowmanagement in universitätsübergreifenden Lehrveranstaltungen. (Michael Rosemann, David Schüppler) (1998)
- mechANIma - ganzheitliche Sicht auf neue Medien in der Mechaniklehre (Ferdinand Ferber, Thorsten Hampel) (1998)
- Informatica Feminale - das Informatikstudium anders gestalten (Veronica Oechtering, Ingrid Rügge, Karin Vosseberg) (1998)
- Informatikausbildung und ihre Bedeutung für Entwicklungsländer (Nazir Peroz) (1998)
- Internetbasiertes Lernen - Interaktive Animation von Kommunikationsprotokollen auf generischem Wege (Cora Burger, Rolf Mecklenburg, Kurt Rothermel) (1998)
- Das Viskosy-Projekt - Ein Erfahrungsbericht. (Michael Danner, Roland Weber) (1998)
- Was heißt und zu welchem Ende studiert man Informatik? - Ein akademischer Diskursbeitrag nebst Anwendung (Frieder Nake) (1998)
- Evaluation der Lehre (Jens Nedon, M. Weber) (1998)
- Internationale Abschlüsse in der Informatik (W. Burhenne) (1998)
- Einsatz neuer Medien in der Rechnernetze-Ausbildung an der TU Dresden (D. Gütter, Olaf Neumann, Alexander Schill, G. Schreiter) (1998)
- Objektorientierung in der Ausbildung (Jürgen Freytag) (1998)
- Wissensvermittlung durch Studierende für Studierende - Stärken u. Schwächen einer spezifischen Lehrveranstaltungsform im Fachgebiet Informatik & Gesellschaft (Thomas Herrmann, Marcel Hoffmann, Andrea Misch) (1998)
- Web-basierter Unterricht in der Computergraphik - Konzepte und Realisierung von interaktiven Online-Kursen. (Reinhard Klein, Frank Hanisch) (1998)
- Überlegungen zur Einführung von Bachelor- und Master-Graden für die Informatik an deutschen Universitäten. (James Leslie Keedy) (1998)
- Informatik-Ausbildung wozu? (Jürgen Freytag) (1998)
- Informatik-Grundausbildung für Ingenieure - Hochschuldidaktische Betrachtung und Erfahrungsbericht (Helmut Ketz, Karlheinz Hug) (1998)
- Boote in der Sintflut - Heuristiken, dargestellt an einer Aufgabe des Bundeswettbewerbs Informatik (Gabriele Reich) (1998)
- Ein visuell-objektorientierter Ansatz zur Modellierung der Navigation in einer offenen Lehr-/Lernumgebung (W. Dilly) (1998)
- Kooperation für Software für Kooperation - Erfahrungen aus einem partizipativen Softwaretechnikprojekt (Ingrid Wetzel, Ralf Klischewski, Anita Krabbel, Carola Lilienthal) (1998)
- Qualitätsmanagement an einem Hochschulinstitut (Peter Göhner) (1998)
- Die Extraktion von Restriktionen aus Aufgabenbeschreibungen für die statische, konzeptbasierte Diagnose von Lösungs- bzw. Schaltungsentwürfen (aus der (Janine Willms, Claus Möbus) (1998)
- Lehr-Erfahrung vermittelt durch Lehr-Muster - Ein Beitrag zur Didaktik der Informatik (Klaus Quibeldey-Cirkel) (1998)
- Programmieren als Handwerkszeug im ersten Semester (Eva Hornecker) (1998)
- Informatik AG für Schülerinnen - Konzepte und Erfahrungen (Cora Burger, Kerstin Schneider) (1998)
- Informatische Bildung als Medienerziehung? (Annemarie Hauf-Tulodziecki, Heidi Schelhowe) (1998)
- Theoretische Informatik mit SCHEME - Ein Erfahrungsbericht (Christian Wagenknecht) (1998)
- Gegenständliche Modelle mit dem Datenhandschuh begreifen - Eine Lernumgebung für den Technikunterricht (Bernd Robben, Eva Hornecker) (1998)
- Das KBS Virtual Classroom Projekt - Informatik-Ausbildung über das Internet (Nicola Henze, Wolfgang Nejdl) (1998)
- Erfahrungsbericht zur Lehrevaluation der Informatik in Paderborn (Uwe Kastens) (1998)
- LOG IN 2/1998 - Informatik und Mathematik (1998)
- Projekte im Mathematikunterricht - geht denn das? - Was der Mathematik- vom Informatikunterricht lernen kann (Rüdeger Baumann) (1998)
- Mathematikunterricht und Informatik - Gedanken zur Veränderung eines Unterrichtsfachs (Horst Hischer, Hans-Georg Weigand) (1998)
- Werkstatt: Binnendifferenzierung im Informatikunterricht (Teil 2: Unterrichtsplanung) (Stefan Künzell) (1998)
- LOG IN 3/4/1998 - Suchen und Finden im Internet (1998)
- Informatische Weltbilder - Professionelle Konzeptionen von Mathematik-Informatik-Lehrern (Peter Berger) (1998)
- Objektorientierung im Informatikunterricht (Thomas Knapp, Helmar Fischer) (1998)
- Werkstatt: Binnendifferenzierung im Informatikunterricht (Teil 3: Unterrichtsverlauf) (Stefan Künzell) (1998)
- LOG IN 1/1998 (1998)
- Werkstatt: Binnendifferenzierung im Informatikunterricht - Teil 1: Voraussetzungen (Stefan Künzell) (1998)
- Computer Science Education 3/1998 (1998)
- Controlware for Learning Using Mobile Robots (Ilya Levin, E. Vadam Levit) (1998)
- Controlware for Learning Using Mobile Robots (Ilya Levin, E. Vadam Levit) (1998)
- Computer Science Education 2/1998 (1998)
- A Network-Centric Approach to Computer Science Education and Research Based on Robotics (Vic Callaghan, Paul Chernett) (1998)
- A Network-Centric Approach to Computer Science Education and Research Based on Robotics (Vic Callaghan, Paul Chernett) (1998)
- Internet in der Volksschule - Eine Orientierungshilfe für Lehrkräfte und Schulbehörden (Pädagogische Abteilung der Erziehungsdirektion des Kantons Zürich) (1998)
- Entwicklung hypermedialer Lernsysteme (Astrid Blumstengel) (1998)
- What (else) should CS educators know? (Judith Gal-Ezer, David Harel) (1998)
- SIGCSE 1998 - Proceedings of the 29th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 1998, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, February 26 - March 1, 1998 (John Lewis, Jane Prey, Daniel Joyce, John Impagliazzo) (1998)
- Design and implementation of an interactive tutorial framework (Lewis Barnett, Joseph F. Kent, Justin Casp, David Green) (1998)
- Conceptual models and cognitive learning styles in teaching recursion (Cheng-Chih Wu, Nell B. Dale, Lowell J. Bethel) (1998)
- Providing intellectual focus to CS1/CS2 (Timothy J. Long, Bruce W. Weide, Paolo Bucci, David S. Gibson, Joseph E. Hollingsworth, Murali Sitaraman, Stephen H. Edwards) (1998)
- A virtual learning environment for entity relationship modelling (Lynne E. Hall, Adrian Gordon) (1998)
- A paradigm shift! The Internet, the Web, browsers, Java and the future of computer science education (Christopher M. Boroni, Frances W. Goosey, Michael T. Grinder, Rockford J. Ross) (1998)
- Resources for teaching computer networks (Linda B. Lankewicz) (1998)
- Computer science degree programs - what do they look like? A report on the annual survey of accredited programs (Renée McCauley, Bill Z. Manaris) (1998)
- An undergraduate course in formal methods - "description is our business" (Guy Tremblay) (1998)
- Computer scientists can teach writing - an upper division course for computer science majors (David G. Kay) (1998)
- Advanced placement transition to C++ (panel) (Mark Stehlik, Sarah Fix, Susan H. Rodger, Chris Nevison, Mark Allen Weiss) (1998)
- Turning liabilities into assets in a general education course (Gloria Childress Townsend) (1998)
- Using inheritance for computing with physical quantities - an interdisciplinary project (Seth Bergmann) (1998)
- Teaching the empirical approach to designing human-computer interaction via an experiential group project (Matthew C. Clarke) (1998)
- The terminal Master's degree (panel) - does it need to be cured? (Don Goelman, Roberta Evans Sabin, Marty J. Wolf, Peter J. Knoke, Mike Murphy) (1998)
- Design patterns for data structures (Dung Nguyen) (1998)
- Traffic simulation - a case study for teaching object oriented design (Viera K. Proulx) (1998)
- The distributed course - a curriculum design paradigm (Bill Toll) (1998)
- Applying the personal software process in CS1 - an experiment (Lily Hou, James E. Tomayko) (1998)
- FCLUST - a visualization tool for fuzzy clustering (Mary Anne L. Egan, Mukkai S. Krishnamoorthy, K. Rajan) (1998)
- A system for program visualization in the classroom (Raghvinder S. Sangwan, James F. Korsh, Paul LaFollette) (1998)
- Parallel computing in the undergraduate curriculum (Barry L. Kurtz, Chinhyun Kim, Jamal R. Alsabbagh) (1998)
- LongNbrs and palindromes - an interesting application of a class (Christine Shannon) (1998)
- Using HTML and JavaScript in introductory programming courses (Rebecca T. Mercuri, Nira Herrmann, Jeffrey L. Popyack) (1998)
- The computer as a problem solving tool - a unifying view for a non-majors course (Daniel Joyce) (1998)
- Information centric curriculum (ISC'98) (panel) (Doris K. Lidtke, Michael C. Mulder) (1998)
- Funding opportunities at the National Science Foundation Division of Undergraduate Education (NSF DUE) (seminar) (Lillian N. Cassel) (1998)
- The Internet as a motivating theme in a math/computer core course for nonmajors (Chaya Gurwitz) (1998)
- Integrating technology into computer science examinations (David V. Mason, Denise M. Woit) (1998)
- Accommodating diversity of academic preparation in CS1 (panel) (Martin Dickey, Frank L. Friedman, Max Hailperin, Bill Z. Manaris, Ursula Wolz) (1998)
- An integrated course on parallel and distributed processing (José C. Cunha, João Lourenço) (1998)
- «Alfonse, your Java is ready!» (Stephen J. Hartley) (1998)
- Experience with an analytic approach to teaching programming languages (Christopher T. Haynes) (1998)
- Developing integrated Web and database applications using JAVA applets and JDBC drivers (Andrew Yang, James Linn, David Quadrato) (1998)
- Large introductory courses in research computer science departments (panel) (David G. Kay, Jacobo Carrasquel, Michael J. Clancy, Eric Roberts, Joseph L. Zachary) (1998)
- Computer science - a proposed alternative track - applied computing (Robert D. Cupper) (1998)
- Integration of mathematical topics in CS1 and CS2 (panel) (D. S. Tomer, Doug Baldwin, Christopher J. Fox) (1998)
- Retaining women in CS with accessible role models (Susan M. Haller, Timothy V. Fossum) (1998)
- Animation, visualization, and interaction in CS 1 assignments (Owen L. Astrachan, Susan H. Rodger) (1998)
- Scaling - a design pattern in introductory computer science courses (Harriet J. Fell, Viera K. Proulx, Richard Rasala) (1998)
- Associate-level programs for preparation of computer support personnel (panel) (Karl J. Klee, Joyce Currie Little, John Lawlor, Pamela Matthiesen, T. S. Pennington, Josephine Freedman, Karen Richards) (1998)
- Computer science accreditation (panel) - current status and future directions (Lawrence G. Jones, Keith Barker, Susan E. Conry, Doris K. Lidtke) (1998)
- A study of barriers to women in undergraduate computer science (Greg W. Scragg, Jesse Smith) (1998)
- Gender differences in personality components of computer science students - a test of Holland's congruence hypothesis (William Haliburton, Mack Thweatt, Nancy J. Wahl) (1998)
- Refereed papers, the digital library, and the future of the SIGCSE bulletin (panel) (John Impagliazzo, Mark Mandelbaum, Robert M. Aiken, James E. Miller) (1998)
- Large introductory computer science classes - strategies for effective course management (David G. Kay) (1998)
- Designing and building course webs with site-level authoring tools (seminar) (Samuel A. Rebelsky) (1998)
- Network monitoring system design (Bob Barr, Sung K. Yoo, Thomas J. Cheatham) (1998)
- Java class visualization for teaching object-oriented concepts (Herbert L. Dershem, James Vanderhyde) (1998)
- A tool for teaching curve design (Yuan Zhao, John L. Lowther, Ching-Kuang Shene) (1998)
- Design and implementation of an interactive tutorial framework (Lewis Barnett, Joseph F. Kent, Justin Casp, David Green) (1998)
- An open graph visualization system and its applications to software engineering (Emden R. Gansner, Stephen C. North) (1999)
- Pioniere der Informatik - Ihre Lebensgeschichte im Interview (Dirk Siefkes, Anette Braun, Peter Eulenhöfer, Heike Stach, Klaus Städtler) (1999)
- Niklaus Wirth (Niklaus Wirth)
- Christiane Floyd (Christiane Floyd)
- Niklaus Wirth (Niklaus Wirth)
- Die Informationsgesellschaft (Vilém Flusser) (1999)
- LogOut - Warum Computer nichts im Klassenzimmer zu suchen haben und andere High-Tech-Ketzereien (Clifford Stoll) (1999)
- Bausteine zur Informatik - Materialien für den integrierten Informatikunterricht (Peter Bucher, Urs Ingold) (1999)
- Collaborative Learning - Cognitive and Computational Approaches (Pierre Dillenbourg) (1999)
- Informatik als Praxis und Wissenschaft (Christiane Floyd, H. Klaeren) (1999)
- LOG IN 3/4 1999 - Telearbeit und Telekooperation (1999)
- Kollaboratives Lernen - Gruppenarbeit im Informatikunterricht (Ludger Humbert) (1999)
- LOG IN 2/1999 (1999)
- Können Computer denken? - Oder: Wonach genau fragt man eigentlich, wenn man fragt, ob Computer denken können? (Reinhard Golecki) (1999)
- Informatik als Strukturwissenschaft (Hans Belde) (1999)
- Informatik und Philosophie (Jürgen Pfitzenmaier) (1999)
- Können Computer denken? - Oder: Wonach genau fragt man eigentlich, wenn man fragt, ob Computer denken können? (Reinhard Golecki) (1999)
- LOG IN 1/1999 - Intranet - Aufbau und Nutzung in der Schule (1999)
- Modellierung in der Schulinformatik (Peter Hubwieser) (1999)
- Werkstatt: Hausaufgaben im Informatikunterricht (Eberhard Lehmann, Philipp Kraetzer, Frank Maibauer, Karsten Vandamme) (1999)
- Modellierung in der Schulinformatik (Peter Hubwieser) (1999)
- Information and Self-Organization - A Macroscopic Approach to Complex Systems (Hermann Haken) (1999)
- Computer Science Education 2/1999 (1999)
- Studying the Use of Peer Learning in the Introductory Computer Science Curriculum (Craig E. Wills, Dorothy Deremer, Renée McCauley, Linda M. Null) (1999)
- Status of Computer Science Education in Secondary Schools - One State's Perspective (Fadi P. Deek, Howard Kimmel) (1999)
- Studying the Use of Peer Learning in the Introductory Computer Science Curriculum (Craig E. Wills, Dorothy Deremer, Renée McCauley, Linda M. Null) (1999)
- Computer Science Education 1/1999 (1999)
- Enrollments and Staffing in College Computer Science Programs - A Growth Perspective for 1996-2000 (Allen B. Tucker) (1999)
- Enrollments and Staffing in College Computer Science Programs - A Growth Perspective for 1996-2000 (Allen B. Tucker) (1999)
- Interface 3/99 (1999)
- Informatik an Berufsschulen (Jürg Krämer)
- Informatik an Berufsschulen (Jürg Krämer)
- Zusammenarbeit von Wirtschaft und Schule im Informatikbereich - Semesterarbeit in der Vertiefung Informationssysteme (Stefan Nemanja Rados) (1999)
- Informatik und Schule - Fachspezifische und fachübergreifende didaktische Konzepte (Andreas Schwill) (1999)
- Effiziente und effektive Informationsbeschaffung im Internet - wie soll man das unterrichten? (Werner Hartmann, Michael Näf, Peter Schäuble)
- Grundkonzepte der Informatik und ihre Umsetzung im Informatikunterricht (Ludger Humbert)
- Umgebungen für computerunterstütztes kooperatives Lernen in der Schule (Martin Wessner, Hans-Rüdiger Pfister, Yongwu Miao)
- Informatik als Pflichtfach an bayerischen Gymnasien (Peter Hubwieser)
- Informatische Bildung und Medienerziehung (Annemarie Hauf-Tulodziecki)
- Dekonstruktion von Informatiksystemen als Unterrichtsmethode - Zugang zu objektorientierten Sichtweisen im Informatikunterricht (Thorsten Hampel, Johannes Magenheim, Carsten Schulte)
- Programmieren und Beweisen - Experimente mit dem Programmverifizierer NPPV (H. Peter Gumm) (1999)
- Multimedia-gestützte Vorlesungen in einem interaktiven elektronischen Hörsaal - Ansätze und Erfahrungen (Heinz Ulrich Hoppe, Wolfram Luther, Werner Otten, Frank Tewissen) (1999)
- Landesschulversuch Einjährige Berufsfachschule - Informatik - für Realschulabsolventen/-innen - Aspekte einer beruflich-informatischen Bildung (Bernhard Borg, Franz-Otto Wiehenstroth) (1999)
- Animation der semantischen Analyse (Andreas Kerren) (1999)
- Ein Konzept zur Fortbildung von Fortbildner - Oder endet Fortbildung in der Leere? (Bernhard Koerber, Ingo-Rüdiger Peters) (1999)
- Ein (vorläufiges) Konzept für die informatische Grundbildung von Lehramtsstudierenden (René Marschall) (1999)
- Anforderungen an lehrunterstützende Kooperationssysteme aus kommunikationstheoretischer Sicht. (Thomas Herrmann, Andrea Misch) (1999)
- Objektorientiertes Programmieren in der Schulpraxis (Klaus Füller) (1999)
- Netztechnologien und Netzanwendungen - was bringt die Zukunft? (Uwe Hübner) (1999)
- Visualisierung, virtuelle Umgebungen und erweiterte Realität (Heinrich Müller, André Hinkenjann) (1999)
- Geheime Mitteilungen? - Ein Unterrichtsbeispiel zum Thema Kryptologie in einem Leistungskurs Informatik (Sanna Nuttelmann) (1999)
- Effiziente und effektive Informationsbeschaffung im Internet - wie soll man das unterrichten? (Werner Hartmann, Michael Näf, Peter Schäuble)
- LOG IN 5/1999 - Recht und Informatik (1999)
- Juristische Aspekte der Computerkriminalität (Martina Etling-Ernst) (1999)
- Beispiele zu projektbezogener Teamarbeit - Projektarbeit mit Schülerinnen und Schülern in den Fächern Mathematik und Informatik (Michael Schmitz, Otto Thiele) (1999)
- Roboter programmieren - ein Kinderspiel - Bewegt sich auch etwas in der Allgemeinbildung? (Jürg Nievergelt) (1999)
- Weltwoche 42/99 (1999)
- Früh übt sich, wer ein Master werden will (Ernst Buschor)
- SIGCSE 1999 - Proceedings of the 30th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 1999, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, March 14-28, 1999 (Jane Prey, Robert E. Noonan) (1999)
- Curriculum 2001 - interim report from the ACM/IEEE-CS task force (Eric Roberts, Russell L. Shackelford, Richard J. LeBlanc, Peter Denning) (1999)
- JDuck - building a software engineering tool in Java as a CS2 project (Michael W. Godfrey, Dan Grossman) (1999)
- Patterns for decoupling data structures and algorithms (Dung Zung Nguyen, Stephen B. Wong) (1999)
- Visualizing the CPU scheduler and page replacement algorithms (Sami Khuri, Hsiu-Chin Hsu) (1999)
- Using software development teams in a classroom environment (Sallie M. Henry, Nancy Miller, Wei Li 0014, Joseph Chase, K. Todd Stevens) (1999)
- Integrating console and event-driven models in CS1 (Pat Woodworth, Wanda Dann) (1999)
- Client view first - an exodus from implementation-biased teaching (Timothy J. Long, Bruce W. Weide, Paolo Bucci, Murali Sitaraman) (1999)
- Sim - a utility for detecting similarity in computer programs (David Gitchell, Nicholas Tran) (1999)
- OO design in compiling an OO language (Norman Neff) (1999)
- Nifty assignments panel (Nick Parlante, Owen L. Astrachan, Michael J. Clancy, Richard E. Pattis, Julie Zelenski, Stuart Reges) (1999)
- Using learning style data in an introductory computer science course (A. T. Chamillard, Dolores Karolick) (1999)
- Computing the profession (Peter Denning) (1999)
- A student-directed computing community (Adam Bonner) (1999)
- A practical one-semester «VLSI design» course for computer science (and other) majors (Robert A. Walker 0001) (1999)
- A secure unrestricted advanced systems laboratory (Jean Mayo, Phil Kearns) (1999)
- Computer graphics - the introductory course grows up (Lewis E. Hitchner, Steve Cunningham, Scott B. Grissom, Rosalee Wolfe) (1999)
- Object imperatives! (Fintan Culwin) (1999)
- Software engineering for seniors - overcoming the administrative fears (Robert Bryant) (1999)
- Web labs for the Standard Template Library and the Java generic library in a CS2 course (William J. Collins, Yi Sun) (1999)
- Automatic array algorithm animation in C++ (Richard Rasala) (1999)
- Incorporating the client's role in a software engineering course (Jennifer A. Polack-Wahl) (1999)
- Between Tanzania and Finland - learning Java over the Web (Kimmo Järvinen 0002, Tuukka Pienimäki, Tommi Teräsvirta, John Joel Kyaruzi, Erkki Sutinen) (1999)
- Computational science as an interdisciplinary bridge (G. Michael Schneider) (1999)
- Graduate information systems curriculum for the 21st century (John T. Gorgone) (1999)
- Formal semantics and interpreters in a principles of programming languages course (Kim B. Bruce) (1999)
- A report on the 1999 Conference on Software Engineering Education and Training (Donald J. Bagert, Thomas B. Hilburn, Gregory W. Hislop, Nancy R. Mead, Susan A. Mengel, Hossein Saiedian) (1999)
- A compendium of multimedia tools for all budgets (Dean Sanders, Janet Hartman) (1999)
- The crisis in academic hiring in computer science (Henry MacKay Walker, J. Paul Myers Jr., Stuart H. Zweben, Allen B. Tucker, Grant Braught) (1999)
- Current issues in graduate student research (Ann E. Kelley Sobel, Mário Guimarães) (1999)
- Integration of usability issues within initial software development education. (It's all about the user dummy!) (Xristine Faulkner, Fintan Culwin) (1999)
- Using randomization in the teaching of data structures and algorithms (Michael T. Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia) (1999)
- Providing mark-up and feedback to students with online marking (David V. Mason, Denise M. Woit) (1999)
- Empirical exploration in undergraduate operating systems (Steven Robbins, Kay A. Robbins) (1999)
- A Java-based tool for reasoning about models of computation through simulating finite automata and Turing machines (Matthew B. Robinson, Jason A. Hamshar, Jorge E. Novillo, Andrew T. Duchowski) (1999)
- YAATCE - yet another approach to teaching computer ethics (Nancy J. Wahl) (1999)
- Learning operating systems structure and implementation through the MPS computer system simulator (Mauro Morsiani, Renzo Davoli) (1999)
- Teaching CS1 on-line - the good, the bad, and the ugly (Jacobo Carrasquel) (1999)
- A comparison of operating systems courseware (Michael Goldweber, John Barr, Tracy Camp, John Grahm, Stephen J. Hartley) (1999)
- Licensing software professionals - where are we? (Laurie Honour Werth) (1999)
- Teaching experimental design in an operating systems class (Allen B. Downey) (1999)
- Discovery learning in introductory operating system courses (Uta Ziegler) (1999)
- Using course-long programming projects in CS2 (Joseph A. Turner, Joseph L. Zachary) (1999)
- ACM guidelines for associate and certificate level programs in computer information technology (Karl J. Klee, Nancy Burns, C. Fay Cover, Judith Porter) (1999)
- Teaching surface design made easy (Yan Zhou, Yuan Zhao, John L. Lowther, Ching-Kuang Shene) (1999)
- Genetic programming applied to Othello - introducing students to machine learning research (Eleazar Eskin, Eric V. Siegel) (1999)
- BlackBox - a new object-oriented framework for CS1/CS2 (J. Stanley Warford) (1999)
- Curriculum 2001 - interim report from the ACM/IEEE-CS task force (Eric Roberts, Russell L. Shackelford, Richard J. LeBlanc, Peter Denning) (1999)
- ITiCSE 1999 - Proceedings of the 4th Annual SIGCSE Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, ITiCSE 1999, Cracow, Poland, 27-30 June, 1999 (Carl Erickson, Tadeusz Wilusz, Mats Daniels, Renée McCauley, Bill Z. Manaris) (1999)
- Promoting computer software intellectual property right in Computer Science Education (Lan Yang, Zhiqiang Ding) (1999)
- How should data structures and algorithms be taught (Danny Kopec, Richard Close, Jim Aman) (1999)
- Using Java and the socket interface in teaching client/server programming (Andrew Yang, Yael Bachar) (1999)
- A constructivist approach to object-oriented design and programming (Said Hadjerrouit) (1999)
- Promoting computer software intellectual property right in Computer Science Education (Lan Yang, Zhiqiang Ding) (1999)
- Lehren und Lernen mit Informationstechnologien - Zur Didaktik des Einsatzes von Informationstechnologien im Fachunterricht in der Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung (Peter Gloor) (1999)
- Schulen auf dem Weg in die Informationsgesellschaft (Peter A. Bruck, Guntram Geser) (2000)
- Das allmähliche Verschwinden der informationstechnischen Grundbildung - Zum Verhältnis von Informatik und Allgemeinbildung (Ulrike Wilkens) (2000)
- Didaktik der Informatik - Grundlagen, Konzepte und Beispiele (Peter Hubwieser) (2000)
- Informatische Bildung und Informatikunterricht
- Wozu Informatikunterricht?
- Die Lerninhalte
- Informatische Bildung und Informatikunterricht
- Das Affenpuzzle - und weitere bad news aus der Computerwelt (David Harel) (2000)
- Abenteuer Internet - Lernen mit WebQuests (Heinz Moser) (2000)
- The Physics of Information Technology (Neil Gershenfeld) (2000)
- LOG IN 2/2000 - Neue IT-Berufe (2000)
- LOG IN 1/2000 (2000)
- JAVA im Informatik-Anfangsunterricht - Einführung in die objektorientierte Programmentwicklung (Rüdeger Baumann) (2000)
- LOG IN 6/2000 (2000)
- Web-gestützte Softwareprojekte (Teil 1) (Siegfried Spolwig) (2000)
- Web-gestützte Softwareprojekte (Teil 1) (Siegfried Spolwig) (2000)
- Vernetztes Lernen mit digitalen Medien - Proceedings der ersten Tagung "Computergestütztes Kooperatives Lernen (D-CSCL 2000)" am 23. und 24. März 2000 in Darmstadt (2000)
- 18. Munics - Eine multimediale Lernumgebung zum kooperativen Lernen im Studiengang Informatik (Pamela Tröndle, Heinz Mandl, Frank Fischer, Jürgen Hartmut Koch, Johann Schlichter, Gunnar Teege)
- 18. Munics - Eine multimediale Lernumgebung zum kooperativen Lernen im Studiengang Informatik (Pamela Tröndle, Heinz Mandl, Frank Fischer, Jürgen Hartmut Koch, Johann Schlichter, Gunnar Teege)
- The School of Niklaus Wirth - The Art of Simplicity (Lázló Böszörményi, Jürg Gutknecht, Gustav Pomberger) (2000)
- 1. Niklaus Wirth - a Pioneer of Computer Science
- Informatik-Allgemeinbildung - Wieviel und welche Informatik brauchen Maturanden? (Carl August Zehnder) (2000)
- Empfehlungen für ein Gesamtkonzept zur informatischen Bildung an allgemein bildenden Schulen (Fachausschuss 7.3 Informatische Bildung in Schulen der GI) (2000)
- Was ist Informatik-Didaktik in der Informationsgesellschaft - Tagungsunterlage zur Seminarveranstaltung in der Österreichischen Computergesellschaft am 3.5.1999 (Anton Reiter) (2000)
- Informatik in der Schule - ein Fach im Wandel
- Computernetze und Telekommunikation - Herausforderung für die Informatik-Didaktik (Rüdeger Baumann)
- Modelle für die Unterrichtspraxis in der Lehrerausbildung (Margarete Grimus)
- SIGCSE 2000 - Proceedings of the 31st SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2000, Austin, Texas, USA, March 7-12, 2000 (Lillian (Boots) Cassel, Nell B. Dale, Henry MacKay Walker, Susan M. Haller) (2000)
- A fundamentals-based curriculum for first year computer science (Ian D. Sanders, Conrad Mueller) (2000)
- Experiences in starting computer engineering programs (panel session) (Daniel D. McCracken, Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, Robert Bryant, Frederick N. Springsteel, Anne-Louise Radimsky) (2000)
- The database course (panel session) - what must be taught (Mary Ann Robbert, Ming Wang, Mário Guimarães, Martha E. Myers) (2000)
- Teaching database management systems with Java (Matthew Merzbacher) (2000)
- Conservatively radical Java in CS1 (Stuart Reges) (2000)
- Evaluating programming ability in an introductory computer science course (A. T. Chamillard, Kim A. Braun) (2000)
- Design early considered harmful - graduated exposure to complexity and structure based on levels of cognitive development (Duane Buck, David J. Stucki) (2000)
- CS1 and CS2 (panel session) - foundations of computer science and discrete mathematics (D. S. Tomer, Doug Baldwin, Carl H. Smith, Peter B. Henderson, Venu Vadisigi) (2000)
- PILOT - an interactive tool for learning and grading (Stina S. Bridgeman, Michael T. Goodrich, Stephen G. Kobourov, Roberto Tamassia) (2000)
- Assessing the benefits of interactive prediction using Web-based algorithm animation courseware (Duane J. Jarc, Michael B. Feldman, Rachelle S. Heller) (2000)
- A Web-based lab manual for CS 1 - an experiment (Thomas J. Cheatham) (2000)
- Enhancing student learning through on-line quizzes (Denise M. Woit, David V. Mason) (2000)
- Combining cooperative learning and peer instruction in introductory computer science (Joe D. Chase, Edward G. Okie) (2000)
- A primer for applying service learning to computer science (Pete Sanderson, Kenneth Vollmar) (2000)
- Objects first with Java and BlueJ (seminar session) (Michael Kölling, John Rosenberg) (2000)
- Evaluating individuals in team projects (Dawn Wilkins, Pamela B. Lawhead) (2000)
- Multimedia - from topic to course (John Minor Ross) (2000)
- Checkmate - cornering C++ dynamic memory errors with checked pointers (Scott M. Pike, Bruce W. Weide, Joseph E. Hollingsworth) (2000)
- Aristotle and object-oriented programming - why modern students need traditional logic (Derek Rayside, Gerard T. Campbell) (2000)
- A study of common pitfalls in simple multi-threaded programs (Sung-Eun Choi, E. Christopher Lewis) (2000)
- Fostering and assessing communication skills in the computer science context (Mark Michael) (2000)
- Teaching Software Psychology - expanding the perspective (Kam Hou Vat) (2000)
- Operating systems projects built on a simple hardware simulator (John Dickinson) (2000)
- Fluency in information technology - a second course for non-CIS majors (Robert M. Aiken, Ned Kock, Munir Mandviwalla) (2000)
- Machine learning in the liberal arts curriculum (Clare Bates Congdon) (2000)
- Experiments with the use of popular press in the computer science curriculum (Paula Gabbert, Kevin Treu) (2000)
- Using large projects in a computer science curriculum (panel session) (K. Todd Stevens, Joel E. Henry, Pamela B. Lawhead, John Lewis, Constance G. Bland, Mary Jane Peters) (2000)
- Undergraduate computational science education (panel session) (Angela B. Shiflet, Philip Holmes, Chuck Niederriter, Robert M. Panoff, Ernest Sibert) (2000)
- Interdisciplinary capstone group project - designing autonomous race vehicles (Steve Mosiman, Christoph Hiemcke) (2000)
- EROSI - visualising recursion and discovering new errors (Carlisle E. George) (2000)
- Algorithm 99 - an experiment in reusability & component based software engineering (Arturo I. Concepcion, Nathan Leach, Allan Knight) (2000)
- The next decade of the database course - three decades speak to the next (Frederick N. Springsteel, Mary Ann Robbert, Catherine M. Ricardo) (2000)
- Design patterns for lazy evaluation (Dung Zung Nguyen, Stephen B. Wong) (2000)
- The National Science Foundation (seminar session) - funding opportunities for CS faculty through the CCLI program (C. Dianne Martin, Margaret M. Reek) (2000)
- Future faculty development seminar in ethics, social impact and alternative teaching strategies (seminar session) (John A. N. Lee, Kevin W. Bowyer) (2000)
- Cogito, Ergo sum! cognitive processes of students dealing with data structures (Dan Aharoni) (2000)
- A Bachelor of Science in information technology - an interdisciplinary approach (David L. Spooner) (2000)
- «Alfonse, you have a message!» (Stephen J. Hartley) (2000)
- Introducing computer science using a breadth-first approach and functional programming (Scott L. Vandenberg, Michael Wollowski) (2000)
- E-commerce and computer science education (Yuzhen Ge, Jiangeng Sun) (2000)
- SAIL - a system for generating, archiving, and retrieving specialized assignments using LATEX (Stina S. Bridgeman, Michael T. Goodrich, Stephen G. Kobourov, Roberto Tamassia) (2000)
- Distance education - law attempts to catch up with technology (battle between copyright owners and academics) (Jill Gerhardt-Powals, Matthew H. Powals) (2000)
- Concurrency the first year (panel session) - experience reports (Max Hailperin, David M. Arnow, Judith Bishop, Chester Lund, Lynn Andrea Stein) (2000)
- Proposed information systems accreditation criteria (panel session) (Doris K. Lidtke, Willis K. King, John T. Gorgone, Gayle J. Yaverbaum) (2000)
- CUPV - a visualization tool for generated parsers (Alan Kaplan, Denise Shoup) (2000)
- Empirical investigation throughout the CS curriculum (David W. Reed, Craig S. Miller, Grant Braught) (2000)
- Video resources for use in teaching ethics and computing (Kevin W. Bowyer) (2000)
- Toolkits in first year computer science - a pedagogical imperative (Richard Rasala) (2000)
- Intellectual property law basics for computer science instructors (seminar session) (David G. Kay) (2000)
- Teaching advice and support for new and adjunct faculty (panel session) - experiences, policies, and strategies (David G. Kay, Clare Bates Congdon, Sue Fitzgerald, Merle S. King, Pat Semmes) (2000)
- Programming patterns and design patterns in the introductory computer science course (Viera K. Proulx) (2000)
- The assimilation of software engineering into the undergraduate computer science curriculum (panel session) (Renée McCauley, Nell B. Dale, Thomas B. Hilburn, Susan A. Mengel, Branson W. Murrill) (2000)
- Software quality - a curriculum postscript? (Thomas B. Hilburn, Massood Towhidnejad) (2000)
- Distance teaching workloads (Wendy Doube) (2000)
- Recursively speaking - analyzing students' discourse of recursive phenomena (Dalit Levy, Tami Lapidot) (2000)
- Experiences with the Webware, interfaces and networking experimental laboratory (David C. Brown, Isabel F. Cruz, David Finkel, Robert E. Kinicki, Craig E. Wills) (2000)
- Getting participation through discussion (Martyn Clark) (2000)
- Object-orientation in Java for scientific programmers (Judith Bishop, Nigel Bishop) (2000)
- An object-oriented view of backtracking (Robert E. Noonan) (2000)
- Instrumentation - a multi-science integrated sequence (Herbert Tesser, Hisham Al-Haddad, Gary Anderson) (2000)
- Real-world program design in CS2 - the roles of a large-scale, multi-group class project (Samuel A. Rebelsky, Clif Flynt) (2000)
- Introduction to the marine biology case study (seminar session) (Alyce Brady, Michael J. Clancy, Kathleen Larson) (2000)
- Enhancing the value of a project in the database course (Mary Ann Robbert) (2000)
- A fundamentals-based curriculum for first year computer science (Ian D. Sanders, Conrad Mueller) (2000)
- Neue Medien in der Grundschule - Unterrichtserfahrungen und didaktische Beispiele (Margarete Grimus, Anton Reiter, Gerhard Scheidl) (2000)
- Schule Online - Ein Ratgeber zur schulischen Nutzung des Internet (Rudolf Apflauer, Anton Reiter) (2000)
- Programming in schools - why, and how? (Raimond Reichert, Jürg Nievergelt, Werner Hartmann) (2001)
- Using squeak for teaching user interface software (Mark Guzdial) (2001)
- Die Mär von den intelligenten Monstern (Rolf Pfeifer) (2001)
- Informatik-Projektentwicklung (Carl August Zehnder) (2001)
- 1. Einleitung
- 15. Informatik und Recht
- 16. Informatikführung (3. Auflage)
- 1. Einleitung
- Virtuelle Universität - Virtuelles Lernen (Rolf Schulmeister) (2001)
- Anekdoten zur Informatik aus Wissenschaft und Schule (Anton Reiter) (2001)
- Neurowissenschaften und Philosophie (Michael Pauen, Gerhard Roth) (2001)
- Künstliche neuronale Netze als neues Paradigma der Informationsverarbeitung (Raúl Rojas)
- NetzkunstWörterBuch - (Kurd Alsleben, Antje Eske) (2001)
- Was verstehen Laien? - Die Verständlichkeit von Fachtexten aus der Sicht von Computer-Experten (Regina Jucks) (2001)
- The New Turing Omnibus (A. K. Dewdney) (2001)
- LOG IN 2/2001 - Programmieren in der informatischen Bildung (2001)
- Lieben Sie PYTHON? (Werner Arnold) (2001)
- Problemlösen mit OBERON - Konzeption und Einsatz eines elektronischen Lehrbuchs (Michael Fothe) (2001)
- Assoziieren und Spezialisieren - Beispiele zum objektorientierten Entwurf in JAVA (Teil 1) (Rüdeger Baumann) (2001)
- Lieben Sie PYTHON? (Werner Arnold) (2001)
- LOG IN 1/2001 - Informatik heute und morgen (2001)
- Informatik-Anfangsunterricht - Erste Ergebnisse aus dem Informatik-Anfangsunterricht in den bayerischen Schulversuchen (Elke Frey, Peter Hubwieser, Ludger Humbert, Sigrid E. Schubert, Siglinde Voß) (2001)
- Werkstatt: Gebäudeautomation und Bussysteme - Ein Thema für den Informatikunterricht? (Wolfgang Hümbs, Lukas Maas) (2001)
- Theoretische Informatik - Formale Sprachen, Berechenbarkeit, Komplexitätstheorie, Algorithmik, Kommunikation und Kryptographie (Juraj Hromkovic) (2001)
- Computer Science Education 4/2001 (2001)
- Lumberjack Summer Camp - A Cross-Institutional Undergraduate Research Experience in Computer Science (Patricia Johann, Franklyn A. Turbak) (2001)
- Lumberjack Summer Camp - A Cross-Institutional Undergraduate Research Experience in Computer Science (Patricia Johann, Franklyn A. Turbak) (2001)
- Computer Science Education 3/2001 (2001)
- An Empirical Evaluation of Using Constructive Classroom Activities to Teach Introductory Programming (Mark J. Van Gorp, Scott Grissom) (2001)
- An Empirical Evaluation of Using Constructive Classroom Activities to Teach Introductory Programming (Mark J. Van Gorp, Scott Grissom) (2001)
- Das ist Informatik (Jörg Desel) (2001)
- Informationstechnische Bildung und Medienerziehung - MedienPädgogik Heft 4 (Annemarie Hauf-Tulodziecki) (2001)
- Das ist Informatik (Wolfgang Coy, Jörg Desel) (2001)
- Das Essener-Lern-Modell (ELM) - Ein Vorgehensmodell zur Entwicklung computerunterstützter Lernumgebungen (Jan M. Pawlowski) (2001)
- IT-Management in Schulen - Pädagogische Hintergründe, Planung, Finanzierung und Betreuung des Informationstechnikeinsatzes (Andreas Breiter) (2001)
- 2. Pädagogische und organisatorische Rahmenbediungungen für den Einsatz neuer Medien in Schulen
- 6. Informationstechnikmanagement in Schulen
- Die beta-inside Galaxie (Gunter Dueck) (2001)
- All Science Is Computer Science (George Johnson) (2001)
- Bleistiftspitzen, Autofahren und Computern - Teil der gymnasialen Ausbildung? (Werner Hartmann, Raimond Reichert) (2001)
- Emergence - The Connected Lives of Ants, Brains, Cities, and Software (Steven Johnson) (2001)
- Informatikunterricht und Medienbildung - INFOS 2001 9. GI-Fachtagung Informatik und Schule vom 17.-20. September 2001 in Paderborn (Reinhard Keil, Johannes Magenheim) (2001)
- Ab wann kann man mit Kindern Informatik machen? - Eine Studie über informatische Fähigkeiten von Kindern (Andreas Schwill) (2001)
- Poietische und zurückhaltende Technik oder vom Bildungsgehalt des Computers - Umrisse eines informationspädagogischen Konzepts (Werner Sesink)
- Co-operative ICT-supported learning - A practical approach to design (Tom J. van Weert)
- Medien- und Methodencurriculum Gymnasium Ottobrunn (Peter Brichzin, Eva Stolpmann) (2001)
- Einfluss fachwissenschaftlicher Erkenntnisse um objektorientierten Modellieren auf die Gestaltung von Konzepten in der Didaktik der Informatik (Torsten Brinda)
- Algorithmen lernen mit interaktiven Visualisierungen (Nils Faltin)
- Die Vielfalt der Modelle in der Informatik (Marco Thomas)
- Informatik lehren - zeitgemäße Ansätze zur nachhaltigen Qualifikation aller Schülerinnen (Ludger Humbert) (2001)
- Aufgabenbereiche der Medienbildung im Informatikunterricht (Carsten Schulte, Olaf Scheel)
- Eine Einführung in die Objektorientierung mit Lego Mindstorms Robotern - Erfahrungsbericht aus dem Unterricht (Ruth Dietzel, Tim Rinkens) (2001)
- Wissensmanagement in der schulischen Allgemeinbildung - Chancen und Konsequenzen (Helmut Meschenmoser) (2001)
- Der sächsische Informatik-Wettbewerb (Steffi Heinicke, Lutz Krause, Bettina Timmermann) (2001)
- Das Portfolio Medienkompetenz - eine Möglichkeit zur Stärkung der Informatischen Bildung? (Annemarie Hauf-Tulodziecki, Stefan Moll) (2001)
- Eine neue Fachrichtung auf dem Weg zur Informationsgesellschaft / Ergebnisse und Perspektiven des Schulversuches «Einführung der Fachrichtung Informat (Rainer Böttcher, Elke Wällnitz) (2001)
- Evaluation des CSCL-Unterrichtskonzeptes (Berit Rüdiger) (2001)
- Qualifizierung von Informatiklehrern in der zweiten Ausbildungsphase der Lehrerbildung (Wibke Rickert, Thomas Cremer, Patrick DeSchepper, Ludger Humbert) (2001)
- Modellierung von Systemen - ein Applikationsgebiet im Informatikunterricht (Henry Herper) (2001)
- Medienbildung und Informatik - Zur Fundierung einer integrativen Medienbildungstheorie (Bardo Herzig) (2001)
- Mit IT-Risiken umgehen lernen - Über Probleme der Beherrschbarkeit komplexer Informatiksysteme (Klaus Brunnstein) (2001)
- Evaluation von Informatikunterricht (Peter Hubwieser, Ludger Humbert, Sigrid E. Schubert) (2001)
- Multimedia und Informatik - Die Soundkarte im Informatikunterricht (Klaus J. Koch) (2001)
- Ab wann kann man mit Kindern Informatik machen? - Eine Studie über informatische Fähigkeiten von Kindern (Andreas Schwill) (2001)
- 90 Jahre Heinz von Foerster - Die praktische Bedeutung seiner wichtigsten Arbeiten (Maria Pruckner, Margot Zappe) (2001)
- SIGCSE 2001 - Proceedings of the 32rd SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2001, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, 2001 (Henry MacKay Walker, Renée McCauley, Judith L. Gersting, Ingrid Russell) (2001)
- A java API for historical ciphers - an object-oriented design project (Ralph Morelli, Ralph Walde, Gregg Marcuccio) (2001)
- In support of student pair-programming (Laurie A. Williams, Richard L. Upchurch) (2001)
- Using an isolated network laboratory to teach advanced networks and security (John M. D. Hill, Curtis A. Carver Jr., Jeffrey W. Humphries, Udo W. Pooch) (2001)
- Starving philosophers - experimentation with monitor synchronization (Steven Robbins) (2001)
- A computer program to aid assignment of student project groups (Michael A. Redmond) (2001)
- Teaching design and project management with lego RCX robots (Ursula Wolz) (2001)
- A comprehensive curriculum for IT education and workforce development - an engineering approach (Forouzan Golshani, Sethuraman Panchanathan, Oris Friesen, Youngchoon Park, Jeong-Jun Song) (2001)
- Integrating testing into the curriculum - arsenic in small doses (Edward L. Jones) (2001)
- Implementation of object-relational DBMSs in a relational database course (Ming Wang) (2001)
- Model curricula for IT schools - report of a curriculum committee (Peter Denning, Wayne R. Dyksen, Richard J. LeBlanc, Edward L. Robertson) (2001)
- OO overkill - when simple is better than not (Owen L. Astrachan) (2001)
- Practical teaching tips from around the world (Scott Grissom, Thomas L. Naps, Nick Parlante, Pamela B. Lawhead) (2001)
- Objectives and objective assessment in CS1 (Raymond Lister) (2001)
- Teaching CS1 with karel the robot in Java (Byron Weber Becker) (2001)
- Open artificial intelligence - one course for all (Matthew Merzbacher) (2001)
- Computing with geometry as an undergraduate course - a three-year experience (John L. Lowther, Ching-Kuang Shene) (2001)
- Teaching applied computing without programming - a case-based introductory course for general education (Joe Marks, William T. Freeman, Henry H. Leitner) (2001)
- A CS/SE approach to a real-time embedded systems software development course (Joseph M. Clifton) (2001)
- Binary software components in the undergraduate computer science curriculum (Allen S. Parrish, Brandon Dixon, David Cordes) (2001)
- Advanced database concepts for undergraduates - experience with teaching a second course (Susan Darling Urban, Suzanne W. Dietrich) (2001)
- A study of the impact of student background and preparedness on outcomes in CS I (Malcolm Morrison, Timothy S. Newman) (2001)
- The Khepera robot and the kRobot class - a platform for introducing robotics in the undergraduate curriculum (Robert M. Harlan, David B. Levine, Shelley McClarigan) (2001)
- Using project management concepts and microsoft project software as a tool to develop and manage both on-line and on-campus courses and student team p (Debra Burton Farrior, Daniel E. Hallock) (2001)
- ACM SIGCSE NSF CCLI project showcase (Jane Prey) (2001)
- Turing the tables - introducing software engineering concepts in a user interface design course (Julie Barnes, Laura M. Leventhal) (2001)
- Using squeak for teaching user interface software (Mark Guzdial) (2001)
- The university perspective - awarding credit for advanced placement (AP) in computer science (Barbara Boucher Owens, Fran Hunt, Stuart Reges, Cary Laxer) (2001)
- Teaching networking and operating systems to information systems majors (D. Robert Adams, Carl Erickson) (2001)
- TOS - an educational distributed operating system in Java (Tyrone Nicholas, Jerzy A. Barchanski) (2001)
- From RS-232 to object request brokers - incremental object-oriented networking projects (David Janzen) (2001)
- JKarelRobot - a case study in supporting levels of cognitive development in the computer science curriculum (Duane Buck, David J. Stucki) (2001)
- Second language acquisition and CS1 (Anne Gates Applin) (2001)
- An overview of MiniJava (Eric Roberts) (2001)
- Colorful illustrations of algorithmic design techniques and problem solving (David Ginat, Daniel D. Garcia, Owen L. Astrachan, Joseph Bergin) (2001)
- Contributing to success in an introductory computer science course - a study of twelve factors (Brenda Cantwell Wilson, Sharon Shrock) (2001)
- Models and areas for CS education research (John T. Stasko, Mark Guzdial, Michael J. Clancy, Nell B. Dale, Sally Fincher) (2001)
- Ancient Egyptian numbers - a CS-complete example (Timothy S. Gegg-Harrison) (2001)
- Quality in distance education (Gordon Davies, Wendy Doube, Wendy A. Lawrence-Fowler, Dale Shaffer) (2001)
- Experiences with tutored video instruction for introductory programming courses (Richard J. Anderson, Martin Dickey, Hal Perkins) (2001)
- A reductionist approach to a course on programming languages (Michael R. Wick, Daniel E. Stevenson) (2001)
- Why I do declare! - declarative programming in the undergraduate curriculum (Samuel A. Rebelsky, Peter B. Henderson, Amruth N. Kumar, Frederick N. Springsteel) (2001)
- What could be more SLic? - projects for the programming languages course (Laurie A. Smith King, John Barr, Ben Coleman) (2001)
- «Alfonse, give me a call!» (Stephen J. Hartley) (2001)
- Encapsualtion and reuse as viewed by Java students (Ann E. Fleury) (2001)
- The use of robots in the undergraduate curriculum - experience reports (Michael Goldweber, Clare Bates Congdon, Barry S. Fagin, Deborah J. Hwang, Frank Klassner) (2001)
- Information technology curriculum development (Bei-Tseng Bill Chu, Venu Dasigi, John T. Gorgone, David L. Spooner) (2001)
- Undergraduate research in genetic algorithms (Linda Bright Lankewicsz) (2001)
- An interactive dynamic model for integrating knowledge management methods and knowledge sharing technology in a traditional classroom (Vir V. Phoha) (2001)
- A chat room assignment for teaching network security (W. Garrett Mitchener, Amin Vahdat) (2001)
- Electronic peer review and peer grading in computer-science courses (Edward F. Gehringer) (2001)
- Status of information systems accreditation (John T. Gorgone, Doris K. Lidtke, David L. Feinstein) (2001)
- A web-based little man computer simulator (William Yurcik, Larry Brumbaugh) (2001)
- Using a PDP-11/10 to teach content and history in computer organization courses (Douglas Harms, Dave A. Berque) (2001)
- Specialized certification programs in computer science (Robert Montante, Zahira S. Khan) (2001)
- Making parallel programming accessible to inexperienced programmers through cooperative learning (Lori L. Pollock, Mike Jochen) (2001)
- AP CS goes OO (David Gries, Kathleen Larson, Susan H. Rodger, Mark Allen Weiss, Ursula Wolz) (2001)
- A java API for historical ciphers - an object-oriented design project (Ralph Morelli, Ralph Walde, Gregg Marcuccio) (2001)
- Computermacht und Gesellschaft - Freie Reden (Joseph Weizenbaum) (2001)
- Teaching the Nintendo Generation to Program (Mark Guzdial, Elliot Soloway) (2002)
- Web of Life - Die Kunst vernetzt zu leben (Michael Gleich) (2002)
- Software Pioneers - Contributions to Software Engineering (Manfred Broy, Ernst Denert) (2002)
- Campus 2002 - Die Virtuelle Hochschule in der Konsolidierungsphase (Gudrun Bachmann, O. Haefeli, M. Kindt) (2002)
- Wissensprojekt - eine Perspektive für die Softwareunterstützung im Informatikstudium (Iver Jackewitz, Michael Janneck, Detlev Krause, Bernd Pape, Monique Strauss)
- Wissensprojekt - eine Perspektive für die Softwareunterstützung im Informatikstudium (Iver Jackewitz, Michael Janneck, Detlev Krause, Bernd Pape, Monique Strauss)
- Informatische Modellbildung - Modellieren von Modellen als ein zentrales Element der Informatik für den allgemeinbildenden Schulunterricht (Marco Thomas) (2002)
- Modellierung in der informatischen Bildung - Tagungsband des 1. Workshops der GI-Fachgruppe "Didaktik der Informatik" (DDI'02) (Sigrid E. Schubert, Johannes Magenheim, Peter Hubwieser, Torsten Brinda) (2002)
- Objektorientierte Modellierung unter Einsatz eines CASE-Tools im Informatikunterricht der Jahrgangsstufe 11 (Stefan Moll) (2002)
- UML im Unterricht (Ira Diethelm, Leif Geiger, Albert Zündorf) (2002)
- Informatik-Didaktik außerhalb der Informatik (Johannes Busse) (2002)
- Modelle in der Fachsprache der Informatik - Untersuchung von Vorlesungsskripten aus der Kerninformatik (Marco Thomas) (2002)
- Ergebnisse der Untersuchung zur Eignung einer Programmiersprache für die schnelle Softwareentwicklung - kann der Informatikunterricht davon profitieren? (Ingo Linkweiler, Ludger Humbert) (2002)
- Fallstudien zur unterrichtlichen Einbettung spezieller Aufgabenklassen (Torsten Brinda, Tobias Ortmann) (2002)
- Zustandsorientierte Modellierung - Grundgedanken zur Umsetzung dieses Themas im Informatikunterricht der Mittelstufe (Matthias Spohrer) (2002)
- Informatik - übergreifende, einzigartige Metawissenschaft? - Überlegungen und fachdidaktischer Kontext (Ludger Humbert) (2002)
- Objektorientierte Modellierung unter Einsatz eines CASE-Tools im Informatikunterricht der Jahrgangsstufe 11 (Stefan Moll) (2002)
- LOG IN 120/2002 - Lernen mit elektronischen Medien (2002)
- Interaktive Animationen - Visualisierungen zur Veranschaulichung von Konzepten der Informatik (Michael Weigend) (2002)
- Das Geheimnis des kürzesten Weges - Ein mathematisches Abenteuer (Peter Gritzmann, René Brandenberg) (2002)
- Computer Science Education 1-2/2002 (2002)
- A Study of Factors Promoting Success in Computer Science Including Gender Differences (Brenda Cantwell Wilson) (2002)
- The Software Factory - An Undergraduate Computer Science Curriculum (John D. Tvedt, Roseanne Tesoriero, Kevin A. Gary) (2002)
- A Study of Factors Promoting Success in Computer Science Including Gender Differences (Brenda Cantwell Wilson) (2002)
- Computer Science Education 3/2002 (2002)
- In Support of Pair Programming in the Introductory Computer Science Course (Laurie A. Williams, Eric N. Wiebe, Kai Yang, Miriam Ferzli, Carol Miller) (2002)
- Extreme Programming - The Student View (Dean Sanders) (2002)
- In Support of Pair Programming in the Introductory Computer Science Course (Laurie A. Williams, Eric N. Wiebe, Kai Yang, Miriam Ferzli, Carol Miller) (2002)
- Unlocking the Clubhouse - Woman in Computing (Jane Margolis, Allan Fisher) (2002)
- Perspektive Datenschutz - Praxis und Entwicklungen in Recht und Technik (Bruno Baeriswil, Beat Ruedin) (2002)
- Datenschutz - wie weiter?
- Von der Datenbank zum Ubiquitous Computing - Die Entwicklung der Technik (Carl August Zehnder)
- Exorciser - Automatic Generation and Interactive Grading of Exercises in the Theory of Computation (Vincent Tscherter, Reto Lamprecht, Jürg Nievergelt) (2002)
- Pragmatischer Konstruktivismus und fundamentale Ideen als Leitlinien der Curriculumentwicklung - am Beispiel der theoretischen und technischen Informatik (Eckart Modrow) (2002)
- Total Digital - Die Welt als Null und Eins (2002)
- Wes Geistes Kind? (Martin Meier) (1998)
- Wes Geistes Kind? (Martin Meier) (1998)
- SIGCSE 2002 - Proceedings of the 33rd SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2002, Cincinnati, Kentucky, USA, February 27 - March 3, 2002 (Judith L. Gersting, Henry MacKay Walker, Scott Grissom) (2002)
- Teaching empirical analysis of algorithms (Ian D. Sanders) (2002)
- What comes after CS 1 + 2 - a deep breadth before specializing (Troy Vasiga) (2002)
- A case study of LEGO Mindstorms' suitability for artificial intelligence and robotics courses at the college level (Frank Klassner) (2002)
- Women, mathematics and computer science (Peter B. Henderson, Paul De Palma, Vicki L. Almstrum, Orit Hazzan, Kim Potter Kihlstrom) (2002)
- To and beyond - teaching networking concepts using the Java networking API (Greg Gagne) (2002)
- Teaching computer organization/architecture with limited resources using simulators (Gregory S. Wolffe, William Yurcik, Hugh Osborne, Mark A. Holliday) (2002)
- Algorithms and object-oriented programming - bridging the gap (Paolo Bucci, Wayne D. Heym, Timothy J. Long, Bruce W. Weide) (2002)
- Unit testing frameworks (Robert E. Noonan, Richard H. Prosl) (2002)
- Internet-centric computing in the Computer Science curriculum (Timothy J. Hickey, Amruth N. Kumar, Linda Wilkens, Andrew Beiderman, Aparna Mahadev, Heidi J. C. Ellis) (2002)
- Using puzzles in teaching algorithms (Anany Levitin, Mary-Angela Papalaskari) (2002)
- Defensive climate in the computer science classroom (Lecia Barker, Kathy Garvin-Doxas, Michele H. Jackson) (2002)
- To teach the unteachable class - an experimental course in web-based application design (Kevin Treu) (2002)
- Animating automata - a cross-platform program for teaching finite automata (Michael T. Grinder) (2002)
- Aha! an illuminating perspective (David Ginat, Daniel D. Garcia, William I. Gasarch) (2002)
- Participatory design in a human-computer interaction course - teaching ethnography methods to computer scientists (Jerry B. Weinberg, Mary L. Stephen) (2002)
- Visual representations for recursive algorithms (Linda Stern, Lee Naish) (2002)
- Small-college supercomputing - building a Beowulf cluster at a comprehensive college (Joel C. Adams, David Vos) (2002)
- Using Java to design and test hardware circuits over a classroom network (Michael J. Jipping, Steve Marlowe, Alexander A. Sherstov) (2002)
- A communication library to support concurrent programming courses (Steve Carr, Changpeng Fang, Tim Jozwowski, Jean Mayo, Ching-Kuang Shene) (2002)
- A comprehensive project for CS2 - combining key data structures and algorithms into an integrated web browser and search engine (Tia Newhall, Lisa Meeden) (2002)
- DrJava - a lightweight pedagogic environment for Java (Eric E. Allen, Robert Cartwright, Brian Stoler) (2002)
- Effective internet education - a progress report (Barry L. Kurtz, Dee Parks, Eric Nicholson) (2002)
- Using Visual Basic in the CS curriculum (Joe Hummel, Jean Mehta) (2002)
- Andragogy in a web technologies course (Heidi J. C. Ellis) (2002)
- SIGCSE 2002 forum - industry in the ivory tower (Stuart Reges) (2002)
- Managing undergraduate CS research (James W. McGuffee, Herbert L. Dershem, Linda B. Lankewicz, Gary Lewandowski, Dian Lopez, Oberta A. Slotterbeck) (2002)
- Grading essays in computer ethics - rubrics considered helpful (Barbara Moskal, Keith Miller, Laurie A. Smith King) (2002)
- Open source software - intellectual challenges to the status quo (Marty J. Wolf, Kevin W. Bowyer, Donald Gotterbarn, Keith W. Miller) (2002)
- Scientific experimentation via the matching game (James B. Fenwick Jr., Cindy Norris, James T. Wilkes) (2002)
- The postroom computer - teaching introductory undergraduate computer architecture (Hugh Osborne) (2002)
- Interactive Pushdown Automata Animation (Jennifer McDonald) (2002)
- Disequilibration for teaching the scientific method in computer science (Grant Braught, David W. Reed) (2002)
- A first course in computational science - (why a math book isn't enough) (James L. Noyes) (2002)
- Design of a major in software development (Alan Fekete, Bob Kummerfeld) (2002)
- A proposed undergraduate bioinformatics curriculum for computer scientists (Travis E. Doom, Michael L. Raymer, Dan E. Krane, Oscar Garcia) (2002)
- An infrastructure for teaching skills for group decision making and problem solving in programming projects (Amer Diwan, William M. Waite, Michele H. Jackson) (2002)
- Building a cyberwar lab - lessons learned: teaching cybersecurity principles to undergraduates (Mary Micco, Hart Rossman) (2002)
- Using visualization to aid program construction tasks (Carlisle E. George) (2002)
- Teaching data structures with multiple collection class libraries (Alan Fekete) (2002)
- Bringing the enterprise into a database systems course (Thomas K. Moore) (2002)
- On varying perspectives of problem decomposition (David Ginat) (2002)
- SIGCSE 2002 forum - introducing SIGCSE committees: a new initiative to support computing education through SIGCSE-member involvement (Henry MacKay Walker) (2002)
- Management challenges in a large introductory computer science course (A. T. Chamillard, Laurence D. Merkle) (2002)
- Testing skills and knowledge - introducing a laboratory exam in CS1 (Mary Elaine Califf, Mary Goodwin) (2002)
- How to develop and grade an exam for 20, 000 students (or maybe just 200 or 20) (Fran Hunt, Joe Kmoch, Chris Nevison, Susan H. Rodger, Julie Zelenski) (2002)
- The object is objects (Joseph Bergin, Richard Kick, Judith Hromcik, Kathleen Larson) (2002)
- National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program (Jeffrey Johnson) (2002)
- Tutorial on extreme programming (James Caristi) (2002)
- Exploration of process interaction in operating systems - a pipe-fork simulator (Steven Robbins) (2002)
- Experiment-based project in undergraduate computer architecture (Ewa Z. Bem) (2002)
- Making lemonade - exploring the bright side of large lecture classes (Steven A. Wolfman) (2002)
- Teaching a Java-based CS1 course in an academically-diverse environment (James R. Comer, Robert F. Roggio) (2002)
- Undergraduate computational science and engineering programs and courses (Peter R. Turner, Angela B. Shiflet, Steve Cunningham, Kris Stewart, Andrew T. Phillips, Ignatios Vakalis) (2002)
- Computer science accessibility for students with visual disabilities (Joan M. Francioni, Ann C. Smith) (2002)
- Integrating empirical methods into computer science (David Reed, Doug Baldwin, Michael J. Clancy, Allen B. Downey, Stuart A. Hansen) (2002)
- Women in CS and biology (Joanne McGrath Cohoon) (2002)
- Internationalization of the curriculum report of a project within computer science (John A. N. Lee) (2002)
- Nifty assignments (Nick Parlante, John K. Estell, David Reed, David B. Levine, Daniel D. Garcia, Julie Zelenski) (2002)
- Using RoboCup to teach multiagent systems and the distributed mindset (José M. Vidal, Paul A. Buhler) (2002)
- PortOS - an educational operating system for the Post-PC environment (Benjamin Atkin, Emin Gün Sirer) (2002)
- GraphicsMentor - a tool for learning graphics fundamentals (Dejan Nikolic, Ching-Kuang Shene) (2002)
- African American women in the computing sciences - a group to be studied (Antonio M. Lopez Jr., Lisa J. Schulte) (2002)
- A microprocessor survey course for learning advanced computer architecture (Kevin Skadron) (2002)
- The SIGCSE 2001 Maze Demonstration program (Richard Rasala, Jeff Raab, Viera K. Proulx) (2002)
- The comparative programming languages course - a new chain of development (Ward Douglas Maurer) (2002)
- A tutorial program for propositional logic with human/computer interactive learning (Stacy Lukins, Alan Levicki, Jennifer Burg) (2002)
- Teaching empirical analysis of algorithms (Ian D. Sanders) (2002)
- Motivation and non-majors in Computer Science - Identifying Discrete Audiences for Introductory Courses (Andrea Forte, Mark Guzdial) (2002)
- A New Kind of Science (Stephen Wolfram) (2002)
- SEC III - Open IFIP-GI-Conference on Social, Ethical and Cognitive Issues of Informatics and ICT (Yvonne Büttner, Volker Claus, Helene Godinet, Raymond Morel, Robert Munro, Sigrid E. Schubert, Deryn Watson, Raul Wazlawick, Tom J. van Weert) (2002)
- Modern curriculum development for informatics (computing science) (Fred Mulder, Tom J. van Weert)
- Informatics — The Science of Minimal Systems with Maximal Complexity (Andreas Schwill) (2002)
- Object Models of IT-Systems supporting Cognitive Models in Novice Courses of Informatics (Peter Hubwieser)
- Exploration of object-oriented models in informatics education (Torsten Brinda, Sigrid E. Schubert)
- Let's teach informatics - Empowering pupils, students and teachers (Ludger Humbert)
- Modern curriculum development for informatics (computing science) (Fred Mulder, Tom J. van Weert)
- Von den Mythen der Buchkultur zu den Visionen der Informationsgesellschaft - Trendforschungen zur kulturellen Medienökologie (Michael Giesecke) (2002)
- Computereinsatz an Österreichischen Grundschulen - gestern - heute - morgen (Johann Eder, Anton Reiter) (2002)
- Zur Didaktik des Computereinsatzes in der Grundschule (Alfred Kowarsch)
- Didaktik der Informatik II - Vorlesung an der Universität Dortmund im Wintersemester 2002 (Marco Thomas) (2002)
- Ontologie(n) (Wolfgang Hesse) (2002)
- Informatik und Bildung zwischen Wandel und Beständigkeit (Werner Hartmann, Jürg Nievergelt) (2002)
- Fakten und Mythen zur Maturitätsreform (Franz Eberle) (2002)
- Informatik-Reife? - Was gehört in den Informatik-Rucksack von Maturandinnen und Maturanden? (Alex Birrer) (2003)
- Informatics and the Digital Society - Social, Ethical and Cognitive Issues (Tom J. van Weert, Robert Munro) (2003)
- Modern curriculum development for informatics (computing science) (Fred Mulder, Tom J. van Weert)
- Informatics — The Science of Minimal Systems with Maximal Complexity (Andreas Schwill) (2002)
- Object Models of IT-Systems supporting Cognitive Models in Novice Courses of Informatics (Peter Hubwieser)
- Exploration of object-oriented models in informatics education (Torsten Brinda, Sigrid E. Schubert)
- Let's teach informatics - Empowering pupils, students and teachers (Ludger Humbert)
- Modern curriculum development for informatics (computing science) (Fred Mulder, Tom J. van Weert)
- Informatik und Gesellschaft (Christian Fuchs, Wolfgang Hofkirchner) (2003)
- Pädagogische Agenten im Corporate E-Learning - Dissertation (Oliver Bendel) (2003)
- Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance - Nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Information Technology and Cognitive Science (William Sims Bainbridge, Mihail C. Roco) (2003)
- Designing for Change in Networked Learning Environments (2003)
- Six Degrees - The Science Of A Connected Age (Duncan J. Watts) (2003)
- LOG IN 121/2003 (2003)
- Methodenkompetenz im Informatikunterricht - Zur Förderung der Methodenkompetenz im Informatikunterricht am Beispiel der Objekt-Attribut-Methode (Lutz Engelmann) (2003)
- Informatik in der 6. Jahrgangsstufe - Informatik als Pflichtfach an bayerischen Gymnasien (Siglinde Voß) (2003)
- Methodenkompetenz im Informatikunterricht - Zur Förderung der Methodenkompetenz im Informatikunterricht am Beispiel der Objekt-Attribut-Methode (Lutz Engelmann) (2003)
- LOG IN 122/123/2003 - Informatische Bildung - Sekundarstufe I (2003)
- Lehrerbildung und Informatik (Helmut Caba, Wilfried Grossmann, Henry Herper, Volkmar Hinz, Bernhard Koerber) (2003)
- Informatik als Schulfach - wichtiger denn je! (Steffen Friedrich) (2003)
- Lehrerbildung und Informatik (Helmut Caba, Wilfried Grossmann, Henry Herper, Volkmar Hinz, Bernhard Koerber) (2003)
- LOG IN 126/2003 (2003)
- Musik mit JAVA - - Beispiele für den Informatik-Anfangsunterricht (Rüdeger Baumann) (2003)
- Betrieb eines Landgasthauses - - Programmieren als situationsangemessene Verwendung informatischer Werkzeuge (Makros in der Textverarbeitung - Teil 1) (Alfred Heubaum) (2003)
- Funktionale Programmierung in der Computermusik (Albert Gräf) (2003)
- Digitale Klangwelten im Informatikunterricht (Werner Arnold) (2003)
- Klänge sehen - Funktionen hören (Norbert Christmann) (2003)
- Zum Begriff der Zeigervariablen - Über die Eignung einiger Programmiersprachen für den Informatikunterricht (Harro von Lavergne) (2003)
- Digitale akustische Signale - Die Verarbeitung "roher" Audiodaten in PYTHON (Werner Arnold) (2003)
- Musik mit JAVA - - Beispiele für den Informatik-Anfangsunterricht (Rüdeger Baumann) (2003)
- LOG IN 124/2003 (2003)
- Informatik in der Sekundarstufe II - Vom Gesamtkonzept zum Curriculum: Planung von Kurssequenzen (Monika Seiffert) (2003)
- Beispiele zu HASKELL - Funktionale Programmierung zur Spezifikation und als Ergänzung des imperativen Paradigmas in der Schule (Walter Gussmann, Hermann Puhlmann) (2003)
- Informatik in der Sekundarstufe II - Vom Gesamtkonzept zum Curriculum: Planung von Kurssequenzen (Monika Seiffert) (2003)
- Informatik im Herstellungs- und Nutzungskontext - Ein technikbezogener Zugang zur fachübergreifenden Lehre (Dieter Engbring) (2003)
- 4. Universelle und zentrale Ideen der Informatik
- 5. Informatische Bildung zwischen Bildungspolitik und Praxis
- Modellbildung in der Informatik (Manfred Broy, R. Steinbrüggen) (2003)
- Computer Science Education 3/2003 (2003)
- Two for One - Squeezing Human-Computer Interaction and Software Engineering into a Core Computer Science Course (Laura M. Leventhal, Julie Barnes) (2003)
- A Plea for a Poor Man's HCI Component in Software Engineering and Computer Science Curricula; After all - The Human-Computer Interface is the System (Gerrit C. van der Veer, Hans van Vliet) (2003)
- Two for One - Squeezing Human-Computer Interaction and Software Engineering into a Core Computer Science Course (Laura M. Leventhal, Julie Barnes) (2003)
- Die Wissensgesellschaft und ihr Bezug zur Informatik (Albert Endres) (2003)
- Zur wissenschaftlichen Fundierung der Schulinformatik (Ludger Humbert) (2003)
- Informatik im Unterricht - aktuell 4/2003 (Albert A. Gächter) (2003)
- Ein Apparat, dicht bepackt mit Hebeln, Blechen, Federn, Stahlstiften (Ambros P. Speiser) (2003)
- Veranstaltung «Didaktik der Informatik – Teil 1» - Sommersemester 2003 Vorlesungsskript Reviision 1.22 (Ludger Humbert) (2003)
- Entwicklung und Evaluation eines Unterrichtskonzeptes für computergestütztes kooperatives Lernen - Computer Supported Cooperative Learning (CSCL) am beruflichen Gymnasium für Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologie (Berit Holl) (2003)
- Welche Computer wollen wir? - Informatik zwischen Vision und Illusion (Jürg Nievergelt) (2003)
- Programmieren mit Kara - Ein spielerischer Zugang zur Informatik (Raimond Reichert, Jürg Nievergelt, Werner Hartmann) (2003)
- Jahrbuch Medienpädagogik 3 (Ben Bachmair, Claudia de Witt, Peter Diepold) (2003)
- Schulinformatik in Österreich, quo vadis? (Peter Micheuz) (2003)
- Muss es gleich ein Pflichtfach sein? (Peter Hubwieser)
- Was unterscheidet ein Auto von einem Computer? (Werner Hartmann)
- Informatik und PISA (Steffen Friedrich)
- Modell - Experiment - Validierung (Roland Mittermeir)
- Schulinformatik, quo vadis? (Karl Fuchs)
- Aporien in der Schulinformatik
- Informatische Fachkonzepte im Unterricht - 10. Fachtagung Informatik und Schule (Peter Hubwieser) (2003)
- Kara: Ein theoriebasierter Ansatz für Lernumgebungen zu fundamentalen Konzepten der Informatik (Markus Brändle, Werner Hartmann, Jürg Nievergelt, Raimond Reichert, Tobias Schlatter) (2003)
- Informatik Lernlabor - Systemorientierte Didaktik in der Praxis (Johannes Magenheim)
- Informatik und PISA - vom Wehe zum Wohl der Schulinformatik (Steffen Friedrich)
- Informatische Modelle zur Strukturierung von Anfangsunterricht (Marco Thomas)
- Fundamentale Ideen der theoretischen Informatik (Eckart Modrow)
- Lautet die Antwort auf diese Frage ja oder nein? (Peter Micheuz)
- Suchbaum-Modellierung (Gerhard Röhner) (2003)
- Handlungsorientiertes Erlernen von Programmkonstruktionen anhand von Rollenspielen (Stefan Dißmann) (2003)
- Das Automobil als Anwendungsgebiet der Informatik - ein Auto ohne Informatik, geht das? (Alexandre Saad) (2003)
- Persistenz von Objekten über eine relationale Datenbank (Lothar Wiedemer) (2003)
- Fujaba goes Mindstorms - Objektorientierte Modellierung zum Anfassen (Ira Diethelm, Leif Geiger, Albert Zündorf) (2003)
- Lernfeldübergreifender Zugang zu Betriebssystemen und zur Netzwerktechnik mit den Methoden der objektorientierten Programmiertechnik für die IT Berufe (Dietmar Johlen) (2003)
- Objektorientierte Modellierung von Software zur Textgestaltung (Siglinde Voß) (2003)
- QueueSimulation - Eine Simulationsumgebung zum Modellieren und Studieren von Wartesystemen. (Andreas Rinkel) (2003)
- Allgemeinbildender Informatikunterricht? - Ein neuer Blick auf H. W. Heymanns Aufgaben allgemeinbildender Schulen (Helmut Witten) (2003)
- Informatische Literalität nach dem PISA-Muster (Hermann Puhlmann) (2003)
- Informatik als Handwerk, Technik, Wissenschaft (Roland Vollmar) (2003)
- Konzepte für die Begabtenförderung auf dem Gebiet der Informatik und ihre Umsetzung am Schülerrechenzentrum Dresden. (Steffi Heinicke, Bettina Timmermann, Michael Unger) (2003)
- Zur Rolle der Informatik im Kontext der mehrphasigen Lehrerbildung (Christian Görlich, Ludger Humbert) (2003)
- The Past, Present and Future of Web Information Retrieval (Monika Rauch Henzinger) (2003)
- Lernfeldorientierter Ansatz in der Berufsausbildung Chancen und Risiken (Harald Linke, Holger Rohland) (2003)
- Modellierungswerkzeuge für den Schulunterricht - Erfahrungen und Perspektiven (Markus Kuhn, Andreas Lingnau, Andreas Harrer) (2003)
- Aufgabenbeschreibungen für das informatische Modellieren (Henry Herper) (2003)
- Zeitverhalten von Sortierverfahren - Beispiele für experimentelles Arbeiten im Informatikunterricht (Michael Fothe) (2003)
- Informatik in der Jahrgangsstufe 6 - ein Bericht aus der Praxis (Elke Frey) (2003)
- Kara: Ein theoriebasierter Ansatz für Lernumgebungen zu fundamentalen Konzepten der Informatik (Markus Brändle, Werner Hartmann, Jürg Nievergelt, Raimond Reichert, Tobias Schlatter) (2003)
- Wirkungen und Wirksamkeit neuer Medien - Education Quality Forum - Band 1 (Reinhard Keil, Michael Kerres) (2003)
- Technik als Denkzeug - Lerngewebe und Bildungsinfrastrukturen (Reinhard Keil)
- Lehr- Lernprozesse im Informatik-Anfangsunterricht - Theoriegeleitete Entwicklung und Evaluation eines Unterrichtskonzepts zur Objektorientierung in der Sekundarstufe II (Carsten Schulte) (2003)
- SIGCSE 2003 - Proceedings of the 34th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 2003, Reno, Nevada, USA, February 19-23, 2003 (Scott Grissom, Deborah Knox, Daniel T. Joyce, Wanda Dann) (2003)
- Mental models of recursion (Tina Götschi, Ian D. Sanders, Vashti Galpin) (2003)
- Everything you always wanted to know about game theory - but were afraid to ask (Daniel D. Garcia, David Ginat, Peter B. Henderson) (2003)
- Object centered design for Java - teaching OOD in CS-1 (Joel C. Adams, Jeremy D. Frens) (2003)
- Using remote logging for teaching concurrency (Steven Robbins) (2003)
- Laptops in the classroom (Andrea Beth Campbell, Roy P. Pargas) (2003)
- The greedy trap and learning from mistakes (David Ginat) (2003)
- Java in the morning...Java in the evening...Java in 2004 (Robert L. Scot Drysdale, Judith Hromcik, Mark Allen Weiss, Reg Hahne) (2003)
- Breadth-also - a rationale and implementation (Kris D. Powers) (2003)
- The role of language paradigms in teaching programming (Peter Van Roy, Joe Armstrong, Matthew Flatt, Boris Magnusson) (2003)
- New roles for students, instructors, and computers in a lab-based introductory programming course (Michael J. Clancy, Nate Titterton, Clint Ryan, James D. Slotta, Marcia C. Linn) (2003)
- Client sponsored projects in software engineering courses (Williams C. Judith, Bettina Bair, Jürgen Börstler, Timothy C. Lethbridge, Ken Surendran) (2003)
- JAWAA - easy web-based animation from CS 0 to advanced CS courses (Ayonike Akingbade, Thomas Finley, Diana Jackson, Pretesh B. Patel, Susan H. Rodger) (2003)
- A technical writing class for computer science majors - measuring student perceptions of learning (Lisa C. Kaczmarczyk) (2003)
- Bubble sort - an archaeological algorithmic analysis (Owen L. Astrachan) (2003)
- An introductory course in network administration (John Cigas) (2003)
- Computer science accreditation - the advantages of being different (Donald B. Crouch, Leslie Schwartzman) (2003)
- VisualGraph - a graph class designed for both undergraduate students and educators (Jeff Lucas, Thomas L. Naps, Guido Rößling) (2003)
- Teaching human-computer interaction - reports from the trenches (Julie Barnes, Robert Bryant, Daniel D. McCracken, Susan Reiser) (2003)
- MiniMIPS - a simulation project for the computer architecture laboratory (Ewa Z. Bem, Luke Petelczyc) (2003)
- How departments are responding to the mathematics recommendations in CC2001 (William A. Marion, Adrienne G. Bloss, Kris Powers, Doug Baldwin) (2003)
- Measuring the effectiveness of robots in teaching computer science (Barry S. Fagin, Laurence D. Merkle) (2003)
- The effectiveness of simulation in a hybrid and on-line networking course (Brian H. Cameron, Kay J. Wijekumar) (2003)
- Constructive and collaborative learning of algorithms (Teresa Hübscher-Younger, N. Hari Narayanan) (2003)
- Using Java to teach networking concepts with a programmable network sniffer (Michael J. Jipping, Agata Bugaj, Lilyana Mihalkova, Donald E. Porter) (2003)
- Panel on the development, maintenance, and use of course web sites (Jesse M. Heines, Katy Börner, Melody Y. Ivory, Edward F. Gehringer) (2003)
- Teaching B-splines is not difficult! (John L. Lowther, Ching-Kuang Shene) (2003)
- A generic e-learning multiparadigm programming language system - IDEFIX project (José Emilio Labra Gayo, José M. Morales Gil, A. M. Fernández Álvarez, H. Sagastegui Chigne) (2003)
- A network project course based on network processors (Peter Steenkiste) (2003)
- Introductory programming, criterion-referencing, and bloom (Raymond Lister, John Leaney) (2003)
- Teaching computer organization using a PDP-8 simulator (Brian J. Shelburne) (2003)
- Beacond - a peer-to-peer system to teach ubiquitous computing (Surendar Chandra) (2003)
- A laboratory-based course on internet security (Prabhaker Mateti) (2003)
- Five easy but effective assessment methods (Dick K. Blandford, Deborah J. Hwang) (2003)
- Legos, Java and programming assignments for CS1 (Pamela B. Lawhead, Michaele E. Duncan, Constance G. Bland, Michael Goldweber, Madeleine Schep, David J. Barnes) (2003)
- Report on the NSF major educational funding initiative for a National Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education Digital Library (NSD (Lillian N. Cassel, John Impagliazzo, Ann M. Lally, Edward A. Fox, Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, Jane Prey) (2003)
- Nifty assignments (Nick Parlante, Jeffrey L. Popyack, Stuart Reges, Stephen Weiss, Scott D. Dexter, Chaya Gurwitz, Joseph L. Zachary, Grant Braught) (2003)
- Using scientific data to teach a database systems course (Paul J. Wagner, Elizabeth Shoop, John V. Carlis) (2003)
- Coached program planning - dialogue-based support for novice program design (H. Chad Lane, Kurt VanLehn) (2003)
- Gender differences in computer science students (Sylvia Beyer, Kristina Rynes, Julie Perrault, Kelly Hay, Susan M. Haller) (2003)
- Implementing CC2001 - a breadth-first introductory course for a just-in-time curriculum design (Andrew T. Phillips, Daniel E. Stevenson, Michael R. Wick) (2003)
- A preliminary empirical evaluation of the effectiveness of a finite state automaton animator (Michael T. Grinder) (2003)
- A framework approach to teaching data structures (Josh D. Tenenberg) (2003)
- Exploring security vulnerabilities by exploiting buffer overflow using the MIPS ISA (Andrew T. Phillips, Jack S. Eddy Tan) (2003)
- Running research-oriented final year projects for CS and IS students (B. Olsson, Mikael Berndtsson, Björn Lundell, Jörgen Hansson) (2003)
- Another breadth-first approach to CS I using python (Christine Shannon) (2003)
- Undergraduate cyber security course projects (D. Paul Benjamin, Charles Border, Robert Montante, Paul J. Wagner) (2003)
- On serving as department chair - suggestions from veterans (Sandra J. DeLoatch, Henry MacKay Walker, Frank H. Young) (2003)
- Computer engineering computing curricula (John Impagliazzo, Robert H. Sloan, Andrew D. McGettrick, Pradip K. Srimani) (2003)
- Distributed visualization of graph algorithms (Alexander A. Sherstov) (2003)
- Computer graphics in undergraduate computational science education (Steve Cunningham, Angela B. Shiflet) (2003)
- Pilot study - living flowcharts in an introduction to programming course (Dennis J. Bouvier) (2003)
- Teaching the SIMD execution model - : assembling a few parallel programming skills (Ariel Ortiz) (2003)
- An object-oriented refactoring of Huffman encoding using the Java collections framework (Michael R. Wick) (2003)
- Mental models of recursion (Tina Götschi, Ian D. Sanders, Vashti Galpin) (2003)
- A Model Curriculum for K-12 Computer Science - Final Report of the ACM K-12 Education Task Force Curriculum Committee (Allen B. Tucker, Fadi Deek, Jill Jones, Dennis McCowan, Chris Stephenson, Anita Verno) (2003)
- Schulinformatik in Österreich - Erfahrungen und Beispiel aus dem Unterricht (Anton Reiter, Gerhard Scheidl, Heinz Strohmer, Lydia Tittler, Martin Weissenböck) (2003)
- Schulinformatik - Ein Fach oder ein Gebiet?
- Tu felix Austria informatica? - Ein selektiver und subjektiver Überblick über die Schulinformatik Österreichs (Peter Micheuz)
- Eine Standortbestimmung der Schulinformatik (Anton Reiter)
- Grundlagen und Bildungsziele der Informatik in der Schule (Rüdeger Baumann)
- 8 Thesen zur IT/Informatik (Andreas Holzinger)
- Informatik zwischen Vision und Illusion (Jürg Nievergelt) (2003)
- Computers for Communication, Not Calculation - Media as a Motivation and Context for Learning (Andrea Forte, Mark Guzdial) (2004)
- Geschichten der Informatik - Visionen, Paradigmen, Leitmotive (Hans D. Hellige) (2004)
- Was ist Informatik? - Zur Entstehung des Faches an den deutschen Universitäten (Wolfgang Coy)
- Didaktik der Informatik (Sigrid E. Schubert, Andreas Schwill) (2004)
- 1. Was ist Informatik?
- 3. Theoretische Fundierung der Schulinformatik
- 4. Problemlösen im Informatikunterricht
- 5. Didaktisches System
- Wissensprojekte - Gemeinschaftliches Lernen aus didaktischer, softwaretechnischer und organisatorischer Sicht (Bernd Pape, Detlev Krause, Horst Oberquelle) (2004)
- Informatische Grundbildung 2 (Lutz Engelmann) (2004)
- LOG IN 128/129/2004 - Objektorientiertes Modellieren und Programmieren (2004)
- LOG IN 130/2004 - Künstliches Leben (2004)
- Mars und Venus im Krieg der Kerne - Von Knirpsen, Mäusen, Viren, Würmern und der Evolution im Computer (Helmut Witten) (2004)
- Zeitaufwand von Sortierverfahren (Rüdeger Baumann) (2004)
- Werkstatt: Objekte sortieren - Zur Verwendung von Bibliotheksprogrammen in JAVA (Alfred Heubaum) (2004)
- Künstliches Leben - Ein Überblick (Andreas Schwill, Helmut Witten) (2004)
- Virtuelle Ameisenwelt - Digitale Ameisen und Termiten als Modelle künstlichen Lebens in JAVA (Teil 1) (Paola Prätorius) (2004)
- Künstliches Leben im Biologieunterricht - Mikrosimulationen mit Multi-Agenten-Systemen (Joachim Wedekind, Horst Koschwitz) (2004)
- Lineare zelluläre Automaten (Alfred Hermes) (2004)
- Kritisches zu Stiften und Mäusen - Was ist objektorientierte Modellierung? (Siegfried Spolwig) (2004)
- Mars und Venus im Krieg der Kerne - Von Knirpsen, Mäusen, Viren, Würmern und der Evolution im Computer (Helmut Witten) (2004)
- In-formatio: Die Einbildung des Computers - Beiträge zur Theorie der Bildung in der Informationsgesellschaft (Werner Sesink) (2004)
- The New Division of Labor - How Computers Are Creating the Next Job Market (Frank Levy, Richard Murnane) (2004)
- Computer Science Education 1/2004 (2004)
- Establishing Computer Science Professional Norms Among High-School Students (Yifat Ben-David Kolikant, Sarah Pollack) (2004)
- Computer Science Education in High School (Mordechai Ben-Ari) (2004)
- Establishing Computer Science Professional Norms Among High-School Students (Yifat Ben-David Kolikant, Sarah Pollack) (2004)
- Computer Science Education 3/2004 (2004)
- Teaching Computer Languages and Elementary Theory for Mixed Audiences at University Level (Henning Christiansen) (2004)
- Collected Wisdom - Assessment Tools for Computer Science Programs (Kathryn E. Sanders, Robert McCartney) (2004)
- Teaching Algorithm Efficiency at CS1 Level - A Different Approach (Judith Gal-Ezer, Tamar Vilner, Ela Zur) (2004)
- Teaching Computer Languages and Elementary Theory for Mixed Audiences at University Level (Henning Christiansen) (2004)
- Computer Science Education 2/2004 (2004)
- Making Visible the Behaviors that Influence Learning Environment - A Qualitative Exploration of Computer Science Classrooms (Lecia Barker, Kathy Garvin-Doxas) (2004)
- Making Visible the Behaviors that Influence Learning Environment - A Qualitative Exploration of Computer Science Classrooms (Lecia Barker, Kathy Garvin-Doxas) (2004)
- Computer Science Education 4/2004 (2004)
- A Call for Action (Research) - Applying Science Education Research to Computer Science Instruction (John M. Clement) (2004)
- A Call for Action (Research) - Applying Science Education Research to Computer Science Instruction (John M. Clement) (2004)
- Computer Science Education Research (Sally Fincher, Marian Petre) (2004)
- The Science of Computing - Shaping a Discipline (Matti Tedre) (2004)
- Didaktisches System für objektorientiertes Modellieren im Informatikunterricht der Sekundarstufe II (Torsten Brinda) (2004)
- Wer sind denn diese Informatiker - Eine Annäherung aus Schweizer Sicht (Carl August Zehnder) (2004)
- Didaktik der Notebook-Universität - Mobiles Lernen auf dem Digitalen Campus (Michael Kerres, Marco Kalz, Jörg Stratmann, Claudia de Witt) (2004)
- Diskursökonomie - Versuch über die innere Ökonomie der Medien (Hartmut Winkler) (2004)
- 9. Rekursion
- 9. Rekursion
- Standards in der Schulinformatik (2004)
- Standards in den Informationstechnologien (Christian Dorninger)
- Verändert der ECDL den Informatikunterricht? (Lisbeth Hopfenwieser)
- Die Trägheit als Chance (Christoph Thomann)
- The field of programmers myth (Peter Denning) (2004)
- Fundamente der Informatik - Ablaufmodellierung, Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen (Peter Hubwieser, Gerd Aiglstorfer) (2004)
- Medienkompetenz und Medienleistungen in der Informationsgesellschaft - Beiträge einer internationalen Tagung (Heinz Bonfadelli, Priska Bucher, Ingrid Paus-Hasebrink, Daniel Süss) (2004)
- Medienkompetenz in der Schule - Das allmähliche Verschwinden der Medienpädagogik (Arnold Fröhlich)
- Paradigms of Computing Science - The necessity for methodological diversity (Heidi Schelhowe) (2004)
- CSCL-Kompendium - Lehr- und Handbuch zum computerunterstützen kooperativen Lernen (Jörg M. Haake, Gerhard Schwabe, Martin Wessner) (2004)
- Workshop ICT - SATW-tic-EDU 9/04 - Münchenwiler September 2004 (Arbeitsgruppe e-Education der SATW) (2004)
- Creative Code - Aesthetics + Computation (John Maeda) (2004)
- SIGCSE 2004 - Proceedings of the 35th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, SIGCSE 2004, Norfolk, Virginia, USA, March 3-7, 2004 (Daniel T. Joyce, Deborah Knox, Wanda Dann, Thomas L. Naps) (2004)
- CS1 assessment using memory diagrams (Mark A. Holliday, David Luginbuhl) (2004)
- Experiences with a tablet PC based lecture presentation system in computer science courses (Richard J. Anderson, Ruth E. Anderson, Beth Simon, Steven A. Wolfman, Tammy VanDeGrift, Ken Yasuhara) (2004)
- Enhancing apprentice-based learning of Java (Michael Kölling, David J. Barnes) (2004)
- Offshore outsourcing - current conditions & diagnosis (Ernest Ferguson, Clifton Kussmaul, Daniel D. McCracken, Mary Ann Robbert) (2004)
- Wanted - CS1 students. no experience required (Phil Ventura, Bina Ramamurthy) (2004)
- Designing and implementing a cyberwar laboratory exercise for a computer security course (Paul J. Wagner, Jason M. Wudi) (2004)
- Panel session - great principles in computing (Peter Denning, Rudolph P. Darken, Eric Roberts, Mark Guzdial) (2004)
- Remote access internetworking laboratory (Sung K. Yoo, Scott Hovis) (2004)
- Handwritten slides on a tabletPC in a discrete mathematics course (Evan Golub) (2004)
- Implementation challenges for a K-12 computer science curriculum (Allen B. Tucker, Dennis McCowan, Fadi P. Deek, Chris Stephenson, Jill Jones, Anita Verno) (2004)
- What starisstar information security? (Eugene H. Spafford) (2004)
- The role of computer science in undergraduate bioinformatics education (Debra T. Burhans, Gary R. Skuse) (2004)
- A reusable, academic-strength, metrics-based software engineering process for capstone courses and projects (Richard L. Conn) (2004)
- On understanding compatibility of student pair programmers (Neha Katira, Laurie A. Williams, Eric N. Wiebe, Carol Miller, Suzanne Balik, Edward F. Gehringer) (2004)
- Panel on teaching faculty positions (John P. Dougherty, Thomas B. Horton, Daniel D. Garcia, Susan H. Rodger) (2004)
- The concorde doesn't fly anymore (Mordechai Ben-Ari) (2004)
- Cryptography and computer security for undergraduates (Paul De Palma, Charles Frank, Suzanne E. Gladfelter, Joshua Holden) (2004)
- Enhancing lisp instruction with RCXLisp and robotics (Frank Klassner) (2004)
- Assessing the assessment of programming ability (Charlie Daly, John Waldron) (2004)
- We claim this class for computer science - a non-mathematician's discrete structures course (Adrienne Decker, Phil Ventura) (2004)
- Debugging - from novice to expert (Ryan Chmiel, Michael C. Loui) (2004)
- CS educational research - a meta-analysis of SIGCSE technical symposium proceedings (David W. Valentine) (2004)
- Design, science, and engineering topics? - teaching HCI with a unified method (D. Scott McCrickard, Christa M. Chewar, Jacob P. Somervell) (2004)
- Buffer pools and file processing projects for an undergraduate data structures course (Clifford A. Shaffer) (2004)
- The computer science small department initiative (CS_SDI) report (Catherine C. Bareiss, Kris D. Powers, Scott Thede, Marsha Meredith, Christine Shannon, Judy Williams) (2004)
- Digital media in computer science curricula (Yue-Ling Wong, Jennifer J. Burg, Victoria Strokanova) (2004)
- Teaching computer security at a small college (Cathie LeBlanc, Evelyn Stiller) (2004)
- Computing curricula 2004 - the overview project (Russell L. Shackelford, Lillian N. Cassel, James H. Cross II, John Impagliazzo, Eydie Lawson, Richard J. LeBlanc, Andrew D. McGettrick, Robert H. Sloan, Heikki Topi) (2004)
- A disk head scheduling simulator (Steven Robbins) (2004)
- Case studies for teaching usability engineering (Mary Beth Rosson, John M. Carroll, Con M. Rodi) (2004)
- Science of computing suite (SOCS) - resources for a breadth-first introduction (Carl Burch, Lynn Ziegler) (2004)
- Using pen-based computers across the computer science curriculum (Dave A. Berque, Terri L. Bonebright, Michael V. Whitesell) (2004)
- A practical access to the theory of parallel algorithms (Christoph W. Kessler) (2004)
- Events not equal to GUIs (Stuart A. Hansen, Timothy V. Fossum) (2004)
- Design patterns for marine biology simulation (Dung Zung Nguyen, Mathias Ricken, Stephen B. Wong) (2004)
- Teaching computation to undergraduate scientists (Daniel T. Kaplan) (2004)
- A concepts-first introduction to computer science (Kenneth J. Goldman) (2004)
- The game of set® - an ideal example for introducing polymorphism and design patterns (Stuart A. Hansen) (2004)
- Redesigning introductory computer programming with HTML, JavaScript, and Java (Qusay H. Mahmoud, Wlodzimierz Dobosiewicz, David A. Swayne) (2004)
- Teaching software development methods - the case of extreme programming (Joe Bergin, James Caristi, Yael Dubinsky, Orit Hazzan, Laurie A. Williams) (2004)
- The Quiver system (Christopher C. Ellsworth, James B. Fenwick Jr., Barry L. Kurtz) (2004)
- Student culture vs group work in computer science (William M. Waite, Michele H. Jackson, Amer Diwan, Paul M. Leonardi) (2004)
- Electronic commerce software laboratory (Alfred C. Weaver) (2004)
- Articulation through a body of knowledge - a report on an NSF ATE project involving Radford University and the Virginia Community College System (Joe D. Chase, Dennie Templeton, Michael Peterson, Carlotta Eaton, Diane Wolff, Edward G. Okie) (2004)
- Transitioning to an objects-early three-course introductory sequence - issues and experiences (Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, Steven Edwards, Claude Anderson, Doug Baldwin, James Caristi, Paul J. Wagner) (2004)
- The dream of a common language - the search for simplicity and stability in computer science education (Eric Roberts) (2004)
- Responding to the challenges of teaching computer ethics (Frances S. Grodzinsky, Edward F. Gehringer, Laurie A. Smith King, Herman T. Tavani) (2004)
- Taming the tiger - teaching the next version of Java (Jeremy D. Frens) (2004)
- MODeLeR - multimedia object design learning resource (John W. Coffey, Robert Koonce) (2004)
- Core empirical concepts and skills for computer science (Grant Braught, Craig S. Miller, David W. Reed) (2004)
- A statistical analysis of student performance in online computer science courses (Merry McDonald, Brian Dorn, Gary McDonald) (2004)
- Term project user interface specifications in a usability engineering course - challenges and suggestions (Laura M. Leventhal, Julie Barnes, Joseph Chao) (2004)
- CFX - finding just the right examples for CS1 (Dale Reed, Sam John, Ryan Aviles, Feihong Hsu) (2004)
- Java IO and testing made simple (Viera K. Proulx, Richard Rasala) (2004)
- Why i care about programming and how to teach it (Owen L. Astrachan) (2004)
- Contemplate sorting with columnsort (Lester I. McCann) (2004)
- A visual and interactive automata theory course with JFLAP 4.0 (Ryan Cavalcante, Thomas Finley, Susan H. Rodger) (2004)
- Raising motivation in real-time laboratories - the soccer scenario (Mehdi Amirijoo, Aleksandra Tesanovic, Simin Nadjm-Tehrani) (2004)
- Pervasive computing in the undergraduate curriculum (Mark J. Burge) (2004)
- Developing principles of GUI programming using views (Judith Bishop, R. Nigel Horspool) (2004)
- Information technology accreditation activities (Eydie Lawson, Doris K. Lidtke, Barbara Price) (2004)
- Taming a professional IDE for the classroom (Charles Reis, Robert Cartwright) (2004)
- Web services as the foundation for learning complex software system development (Marty A. Humphrey) (2004)
- Scheme-based web programming as a basis for a CS0 curriculum (Timothy J. Hickey) (2004)
- Illustrating computer hardware concepts using PIC-based projects (Nurul I. Sarkar, Trevor M. Craig) (2004)
- IEEE-CS/ACM computing curricula - computer engineering & software engineering volumes (John Impagliazzo, Esther A. Hughes, Richard J. LeBlanc, Timothy Lethbridge, Andrew D. McGettrick, Ann E. Kelley Sobel, Pradip K. Srimani, Mitchell D. Theys) (2004)
- Adding objects to the traditional ACM programming contest (Steven K. Andrianoff, Dalton Hunkins, David B. Levine) (2004)
- Bringing J2ME industry practice into the classroom (David A. Umphress, James H. Cross II, Jhilmil Jain, Nischita Meda, Larry A. Barowski) (2004)
- Using game days to teach a multiagent system class (Leen-Kiat Soh) (2004)
- Kinesthetic learning in the classroom (Andrew Begel, Daniel D. Garcia, Steven A. Wolfman) (2004)
- Incorporating writing into the CS curriculum (Lisa C. Kaczmarczyk, Gerald Kruse, Dian Rae Lopez, Deepak Kumar) (2004)
- Highlighting programming language issues using mixed language programming nn Maple and C (Andrew T. Phillips) (2004)
- Writing efficient programs - performance issues in an undergraduate CS curriculum (Saumya K. Debray) (2004)
- If you know b-splines well, you also nnow NURBS! (John Fisher, John L. Lowther, Ching-Kuang Shene) (2004)
- Programming in context - a model-first approach to CS1 (Jens Bennedsen, Michael E. Caspersen) (2004)
- Virtual trees for the byzantine generals algorithm (Ahuva Tikvati, Mordechai Ben-Ari, Yifat Ben-David Kolikant) (2004)
- Teaching growth of functions using equivalence classes - an alternative to big O notation (Constantine Roussos) (2004)
- Agent-based cooperative learning - a proof-of-concept experiment (Leen-Kiat Soh, Hong Jiang 0001, Charles Ansorge) (2004)
- Tele-lab IT security - an architecture for interactive lessons for security education (Ji Hu, Christoph Meinel, Michael Schmitt 0002) (2004)
- CS1 assessment using memory diagrams (Mark A. Holliday, David Luginbuhl) (2004)
- Lehrer als Reiseführer in einem Learning-System oder was fehlt den Schweizer Schulen - Antrittsvorlesung ETHZ (Juraj Hromkovic) (2005)
- Informatikbeschaffung - Vertragskonzepte für IT-Kunden (Urs Egli) (2005)
- Why the High Attrition Rate for Computer Science Students - Some Thoughts and Observations (Theresa Beaubouef, John Mason) (2005)
- Medienbildung in der Volksschule - Grundlagen und konkrete Umsetzung (Thomas Merz) (2005)
- Nachhaltigkeit von eLearning-Innovationen - Fallstudien zu Implementierungsstrategien von eLearning als Innovationen an Hochschulen (SCIL-Arbeitsbericht 4) (Sabine Seufert, Dieter Euler) (2005)
- LOG IN 135 / 2005 - Standards in der informatischen Bildung (2005)
- LOG IN 136/137/2005 (2005)
- Urheberrecht und Datenschutz im Informatikunterricht (Daniel Reinhold) (2005)
- Informatik im Kontext (Dieter Engbring) (2005)
- Kursbuch Informatik (Sebastian Abeck) (2005)
- START IT 2 - für das Arbeiten mit dem Computer (ITG/informationstechnische Grundbildung): Schülerbuch Klasse 7-10 (Elin-Birgit Berndt, Manfred Kehlert, Klaus Lienert, Sascha Reuen, Martin Plieninger) (2005)
- 20 Jahre Schulinformatik in Österreich - und IKT-Einsatz im Unterricht (Anton Reiter) (2005)
- Gender issues and computers - college computer science education in Taiwan (Tai-Sheng Fan, Yi-Ching Li) (2005)
- Is computer science science? (Peter Denning) (2005)
- From Computer Literacy to Informatics Fundamentals - International Conference on Informatics in Secondary Schools -- Evolution and Perspectives, ISSEP 2005, Proceedings (Roland Mittermeir) (2005)
- Why Teach Introductory Computer Science? - Reconciling Diverse Goals and Expectations (Jürg Nievergelt)
- Incorporation of Informatics in Austrian Education - The Project "Computer-Education-Society" in the School Year 1984/85 (Anton Reiter)
- 20 Years of Computers and Informatics in Austria’s Secondary Academic Schools (Peter Micheuz)
- Informatics Education at Vocational Schools and Colleges in Austria (Martin Weissenböck)
- The Transition from School to University: Would Prior Study of Computing Help? (Martyn Clark, Roger D. Boyle)
- Informatics and ICT in Polish Education System (Ewa Gurbiel, Grazyna Hardt-Olejniczak, Ewa Kolczyk)
- Teaching Information Technology in General Education - Challenges and Perspectives (Valentina Dagienė)
- Educational Standards in School Informatics in Austria (Christian Dorninger)
- Russian Educational Standards of Informatics and Informatics Technologies (ICT) - Aims, Content, Perspectives (Sergey A. Beshenkov, Aleksandr A. Kuznetsov)
- The Present-Day Tendencies of Teaching Informatics in Ukraine (Oleg Spirin)
- Study of Information Search Systems of the Internet (Yuri Ramsky, Olga Rezina)
- Teaching: People to People - About People - A Plea for the Historic and Human View (Lázló Böszörményi)
- Preparatory Knowledge - Propaedeutic in Informatics (Susanne Loidl, Jörg Mühlbacher, Helmut Schauer)
- A Pragmatic Approach to Spreadsheet Training Based Upon the «Projection-Screen» Model
- A Strategy to Introduce Functional Data Modeling at School Informatics (Markus Schneider)
- Informatic Models in Vocational Training for Teaching Standard Software (Siglinde Voß)
- Evolving Boxes as Flexible Tools for Teaching High-School Students Declarative and Procedural Aspects of Logic Programming (Bruria Haberman, Zahava Scherz)
- The Role of ICT and Informatics in Austria’s Secondary Academic Schools (Peter Micheuz)
- Informatics Versus Information Technology - How Much Informatics Is Needed to Use Information Technology - A School Perspective (Anna Beata Kwiatkowska, Maciej M. Syslo)
- Standard Software as Microworld? (Peter K. Antonitsch)
- The Future Is Mobile - Education Meets Mobile Communication (Werner Wiedermann)
- Introduction (2005)
- Innovative Concepts for Teaching Informatics - Informatics in Secondary Schools: Evolution and Perspectives (Peter Micheuz, Peter K. Antonitsch, Roland Mittermeir) (2005)
- e-Learning in Teacher Education - State College of Teacher Education Vienna (PABW) (Margarete Grimus)
- Design of an Informatics System to Bridge the Gap Between Using and Understanding in Informatics (Christiane Borchel, Ludger Humbert, Martin Reinertz)
- The Gameboy Revolution - ppc@school (Wolfgang Seper)
- Web Based Training 2005 (Maike Franzen) (2005)
- Leben und Lernen in einer von Informationstechnologie durchdrungenen Welt - Visionen und Erwartungen (Friedemann Mattern)
- Leben und Lernen in einer von Informationstechnologie durchdrungenen Welt - Visionen und Erwartungen (Friedemann Mattern)
- Wege aus der Technikfalle II - eLearning und eTeaching (Heinz Moser) (2005)
- Knowledge and Information Visualization - Searching for Synergies (Sigmar-Olaf Tergan, Tanja Keller) (2005)
- 13. Towards a Framework and a Model for Knowledge Visualization - Synergies Between Information and Knowledge Visualization (Remo A. Burkhard) (2005)
- 13. Towards a Framework and a Model for Knowledge Visualization - Synergies Between Information and Knowledge Visualization (Remo A. Burkhard) (2005)
- Wie viel Informatik brauchen Mittelschulen? - Ergänzungsfach Informatik an Gymnasien (Herbert Bruderer) (2005)
- technoscope 3/05 (2005)
- Anja kauft Tickets übers Internet
- Ein Tag im Leben von Michael Näf
- Informatik & Schule 2005 - Praxisband (Holger Rohland) (2005)
- DeLFI 2005 - Tagung der Fachgruppe e-Learning der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI) 13.-16. September 2005 in Rostock (2005)
- Ein Wiki als Lernumgebung? - Überlegungen und Erfahrungen aus schulischer Sicht (Daniel Jonietz)
- Ein Wiki als Lernumgebung? - Überlegungen und Erfahrungen aus schulischer Sicht (Daniel Jonietz)
- Didaktik der Informatik - mit praxiserprobtem Unterrichtsmaterial (Ludger Humbert) (2005)
- 1. Einführung
- 2. Informatik - Herausbildung und Entwicklung der Fachwissenschaft
- 3. Grundfragen des Lernens
- 4. Geschichte, Konzepte und Stand der Schulinformatik
- 5. Methoden im Informatikunterricht
- 6. Vorgehensmodelle - Planung des Informatikunterrichts
- 7. Umsetzungsdimensionen - Unterrichtsvorbereitung konkret
- Unterrichtskonzepte für informatische Bildung - 11. Fachtagung Informatik und Schule der Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI) in Dresden (28.-30. September 2005) (Steffen Friedrich) (2005)
- Wiki und die starken Lehrerinnen (Beat Döbeli Honegger) (2005)
- Von der Funktion zum Objekt - Informatik für die Sekundarstufe I (Peter Hubwieser)
- Informatische Allgemeinbildung (Jochen Koubek) (2005)
- Informatik im Fächerkanon allgemein bildender Schulen - Überlegungen zu einem informationsorientierten didaktischen Ansatz (Norbert Breier)
- Bildungsstandards Informatik - zwischen Vision und Leistungstests (Hermann Puhlmann)
- Erwartungen und Wahlverhalten von Schülerinnen und Schülern gegenüber dem Schulfach Informatik - Ergebnisse einer Umfrage (Carsten Schulte, Johannes Magenheim)
- Ein kleiner Schritt für LehrerInnen, ein großer Schritt für SchülerInnen (Peter Micheuz)
- Informatik - EIN/AUS - Bildung (Werner Hartmann)
- Beiträge der Objektorientierung zu einem Kompetenzmodell des informatischen Modellierens (Torsten Brinda, Carsten Schulte)
- Entdeckendes Lernen im Informatik-Unterricht (Ruedi Arnold, Raimond Reichert, Werner Hartmann)
- Informatische Bildung in Anwenderschulungen (Siglinde Voß)
- Informatische Grundkonzepte zu Beginn der Sekundarstufe I (Birgit Wursthorn)
- Informatik - didaktische Weiterbildung von Lehrenden (Nicole Weicker)
- Vom Abakus bis Zuse (Marco Thomas)
- Informatik - innovative Konzepte zur Gestaltung einer offenen Anfangssequenz mit vielfältigen Erweiterungen (Ludger Humbert, Patrick Eickhoff, Bernd Figgen, Thomas Hammersen, Dirk Pommerenke, Detlef Richter, Jörg Striewe)
- Vorwort
- Spielerisches Erlernen der Programmierung mit dem Java-Hamster-Modell
- Rettet Prinzessin Ada - Am leichtesten objektorientiert (Ira Diethelm, Leif Geiger, Albert Zündorf) (2005)
- Mit Klebezettel und Augenbinde durch die Objektwelt (Ira Diethelm, Leif Geiger, Albert Zündorf) (2005)
- Informatische Bildung im Freistaat Sachsen - ein Gesamtkonzept (Torsten Bechstädt, Robby Buttke, Helmar Fischer, Matthias Keil, Thomas Knapp, Heiko Neupert, Petra Zeller) (2005)
- Programmierparadigmen mit Scheme (Veit Berger, Christian Wagenknecht) (2005)
- Spielerisches Erlernen der Programmierung mit dem Java-Hamster Modell (Dietrich Boles) (2005)
- Rekursion und Iteration - Voruntersuchung zu einem Test (Michael Fothe) (2005)
- Analyse eines Informatiksystems durch unterschiedliche Modellierungsansätze (Henry Herper, Volkmar Hinz) (2005)
- Puck - eine visuelle Programmiersprache für die Schule (Lutz Kohl) (2005)
- Effektive Java-Grundausbildung unter Einsatz eines Learning Management Systems und spezieller Werkzeuge (Roland Küstermann, Dietmar Ratz, Detlef Seese) (2005)
- Software-Engineering in der beruflichen Ausbildung - Simulation realer Projektsituationen (Heike Vocke, Ulrike Woigk) (2005)
- Intuitive Modelle in der Informatik (Michael Weigand) (2005)
- Wiki und die starken Lehrerinnen (Beat Döbeli Honegger) (2005)
- Praxisband INFOS 2005 (Holger Roland) (2005)
- Einsatz eines Wikis als Lernumgebung - Erfahrungen (Daniel Jonietz) (2005)
- Vom tutorzentrierten zum lerner- und teamorientierten Lernen mit der Lernplattform Moodle (Visvanath Ratnaweera, Martin Vögeli)
- Von Null bis Edward Albee (Hans Fischer)
- Die modularisierte Informatiklehre in der Schweiz (Christoph Thomann)
- Students’ Mental Models of the Internet and Their Didactical Exploitation in Informatics Education (Marina Papastergiou) (2005)
- Ethics - Münchenwiler - October 2005 (Arbeitsgruppe e-Society der SATW) (2005)
- Knowledge Media Design - Theorie, Methodik, Praxis (Maximilian Eibl, Harald Reiterer, Peter Fr. Stephan, Frank Thissen) (2005)
- 1. Knowledge Media Design - Konturen eines aufstrebenden Forschungs- und Praxisfeldes (Peter Fr. Stephan)
- 1. Knowledge Media Design - Konturen eines aufstrebenden Forschungs- und Praxisfeldes (Peter Fr. Stephan)
- ICER 2005 - International Computing Education Research Workshop 2005, ICER '05, Seattle, WA, USA, October 1-2, 2005 (Richard J. Anderson, Sally Fincher, Mark Guzdial) (2005)
- Multi-institutional, multi-national studies in CSEd Research - some design considerations and trade-offs (Sally Fincher, Raymond Lister, Tony Clear, Anthony V. Robins, Josh D. Tenenberg, Marian Petre) (2005)
- Personalizing and discussing algorithms within CS1 studio experiences - an observational study (Christopher D. Hundhausen, Jonathan Lee Brown) (2005)
- Impact of alternative introductory courses on programming concept understanding (Allison Elliott Tew, W. Michael McCracken, Mark Guzdial) (2005)
- Multi-institutional, multi-national studies in CSEd Research - some design considerations and trade-offs (Sally Fincher, Raymond Lister, Tony Clear, Anthony V. Robins, Josh D. Tenenberg, Marian Petre) (2005)
- SIGCSE 2005 - Proceedings of the 36th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, SIGCSE 2005, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, February 23-27, 2005 (Wanda Dann, Thomas L. Naps, Paul T. Tymann, Doug Baldwin) (2005)
- Outcomes-based computer science education (Stephen Cooper, Lillian N. Cassel, Barbara Moskal, Steve Cunningham) (2005)
- Agile development in computer science education - practices and prognosis (Joseph Bergin, Clifton Kussmaul, Thomas Reichlmayr, James Caristi, Gary Pollice) (2005)
- Taking advantage of national science foundation funding opportunities (Steve Cunningham, Diana Gant, Harriet G. Taylor) (2005)
- The virtual network system (Martín Casado, Nick McKeown) (2005)
- Photon mapping made easy (Tin-Tin Yu, John L. Lowther, Ching-Kuang Shene) (2005)
- Hide and show - using real compiler code for teaching (Elizabeth L. White, Ranjan Sen, Nina Stewart) (2005)
- Computer architecture and mental models (Cecile Yehezkel, Mordechai Ben-Ari, Tommy Dreyfus) (2005)
- Exploring XML for data exchange in the context of an undergraduate database curriculum (Suzanne W. Dietrich, Susan Darling Urban, Hua Ma, Yang Xiao 0003, Shama Patel) (2005)
- Intra-curriculum software engineering education (James B. Fenwick Jr., Barry L. Kurtz) (2005)
- Why structural recursion should be taught before arrays in CS 1 (Kim B. Bruce, Andrea Pohoreckyj Danyluk, Thomas P. Murtagh) (2005)
- Accessibility in introductory computer science (Robert F. Cohen, Alexander V. Fairley, David Gerry, Gustavo R. Lima) (2005)
- Design process for a non-majors computing course (Mark Guzdial, Andrea Forte) (2005)
- The course scheduling problem as a source of student projects (William Combs, Robert K. Hawkins, Thomas Pore, Arik Schechet, Tim Wahls, Louis Ziantz) (2005)
- Cooperative learning techniques in CS1 - design and experimental evaluation (Leland L. Beck, Alexander W. Chizhik, Amy C. McElroy) (2005)
- Teaching inter-object design patterns to freshmen (Prasun Dewan) (2005)
- Integrating science and research in a HCI design course (Robert Pastel) (2005)
- Teaching design patterns in CS1 - a closed laboratory sequence based on the game of life (Michael R. Wick) (2005)
- Programming - factors that influence success (Susan Bergin, Ronan Reilly) (2005)
- Large team projects in software engineering courses (David Coppit, Jennifer M. Haddox-Schatz) (2005)
- The many facets of diversity (Jack Beidler, Hilary J. Holz, Ken Yasuhara, Evans J. Adams) (2005)
- What can computer science learn from a fine arts approach to teaching? (Lecia Barker, Kathy Garvin-Doxas, Eric S. Roberts) (2005)
- Towards concrete concurrency - occam-pi on the LEGO mindstorms (Christian L. Jacobsen, Matthew C. Jadud) (2005)
- Intention-based scoring - an approach to measuring success at solving the composition problem (H. Chad Lane, Kurt VanLehn) (2005)
- On integrating web services from the ground up into CS1/CS2 (Billy B. L. Lim, Chu Jong, Pruthikrai Mahatanankoon) (2005)
- Using SeSFJava in teaching introductory network courses (Tamer Elsharnouby, A. Udaya Shankar) (2005)
- An address translation simulator (Steven Robbins) (2005)
- The ACM java task force - status report (Eric S. Roberts, Kim B. Bruce, Robb Cutler, James H. Cross II, Scott B. Grissom, Karl Klee, Susan H. Rodger, Fran Trees, Ian Utting, Frank Yellin) (2005)
- Students with Asperger's syndrome in the CS classroom (Mary Anne L. Egan) (2005)
- Creating emergent behaviors - two robotics labs that combine reactive behaviors (Robert M. Harlan, Shelley McClarigan) (2005)
- Automated use of a Wiki for collaborative lecture notes (Melissa E. O'Neill) (2005)
- The year in review - changes and lessons learned in the design and implementation of the AP CS exam in Java (Robert L. Scot Drysdale, Judith Hromcik, David Reed, Reg Hahne) (2005)
- A «secondary» look at digital image processing (Alasdair McAndrew, Anne Venables) (2005)
- «The Babel experiment» - an advanced pantomime-based training in OOA&OOD with UML (Vladimir L. Pavlov, Anton Yatsenko) (2005)
- Challenges to computer science education research (Vicki L. Almstrum, Orit Hazzan, Mark Guzdial, Marian Petre) (2005)
- Using testing and JUnit across the curriculum (Michael R. Wick, Daniel E. Stevenson, Paul J. Wagner) (2005)
- Teaching compiler construction using a domain specific language (Tyson R. Henry) (2005)
- Computer literacy - what students know and from whom they learned it (Mark E. Hoffman, David R. Vance) (2005)
- A company-based framework for a software engineering course (Thomas P. Way) (2005)
- Experience with an industry-driven capstone course on game programming - extended abstract (Ian Parberry, Timothy Roden, Max B. Kazemzadeh) (2005)
- A model for improving secondary CS education (Barbara J. Ericson, Mark Guzdial, Maureen Biggers) (2005)
- Emerging areas in computer science education (Amruth N. Kumar, Rose K. Shumba, Bina Ramamurthy, Lawrence D'Antonio) (2005)
- A design for team peer code review (Deborah Anne Trytten) (2005)
- The effects of individual differences on CS2 course performance across universities (Tracy L. Lewis, Joe D. Chase, Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, Mary Beth Rosson) (2005)
- Using abstractions to make concepts concrete (Kim B. Bruce) (2005)
- Effective incorporation of ethics into courses that focus on programming (Mary Elaine Califf, Mary Goodwin) (2005)
- The concorde doesn't fly anymore (Mordechai Ben-Ari) (2005)
- Diversifying the images of computer science - undergraduate women take on the challenge! (Carol Frieze) (2005)
- Interpreting Java program runtimes (Stuart A. Hansen) (2005)
- Developing resources to support a national computer science curriculum for K-12 (Anita Verno, Debbie Carter, Robb Cutler, Michelle Hutton, Lenny Pitt) (2005)
- Using a pre-assessment exam to construct an effective concept-based genetic program for predicting course success (Gary D. Boetticher, Wei Ding 0003, Charles Moen, Kwok-Bun Yue) (2005)
- Objects-early tools - a demonstration (Joe Bergin, Kim B. Bruce, Michael Kölling) (2005)
- Teaching design patterns by stealth (Stephen Weiss) (2005)
- Experiments with balanced-sample binary trees (G. Michael Barnes, John Noga, Peter D. Smith, Jeff Wiegley) (2005)
- Teaching students to hack - curriculum issues in information security (Patricia Y. Logan, Allen Clarkson) (2005)
- Status report on the SIGCSE committee on the implementation of a discrete mathematics course (Bill Marion) (2005)
- Increasing the number of women majoring in computer science - what works? (Maria M. Klawe) (2005)
- Computer games and CS education - why and how (Elizabeth Sweedyk, Marianne de Laet, Michael C. Slattery, James Kuffner) (2005)
- Using peer review in teaching computing (Edward F. Gehringer, Donald D. Chinn, Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, Mark A. Ardis) (2005)
- Informatics - a focus on computer science in context (David G. Kay, André van der Hoek, Debra J. Richardson) (2005)
- Computer forensics programs in higher education - a preliminary study (Larry Gottschalk, Jigang Liu, Brahma Dathan, Sue Fitzgerald, Michael Stein) (2005)
- Opening the eyes of those who can see to the world of those who can't - a case study (Susan M. Harrison) (2005)
- Steganography and cartography - interesting assignments that reinforce machine representation, bit manipulation, and discrete structures concepts (Daniel E. Stevenson, Michael R. Wick, Steven J. Ratering) (2005)
- Nifty assignment (Nick Parlante, David B. Levine, Steven K. Andrianoff, Aaron J. Gordon, Alyce Brady, Pamela A. Cutter, Paul Kube, Jefferson Ng, Richard E. Pattis) (2005)
- On understanding the statics and dynamics of object-oriented programs (Noa Ragonis, Mordechai Ben-Ari) (2005)
- Supporting workflow in a course management system (Chavdar Botev, Hubert Chao, Theodore Chao, Yim Cheng, Raymond Doyle, Sergey Grankin, Jon Guarino, Saikat Guha, Pei-Chen Lee, Dan Perry, Christopher Ré, Ilya Rifkin, Tingyan Yuan, Dora Abdullah, Kathy Carpenter, David Gries, Dexter Kozen, Andrew C. Myers, David I. Schwartz, Jayavel Shanmugasundaram) (2005)
- The impact of virtual classroom laboratories in CSE (Matt Bower, Debbie Richards) (2005)
- Factors influencing the shrinking pipeline in high schools - a sector-based analysis of the Israeli high school system (Larisa Eidelman, Orit Hazzan) (2005)
- Ubiquitous presenter - increasing student access and control in a digital lecturing environment (Michelle Wilkerson, William G. Griswold, Beth Simon) (2005)
- Fostering a creative interest in computer science (Gary Lewandowski, Elizabeth Johnson, Michael Goldweber) (2005)
- The grader in ProgrammingLand (Curt D. Hill, Brian M. Slator, Lisa M. Daniels) (2005)
- Design patterns for database pedagogy - a proposal (Thomas J. Marlowe, Cyril S. Ku, James W. Benham) (2005)
- Taming Java for the classroom (James I. Hsia, Elspeth Simpson, Daniel Smith 0003, Robert Cartwright) (2005)
- Experiences with a CS0 course targeted for CS1 success (Charles Dierbach, Blair Taylor, Harry Zhou, Iliana Zimand) (2005)
- AlgorithmA project - the ten-week mock software company (Marc Bernstein, Kelly M. FitzGerald, James P. Macdonell, Arturo I. Concepcion) (2005)
- A geographically-distributed, assignment-structured undergraduate grid computing course (Mark A. Holliday, Barry Wilkinson, Jeffrey House, Samir Daoud, Clayton Ferner) (2005)
- Changes in CS students' sttitudes towards CS over time - an examination of gender differences (Sylvia Beyer, Michelle DeKeuster, Kathleen Walter, Michelle Colar, Christina Holcomb) (2005)
- Closed laboratories with embedded instructional research design for CS1 (Leen-Kiat Soh, Ashok Samal, Suzette Person, Gwen Nugent, Jeff Lang) (2005)
- Outcomes-based computer science education (Stephen Cooper, Lillian N. Cassel, Barbara Moskal, Steve Cunningham) (2005)
- Wie viel Informatik brauchen Mittelschulen? (Herbert Bruderer) (2005)
- Recentering Computer Science (Peter Denning, Andrew D. McGettrick) (2005)
- Wardriving zu RECHT? (Ursula Sury) (2005)
- Informatische Bildung in der Sekundarstufe I - im Spannungsfeld zwischen Autonomie und Standards (2005)
- Mobile Phones Will Become The Primary Personal Computing Devices (John J. Barton, Shumin Zhai, Steve B. Cousins) (2006)
- Prof. Dr. Carl August Zehnder macht sich Sorgen über die Informatik-Ausbildung in der Schweiz - Interview von Guido Wemans, Chefredaktor asut bulletin (Carl August Zehnder, Guido Wemans) (2006)
- Zur Ordnungswirkung fundamentaler Ideen der Informatik am Beispiel der theoretischen Schulinformatik (Eckart Modrow) (2006)
- Creativity Support Tools - Report From a U.S. National Science Foundation Sponsored Workshop (Ben Shneiderman, Gerhard Fischer, M. Czerwinski, Mitchel Resnick, Brad Myers, Linda Candy, Ernest Edmonds, Michael Eisenberg, Elisa Giaccardi, Tom Hewett, Pamela Jennings, Bill Kules, Kumio Makakoji, Jay Nunamaker, Randy Pausch, Ted Selker, Elisabeth Sylvan, Michael Terry) (2006)
- GraphBench - Exploring the Limits of Complexity with Educational Software (ETH Dissertation 16392) (Markus Brändle) (2006)
- inform@ KGU - 10 Ideen rund um den Computer - ICT im Unterricht (Silvia Dörig, Thomas Dörig, Corinne Hasler, Ruth Meile, Edith Müller, Susanne Roth Genovese, Beatrice Straub Haaf) (2006)
- inform@ MSP/OS (Urs Bischofberger, Thomas Dörig, Erwin Peter Kindler, Felix Künzle-Gallina, Edith Müller, Melanie Sonderegger, Beatrice Straub Haaf, Ernst Waespe, Siegfried Zweifel) (2006)
- LOG IN 140/2006 (2006)
- Gefahren im Internet - Hinweise und Aufklärung im Fach Informationstechnologie an der bayerischen Realschule (Teil 1) (Kirsten Schlüter) (2006)
- Elektronisch unterschreiben - Teil 1: Gefahren im Internet (Jürgen Müller) (2006)
- Gefahren im Internet - Hinweise und Aufklärung im Fach Informationstechnologie an der bayerischen Realschule (Teil 1) (Kirsten Schlüter) (2006)
- LOG IN 141/142/2006 (2006)
- Informatik und Allgemeinbildung (Helmut Witten) (2006)
- Das Informatikjahr - Eine junge Wissenschaft stellt sich vor (2006)
- Women and Information Technology - Research on Underrepresentation (J. McGrath Cohoon, William Aspray) (2006)
- Computer Science Education 1/2006 (2006)
- A Placement Test for Computer Science - Design, Implementation, and Analysis (Gwen Nugent, Leen-Kiat Soh, Ashok Samal, Jeff Lang) (2006)
- Strategies for teaching object-oriented concepts with Java (Miguel-Ángel Sicilia) (2006)
- A Placement Test for Computer Science - Design, Implementation, and Analysis (Gwen Nugent, Leen-Kiat Soh, Ashok Samal, Jeff Lang) (2006)
- LOG IN 143/2006 (2006)
- Zivilgesellschaftliches Engagement in virtuellen Gemeinschaften? - Eine systemwissenschaftliche Analyse des deutschsprachigen Wikipedia-Projektes (Ingo Frost) (2006)
- Gendergerecht unterrichten - Zeitschrift Computer und Unterricht 61 (Regina Eichen) (2006)
- Roberta (R) - Mit Robotern zu Informatik und Technik (Josef Börding, Monika Müllerburg, Ulrike Petersen, Gabi Theidig)
- Haben Informatikerinnen das falsche Geschlecht? (Hans Engler) (2006)
- Computational Thinking (Jeannette M. Wing) (2006)
- Wo sind sie, die Inseln der Vernunft im Cyberstrom? - Auswege aus der programmierten Gesellschaft (Joseph Weizenbaum, Gunna Wendt) (2006)
- IT im schulischen Kontext - Medienpädagogik 2/05 (Heinz Moser, Heidi Schelhowe) (2006)
- Medienpädagogik und Informatik - Zur Notwendigkeit einer Neubestimmung der Rolle digitaler Medien in Bildungsprozessen (Heidi Schelhowe) (2006)
- Medienpädagogik und Informatik - Zur Notwendigkeit einer Neubestimmung der Rolle digitaler Medien in Bildungsprozessen (Heidi Schelhowe) (2006)
- Informatische Grundbildung 3 (Lutz Engelmann) (2006)
- Die Nintendo-Generation lernt Programmieren - Der Versuch einer didaktischen Rekonstruktion des Programmierens für den Unterricht (Claudio Landerer) (2006)
- Informatik als Grundbildung (H. Wedekind, E. Ortner, R. Inhetveen) (2006)
- Programmieren, Mathe und ein bisschen Hardware... - Wen lockt dies Bild der Informatik? (Susanne Maass, Heike Wiesner) (2006)
- Wissensmanagement 3/2006 (2006)
- Früh übt sich - Arbeitgeber fördern (Früh-)Bildung (Heike Hunecke)
- Der grosse Feldversuch (Dorothee Wiegand) (2006)
- Rahmenlehrplan für ein Ergänzungsfach Informatik (Entwurf) - Entwurf vom 5.10.2005 (2006)
- Was ist Informatik? - Unser Positionspapier (Susanne Biundo, Volker Claus, Heinrich C. Mayr) (2006)
- E-Learning in der Schule - Zeitschrift Computer und Unterricht 62 (Stefan Aufenanger) (2006)
- Lernen im Wiki - Kollaboratives Lernen mit einer virtuellen Plattform (Daniel Jonietz)
- Lernen im Wiki - Kollaboratives Lernen mit einer virtuellen Plattform (Daniel Jonietz)
- LOG IN 138/139: Unterrichtsentwicklung (2006)
- Einsatz eines Wiki im Informatikunterricht (Ulrich Pieper) (2006)
- SOL - Schule ohne Lehrer? - Selbstorganisiertes Lernen im Informatikunterricht (Helmut Witten, Johann Penon, Alexander Dietz)
- Experimente und Modelle in der informatischen Bildung (Jürgen Müller)
- Ein Rollenspiel zum Verschlüsseln (Michael Fothe) (2006)
- Informatikunterricht ist anders - ... und Lehrerbildung ist es auch (Ludger Humbert) (2006)
- Partizipative Systementwicklung im Informatikunterricht (Michael Jannek) (2006)
- Einsatz eines Wiki im Informatikunterricht (Ulrich Pieper) (2006)
- dank Informatik - Ideen für den Unterricht (Stiftung Lesen) (2006)
- Rahmenlehrplan für die Sekundarstufe I - ITG & Informatik (Wahlpflichtfach) (2006)
- 3. Workshop der GI-Fachgruppe 'Didaktik der Informatik' - 19.-20. Juni 2006 an der Universität Potsdam (Andreas Schwill, Carsten Schulte, Marco Thomas) (2006)
- Mobilkommunikation im Informatikunterricht - Thesen und empirische Ergebnisse (Gerrit Kalkbrenner, Benedikt Schultebraucks, Martin Sawatzki) (2006)
- Entwicklung einer softwaregestützten Unterrichtsevaluation im Gesamtkontext des Einsatzes von mobilen Endgeräten im Informatikunterricht (Hendrik Büdding) (2006)
- Beitrag des Informatikunterrichts zur Entwicklung von Medienkompetenzen (Stefan Freischlad) (2006)
- Begriffliche Strukturen der Informatik - Ein empirischer Zugang (Markus Schneider) (2006)
- Mobilkommunikation im Informatikunterricht - Thesen und empirische Ergebnisse (Gerrit Kalkbrenner, Benedikt Schultebraucks, Martin Sawatzki) (2006)
- Effizienz contra Datenschutz - Die neue AHV-Nummer kann sicher ausgestaltet werden. (Carl August Zehnder) (2006)
- Auf dem Weg zu Standards? - Zeitschrift Computer und Unterricht 63 (Stefan Aufenanger, Susanne Pacher, Rudolf Peschke, Renate Schulz-Zander, Wolf-Rüdiger Wagner) (2006)
- Auf dem Weg zu Bildungsstandards? (Wolf-Rüdiger Wagner, Rudolf Peschke)
- Neuer Wein in alten Schläuchen? - Entwicklung von Bildungsstandards Informatik (Norbert Breier, Torsten Brinda, Michael Fothe, Steffen Friedrich, Bernhard Koerber, Hermann Puhlmann)
- Sieben Wunder der Informatik - Eine Reise an die Grenze des Machbaren mit Aufgaben und Lösungen (Juraj Hromkovic) (2006)
- 1. Eine kurze Geschichte der Informatik - oder: Warum Informatik nicht nur ein Führerschein zur Computerbenutzung ist.
- 3. Unendlich ist nicht gleich unendlich - oder: Warum die Unendlichkeit in der Informatik so unendlich wichtig ist
- Zwischen Hardware und Softskills - Informatikerinnen und Informatiker berichten über ihren Beruf (Jürg Baillod, Peter Roos) (2006)
- Informatik - ein faszinierendes Berufsfeld
- Informatik in der Schweiz (Carl August Zehnder)
- Portrait Ursula Bernegger (Jürg Baillod, Peter Roos, Ursula Bernegger)
- Der Reiz des Informatikberufs
- Problematiken des Informatikberufs
- Informatikunterricht planen und durchführen (Werner Hartmann, Michael Näf, Raimond Reichert) (2006)
- 1. Informatikunterricht hat die Informatik als Gegenstand
- 2. Informatiklehrer unterrichten Informatik
- 6. Informatikunterricht umfasst Konzeptwissen und Produktwissen
- 7. Unterrichtsinhalte auf die Zielgruppe ausrichten
- 8. Fundamentale Ideen (2006)
- 9. Verschiedene Zugänge im Informatikunterricht
- 10. Lernziele sind im Informatikuntericht besonders wichtig
- 11. Informatikkurse erfordern sorgfältige Planung
- 12. Unterrichtsmethoden für den Informatikunterricht
- 14. Gruppenarbeit
- 17. Projektunterricht
- 19. Repräsentationstrias machen Abstraktes (be)greifbar
- 20. Visualisierungen machen unsichtbares sichtbar
- DeLFI 2006 - 4. e-Learning Fachtagung Informatik - Proceedings (Max Mühlhäuser, Guido Rößling, Ralf Steinmetz) (2006)
- Mobile Learning is Coming of Age - What we have and what we still miss (Dirk Frohberg) (2006)
- Visualisierung von Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen (Guido Rößling, Tobias Ackermann, Simon Kulessa) (2006)
- Mobile Learning is Coming of Age - What we have and what we still miss (Dirk Frohberg) (2006)
- Abenteuer Informatik - IT zum Anfassen von Routenplaner bis Online-Banking (Jens Gallenbacher) (2006)
- Interactive Computation - The New Paradigm (Dina Q. Goldin, Scott A. Smolka, Peter Wegner) (2006)
- 1. Turing, Computing, and Communication (Robin Milner)
- 2. Computing and Interaction (Farhad Arbab)
- 18. Interaction, Computation, and Education (Lynn Stein)
- Machen Medien Schule? - Schulblatt des Kantons Zürich 4/06 (2006)
- Die Verantwortung liegt bei den Schulen (Jacqueline Olivier)
- Die Verantwortung liegt bei den Schulen (Jacqueline Olivier)
- ICER 2006 - International Computing Education Research Workshop 2006, ICER '06, Canterbury, UK, September 9-10, 2006 (Richard J. Anderson, Sally Fincher, Mark Guzdial) (2006)
- Commonsense computing - what students know before we teach (episode 1: sorting) (Beth Simon, Tzu-Yi Chen, Gary Lewandowski, Robert McCartney, Kate Sanders) (2006)
- Graphic designers who program as informal computer science learners (Brian Dorn, Mark Guzdial) (2006)
- Improving learning in CS1 via tablet-PC-based in-class assessment (Kimberle Koile, David Singer) (2006)
- A role-based analysis model for the evaluation of novices' programming knowledge development (Pauli Byckling, Jorma Sajaniemi) (2006)
- Commonsense computing - what students know before we teach (episode 1: sorting) (Beth Simon, Tzu-Yi Chen, Gary Lewandowski, Robert McCartney, Kate Sanders) (2006)
- SIGCSE 2006 (Doug Baldwin, Paul T. Tymann, Susan M. Haller, Ingrid Russell) (2006)
- A comprehensive representation of the computing and information disciplines (Lillian N. Cassel, Andrew D. McGettrick, Robert H. Sloan)
- OOP and the Janus principle (Joel C. Adams) (2006)
- Case-based analysis - a practical tool for teaching computer ethics (Michael J. Quinn) (2006)
- TextMOLE - text mining operations library and environment (Daniel B. Waegel, April Kontostathis) (2006)
- Developing collaborative skills early in the CS curriculum in a laboratory environment (Dawn McKinney, Leo F. Denton) (2006)
- The open network laboratory (John D. DeHart, Fred Kuhns, Jyoti Parwatikar, Jonathan S. Turner, Charlie Wiseman, Ken Wong) (2006)
- Bridging writing to learn and writing in the discipline in computer science education (Mark E. Hoffman, Timothy Dansdill, David S. Herscovici) (2006)
- Exploiting on-line data sources as the basis of programming projects (Peter DePasquale) (2006)
- Re-centering computer science (Peter Denning, Andrew D. McGettrick, Paul S. Rosenbloom, Larry Snyder) (2006)
- A systematic approach to active and cooperative learning in CS1 and its effects on CS2 (Graciela Gonzalez) (2006)
- The compiler course in today's curriculum - three strategies (William M. Waite) (2006)
- Accessibility and computer science education (Brian J. Rosmaita, Katherine Deibel, Robert F. Cohen, Mary Anne L. Egan) (2006)
- Teaching the power of randomization using a simple game (Yana Kortsarts, Jeffrey Rufinus) (2006)
- Reduction -- an abstract thinking pattern - the case of the computational models course (Michal Armoni, Judith Gal-Ezer) (2006)
- A CS0 course for the liberal arts (Daniel C. Cliburn) (2006)
- Image understanding as a second course in AI - preparing students for research (Roxanne L. Canosa) (2006)
- The inverted curriculum in practice (Michela Pedroni, Bertrand Meyer 0001) (2006)
- An interactive tutorial system for Java (Eric Roberts) (2006)
- Pedagogical techniques supported by the use of student devices in teaching software engineering (Valentin Razmov, Richard J. Anderson) (2006)
- Thinking, speaking, and writing for freshmen (Lawrence J. Osborne) (2006)
- A compiler tutorial scaled for the programming languages course (Jerry Mead) (2006)
- Overview of the cyberTech-ITEST project - an initiative to attract and prepare under-represented students for tomorrow's careers in the computing sciences (Laurence I. Peterson, Dale Benham) (2006)
- Everything I needed to know about teaching I learned in kindergarten - bringing elementary education techniques to undergraduate computer science classes (Shannon Pollard, Robert C. Duvall) (2006)
- Things are clicking in computer science courses (Roy P. Pargas, Dhaval M. Shah) (2006)
- Student progress monitoring tool using treeview (Jungsoon P. Yoo, Sung K. Yoo, Chris Lance, Judy Hankins) (2006)
- Virtual machines - an idea whose time has returned - application to network, security, and database courses (William I. Bullers Jr., Stephen D. Burd, Alessandro F. Seazzu) (2006)
- A data mining course for computer science - primary sources and implementations (David R. Musicant) (2006)
- A multi-disciplinary look at the computing disciplines (Antonio M. Lopez Jr., Robert W. Lent, Frederick G. Lopez, Madonna G. Constantine) (2006)
- Language performance at high school and success in first year computer science (Sarah Rauchas, Benjamin Rosman, George Konidaris, Ian D. Sanders) (2006)
- Graphical game development in CS2 - a flexible infrastructure for a semester long project (Mark C. Lewis, Berna L. Massingill) (2006)
- A UNIX concurrent I/O simulator (Steven Robbins) (2006)
- Storytelling and puzzles in a software engineering course (M. R. K. Krishna Rao) (2006)
- An ethics and security course for students in computer science and information technology (Richard G. Epstein) (2006)
- Nifty assignments (Nick Parlante, Steven A. Wolfman, Lester I. McCann, Eric Roberts, Chris Nevison, John Motil, Jerry Cain, Stuart Reges) (2006)
- Teaching a web security course to practice information assurance (H. Yu, W. Liao, X. Yuan, J. Xu) (2006)
- Turning automata theory into a hands-on course (Susan H. Rodger, Bart Bressler, Thomas Finley, Stephen Reading) (2006)
- A framework in which to teach (technical) communication to computer science majors (Henry A. Etlinger) (2006)
- The art and science of game programming (Ian Parberry, Max B. Kazemzadeh, Timothy Roden) (2006)
- Discrete partnership - a case for a full year of discrete math (Mark D. LeBlanc, Rochelle Leibowitz) (2006)
- GSPIM - graphical visualization tool for MIPS assembly programming and simulation (Patrick Borunda, Chris Brewer, Cesim Erten) (2006)
- CSE volunteers - a service learning program to provide IT support to the hillsborough county school district (Kenneth J. Christensen, D. Rundus, G. Perera, S. Zulli) (2006)
- Introductory game creation - no programming required (A. T. Chamillard) (2006)
- Realism and simplicity - disk simulation for instructional OS performance evaluation (Peter DeRosa, Kai Shen, Christopher Stewart, Jonathan Pearson) (2006)
- Growl...roar...are we ready for tiger? - review of the current climate and changes to be implemented for the 2007 AP CS exam (Reg Hahne, Cay Horstmann, David Reed, Don Allen) (2006)
- A robust web programming and graphics course for non-majors (Michael B. Gousie) (2006)
- The back end of a grading system (Robert E. Noonan) (2006)
- Games as a «flavor» of CS1 (Jessica D. Bayliss, Sean Strout) (2006)
- A model for summer undergraduate research experiences in emerging technologies (Deborah Knox, Peter DePasquale, Sarah Monisha Pulimood) (2006)
- Teaching requirements engineering to an unsuspecting audience (David Callele, Dwight J. Makaroff) (2006)
- Make it Look real, make it look cool (Bill La Barge) (2006)
- Women catch up - gender differences in learning programming concepts (Laurie Murphy, Brad Richards, Renée McCauley, Briana B. Morrison, Suzanne Westbrook, Timothy V. Fossum) (2006)
- Computing in context - integrating an embedded computing project into a course on ethical and societal issues (Fred G. Martin, Sarah Kuhn) (2006)
- Design of class hierarchies - an introduction to OO program design (Viera K. Proulx, Kathryn E. Gray) (2006)
- Using market basket analysis to integrate and motivate topics in discrete structures (Michael R. Wick, Paul J. Wagner) (2006)
- Final oral report of the SIGCSE committee on the implementation of a discrete mathematics course (Bill Marion) (2006)
- educational response to offshore outsourcing (William Aspray, A. Frank Mayadas, Moshe Y. Vardi, Stuart H. Zweben) (2006)
- Can graduating students design software systems? (Anna Eckerdal, Robert McCartney, Jan Erik Moström, Mark Ratcliffe 0001, Carol Zander) (2006)
- Experiences using a collaborative electronic textbook - bringing the "guide on the side" home with you (Ryan L. McFall, Herbert L. Dershem, Darcy A. Davis) (2006)
- Digital gaming as a vehicle for learning (Ursula Wolz, Tiffany Barnes, Ian Parberry, Michael R. Wick) (2006)
- Poker as a group project for artificial intelligence (Michael R. Scheessele, Thomas Schriefer) (2006)
- Why students with an apparent aptitude for computer science don't choose to major in computer science (Lori Carter) (2006)
- The ACM java task force - final report (Eric S. Roberts, Kim B. Bruce, James H. Cross II, Robb Cutler, Scott Grissom, Karl Klee, Susan H. Rodger, Fran Trees, Ian Utting, Frank Yellin) (2006)
- Teaching graphs to visually impaired students using an active auditory interface (Robert F. Cohen, Arthur Meacham, Joelle Skaff) (2006)
- An active learning approach to teaching the data structures course (Timothy A. Budd) (2006)
- Working together to improve K-12 computer science education (Robb Cutler, Chris Stephenson) (2006)
- Automata theory - its relevance to computer science students and course contents (Michal Armoni, Susan H. Rodger, Moshe Y. Vardi, R. Verma) (2006)
- Closing the loop on test creation - a question assessment mechanism for instructors (Titus Winters, Tom Payne) (2006)
- Test-driven learning - intrinsic integration of testing into the CS/SE curriculum (David Janzen, Hossein Saiedian) (2006)
- Multimodal communication in the classroom - what does it mean for us? (Tamara Denning, William G. Griswold, Beth Simon, Michelle Wilkerson) (2006)
- Relationship of early programming language to novice generated design (Tzu-Yi Chen, Alvaro E. Monge, Beth Simon) (2006)
- Tools for teaching introductory programming - what works? (Kris Powers, Paul Gross, Steve Cooper, Myles F. McNally, Kenneth J. Goldman, Viera K. Proulx, Martin C. Carlisle) (2006)
- Chirp on crickets - teaching compilers using an embedded robot controller (Li Xu, Fred G. Martin) (2006)
- XP practices applied to grading (David B. Levine, Henry MacKay Walker) (2006)
- A comprehensive representation of the computing and information disciplines (Lillian N. Cassel, Andrew D. McGettrick, Robert H. Sloan)
- Koli Calling 2006 - 6th Baltic Sea Conference on Computing Education Research, Koli Calling, Baltic Sea '06, Koli, Joensuu, Finland, November 9-12, 2006 (Anders Berglund, Mattias Wiggberg) (2006)
- Learning programming by programming - a case study (Marko Hassinen, Hannu Mäyrä) (2006)
- Learning programming by programming - a case study (Marko Hassinen, Hannu Mäyrä) (2006)
- Der Übergang ins Studium II - Bericht zu einem Projekt der Konferenz der Schweizerischen Gymnasialrektoren (KSGR) und der Rektorenkonferenz der Schweizer Universitäten (CRUS) (Philipp Notter, Claudia Arnold) (2006)
- Wir haben zuwenig Sichtbarkeit (Carl August Zehnder, Gabrielle Attinger) (2006)
- Was ist guter Informatikunterricht? - Interview mit Werner Hartmann (Werner Hartmann, Miriam Fischer) (2006)
- Informatics Education - The Bridge between Using and Understanding Computers - International Conference in Informatics in Secondary Schools - Evolution and Perspectives, ISSEP 2006, Vilnius, Lithuania, November 7-11, 2006, Proceedings (Roland Mittermeir) (2006)
- Databases as a Tool of General Education (Peter K. Antonitsch) (2006)
- Evolution of Informatics Maturity Exams and Challenge for Learning Programming (Jonas Blonskis, Valentina Dagiene) (2006)
- Sustaining Local Identity, Control and Ownership While Integrating Technology into School Learning (Deirdre Butler, Carol Strohecker, Fred Martin) (2006)
- Metacognition in Web-Based Learning Activities (Giuseppe Chiazzese, Simona Ottaviano, Gianluca Merlo, Antonella Chifari, Mario Allegra, Luciano Seta, Giovanni Todaro) (2006)
- Evolution of the Cultural-Based Paradigm for Informatics Education in Secondary Schools - Two Decades of Lithuanian Experience (Valentina Dagiene, Gintautas Dzemyda, Mifodijus Sapagovas) (2006)
- Algorithmic Thinking - The Key for Understanding Computer Science (Gerald Futschek) (2006)
- On Novices' Local Views of Algorithmic Characteristics (David Ginat) (2006)
- Teaching Computing in Secondary Schools in a Dynamic World - Challenges and Directions (Bruria Haberman) (2006)
- ePortfolios in Australian Schools - Supporting Learners' Self-esteem, Multiliteracies and Reflection on Learning (Elizabeth Hartnell-Young) (2006)
- Contributing to General Education by Teaching Informatics (Juraj Hromkovic) (2006)
- Functions, Objects and States - Teaching Informatics in Secondary Schools (Peter Hubwieser) (2006)
- Localization and Internationalization of Web-Based Learning Environment (Tatjana Jevsikova) (2006)
- Designing Digital Technologies for Layered Learning (Ken Kahn, Richard Noss, Celia Hoyles, Duncan Jones) (2006)
- Discovering Informatics Fundamentals Through Interactive Interfaces for Learning (Ivan Kalas) (2006)
- Objective Scoring for Computing Competition Tasks (Graeme Kemkes, Troy Vasiga, Gordon V. Cormack) (2006)
- Learning Computer Programming with Autonomous Robots (Shuji Kurebayashi, Toshiyuki Kamada, Susumu Kanemune) (2006)
- Issues of Selecting a Programming Environment for a Programming Curriculum in General Education (Rimgaudas Laucius) (2006)
- Modelling and Evaluating ICT Courses for Pre-service Teachers - What Works and How It Works? (Lina Markauskaite, Neville Goodwin, David Reid, Peter Reimann) (2006)
- Informatics Education at Austria's Lower Secondary Schools Between Autonomy and Standards (Peter Micheuz) (2006)
- Object-Oriented Programming at Upper Secondary School for Advanced Students (Lubomir Salanci) (2006)
- Handling the Diversity of Learners' Interests by Putting Informatics Content in Various Contexts (Evgenia Sendova) (2006)
- Contribution of Informatics Education to Mathematics Education in Schools (Maciej M. Syslo, Anna Beata Kwiatkowska) (2006)
- Programming Versus Application (Péter Szlávi, László Zsakó) (2006)
- Development of Modern e-Learning Services for Lithuanian Distance Education Network LieDM (Aleksandras Targamadze, Gytis Cibulskis) (2006)
- A Master Class Software Engineering for Secondary Education (Tom Verhoeff) (2006)
- From Intuition to Programme (Michael Weigend) (2006)
- Bridging the Gap Between School Computing and the «Real World» (Cecile Yehezkel, Bruria Haberman) (2006)
- Development of an Integrated Informatics Curriculum for K-12 in Korea (SeungWook Yoo, YongChul Yeum, Yong Kim, SeungEun Cha, JongHye Kim, HyeSun Jang, SookKyoung Choi, HwanCheol Lee, DaiYoung Kwon, HeeSeop Han, EunMi Shin, JaeShin Song, JongEun Park, WonGyu Lee) (2006)
- Computer Science in English High Schools - We Lost the S, Now the C Is Going (Martyn Clark, Roger D. Boyle) (2006)
- Databases as a Tool of General Education (Peter K. Antonitsch) (2006)
- Weizenbaum - Rebel at Work (Peter Haas, Silvia Holzinger) (2006)
- Computer Science Unplugged - An enrichment and extension programme for primary-aged children (Tim Bell, Ian H. Witten, Mike Fellows) (2006)
- Hochschuldidaktik der Informatik - Organisation, Curricula, Erfahrungen. 2. GI- Fachtagung 7.-8. 12. 2006 in München, Germany (Peter Forbrig, Günter Siegel, Markus Schneider) (2006)
- Qualifizierung von Dozenten im Bereich eLearning mit Hilfe der eTeaching Qualifikationsmatrix (Steffi Leimer, Stefanie Lämmle, Angelika Müller, Sabine Rathmayer) (2006)
- Fachintegrierte Vermittlung von Schlüsselkompetenzen der Informatik (Nicole Weicker, Botond Draskoczy, Karsten Weicker) (2006)
- StuVa - Ein Werkzeug zur Studienverlaufsanalyse (Christoph Hermann, Thomas Ottmann) (2006)
- «Das Studium könnte zu schwierig für mich sein» - Zwischenergebnisse einer Langzeitbefragung zur Studienwahl Informatik (Ralf Romeike, Andreas Schwill) (2006)
- Aktueller Stand der Objektorientierung bei Informatiklehrerinnen und -lehrern (Lutz Kohl, Ralf Romeike) (2006)
- Usability von Anwendungssystemen - didaktische Aspekte (Jörg Raasch) (2006)
- Bachelor, Master und Theorie-Praxis-Modul in der Informatik Lehrerbildung (Gerrit Kalkbrenner) (2006)
- Ein computerunterstütztes Planspiel für realitätsnahes Training zukünftiger IT-Manager - Aufbau und Lessons Learned (Oliver Häberle, Matthias Baume, Helmut Krcmar) (2006)
- 2 b v ¬ 2 b - Maßnahmen zur Förderung der Hochschuldidaktik Informatik (Volker Claus) (2006)
- E-Learning-Komponenten zur Intensivierung der Übungen in der Informatik-Lehre - ein Erfahrungsbericht (Dietmar Rösner, Mario Amelung, Michael Piotrowski) (2006)
- Analyse von Studienverläufen und Studienabbrüchen in den Bachelorstudiengängen Informatik an der Leibnitz Universität Hannover (Ulrike v. Holdt, Heide Schneider, Bernardo Wagner) (2006)
- Vermittlung von Softwaretechnik-Konzepten betrieblicher Anwendungssoftware am Beispiel von SAP-Software (Rainer Weber) (2006)
- MMIX als einheitlicher Modellprozessor für weite Teile des Informatikstudiums (Axel Böttcher, Martin Ruckert) (2006)
- Gestaltung von Informatikseminaren unter Einsatz von Videokonferenzen (Carsten Schulte, Marco Thomas) (2006)
- Qualifizierung von Dozenten im Bereich eLearning mit Hilfe der eTeaching Qualifikationsmatrix (Steffi Leimer, Stefanie Lämmle, Angelika Müller, Sabine Rathmayer) (2006)
- First steps into computer science - the German project "Einstieg Informatik" (Wolfgang Pohl, Katharina Kranzdorf, Hans-Werner Hein) (2007)
- Softwareentwicklung im Arbeitsverhältnis (Urs Egli) (2007)
- Web Science - A Provocative Invitation to Computer Science (Ben Shneiderman) (2007)
- Scripting Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (Frank Fischer, Ingo Kollar, Heinz Mandl, Jörg M. Haake) (2007)
- 2. Scripting collaborative learning processes - a cognitive perspective (Alison King)
- 2. Scripting collaborative learning processes - a cognitive perspective (Alison King)
- Erfolgsrezepte für CIOs - Was gute Informationsmanager ausmacht (Walter Brenner, Christoph Witte) (2007)
- Webliteralität - Lesen und Schreiben im World Wide Web (Jörg Dieter) (2007)
- Das 4-Schritte-Modell - Grundlage für ein kompetenzorientiertes E-Learning (Lukas Emanuel Fässler) (2007)
- Intuitive Modelle der Informatik (Michael Weigend) (2007)
- LOG IN 145/2007 - Mobilkommunikation (2007)
- Neue Inhalte für den Informatikunterricht - Gibt es einen mobilkommunikationszentrierten Ansatz für die Schulinformatik? (Gerrit Kalkbrenner) (2007)
- Mobilkommunikation im Experiment - Werkstatt - Experimente & Modelle (Jürgen Müller) (2007)
- Mobiltelefone in der Oberstufe - Informatikunterricht im normalen Klassenraum - dank Mobiltelefon und PYTHON! (Ralph Carrie, Ludger Humbert) (2007)
- LOG IN 148/2007 (2007)
- Werkstatt Experimente & Modelle: Fehlererkennung und Fehlerkorrektur (Jürgen Müller) (2007)
- Modellierung von Zuständen, Objekten und Suchbäumen - Mit Unterrichtsbeispielen in JAVA (Rüdeger Baumann) (2007)
- Das Zentralabitur Informatik in Niedersachsen (Werner Gieseke) (2007)
- Das Landesabitur Informatik in Hessen (Gerhard Röhner) (2007)
- Das Knotenüberdeckungsproblem - Eine Fallstudie zur Didaktik NP-schwerer Probleme (Teil 2) (Rolf Niedermeier, Jörg Vogel, Michael Fothe, Mirko König) (2007)
- Vorbereitung aufs Abitur - Abituranforderungen transparent gestalten mit Operatoren (Matthias Heming, Ludger Humbert, Gerhard Röhner) (2007)
- Die PYTHON VISUAL SANDBOX (Michael Weigend) (2007)
- Von der Komplexität eines Zentralabiturs - Thüringer Erfahrungen im Grund- und Leistungsfach Informatik (Michael Fothe, Wolfgang Moldenhauer, Otto Thiele) (2007)
- Werkstatt Experimente & Modelle: Fehlererkennung und Fehlerkorrektur (Jürgen Müller) (2007)
- LOG IN 146/147/2007 - Informatische Kompetenzen - Bildungsstandards (2007)
- Das Knotenüberdeckungsproblem - Eine Fallstudie zur Didaktik NP-schwerer Probleme (Teil 1) (Rolf Niedermeier, Jörg Vogel, Michael Fothe, Mirko König) (2007)
- Algorithmen aus einer anderen Perspektive - Ein Vorschlag für ein Kompetenzmodell zum Inhaltsbereich "Algorithmen" der "Bildungsstandards Informatik" (Lutz Kohl, Michael Fothe) (2007)
- Das Knotenüberdeckungsproblem - Eine Fallstudie zur Didaktik NP-schwerer Probleme (Teil 1) (Rolf Niedermeier, Jörg Vogel, Michael Fothe, Mirko König) (2007)
- Computer Science Education 4/2007 (2007)
- Computer science and IT teachers' conceptions of successful and unsuccessful teaching - A phenomenographic study (Angela Carbone, Linda Mannila, Sue Fitzgerald) (2007)
- Computer science and IT teachers' conceptions of successful and unsuccessful teaching - A phenomenographic study (Angela Carbone, Linda Mannila, Sue Fitzgerald) (2007)
- Computer Science Education 1/2007 (2007)
- An integrated framework for improved Computer Science Education - Strategies, implementations, and results (Leen-Kiat Soh, Ashok Samal, Gwen Nugent) (2007)
- Implementations of the CC′01 human - computer interaction guidelines using Bloom's taxonomy (Bill Z. Manaris, Michael Wainer, Arthur E. Kirkpatrick, RoxAnn H. Stalvey, Christine Shannon, Laura M. Leventhal, Julie Barnes, John Wright, J. Ben Schafer, Dean Sanders) (2007)
- An integrated framework for improved Computer Science Education - Strategies, implementations, and results (Leen-Kiat Soh, Ashok Samal, Gwen Nugent) (2007)
- Die Macht der Abstraktion - Einführung in die Programmierung (H. Klaeren, Michael Sperber) (2007)
- Einstieg Informatik - überraschend.einfach.genial. - Abschlussbericht (Katharina Kranzdorf, Wolfgang Pohl) (2007)
- Because it’s boring, irrelevant and I don’t like computers - Why high school girls avoid professionally-oriented ICT subjects (Neil Anderson, Colin Lankshear, Carolyn Timms, Lyn Courtney) (2007)
- LogicTraffic - Logik in der Allgemeinbildung (Ruedi Arnold, Werner Hartmann) (2007)
- Wir sind daran, einen profitablen Wirtschaftszweig abzuschneiden - Dem IT-Standort Zürich drohen die Informatik-Experten auszugehen (Gordana Mijuk) (2007)
- InfoTraffic - Teaching Important Concepts of Computer Science and Math through Real-World Examples (Ruedi Arnold, Marc Langheinrich, Werner Hartmann) (2007)
- Strategie der EDK im Bereich Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien (ICT) und Medien (EDK Schweizerische Konferenz der kantonalen Erziehungsdirektoren) (2007)
- Technologie, Imagination und Lernen - Grundlagen für Bildungsprozesse mit Digitalen Medien (Heidi Schelhowe) (2007)
- 2. Das Digitale Medium
- 3. Zum (Zu)Stand von Bildung in der Wissensgesellschaft und zur Rolle des Computers
- 4. Lernkulturen
- 6. Die Materialien - Bildungssoftware
- 7. Bildung mit dem Medium und durch das Medium - Zusammenfassung und Ausblick
- 2. Das Digitale Medium
- Web 2.0 in der Schule - Tagung an der PHZ Schwyz in Goldau, 23.3.2007 (2007)
- Is Abstraction the Key to Computing? (Jeff Kramer) (2007)
- Wer hat Angst vor Google? (Sylvain Bergère, Stéphane Osmont) (2007)
- what if? - Zukunftsbilder der Informationsgesellschaft (Stefan Iglhaut, Herbert Kapfer, Florian Rötzer) (2007)
- ITiCSE 2007 - Proceedings of the 12th Annual SIGCSE Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, ITiCSE 2007, Dundee, Scotland, UK, June 25-27, 2007. (Janet Hughes, D. Ramanee Peiris, Paul T. Tymann) (2007)
- Case-based instruction on the web for teaching software project management (Pantelis M. Papadopoulos, Stavros N. Demetriadis, Ioannis Stamelos) (2007)
- IDEA - a framework for the fast creation of interactive animations by pen sketching (Robert Adelmann, Tobias Bischoff, Tobias Lauer) (2007)
- Highly interactive online study skills course - "unstuck" (Maths Halstensen, Frode Haug) (2007)
- A computer graphics curriculum to meet the european bologna requirements (Steve Cunningham) (2007)
- Teaching a «women in computer science» course (Mary Anne L. Egan) (2007)
- 'But i don't read text printed in braille font'... - parables from a business and information technology student (Anne Dickinson) (2007)
- Challenges with respect to the e-readiness of secondary school teachers in Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa (Desmond Wesley Govender, Manoj Maharaj) (2007)
- Do students know best? - experiences of allowing students to become course designers (H. Whaley, S. Grice) (2007)
- A framework for describing and comparing courses and curricula (Michela Pedroni, Manuel Oriol, Bertrand Meyer) (2007)
- Accessibility tools (Guy Barker, Jane Prey) (2007)
- Visualizing berkeley socket calls in students' programs (Christian Brown, Chris McDonald) (2007)
- An integrated system for interaction support in lectures (Henning Bär, Gina Häussge, Guido Rößling) (2007)
- Teaching object-oriented programming in python (Michael H. Goldwasser, David Letscher) (2007)
- Mental models and programming aptitude (Michael E. Caspersen, Kasper Dalgaard Larsen, Jens Bennedsen) (2007)
- Complexity of ambient intelligence in managerial work (Vladimír Bures, Pavel Cech) (2007)
- Curricular resources from the acm two-year college education committee (Elizabeth K. Hawthorne, Robert D. Campbell, Karl J. Klee) (2007)
- Exploring recursion with fibonacci numbers (Manuel Rubio-Sánchez, Isidoro Hernán-Losada) (2007)
- Teaching concurrency and nondeterminism with spin (Mordechai Ben-Ari) (2007)
- Fully integrating algorithm visualization into a cs2 course. - a two-year experience (Pilu Crescenzi, Carlo Nocentini) (2007)
- Increasing interaction and support in the formal languages and automata theory course (Susan H. Rodger, Jinghui Lim, Stephen Reading) (2007)
- MaBL - a tool for mapping pseudocode to multiple implementation languages (Adrian Albin-Clark) (2007)
- How will future learning work in the third dimension? (Martin Leidl, Guido Rößling) (2007)
- Lecture video capture for the masses (Surendar Chandra) (2007)
- Checking automatically the output of concurrent threads (Rainer Oechsle, Kay Barzen) (2007)
- A bioinformatics track with outreach components (Mingrui Zhang, Chi-Cheng Lin, Gayle Olsen, Barbara Beck) (2007)
- Exercises as a tool for sharing pedagogical knowledge (Herman Koppelman) (2007)
- Introducing network programming into a CS1 course (Michael H. Goldwasser, David Letscher) (2007)
- Understanding threads in an advanced java course (Tamar Benaya, Ela Zur) (2007)
- Solving recurring student problems with recurrences (Jonathan Byrd, Monty Carter, David Cook, Philip Kirkham, Martha J. Kosa) (2007)
- Teacher responses to student gender differences (M. M. Voyles, Susan M. Haller, Timothy V. Fossum) (2007)
- Checklists for grading object-oriented CS1 programs - concepts and misconceptions (Kate Sanders, Lynda Thomas) (2007)
- Teaching operating systems with ruby (Robert J. Sheehan) (2007)
- A virtual logo keyboard for people with motor disabilities (Stéphane Norte, Fernando Graça Lobo) (2007)
- New interactive tools for graph algorithms active learning (M. Gloria Sánchez-Torrubia, Carmen Torres-Blanc, Juan Castellanos) (2007)
- Understanding students' performance in programming assessment questions (Irene Govender) (2007)
- Learning by game-building - a novel approach to theoretical computer science education (Laura Korte, Stuart Anderson, Helen Pain, Judith Good) (2007)
- Analyzing engagement taxonomy in collaborative algorithm visualization (Niko Myller, Mikko Laakso, Ari Korhonen) (2007)
- Breadth-first CS 1 for scientists (Zachary Dodds, Christine Alvarado, Geoff Kuenning, Ran Libeskind-Hadas) (2007)
- An investigation into the automated assessment of the design-code interface (Alan Hayes, Pete G. Thomas, Neil Smith, Kevin G. Waugh) (2007)
- Practical tips for engaging students in team formation for multi-discipline computing projects (Jakki Sheridan-Ross) (2007)
- Teaching data structures to students who are blind (Matt Calder, Robert F. Cohen, Jessica A. Lanzoni, Neal Landry, Joelle Skaff) (2007)
- Transforming a high school student project in computer science into a significant scientific achievement (Barak Raveh, Bruria Haberman, Cecile Yehezkel) (2007)
- Accessible interface for multimedia presentation in inclusive education (Lourdes Moreno, Paloma Martínez, Belén Ruíz-Mezcua, Ana Iglesias) (2007)
- Automation of PE recruiting process (Eric Omwega, Jonathan Tsu, Monica Ugwi, Christine Wang) (2007)
- A visual learning engine for interactive generation ofinstructional materials (T. Cassen, K. R. Subramanian, Jeffrey Alexander, Drew Linderman, A. Nasipuri) (2007)
- VERKKOKE - learning routing and network programming online (Anton Alstes, Janne Lindqvist) (2007)
- Pattern-oriented instruction and its influence on problem decomposition and solution construction (Orna Muller, David Ginat, Bruria Haberman) (2007)
- A study of phylogenetic tools for genomic nomenclature data cleaning (Jonathan D. Marra, Katherine G. Herbert, Jason T. L. Wang) (2007)
- Development of an online campus map (Eric Omwega, Jonathan Tsu, Monica Ugwi, Christine Wang) (2007)
- Second annual robotics summer camp for underrepresented students (Kelly R. Cannon, Katherine A. Panciera, Nikolaos P. Papanikolopoulos) (2007)
- Is the shortcut the quickest way to go? - translating instructions for keyboard navigation and other stories (Anne Dickinson) (2007)
- Engaging student programmers as inclusive designers (Shaun K. Kane) (2007)
- E-learning content adaptation for deaf students (F. Javier Bueno, José Raúl Fernández del Castillo, Soledad Garcia, Reca Borrego) (2007)
- Linuxgym - software to automate formative assessment of unix command-line and scripting skills (Andrew Solomon) (2007)
- Where have all the computer scientists gone? (Chris van der Kuyl) (2007)
- Studying our inclusive practices - course experiences of students with disabilities (Katherine Deibel) (2007)
- Learning strategies sessions within the classroom in computing science university courses (Diana Cukierman, Donna McGee Thompson) (2007)
- Seven factors that influence ICT student achievement (Catherine Lang, Judy McKay, Sue Lewis) (2007)
- A classroom outsourcing experience for software engineering learning (William L. Honig, Tejasvini Prasad) (2007)
- Supporting the growth of CS leading teachers (Tami Lapidot) (2007)
- Scribbles - an exploratory study of sketch based support for early collaborative object oriented design (Christopher James Martin) (2007)
- Stimulating minority student retention with BalloonSAT projects (Shermane A. Austin, Leon P. Johnson, John M. Flowers) (2007)
- A source code linearization technique for detecting plagiarized programs (Jeong-Hoon Ji, Gyun Woo, Hwan-Gue Cho) (2007)
- We work so hard and they don't use it - acceptance of software tools by teachers (Ronit Ben-Bassat Levy, Mordechai Ben-Ari) (2007)
- Collaboration and the importance for novices in learning java computer programming (Carole A. Bagley, C. Candace Chou) (2007)
- Yahoo University hackday (Murray Rowan, Tim Hawkins, Andy Cobley) (2007)
- Spatial skills and navigation of source code (Sue Jane Jones, Gary E. Burnett) (2007)
- Factors in novice programmers' poor tracing skills (Vesa Vainio, Jorma Sajaniemi) (2007)
- From classes to code - supporting the transition from design to implementation (James H. Paterson, John Haddow) (2007)
- Hasty design, futile patching and the elaboration of rigor (David Ginat) (2007)
- Are pictures worth 1000 words? the use of affective imagery surveys to capture student perceptions of the computing discipline (Tracy L. Lewis) (2007)
- eduComponents - a component-based e-learning environment (Mario Amelung, Michael Piotrowski, Dietmar Rösner) (2007)
- Computer assisted assessment of diagrams (Pete G. Thomas, Neil Smith, Kevin G. Waugh) (2007)
- You can take it with you - profile transportability (Blaise W. Liffick, Gary M. Zoppetti) (2007)
- Data structure visualization with latex and prefuse (Ali S. Erkan, T. J. VanSlyke, Timothy M. Scaffidi) (2007)
- Ideas for projects in undergraduate information assurance and security courses (Ahmad Ghafarian) (2007)
- The Israeli summer seminars for CS leading teachers (Tami Lapidot, Dan Aharoni) (2007)
- Teaching java with BlueJ - a two-year experience (Stelios Xinogalos, Maya Satratzemi, Vassilios Dagdilelis) (2007)
- Students' mental models of recursion at wits (Ian Douglas Sanders, Vashti C. Galpin) (2007)
- Summer schools on the amateur radio computing (Miroslav Skoric) (2007)
- Independent, synchronous and asynchronous an analysis of approaches to online concept formation (Matt Bower) (2007)
- Introducing students to professional software construction - a "software construction and maintenance" course and its maintenance corpus (Guy Tremblay, Bruno Malenfant, Aziz Salah, Pablo Zentilli) (2007)
- An account of the use of synoptic assessment for students in the area of databases at level 2 (Andrea Gorra, Sanela Lazarevski, Jackie Campbell) (2007)
- Easy, fast, and flexible algorithm animation generation (Guido Rößling, Simon Kulessa, Silke Schneider) (2007)
- Broadening participation in computing - issues and challenges (Joan Peckham, Lisa L. Harlow, David A. Stuart, Barbara Silver, Helen Mederer, Peter D. Stephenson) (2007)
- What impacts course evaluation? (Erik Larsson, Mehdi Amirijoo, Daniel Karlsson, Petru Eles) (2007)
- Teaching operating systems with Windows - experiences and contributions (Seung-won Hwang) (2007)
- Women in computing - how does experience influence self-perception of computing careers? (Reena Pau, Wendy Hall, Su White) (2007)
- Fundamental concepts of CS1 - procedural vs. object oriented paradigm - a case study (Tamar Vilner, Ela Zur, Judith Gal-Ezer) (2007)
- Game2Learn - building CS1 learning games for retention (Tiffany Barnes, Heather Richter, Eve Powell, Amanda Chaffin, Alex Godwin) (2007)
- Inclusive thinking in computer science education (Vicki L. Hanson) (2007)
- 'Touching the void'... - narrowing the crevasse between the tactile diagrams that tutors request and those that work in reality (Anne Dickinson) (2007)
- Integrated online courseware for computer science courses (Michael T. Helmick) (2007)
- Inclusive computer science education using a ready-made computer game framework (Joseph Distasio, Thomas P. Way) (2007)
- A TDD approach to introducing students to embedded programming (James Miller, Michael R. Smith) (2007)
- Introducing propositional logic and queueing theory with the infotraffic interactive learning environments (Ruedi Arnold) (2007)
- Serious fun in computer science (Paul Curzon) (2007)
- Inclusion of deaf students in computer science classes using real-time speech transcription (Richard Kheir, Thomas Way) (2007)
- Innovating - the importance of right brain skills for computer science graduates (Alan L. Tharp) (2007)
- Using an outcome-based approach to assess computing programs (John Impagliazzo) (2007)
- Successful students' strategies for getting unstuck (Robert McCartney, Anna Eckerdal, Jan Erik Moström, Kate Sanders, Carol Zander) (2007)
- Targeting program visualizations (Essi Lahtinen, Hannu-Matti Järvinen, Suvi Melakoski-Vistbacka) (2007)
- Using disruptive technology for explorative learning (Iain Oliver, Kristoffer Getchell, Alan Miller, Colin Allison) (2007)
- ProofChecker - an accessible environment for automata theory correctness proofs (Matthias F. Stallmann, Suzanne Balik, Robert D. Rodman, Sina Bahram, Michael C. Grace, Susan D. High) (2007)
- Prediction of modulators of pyruvate kinase in smiles text using aprori methods (Jason S. Caronna, Rojita Sharma, Jonathan D. Marra, Virginia L. Iuorno, Katherine G. Herbert, Jeffrey H. Toney) (2007)
- Problem solving and student performance in data structures and algorithms (Donald D. Chinn, Catherine Spencer, Kristofer Martin) (2007)
- Using screen readers to reinforce web accessibility education (André Pimenta Freire, Renata Pontin de Mattos Fortes, Débora Maria Barroso Paiva, Marcelo Augusto Santos Turine) (2007)
- Network educationware demonstration (J. Mark Pullen) (2007)
- Experiences with CC2001 at a small college (John F. Dooley) (2007)
- Teaching AJAX in web-centric courses (Chrisina Draganova, Vassil Vassilev) (2007)
- Extending a marking tool with simple support for testing (Guy Tremblay, Louise Laforest, Aziz Salah) (2007)
- CS2 for an IS curriculum (Lee D. Cornell) (2007)
- Towards a curriculum for electronic textiles in the high school classroom (Leah Buechley, Michael Eisenberg, Nwanua Elumeze) (2007)
- Pilot summer camps in computing for middle school girls - from organization through assessment (Peggy Israel Doerschuk, Jiangjiang Liu, Judith Mann) (2007)
- Remote and local delivery of cisco education for the vision-impaired (Helen Armstrong, Iain Murray) (2007)
- The computing educators oral history project - planning for the future (Barbara Boucher Owens, Vicki L. Almstrum, Lecia Barker) (2007)
- How should inclusivity influence teaching of ict design? (David Sloan, Barbara Nelson, Martin Sloan) (2007)
- Interface-based programming assignments and automatic grading of java programs (Michael T. Helmick) (2007)
- Enthusing and informing potential computer science students and their teachers (Quintin I. Cutts, Margaret I. Brown, Lynsey Kemp, Calum Matheson) (2007)
- Learning styles and personality types of computer science students at a South African university (Vashti C. Galpin, Ian Douglas Sanders, Pei-yu Chen) (2007)
- Assisting lecturers to adapt e-learning content for deaf students (F. Javier Bueno, M. Goretti Alonso, José Raúl Fernández del Castillo) (2007)
- Order of explanation should be interface - abstract classes - overriding (Rudolf Pecinovský, Jarmila Pavlícková) (2007)
- Creating a Science of Games - Communications of the ACM. Volume 50 , Issue 7 (July 2007) (2007)
- Wikis - Diskurse, Theorien und Anwendungen - Sonderausgabe von kommunikation@gesellschaft (2007)
- 1. Editorial (Christian Stegbauer, Klaus Schönberger, Jan Schmidt)
- 1. Editorial (Christian Stegbauer, Klaus Schönberger, Jan Schmidt)
- Grundsätze und Standards für die Informatik in der Schule - Bildungsstandards Informatik - Entwurfsfassung für Empfehlungen der Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V. (Hermann Puhlmann, Torsten Brinda, Michael Fothe, Steffen Friedrich, Bernhard Koerber, Gerhard Röhner, Carsten Schulte) (2007)
- Dueck's Panopticon (Gunter Dueck) (2007)
- Panopticon (2006)
- Auten Sie sich!
- Panopticon (2006)
- ICT und Bildung: Hype oder Umbruch? - Beurteilung der Initiative PPP-SiN (2007)
- Zur Zukunft von ICT und Bildung (Franz Eberle, Wilfried Kuster, Fortunat Schmid)
- Zur Zukunft von ICT und Bildung (Franz Eberle, Wilfried Kuster, Fortunat Schmid)
- INFOS 2007 - Didaktik der Informatik in Theorie und Praxis - 12. GI-Fachtagung Informatik und Schule (Sigrid E. Schubert) (2007)
- Das informatische Weltbild von Studierenden (Maria Knobelsdorf, Carsten Schulte)
- Lehrarrangements in der Informatiklehrerausbildung (Peter K. Antonitsch, Ulrike Lassering, Andreas Söllei)
- Pragmatische Empfehlungen zur Entwicklung von interaktiven Lernumgebungen (Ruedi Arnold, Werner Hartmann)
- Lernzielgraphen und Lernzielerfolgsanalyse (M. Steinert)
- Kriterien kreativen Informatikunterrichts (Ralf Romeike)
- Informatik - Mensch - Gesellschaft im Schulunterricht (Jochen Koubek, C. Kurz)
- Gibt es einen mobilkommunikationszentrierten Ansatz für die Schulinformatik? (G. Kalkbrenner)
- Objektorientiertes Programmieren - Machen wir irgendwas falsch? (J. Börstler)
- Von vernetzten fundamentalen Ideen zum Verstehen von Informatiksystemen (Peer Stechert)
- Anwenden und Verstehen des Internets - eine Erprobung im Informatikunterricht (S. Freischlad)
- Wiki und die fundamentalen Ideen der Informatik (Beat Döbeli Honegger)
- Informatikunterricht: anschaulich, nützlich - und fundiert (Martin Lehmann, Diana Jurjevic, Nando Stöcklin)
- Auf dem Weg zu Bildungsstandards für Konzepte der Theoretischen Informatik in der Sekundarstufe (Kirsten Schlüter, Torsten Brinda)
- Vergleichende Analysen zweier Problemlöseprozesse unter dem Aspekt des Problemlöseerfolgs (B. Kujath)
- Lesen im Informatikunterricht (Carsten Schulte)
- Einstieg Informatik - Aktivitäten und Erfahrungen (Wolfgang Pohl, Katharina Kranzdorf, Hans-Werner Hein)
- ELTIS - Technische Informatik - Fernstudium für Schüler
- Ada - dieser Zug hat Verspätung (Daniel Boettcher, Astrid Grabowsky, Ludger Humbert, Oliver Poth, Constanze Pumplün, Jörg Schulte)
- Bildungsstandards Informatik - von Wuenschen zu Maßstaeben fuer eine informatische Bildung (Steffen Friedrich, Hermann Puhlmann)
- Exploratory Learning (Ivan Kalas, D. Lehotska)
- Strictly models and objects first - ein Unterrichtskonzept fuer OOM (Ira Diethelm)
- KOMA - Das Konzept einer Fortbildung (Helmar Fischer, Steffen Friedrich, Thomas Knapp, Heiko Neupert, K. Thuß) (2007)
- AtoCC - didaktischer Ort und erste Erfahrungen (Michael Hielscher, Christian Wagenknecht) (2007)
- Zielorientierte Didaktik der Informatik - Kompetenzvermittlung bei engen Zeitvorgaben (Nicole Weicker) (2007)
- Einführung in visuell Programmiersprachen und Mobile Endgeräte (Hendrik Büdding) (2007)
- Lauschen am Internet - Experimente mit einem Nachrichten-Rekorder im Informatikunterricht (Ute Heuer) (2007)
- Ein Beitrag zur informatischen Bildungsforschung «Informatikunterricht zahlt sich aus» (Peter Micheuz) (2007)
- Analog denken - analog programmieren (Michael Weigend) (2007)
- Ein Konzept zum (re)integrierenden Lernen in der Schulinformatik an Hand komplexer Systeme (D. M. Meyer) (2007)
- Objektorientierte Softwareentwicklung an der Realschule mit SEMI-OOS (Robert Pütterich) (2007)
- Lernortkooperation in der IT-Ausbildung - Kompetenzentwicklung in Projekten (Stephan Repp, Ralf Ziegler, Christoph Meinel) (2007)
- ali - Aachener eLeitprogramme der Informatik (Ulrik Schroeder, N. J. van den Boom) (2007)
- Empirisches Untersuchungsdesign zum Medieneinsatz im objektorientierten Anfangsunterricht (M. Dohmen) (2007)
- Projekt Internetworking und E-Learning (Kirstin Schwidrowski, Christian J. Eibl, Sigrid E. Schubert) (2007)
- Abenteuer Informatik oder «hands on» beim Problemlösemethoden (Jens Gallenbacher) (2007)
- Erfahrungen bei der Vermittlung algorithmischer Grundstrukturen im Informatikunterricht der Realschule mit einem Robotersystem (Bernhard Wiesner, Torsten Brinda) (2007)
- Datenbanken - (etwas) anders gesehen (Peter K. Antonitsch) (2007)
- Das informatische Weltbild von Studierenden (Maria Knobelsdorf, Carsten Schulte)
- Informatische Bildung in der Wissensgesellschaft - Praxisband der 12. Fachtagung "Informatik und Schule - INFOS 2007" der Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V. (Peer Stechert) (2007)
- Kreativität im Informatikunterricht - Eine Forschungsskizze (Ralf Romeike)
- Algorithmen in spielerischer Form (Michael Fothe)
- ICER 2007 - International Computing Education Research Workshop, ICER '07, Atlanta, GA, USA, September 15-16, 2007 (Richard J. Anderson, Sally Fincher, Mark Guzdial) (2007)
- Problems encountered by novice pair programmers (Brian Hanks) (2007)
- Narrating data structures - the role of context in CS2 (Svetlana Yarosh, Mark Guzdial) (2007)
- What is computing? - bridging the gap between teenagers' perceptions and graduate students' experiences (Sarita Yardi, Amy Bruckman) (2007)
- First year students' impressions of pair programming in CS1 (Beth Simon, Brian Hanks) (2007)
- Problems encountered by novice pair programmers (Brian Hanks) (2007)
- SIGCSE 2007 - Proceedings of the 38th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, SIGCSE 2007, Covington, Kentucky, USA, March 7-11, 2007 (Ingrid Russell, Susan M. Haller, J. D. Dougherty, Susan H. Rodger) (2007)
- CS4HS - an outreach program for high school CS teachers (Lenore Blum, Thomas J. Cortina) (2007)
- Status report on the SIGCSE committee on models for evaluating faculty scholarship (Shmuel Fink, Gerald Kruse, Keith Olson) (2007)
- Gendered experiences of computing graduate programs (Joanne McGrath Cohoon) (2007)
- Leveling the CS1 playing field (Gloria Childress Townsend, Suzanne Menzel, Katie A. Siek) (2007)
- A multi-expertise application-driven class (Cristina Nita-Rotaru, Melissa Dark, Voicu Popescu) (2007)
- Funding opportunities in computer science education at the national science foundation (Mark Burge, Diana Burley, Harriet G. Taylor) (2007)
- Note to self - make assignments meaningful (Lucas Layman, Laurie A. Williams, Kelli M. Slaten) (2007)
- Teaching compiler construction and language design - making the case for unusual compiler projects with postscript as the target language (Martin Ruckert) (2007)
- Computer games as motivation for design patterns (Paul V. Gestwicki) (2007)
- Building an autonomous vehicle by integrating lego mindstorms and a web cam (Daniel E. Stevenson, James D. Schwarzmeier) (2007)
- The development and deployment of a multi-user, remote access virtualization system for networking, security, and system administration classes (Charles Border) (2007)
- DrProject - a software project management portal to meet educational needs (Karen L. Reid, Gregory V. Wilson) (2007)
- Inter-University software engineering using web services (Barry L. Kurtz, James B. Fenwick Jr., Christopher C. Ellsworth, Xiaohong Yuan, Adam Steele, Xiaoping Jia) (2007)
- An introductory course format for promoting diversity and retention (James P. Cohoon) (2007)
- An easy to use distributed computing framework (Chuck Pheatt) (2007)
- Assessing computer science programs - what have we learned (Bill Marion, John Impagliazzo, Caroline St. Clair, Barry I. Soroka, Deborah Whitfield) (2007)
- Commonsense computing - using student sorting abilities to improve instruction (Tzu-Yi Chen, Gary Lewandowski, Robert McCartney, Kate Sanders, Beth Simon) (2007)
- Mindstorms without robotics - an alternative to simulations in systems courses (Frank Klassner, Christopher Continanza) (2007)
- Programming studio - a course for improving programming skills in undergraduates (Michael Woodley, Samuel N. Kamin) (2007)
- Plagiarism detection using feature-based neural networks (Steve Engels, Vivek Lakshmanan, Michelle Craig) (2007)
- Readn', writ'n, 'rithmetic...and code'n (Grady Booch) (2007)
- Active learning sheets for a beginner's course on reasoning about imperative programs (Kung-Kiu Lau) (2007)
- Forming a women's computer science support group (Jon Beck) (2007)
- Embracing the social relevance - computing, ethics and the community (Tarsem S. Purewal Jr., Chris Bennett, Frederick Maier) (2007)
- Working with pedagogical patterns in PACT - initial applications and observations (Andy Carle, Michael J. Clancy, John F. Canny) (2007)
- Threshold concepts in computer science - do they exist and are they useful? (Jonas Boustedt, Anna Eckerdal, Robert McCartney, Jan Erik Moström, Mark Ratcliffe 0001, Kate Sanders, Carol Zander) (2007)
- Alice Frenzy - an interactive group activity (James Caristi, Stephen Cooper, Judy Mullins) (2007)
- Day one of the objects-first first course - what to do (Joe Bergin, Michael J. Clancy, Don Slater, Michael Goldweber, David B. Levine) (2007)
- Network security auditing as a community-based learning project (Susan J. Lincke) (2007)
- Status report of the SIGCSE committee on teaching computer science research methods (Hilary J. Holz, Anne Gates Applin, William J. Joel) (2007)
- A games first approach to teaching introductory programming (Scott T. Leutenegger, Jeffrey Edgington) (2007)
- Through the looking glass - teaching CS0 with Alice (Kris Powers, Stacey Ecott, Leanne M. Hirshfield) (2007)
- Squint - barely visible library support for CS1 (Thomas P. Murtagh) (2007)
- Engaging students in formal language theory and theory of computation (Scott Sigman) (2007)
- UML tools - what is their role in undergraduate computer science courses? (Dick Gayler, David Klappholz, Valerie J. Harvey, Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones) (2007)
- Facilitated student discussions for evaluating teaching (Michelle Craig) (2007)
- Alice, middle schoolers & the imaginary worlds camps (Joel C. Adams) (2007)
- SEED - a suite of instructional laboratories for computer SEcurity EDucation (Wenliang Du, Zhouxuan Teng, Ronghua Wang) (2007)
- Increasing student retention in computer science through research programs for undergraduates (Joan Peckham, Peter D. Stephenson, Jean-Yves Hervé, Ron Hutt, L. Miguel Encarnação) (2007)
- Creating significant learning experiences in introductory artificial intelligence (Amy McGovern, Jason Fager) (2007)
- A multidisciplinary bioinformatics minor (Russel Bruhn, Steven F. Jennings) (2007)
- A hands-on environment for teaching GPU programming (Mike Bailey, Steve Cunningham) (2007)
- Using live projects without pain - the development of the small project support center at Radford University (J. D. Chase, Ed Oakes, Sean Ramsey) (2007)
- Using google hacking to enhance defense strategies (Lisa Lancor, Robert Workman) (2007)
- Pep8CPU - a programmable simulator for a central processing unit (J. Stanley Warford, Ryan Okelberry) (2007)
- Computer games in the classroom, or, how to get perfect attendance, even at 8 AM (Bary Burd, John Goulden, Brian Ladd, Michael Rogers, Kris Stewart) (2007)
- BabyOS - a fresh start (Haifeng Liu, Xianglan Chen, Yuchang Gong) (2007)
- Assessing the impact of inking technology in a large digital design course (Tilman Wolf) (2007)
- Tablet PC video based hybrid coursework in computer science - report from a pilot project (Jaspal Subhlok, Olin Johnson, Venkat Subramaniam, Ricardo Vilalta, Chang Yun) (2007)
- New paradigms for introductory computing courses (Elliot B. Koffman, Heidi Ellis, Charles Kelemen, Curt M. White, Steven A. Wolfman) (2007)
- Technically speaking - fostering the communication skills of computer science and mathematics students (Jessen T. Havill, Lewis D. Ludwig) (2007)
- Exploring the potential of mobile phones for active learning in the classroom (David Lindquist, Tamara Denning, Michael Kelly, Roshni Malani, William G. Griswold, Beth Simon) (2007)
- Teaching students to build well formed object-oriented methods through refactoring (Sara Stoecklin, Suzanne Smith, Catharina M. Serino) (2007)
- The suitability of kinesthetic learning activities for teaching distributed algorithms (Paolo A. G. Sivilotti, Scott M. Pike) (2007)
- Scratch for budding computer scientists (David J. Malan, Henry H. Leitner) (2007)
- Subverting the fundamentals sequence - using version control to enhance course management (Curtis Clifton, Lisa C. Kaczmarczyk, Michael Mrozek) (2007)
- A Java execution simulator (Steven Robbins) (2007)
- Fourth grade computer science (Daniel Frost) (2007)
- Making service learning accessible to computer scientists (Brian J. Rosmaita) (2007)
- Weaving CS into CS1 - a doubly depth-first approach (Thomas P. Murtagh) (2007)
- Mechanics of undergraduate research at liberal arts colleges - lessons learned (David R. Musicant, Amruth N. Kumar, Doug Baldwin, Ellen Walker) (2007)
- The computing ontology project - the computing education application (Lillian N. Cassel, Robert H. Sloan, Gordon Davies, Heikki Topi, Andrew D. McGettrick) (2007)
- Integrating traditional and agile processes in the classroom (Robert R. Kessler, Nathan Dykman) (2007)
- The current crisis in computing - what are the real issues? (Lillian N. Cassel, Andrew D. McGettrick, Mark Guzdial, Eric Roberts) (2007)
- A case for smaller class size with integrated lab for introductory computer science (Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, Rachael S. Dwight, Carolyn S. Miller, C. Dianne Raubenheimer, Matthias F. Stallmann, Mladen A. Vouk) (2007)
- The virtual tele-tASK professor - semantic search in recorded lectures (Serge Linckels, Stephan Repp, Naouel Karam, Christoph Meinel) (2007)
- A visual object-oriented programming environment (Dave Feinberg) (2007)
- Open source projects in programming courses (Michela Pedroni, Till G. Bay, Manuel Oriol, Andreas Pedroni) (2007)
- Treisman workshops and student performance in CS (Donald D. Chinn, Kristofer Martin, Catherine Spencer) (2007)
- Digital support for abductive learning in introductory computing courses (Atanas Radenski) (2007)
- Software-defined radio for undergraduate projects (William P. Birmingham, Leah Acker) (2007)
- Teaching graphics with the openGL shading language (Jerry O. Talton, Darren N. Fitzpatrick) (2007)
- Outcomes-based computing accreditation - program assessment (Gayle J. Yaverbaum, Doris K. Lidtke, Han Reichgelt, Stuart H. Zweben) (2007)
- Food-first computer science - starting the first course right with PB&J (Janet Davis, Samuel A. Rebelsky) (2007)
- Web-based tools for active learning in information theory (Mohamed Hamada) (2007)
- Interactive visualization for the active learning classroom (Dino Schweitzer, Wayne Brown) (2007)
- Students teaching students - incorporating presentations into a course (Douglas D. Dankel II, Jonathan Ohlrich) (2007)
- It seemed like a good idea at the time (Jonas Boustedt, Robert McCartney, Josh D. Tenenberg, Titus Winters, Stephen H. Edwards, Briana B. Morrison, David R. Musicant, Ian Utting, Carol Zander) (2007)
- CS4HS - an outreach program for high school CS teachers (Lenore Blum, Thomas J. Cortina) (2007)
- Computation - A New way of science (Peter Denning, Craig Martell) (2007)
- strictly models and objects first - Unterrichtskonzept und -methodik für objektorientierte Modellierung im Informatikunterricht (Ira Diethelm) (2007)
- Log In 148/149 (2007)
- Fächerwahl - Zusatzstudie Informatik (Mi-Cha Flubacher) (2007)
- Puck - A Visual Programming System for Schools (Lutz Kohl) (2008)
- Informatik erLeben - Beispiele für schülerinnen- und schüleraktivierenden Informatikunterricht (Ernestine Bischof, Roland Mittermeir) (2008)
- Computer Science without computers - new outreach methods from old tricks (Tim Bell, Jason Alexander, Isaac Freeman, Mick Grimley) (2008)
- LOG IN 154/155/2008 (2008)
- Von informatischen Kompetenzen zu Aufgaben im Informatikunterricht (Steffen Friedrich, Hermann Puhlmann) (2008)
- Chatbots Teil 1: Einführung in eine Unterrichtsreihe zu Informatik im Kontext (IniK) (Helmut Witten, Malte Hornung) (2008)
- Ziffernanalyse zwecks Betrugsaufdeckung - Beispiel für kompetenzorientierten und kontextbezogenen Informatikunterricht (Rüdeger Baumann) (2008)
- Bildungsstandards Informatik online (2008)
- Reflections on the Teaching of Programming - Methods and Implementations (Jens Bennedsen, Michael E.Caspersen, Michael Kölling) (2008)
- Computer Science Education 2/2008 (2008)
- «So my program doesn't run!» - Definition, origins, and practical expressions of students' (mis)conceptions of correctness (Yifat Ben-David Kolikant, M. Mussai) (2008)
- «So my program doesn't run!» - Definition, origins, and practical expressions of students' (mis)conceptions of correctness (Yifat Ben-David Kolikant, M. Mussai) (2008)
- Computer Science Education 3/2008 (2008)
- Reversing - a fundamental idea in computer science (Michal Armoni, David Ginat) (2008)
- Reversing - a fundamental idea in computer science (Michal Armoni, David Ginat) (2008)
- Computer Science Education 1/2008 (2008)
- Optimists have more fun, but do they learn better? - On the influence of emotional and social factors on learning introductory computer science (Jens Bennedsen, Michael E. Caspersen) (2008)
- Optimists have more fun, but do they learn better? - On the influence of emotional and social factors on learning introductory computer science (Jens Bennedsen, Michael E. Caspersen) (2008)
- Computer Science Education 4/2008 (2008)
- Process as content in computer science education - empirical determination of central processes (Andreas Zendler, Christian Spannagel, Dieter Klaudt) (2008)
- A puzzle-based seminar for computer engineering freshmen (Behrooz Parhami) (2008)
- Process as content in computer science education - empirical determination of central processes (Andreas Zendler, Christian Spannagel, Dieter Klaudt) (2008)
- NZZ-Dossier zum Schweizer Jahr der Informatik (2008)
- Stärkung der Informatikkompetenz - Bildungsoffensive auf allen Stufen (Carl August Zehnder) (2008)
- Erosion der Informatikausbildung - Vielfältige Ursachen, schwerwiegende Konsequenzen (Carl August Zehnder) (2008)
- Das Verschwinden der Rechnerkultur (2008)
- «Wir haben ein Imageproblem» (Stefan Arn, Stefan Betschon)
- Stärkung der Informatikkompetenz - Bildungsoffensive auf allen Stufen (Carl August Zehnder) (2008)
- Plädoyer für Fantasie und Risikobereitschaft - Rede anlässlich der Eröffnung der informatica08 (Doris Leuthard) (2008)
- Kulturen - nicht betreten? - Anmerkungen zur Kulturtechnik Informatik (Wolfgang Coy) (2008)
- Welche Aufgabe hat die Informatik an den Gymnasien? (Paul Miotti) (2008)
- Dringend nötig: Werbung für die Informatik (Rolf Murbach) (2008)
- Verfehlte Bildungspolitik lässt die Informatik verkümmern - Zürich hatte einst eine Pionierrolle in der Informatik – heute ist es im Rückstand (Irène Troxler Loeliger) (2008)
- Formal Methods in Computer Science Education - FORMED2008 (Zoltán Istenes) (2008)
- Formal Methods - Never Too Young to Start (J Paul Gibson)
- Was ist Informatik? (Jacqueline Schleier, André Golliez) (2008)
- Eine Informatik-Misere mit Wurzeln im Bildungswesen? - Die Volksschule und das Computerwissen (Heinz Moser) (2008)
- ABZ-Lehrplan für das Ergänzungsfach Informatik (ABZ Ausbildungs- und Beratungszentrum für Informatikunterricht) (2008)
- Plädoyer für den Programmierunterricht (Jürg Gutknecht, Juraj Hromkovic) (2008)
- Fachdidaktik Informatik konkret - in Theorie und Praxis mit zahlreichen Beispielen (Marco Thomas, Carsten Schulte) (2008)
- Interesse wecken und Grundkenntnisse vermitteln - 3. Münsteraner Workshop zur Schulinformatik - 7. Mai 2008 (Marco Thomas, Michael Weigend) (2008)
- Mobil Programmieren - Neugestaltung der Lernumgebung des Informatikunterrichts für die Schülerinnen (Matthias Heming, Ludger Humbert)
- Informatik und Gender - nehmt die Forschungsergebnisse ernst! (Ludger Humbert) (2008)
- Die duale Natur digitaler Artefakte als Kern Informatischer Bildung (Carsten Schulte)
- Informatik und Verkehr - Modellieren mit Scratch (Michael Weigend)
- RFID-Systeme - technische Möglichkeiten und gesellschaftliche Implikationen - Anregungen für Unterrichtsprojekte (Pascal Powroznik)
- Informatik goes mobile - Einsatz Mobiler Endgeräte als Lernwerkzeug im Informatik-Unterricht (Hendrik Büdding)
- Mobil Programmieren - Neugestaltung der Lernumgebung des Informatikunterrichts für die Schülerinnen (Matthias Heming, Ludger Humbert)
- (Beat Döbeli Honegger, André Frey) (2008)
- «Scratchen» mit Bits und Bytes (Adrian Albisser) (2008)
- Das Image der Informatik in der Schweiz - Ergebnisse der repräsentativen Befragungen von Schüler/innen, Lehrpersonen und Bevölkerung (Im Auftrag des Förderprogramms FIT in IT der Hasler Stiftung) (Anja Umbach-Daniel, Armida Wegmann) (2008)
- Kompendium multimediales Lernen (Helmut M. Niegemann, Steffi Domagk, Silvia Hessel, Alexandra Hein, Matthias Hupfer, A. Zobel) (2008)
- ITiCSE 2008 - Proceedings of the 13th Annual SIGCSE Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, ITiCSE 2008, Madrid, Spain, June 30 - July 2, 2008 (June Amillo, Cary Laxer, Ernestina Menasalvas Ruiz, Alison Young) (2008)
- Analysis of ABET accreditation as a software process (Ronald J. Leach) (2008)
- A sudoku game for people with motor impairments (Stéphane Norte, Fernando G. Lobo) (2008)
- An open integrated exploratorium for database courses (Peter Brusilovsky, Sergey A. Sosnovsky, Danielle H. Lee, Michael Yudelson, Vladimir Zadorozhny, Xin Zhou) (2008)
- Automatic creation of indexed presentations from classroom lectures (Paul E. Dickson, W. Richards Adrion, Allen R. Hanson) (2008)
- Hypertextbooks and a Hypertextbook authoring environment (Rockford J. Ross) (2008)
- What are information technology's key qualifications? (Christina Dörge, Carsten Schulte) (2008)
- Evaluating the extent to which sociability and social presence affects learning performance (Terence Charlton, Lindsay Marshall, Marie Devlin) (2008)
- An introduction to problem equivalence with combinatorics (Manuel Rubio-Sánchez) (2008)
- Branches of professional organizations a way to enrich student's scientific and personal skills (José Carlos Metrôlho, Mónica Isabel Teixeira Costa) (2008)
- ROSE - a repository of education-friendly open-source projects (Andrew Meneely, Laurie A. Williams, Edward F. Gehringer) (2008)
- Exploring accessibility and visibility relationships in java (James H. Cross II, T. Dean Hendrix, David A. Umphress, Larry A. Barowski) (2008)
- Teaching students to develop thread-safe java classes (Alan David Fekete) (2008)
- Scrambling for students - our graduates are sexier than yours (Alison Young, Arnold Pears, Pedro de Miguel Anasagasti, Ralf Romeike, Michael Goldweber, Michael Goldwasser, Vicki L. Almstrum) (2008)
- Enhancing the general background of CS students through a computing history course (Paolo Giangrandi, Claudio Mirolo) (2008)
- Improving student performance using automated testing of simulated digital logic circuits (Zachary Kurmas) (2008)
- Teaching game programming using XNA (Joe Linhoff, Amber Settle) (2008)
- WebTasks - online programming exercises made easy (Guido Rößling, Sebastian Hartte) (2008)
- Reevaluating and refining the engagement taxonomy (Tobias Lauer) (2008)
- Engaging with computer science through magic shows (Paul Curzon, Peter W. McOwan) (2008)
- Evolutionary approaches for curriculum sequencing (Luis de Marcos, Roberto Barchino, José-Javier Martínez) (2008)
- A gentle introduction to mutual recursion (Manuel Rubio-Sánchez, Jaime Urquiza-Fuentes, Cristóbal Pareja-Flores) (2008)
- Electronic voting on-the-fly with mobile devices (Margarita Esponda) (2008)
- A computer-based test to raise awareness of disability issues (John Gray, Gill Harrison, Andrea Gorra, Jakki Sheridan-Ross, Janet Finlay) (2008)
- A tool for teaching LL and LR parsing algorithms (Cesar García-Osorio, Carlos Gómez-Palacios, Nicolás García-Pedrajas) (2008)
- Spamulator - the Internet on a laptop (John Aycock, Heather Crawford, Rennie deGraaf) (2008)
- Experiences with a synchronous virtual classroom in distance education (Herman Koppelman, Harald P. E. Vranken) (2008)
- Program animation activities in Moodle (Andrés Moreno) (2008)
- Learning through creating learning objects - experiences with a class project in a distributed systems course (Cristina L. Abad) (2008)
- Student use of the PeerWise system (Paul Denny, Andrew Luxton-Reilly, John Hamer) (2008)
- Designing offline computer science activities for the korean elementary school curriculum (SookKyoung Choi, Tim Bell, Soo Jin Jun, Won-Gyu Lee) (2008)
- Computer science and information technology associate-level curricular guidelines (Elizabeth K. Hawthorne, Karl J. Klee, Robert D. Campbell, Anita M. Wright) (2008)
- JLS - a pedagogically targeted logic design and simulation tool (David A. Poplawski, Zachary Kurmas) (2008)
- Motivation of the students in game development projects (Stephan Repp, Christoph Meinel, Sevil Yakhyayeva) (2008)
- Distributed application launching for high quality graphics in synchronous distance education (J. Mark Pullen, Jim X. Chen) (2008)
- Multidisciplinary projects for first year engineering courses (Carmen Escribano, Antonio Giraldo, Águeda Mata, María Asunción Sastre) (2008)
- An environment for supporting active learning in courses on language processing (José Luis Sierra, Ana M. Fernández-Pampillón Cesteros, Alfredo Fernández-Valmayor) (2008)
- Evaluating OO example programs for CS1 (Jürgen Börstler, Henrik Bærbak Christensen, Jens Bennedsen, Marie Nordström, Lena Kallin Westin, Jan Erik Moström, Michael E. Caspersen) (2008)
- Assessing students' practice of professional values (Ursula Fuller, Bob Keim) (2008)
- Greenfoot - a highly graphical ide for learning object-oriented programming (Michael Kölling) (2008)
- Java projects motivated by student interests (Mirela Djordjevic) (2008)
- Potential benefits of corrected-errors in AVBL (Antonios Saravanos) (2008)
- Building an economical VR system for CS education (Joel C. Adams, Joshua Hotrop) (2008)
- Reductive thinking in a quantitative perspective - the case of the algorithm course (Michal Armoni) (2008)
- Self-organized maps in scientific data analysis (Jason T. Soo Hoo) (2008)
- Teaching query writing - an informed instruction approach (Joseph E. Hollingsworth) (2008)
- A python graphics package for the first day and beyond (Michael H. Goldwasser, David Letscher) (2008)
- Dangers of a fixed mindset - implications of self-theories research for computer science education (Laurie Murphy, Lynda Thomas) (2008)
- Teaching push-down automata and turing machines (Cesar García-Osorio, Iñigo Mediavilla-Sáiz, Javier Jimeno-Visitación, Nicolás García-Pedrajas) (2008)
- Practical tips for creating podcasts in higher education (Jakki Sheridan-Ross, Andrea Gorra, Janet Finlay) (2008)
- Wu's castle - teaching arrays and loops in a game (Michael Eagle, Tiffany Barnes) (2008)
- Assessment and comparison of local and global SW engineering practices in a classroom setting (Dragutin Petkovic, Gary D. Thompson, Rainer Todtenhoefer) (2008)
- Webreg - an online system for registration and grade distribution (Erwin Aitenbichler, Guido Rößling) (2008)
- The «instructed-teacher» - a computer science online learning pedagogical pattern (Matt Bower) (2008)
- How do 7th graders solve algorithmic problems? - a tool-based analysis (Ulrich Kiesmüller, Torsten Brinda) (2008)
- What students say about gender in hiring software professionals (Donald Chinn, Tammy VanDeGrift) (2008)
- Complecto mutatio - teaching software design best practices using multi-platform development (Randy W. Connolly) (2008)
- Providing a Seminar++ - innovation seminars (Guido Rößling) (2008)
- A set of tools to teach compiler construction (Akim Demaille, Roland Levillain, Benoît Perrot) (2008)
- Extending moodle for collaborative learning (Francesco Di Cerbo, Gabriella Dodero, Giancarlo Succi) (2008)
- Digital topology java applet (Carmen Escribano, Antonio Giraldo, María Asunción Sastre, Mario Trotta) (2008)
- Using eclipse in the classroom (Dwight Deugo) (2008)
- Teaching an object-oriented CS1 - - with Python (Michael H. Goldwasser, David Letscher) (2008)
- Development of a new MOODLE module for a basic course on computer architecture (Francisco Corbera, Eladio Gutiérrez, Julián Ramos, Sergio Romero, María A. Trenas) (2008)
- Eclipse as a teaching tool (Dwight Deugo) (2008)
- A graphics-based approach to data structures (Sarah Matzko, Timothy A. Davis) (2008)
- Characteristics and dimensions of a competence model of theoretical computer science in secondary education (Kirsten Schlüter, Torsten Brinda) (2008)
- Learning object oriented programming - unique visualizations of individuals learning styles, activities and the programs produced (Christopher J. Burrell) (2008)
- Test-driven development in education - experiences with critical viewpoints (Sami Kollanus, Ville Isomöttönen) (2008)
- VDE - an emulation environment for supporting computer networking courses (Michael Goldweber, Renzo Davoli) (2008)
- Digital CS1 study pack based on Moodle and Python (Atanas Radenski) (2008)
- ClockIt - collecting quantitative data on how beginning software developers really work (Cindy Norris, E. Frank Barry, James B. Fenwick Jr., Kathryn Reid, Josh Rountree) (2008)
- The future of ITiCSE (Lillian (Boots) Cassel) (2008)
- Computer-science education as a cultural encounter - a socio-cultural framework for articulating learning difficulties (Yifat Ben-David Kolikant) (2008)
- Computing research methods multi-perspective digital library - a call for participation (Anne Gates Applin, Hilary J. Holz) (2008)
- Teaching computer aided software engineering at the graduate level (Marcelo Jenkins) (2008)
- Towards generic and flexible web services for e-assessment (Mario Amelung, Peter Forbrig, Dietmar Rösner) (2008)
- A software development course for CC2001 - the third time is charming (John F. Dooley) (2008)
- What is masters level education in informatics? (Michael E. Caspersen, Lillian N. Cassel, Gordon Davies, Arnold Pears, Stephen Seidman, Heikki Topi) (2008)
- Going SOLO to assess novice programmers (Judy Sheard, Angela Carbone, Raymond Lister, Beth Simon, Errol Thompson, Jacqueline L. Whalley) (2008)
- Four roles of instructor in software engineering projects (Stan Kurkovsky) (2008)
- Learning for mastery in an introductory programming course (Jana Jacková) (2008)
- Scalable apprenticeships - reconnecting students through technology (Philip D. Long) (2008)
- Neither rocket science nor washing machine science, but computer science (Roger D. Boyle) (2008)
- Cognitive dimensions questionnaire applied to exploratory algorithm design (Chris J. Martin, Janet M. Hughes) (2008)
- Cooperative learning in operating systems laboratory (Jorge E. Pérez, Javier García Martín, Isabel Muñoz Fernández) (2008)
- A tool for teaching interactions between design patterns (Ezequiel Denegri, Guillermo Frontera, Antonio Gavilanes, Pedro J. Martín) (2008)
- An experience of detecting plagiarized source codes in competitive programming contests (Jeong-Hoon Ji, Gyun Woo, Hwan-Gue Cho) (2008)
- A multidisciplinary computer science master program (Luis de Marcos, Roberto Barchino, José Antonio Gutiérrez, Juan-Manuel de Blas, José Ramón Hilera, Salvador Otón) (2008)
- Virtual chat in an enquiry-based team project (Adrian Albin-Clark) (2008)
- Adopting pen-based technology to facilitate active learning in the classroom - is it right for you? (Archana Chidanandan, Shannon M. Sexton) (2008)
- SRec - an animation system of recursion for algorithm courses (J. Ángel Velázquez-Iturbide, Antonio Pérez-Carrasco, Jaime Urquiza-Fuentes) (2008)
- An internet role-game for the laboratory of network security course (Luigi Catuogno, Alfredo De Santis) (2008)
- Web-CAT - automatically grading programming assignments (Stephen H. Edwards, Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones) (2008)
- A data type to exploit online data sources (Matthew Thornton, Stephen H. Edwards) (2008)
- Question answering from lecture videos based on an automatic semantic annotation (Stephan Repp, Serge Linckels, Christoph Meinel) (2008)
- Toward a definition of the competences for global requirements elicitation (Miguel Romero, Aurora Vizcaíno, Mario Piattini) (2008)
- Using DLSim 3 - a scalable, extensible, multi-level logic simulator (Richard M. Salter, John L. Donaldson) (2008)
- Teaching software quality assurance by encouraging student contributions to an open source web-based system for the assessment of programming assignments (Olly Gotel, Christelle Scharff, Andrew Wildenberg) (2008)
- A taxonomy of task types in computing (Matt Bower) (2008)
- What is web science and why is it important to CSE (Wendy Hall) (2008)
- Sorting out sorting - the sequel (David Furcy, Thomas L. Naps, Jason Wentworth) (2008)
- Concurrent CS - preparing students for a multicore world (Daniel J. Ernst, Daniel E. Stevenson) (2008)
- Games developed in Java for teaching «Combinatorial Game Theory» (Miguel Reyes, Agueda Mata) (2008)
- A tablet-based paper exam grading system (Aaron Bloomfield, James F. Groves) (2008)
- Creativity as a pathway to computer science (Maria Knobelsdorf, Ralf Romeike) (2008)
- Course management with TrucStudio (Michela Pedroni, Manuel Oriol, Bertrand Meyer, Enrico Albonico, Lukas Angerer) (2008)
- Tutoring model for promoting teaching skills of computer science prospective teachers (Noa Ragonis, Orit Hazzan) (2008)
- Drawing the line - teaching the semantics of binary class associations (James H. Paterson, John Haddow, Ka Fai Cheng) (2008)
- Databases, non-majors and collaborative learning - a ternary relationships (Don Goelman) (2008)
- A development environment for distributed synchronous collaborative programming (Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, August A. Dwight, R. Taylor Fondren, Mladen A. Vouk, James C. Lester) (2008)
- Web-based dynamic learning through lexical chaining - a step forward towards knowledge-driven education (Arash Shaban-Nejad, Volker Haarslev) (2008)
- How to teach semantic web? - a project-based approach (Belén Díaz-Agudo, Guillermo Jiménez-Díaz, Juan A. Recio-García) (2008)
- Using accessible digital resources for teaching database design - towards an inclusive distance learning proposal (Lourdes Moreno, Ana Iglesias, Elena Castro, Paloma Martínez) (2008)
- Comparing capacity building frameworks for computer science education in underdeveloped countries - an Asian and African perspective (Jandelyn D. Plane, Isabella Venter) (2008)
- Jenuity - a lightweight development environment for intermediate level programming courses (Martin van Tonder, Kevin Naude, Charmain Cilliers) (2008)
- Perceived behavior control and its influence on the adoption of software tools (Ronit Ben-Bassat Levy, Mordechai Ben-Ari) (2008)
- A method for analyzing reading comprehension in computer science courses (Ananda Gunawardena, John Barr, Andrew Owens) (2008)
- Teaching SQL - a case study (Carlos Pampulim Caldeira) (2008)
- Group work support for the BlueJ IDE (Kasper Fisker, David McCall, Michael Kölling, Bruce Quig) (2008)
- The use of role play to simulate a tethered swarm of robots for urban search and rescue (USAR) (Adrian Albin-Clark, Thumatty R. Vishnu Arun Kumar) (2008)
- A distance learning approach to teaching eXtreme programming (Christian Murphy, Dan B. Phung, Gail E. Kaiser) (2008)
- An interoperable assessment language proposal (Roberto Barchino, Luis de Marcos, José María Gutiérrez) (2008)
- Students' perceptions of python as a first programming language at wits (Ian Douglas Sanders, Sasha Langford) (2008)
- EdMedia 2008 (2008)
- Towards an Active Curriculum for Computer Science (Sonja Kabicher, Michael Derntl, Renate Motschnig-Pitrik)
- Towards an Active Curriculum for Computer Science (Sonja Kabicher, Michael Derntl, Renate Motschnig-Pitrik)
- Informatics Education - Supporting Computational Thinking - Third International Conference on Informatics in Secondary Schools - Evolution and Perspectives, ISSEP 2008, Torun, Poland, July 1-4, 2008, Proceedings (Roland Mittermeir, Maciej M. Syslo) (2008)
- Disciplinary-Pedagogical Teacher Preparation for Pre-service Computer Science Teachers - Rational and Implementation (Noa Ragonis, Orit Hazzan) (2008)
- On the Technological Aspects of Generative Learning Object Development (Robertas Damasevicius, Vytautas Stuikys) (2008)
- To Have or to Be? Possessing Data Versus Being in a State - Two Different Intuitive Concepts Used in Informatics (Michael Weigend) (2008)
- Algorithm - Fundamental Concept in Preparing Informatics Teachers (Ewa Kolczyk) (2008)
- Duality Reconstruction - Teaching Digital Artifacts from a Socio-technical Perspective (Carsten Schulte) (2008)
- Teaching Information Technology and Elements of Informatics in Lower Secondary Schools - Curricula, Didactic Provision and Implementation (Valentina Dagiene) (2008)
- Understanding Object Oriented Programming Concepts in an Advanced Programming Course (Tamar Benaya, Ela Zur) (2008)
- Bebras International Contest on Informatics and Computer Literacy - Criteria for Good Tasks (Valentina Dagiene, Gerald Futschek) (2008)
- VIPER, a Student-Friendly Visual Interpreter of Pascal (Michal Adamaszek, Piotr Chrzastowski-Wachtel, Anna Niewiarowska) (2008)
- Informational Technologies for Further Education of Latvian Province Teachers of Informatics (Jurijs Lavendels, Vjaceslavs Sitikovs, Kaspars Krauklis) (2008)
- Creating and Testing Textbooks for Secondary Schools (Karin Freiermuth, Juraj Hromkovic, Björn Steffen) (2008)
- Spreadsheet Knowledge and Skills of French Secondary School Students (Françoise Tort, François-Marie Blondel, Eric Bruillard) (2008)
- Integrating Mathematical Analysis of Sensors and Motion in a Mobile Robotics Course (Don Rhine, Fred Martin) (2008)
- Multi-facet Problem Comprehension - Utilizing an Algorithmic Idea in Different Contexts (Bruria Haberman, Orna Muller, Haim Averbuch) (2008)
- Design Disciplines and Non-specific Transfer (David Ginat) (2008)
- What's My Challenge? - The Forgotten Part of Problem Solving in Computer Science Education (Ralf Romeike) (2008)
- Spiral Teaching of Programming to 10-11 Year-Old Pupils After Passed First Training (Based on the Language C++) (Biserka Boncheva Yovcheva) (2008)
- Analysis of Students' Developed Programs at the Maturity Exams in Information Technologies (Jonas Blonskis, Valentina Dagiene) (2008)
- Visualization of Program Behaviors - Physical Robots Versus Robot Simulators (Cheng-Chih Wu, I-Chih Tseng, Shih-Lung Huang) (2008)
- Informatics as a Contribution to the Modern Constructivist Education (Ivan Kalas, Michal Winczer) (2008)
- Computer Science Teacher Training at the University of Groningen (Natasa Grgurina) (2008)
- Like a (School of) Fish in Water (or ICT-Enhanced Skills in Action) (Evgenia Sendova, Eliza Stefanova, Nikolina Nikolova, Eugenia Kovatcheva) (2008)
- Bringing Abstract Concepts Alive - How to Base Learning Success on the Principles of Playing, Curiosity and In-Classroom Differentiation (Peter Gruber) (2008)
- Harmonization of Informatics Education - Science Fiction or Prospective Reality? (Peter Micheuz) (2008)
- Development of E-Learning Design Criteria with Secure Realization Concepts (Christian J. Eibl, Sigrid E. Schubert) (2008)
- New Methodology of Information Education with «Computer Science Unplugged» (Tomohiro Nishida, Yukio Idosaka, Yayoi Hofuku, Susumu Kanemune, Yasushi Kuno) (2008)
- Proposal for Teaching Manufacturing and Control Programming Using Autonomous Mobile Robots with an Arm (Shuji Kurebayashi, Hiroyuki Aoki, Toshiyuki Kamada, Susumu Kanemune, Yasushi Kuno) (2008)
- Distance Learning Course for Training Teachers' ICT Competence (Valentina Dagiene, Lina Zajanckauskiene, Inga Zilinskiene) (2008)
- The Challenging Face of Informatics Education in Poland (Maciej M. Syslo, Anna Beata Kwiatkowska) (2008)
- Analysis of Learning Objectives in Object Oriented Programming (Peter Hubwieser) (2008)
- Development of an Educational System to Control Robots for All Students (Toshiyuki Kamada, Hiroyuki Aoki, Shuji Kurebayashi, Yoshikazu Yamamoto) (2008)
- From Top Coders to Top IT Professionals (Krzysztof Diks, Jan Madey) (2008)
- Kontrolle durch Transparenz / Transparenz durch Kontrolle - Materialsammlung zur Tagung (Martin Warnke, Debora Weber-Wulff) (2008)
- Paving the Way for Computational Thinking - Drawing on methods from diverse disciplines - including computer science,
education, sociology, and psychology - to improve computing education. (Mark Guzdial) (2008)
- Konstruktion und Kommunikation von Wissen mit Wikis - Theorie und Praxis (Johannes Moskaliuk) (2008)
- 8. Forschungsperspektiven auf Wikis in Unternehmen (Alexander Warta)
- Kreativität im Informatikunterricht (Ralf Romeike) (2008)
- Lehrbuch Informatik - Vorkurs Programmieren, Geschichte und Begriffsbildung (Juraj Hromkovic) (2008)
- DeLFI 2008 - 07. - 10. September 2008 in Lübeck, Germany (Silke Seehusen, Ulrike Lucke, Stefan Fischer) (2008)
- CrePes - Warum und wie Schüler ab 8 Jahren Programmieren lernen sollten (Markus Esch, Patrick Gratz, Steffen Rothkugel, Jörg Jakoby, Ingo Scholtes, Peter Sturm) (2008)
- CrePes - Warum und wie Schüler ab 8 Jahren Programmieren lernen sollten (Markus Esch, Patrick Gratz, Steffen Rothkugel, Jörg Jakoby, Ingo Scholtes, Peter Sturm) (2008)
- Didaktik der Informatik - Aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse - 5. Workshop der GI-Fachgruppe "Didaktik der Informatik" 24.-25. September 2008 in Erlangen (Torsten Brinda, Michael Fothe, Peter Hubwieser, Kirsten Schlüter) (2008)
- Automatisierte Identifizierung der Problemlösestrategien von Programmieranfängern in der Sekundarstufe I (Ulrich Kiesmüller) (2008)
- Digitale Artefakte und Schlüsselkompetenzen im Informatikunterricht der Sekundarstufe I (Carsten Schulte, Christina Dörge) (2008)
- Sichtweisen einer Kreativen Informatik (Ralf Romeike) (2008)
- Mein Computer spricht mit mir! - Sprachdialogsysteme in einem kontextbezogenen Informatikunterricht (Norbert Breier, Sabrina Hilger) (2008)
- Lernprozesse mit Lernumgebungen unterstützen - Roboter im Informatikunterricht der Realschule (Bernhard Wiesner) (2008)
- Was nichts kostet bringt auch nichts? - Neue Wege in der Lehrerweiterbildung (Matthias Spohrer, Heike Kreitmeier) (2008)
- Automatisierte Identifizierung der Problemlösestrategien von Programmieranfängern in der Sekundarstufe I (Ulrich Kiesmüller) (2008)
- ICER 2008 - International Computing Education Research Workshop, ICER '08, Sydney, Australia, September 6-7, 2008 (Michael E. Caspersen, Raymond Lister, Mike Clancy) (2008)
- Abstraction ability as an indicator of success for learning computing science? (Jens Bennedsen, Michael E. Caspersen) (2008)
- Evaluating a new exam question - Parsons problems (Paul Denny, Andrew Luxton-Reilly, Beth Simon) (2008)
- DCER - sharing empirical computer science education data (Kate Sanders, Brad Richards, Jan Erik Moström, Vicki L. Almstrum, Stephen H. Edwards, Sally Fincher, Katherine Gunion, Mark S. Hall, Brian Hanks, Stephen Lonergan, Robert McCartney, Briana B. Morrison, Jaime Spacco, Lynda Thomas) (2008)
- Abstraction ability as an indicator of success for learning computing science? (Jens Bennedsen, Michael E. Caspersen) (2008)
- SIGCSE 2008 - Proceedings of the 39th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, SIGCSE 2008, Portland, OR, USA, March 12-15, 2008 (J. D. Dougherty, Susan H. Rodger, Sue Fitzgerald, Mark Guzdial) (2008)
- Grace hopper visits the neighborhood (Gloria Childress Townsend, Lecia Barker, Suzanne Menzel, Joanne McGrath Cohoon) (2008)
- Innovating our self image (Owen L. Astrachan, Peter Denning) (2008)
- A cross-domain visual learning engine for interactive generation of instructional materials (K. R. Subramanian, T. Cassen) (2008)
- Defense against the dark arts (Mark W. Bailey, Clark L. Coleman, Jack W. Davidson) (2008)
- Isn't it time you had an emulab? (W. David Laverell, Zongming Fei, Jim Griffioen) (2008)
- Developing inclusive outreach activities for students with visual impairments (Stephanie Ludi, Thomas Reichlmayr) (2008)
- An open dialogue concerning the state of education policy in computer science (Robert B. Schnabel, Duncan A. Buell, Joanna Goode, J Strother Moore, Chris Stephenson) (2008)
- A conceptual approach to teaching induction for computer science (Irene Polycarpou, Ana Pasztor, Malek Adjouadi) (2008)
- Problem solving in community - a necessary shift in cs pedagogy (Sarah Monisha Pulimood, Ursula Wolz) (2008)
- Language engineering in the context of a popular, inexpensive robot platform (Li Xu) (2008)
- Socially relevant computing (Michael Buckley, John Nordlinger, Devika Subramanian) (2008)
- Nifty objects for CS0 and CS1 (Joe Hummel, Carl Alphonce, Joe Bergin, Michael E. Caspersen, Stuart Hansen, James E. Heliotis, Michael Kölling) (2008)
- An experimental laboratory environment for teaching embedded operating systems (Dennis Brylow) (2008)
- Local - a model geared towards ubiquitous learning (Jorge L. V. Barbosa, Rodrigo Hahn, Solon Rabello, Débora Nice Ferrari Barbosa) (2008)
- Improving pedagogical feedback and objective grading (Tuukka Ahoniemi, Essi Lahtinen, Tommi Reinikainen) (2008)
- CS-1 for scientists (Greg Wilson, Christine Alvarado, Jennifer Campbell, Rubin H. Landau, Robert Sedgewick) (2008)
- It seemed like a good idea at the time (Jonas Boustedt, Robert McCartney, Josh D. Tenenberg, Scott D. Anderson, Caroline M. Eastman, Daniel D. Garcia, Paul V. Gestwicki, Margaret S. Menzin) (2008)
- A query simulation system to illustrate database query execution (Brett Allenstein, Andrew Yost, Paul Wagner, Joline Morrison) (2008)
- Forging connections between life and class using reading assignments - a case study (Leigh Ann Sudol) (2008)
- Compiler error messages - what can help novices? (Marie-Hélène Nienaltowski, Michela Pedroni, Bertrand Meyer 0001) (2008)
- Undergraduate research experiences in data mining (Imad Rahal) (2008)
- Struggles of new college graduates in their first software development job (Andrew Begel, Beth Simon) (2008)
- Grid computing at the undergraduate level - can we do it? (Jens Mache, Amy W. Apon, Thomas Feilhauer, Barry Wilkinson) (2008)
- Cultural representations of gender among u. s. computer science undergraduates - statistical and data mining results (Antonio M. Lopez Jr., Kun Zhang, Frederick G. Lopez) (2008)
- The game of life - an outreach model for high school students with disabilities (Richard E. Ladner, Tammy VanDeGrift) (2008)
- Community connections - lessons learned developing and maintaining a computer science service-learning program (Christopher H. Brooks) (2008)
- Programming by choice - urban youth learning programming with scratch (John H. Maloney, Kylie A. Peppler, Yasmin B. Kafai, Mitchel Resnick, Natalie Rusk) (2008)
- Inspiring blind high school students to pursue computer science with instant messaging chatbots (Jeffrey P. Bigham, Maxwell B. Aller, Jeremy T. Brudvik, Jessica O. Leung, Lindsay A. Yazzolino, Richard E. Ladner) (2008)
- 'scratch' your way to introductory cs (Ursula Wolz, John Maloney, Sarah Monisha Pulimood) (2008)
- A principled approach to teaching OO first (David Gries) (2008)
- Cross-cultural issues in a tutored video instruction course (Natalie Linnell, Richard J. Anderson, Jane Prey) (2008)
- Alice - a dying man's passion (Randy Pausch) (2008)
- Improving computer science diversity through summer camps (Dennis P. Groth, Helen H. Hu, Betty Lauer, Hwajung Lee) (2008)
- Exploring NSF funding opportunities (Stephen Cooper, Timothy V. Fossum, Harriet G. Taylor) (2008)
- Noteblogging - taking note taking public (Beth Simon, Krista Davis, William G. Griswold, Michael Kelly, Roshni Malani) (2008)
- An interdisciplinary major emphasizing multimedia (Carol Spradling, Jody Strauch, Craig Warner) (2008)
- The role of virtualization in computing education (Alessio Gaspar, Sarah Langevin, William D. Armitage, R. Sekar, T. Daniels) (2008)
- An image background detection project for a visual exploration of DFS and BFS (Ali Erkan, Diyan Gochev) (2008)
- Ucigame, a java library for games (Daniel Frost) (2008)
- Increasing diversity in k-12 computer science - strategies from the field (Joanna Goode) (2008)
- Misunderstandings about object-oriented design - experiences using code reviews (Scott A. Turner, Ricardo Quintana-Castillo, Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, Stephen H. Edwards) (2008)
- Improving retention and graduate recruitment through immersive research experiences for undergraduates (Teresa A. Dahlberg, Tiffany Barnes, Audrey Rorrer, Eve Powell, Lauren Cairco) (2008)
- An experimental study of cooperative learning in cs1 (Leland L. Beck, Alexander W. Chizhik) (2008)
- The expansion of CS4HS - an outreach program for high school teachers (Lenore Blum, Thomas J. Cortina, Edward D. Lazowska, Joe Wise) (2008)
- Helping him see - guiding a visually impaired student through the computer science curriculum (Mary Elaine Califf, Mary Goodwin, Jake Brownell) (2008)
- Test-driven learning in early programming courses (David Janzen, Hossein Saiedian) (2008)
- Engaging constructions - family-based computing experiences for immigrant middle school students (Maureen Doyle, Kevin G. Kirby, Gary Newell) (2008)
- Exploring studio-based instructional models for computing education (Christopher D. Hundhausen, N. Hari Narayanan, Martha E. Crosby) (2008)
- Pre-programming analysis tutors help students learn basic programming concepts (Wei Jin) (2008)
- The effect of using problem-solving software tutors on the self-confidence of female students (Amruth N. Kumar) (2008)
- Innovation, design, and simplicity at google (Marissa Mayer) (2008)
- Preparing students for industry's software engineering needs (Watts Humphrey, Robert Musson, Rafael Salazar) (2008)
- Game-themed programming assignments - the faculty perspective (Kelvin Sung, Michael Panitz, Scott A. Wallace, Ruth E. Anderson, John Nordlinger) (2008)
- Operational experience with a virtual networking laboratory (Charlie Wiseman, Ken Wong, Tilman Wolf, Sergey Gorinsky) (2008)
- Towards a top-down approach to teaching an undergraduate grid computing course (Barry Wilkinson, Clayton Ferner) (2008)
- A system for developing tablet pc applications for education (Sam Kamin, Michael Hines, Chad Peiper, Boris Capitanu) (2008)
- A novel approach to K-12 CS education - linking mathematics and computer science (Mindy Hart, James P. Early, Dennis Brylow) (2008)
- Bantam - a customizable, java-based, classroom compiler (Marc L. Corliss, E. Christopher Lewis) (2008)
- Nifty assignments (Nick Parlante) (2008)
- Bloom's taxonomy revisited - specifying assessable learning objectives in computer science (Christopher W. Starr, Bill Z. Manaris, RoxAnn H. Stalvey) (2008)
- Implementation of threads as an operating systems project (John L. Donaldson) (2008)
- A new paradigm for programming competitions (James F. Bowring) (2008)
- Incorporating transformations into jflap for enhanced understanding of automata (Joan M. Lucas, Jonathan Jarvis) (2008)
- Student perceptions of computer science - a retention study comparing graduating seniors with cs leavers (Maureen Biggers, Anne Brauer, Tuba Yilmaz) (2008)
- Improving the persistence of first-year undergraduate women in computer science (Rita Manco Powell) (2008)
- Introducing an experimental cognitive robotics curriculum at historically black colleges and universities (Andrew B. Williams, David S. Touretzky, Ethan J. Tira-Thompson, LaVonne Manning, Chutima Boonthum, Clement S. Allen) (2008)
- Teaching cryptography with open-source software (Alasdair McAndrew) (2008)
- Language design and implementation using ruby and the interpreter pattern (Ariel Ortiz) (2008)
- Serious fun - peer-led team learning in CS (Steven Huss-Lederman, Donald Chinn, James Skrentny) (2008)
- Backstop - a tool for debugging runtime errors (Christian Murphy, Eunhee Kim, Gail E. Kaiser, Adam Cannon) (2008)
- From sockets and RMI to web services (Mark A. Holliday, J. Traynham Houston, E. Matthew Jones) (2008)
- Computer science olympiad - exploring computer science through competition (Iretta B. C. Kearse, Charles Hardnett) (2008)
- Multidisciplinary students and instructors - a second-year games course (Nathan R. Sturtevant, H. James Hoover, Jonathan Schaeffer, Sean Gouglas, Michael H. Bowling, Finnegan Southey, Matthew Bouchard, Ghassan Zabaneh) (2008)
- Mock trials and role-playing in computer ethics courses (Roxanne L. Canosa, Joan M. Lucas) (2008)
- Computer science for everyone - making your computing classes and departments accessible (Richard E. Ladner, Dan Comden) (2008)
- Ethics training and decision-making - do computer science programs need help? (Carol Spradling, Leen-Kiat Soh, Charles Ansorge) (2008)
- The funnel that grew our cis major in the cs desert (Janice Pearce, Mario Nakazawa) (2008)
- Can students reengineer? (Ronald J. Leach, Legand L. Burge III, Harry Keeling) (2008)
- The effects of pair-programming on individual programming skill (Grant Braught, L. Martin Eby, Tim Wahls) (2008)
- Curriculum update from the ACM education board - CS2008 and a report on masters degrees (Lillian N. Cassel, Michael E. Caspersen, Gordon Davies, Renée McCauley, Andrew D. McGettrick, Arthur B. Pyster, Robert H. Sloan) (2008)
- Debugging - the good, the bad, and the quirky -- a qualitative analysis of novices' strategies (Laurie Murphy, Gary Lewandowski, Renée McCauley, Beth Simon, Lynda Thomas, Carol Zander) (2008)
- Grace hopper visits the neighborhood (Gloria Childress Townsend, Lecia Barker, Suzanne Menzel, Joanne McGrath Cohoon) (2008)
- HDI2008 - 3. Workshop des GI-Fachbereichs Ausbildung und Beruf/Didaktik der Informatik (Andreas Schwill) (2008)
- LOG IN 157/158/2009 (2009)
- Bildungsstandards und Operatoren - Vorschläge zur Konstruktion kompetenz-erläuternder Aufgaben (Rüdeger Baumann) (2009)
- Chatbots - Teil 2 und Schluss - Der Turing-Test und die Folgen - Zur Geschichte der symbolischen KI im Informatikunterricht (Helmut Witten, Malte Hornung) (2009)
- Bildungsstandards und Operatoren - Vorschläge zur Konstruktion kompetenz-erläuternder Aufgaben (Rüdeger Baumann) (2009)
- LOG IN 159/2009 (2009)
- Virtuelle Spaziergänge - Ein interaktiver virtueller Rundgang als Informatik-Projekt (Christian Steinbrucker) (2009)
- Objektorientierte Modellbildung mit dem Java-Editor (Gerhard Röhner) (2009)
- Parkette, Symmetrien und islamische Kunst - Beiträge zum Kompetenzerwerb im Strukturieren, Vernetzen und Präsentieren (Rüdeger Baumann) (2009)
- Virtuelle Spaziergänge - Ein interaktiver virtueller Rundgang als Informatik-Projekt (Christian Steinbrucker) (2009)
- Historische Notizen zur Informatik (Friedrich L. Bauer) (2009)
- Einführung in die Programmierung mit LOGO - Lehrbuch für Unterricht und Selbststudium (Juraj Hromkovic) (2009)
- Formale Sprachen, abstrakte Automaten und Compiler - Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch für Grundstudium und Fortbildung (Christian Wagenknecht, Michael Hielscher) (2009)
- Computer Science Education 4/2009 (2009)
- Using Facebook to improve communication in undergraduate software development teams (Terence Charlton, Marie Devlin, Sarah Drummond) (2009)
- Using Facebook to improve communication in undergraduate software development teams (Terence Charlton, Marie Devlin, Sarah Drummond) (2009)
- Computer Science Education 3/2009 (2009)
- Planning readings - a comparative exploration of basic algorithms (Justus H. Piater) (2009)
- Planning readings - a comparative exploration of basic algorithms (Justus H. Piater) (2009)
- Informatik macchiato - Cartoonkurs für Schüler und Studenten (Johannes Magenheim) (2009)
- Hochschulreife und Studierfähigkeit - Zürcher Analysen und Empfehlungen zur Schnittstelle (Arbeitsgruppe HSGYM) (2009)
- 11. Informatik (Herbert Bruderer, Juraj Hromkovic, Beate Kuhnt, Martin Lüscher, Harald Pierhöfer, Helmut Schauer, Guido Trommsdorff)
- Entwicklung und Bewertung einer Unterrichtssequenz zum Thema Algorithmen im Informatikunterricht der 7. Jahrgangsstufe mit Hilfe der Programmierumgebung Scratch - Schriftliche Hausarbeit für das Lehramt an Gymnasien in Bayern (Susanne Hoika) (2009)
- Wo Informatiker in Klausur gehen (Sebastian Balzter) (2009)
- Visionäre der Programmierung - Die Sprachen und ihre Schöpfer (Federico Biancuzzi, Shane Warden) (2009)
- Die Informatik und die Logik der Modelle (Bernd Mahr) (2009)
- Informatik und allgemeine Bildung (Juraj Hromkovic) (2009)
- Communications of the ACM, Volume 52, Number 6 (2009)
- How Computer Science Serves the Developing World (M. Bernardine Dias, Eric Brewer)
- How Computer Science Serves the Developing World (M. Bernardine Dias, Eric Brewer)
- ITiCSE 2009 - Proceedings of the 14th Annual SIGCSE Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, ITiCSE 2009, Paris, France, July 6-9, 2009. (Patrick Brézillon, Ingrid Russell, Jean-Marc Labat) (2009)
- Social engineering - a serious underestimated problem (Guido Rößling, Marius Müller) (2009)
- Anchor garden - an interactive workbenchfor basic data concept learningin object oriented programming languages (Motoki Miura, Taro Sugihara, Susumu Kunifuji) (2009)
- Revised associate-level curricular guidelines in computer science (Elizabeth K. Hawthorne, Karl J. Klee, Robert D. Campbell, Anita M. Wright) (2009)
- Further evidence of a relationship between explaining, tracing and writing skills in introductory programming (Raymond Lister, Colin J. Fidge, Donna Teague) (2009)
- Computer science issues in high school - gender and more... (Judith Gal-Ezer, Daphna Shahak, Ela Zur) (2009)
- Alice first - 3D interactive game programming (Robert H. Seidman) (2009)
- Extending moodle to better support computing education (Guido Rößling, Andreas Kothe) (2009)
- Learning from and with peers - the different roles of student peer reviewing (Harald Søndergaard) (2009)
- Use of intuitive tools to enhance student learning and user experience (Rukiye Altin, Mustafà Bektik, Nuray Eksioglu, Can Koray, Ömer Canbek Öner, Merve Sadetas, Hilal Sener, Duygu Simsek, Ching-Chen Ma, Christine Price, Christopher R. Routh) (2009)
- A system for integral efficiency analysis of sustainable technologies (Guido Rößling, Yavor Kolarov) (2009)
- Progressive assignment in CS1 (Mirela Djordjevic) (2009)
- Coverage of course topics in a student generated MCQ repository (Paul Denny, Andrew Luxton-Reilly, John Hamer, Helen C. Purchase) (2009)
- Graduate attributes and performance measures - refinements in assessing programs (John Impagliazzo) (2009)
- Tail recursion by using function generalization (Manuel Rubio-Sánchez, J. Ángel Velázquez-Iturbide) (2009)
- Affective and behavioral predictors of novice programmer achievement (Ma. Mercedes T. Rodrigo, Ryan Shaun Baker, Matthew C. Jadud, Anna Christine M. Amarra, Thomas Dy, Maria Beatriz V. Espejo-Lahoz, Sheryl Ann L. Lim, Sheila A. M. S. Pascua, Jessica O. Sugay, Emily S. Tabanao) (2009)
- Adaptation of team-based learning on a first term programming class (Patricia Lasserre) (2009)
- Hybrid and custom data structures - evolution of the data structures course (Daniel J. Ernst, Daniel E. Stevenson, Paul J. Wagner) (2009)
- Paired professional development - a methodology for continued professional development in computer science (Walter Pharr, Christopher W. Starr, Caroline S. Starr) (2009)
- Computational thinking (CT) - on weaving it in (Paul Curzon, Joan Peckham, Harriet G. Taylor, Amber Settle, Eric Roberts) (2009)
- Concurrency and parallelism in the computing ontology (Lillian N. Cassel, Richard J. LeBlanc, Andrew D. McGettrick, Michael Wrinn) (2009)
- The effect of CS unplugged on middle-school students' views of CS (Rivka Taub, Mordechai Ben-Ari, Michal Armoni) (2009)
- Engaging students in specification and reasoning - "hands-on" experimentation and evaluation (Murali Sitaraman, Jason O. Hallstrom, Jarred White, Svetlana Drachova-Strang, Heather K. Harton, Dana P. Leonard, Joan Krone, Rich Pak) (2009)
- Useful sharing (Sally Fincher) (2009)
- Two novel prolog assignments (Jonathan Mohr) (2009)
- How to teach programming in secondary education - first results of a PhD project (Mara Saeli) (2009)
- Automatically identifying learners' problem solving strategies in-process solving algorithmic problems (Ulrich Kiesmüller, Torsten Brinda) (2009)
- Learning styles - novices decide (Carol Zander, Lynda Thomas, Beth Simon, Laurie Murphy, Renée McCauley, Brian Hanks, Sue Fitzgerald) (2009)
- Need to consider variations within demographic groups when evaluating educational interventions (Amruth N. Kumar) (2009)
- A music context for teaching introductory computing (Ananya Misra, Douglas S. Blank, Deepak Kumar) (2009)
- Object-oriented design with trace modeler and Trace4J (Yanic Inghelbrecht) (2009)
- Musicomputation - a pilot course exploring a pre-college computer science curriculum (Marilyn C. Cole, Evan Korth, Adam L. Meyers, Sam Pluta) (2009)
- VAST - a visualization-based educational tool for language processors courses (Francisco J. Almeida-Martínez, Jaime Urquiza-Fuentes, J. Ángel Velázquez-Iturbide) (2009)
- Analyzing CS competencies using the SOLO taxonomy (Claus Brabrand, Bettina Dahl) (2009)
- 802.11 wireless experiments in a virtual world (Thomas Sturgeon, Colin Allison, Alan Miller) (2009)
- Using coding patterns in a model-driven approach to teaching object oriented programming (James H. Paterson, John Haddow, Ka Fai Cheng) (2009)
- Unit testing in Java (Viera K. Proulx, Weston Jossey) (2009)
- Technology infrastructure in support of a medical & bioinformatics masters degree (Günter Tusch, Paul Leidig, Greg Wolffe, David Elrod, Carl Strebel) (2009)
- Design patterns to support teaching of automata theory (Agathe Merceron) (2009)
- A story-telling approach for a software engineering course design (Henrik Bærbak Christensen) (2009)
- APEINTA - a spanish educational project aiming for inclusive education in and out of the classroom (Ana Iglesias, Lourdes Moreno, Pablo Revuelta, Javier Jiménez) (2009)
- Why are we still here? - experiences of successful women in computing (Hannah M. Dee, Karen E. Petrie, Roger D. Boyle, Reena Pau) (2009)
- Developing programming skills by using interactive learning objects (Jorge Villalobos, Nadya A. Calderón, Camilo Jiménez) (2009)
- How do robots foster the learning of basic concepts in informatics? (Bernhard Wiesner, Torsten Brinda) (2009)
- Introducing the interactive whiteboard in computer science teaching - a high school experience (Anita Cassapu) (2009)
- Curing recursion aversion (Katherine Gunion, Todd Milford, Ulrike Stege) (2009)
- Bridging ICT and CS - educational standards for computer science in lower secondary education (Torsten Brinda, Hermann Puhlmann, Carsten Schulte) (2009)
- «Mailing it in» - email-centric automated assessment (Joseph A. Sant) (2009)
- Improving the mental models held by novice programmers using cognitive conflict and jeliot visualisations (Linxiao Ma, John D. Ferguson, Marc Roper, Isla Ross, Murray Wood) (2009)
- Evaluating student experiences in developing software for humanity (Gregory W. Hislop, Heidi J. C. Ellis, Ralph A. Morelli) (2009)
- Rich content plug-ins for the teaching machine (Theodore S. Norvell, Michael Bruce-Lockhart) (2009)
- Blended learning for teaching operating systems with Windows (Seung-won Hwang) (2009)
- The student view on online peer reviews (Christine Bauer, Kathrin Figl, Michael Derntl, Peter Paul Beran, Sonja Kabicher) (2009)
- Estimating programming knowledge with Bayesian knowledge tracing (Jussi Kasurinen, Uolevi Nikula) (2009)
- Introducing abstraction and decomposition to novice programmers (Raja Sooriamurthi) (2009)
- Teach real-time embedded system online with real hands-on labs (Kai Qian, Jigang Liu, Lixin Tao) (2009)
- Replacing introductory programming courses with a broader perspective on computing (Gregory W. Hislop) (2009)
- Democracy in the classroom - an exercise for the first days of CS1 (Don Blaheta) (2009)
- Ensemble - enriching communities and collections to support education in computing (Lillian (Boots) Cassel, Hislop Gregory, Bharath Nadella) (2009)
- Active learning of greedy algorithms by means of interactive experimentation (J. Ángel Velázquez-Iturbide, Antonio Pérez-Carrasco) (2009)
- Making the case for mobile game development (Stan Kurkovsky) (2009)
- Teaching design patterns using a family of games (Marco Antonio Gómez-Martín, Guillermo Jiménez-Díaz, Javier Arroyo) (2009)
- Evaluating students' programs using automated assessment - a case study (John English, Tammy Rosenthal) (2009)
- Guided learning via diagnostic feedback to question responses (Dominic Palmer-Brown, Chrisina Draganova, Sin Wee Lee) (2009)
- First experiences with a classroom recording system (Paul E. Dickson, W. Richards Adrion, Allen R. Hanson, David T. Arbour) (2009)
- Automatic E-learning contents composition by using gap analysis techniques (Juan-Manuel de Blas, José María Gutiérrez, Luis de Marcos, Roberto Barchino) (2009)
- Differences in beliefs and attitudes about computer science among students and faculty of the bachelor program (Jacob Perrenet) (2009)
- Working across time zones in cross-cultural student teams (Rukiye Altin, Mustafà Bektik, Nuray Eksioglu, Can Koray, Ömer Canbek Öner, Merve Sadetas, Hilal Sener, Duygu Simsek, Ching-Chen Ma, Christine Price, Christopher R. Routh) (2009)
- Xen worlds - leveraging virtualization in distance education (Benjamin R. Anderson, Amy K. Joines, Thomas E. Daniels) (2009)
- An academic kit for integrating mobile devices into the CS curriculum (Qusay H. Mahmoud, Thanh Ngo, Razieh Niazi, Pawel Popowicz, Robert Sydoryshyn, Matthew Wilks, Dave Dietz) (2009)
- Inducing student interaction in a virtual environment (Felipe Tirado, Alfonso Bustos, Alejandro Miranda, Ana Elena Del Bosque) (2009)
- The effect of visualizing roles of variables on student performance in an introductory programming course (Nouf M. Al-Barakati, Arwa Y. Al-Aama) (2009)
- The positive effects of explanation after CE in AVBL (Antonios Saravanos, Charles K. Kinzer) (2009)
- Towards automatic syllabi matching (Marco Ronchetti, Joseph Sant) (2009)
- WriteOn1.0 - a tablet PC-based tool for effective classroom instruction (Samantha Chandrasekar, Joseph G. Tront, Jane Prey) (2009)
- Exposure to research through replication of research - a case in complex networks (Ali Erkan, Sam Newmark, Nicolas Ommen) (2009)
- Cooperative learning to support the lacks of PBL (Javier García Martín) (2009)
- Long-term software projects development - the affect of students' self-appreciation and initial expectations (Bruria Haberman, Cecile Yehezkel) (2009)
- The development and implementation of a context-based curricular framework for computer science education in high schools (Christopher W. Starr, Doug Bergman, Phil Zaubi) (2009)
- AARTIC - development of an intelligent environment for human learning (Faten Mhiri, Sylvie Ratté) (2009)
- Peer assessments using the moodle workshop tool (John F. Dooley) (2009)
- Tool support for teaching responsibility-driven design (Yanic Inghelbrecht) (2009)
- The role of collective efficacy and collaborative learning behavior in learning computer science through CSCL (Shu-Ling Wang, Gwo-Haur Hwang, Ju-Chun Chu, Pei-Shan Tsai) (2009)
- Virtual machines - abstraction and implementation (Shimon Schocken) (2009)
- Generalised diagram revision tools with automatic marking (Pete G. Thomas, Kevin G. Waugh, Neil Smith) (2009)
- ILE-idol (Sally Fincher, Stephen Cooper, Michael Kölling, Ian Utting) (2009)
- Rubyric - an online assessment tool for effortless authoring of personalized feedback (Tapio Auvinen, Ville Karavirta, Tuukka Ahoniemi) (2009)
- Exploring technologies for building collaborative learning communities among diverse student populations (Nicole Anderson, Chi-Cheng Lin) (2009)
- Evaluation of a software engineering course by reflection (Ohad Barzilay, Orit Hazzan, Amiram Yehudai) (2009)
- A visual proof of amortised-linear resizable arrays (Don Blaheta) (2009)
- Learning method based on collaborative assessment performed by the students - an application to computer science (Higinio Mora Mora, Maria Teresa Signes Pont, Rafael Camps Jordá, Juan Manuel García Chamizo) (2009)
- Influence of the familiarization with «scratch» on future teachers' opinions and attitudes about programming and ICT in education (Georgios Fesakis, Kiriaki Serafeim) (2009)
- A «communication skills for computer scientists» course (Lillian Blume, Ronald M. Baecker, Christopher Collins, Aran Donohue) (2009)
- GraphPad - a graph creation tool for CS2/CS7 (Samuel P. Bryfczynski, Roy P. Pargas) (2009)
- Analyzing the use of a rubric-based grading tool (Tuukka Ahoniemi, Ville Karavirta) (2009)
- Running a programming contest in an introductory computer science course (Arnold Rosenbloom) (2009)
- The use of MUVE technology in teaching AI algorithms (David C. Moffat, Kathryn Trinder) (2009)
- Visualizing compression algorithms on-the-fly (Guido Rößling, Florian Lindner) (2009)
- Undergraduate research in CS - a global perspective (Lawrence D'Antonio, Roger D. Boyle, Amruth N. Kumar, Logan Muller, Claudia Roda, Matti Tedre) (2009)
- CPATH - distributed expertise - collaborating with other disciplines (Lillian N. Cassel, Thomas Way, Sridhara Potluri) (2009)
- Free technology academy - a European initiative for distance education about free software and open standards (David Megías, Wouter Tebbens, Lex Bijlsma, Francesc Santanach) (2009)
- Database and database application security (Huwida E. Said, Mário Guimarães, Zakaria Maamar, Leon Jololian) (2009)
- Use of mobile phone technologies in learning (Chrisina Draganova) (2009)
- Software reuse and plagiarism - a code of practice (J. Paul Gibson) (2009)
- The professor on your PC - a virtual CS1 course (Judith Gal-Ezer, Tamar Vilner, Ela Zur) (2009)
- Dzver - a visual computer science learning environment (Alex Pantaleev) (2009)
- The use of a controlled wireless testbed in courses (Peter Steenkiste) (2009)
- Computer science student transformations - changes and causes (Jan Erik Moström, Jonas Boustedt, Anna Eckerdal, Robert McCartney, Kate Sanders, Lynda Thomas, Carol Zander) (2009)
- A visualisation tool for the programming process (Charles Boisvert) (2009)
- Interactive visualization of recursion with SRec (J. Ángel Velázquez-Iturbide, Antonio Pérez-Carrasco, Jaime Urquiza-Fuentes) (2009)
- Video courseware for teaching operating systems with Windows (Seung-won Hwang) (2009)
- Interleaved pattern composition and scaffolded learning (David Ginat) (2009)
- Masters degrees in computing (Lillian N. Cassel, Gordon Davies, Stephen Seidman) (2009)
- The academic enhancement program - encouraging students to learn about learning as part of their computing science courses (Diana Cukierman, Donna McGee Thompson) (2009)
- A unified approach to introductory computer science - can one size fit all? (Timothy Huang, Amy Briggs) (2009)
- Blackjack-playing agents in an advanced AI course (Jeffrey L. Popyack) (2009)
- Developing classification criteria for programming tasks (Bronius Skupas, Valentina Dagiene, Miguel A. Revilla) (2009)
- Mental models of recursive computations vs. recursive analysis in the problem domain (Claudio Mirolo) (2009)
- Virtualizing office hours in CS 50 (David J. Malan) (2009)
- Using game creation for teaching computer programming to high school students and teachers (Mohammed Al-Bow, Debra Austin, Jeffrey Edgington, Rafael Fajardo, Joshua Fishburn, Carlos Lara, Scott T. Leutenegger, Susan Meyer) (2009)
- Computing science - what do pupils think? (Alison Mitchell, Helen C. Purchase, John Hamer) (2009)
- Teaching software architectures and aspect-oriented software development using open-source projects (Cristóbal Costa Soria, Jennifer Pérez) (2009)
- Fine arts perspective in user interface design (Can Kültür, Ilgim Veryeri Alaca) (2009)
- Enthusing & inspiring with reusable kinaesthetic activities (Paul Curzon, Peter W. McOwan, Quintin I. Cutts, Tim Bell) (2009)
- Keeping the pace in CS-1 through the use of CMS (Can Kültür) (2009)
- Relating research and teaching - learning from experiences and beliefs (Su White, Alastair Irons) (2009)
- The two states of the mind to teach UML (Luis de Marcos, Fernando Flores, José-Javier Martínez) (2009)
- Visual examples of recursion (Ben Stephenson) (2009)
- INSPIRED broadening participation - first year experience and lessons learned (Peggy Israel Doerschuk, Jiangjiang Liu, Judith Mann) (2009)
- Freedom of choice as motivational factor for active learning (Atanas Radenski) (2009)
- What were they thinking? (Roy P. Pargas, Samuel P. Bryfczynski) (2009)
- WAPPEN - a web-based application framework for programming and its bison/flex plug-in (Koji Kagawa) (2009)
- A collaborative ubiquitous learning platform for computer science education (Judy C. R. Tseng, Sunny Y. Y. Hsu, Gwo-Jen Hwang) (2009)
- A course on algorithms and data structures using on-line judging (Ginés García-Mateos, José Luis Fernández Alemán) (2009)
- The attributes of task difficulty in informatics in secondary education - first results of an empirical study (Kirsten Schlüter, Torsten Brinda) (2009)
- An instructional approach to drive computer science courses through virtual learning environments (Félix Buendía, Juan-Carlos Cano, José-Vicente Benlloch) (2009)
- Extending parameterized problem-tracing questions for Java with personalized guidance (I-Han Hsiao, Sergey A. Sosnovsky, Peter Brusilovsky) (2009)
- Using a groupware system in CS1 to engage introverted students (Gloria Childress Townsend) (2009)
- Konzeption und Analyse neuer Maßnahmen in der Fort- und Weiterbildung von Informatiklehrkräften (Matthias Spohrer) (2009)
- Medienkunde (Freistaat Thüringen) (2009)
- Was bringt Tagging? - Eine methodologische Herangehensweise
an die Evaluation von Social Tagging-Systemen (Diana Jurjevic, Gabi Reinmann) (2009)
- Lernen im Digitalen Zeitalter - DeLFI 2009 - Die 7. E-Learning Fachtagung Informatik (14.-17. September 2009) (Andreas Schwill, Nicolas Apostolopoulos) (2009)
- Hybride Lernarrangements - Informatik-Lehre an der Hochschule Offenburg (C. Schmidt, Volker Sänger, Jeremias Endres)
- Research Highlights in Technology and Teacher Education 2009 (Cleborne D. Maddux) (2009)
- 6. Reclaiming Lost Opportunities - The Role of the Teacher in Online Asynchronous Collaboration in Mathematics Teacher Education (Ellen Clay, Jason Silverman)
- INFOS 2009 - 13. GI-Fachtagung Informatik und Schule (21. - 24. September 2009 in Berlin) (Bernhard Koerber) (2009)
- Mit spielerisch das Interesse an Informatik wecken (Beat Döbeli Honegger, André Frey, Philippe Braxmeier)
- Abenteuer Informatik - "Informatik begreifen" wörtlich gemeint (Jens Gallenbacher)
- Informatische Bildung mit Mobiltelefonen? - Ein Forschungsbericht (Matthias Heming)
- Informatik-Schnuppereinheiten zur Positionierung des Unterrichtsfachs (Ernestine Bischof, Roland Mittermeir)
- Informatische Bildung im Primarbereich (Henry Herper, Volkmar Hinz)
- Algorithmik in der Grundschule (Michael Weigend)
- Programming-Wiki - Online Programmieren und Kommentieren (Michael Hielscher, Christian Wagenknecht)
- Informatikdidaktik - Einschätzung der Landschaft (Ludger Humbert) (2009)
- Zurück in die Zunkunft? Zur Geschichte der Rahmen(lehr)pläne Informatik Sekundarstufe II in Berlin-West (Lothar Sack, Helmut Witten) (2009)
- Prozessbegleitende, automatisierte Identifizierung der Problemlösestrategien von Lernenden beim Lösen algorithmischer Systeme (Ulrich Kiesmüller) (2009)
- Dualitätsrekonstruktion als Hilfsmittel zur Entwicklung und Planung von Informatikunterricht (Carsten Schulte) (2009)
- Adam Ries und das Linienrechnen - ein historisches Thema für den Informatikunterricht (Michael Fothe) (2009)
- Computus - Der Weg eines Begriffs durch die Geschichte (Jürgen Müller) (2009)
- Integration statt Sahnehäubchen - Die technologische Basis der Kulturtechniken hat sich verändert (Elin-Birgit Berndt) (2009)
- Informatik-Biber - Informatik-Einstieg und mehr (Wolfgang Pohl, Kirsten Schlüter, Hans-Werner Hein) (2009)
- Kompetenzentwicklung mit Informatiksystemen (KIS) (Christian Kollee, Peer Stechert, Sigrid E. Schubert) (2009)
- Zahlen, Daten und Fakten zum Informatikunterricht an den Gymnasien Österreichs (Peter Micheuz) (2009)
- Was heißt hier Rechnernetze? (Wolf Spatenholz) (2009)
- Referenzprojekte für den Informatikunterricht - Unterrichtsprojekte zwischen Selbst- und Fremdbestimmung (Jochen Koubek) (2009)
- Lernen mit Etoys (Rita Freudenberg) (2009)
- Die visuelle Programmiersprache Puck - Entwicklung, Erprobung, Reflexion (Lutz Kohl) (2009)
- Wie gewinnt man Schülerinnen und Schüler für ein Informatikstudium? - Maßnahmen deutscher Hochschulen (Torsten Brinda, David de Water) (2009)
- Der Bologna-Prozess in der Lehrer-Ausbildung aus dem Blickwinkel der Informatik - Vorschläge zur Konsolidierung einer laufenden Reform (Hanno Schauer) (2009)
- Spielend Sortieren mit Las Vegas Cardsort (Christian Wach, Jens Gallenbacher) (2009)
- Eine Studie zu den Merkmalen der Aufgabenschwierigkeit am Beispiel eines Informatik-Schülerwettbewerbs - Erster Teil - Aufgabenklassifizierung (Kirsten Schlüter) (2009)
- Informatik im Kontext (IniK) - Ein integratives Unterrichtskonzept für den Informatikunterricht (Jochen Koubek, Carsten Schulte, Peter Schulze, Helmut Witten) (2009)
- Untersuchungen zu informatischen Kompetenzen in Sachsen - eine empirische Studie (Katrin Büttner, Thomas Knapp, Steffen Friedrich) (2009)
- Konzepte, Modelle und Projekte im Informatikunterricht - Bewertungen und Erwartungen von Schülern und Studenten (Magnus Rabel, Reinhard Oldenburg) (2009)
- Unterricht im Wandel? - Das Potenzial der Informatik (Maria Knobelsdorf) (2009)
- Von der Entitätsklasse zum Webshop - Datenbanken in bildenden Schulen (Holger Rohland) (2009)
- Informationskompetenz - Ein Thema für den Informatikunterricht (Diana Jurjevic, Nando Stöcklin, Werner Hartmann) (2009)
- Softwaretools für kreatives Lernen im Informatikunterricht (Ralf Romeike) (2009)
- Aus Unterichtsbeispielen lernen - Informatikdidaktische Partnerschaften (Sigrid E. Schubert) (2009)
- Beitrag der informatischen Bildung zu Schlüsselkompetenzen am Beispiel Internetworking (Kirstin Schwidrowski) (2009)
- Rote Fäden und Kontextorientierung im Informatikunterricht (Arno Pasternak, Jan Vahrenhold) (2009)
- Kreativer Einstieg in die Programmierung - Alice im Informatik-Anfangsunterricht (Michael Dohmen, Johannes Magenheim, Dieter Engbring) (2009)
- Unterschiede im Lernerfolg von Schülerinnen und Schülern in Abhängigkeit von der zeitlichen Reihenfolge der Themen (OOP-First bzw. OOP-Later) (Albrecht Ehlert, Carsten Schulte) (2009)
- Informatische Konzepte mit Robotern vermitteln (Markus Weber, Bernhard Wiesner) (2009)
- Mit spielerisch das Interesse an Informatik wecken (Beat Döbeli Honegger, André Frey, Philippe Braxmeier)
- Gewissensbisse - Ethische Probleme der Informatik (Debora Weber-Wulff, Christina Class, Wolfgang Coy) (2009)
- ICER 2009 - Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Computing Education Research, ICER 2009, Berkeley, CA, USA, August 10-11, 2009 (Michael J. Clancy, Michael E. Caspersen, Raymond Lister) (2009)
- SIGCSE 2009 - Proceedings of the 40th SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, SIGCSE 2009, Chattanooga, TN, USA, March 4-7, 2009 (Sue Fitzgerald, Mark Guzdial, Gary Lewandowski, Steven A. Wolfman) (2009)
- Thinking about computational thinking (James J. Lu, George H. L. Fletcher) (2009)
- Test-driven data structures - revitalizing CS2 (Joel Adams) (2009)
- Bringing big systems to small schools - distributed systems for undergraduates (Jeannie R. Albrecht) (2009)
- «Georgia computes!» - improving the computing education pipeline (Amy Bruckman, Maureen Biggers, Barbara J. Ericson, Tom McKlin, Jill P. Dimond, Betsy James DiSalvo, Mike Hewner, Lijun Ni, Sarita Yardi) (2009)
- The present and future of computational thinking (Owen L. Astrachan, Susanne E. Hambrusch, Joan Peckham, Amber Settle) (2009)
- On preparing students for distributed software development with a synchronous, collaborative development platform (Andrew Meneely, Laurie A. Williams) (2009)
- Teaching database security and auditing (Li Yang) (2009)
- Dereferee - exploring pointer mismanagement in student code (Anthony Allevato, Stephen H. Edwards, Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones) (2009)
- Using ink to expose students' thought processes in CS2/CS7 (Roy P. Pargas, Samuel P. Bryfczynski) (2009)
- Engagement - gaming throughout the curriculum (Briana B. Morrison, Jon A. Preston) (2009)
- Using programming to help students understand the value of diversity (Michael R. Wick) (2009)
- Whither scheme? - 21st century approaches to scheme in CS1 (Richard Brown, Janet Davis, Samuel A. Rebelsky, Brian Harvey) (2009)
- Increasing engagement in automata theory with JFLAP (Susan H. Rodger, Eric N. Wiebe, Kyung Min Lee, Chris Morgan, Kareem Omar, Jonathan Su) (2009)
- The pintos instructional operating system kernel (Ben Pfaff, Anthony Romano, Godmar Back) (2009)
- An inexpensive hand-eye system for undergraduate robotics instruction (Glenn V. Nickens, Ethan J. Tira-Thompson, Thorna Humphries, David S. Touretzky) (2009)
- Teaching programming and problem solving to CS2 students using think-alouds (Naveed Arshad) (2009)
- Music performamatics - interdisciplinary interaction (Jesse M. Heines, Gena R. Greher, Sarah Kuhn) (2009)
- Nifty assignments (Nick Parlante, Thomas P. Murtagh, Mehran Sahami, Owen L. Astrachan, David Reed, Christopher A. Stone, Brent Heeringa, Karen L. Reid) (2009)
- Virtualized games for teaching about distributed systems (Joel Wein, Kirill Kourtchikov, Yan Cheng, Ron Gutierez, Roman Khmelichek, Matthew Topol, Chris Sherman) (2009)
- Experiences with just-in-time teaching in systems and design courses (Janet Davis) (2009)
- Report of the 2008 SIGPLAN programming languages curriculum workshop - preliminary report (Mark W. Bailey, Kim B. Bruce, Kathleen Fisher, Robert Harper 0001, Stuart Reges) (2009)
- GINI - a user-level toolkit for creating micro internets for teaching & learning computer networking (Muthucumaru Maheswaran, Alexis Malozemoff, Daniel Ng, Sheng Liao, Song Gu, Balasubramaneyam Maniymaran, Julie Raymond, Reehan Shaikh, Yuanyuan Gao) (2009)
- Injecting rapid feedback and collaborative reasoning in teaching specifications (Dana P. Leonard, Jason O. Hallstrom, Murali Sitaraman) (2009)
- The hidden injuries of overloading 'ADT' (Duane Buck, David J. Stucki) (2009)
- Experimental evaluation of an educational game for improved learning in introductory computing (Michael Eagle, Tiffany Barnes) (2009)
- A model academic ethics and integrity policy for computer science departments (Charles Riedesel, Eric D. Manley, Susan Poser, Jitender S. Deogun) (2009)
- It seemed like a good idea at the time (Jonas Boustedt, Robert McCartney, Katherine Deibel, Jim Huggins, Beth Simon, Suzanne Westbrook, The Mystery Presenter) (2009)
- Teaching computational thinking through bioinformatics to biology students (Hong Qin) (2009)
- CSbots - design and deployment of a robot designed for the CS1 classroom (Tom Lauwers, Illah R. Nourbakhsh, Emily Hamner) (2009)
- Learning programming through fashion and design - a pilot summer course in wearable computing for middle school students (Winnie W. Y. Lau, Grace Ngai, Stephen C. F. Chan, Joey C. Y. Cheung) (2009)
- Report on the ACM/IEEE-CS undergraduate curricula recommendations (Andrew D. McGettrick, Renée McCauley, Richard J. LeBlanc, Heikki Topi) (2009)
- Breadth-last technical electives - integrating the CS core via computer games and mobile robotics (William W. White, Jerry B. Weinberg) (2009)
- Hadoop at home - large-scale computing at a small college (Richard A. Brown) (2009)
- Rethinking computing (Craig J. Mundie) (2009)
- Two in the middle - digital character production and machinima courses (Mark Christensen van Langeveld, Robert Kessler) (2009)
- Data space animation for learning the semantics of C++ pointers (Amruth N. Kumar) (2009)
- Introducing PyLighter - dynamic code highlighter (Michael G. Boland, Curtis C. Cliburn) (2009)
- Two mathematical gestalts for computer theory (Kirby McMaster, Brian Rague, Steven M. Hadfield) (2009)
- Gr8 designs for Gr8 girls - a middle-school program and its evaluation (Michelle Craig, Diane Horton) (2009)
- Methods, metrics and motivation for a green computer science program (Mujtaba Talebi, Thomas Way) (2009)
- Filling the gap in programming instruction - a text-enhanced graphical programming environment for junior high students (Joey C. Y. Cheung, Grace Ngai, Stephen C. F. Chan, Winnie W. Y. Lau) (2009)
- Exploring factors that influence computer science introductory course students to persist in the major (Lecia Barker, Charlie McDowell, Kimberly Kalahar) (2009)
- Best practices in software engineering project class management (Jon Beck, Vicki L. Almstrum, Heidi J. C. Ellis, Massood Towhidnejad) (2009)
- The heart of a whistle-blower - a corporate decision-making game for computer ethics classes (Bo Brinkman) (2009)
- CS262 - a breadth-second survey of informatic CS (Don Blaheta) (2009)
- A history of computing course with a technical focus (Geoffrey M. Draper, Robert R. Kessler, Richard F. Riesenfeld) (2009)
- Rediscovering the passion, beauty, joy, and awe - making computing fun again, continued (Daniel D. Garcia, Robb Cutler, Zachary Dodds, Eric Roberts, Alison Young) (2009)
- New models for the CS1 course - a fifteen year retrospective (Richard M. Salter, Robert D. Cupper, Stuart Hirshfield, Alexa M. Sharp) (2009)
- Retina - helping students and instructors based on observed programming activities (Christian Murphy, Gail E. Kaiser, Kristin Loveland, Sahar Hasan) (2009)
- Developing authentic problem solving skills in introductory computing classes (Katrina E. Falkner, Edward Palmer) (2009)
- Academia-academia-industry collaborations on software engineering projects using local-remote teams (Adrian Rusu, Amalia I. Rusu, Rebecca Docimo, Confesor Santiago, Mike Paglione) (2009)
- An experience report on the design and delivery of two new software design courses (Alex Baker, André van der Hoek) (2009)
- Sexism - toxic to women's persistence in CSE doctoral programs (Joanne McGrath Cohoon, Zhen Wu, Jie Chao) (2009)
- Representation of women in CS - how do we measure a program's success? (Brad Richards) (2009)
- Using peer-led team learning to increase participation and success of under-represented groups in introductory computer science (Susan Horwitz, Susan H. Rodger, Maureen Biggers, David W. Binkley, C. Kolin Frantz, Dawn Gundermann, Susanne E. Hambrusch, Steven Huss-Lederman, Ethan V. Munson, Barbara G. Ryder, Monica Sweat) (2009)
- Revising an assessment plan to conform to the new ABET-CAC guidelines (Donald B. Sanderson) (2009)
- Starting with scratch in CS 1 (Ursula Wolz, Henry H. Leitner, David J. Malan, John Maloney) (2009)
- Introducing computer programming via gameboy advance homebrew (Gary Kacmarcik, Sylvie Giral Kacmarcik) (2009)
- Girls do like playing and creating games (Ursula Wolz, Tiffany Barnes, Jessica D. Bayliss, Jamie Cromack) (2009)
- Test-driven design for introductory OO programming (Viera K. Proulx) (2009)
- Another look at the behaviors of novice programmers (James B. Fenwick Jr., Cindy Norris, E. Frank Barry, Josh Rountree, Cole J. Spicer, Scott D. Cheek) (2009)
- Understanding student performance on an algorithm simulation task - implications for guided learning (Anne Philpott, Tony Clear, Jacqueline L. Whalley) (2009)
- Renaissance computing - an initiative for promoting student participation in computing (Leen-Kiat Soh, Ashok Samal, Stephen D. Scott, Stephen Ramsay, Etsuko Moriyama, George Meyer, Brian Moore 0002, William G. Thomas, Duane F. Shell) (2009)
- Multi-site evaluation of SimSE (Emily Oh Navarro, André van der Hoek) (2009)
- A CS unplugged design pattern (Tomohiro Nishida, Susumu Kanemune, Yukio Idosaka, Mitaro Namiki, Tim Bell, Yasushi Kuno) (2009)
- Entertainment arts and engineering(or how to fast track a new interdisciplinary program) (Robert Kessler, Mark Christensen van Langeveld, Roger Altizer) (2009)
- A multidisciplinary approach towards computational thinking for science majors (Susanne E. Hambrusch, Christoph Hoffmann, John T. Korb, Mark Haugan, Antony L. Hosking) (2009)
- Predictive vs. passive animation learning tools (David Scot Taylor, Andrei F. Lurie, Cay S. Horstmenn, Menko B. Johnson, Sean K. Sharma, Edward C. Yin) (2009)
- Weighted game developer qualifications for consideration in curriculum development (Monica M. McGill) (2009)
- Enhancing undergraduate education - a REU model for interdisciplinary research (Daniela Stan Raicu, Jacob D. Furst) (2009)
- Successful and unsuccessful problem solving approaches of novice programmers (Brian Hanks, Matt Brandt) (2009)
- The impact of instructor initiative on student learning - a tutoring study (Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, Robert Phillips, Michael D. Wallis, Mladen A. Vouk, James C. Lester) (2009)
- Preparing students for ubiquitous parallelism (Daniel Ernst, Barry Wittman, Brian Harvey, Tom Murphy, Michael Wrinn) (2009)
- Preparation of high school computer science teachers - the Israeli perspective (Judith Gal-Ezer, Orit Hazzan, Noa Ragonis) (2009)
- Thinking about computational thinking (James J. Lu, George H. L. Fletcher) (2009)
- SIGCSE 2010 - Proceedings of the 41st ACM technical symposium on Computer science education, SIGCSE 2010, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA, March 10-13, 2010 (Gary Lewandowski, Steven A. Wolfman, Thomas J. Cortina, Ellen Lowenfeld Walker) (2009)
- Braided Teaching in Secondary CS Education - Contexts, Continuity, and the Role of Programming (Arno Pasternak, Jan Vahrenhold) (2010)
- Teaching communication, leadership, and the social context of computing via a consulting course (Joseph Mertz, Scott McElfresh) (2010)
- Science education for the 21st century - using the insights of science to teach/learn science (Carl E. Wieman) (2010)
- A simple machine simulator for teaching stack frames (Dino Schweitzer, Jeff Boleng) (2010)
- Linux kernel projects for an undergraduate operating systems course (Rob Hess, Paul Paulson) (2010)
- Peer review in CS2 - conceptual learning (Scott A. Turner, Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, Stephen H. Edwards, Joseph Chase) (2010)
- Performance of python CS1 students in mid-level non-python CS courses (Richard J. Enbody, William F. Punch) (2010)
- An advanced assessment tool and process (Legand L. Burge III, Ronald J. Leach) (2010)
- Making contact with the forgotten k-12 influence - are you smarter than your 5th grader? (Mindy L. Hart) (2010)
- Teaching simplified network protocols (Dave Feinberg) (2010)
- Variations on a theme - role of media in motivating computing education (Mark Guzdial, David Ranum, Bradley N. Miller, Beth Simon, Barbara J. Ericson, Samuel A. Rebelsky, Janet Davis, Deepak Kumar, Douglas S. Blank) (2010)
- IPsecLite - a tool for teaching security concepts (Niakam Kazemi, Shiva Azadegan) (2010)
- Is teaching parallel algorithmic thinking to high school students possible? - one teacher's experience (Shane Torbert, Uzi Vishkin, Ron Tzur, David J. Ellison) (2010)
- Use of satellite imagery in multidisciplinary projects (Ali Erkan, Jason Hamilton, Tom Pfaff, Michael Rogers) (2010)
- An approach to integrating ICTD projects into an undergraduate curriculum (Richard J. Anderson, Ruth E. Anderson, Gaetano Borriello, Joyojeet Pal) (2010)
- Using the imagine cup SDI as the foundation for computer science capstone projects (James Parrish Jr., Janet L. Bailey, Bradley K. Jensen) (2010)
- A visualization tool for tutoring the interactive learning of data structures and algorithmic schemes (Valentin Razmov, Richard J. Anderson) (2010)
- Connecting k-16 curriculum & policy - making computer science engaging, accessible, and hospitable for underrepresented students (Joanna Goode) (2010)
- Effective delivery of computing curriculum in middle school - challenges and solutions (Youwen Ouyang, Ursula Wolz, Susan H. Rodger) (2010)
- Undergraduate computer science education in China (Ming Zhang 0004, Virginia Mary Lo) (2010)
- Coaching via cognitive apprenticeship (Ray Bareiss, Martin Radley) (2010)
- Recognizing the most influential CS education papers (David G. Kay, Kim B. Bruce, Michael J. Clancy, Nell B. Dale, Mark Guzdial, Eric Roberts) (2010)
- Introductory computing students' conceptions of illegal student-student collaboration (Michael Stepp, Beth Simon) (2010)
- If ____________, you might be a computational thinker! (Daniel D. Garcia, Colleen M. Lewis, John P. Dougherty, Matthew C. Jadud) (2010)
- Monetary values - double trouble or dollars and sense? (Aaron M. Tenenbaum, Gerald Weiss, David M. Arnow) (2010)
- Teaching operating systems using virtual appliances and distributed version control (Oren Laadan, Jason Nieh, Nicolas Viennot) (2010)
- Teaching the principles of the hacker curriculum to undergraduates (Sergey Bratus, Anna Shubina, Michael E. Locasto) (2010)
- Suddenly, all computing is parallel - seizing opportunity amid the clamor (Michael Wrinn) (2010)
- Manipulating mindset to positively influence introductory programming performance (Quintin I. Cutts, Emily Cutts, Stephen Draper, Patrick O'Donnell, Peter Saffrey) (2010)
- Teaching computer networks in a real network - the technical perspectives (Jianping Pan 0001) (2010)
- Building server-side web language processors (Ariel Ortiz) (2010)
- Collaborative research in computer science education - a case study (Sue Fitzgerald, Brian Hanks, Renée McCauley) (2010)
- Scratching middle schoolers' creative itch (Joel C. Adams) (2010)
- Computational thinking in high school courses (Vicki H. Allan, Valerie Barr, Dennis Brylow, Susanne E. Hambrusch) (2010)
- Implementing studio-based learning in CS2 (T. Dean Hendrix, Lakshman Myneni, N. Hari Narayanan, Margaret Ross) (2010)
- Digital visualization tools improve teaching 3D character modeling (Mark Christensen van Langeveld, Robert Kessler) (2010)
- Comparing alice, greenfoot & scratch (Sally Fincher, Stephen Cooper, Michael Kölling, John Maloney) (2010)
- Experience report - peer instruction in introductory computing (Beth Simon, Michael Kohanfars, Jeff Lee, Karen Tamayo, Quintin I. Cutts) (2010)
- Developing a validated assessment of fundamental CS1 concepts (Allison Elliott Tew, Mark Guzdial) (2010)
- Turning exams into a learning experience (Benjamin Yu, George Tsiknis, Meghan Allen) (2010)
- Design and evaluation of a computer science and engineering course for middle school girls (Gabriela Marcu, Samuel J. Kaufman, Jaihee Kate Lee, Rebecca W. Black, Paul Dourish, Gillian R. Hayes, Debra J. Richardson) (2010)
- Useful sharing (Sally Fincher) (2010)
- Computer science illustrated - engaging visual aids for computer science education (Ketrina Yim, Daniel D. Garcia, Sally Ahn) (2010)
- Computational thinking for the sciences - a three day workshop for high school science teachers (Sheikh Iqbal Ahamed, Dennis Brylow, Rong Ge 0003, Praveen Madiraju, Stephen J. Merrill, Craig A. Struble, James P. Early) (2010)
- Expanding the frontiers of computer science - designing a curriculum to reflect a diverse field (Mehran Sahami, Alex Aiken, Julie Zelenski) (2010)
- Nifty assignments (Nick Parlante, Julie Zelenski, Zachary Dodds, Wynn Vonnegut, David J. Malan, Thomas P. Murtagh, Todd W. Neller, Mark Sherriff, Daniel Zingaro) (2010)
- The baffling CS notions of «as-if» and «don't-care» (David Ginat) (2010)
- Parallel computing - at the interface of high school and industry (Robert A. Chesebrough, Ivan Turner) (2010)
- Teaching web information retrieval to undergraduates (Frank McCown) (2010)
- Closed labs in computer science I revisited in the context of online testing (Amruth N. Kumar) (2010)
- Report on the future of computing education summit (Mark Guzdial, Jane Prey, Lucy Sanders, Heikki Topi, Joseph E. Urban) (2010)
- Evaluating the impact of PBL and tablet PCs in an algorithms and computer programming course (Ana Paula Ambrosio, Fábio M. Costa) (2010)
- How interactive multimedia authoring transforms object-oriented thinking (Timothy T. Yuen, Min Liu) (2010)
- Analyzing test items - using item response theory to validate assessments (Leigh Ann Sudol, Cassandra Studer) (2010)
- Understanding NSF funding opportunities (Scott Grissom, Joan Peckham, Harriet G. Taylor, Guy-Alain Amoussou, Victor Piotrowski) (2010)
- Using microlabs to teach modern distributed computing (Barry L. Kurtz, Rahman Tashakkori, John J. Helfert, Michael Sage) (2010)
- A web service-oriented approach to teaching CS/IS1 (Billy L. Lim, Bryan Hosack, Paul Vogt) (2010)
- Teaching operating systems - windows kernel projects (Alexander Schmidt 0001, Andreas Polze, Dave Probert) (2010)
- How do computing faculty adopt curriculum innovations? - the story from instructors (Lijun Ni, Tom McKlin, Mark Guzdial) (2010)
- Some developments in mathematical thinking for computer science education since computing curricula 2001 (Doug Baldwin, Bill Marion, Murali Sitaraman, Cinda Heeren) (2010)
- Re-imagining the first year of computing (Owen L. Astrachan, Kathleen Haynie, Chris Stephenson, Lien Diaz, Amy Briggs) (2010)
- Integrating evaluation into program development - benefits of baselining a NSF-BPC alliance (W. Richards Adrion, Renee Fall, Manuel Matos, Alan Peterfreund) (2010)
- Building an online educational community for algorithm visualization (Clifford A. Shaffer, Thomas L. Naps, Susan H. Rodger, Stephen H. Edwards) (2010)
- Educating the next generation of spammers (Joel Sommers) (2010)
- What game developers look for in a new graduate - interviews and surveys at one game company (Michael Hewner, Mark Guzdial) (2010)
- Integrating sustainability into undergraduate computing education (Yu Cai) (2010)
- A strategy for collaborative outreach - lessons from the CSbots project (Tom Lauwers, Emily Hamner, Illah R. Nourbakhsh) (2010)
- Writing in an upper-level CS course (Alan Garvey) (2010)
- MPCT - media propelled computational thinking (Eric Andrew Freudenthal, Mary K. Roy, Alexandria Nicole Ogrey, Tanja Magoc, Alan Siegel) (2010)
- Do roadshows work? - examining the effectiveness of just be (Joseph A. Cottam, Samantha S. Foley, Suzanne Menzel) (2010)
- Using You Tube to enhance student class preparation in an introductory Java course (Martin C. Carlisle) (2010)
- Compatibility of partnered students in computer science education (Joshua Sennett, Mark Sherriff) (2010)
- CS1, arcade games and the free Java book (Daniel L. Schuster) (2010)
- Teaching computational thinking through musical live coding in scratch (S. Alex Ruthmann, Jesse M. Heines, Gena R. Greher, Paul Laidler, Charles Saulters II) (2010)
- Does studio-based instruction work in CS 1? - an empirical comparison with a traditional approach (Christopher D. Hundhausen, Anukrati Agrawal, Dana Fairbrother, Michael Trevisan) (2010)
- Novel approaches to CS 0 with app inventor for android (Ellen Spertus, Mark L. Chang, Paul Gestwicki, David Wolber) (2010)
- Broadening student enthusiasm for computer science with a great insights course (Marie desJardins, Michael L. Littman) (2010)
- Frances - a tool for understanding code generation (Tyler Sondag, Kian L. Pokorny, Hridesh Rajan) (2010)
- Rediscovering the passion, beauty, joy, and awe - making computing fun again, part 3 (Daniel D. Garcia, Gail Chapman, Orit Hazzan, Maggie Johnson, Leigh Ann Sudol) (2010)
- The design of an online environment to support pedagogical code reviews (Christopher D. Hundhausen, Anukrati Agrawal, Kyle Ryan) (2010)
- Peerwise - replication study of a student-collaborative self-testing web service in a u.s. setting (Paul Denny, Brian Hanks, Beth Simon) (2010)
- Braided Teaching in Secondary CS Education - Contexts, Continuity, and the Role of Programming (Arno Pasternak, Jan Vahrenhold) (2010)
- So liebe Politiker, jetzt sprechen wir über das Internet (David Bauer) (2009)
- Education and career pathways in Information Communication Technology - What are schoolgirls saying? (Michelle Lasen) (2009)
- Scratch: Programming for All - "Digital fluency" should mean designing, creating, and remixing, not just browsing, chatting, and interacting. (Mitchel Resnick, John Maloney, Andrés Monroy-Hernández, Natalie Rusk, Evelyn Eastmond, Karen Brennan, Amon Millner, Eric Rosenbaum, Jay Silver, Brian Silverman, Yasmin B. Kafai) (2009)
- Konstruktionstätigkeit mit Digitalen Medien - Eine qualitative Studie als Beitrag zur Medienbildung (Isabel Zorn) (2009)
- Bildung Schweiz 11a/2009 - Sonderheft Computer und Internet (2009)
- Programmieren und denkend Probleme lösen (Herbert Bruderer, Dennis Komm)
- Programmieren und denkend Probleme lösen (Herbert Bruderer, Dennis Komm)
- Direkt in die Schulen gehen (Juraj Hromkovic, Herbert Bruderer) (2009)
- Informatik als Ergänzungsfach an Gymnasien - Ein Bericht zum Stand der Einführung der Informatik als Ergänzungsfach und der Vernetzung der Informatik unterrichtenden Lehrpersonen (Jacqueline Peter) (2009)
- Masterplan Lernstick - Live-System-Learning mit Blick auf die flächendeckende Verbreitung des Lernsticks in der Schweiz (Stanley Schwab, Marc Widmer) (2009)
- Einsatzszenarien von Mobiltelefonen im Informatikunterricht (Matthias Heming) (2009)
- Scalable game design and the development of a checklist for getting computational thinking into public schools (Alexander Repenning, David Webb, Andri Ioannidou) (2010)
- Information und Menschenbild (Michael Bölker, Mathias Gutmann, Wolfgang Hesse) (2010)
- Programmierung mit LEGO Mindstorms NXT - Robotersysteme, Entwurfsmethodik, Algorithmen (Karsten Berns, Daniel Schmidt) (2010)
- Handbook of Graph Drawing and Visualization - Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications (Roberto Tamassia) (2010)
- Analyzing Interactions in CSCL - Methods, Approaches and Issues (Sadhana Puntambekar, Gijsbert Erkens, Cindy Hmelo-Silver) (2010)
- Schuld sind die Computer! - Ängste, Gefahren und Probleme im Umfeld der Informatik (Albert Endres, Rul Gunzenhäuser) (2010)
- 6. Sicht der Wissenschaft und insbesondere der Philosophie
- 7. Sicht auf Informatiker(innen) als Berufsgruppe
- 6. Sicht der Wissenschaft und insbesondere der Philosophie
- Open Access als alternatives Publikationsmodell der Wissenschaft (Claudia Blum) (2010)
- Lernzielstrukturen im Informatikunterricht (Markus Steinert) (2010)
- Wissenstransfer mit Wikis und Weblogs - Fallstudien zum Erfolgreichen Einsatz von Web 2.0 in Unternehmen (Alexander Stocker, Klaus Tochtermann) (2010)
- Computer Science Education 1/2010 (2010)
- Learning edge momentum - a new account of outcomes in CS1 (Anthony Robins) (2010)
- Learning edge momentum - a new account of outcomes in CS1 (Anthony Robins) (2010)
- Computer Science Education 4/2010 (2010)
- Why so few women enroll in computing? - Gender and ethnic differences in students' perception (Roli Varma) (2010)
- Why so few women enroll in computing? - Gender and ethnic differences in students' perception (Roli Varma) (2010)
- Computer Science Education 2/2010 (2010)
- Innovative teaching in computer science - what does it mean and why do we need it? (Yifat Ben-David Kolikant) (2010)
- Innovative teaching in computer science - what does it mean and why do we need it? (Yifat Ben-David Kolikant) (2010)
- Computer Science Education 3/2010 (2010)
- Applying service learning to computer science - attracting and engaging under-represented students (Teresa A. Dahlberg, Tiffany Barnes, Kim Buch, Karen Bean) (2010)
- Applying service learning to computer science - attracting and engaging under-represented students (Teresa A. Dahlberg, Tiffany Barnes, Kim Buch, Karen Bean) (2010)
- Code und Material - Exkursionen ins Undingliche (Georg Trogemann) (2010)
- Informatik für Schule und Ausbildung (Rainer Hattenhauer) (2010)
- LOG IN 162/2010 (2010)
- The Innovator's Way - Essential Practices for Successful Innovation (Peter Denning, Robert Dunham) (2010)
- Teaching Fundamental Concepts of Informatics - 4th International Conference on Informatics in Secondary Schools - Evolution and Perspectives, ISSEP 2010, Zurich, Switzerland, January 13-15, 2010 (Juraj Hromkovic, Rastislav Královic, Jan Vahrenhold) (2010)
- Sustaining Informatics Education by Contests (Valentina Dagienė)
- Impasse, Conflict, and Learning of CS Notions (David Ginat)
- K-12 Computer Science - Aspirations, Realities, and Challenges (Allen B. Tucker)
- Perspective on Computer Science Education (Amiram Yehudai)
- Didactics of Introduction to Computer Science in High School (Michal Armoni, Tamar Benaya, David Ginat, Ela Zur)
- Software Design Course for Leading CS In-Service Teachers (Ofra Brandes, Tamar Vilner, Ela Zur)
- The Effect of Tangible Artifacts, Gender and Subjective Technical Competence on Teaching Programming to Seventh Graders (Philipp Brauner, Thiemo Leonhardt, Martina Ziefle, Ulrik Schroeder)
- The Difficulty of Programming Contests Increases (Michal Forisek)
- Didactic Games for Teaching Information Theory (Michal Forisek, Monika Steinová)
- Collaborative Initiatives for Promoting Computer Science in Secondary Schools (Irene Glendinning, Margaret Low)
- Teaching Public-Key Cryptography in School (Lucia Keller, Dennis Komm, Giovanni Serafini, Andreas Sprock, Björn Steffen)
- Towards a Methodical Approach for an Empirically Proofed Competency Model (Johannes Magenheim, Wolfgang Nelles, Thomas Rhode, Niclas Schaper)
- Having Fun with Computer Programming and Games - Teacher and Student Experiences (Clare McInerney)
- Object-Oriented Modeling of Object-Oriented Concepts - A Case Study in Structuring an Educational Domain (Michela Pedroni, Bertrand Meyer)
- Programming Camps - Letting Children Discover the Computer Science (Monika Steinová, Juliana Sisková)
- Mission to Mars - A Study on Naming and Referring (Michael Weigend)
- Long-Term Development of Software Projects - Students’ Self-appreciation and Expectations (Cecile Yehezkel, Bruria Haberman)
- Showing Core-Concepts of Informatics to Kids and Their Teachers (Roland Mittermeir, Ernestine Bischof, Karin Hodnigg)
- Sustaining Informatics Education by Contests (Valentina Dagienė)
- Entwicklung eines Kompetenzrahmenmodells - Informatisches Modellieren und Systemverständnis (Wolfgang Nelles, Thomas Rhode, Peer Stechert) (2010)
- Was ist Informatik? (Peter Rechenberg) (2010)
- Project - "A Nation at Risk" - Final Report (Raymond Morel, François Wollner, Thomas Jarchow-von Büren, Andreas Spichiger, Reinhard Riedl, Bruno Montani) (2010)
- Informatiker braucht das Land (Alice Kohli) (2010)
- LOG IN 160/161/2009 - Veranschaulichung - Modelle und Realität (2010)
- Früher war IBM der Bösewicht (Niklaus Wirth, Peter Keller) (2010)
- Re-Designing Learning Contexts - Technology-Rich, Learner-Centred Ecologies (Rose Luckin) (2010)
- Schlechtes Image, gute Perspektiven - Die Schweiz bildet jährlich 2000 Informatiker zu wenig aus. Die IT-Branche hat mit Fachkräftemangel und
einem verzerrten Berufsbild zu kämpfen. (Ralph Hofbauer) (2010)
- Qualität und Nutzen der ICT-Anwender-Zertifikate in der Schweiz (Ilias Dedopoulos, Ute Klotz, Dominik Schupp) (2010)
- ICT und Medienbildung in der Lehrpersonenausbildung - Fallstudie über das Studienangebot an Pädagogischen Hochschulen (Hanja Hansen, Hasler Stiftung) (2010)
- Die Maschinisten des Internets (Christof Gertsch) (2010)
- 25 Jahre Schulinformatik - Zukunft mit Herkunft (2010)
- ITiCSE 2010 - Proceedings of the 15th Annual SIGCSE Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, ITiCSE 2010, Bilkent, Ankara, Turkey, June 26-30, 2010 (Reyyan Ayfer, John Impagliazzo, Cary Laxer) (2010)
- Advantage of using web 2.0 applications in class (Ayse Begüm Aydinol, Özgür Gültekin) (2010)
- VCache - visualization applet for processor caches (Berkin Ilbeyi, John A. Nestor) (2010)
- Who's missing from the room (Jane Prey) (2010)
- Promoting active learning through assignments (Gerry W. Cross) (2010)
- Analysis of computer science related curriculum on LDA and Isomap (Takayuki Sekiya, Yoshitatsu Matsuda, Kazunori Yamaguchi) (2010)
- Developing verification-driven learning cases (Shengru Tu, Sehun James Oh, Rushikesh Kale, Aditya Kallem, Shireesha Tankashala) (2010)
- A sub-saharan comparative study of university students' attitudes towards computer programming (Cecille J. Marsh) (2010)
- Computer lab work on theory (Emma Enström, Viggo Kann) (2010)
- Inquiry-based active learning in introductory programming courses (Kai Qian, Chia-Tien Dan Lo, Li Yang, Jigang Liu) (2010)
- Modeling with Plato - the unified modeling language in a cultural context (Luis de Marcos, Fernando Flores, José-Javier Martínez) (2010)
- The effect of video tutorials on learning spreadsheets (Ayse Begüm Aydinol, Özgür Gültekin) (2010)
- Sharing and discussing UML modeling exercises in a PLE (Jürgen Börstler, Dimitris Dranidis, Ervin Ramollari, Sonja Trapp, Matthias Heintz, Sebastian Weber) (2010)
- Service learning in introductory computer science (Mary Anne L. Egan, Mathew Johnson) (2010)
- LOMOLEHEA - learning object model for online learning based on the european higher education area (Felipe Cocón, Eugenio Fernández) (2010)
- Experience report - CS1 for majors with media computation (Beth Simon, Päivi Kinnunen, Leo Porter, Dov Zazkis) (2010)
- The SOM family - virtual machines for teaching and research (Michael Haupt, Robert Hirschfeld, Tobias Pape, Gregor Gabrysiak, Stefan Marr, Arne Bergmann, Arvid Heise, Matthias Kleine, Robert Krahn) (2010)
- Self-predicted and actual performance in an introductory programming course (Paul Denny, Andrew Luxton-Reilly, John Hamer, Dana B. Dahlstrom, Helen C. Purchase) (2010)
- Robotics and intelligent systems for social and behavioral science undergraduates (Tom Armstrong) (2010)
- A lecture about teaching informatics in secondary education - lecture design and first experiences (Torsten Brinda, Peter Hubwieser) (2010)
- Usability, engagement & development of a digital usability laboratory in a higher education environment (David Cox) (2010)
- When CS 1 is biology 1 - crossdisciplinary collaboration as CS context (Zachary Dodds, Ran Libeskind-Hadas, Eliot Bush) (2010)
- Helping students build a mental model of computation (Steve Kollmansberger) (2010)
- Improving CS education at Wits using an online assessment and evaluation system - a case study (Angelo Kyrilov, Jarryd Chengalroyen, Mayya Tokman) (2010)
- Linking different programming paradigms - thoughts about instructional design (Noa Ragonis, Bruria Haberman) (2010)
- Tail recursive programming by applying generalization (Manuel Rubio-Sánchez) (2010)
- A framework for computational thinking across the curriculum (Ljubomir Perkovic, Amber Settle, Sungsoon Hwang, Joshua Jones) (2010)
- Broadening accessibility to computer science for K-12 education (Mark K. Gardner, Wu-chun Feng) (2010)
- Hands-on approach to teaching wireless sensor networks at the undergraduate level (Anna Förster, Mehdi Jazayeri) (2010)
- Science, technology and innovation - a key driver for economic growth (Nüket Yeti) (2010)
- Portable labs in a box for embedded system education (Kai Qian, Chia-Tien Dan Lo, Xiaolin Hu) (2010)
- PhidgetLab - crossing the border from virtual to real-world objects (Michael Haupt, Michael Perscheid, Robert Hirschfeld, Lysann Kessler, Thomas Klingbeil, Stephanie Platz, Frank Schlegel, Philipp Tessenow) (2010)
- Collaborative design of cross-disciplinary game minors based on the IGDA curriculum framework (Monica M. McGill) (2010)
- Assessment methods and how teachers and students view them in a computer science course at Uppsala University (Mithat Canberk Ezel) (2010)
- What did qubits ever do for me - an answer for CS2 students (Michael Main, Robert Frohardt, Yingdan Huang) (2010)
- Open source widget for parson's puzzles (Petri Ihantola, Ville Karavirta) (2010)
- From phenomenography study to planning teaching (Errol Thompson) (2010)
- JavaMarker - an eclipse plug-in to mark students' Java exercises (Marzieh Ahmadzadeh, Mansoore Soltani) (2010)
- e-Lectures to support blended instruction in multimedia programming course (Anastasios Karakostas, Stavros N. Demetriadis, Vasiliki Ragazou, Maria Amarlariotou) (2010)
- SNAG - using social networking games to increase student retention in computer science (Samantha L. Finkelstein, Eve Powell, Andrew Hicks, Katelyn Doran, Sandhya Rani Charugulla, Tiffany Barnes) (2010)
- Student-centered design of a parser visualization tool (Francisco J. Almeida-Martínez, Jaime Urquiza-Fuentes, Manuel Rubio-Sánchez, J. Ángel Velázquez-Iturbide) (2010)
- Creativity and intrinsic motivation in computer science education - experimenting with robots (Mikko Apiola, Matti Lattu, Tomi A. Pasanen) (2010)
- Using alice in CS1 - a quantitative experiment (Ryan Garlick, Ebru Celikel Cankaya) (2010)
- Mental models of recursion - investigating students' understanding of recursion (Tamarisk Lurlyn Scholtz, Ian Sanders) (2010)
- Using AVs to explain NP-completeness (Pierluigi Crescenzi) (2010)
- Teaching abstraction in introductory courses (Herman Koppelman, Betsy van Dijk) (2010)
- Individual and group seminars and workshops in the computer science curriculum (Tamar Benaya, Maya Herman, Daphna Shahak, Ela Zur) (2010)
- Enbug - when debuggers go bad (David Williams-King, John Aycock, Daniel Medeiros Nunes de Castro) (2010)
- Evaluating the effectiveness of a pattern application support tool for novices (Masita Jalil, Shahrul Azman Noah, Sufian Idris) (2010)
- Integrating categories of algorithm learning objective into algorithm visualization design - a proposal (Ming-Han Lee, Guido Rößling) (2010)
- Enhancing K-12 education with alice programming adventures (Susan H. Rodger, Maggie Bashford, Lana Dyck, Jenna Hayes, Liz Liang, Deborah Nelson, Henry Qin) (2010)
- Experiences in software engineering courses using psychometrics with RAMSET (Luis G. Martínez, Guillermo Licea, Antonio Rodríguez Díaz, Juan R. Castro) (2010)
- Greenroom - a teacher community for collaborative resource development (Neil Brown, Phil Stevens, Michael Kölling) (2010)
- A study on student performance in first year CS courses (Anabela Jesus Gomes, António José Mendes) (2010)
- Skills and knowledge for hire - leeds source-it (Royce Neagle, Alison Marshall, Roger D. Boyle) (2010)
- Student self-assessment in a programming course using bloom's revised taxonomy (Satu Alaoutinen, Kari Smolander) (2010)
- Developing tools to encourage reflection in first year students blogs (Roger McDermott, Garry Brindley, Gordon Eccleston) (2010)
- A platform for visualizing digital circuit synthesis with VHDL (Abdulhadi Shoufan, Zheng Lu, Guido Rößling) (2010)
- Motivating online collaborative learning (Paul Denny) (2010)
- Using scalable game design to teach computer science from middle school to graduate school (Ashok R. Basawapatna, Kyu Han Koh, Alexander Repenning) (2010)
- SAMtool, a tool for deducing and implementing loop patterns (José Luis Fernández Alemán, Youssef Oufaska) (2010)
- Cyberspace meets brick and mortar - an investigation into how students engage in peer to peer feedback using both cyberlearning and physical infrastructures (Ashok R. Basawapatna, Alexander Repenning) (2010)
- What do promising high school students think about studying computing (Deniz A. Gürsel, Banuçiçek Gürcüoglu) (2010)
- Comparison of OOP first and OOP later - first results regarding the role of comfort level (Albrecht Ehlert, Carsten Schulte) (2010)
- Serverless automatic assessment of Javascript exercises (Ville Karavirta, Petri Ihantola) (2010)
- Professional associations in K-12 computer science (Chris Stephenson, Judith Gal-Ezer, Margot Phillipps, Jan Vahrenhold) (2010)
- Challenges with teaching HCI early to computer students (Johan Aberg) (2010)
- ComTest - a tool to impart TDD and unit testing to introductory level programming (Vesa Lappalainen, Jonne Itkonen, Ville Isomöttönen, Sami Kollanus) (2010)
- Reflecting on online learning designs using observed behavior (Larry Howard, Julie Johnson, Carin Neitzel) (2010)
- Measuring of and reacting to learners' progress in logic programming courses (Stefan Friese) (2010)
- Undergraduate database instruction with MeTube (James Z. Wang, Timothy A. Davis, James Westall, Pradip K. Srimani) (2010)
- Changing the learning process of the input/output topic using a game in a portable console (Edurne Larraza-Mendiluze, Nestor Garay-Vitoria) (2010)
- Support tools for graphs in computer science (Victor N. Kasyanov) (2010)
- The case for error detection support during online testing (Amruth N. Kumar) (2010)
- Effect of media richness on user acceptance of blogs and podcasts (Nauman Saeed, Yun Yang, Suku Sinnappan) (2010)
- Inspiring women undergraduates (Hannah M. Dee, Roger D. Boyle) (2010)
- Learning (through) recursion - a multidimensional analysis of the competences achieved by CS1 students (Claudio Mirolo) (2010)
- Using personal robots in CS1 - experiences, outcomes, and attitudinal influences (Stefanie Markham, K. N. King) (2010)
- File references, trees, and computational thinking (Craig S. Miller, Ljubomir Perkovic, Amber Settle) (2010)
- Creating digital divas - scaffolding perception change through secondary school and university alliances (Catherine Lang, Annemieke Craig, Julie Fisher, Helen Forgasz) (2010)
- JavaSpaces NetBeans - a linda workbench for distributed programming course (Magdalena Dukielska, Jacek Sroka) (2010)
- Lego NXT as a learning tool (Mohamed Hamada, Sayota Sato) (2010)
- Encouraging reading and collaboration using classroom salon (Ananda Gunawardena, Aaron Tan, David Kaufer) (2010)
- Online identification of learner problem solving strategies using pattern recognition methods (Ulrich Kiesmüller, Sebastian Sossalla, Torsten Brinda, Korbinian Riedhammer) (2010)
- International sustainable exchange - student projects to teach social responsibility (Christopher R. Routh, Cary Laxer, Logan Muller, Nicholas Dimmitt) (2010)
- Innovative CS capstone projects on green energy applications with WSN in a box (Chia-Tien Dan Lo, Kai Qian, Li Yang) (2010)
- Online education experiences - information technologies certificate program at METU (Erman Yükseltürk, Adnan Yazici, Ahmet Sacan, Özgür Kaya) (2010)
- An unusual CS 1 with high standards and confirming results (Guido Rößling, Max Mühlhäuser) (2010)
- Lecturing about the phenomenology of databases (Luis de Marcos, Fernando Flores, José-Javier Martínez) (2010)
- Evaluation of automatic classroom capture for computer science education (Paul E. Dickson, David T. Arbour, W. Richards Adrion, Amanda Gentzel) (2010)
- Computer science education in Turkey (Petek Askar) (2010)
- embed4Auto - a PLE for software modelling (Jürgen Börstler, Ömer Faruk Bay, Meltem Huri Baturay, Sonja Trapp, Matthias Heintz, Sebastian Weber) (2010)
- A mobile learning tool to deliver online questionnaires (Luis de Marcos, José Ramón Hilera, Eva García, Antonio García-Cabot, José-Javier Martínez, José María Gutiérrez, Roberto Barchino, Salvador Otón, José Antonio Gutiérrez, Elena Vilar, Miriam Martínez, Salvador Espinosa) (2010)
- Starting out at university with team projects (Xavier Ferré, Antonio Giraldo, M. Gloria Sánchez-Torrubia, María Asunción Sastre) (2010)
- Positionspapier der Kommission Bildung zum Lehrplan 21 (KB Kommission Bildung von ICTswitzerland) (2010)
- Mangel an MINT-Fachkräften in der Schweiz - Ausmass und Ursachen des Fachkräftemangels in MINT (Mathematik, Informatik, Naturwissenschaften und Technik) (Schweizerischer Bundesrat) (2010)
- Objects Never? Well, Hardly Ever! - Revisiting the Great Objects Debate. (Mordechai Ben-Ari) (2010)
- DeLFI 2010 - 8. Tagung der Fachgruppe E-Learning der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (Michael Kerres, Nadine Ojstersek, Ulrik Schroeder, Heinz Ulrich Hoppe) (2010)
- Podcastproduktion als kollaborativer Zugang zur theoretischen Informatik (Erika Ábrahám, Philipp Brauner, Nils Jansen, Thiemo Leonhardt, Ulrich Loup, Ulrik Schroeder) (2010)
- Didaktik der Informatik - Möglichkeiten empirischer Forschungsmethoden und Perspektiven der Fachdidaktik - 6. Workshop der GI-Fachgruppe DDI (Ira Diethelm, Christina Dörge, Claudia Hildebrandt, Carsten Schulte) (2010)
- Lehrerbildung Informatik - Was ist zu tun? (Ira Diethelm, Lutz Hellmig, Steffen Friedrich, Norbert Breier, Torsten Brinda) (2010)
- Erste Ergebnisse einer Lehrerbefragung zum bayerischen Schulfach Informatik (Peter Hubwieser, Andreas Mühling, Torsten Brinda) (2010)
- Einige Anmerkungen zum Begriff IniK (Dieter Engbring, Arno Pasternak) (2010)
- Wie funktioniert eigentlich das Internet? - Empirische Untersuchung von Schülervorstellungen (Ira Diethelm, Stefan Zumbrägel) (2010)
- Lehrerbildung Informatik - Was ist zu tun? (Ira Diethelm, Lutz Hellmig, Steffen Friedrich, Norbert Breier, Torsten Brinda) (2010)
- 25 Jahre Schulinformatik - Zukunft mit Herkunft (Gerhard Brandhofer, Gerald Futschek, Peter Micheuz, Anton Reiter, Karl Schoder) (2010)
- Informatikunterricht im Spannungsfeld zwischen Tastendruck und UML (Werner Hartmann, Steffen Friedrich)
- Back To The Future (Helmut Schauer)
- Building Modern Informatics as a Subject and a Culture (Ivan Kalas)
- The Secret of Programming Education - Creating Motivation (Michael Kölling)
- Was ist Informatik? (Peter Rechenberg)
- Informatikunterricht zur Vermittlung allgemeiner Bildungswerte (Roland Mittermeir)
- Informatik in der Volksschule spielerisch erLeben (Ernestine Bischof)
- IniK - Versuch einer Begriffsbestimmung (Dieter Engbring, Arno Pasternak)
- Aktuelle Probleme der Schulinformatik (Thorsten Jarz)
- Bemerkungen zur Fachdidaktik Informatik (Hans-Stefan Siller, Karl Fuchs)
- Informatik, einfach ein Fach!? (Ludger Humbert)
- Konzept einer stufenweisen Fortbildung für InformatiklehrerInnen (Karin Hodnigg, Roland Mittermeir)
- Informatik: Schulfach - ohne Lehrkräfte (Ulrich Kiesmüller)
- Qualifizierung von Informatiklehrkräften (Ludger Humbert, Arno Pasternak)
- ICT im Hosensack - Informatik im Kopf? - Gedanken über ICT und Informatik in der Schweizer Primarschule (Beat Döbeli Honegger) (2010)
- Informatikunterricht im Spannungsfeld zwischen Tastendruck und UML (Werner Hartmann, Steffen Friedrich)
- eZürich, die Internet-Hauptstadt (Georg Gindely) (2010)
- ICER 2010 - Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Computing Education Research, Aarhus, Denmark, August 9-10, 2010 (Michael E. Caspersen, Michael J. Clancy, Kate Sanders) (2010)
- Non-myths about programming (Mordechai Ben-Ari) (2010)
- Learning computer science concepts with scratch (Orni Meerbaum-Salant, Michal Armoni, Mordechai Ben-Ari) (2010)
- Analyzing the strength of undergraduate misconceptions about software engineering (Leigh Ann Sudol, Ciera Jaspan) (2010)
- Experiencing programming assignments in CS1 - the emotional toll (Päivi Kinnunen, Beth Simon) (2010)
- Pair debugging - a transactive discourse analysis (Laurie Murphy, Sue Fitzgerald, Brian Hanks, Renée McCauley) (2010)
- 'You mean we have to work together!?!' - a study of the formation and interaction of programming teams in a college course setting (David L. Largent, Chris Lüer) (2010)
- Discovering computing - perspectives of web designers (Brian Dorn, Mark Guzdial) (2010)
- Non-myths about programming (Mordechai Ben-Ari) (2010)
- HDI2010 - Tagungsband der 4. Fachtagung zur »Hochschuldidaktik Informatik« (Dieter Engbring, Reinhard Keil, Johannes Magenheim, Harald Selke) (2010)
- Informatische Bildung im Sachunterricht der Grundschule - Theoretische Überlegungen zur Begründung (Christian Borowski, Ira Diethelm, Ana-Maria Mesaros) (2010)
- ICT-Berufsbildung Schweiz - Quantitativer Bildungsbedarf (B,S,S. Volkswirtschaftliche Beratung) (2010)
- Koli Calling 2010 - 10th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research, Koli Calling '10, Koli, Finland, October 28-31, 2010 (Carsten Schulte, Jarkko Suhonen) (2010)
- Building theory about computing education phenomena - a discussion of grounded theory (Päivi Kinnunen, Beth Simon) (2010)
- Are computer science students different learners? (Satu Alaoutinen, Kari Smolander) (2010)
- Computing students learning computing informally (Robert McCartney, Anna Eckerdal, Jan Erik Moström, Kate Sanders, Lynda Thomas, Carol Zander) (2010)
- Observations from semi-automatic testing of program codes in the high school student maturity exam (Bronius Skupas, Valentina Dagiene) (2010)
- Science festivals on computer science recruitment (Ilkka Jormanainen, Pauliina Korhonen) (2010)
- Building theory about computing education phenomena - a discussion of grounded theory (Päivi Kinnunen, Beth Simon) (2010)
- LOG IN 166/167 2010 - Wissensmanagement (2010)
- Medienbildung und Medienkompetenz - Herbsttagung 2010 der Sektion Medienpädagogik (DGfE) (Heinz Moser, Petra Grell, Horst Niesyto) (2010)
- Kunterbunte Schulinformatik - Ideen für einen kompetenzorientierten Unterricht in den Sekundarstufen I und II (Michael Fothe) (2010)
- Algorithms Unplugged (Berthold Vöcking, Helmut Alt, Martin Dietzfelbinger, Rüdiger Reischuk, Christian Scheideler, Heribert Vollmer, Dorothea Wagner) (2010)
- Schülerinnen und Schüler entdecken Informatik - Wettbewerbe, Projektwochen, Ausstellungen und Informationstage (Hasler Stiftung) (2010)
- Informatik in der Schule - Bildungsgut und Bildungsinhalte (Jürg Kohlas, Jürg Schmid, Carl August Zehnder) (2010)
- Programmieren lernen - Aufgaben für den Informatikunterricht (Philipp Gressly Freimann, Martin Guggisberg) (2011)
- Mathematische Grundlagen der Informatik - Mathematisches Denken und Beweisen. Eine Einführung (Christoph Meinel, Martin Mundhenk) (2011)
- Mathematical and Algorithmic Foundations of the Internet (Fabrizio Luccio) (2011)
- The Future of Looking Back (Richard Banks) (2011)
- Switching Codes - Thinking Through Digital Technology in the Humanities and the Arts (Thomas Bartscherer, Roderick Coover) (2011)
- How Computation Changes Research (Ian Foster)
- How Computation Changes Research (Ian Foster)
- Computer Science and Educational Software Design - A Resource for Multidisciplinary Work in Technology Enhanced Learning (Pierre Tchounikine) (2011)
- Metareasoning - Thinking about Thinking (Michael T. Cox, Anita Raja) (2011)
- Forschung verändert Schule (Philipp Aerni, Fritz Oser) (2011)
- Das Potential des Computers im Schulunterricht (Hans Hinterberger)
- Das Potential des Computers im Schulunterricht (Hans Hinterberger)
- CSTA K-12 Computer Science Standards (CSTA Standards Task Force) (2011)
- Guide to Teaching Computer Science (Orit Hazzan, Tami Lapidot, Noa Ragonis) (2011)
- Protean and boundaryless career orientations - An empirical study of IT professionals in Europe (Martin Gubler) (2011)
- Computer Science Education 1/2011 (2011)
- Investigating and improving the models of programming concepts held by novice programmers (Linxiao Ma, John D. Ferguson, Marc Roper, Murray Wood) (2011)
- Investigating and improving the models of programming concepts held by novice programmers (Linxiao Ma, John D. Ferguson, Marc Roper, Murray Wood) (2011)
- Computer Science Education 2/2011 (2011)
- Is pair programming more effective than other forms of collaboration for young students? (Colleen M. Lewis) (2011)
- Pair programming in education - a literature review (Brian Hanks, Sue Fitzgerald, Renée McCauley, Laurie Murphy, Carol Zander) (2011)
- Is pair programming more effective than other forms of collaboration for young students? (Colleen M. Lewis) (2011)
- Informatik: Eine praktische Einführung mit Bash und Python (Tobias Häberlein) (2011)
- Bildung braucht Persönlichkeit (Gerhard Roth) (2011)
- Einleitung - Besser Lehren und Lernen - aber wie?
- Lehrbuch für Lernen und Lehren mit Technologien (Martin Ebner, Sandra Schön) (2011)
- Informatikunterricht - Wünsche und Erwartungen von Schülerinnen und Schülern (Hannelore Barthel) (2011)
- Informatik macht Spass und schult das Denken (Juraj Hromkovic, Tanja Polli) (2011)
- Informatik gehört wie Mathematik oder Sprachen zur Grundausbildung (Alfred Breu, Jacqueline Olivier, Yvonne Leibundgut) (2011)
- Medien & Bildung - Institutionelle Kontexte und kultureller Wandel (Torsten Meyer, Christina Schwalbe, Wey-Han Tan, Ralf Appelt) (2011)
- Informatik macht Schule - Bemühungen zur Förderung des Informatikunterrichts (Herbert Bruderer) (2011)
- Computational Thinking Patterns (Andri Ioannidou, Vicki E. Bennett, Alexander Repenning, Kyu Han Koh, Ashok R. Basawapatna) (2011)
- Mit der i-factory Konzepte der Informatik be-greifen (Beat Döbeli Honegger) (2011)
- Informatik in die Schule! - ein erneutes Plädoyer (Michael Fothe, Steffen Friedrich) (2011)
- Computer - Wie die Informatik die Welt verändert - NZZ Fokus (2011)
- PHZ sucht neue PC-Freaks (Geri Holdener) (2011)
- Digitale Baustelle Sekundarstufe I (Peter Micheuz) (2011)
- Towards a New Framework - From Digital Competence to Basic Informatics Education for Lower Secondary Level in Austria
- Erwerb digitaler Kompetenzen über eine verstärkte Mediennutzung? (Anton Reiter)
- Vom Konzept Informatischer Bildung zu einem Pflichtfach in der Sekundarstufe I (Karl Fuchs, Helmut Caba)
- Ohne Informatik keine Forschung (Juraj Hromkovic, Roger Zedi) (2011)
- Biographische Lern- und Bildungsprozesse im Handlungskontext der Computernutzung (Maria Knobelsdorf) (2011)
- ITiCSE 2011 - Proceedings of the 16th Annual SIGCSE Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, ITiCSE 2011, Darmstadt, Germany, June 27-29, 2011 (Guido Rößling, Thomas L. Naps, Christian Spannagel) (2011)
- A mobile web-based approach to introductory programming (Qusay H. Mahmoud) (2011)
- Teaching CS unplugged in the high school (with limited success) (Yvon Feaster, Luke Segars, Sally K. Wahba, Jason O. Hallstrom) (2011)
- Muddy hill games (Jessica Blevins, Andy Kearney, Eric Mullen, Emily Myers-Stanhope, Elizabeth Sweedyk) (2011)
- A collaborative linked learning space (Kai Michael Höver, Michael Hartle, Guido Rößling) (2011)
- The beaver contest - attracting youngsters to study computing (Bruria Haberman, Avi Cohen, Valentina Dagiene) (2011)
- Programming in secondary education - benefits and perspectives (Michail N. Giannakos, Spyros Doukakis, Panayiotis Vlamos, Christos Koilias) (2011)
- Computational thinking - what it might mean and what we might do about it (Chenglie Hu) (2011)
- A scheme for improving ICT units with critically low student satisfaction (Angela Carbone, Jessica Wong, Jason Ceddia) (2011)
- Female students' experiences of programming - it's not all bad! (Reena Pau, Wendy Hall, Marcus Grace, John Woollard) (2011)
- CROKODIL - a platform supporting the collaborative management of web resources for learning purposes (Mojisola Anjorin, Renato Domínguez García, Christoph Rensing) (2011)
- Evaluating a web-based information system for managing master of science summer projects (Till Rebenich, Andrew M. Gravell, Thanassis Tiropanis) (2011)
- Intelligent systems development in a non engineering curriculum (Emily A. Brand, William L. Honig, Matthew Wojtowicz) (2011)
- Using student blogs for documentation in software development projects (Robert Law) (2011)
- Is iteration really easier to master than recursion - an investigation in a functional-first CS1 context (Claudio Mirolo) (2011)
- Introducing students to computer science with programmes that don't emphasise programming (Tim Bell, Paul Curzon, Quintin Cutts, Valentina Dagiene, Bruria Haberman) (2011)
- Improving compilers education through symbol tables animations (Jaime Urquiza-Fuentes, Francisco Manso, J. Ángel Velázquez-Iturbide, Manuel Rubio-Sánchez) (2011)
- Interactive tools in the graphics classroom (Dino Schweitzer, Jeff Boleng, Lauren Scharff) (2011)
- Automated checks on UML diagrams (Michael Striewe, Michael Goedicke) (2011)
- Java2Sequence - a tool for the visualization of object-oriented programs in introductory programming (João Paulo Barros, Luís Biscaia, Miguel Vitória) (2011)
- The use of mediating artifacts in embedding problem solving processes in an e-learning environment (Orry M. Messer, Angelo Kyrilov) (2011)
- Automated assessment of short free-text responses in computer science using latent semantic analysis (Richard Klein, Angelo Kyrilov, Mayya Tokman) (2011)
- STEM and ICT instructional worlds - the 3d experience (Katherine Ross, Yvon Feaster) (2011)
- Experience report - a multi-classroom report on the value of peer instruction (Leo Porter, Cynthia Bailey Lee, Beth Simon, Quintin Cutts, Daniel Zingaro) (2011)
- Habits of programming in scratch (Orni Meerbaum-Salant, Michal Armoni, Mordechai Ben-Ari) (2011)
- IR2gT - a report generation tool for institutional repository (Jayan Chirayath Kurian, Ashly Markose, Ronny John) (2011)
- Evaluation framework underpinning the digital divas programme (Annemieke Craig, Julie Fisher, Helen Forgasz, Catherine Lang) (2011)
- Toward replicating handmade algorithm visualization behaviors in a digital environment - a pre-study (Ming-Han Lee, Guido Rößling) (2011)
- Design of innovative integrated circuits in education (André Schäfer, Matthias Mielke, Rainer Brück) (2011)
- What matters most when teaching CS1 (Ana Paula Ambrosio, Scheila W. Martins) (2011)
- A problem solving teaching guide based on a procedure intertwined with a teaching model (Ronit Ben-Bassat Levy, J. Ángel Velázquez-Iturbide) (2011)
- Beyond good and evil impacts - rethinking the social issues components in our computing curricula (Randy W. Connolly) (2011)
- Best practices in teaching mobile application development (Qusay H. Mahmoud) (2011)
- Preparing students for future architectures with an exploration of multi- and many-core performance (Daniel J. Ernst) (2011)
- SyntaxTrain - relieving the pain of learning syntax (Andreas Leon Aagaard Moth, Jørgen Villadsen, Mordechai Ben-Ari) (2011)
- Try a little history (John Impagliazzo) (2011)
- The impact of IMPACT - assessing students' perceptions after a day of computer exploration (Mary Anne L. Egan, Timoth Lederman) (2011)
- Understanding the syntax barrier for novices (Paul Denny, Andrew Luxton-Reilly, Ewan D. Tempero, Jacob Hendrickx) (2011)
- Creativity room 5555 - evoking creativity in game design amongst CS students (Timo Göttel, Jonas Schild) (2011)
- Optimizing collaborative learning processes by using recommendation systems (Sebastian Harrach, Mojisola Anjorin) (2011)
- A contextualized project-based approach for improving student engagement and learning in AI courses (Ingrid Russell, Zdravko Markov, Joy Dagher) (2011)
- A study in engaging female students in computer science using role models (Jonathan Back, Paul Curzon, Chrystie Myketiak, Peter W. McOwan) (2011)
- Collaborating across international boundaries - using twitter as a tool in the classroom (Stefanie Markham, Saeid Belkasim) (2011)
- Experimental evaluation of BeadLoom game - how adding game elements to an educational tool improves motivation and learning (Acey Kreisler Boyce, Antoine Campbell, Shaun Pickford, Dustin Culler, Tiffany Barnes) (2011)
- Using the SCORE software package to analyse novice computer graphics programming (Maximilian Rudolf Albrecht Wittmann, Matthew Bower, Manolya Kavakli-Thorne) (2011)
- Kinesthetic learning of computing via «off-beat» activities (Ursula Wolz, Michael Milazzo, Meredith Stone) (2011)
- Using greenfoot in teaching inheritance in CS1 (Tamar Vilner, Ela Zur, Shay Tavor) (2011)
- Supporting student-generated free-response questions (Andrew Luxton-Reilly, Paul Denny, Beryl Plimmer, Daniel J. Bertinshaw) (2011)
- A normative competence structure model for embedded micro- and nanosystems development (André Schäfer, Rainer Brück, Steffen Jaschke, Sigrid E. Schubert, Dietmar Fey, Bruno Kleinert, Harald Schmidt) (2011)
- Supporting peer learning with ad-hoc communities (Johannes Konert, Kristina Richter, Stefan Göbel, Ralf Steinmetz, Regina Bruder) (2011)
- Does lecture capture make a difference for students in traditional classrooms (Amber Settle, Lucia Dettori, Mary Jo Davidson) (2011)
- Facilitating learning dynamic programming through a previous introduction of exhaustive search (Arturo Camacho, Alexandra Martinez) (2011)
- Bringing undergraduate students closer to a real-world information retrieval setting - methodology and resources (Julián Urbano, Mónica Marrero, Diego Martín, Jorge Morato) (2011)
- Courseware - student learning via FOSS field trips (Heidi J. C. Ellis, Gregory W. Hislop) (2011)
- A bouquet of measures to promote computer science in middle & high schools (Ulrik Schroeder) (2011)
- Natural language in introductory programming - an experimental study (Osvaldo Luiz Oliveira, Ana María Monteiro, Norton Trevisan Roman) (2011)
- Teaching computer architecture with a graphical PC simulator (Michael David Black, Manoj Franklin) (2011)
- CoMoTo - the collaboration modeling toolkit (Charlie Meyer, Cinda Heeren, Eric Shaffer, Jon Tedesco) (2011)
- Moodle-integrated open source synchronous teaching (J. Mark Pullen, Nicholas K. Clark) (2011)
- A bioinformatics e-learning lab for undergraduate students (Feng Lu, Hui Liu, Yi Jian, Yanhong Zhou, Zhenran Jiang) (2011)
- Efficient and playful tools to teach Unix to new students (Matthieu Moy) (2011)
- GLMP for automatic assessment of DFS algorithm learning (M. Gloria Sánchez-Torrubia, Carmen Torres-Blanc, Gracian Trivino) (2011)
- WeScheme - the browser is your programming environment (Danny Yoo, Emmanuel Schanzer, Shriram Krishnamurthi, Kathi Fisler) (2011)
- CS education re-kindles creativity in public schools (Vicki E. Bennett, Kyu Han Koh, Alexander Repenning) (2011)
- Computing student practices of cheating and plagiarism - a decade of change (Judy Sheard, Martin Dick) (2011)
- A cooperative learning-based strategy for teaching relational algebra (Alexandra Martinez, Arturo Camacho) (2011)
- Technology for teaching the rest of us (Mark Guzdial) (2011)
- An update on the use of community-based non-profit organizations in capstone projects (David K. Lange, Roger C. Ferguson, Paul M. Leidig) (2011)
- Adaptation of educational contents to mobile devices (Antonio García-Cabot, Eva García, Luis de Marcos, José Antonio Gutiérrez) (2011)
- Open source contribution as an effective software engineering class project (Robert M. Marmorstein) (2011)
- An initial look at prospective student mentoring (Amber Settle, Sarah Pieczynski, Liz Friedman, Mary Jo Davidson) (2011)
- Computing for the social good - a service learning project (Michael Goldweber) (2011)
- Changes to JFLAP to increase its use in courses (Susan H. Rodger, Henry Qin, Jonathan Su) (2011)
- Integrating google technology in artificial intelligence (Elena Sánchez-Nielsen, Stefan Klink) (2011)
- Undergraduate research - a case study (Herman Koppelman, Betsy van Dijk, Gerrit van der Hoeven) (2011)
- Identifying the predictors of educational webcasts' adoption (Michail N. Giannakos, Panayiotis Vlamos) (2011)
- Draw a social network (Sarah Carruthers, Todd Milford, Timothy Pelton, Ulrike Stege) (2011)
- Integrating scholarly articles within e-learning courses - a framework (Bee Bee Chua, Danilo Valeros Bernardo) (2011)
- Understanding novice programmer difficulties via guided learning (Shuhaida Mohamed Shuhidan, Margaret Hamilton, Daryl J. D'Souza) (2011)
- From concrete to abstract? - problem domain in the learning of introductory programming (Osvaldo Luiz Oliveira, Ana María Monteiro, Norton Trevisan Roman) (2011)
- A comparison of software engineering knowledge gained from student participation in humanitarian foss projects (Heidi J. C. Ellis, Gregory W. Hislop, Ralph A. Morelli) (2011)
- Evaluating how students would use a collaborative linked learning space (Kai Michael Höver, Michael Hartle, Guido Rößling, Max Mühlhäuser) (2011)
- Discovering logic through comics (Iliano Cervesato) (2011)
- Infandango - automated grading for student programming (Michael J. Hull, Daniel Powell, Ewan Klein) (2011)
- Experiences in implementing a studio component into a course for novice web developers (Rebecca Grasser) (2011)
- Deconstructing VLEs to create customized PLEs (Salvador Ros, Agustín C. Caminero, Antonio Robles-Gomez, Roberto Hernández, Rafael Pastor, Timothy Read, Alberto Pesquera, Raul Muñoz) (2011)
- A marking language for the oto assignment marking tool (Guy Tremblay, Paul Lessard) (2011)
- Awakening Rip Van Winkle - modernizing the computer science web curriculum (Randy W. Connolly) (2011)
- Integrating greenfoot into CS1 - a case study (Tamar Vilner, Ela Zur, Shay Tavor) (2011)
- Effects of team-based learning on a CS1 course (Patricia Lasserre, Carolyn Szostak) (2011)
- «Computer science and nursery rhymes» - a learning path for the middle school (Doranna Di Vano, Claudio Mirolo) (2011)
- A Java implementation of the myro API for using personal robots in CS1 (Douglas E. Harms) (2011)
- UWA Java tools - harnessing software metrics to support novice programmers (Rachel Cardell-Oliver, Patrick Doran Wu) (2011)
- Measuring static quality of student code (Dennis M. Breuker, Jan Derriks, Jacob Brunekreef) (2011)
- A study of video-based versus text-based labs for a management information systems course (Eric Breimer, Michelle Conway, Jami Cotler, Robert Yoder) (2011)
- The design and coding of greedy algorithms revisited (J. Ángel Velázquez-Iturbide) (2011)
- GUIGraph - editing live object diagrams for GUI generation enables new pedagogy in CS1/2 (Duane Buck) (2011)
- Combining multiple pedagogies to boost learning and enthusiasm (Lori L. Pollock, Terry Harvey) (2011)
- Extreme apprenticeship method - key practices and upward scalability (Arto Vihavainen, Matti Paksula, Matti Luukkainen, Jaakko Kurhila) (2011)
- A proposal for automatic evaluation in a compiler construction course (Emilio Julio Lorenzo, Javier Vélez, Anselmo Peñas) (2011)
- Two kinesthetic learning activities - turing machines and basic computer organization (Michael Goldweber) (2011)
- Continual and explicit comparison to promote proactive facilitation during second computer language learning (Matt Bower, Annabelle McIver) (2011)
- Findings from an ACM strategic summit on computing education in community colleges (Elizabeth K. Hawthorne, Karl J. Klee, Robert D. Campbell) (2011)
- Getting CS undergraduates to communicate effectively (Andreas Karatsolis, Iliano Cervesato, Khaled A. Harras, Yonina Cooper, Kemal Oflazer, Nael B. Abu-Ghazaleh, Thierry Sans) (2011)
- A first step mapping IMS learning design and Merlin-Mo (Raquel Hijón-Neira, J. Ángel Velázquez-Iturbide) (2011)
- A pre-college professional development program (Stephen Cooper, Wanda Dann, Dan Lewis, Pamela B. Lawhead, Susan H. Rodger, Madeleine Schep, RoxAnn H. Stalvey) (2011)
- AGUIA/J - a tool for interactive experimentation of objects (André L. Santos) (2011)
- Teaching with CEOHP (Vicki L. Almstrum, Deepa Muralidhar, Mary Z. Last, Barbara Boucher Owens) (2011)
- Animation projects in CS1 from scheme to Java (Mirela Djordjevic) (2011)
- AnimalSense - combining automated exercise evaluations with algorithm animations (Guido Rößling, Mihail Mihaylov, Jerome Saltmarsh) (2011)
- How educators find educational resources online (Monika Akbar, Weiguo Fan, Lillian N. Cassel, Lois M. L. Delcambre, Clifford A. Shaffer, Edward A. Fox, Yinlin Chen) (2011)
- A system for usable unification of interfaces of learning objects in m-learning (Eva García, Luis de Marcos, Antonio García-Cabot, José Ramón Hilera) (2011)
- Relationship between text and action conceptions of programming - a phenomenographic and quantitative perspective (Anna Eckerdal, Mikko-Jussi Laakso, Mike Lopez, Amitrajit Sarkar) (2011)
- Security injections - modules to help students remember, understand, and apply secure coding techniques (Blair Taylor, Siddharth Kaza) (2011)
- A medical motif for teaching computer graphics in context (James Wolfer) (2011)
- Do educational software systems provide satisfactory learning opportunities for 'multi-sensory learning' methodology? (Peter Chan, Girija Krishnaswamy) (2011)
- Using video games to teach security (Mário Guimãraes, Huwida Said, Richard Austin) (2011)
- Impact of an e-learning platform on CSE lectures (Guillaume Jourjon, Salil S. Kanhere, Jun Yao) (2011)
- Using run time traces in automated programming tutoring (Michael Striewe, Michael Goedicke) (2011)
- A tool to support the web accessibility evaluation process for novices (Elaine Pearson, Christopher Bailey, Steve Green) (2011)
- Outreach programs to promote computer science and ict to high school and middle school students (Catherine Lang, Annemieke Craig, Jane Prey, Mary Anne L. Egan, Reyyan Ayfer) (2011)
- An innovative teaching tool based on semantic tableaux for verification and debugging of programs (Rafael del Vado Vírseda, Fernando Pérez Morente) (2011)
- Combining memory management and filesystems in an operating systems course (Hans-Georg Eßer) (2011)
- Best practices for peer feedback in interdisciplinary research groups (Sebastian Harrach) (2011)
- A model for visualizing sentence complexity (Stefanie Markham) (2011)
- The impact of memory transfer language (MTL) in reducing misconceptions in teaching programming to novices (Leonard James Mselle, Raphael Mmasy) (2011)
- A technology-assisted scavenger hunt for introducing K-12 students to sensor networks (Sally K. Wahba, Yvon Feaster, Jason O. Hallstrom) (2011)
- Enhancing learner capability - success of it@school project, Kerala, region of India (Girija Krishnaswamy, V. Sasi Kumar) (2011)
- Merlin-Mo, an interactions analysis system for Moodle (Raquel Hijón-Neira, J. Ángel Velázquez-Iturbide) (2011)
- Scheduling and student performance (Clifford A. Shaffer, Stephen H. Edwards) (2011)
- Investigating cognitive structures of object oriented programming (Peter Hubwieser, Andreas Mühling) (2011)
- Exploring flow in novice programming environments (Mark Zarb, Janet Hughes) (2011)
- LOG IN 168/2011 - Forschendes und entdeckendes Lernen im Informatikunterricht (2011)
- Wie forschend-entdeckendes Lernen gelingen kann - Forschendes und entdeckendes Lernen in Kontexten zu Datenschutz, Internet und Urheberrecht (Ira Diethelm)
- Wozu JAVA? - Plädoyer für grafisches Programmieren (Eckart Modrow, Jens Mönig, Kerstin Strecker) (2011)
- Wie forschend-entdeckendes Lernen gelingen kann - Forschendes und entdeckendes Lernen in Kontexten zu Datenschutz, Internet und Urheberrecht (Ira Diethelm)
- Kindergarten Children Programming Robots - A First Attempt (Kerstin Stöckelmayr, Michael Tesar, Alexander Hofmann) (2011)
- International Comparison of Computing in Schools (Linda Sturman, Juliet Sizmur) (2011)
- ProgrammingWiki in der Praxis - ein Erfahrungsbericht (Michael Hielscher, Christian Wagenknecht, Veit Berger, Thomas Grebedünkel) (2011)
- DeLFI 2011 (Holger Rohland, Andrea Kienle, Steffen Friedrich) (2011)
- Kollaborative und altersgerechte Lernanwendung zur Vermittlung fundamentaler Ideen der Informatik (Negah Nabbi, Thiemo Leonhardt, Philipp Brauner, Ulrik Schroeder) (2011)
- Forschungsherausforderungen des E-Learning (Jens Drummer, Sybille Hambach, Andrea Kienle, Ulrike Lucke, Alke Martens, Wolfgang Müller, Christoph Rensing, Ulrik Schroeder, Andreas Schwill, Christian Spannagel, Stephan Trahasch) (2011)
- Kollaborative und altersgerechte Lernanwendung zur Vermittlung fundamentaler Ideen der Informatik (Negah Nabbi, Thiemo Leonhardt, Philipp Brauner, Ulrik Schroeder) (2011)
- Informatik in Bildung und Beruf - INFOS 2011 - 14. GI-Fachtagung Informatik und Schule (Marco Thomas) (2011)
- PicoCrickets als Zugang zur Informatik in der Grundschule (Ralf Romeike, Dominik Reichert)
- Übertragbarkeit singulärer MINT-Interesse-initiierender außerschulischer Maßnahmen (Thiemo Leonhardt, Philipp Brauner, Jochen Siebert, Ulrik Schroeder) (2011)
- Informatiktools - Gestaltung einer Plattform für Werkzeuge für den Informatikunterricht (Ralf Romeike) (2011)
- Kompetenzorientierung und Schulrealität (Peter K. Antonitsch) (2011)
- Agil und spielerisch - Neue Methoden der Software-Entwicklung in der Praxis und ihr Potential für den Schulunterricht (Stefanie Scherzinger) (2011)
- Die Medien der Informatik (Jochen Koubek) (2011)
- Informatik begreifen - Zur Nutzung von Veranschaulichungen im Informatikunterricht (Manuela Kalbitz, Hendrik Voss, Carsten Schulte) (2011)
- Zehn Gründe Informatik zu studieren - Voraussetzungen, Motivation und Vorbereitung in der Schule (Stefan Jähnichen) (2011)
- Fachdidaktisch begründete Auswahl von Informatiksystemen für den Unterrichtseinsatz (Dorothee Müller) (2011)
- Agiler Informatikunterricht - Soziale Aspekte der professionellen Softwareentwicklung einfach und erfolgreich im Unterricht erfahrbar machen (Timo Göttel) (2011)
- Schülerinnen konstruieren Informatische Bildung (Ludger Humbert) (2011)
- Ein genetischer Zugang zum Programmieren mit CGI-Skripten in Python (Jan Schuster) (2011)
- Medienkunde + Informatik = ? (Bernd Bethge, Dirk Drews, Ursula Rump, Michael Fothe, Gabor Meissner) (2011)
- Visuelle Programmierung - oder: Was lernt man aus Syntaxfehlern? (Eckart Modrow) (2011)
- Informatikgeschichte im Informatikunterricht - Konzepte und Materialien (Alexander Best) (2011)
- Zur Didaktik der Algorithmik (Kerstin Strecker) (2011)
- Das Schülerlabor als Ort der Informatiklehrerbildung (Carsten Schulte) (2011)
- Was ist/kann/soll Informatikunterricht? (Dieter Engbring) (2011)
- Das Lernfeldkonzept in den Lehrplänen der IT-Berufe - Vorstudie zur schülerseitigen Akzeptanz und Umsetzbarkeit von selbstgesteuerten Lerneinheiten im Lernfeld "Entwickeln und Bereitstellen von Anwendungssystemen" (Simone Opel) (2011)
- Dramatisieren und literarisches Programmieren (Michael Weigend) (2011)
- Die Didaktische Rekonstruktion für den Informatikunterricht (Ira Diethelm, Christina Dörge, Ana-Maria Mesaros, Malte Dünnebier) (2011)
- Maschinelle Erfassung von Problemlösestrategien bei algorithmischen Problemstellungen am Beispiel des Sortierens (Christian Wach) (2011)
- Informatik - kein Interesse? (Wolfgang Pohl) (2011)
- Stereoskopische 3D-Videos selbst erstellen (Beat Trachsler, Martin Guggisberg, Martin Lehmann) (2011)
- Zur Diskussion von Kontexten und Phänomenen in der Informatikdidaktik (Ira Diethelm, Christina Dörge) (2011)
- PicoCrickets als Zugang zur Informatik in der Grundschule (Ralf Romeike, Dominik Reichert)
- Informatics in Schools - Contributing to 21st Century Education (Ivan Kalas, Roland Mittermeir) (2011)
- Criteria for Writing Exams Which Reflect the K12 CS Foundations Study Material (Haim Averbuch, Tamar Benaya, Ela Zur) (2011)
- What's the Fun in Informatics? - Working to Capture Children and Teachers into the Pleasure of Computing (Violetta Lonati, Mattia Monga, Anna Morpurgo, Mauro Torelli) (2011)
- Little Beaver - A New Bebras Contest Category for Children Aged 8-9 (Monika Tomcsányiová, Peter Tomcsányi) (2011)
- Overcoming Obstacles to CS Education by Using Non Programming Outreach Programmes (Tim Bell, Paul Curzon, Quintin I. Cutts, Valentina Dagiene, Bruria Haberman) (2011)
- Learning Algorithmic Thinking with Tangible Objects Eases Transition to Computer Programming (Gerald Futschek, Julia Moschitz) (2011)
- A Short Introduction to Classical Cryptology as a Way to Motivate High School Students for Informatics (Lucia Keller, Barbara Scheuner, Giovanni Serafini, Björn Steffen) (2011)
- Preservice Computer Science Teacher Training within the Professional Development School (PDS) Collaboration Framework (Noa Ragonis, Anat Oster-Levinz) (2011)
- Informatics Education for New Millennium Learners (Valentina Dagiene) (2011)
- Wild Programming - One Unintended Experiment with Inquiry Based Learning (Pavel Boytchev) (2011)
- Informatics Education in Italian High Schools (Mariacarla Calzarossa, Paolo Ciancarini, Luisa Mich, Nello Scarabottolo) (2011)
- Teaching Theoretical Informatics to Secondary School Informatics Teachers (Daniela Bezáková, Michal Winczer) (2011)
- Outreach to Prospective Informatics Students (Maciej M. Syslo) (2011)
- Why Teaching Informatics in Schools Is as Important as Teaching Mathematics and Natural Sciences (Juraj Hromkovic, Björn Steffen) (2011)
- A Competence-Oriented Approach to Basic Informatics Education in Austria (Peter Micheuz) (2011)
- Teaching Programming at Primary Schools - Visions, Experiences, and Long-Term Research Prospects (Giovanni Serafini) (2011)
- Computer Science in Primary Schools - Not Possible, But Necessary?! (Ernestine Bischof, Barbara Sabitzer) (2011)
- Transfer, Cognitive Load, and Program Design Difficulties (David Ginat, Eyal Shifroni, Eti Menashe) (2011)
- Informatics in Primary School - Principles and Experience (Andrej Blaho, Lubomir Salanci) (2011)
- CS Unplugged Assisted by Digital Materials for Handicapped People at Schools (Hiroki Manabe, Susumu Kanemune, Mitaro Namiki, Yoshiaki Nakano) (2011)
- Introductory Computing - The Design Discipline (Viera K. Proulx) (2011)
- ICER 2011 - Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Computing Education Research, ICER 2011, Providence, RI, USA, August 8-9, 2011 (Kate Sanders, Michael E. Caspersen, Alison Clear) (2011)
- Deciding to major in computer science - a grounded theory of students' self-assessment of ability (Colleen M. Lewis, Ken Yasuhara, Ruth E. Anderson) (2011)
- How CS majors select a specialization (Michael Hewner, Mark Guzdial) (2011)
- Student views on learning concurrency (Jan Erik Moström) (2011)
- Peer instruction - do students really learn from peer discussion in computing? (Leo Porter, Cynthia Bailey Lee, Beth Simon, Daniel Zingaro) (2011)
- Students' perceptions of the differences between formal and informal learning (Jonas Boustedt, Anna Eckerdal, Robert McCartney, Kate Sanders, Lynda Thomas, Carol Zander) (2011)
- CS majors' self-efficacy perceptions in CS1 - results in light of social cognitive theory (Päivi Kinnunen, Beth Simon) (2011)
- Building professional identity as computer science teachers - supporting secondary computer science teachers through reflection and community building (Lijun Ni) (2011)
- Deciding to major in computer science - a grounded theory of students' self-assessment of ability (Colleen M. Lewis, Ken Yasuhara, Ruth E. Anderson) (2011)
- SIGCSE 2011 - Proceedings of the 42nd ACM technical symposium on Computer science education, SIGCSE 2011, Dallas, TX, USA, March 9-12, 2011 (Thomas J. Cortina, Ellen Lowenfeld Walker, Laurie A. Smith King, David R. Musicant) (2011)
- Online vs. face-to-face pedagogical code reviews - an empirical comparison (Christopher D. Hundhausen, Pawan Agarwal, Michael Trevisan) (2011)
- Can graduating students design - revisited (Chris W. Loftus, Lynda Thomas, Carol Zander) (2011)
- Nifty assignments (Nick Parlante, Julie Zelenski, Keith Schwarz, Dave Feinberg, Michelle Craig, Stuart Hansen, Michael Scott, David J. Malan) (2011)
- Incorporating social issues of computing in a small, liberal arts college - a case study (Janet Davis, Henry MacKay Walker) (2011)
- Learning through open source participation (Heidi J. C. Ellis, Mel Chua, Matthew C. Jadud, Gregory W. Hislop) (2011)
- Scratching the subject surface - infusing computing into K-12 curriculum (Ursula Wolz, Youwen Ouyang, Scott Leutenegger) (2011)
- The CS10K project - mobilizing the community to transform high school computing (Owen L. Astrachan, Janice E. Cuny, Chris Stephenson, Cameron Wilson) (2011)
- Overcoming barriers among Israeli and Palestinian students via computer science (Shiri Azenkot, Theodore Golfinopoulos, Adam Marcus 0002, Alessondra Springmann, Jonathan S. Varsanik) (2011)
- Setting the stage for computing curricula 2013 - computer science - report from the ACM/IEEE-CS joint task force (Mehran Sahami, Mark Guzdial, Andrew D. McGettrick, Steve Roach) (2011)
- Investigating the effective implementation of pair programming - an empirical investigation (Alex Radermacher, Gursimran S. Walia) (2011)
- Top issues in providing successful undergraduate research experiences (Hans-Peter Bischof, Jacob D. Furst, Daniela Stan Raicu, Susan D. Ruban) (2011)
- Enhancing participation and education in CS through guided research projects in underserved communities (Yonina Cooper, M. Bernardine Dias, Ermine A. Teves, Sarah Belousov, M. Freddie Dias) (2011)
- Applying data structures in exams (Briana B. Morrison, Mike Clancy, Robert McCartney, Brad Richards, Kate Sanders) (2011)
- On the design of an educational infrastructure for the blind and visually impaired in computer science (Andreas Stefik, Christopher D. Hundhausen, Derrick Smith) (2011)
- Initial experience with a computational thinking course for computer science students (Dennis G. Kafura, Deborah G. Tatar) (2011)
- IBCM - the itty bitty computing machine a one-week module to teach machine language in computing courses (Aaron Bloomfield, William A. Wulf) (2011)
- Getting algorithm visualizations into the classroom (Clifford A. Shaffer, Monika Akbar, Alexander Joel D. Alon, Michael Stewart 0001, Stephen H. Edwards) (2011)
- CS Fulbright experiences abroad (Joel Adams, Brent Baas, Suzanne F. Buchele) (2011)
- Extreme apprenticeship method in teaching programming for beginners (Arto Vihavainen, Matti Paksula, Matti Luukkainen) (2011)
- Sorting algorithms as special cases of a priority queue sort (Tim Bell, Bengt Aspvall) (2011)
- Using undergraduate teaching assistants in a small college environment (Paul E. Dickson) (2011)
- NSF/IEEE-TCPP curriculum initiative on parallel and distributed computing - core topics for undergraduates (Sushil K. Prasad, Almadena Yu. Chtchelkanova, Sajal K. Das, Frank Dehne, Mohamed G. Gouda, Anshul Gupta, Joseph JáJá, Krishna Kant, Anita La Salle, Richard LeBlanc, Manish Lumsdaine, David A. Padua, Manish Parashar, Viktor K. Prasanna, Yves Robert, Arnold L. Rosenberg, Sartaj Sahni, Behrooz A. Shirazi, Alan Sussman, Charles C. Weems, Jie Wu 0001) (2011)
- TeachScheme! (Matthias Felleisen) (2011)
- A course on probability theory for computer scientists (Mehran Sahami) (2011)
- Teaching concurrency-oriented programming with Erlang (Ariel Ortiz) (2011)
- WebMapReduce - an accessible and adaptable tool for teaching map-reduce computing (Patrick Garrity, Timothy Yates, Richard A. Brown, Elizabeth Shoop) (2011)
- e-learning experience using recommender systems (Jesús Bobadilla, Antonio Hernando, Angel Arroyo) (2011)
- Teaching biologists to compute using data visualization (Kay A. Robbins, David M. Senseman, Priscilla Elizabeth Pate) (2011)
- Modules in community - injecting more parallelism into computer science curricula (Richard A. Brown, Elizabeth Shoop) (2011)
- CodeWrite - supporting student-driven practice of java (Paul Denny, Andrew Luxton-Reilly, Ewan D. Tempero, Jacob Hendrickx) (2011)
- Follow the river and you will find the C (Jae Woo Lee, Michael S. Kester, Henning Schulzrinne) (2011)
- Building a community to support HS CS teachers - the disciplinary commons for computing educators (Lijun Ni, Mark Guzdial, Allison Elliott Tew, Briana B. Morrison, Ria Galanos) (2011)
- Two experiments using learning rate to evaluate an experimenter developed tool for splay trees (Michael C. Orsega, Bradley T. Vander Zanden, Christopher H. Skinner) (2011)
- Nelson - a low-cost social robot for research and education (Michael Ferguson, Nick Webb, Tomek Strzalkowski) (2011)
- The impact of problem-oriented animated learning modules in a CS1-style course (Jeffrey A. Stone, Tricia K. Clark) (2011)
- Cooperative expertise for multidisciplinary computing (Ursula Wolz, Lillian (Boots) Cassel, Thomas Way, Kim Pearson) (2011)
- Analysis of a CS1 approach for attracting diverse and inexperienced students to computing majors (James P. Cohoon, Luther A. Tychonievich) (2011)
- Early participation of CS students in research (Rahman Tashakkori, Barry L. Kurtz, Dolores A. Parks, James B. Fenwick Jr., Alice A. McRae) (2011)
- CS principles - piloting a new course at national scale (Owen L. Astrachan, Tiffany Barnes, Daniel D. Garcia, Jody Paul, Beth Simon, Larry Snyder) (2011)
- Reaching out to aid in retention - empowering undergraduate women (Rebekah Overdorf, Matthew Lang) (2011)
- Experience report - getting novice programmers to THINK about improving their software development process (Tammy VanDeGrift, Tamara Caruso, Natalie Hill, Beth Simon) (2011)
- Hands-on networking labs with embedded routers (Dennis Brylow, Kyle Thurow) (2011)
- Case study - faculty professional development workshops for innovation diffusion (Beth Simon, Elizabeth Bales, William G. Griswold, Stephen Cooper) (2011)
- Teaching discrete structures - a systematic review of the literature (James F. Power, Thomas Whelan, Susan Bergin) (2011)
- Reviewing CS1 exam question content (Andrew Petersen, Michelle Craig, Daniel Zingaro) (2011)
- Introducing computer science to K-12 through a summer computing workshop for teachers (Jiangjiang Liu, Cheng-Hsien Lin, Ethan Philip Hasson, Zebulun David Barnett) (2011)
- Learning to love computer science - peer leaders gain teaching skill, communicative ability and content knowledge in the CS classroom (Sarah Hug, Heather Thiry, Phyllis Tedford) (2011)
- A full system x86 simulator for teaching computer organization (Michael David Black, Priyadarshini Komala) (2011)
- Which aspects of novice programmers' usage of an IDE predict learning outcomes (Gregory Dyke) (2011)
- Contextualized approaches to introductory computer science - the key to making computer science relevant or simply bait and switch? (Jennifer S. Kay) (2011)
- A study on attitudes and emphases in computer science teacher preparation (Noa Ragonis, Orit Hazzan, Judith Gal-Ezer) (2011)
- Mathematical induction is a recursive technique (Robert L. Scot Drysdale) (2011)
- Human computer interaction that reaches beyond desktop applications (Susan Loveland) (2011)
- The images of computing - engaging undergraduates in the broad issues of computer science (Carol Frieze) (2011)
- K-12 game programming course concept using textual programming (Ville Isomöttönen, Antti-Jussi Lakanen, Vesa Lappalainen) (2011)
- Tutoring for retention (Joseph A. Cottam, Suzanne Menzel, Janet Greenblatt) (2011)
- Educational advances in artificial intelligence (Mehran Sahami, Marie desJardins, Zachary Dodds, Todd W. Neller) (2011)
- LIFT - taking GUI unit testing to new heights (Jason Snyder, Stephen H. Edwards, Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones) (2011)
- Ideas for adding soft skills education to service learning and capstone courses for computer science students (Lori Carter) (2011)
- A model for piloting pathways for computational thinking in a general education curriculum (Charles Dierbach, Harry Hochheiser, Samuel Collins, Gerald J. Jerome, Christopher Ariza, Tina Kelleher, William Kleinsasser, Josh Dehlinger, Siddharth Kaza) (2011)
- Understanding NSF funding opportunities (Scott Grissom, Sue Fitzgerald, Victor Piotrowski, Jan Cuny, Joan Peckham, Harriet G. Taylor, Daniel Menelly, Mimi McClure) (2011)
- SIGCSE special project showcase (Doug Baldwin, Peter Sanderson, Robert McCartney, Stephanie Ludi, Narayanan T. Ramachandran, Carol Taylor) (2011)
- TEXNH trees - a new course in data structures (Andrew T. Duchowski, Robert Geist, Robert J. Schalkoff, James Westall) (2011)
- Introducing computational thinking in education courses (Aman Yadav, Ninger Zhou, Chris Mayfield, Susanne E. Hambrusch, John T. Korb) (2011)
- Camps on a shoestring - how we survived a summer (Deborah L. Dunn, Robert G. Strader, Michael M. Pickard) (2011)
- Encouraging parallel thinking through explicit coordination modeling (Sirong Lin, Deborah G. Tatar) (2011)
- Using a student response system in CS1 and CS2 (A. T. Chamillard) (2011)
- An engineering approach to teaching writing (Joe Miró Julià) (2011)
- NCATE standards for preparation of secondary computer science teachers (J. Philip East, Charmaine Bentley, Joe Kmoch, Stephen Rainwater, Chris Stephenson) (2011)
- Online vs. face-to-face pedagogical code reviews - an empirical comparison (Christopher D. Hundhausen, Pawan Agarwal, Michael Trevisan) (2011)
- Memorandum zur fehlenden Informatikausbildung in unseren Schulen (ICTswitzerland) (2011)
- Wir müssen alte Lehrinhalte ausmisten (Walter Gander, Harald Schodl) (2011)
- Computing at School - International comparisons (Simon Peyton Jones) (2011)
- Konferenz Berufsbildung «Information and Communication Technology (ICT)» 2011 (Bildungsdirektion des Kantons Zürich) (2011)
- Bildung Schweiz 11a/2011 (2011)
- Kluger Spass: Programmieren in der Primarschule (Bernhard Matter)
- Kluger Spass: Programmieren in der Primarschule (Bernhard Matter)
- Coding - the new Latin (Rory Cellan-Jones) (2011)
- eZürich - Eine Themenzeitschrift von Mediaplanet in Kooperation mit der Stadt Zürich (2011)
- Konzept, Umsetzung und Tipps eines erfolgreichen MINT-Projekts (Thiemo Leonhardt, Hiltrud Westram) (2011)
- The Future of Computer Science in Schools (Brian Runciman) (2011)
- LOG IN 169/170/2011 - Wie viel informatische Bildung braucht der Mensch? Informatische Bildung für alle! (2011)
- Informatische Bildung für alle! (Bernhard Koerber, Ingo-Rüdiger Peters)
- Informatik, informatische Bildung und Medienbildung (Ludger Humbert)
- Wie viel Programmierkompetenz braucht der Mensch? (Kerstin Strecker)
- Informatische Bildung in Deutschland - Eine Analyse der informatischen Bildung an allgemeinbildenden Schulen auf der Basis der im Jahr 2010 gültigen Lehrpläne und Richtlinien (Isabelle Starruß, Bettina Timmermann)
- Auf dem Weg zu Bildungsstandards Informatik für die Sekundarstufe II - Probleme und Lösungsvorschläge (Rüdeger Baumann)
- Informatische Bildung für alle! (Bernhard Koerber, Ingo-Rüdiger Peters)
- EFI-CH Abschlussbericht - Deutschschweiz (Helmar Burkhart, Martin Guggisberg, Beate Kuhnt, Martin Lehmann, Jacqueline Peter, Hasler Stiftung) (2011)
- Berner Kids lassen die Dreiecke tanzen - Informatik ist kein Pflichtschulfach. Das Interesse der Kinder ist jedoch gross: Das zeigen Kurse der ETH. (Irena Kulka) (2011)
- Von der Informatik zur Medienerziehung - Ein Rückblick auf 25 Jahre Computereinsatz im Unterricht (Anton Reiter) (2012)
- Shut down or restart? - The way forward for computing in UK schools (The Royal Society) (2012)
- 2. The Different Natures of Computer Science, Information Technology and digital literacy
- 4. The School Curriculum
- 6. Uptake of Information Technology and Computer Science courses in Higher Education
- Recoding Gender - Women's Changing Participation in Computing (Janet Abbate) (2012)
- Lehren, Lernen und Fachdidaktik - Theorie, Praxis und Forschungsergebnisse am Beispiel der Informatik (Christina Klüver, Jürgen Klüver) (2012)
- Computer Science Education 3/2012 (2012)
- «Regressed experts» as a new state in teachers' professional development - lessons from Computer Science teachers' adjustments to substantial changes i (2012)
- Pair programming and secondary school girls' enjoyment of programming and the subject Information Technology (IT) (Janet Liebenberg, Elsa Mentz, Betty Breed) (2012)
- Computer Science Education 4/2012 (2012)
- Collaborative learning through formative peer review - pedagogy, programs and potential (Harald Søndergaard, Raoul A. Mulder) (2012)
- Collaborative learning through formative peer review - pedagogy, programs and potential (Harald Søndergaard, Raoul A. Mulder) (2012)
- Computer Science Education 2/2012 (2012)
- Phenomenography and grounded theory as research methods in computing education research field (Päivi Kinnunen, Beth Simon) (2012)
- Phenomenography and grounded theory as research methods in computing education research field (Päivi Kinnunen, Beth Simon) (2012)
- Think Like a Programmer - An Introduction to Creative Problem Solving (V. Anton Spraul) (2012)
- Werkspuren 1/2012 - Robotik (2012)
- Künstliche Intelligenz - Von der ersten Rechenmaschine zum Androiden (Thomas Emmenegger)
- Künstliche Intelligenz - Von der ersten Rechenmaschine zum Androiden (Thomas Emmenegger)
- Nine Algorithms That Changed the Future - The Ingenious Ideas That Drive Today's Computers (John MacCormick) (2012)
- Künstliche Intelligenz (Stuart Russell, Peter Norvig) (2012)
- Praktische Informatik - Eine Einführung: Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch mit Tafelbildern (Gregor Büchel) (2012)
- Medienbildung - Grundlagen und Anwendungen (Bardo Herzig) (2012)
- Kameraüberwachung gegen Datenklau per Handy taugt nichts (Angela Barandun) (2012)
- Ausländische Fachkräfte für Google & Co., nicht aber für KMU (David Vonplon) (2012)
- Konzeption von Unterrichtsmodulen zur Vermittlung kerninformatischer Inhalte in der Grundschule (Jens Brumma) (2012)
- Informatikunterricht auf dem Holzweg (Juraj Hromkovic) (2012)
- Bericht zur Erhebung Schulinformatik in den Volksschulen von Appenzell Ausserrhoden (Kanton Appenzell Ausserrhoden) (2012)
- Mit der Schildkröte in die Welt des Programmierens - Schülerinnen und Schüler lernen Grundzüge des Programmierens (Ralph Aschwanden) (2012)
- Ein nachhaltiger Informatikunterricht für die Zukunft - Uri und Graubünden sind Vorreiter für neuen Programmierunterricht (Juraj Hromkovic) (2012)
- Computer Science: A curriculum for schools (Computing at School Working Group) (2012)
- Be-greifbare Interaktionen - Der allgegenwärtige Computer - Touchscreens, Wearables, Tangibles und Ubiquitous Computing (Bernd Robben, Heidi Schelhowe) (2012)
- Konzepte für den Informatikunterricht an Primarschulen und auf der Sekundarstufe I (2012)
- Ideen und Modelle - 5. Münsteraner Workshop zur Schulinformatik (2012)
- Programming Goes Back to School - Broadening participation by integrating game design into middle school curricula. (Alexander Repenning) (2012)
- Mediendidaktik - Konzeption und Entwicklung mediengestützter Lernangebote (Michael Kerres) (2012)
- 8. Planung von Lernangeboten
- 8. Planung von Lernangeboten
- Medienkompetenz in der Schule benötigt Verbindlichkeit (Beat Döbeli Honegger, Natalie Ehrenzweig) (2012)
- Thinking as Computation - A First Course (Hector J. Levesque) (2012)
- ICT - Impulse für Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft - scorecard Magazin (2012)
- ETH-Professoren warnen vor einer Bildungskatastrophe - Informatik gehöre zwingend als eigenes Fach in den Lehrplan 21 (René Donzé) (2012)
- Dossier des Schweizer Monat zum Thema: Einsen und Nullen - unsere Informationsgesellschaft. Juli/August 2012 (2012)
- «Das ist wirklich vordigital!» (Ruedi Noser, Florian Rittmeyer)
- Digitale Analphabeten (Juraj Hromkovic)
- «Das ist wirklich vordigital!» (Ruedi Noser, Florian Rittmeyer)
- Dringend notwendige Reform der informatischen Bildung an den Primar-, Sekundar- und Mittelschulen! (Technische Gesellschaft Zürich (TGZ), Paul Kleiner) (2012)
- Berufslehre contra Akademisierung? (Hanna Muralt Müller) (2012)
- «Ich staune über den informatischen Analphabetismus in der Schweiz» - ETH-Professor Juraj Hromkovic über Informatik in der Schule, den Lehrplan 21 und «lächerlichen» Medienunterricht (Juraj Hromkovic, Simone Luchetta) (2012)
- Schulblatt Aargau und Solothurn 16/12 (2012)
- Programmieren kinderleicht gemacht (2012)
- Besuch im Hirn eines Computers (Beate Kuhnt) (2012)
- Am Ball bleiben (Beat W. Zemp, Irene Schertenleib)
- Konzepte für den frühen Informatikunterricht (Irena Kulka)
- Programmieren kinderleicht gemacht (2012)
- Bring your own device (BYOD) aus rechtlicher Sicht (Nicole Beranek Zanon) (2012)
- Grundkompetenzen - Zeitschrift Computer und Unterricht 87 (2012)
- Wege zu Grundkompetenzen einer Medienbildung - Entwicklungen und Perspektiven (Rudolf Peschke)
- Wege zu Grundkompetenzen einer Medienbildung - Entwicklungen und Perspektiven (Rudolf Peschke)
- Mädchen, an die Computer! (Alexandra Bröhm) (2012)
- LOG IN 171 - Elektronisches Einkaufen (2012)
- WIPSCE '12 - Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education, Hamburg, Germany, November 8-9, 2012 (2012)
- The introduction of computer science to NZ high schools - an analysis of student work (Tim Bell, Heidi Newton, Peter Andreae, Anthony Robins) (2012)
- Comparing CSTA K-12 computer science standards with Austrian curricula (2012)
- eledSQL - a new web-based learning environment for teaching databases and SQL at secondary school level (2012)
- Challenge and creativity - using .NET gadgeteer in schools (2012)
- Promoting computational thinking with programming (2012)
- Gaming and mathematics - a cross curricular event (2012)
- Ways of planning lessons on the topic of networks and the internet (2012)
- The mindstorm effect - a gender analysis on the influence of LEGO mindstorms in computer science education (2012)
- Grand challenges in primary and secondary computing education (Judith Gal-Ezer) (2012)
- Email for you (only?) - design and implementation of a context-based learning process on internetworking and cryptography (Andreas Gramm, Malte Hornung, Helmut Witten) (2012)
- Technocamps - bringing computer science to the far west (Roger D. Boyle, Hannah M. Dee, Frédéric Labrosse) (2012)
- Teachers' perceptions of the value of research-based school lectures (Jonathan Back, Paul Curzon, Chrystie Myketiak, Peter W. McOwan, Laura R. Meagher) (2012)
- Information theory on Czech grammar schools - first findings (Daniel Lessner) (2012)
- Preparing teachers for teaching informatics - theoretical considerations and practical implications (Vassilios Dagdilelis, Stelios Xinogalos) (2012)
- Exploring the processing of formatted texts by a kynesthetic approach (Carlo Bellettini, Mattia Monga, Violetta Lonati, Anna Morpurgo, Dario Malchiodi, Mauro Torelli) (2012)
- Save our turtle robots? (Emma Posey) (2012)
- Agile projects in high school computing education - emphasizing a learners' perspective (Ralf Romeike, Timo Göttel) (2012)
- Conceptual change and epistemological belief framework for web site credibility instruction (Marie Iding) (2012)
- How teachers in different educational systems value central concepts of computer science (Peter Hubwieser, Andreas Zendler) (2012)
- Turi - chatbot software for schools in the Turing centenary (Mathew Keegan, Roger D. Boyle, Hannah M. Dee) (2012)
- Data modeling and database systems as part of general education in CSE (Claudia Strödter) (2012)
- Grand challenges for the UK - upskilling teachers to teach computer science within the secondary curriculum (Sue Sentance, Mark Dorling, Adam McNicol, Tom Crick) (2012)
- On the importance of being earnest - challenges in computer science education (Jan Vahrenhold) (2012)
- Bringing contexts into the classroom - a design-based approach (Detlef Rick, Marcel Morisse, Ingrid Schirmer) (2012)
- (Some) grand challenges of computer science education in the digital age - a socio-cultural perspective (Yifat Ben-David Kolikant) (2012)
- Is self-efficacy in programming decreasing with the level of programming skills? (Michail N. Giannakos, Peter Hubwieser, Alexander Ruf) (2012)
- InfoSphere - an extracurricular learning environment for computer science (Nadine Bergner, Jan Holz, Ulrik Schroeder) (2012)
- Uncovering structure behind function - the experiment as teaching method in computer science education (Carsten Schulte) (2012)
- Learning fields in vocational IT education - why teachers refrain from taking an opportunity (2012)
- Abenteuer informatik - hands-on exhibits for learning about computational thinking (2012)
- The school experiment InTech - how to influence interest, self-concept of ability in informatics and vocational orientation (Claudia Hildebrandt, Ira Diethelm) (2012)
- ICER 2012 - International Computing Education Research Conference, ICER '12, Auckland, New Zealand, September 10-12, 2012 (Alison Clear, Kate Sanders, Beth Simon) (2012)
- Communities of practice and situated learning in computer science (Daniel Knox) (2012)
- Non-Myths About Programming (Mordechai Ben-Ari) (2011)
- Improving student learning outcomes with pair programming (Alex Radermacher, Gursimran S. Walia, Richard Rummelt) (2012)
- The importance of students' attention to program state - a case study of debugging behavior (Colleen M. Lewis) (2012)
- Toward a validated computing attitudes survey (Allison Elliott Tew, Brian Dorn, Oliver S. Schneider) (2012)
- Subgoal-labeled instructional material improves performance and transfer in learning to develop mobile applications (Lauren E. Margulieux, Mark Guzdial, Richard Catrambone) (2012)
- Communities of practice and situated learning in computer science (Daniel Knox) (2012)
- SIGCSE 2012 - Proceedings of the 43rd ACM technical symposium on Computer science education, SIGCSE 2012, Raleigh, NC, USA, February 29 - March 3, 2012 (Laurie A. Smith King, David R. Musicant, Tracy Camp, Paul T. Tymann) (2012)
- Integrating formal verification in an online judge for e-Learning logic circuit design (Javier de San Pedro, Josep Carmona, Jordi Cortadella, Jordi Petit) (2012)
- Reshaping the image of computer science in only fifteen minutes (of class) a week (Sara Sprenkle, Shannon Duvall) (2012)
- Web development with python and django (abstract only) (Ariel Ortiz) (2012)
- Interdisciplinary database collaborations (abstract only) (Suzanne W. Dietrich, Don Goelman) (2012)
- Introducing parallelism and concurrency in the data structures course (Dan Grossman, Ruth E. Anderson) (2012)
- Introduction to using FPGAs in the computer science curriculum (abstract only) (William M. Jones, D. Brian Larkins) (2012)
- Operations research - broadening computer science in a liberal arts college (Barbara M. Anthony) (2012)
- Transforming the CS classroom with studio-based learning (N. Hari Narayanan, Christopher D. Hundhausen, T. Dean Hendrix, Martha E. Crosby) (2012)
- Engage your students by teaching programming using only mobile devices with TouchDevelop (abstract only) (Nikolai Tillmann, Michal Moskal, Jonathan de Halleux, Manuel Fähndrich, Tao Xie 0001) (2012)
- A summer science experience with computer graphics for secondary students (Timothy A. Davis 0002) (2012)
- Computing in context - video scenarios for recognizing and utilizing basic computing constructs (abstract only) (Madalene Spezialetti) (2012)
- Building upon and enriching grade four mathematics standards with programming curriculum (Colleen M. Lewis, Niral Shah) (2012)
- Over-confidence and confusion in using bloom for programming fundamentals assessment (Richard Gluga, Judy Kay, Raymond Lister, Sabina Kleitman, Tim Lever) (2012)
- Highway data and map visualizations for educational use (James D. Teresco) (2012)
- Integrating communication skills into the computer science curriculum (Katrina Falkner, Nickolas J. G. Falkner) (2012)
- Reflections on outreach programs in CS classes - learning objectives for "unplugged" activities (Renate Thies, Jan Vahrenhold) (2012)
- Nifty assignments (Nick Parlante, Julie Zelenski, Daniel Zingaro, Kevin Wayne, Dave O'Hallaron, Joshua T. Guerin, Stephen Davies, Zachary Kurmas, Keen Debby) (2012)
- Implementing evidence-based practices makes a difference in female undergraduate enrollments (Wendy M. DuBow, Elizabeth Litzler, Maureen Biggers, Mike Erlinger) (2012)
- Open educational resources in computer science teaching (Christo Dichev, Darina Dicheva) (2012)
- Debuggems to assess student learning in e-textiles (abstract only) (Deborah A. Fields, Kristin A. Searle, Yasmin B. Kafai, Hannah S. Min) (2012)
- Interdisciplinary travel courses in computer science (abstract only) (Paige H. Meeker) (2012)
- Peer instruction in the CS classroom - a hands-on introduction (abstract only) (Daniel Zingaro, Cynthia Bailey Lee, John Glick, Leo Porter, Beth Simon) (2012)
- Process oriented guided inquiry learning (POGIL) for computer science (Clifton Kussmaul) (2012)
- Cabana - a cross-platform mobile development system (Paul E. Dickson) (2012)
- Who AM I? - understanding high school computer science teachers' professional identity (Lijun Ni, Mark Guzdial) (2012)
- Integrating UX with scrum in an undergraduate software development project (Chase Felker, Radka Slamova, Janet Davis) (2012)
- Teaching open source - involving students in free and open source software (FOSS) project communities (abstract only) (Sebastian Dziallas, Heidi J. C. Ellis, Mel Chua, Steven Huss-Lederman, Karl R. Wurst) (2012)
- Enriching computing instruction with studio-based learning (abstract only) (N. Hari Narayanan, Martha E. Crosby, T. Dean Hendrix, Christopher D. Hundhausen) (2012)
- Computing for STEM majors - enhancing non CS majors' computing skills (Joel C. Adams, Randall J. Pruim) (2012)
- Experiences teaching MapReduce in the cloud (Ariel Rabkin, Charles Reiss, Randy H. Katz, David A. Patterson) (2012)
- Using reflection to enhance feedback for automated grading (abstract only) (Carl Alphonce, Joseph LeGasse) (2012)
- Developing a gaming concentration in the computer science curriculum at an HBCU (abstract only) (Jinghua Zhang, Elva J. Jones) (2012)
- Motivating CS1/2 students with the android platform (abstract only) (John Lewis, Anthony Allevato, Stephen H. Edwards) (2012)
- AP CS principles and the 'beauty and joy of computing' curriculum (abstract only) (Brian Harvey, Tiffany Barnes, Luke Segars) (2012)
- Implementing a communication-intensive core course in a CS curriculum - a survey of methods (abstract only) (Jean H. French) (2012)
- Teaching with Alice (abstract only) (Don Slater, Wanda Dann, Steve Cooper) (2012)
- All-in-one virtualized laboratory (abstract only) (Shamsi Moussavi, Giuseppe Sena) (2012)
- Proposed revisions to the social and professional knowledge area for CS2013 (abstract only) (Carol Spradling, Florence Appel, Elizabeth K. Hawthorne) (2012)
- Cross teaching parallelism and ray tracing - a project-based approach to teaching applied parallel computing (Chris Lupo, Zoë J. Wood, Christine Victorino) (2012)
- Identifying effective pedagogical practices for commenting computer source code (abstract only) (Peter DePasquale, Michael E. Locasto, Lisa C. Kaczmarczyk) (2012)
- Killing 3 birds with one course - service learning, professional writing, and project management (abstract only) (Joseph Mertz, Scott McElfresh, Steven K. Andrianoff, Jennifer Dempsey) (2012)
- Effective closed labs in early CS courses - lessons from eight terms of action research (Elizabeth Ann Patitsas, Steven A. Wolfman) (2012)
- Metaphors and analogies for teaching algorithms (Michal Forisek, Monika Steinová) (2012)
- A team software development course featuring iPad programming (abstract only) (Robert E. England) (2012)
- Educating the educator through computation - what GIS can do for computer science (John Barr, Ali Erkan) (2012)
- Seven big ideas in robotics, and how to teach them (David S. Touretzky) (2012)
- An integrated introduction to network protocols and cryptography to high school students (abstract only) (William M. Mongan) (2012)
- Hands-on labs for a mini-course on mobile application development (abstract only) (Qusay H. Mahmoud, Nicholas Mair, Mohamed F. Younis, Sunny Dhillon) (2012)
- Integrating computing into middle school disciplines through projects (Susan H. Rodger, Melissa Dalis, Chitra Gadwal, Jenna Hayes, Peggy Li, Francine Wolfe, Wenhui Zhang, Liz Liang) (2012)
- Maximizing content learning for deaf students and English as a second language students (abstract only) (Raja S. Kushalnagar, Joseph S. Stanislow) (2012)
- CS outreach with app inventor (abstract only) (Michèlle Friend, Jeff Gray) (2012)
- The writers' workshop for youth programmers - digital storytelling with scratch in middle school classrooms (Quinn Burke, Yasmin B. Kafai) (2012)
- Bringing the breadth of computer science to middle schools (Elizabeth Carter, Glenn D. Blank, Jennifer Walz) (2012)
- Social sensitivity and classroom team projects - an empirical investigation (Lisa Bender, Gursimran S. Walia, Krishna Kambhampaty, Kendall E. Nygard, Travis E. Nygard) (2012)
- Using FPGA systems across the computer science curriculum (abstract only) (D. Brian Larkins, H. Erin Rickard, William M. Jones) (2012)
- Teaching secure coding - report from summit on education in secure software (Blair Taylor, Matt Bishop, Diana Burley, Steve Cooper, Ronald C. Dodge, Robert Seacord) (2012)
- Do faculty recognize the difference between computer science and information technology? - a survey of liberal arts faculty (abstract only) (Hannah Fidoten, Jaime Spacco) (2012)
- ROS for educators - teaching with the robot operating system and Microsoft Kinect (abstract only) (Michael Ferguson, Julian Mason, Sharon Gower Small, Zachary Dodds) (2012)
- Using mobile phone programming to teach Java and advanced programming to computer scientists (Derek Riley) (2012)
- Starting with Ubicomp - using the senseboard to introduce computing (Mike Richards, Marian Petre, Arosha K. Bandara) (2012)
- Towards a better capstone experience (Sriram Mohan, Stephen Chenoweth, Shawn A. Bohner) (2012)
- A PC based robot for learning computer vision and advanced programming (abstract only) (Xuzhou Chen, Nadimpalli V. R. Mahadev) (2012)
- User type clustering to refine search and browse for educational resources (abstract only) (Monika Akbar, Clifford A. Shaffer) (2012)
- Circuits and microcontrollers in computer organization laboratories (abstract only) (Marge M. Coahran, Janet Davis) (2012)
- Developing microlabs using Google web toolkit (Barry L. Kurtz, James B. Fenwick Jr., Philip Meznar) (2012)
- Teaching HS computer science as if the rest of the world existed - rationale for a HS Pre-APCS curriculum of interdisciplinary central-problem-based units that model real-world applications (Scott R. Portnoff) (2012)
- C++11 in parallel (abstract only) (Joseph Hummel) (2012)
- Virtual clusters for parallel and distributed education (Elizabeth Shoop, Richard A. Brown, Eric Biggers, Malcolm Kane, Devry Lin, Maura Warner) (2012)
- Using social networks to engage computer science students (abstract only) (Semmy Purewal, Owen L. Astrachan, David Brown, Jeffrey Forbes) (2012)
- An experience report - on the use of multimedia pre-instruction and just-in-time teaching in a CS1 course (Paul Carter) (2012)
- Experiments with algorithm visualization tool development (Michael C. Orsega, Bradley T. Vander Zanden, Christopher H. Skinner) (2012)
- Teaching outside the text (Renee Ciezki, Robert Glen Martin, Barbara J. Ericson, Lester L. Wainwright) (2012)
- Integrating video components in CS1 (Tamar Vilner, Ela Zur, Ronit Sagi) (2012)
- Following a thread - knitting patterns and program tracing (Michelle Craig, Sarah Petersen, Andrew Petersen) (2012)
- A multilevel, multidimensional undergraduate course and lab experience on embedded multimedia systems (Dimitrios Charalampidis, James Haralambides) (2012)
- Is there service in computing service learning? (Randy W. Connolly) (2012)
- Participation patterns in student teams (Vreda Pieterse, Lisa Thompson, Linda Marshall, Dina M. Venter) (2012)
- Enhancing student interest by extending graphics applications (abstract only) (Samuel A. Rebelsky) (2012)
- An approach for evaluating FOSS projects for student participation (Heidi J. C. Ellis, Michelle Purcell, Gregory W. Hislop) (2012)
- A hands-on comparison of iOS vs. android (abstract only) (Michael Rogers, Mark Goadrich) (2012)
- An open co-op model for global enterprise technology education - integrating the internship and course work (Jeffrey Saltz, Jae Oh) (2012)
- Application of non-programming focused treisman-style workshops in introductory computer science (Alan C. Jamieson, Lindsay H. Jamieson, Angela C. Johnson) (2012)
- Making turing machines accessible to blind students (Pierluigi Crescenzi, Leonardo Rossi, Gianluca Apollaro) (2012)
- Assigning student programming pairs based on their mental model consistency - an initial investigation (Alex Radermacher, Gursimran S. Walia, Richard Rummelt) (2012)
- Imaging college educators (abstract only) (Jerod J. Weinman, Ellen Walker) (2012)
- Exploring concurrency using the parallel analysis tool (Brian W. Rague) (2012)
- Active learning in computer science education using meta-cognition (abstract only) (Murali Mani, Quamrul Mazumder) (2012)
- Dynamic programming across the CS curriculum (abstract only) (Yana Kortsarts, Vasily Kolchenko) (2012)
- Sharing incremental approaches for adding parallelism to CS curricula (abstract only) (Richard A. Brown, Elizabeth Shoop, Joel C. Adams, David P. Bunde, Jens Mache, Paul F. Steinberg, Matthew Wolf, Michael Wrinn) (2012)
- Course guides - a model for bringing professionals into the classroom (Thomas Gibbons) (2012)
- The absolute beginner's guide to JUnit in the classroom (abstract only) (Stephen H. Edwards, Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones) (2012)
- ARTSI robotics roadshow-in-a-box - turnkey solution for providing robotics workshops to middle and high school students (abstract only) (Monica Anderson, David S. Touretzky, Chutima Boonthum-Denecke) (2012)
- Programming, PWNed - using digital game development to enhance learners' competency and self-efficacy in a high school computing science course (Katie Seaborn, Magy Seif El-Nasr, David Milam, Darren Yung) (2012)
- AP CS principles and the beauty and joy of computing curriculum (abstract only) (Daniel D. Garcia, Brian Harvey, Tiffany Barnes, Luke Segars, Eugene Lemon, Sean Morris, Josh Paley) (2012)
- Computer science - small department initiative (abstract only) (James Jerkofsky, Cathy Bareiss) (2012)
- Teaching with greenfoot and the Kinect - a novel way to engage beginners (abstract only) (Michael Kölling, Neil Brown) (2012)
- Toward an emergent theory of broadening participation in computer science education (David C. Webb, Alexander Repenning, Kyu Han Koh) (2012)
- Exploring formal learning groups and their impact on recruitment of women in undergraduate CS (Julie Krause, Irene Polycarpou, Keith Hellman) (2012)
- Program by design - from animations to data structures (abstract only) (Kathi Fisler, Stephen Bloch) (2012)
- Let's talk social media (abstract only) (Kimberly D. Voll) (2012)
- Teaching computer science and programming concepts using LEGO NXT and TETRIX robotics, and computer science unplugged activities (abstract only) (Daniela Marghitu, Taha Ben Brahim, John Weaver) (2012)
- A multimedia and liberal arts approach to a first course in programming and its crossover potential for computer science and the arts (abstract only) (Trish Cornez, Richard Cornez) (2012)
- Metaview - a tool for learning about viewing in 3D (James R. Miller) (2012)
- Perspectives on active learning and collaboration - JavaWIDE in the classroom (Jam Jenkins, Evelyn Brannock, Thomas Cooper, Sonal Dekhane, Mark S. Hall, Michael Nguyen) (2012)
- Student ICTD research and service learning abroad (abstract only) (Joseph Mertz, Ralph Morelli, Ruth E. Anderson) (2012)
- Have class, will travel (abstract only) (Paige H. Meeker) (2012)
- Using JITT in a database course (Alexandra Martinez) (2012)
- CSTutor - a pen-based tutor for data structure visualization (Sarah Buchanan, Brandon Ochs, Joseph J. LaViola Jr.) (2012)
- Building an open, large-scale research data repository of initial programming student behaviour (Michael Kölling, Ian Utting) (2012)
- Collaboration across the curriculum - a disciplined approach todeveloping team skills (Ben Coleman, Matthew Lang) (2012)
- Teaching mathematical reasoning across the curriculum (Joan Krone, Doug Baldwin, Jeffrey C. Carver, Joseph E. Hollingsworth, Amruth N. Kumar, Murali Sitaraman) (2012)
- A software craftsman's approach to data structures (Matti Luukkainen, Arto Vihavainen, Thomas Vikberg) (2012)
- A taste of linked data and the semantic web (abstract only) (David Hyland-Wood, Marsha Zaidman) (2012)
- CS unplugged, outreach and CS kinesthetic activities (abstract only) (Tim Bell, Lynn Lambert, Daniela Marghitu) (2012)
- A learning objective focused methodology for the design and evaluation of game-based tutors (Michael John Eagle, Tiffany Barnes) (2012)
- Recursive thinkers and doers in CS1 (abstract only) (Joseph A. Cottam, Suzanne Menzel) (2012)
- How a language-based GUI generator can influence the teaching of object-oriented programming (Prasun Dewan) (2012)
- Explaining the dynamic structure and behavior of Java programs using a visual debugger (abstract only) (Demian Lessa, Bharat Jayaraman) (2012)
- Creative coding and visual portfolios for CS1 (Ira Greenberg, Deepak Kumar, Dianna Xu) (2012)
- Update on the CS principles project (Owen L. Astrachan, Amy Briggs, Janice E. Cuny, Lien Diaz, Chris Stephenson) (2012)
- Digital humanities - reaching out to the other culture (abstract only) (Robert E. Beck) (2012)
- Incorporating software architecture in the computer science curriculum (abstract only) (Martin L. Barrett, Steve Chenoweth, Larry Jones, Amine Chigani, Ayse Basar Bener, Mei-Huei Tang) (2012)
- Rediscovering the passion, beauty, joy, and awe - making computing fun again, part 5 (Daniel D. Garcia, Barbara J. Ericson, Joanna Goode, Colleen M. Lewis) (2012)
- Using social networking to improve student learning through classroom salon (abstract only) (John Barr, Ananda Gunawardena) (2012)
- Taming complexity in large-scale system projects (Shimon Schocken) (2012)
- Community-based projects for computing majors - opportunities, challenges and best practices (Jeffrey A. Stone, Bonnie K. MacKellar, Elinor M. Madigan, Janice L. Pearce) (2012)
- Engaging the community with mobile app projects (abstract only) (William H. Turkett Jr., Paúl Pauca, Joel K. Hollingsworth) (2012)
- Intellectual property law basics for computer science instructors (abstract only) (David G. Kay) (2012)
- Puzzle-based learning - introducing critical thinking and problem solving for computer science and engineering (abstract only) (Raja Sooriamurthi, Nickolas J. G. Falkner, Zbigniew Michalewicz) (2012)
- Teaching track faculty in CS (abstract only) (Daniel D. Garcia, Jody Paul, Mark Sherriff) (2012)
- Google summer of code and google code-in BoF (abstract only) (Carol Smith) (2012)
- CS in parallel - modules for adding parallel computing to CS courses, from CS2 to theory of computation (abstract only) (Richard A. Brown, Elizabeth Shoop) (2012)
- The fairy performance assessment - measuring computational thinking in middle school (Linda L. Werner, Jill Denner, Shannon Campe, Damon Chizuru Kawamoto) (2012)
- The reflective mentor - charting undergraduates' responses to computer science service learning (abstract only) (Quinn Burke, Yasmin B. Kafai, Jean Griffin, Rita Manco Powell, Michele Grab, Susan B. Davidson, Joseph S. Sun) (2012)
- Through the looking glass - talking about the world with visualization (Fernanda B. Viégas, Martin Wattenberg) (2012)
- A stratified view of programming language parallelism for undergraduate CS education (Richard A. Brown, Joel C. Adams, David P. Bunde, Jens Mache, Elizabeth Shoop) (2012)
- Helping students become better communicators (abstract only) (Janet E. Burge, Paul V. Anderson, Gerald C. Gannod, Michael Carter, Deanna Dannels, Margaret Heil, Mladen A. Vouk) (2012)
- RoboLIFT - engaging CS2 students with testable, automatically evaluated android applications (Anthony Allevato, Stephen H. Edwards) (2012)
- App inventor for android - report from a summer camp (Krishnendu Roy) (2012)
- Snap! - (build your own blocks) (abstract only) (Brian Harvey, Daniel D. Garcia, Josh Paley, Luke Segars) (2012)
- Making mathematical reasoning fun - tool-assisted, collaborative techniques (abstract only) (Jason O. Hallstrom, Joe Hollingsworth, Joan Krone, Murali Sitaraman) (2012)
- The teacher's job is to design learning experiences; not primarily to impart information (Frederick P. Brooks Jr.) (2012)
- RoboLIFT - simple GUI-based unit testing of student-written android applications (abstract only) (Anthony Allevato, Stephen H. Edwards) (2012)
- Effective and sustainable computing summer camps (Barbara J. Ericson, Tom McKlin) (2012)
- - an educational programming judge (Jordi Petit, Omer Giménez, Salvador Roura) (2012)
- Promoting student-centered learning with POGIL (Helen H. Hu, Clifton Kussmaul) (2012)
- DeMystifying computing with magic (Daniel D. Garcia, David Ginat) (2012)
- Integrating formal verification in an online judge for e-Learning logic circuit design (Javier de San Pedro, Josep Carmona, Jordi Cortadella, Jordi Petit) (2012)
- Was noch mal ist eine App? - Jetzt können Schüler endlich den Umgang mit modernen Medien lernen: Aber nur in Solothurn. (Dominic Wirth) (2012)
- Internet - Segen oder Fluch (Kathrin Passig, Sascha Lobo) (2012)
- 15. Mark Zuckerbergs Brille - Filter und Empfehlungen
- 15. Mark Zuckerbergs Brille - Filter und Empfehlungen
- Digital gefordert - NZZ am Sonntag (2012)
- Wie die Schildkröte im Laptop laufen lernt - Besuch bei Primarschülern, die mit Logo lernen, kindergerecht zu programmieren (Simone Luchetta) (2012)
- An investigation of secondary school students' conceptions on how the internet works (Ira Diethelm, Henning Wilken, Stefan Zumbrägel) (2012)
- HDI 2012 - Informatik für eine nachhaltige Zukunft - 5. Fachtagung Hochschuldidaktik der Informatik (Peter Forbrig, Detlef Rick, Axel Schmolitzky) (2012)
- As Undercover Students in MOOCs (Rolf Schulmeister) (2012)
- Draft ICT Programme of study (bcs Academy of Computing, Royal Academy of Engineering) (2012)
- «Geschlechts(un-)typische» Studienwahl - Weshalb Frauen Ingenieurwissenschaften studieren und Männer Primarlehrer werden (Christine Bieri Buschor, Simone Berweger, Andrea Keck Frei, Christa Kappler) (2012)
- Das neue Latein: Javascript (Philippe Wampfler) (2012)
- Der Slogan von den MINT-Fächern (Rudolf Künzli) (2012)
- Eine neue Wissenschaft erkämpft sich ihren Platz - Der Weg zum eigenen Studiengang für Informatik an der ETH Zürich (Carl August Zehnder) (2013)
- The Engine of Complexity - Evolution as Computation (John E. Mayfield) (2013)
- Computer Science Education 2/2013 (2013)
- Demographics of undergraduates studying games in the United States - a comparison of computer science students and the general population (Monica M. McGill, Amber Settle, Adrienne Decker) (2013)
- Mobile game development - improving student engagement and motivation in introductory computing courses (Stan Kurkovsky) (2013)
- Demographics of undergraduates studying games in the United States - a comparison of computer science students and the general population (Monica M. McGill, Amber Settle, Adrienne Decker) (2013)
- Computer Science Education 4/2013 (2013)
- Introduction to autonomous mobile robotics using Lego Mindstorms NXT (H. Levent Akin, Çetin Meriçli, Tekin Meriçli) (2013)
- Robotics in computer science education (Jennifer S. Kay, Tom Lauwers) (2013)
- Introduction to autonomous mobile robotics using Lego Mindstorms NXT (H. Levent Akin, Çetin Meriçli, Tekin Meriçli) (2013)
- Computer Science Education 3/2013 (2013)
- Learning computer science concepts with Scratch (Orni Meerbaum-Salant, Michal Armoni, Mordechai Ben-Ari) (2013)
- Learning computer science concepts with Scratch (Orni Meerbaum-Salant, Michal Armoni, Mordechai Ben-Ari) (2013)
- EmbedIT - an Open Robotic Kit for Education (Dorit Assaf) (2013)
- Computability - Turing, Godel, Church, and Beyond (Jack Copeland, Carl J. Posy, Oron Shagrir) (2013)
- Das digitale Einmaleins (Malte Buhse) (2013)
- Autorenwerkzeuge für digitale, multimediale und interaktive Lernbausteine im Web 2.0 (Michael Hielscher) (2013)
- «Die Anfänge der Informatik liegen bereits im Dunkeln» (Herbert Bruderer, Walter Jäggi) (2013)
- Informatik mit BYOB / Snap! (Eckart Modrow) (2013)
- DoInG - Informatisches Denken und Handeln in der Grundschule (Philipp Straube, Nadia Madany Mamlouk, Hilde Köster, Volkhard Nordmeier, Claudia Müller-Birn, Carsten Schulte) (2013)
- Informatics in Schools - Sustainable Informatics Education for Pupils of all Ages - 6th International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution, and Perspectives, ISSEP 2013, Oldenburg, Germany, February 26 - March 2, 2013. (Ira Diethelm, Roland T. Mittermeir) (2013)
- 1. The Darmstadt Model - A First Step towards a Research Framework for Computer Science Education in Schools (Peter Hubwieser)
- 2. Computer Science in Secondary Schools in the UK: Ways to Empower Teachers (Sue Sentance, Mark Dorling, Adam McNicol)
- 3. Informatics in the French Secondary Curricula: Recent Moves and Perspectives (Françoise Tort, Béatrice Drot-Delange)
- 4. Informatics for All High School Students (Anna Beata Kwiatkowska)
- 5. Novice Difficulties with Interleaved Pattern Composition (David Ginat, Eti Menashe, Amal Taya)
- 6. Blind Pupils Begin to Solve Algorithmic Problems (L’udmila Jašková)
- 7. Location-Based Games in Informatics Education (Gabriela Lovászová, Viera Palmárová)
- 8. Using Computer Games as Programming Assignments for University Students and Secondary School Pupils (Monika Tomcsányiová)
- 9. The Context-Based Approach IniK in Light of Situated and Constructive Learning Theories (Maria Knobelsdorf, Josh Tenenberg)
- 10. «Archaeology of Information» in the Primary School (Diana Bitto, Claudio Mirolo)
- 11. The Contribution of Computer Science to Learning Computational Physics (Rivka Taub, Michal Armoni, Mordechai Ben-Ari)
- 12. Computer Modeling with Delphi (Jan Benacka, Jaroslav Reichel)
- 13. Learning Fields in Vocational IT Education - How Teachers Interpret the Concept (Simone Opel, Torsten Brinda)
- 14. Competence Measurement and Informatics Standards in Secondary Education (Johannes Magenheim, Jonas Neugebauer, Peer Stechert, Laura Ohrndorf, Barbara Linck)
- 15. On Competence-Based Learning and Neuroscience (Peter K. Antonitsch, Barbara Sabitzer)
- 16. Categorization of Pictures in Tasks of the Bebras Contest (Monika Tomcsányiová, Martina Kabátová)
- 17. Research-Based Learning Revisited - On Using a Delphi Process in Informatics Teacher Education (Holger Danielsiek, Ludger Humbert, Jan Vahrenhold)
- 1. The Darmstadt Model - A First Step towards a Research Framework for Computer Science Education in Schools (Peter Hubwieser)
- Facebook auf dem Stundenplan - Schüler brauchen ein Fach für Medienbildung, meint Informatiker Beat Döbeli Honegger (Beat Döbeli Honegger, Katja Irle) (2013)
- «Wir könnten viel Geld sparen» - Der IT-Professor Jürg Kohlas fordert mit zwei Kollegen, dass Informatik an den Gymnasien zum Pflichtfach wird (Jürg Kohlas, Simone Luchetta) (2013)
- informatik@gymnasium - Ein Entwurf für die Schweiz (Jürg Kohlas, Jürg Schmid, Carl August Zehnder) (2013)
- «ICT braucht ein Zeitgefäss» (Adrian Albisser) (2013)
- Informatics education: Europe cannot afford to miss the boat - Report of the joint Informatics Europe & ACM Europe Working Group on Informatics Education April 2013 (Walter Gander, Antoine Petit, Gérard Berry, Barbara Demo, Jan Vahrenhold, Andrew D. McGettrick, Roger D. Boyle, Michèle Drechsler, Avi Mendelson, Chris Stephenson, Carlo Ghezzi, Bertrand Meyer) (2013)
- Informatics at school - Worldwide - An international exploratory study about informatics as a subject at different school levels 2012 (Vania Guerra, Beate Kuhnt, Ivo Blöchliger) (2013)
- Human-Centered Computing - A New Degree for Licklider's World (Mark Guzdial) (2013)
- The Science in Computer Science (Peter Denning) (2013)
- Computer Science Concepts in Scratch (Michal Armoni, Mordechai Ben-Ari) (2013)
- Invent to Learn - Making, Tinkering, and Engineering in the Classroom (Sylvia Libow Martinez, Gary Stager) (2013)
- Der Spiegel 20/2013 (2013)
- Mathe, Bio, Programmieren (2013)
- Mathe, Bio, Programmieren (2013)
- Die Macht der Daten - Wie Information unser Leben bestimmt (Uwe Saint-Mont) (2013)
- Computer Science: Catch Them Early (Bertrand Meyer) (2013)
- Uri spielt beim Informatikunterricht eine Vorreiterrolle - Positive Erfahrungen mit dem Projekt «Programmieren an der Primarschule» (Hasler Stiftung) (2013)
- digitale agenda 2.0 - auf dem weg zu «smart switzerland» (ICTswitzerland, economosuisse) (2013)
- Learning to Code Isn't Enough - A learning scientist's attempt to temper the "learn to code" mania with a healthy dollop of reality (Shuchi Grover) (2013)
- Weltbilder in der Informatik: Sichtweisen auf Profession, Studium, Genderaspekte und Verantwortung - Spektrum der Informatik, Volume 36, Issue 3, June 2013 (2013)
- Weltbilder in der Informatik - Sichtweisen auf Profession, Studium, Genderaspekte und Verantwortung (Britta Schinzel)
- Informatik erschließen - Ein curricularer Ansatz für Mädchen (Anne Weibert, Thomas von Rekowski, Volker Wulf) (2013)
- Informatik und Gesellschaft: Ansätze zur Verbesserung einer schwierigen Beziehung (Barbara Paech, Arnd Poetzsch-Heffter)
- Das DFG-Projekt «Weltbilder der Informatik» (Karin Kleinn, Monika Götsch, Yvonne Heine, Britta Schinzel)
- Weltbilder und Bilder der Informatik (Britta Schinzel)
- «Das fängt natürlich an mit irgendwelchen Spielekonsolen» - oder: Was dazu motiviert, Informatik (nicht) zu studieren (Monika Götsch) (2013)
- Hardwarefreaks und Kellerkinder - Klischeevorstellungen über Informatik und die Auseinandersetzung der Studierenden damit (Maggie Jaglo)
- «... dass auf einmal ´n blue screen ´n pink screen wäre» (Monika Götsch, Yvonne Heine, Karin Kleinn)
- «Das muss man immer für sich selber abwägen» - oder: Das moralische Wissen von Studierenden der Informatik (Christoph Schneider)
- Spielarten von Männlichkeit in den «Weltbildern» technikwissenschaftlicher Fachgebiete - Eine vergleichende empirische Studie an österreichischen Technischen Hochschulen (Tanja Paulitz, Bianca Prietl)
- Nicht-menschlich ist auch Gender (Cecile K. M. Crutzen)
- Weltbilder in der Informatik - Sichtweisen auf Profession, Studium, Genderaspekte und Verantwortung (Britta Schinzel)
- Programmieren oder programmiert werden - Die Grundlagen der Informatik sollten an den Schulen in einem eigenständigen, obligatorischen Fach unterrichtet werden (Stefan Betschon) (2013)
- «Die Informatik verändert, was unter Allgemeinbildung zu verstehen ist» (Carl August Zehnder, Stefan Betschon) (2013)
- Braucht die Schule mehr Informatik? - Ein bildungspolitisch umstrittenes Postulat (Heinz Moser) (2013)
- Informatik im Lehrplan 21 - Ein grundsätzlicher Positionsbezug zum Wohl und Nutzen des Denk- und Werkplatzes Schweiz (Hasler Stiftung) (2013)
- Eine neue Art von Kantischülern (Marc Engelhard) (2013)
- Lehrer sollen programmieren lernen - Die Pädagogische Hochschule Nordwestschweiz richtet einen Lehrstuhl für Informatik ein (René Donzé) (2013)
- Jeder Schüler ein kleiner Programmierer (Anja Burri) (2013)
- Jeder bringt sein eigenes Tablet (Silvia Camenzind) (2013)
- «Jedes Kind muss programmieren lernen» (Juraj Hromkovic, Walter Jäggi) (2013)
- Von Hensch zu Mensch: Gender, Weltfrieden und ICT (Jean-Marc Hensch) (2013)
- Lehrplan 21: die IT-Zukunft der Schweiz (Fabian Vogt) (2013)
- «Big Data ist eine Herausforderung für 400 Jahre Aufklärung» - Samstagsinterview mit Ruedi Noser, FDP-Nationalrat, Inhaber der in der Informationstechnologie tätigen Noser-Gruppe (Ruedi Noser, Rudolf Burger) (2013)
- «Schulen dürfen keine Abhängigkeiten eingehen» (Beat W. Zemp, David Vonplon) (2013)
- Fach- und bildungswissenschaftliche Grundlagen für den Informatikunterricht in der Sekundarstufe I (Arno Pasternak) (2013)
- Die Knacknuss im Lehrplan 21 (Marina Winder) (2013)
- Grosse Uneinigkeit über künftigen Informatikunterricht (Marina Winder) (2013)
- Der Kampf um die Privatsphäre (Barnaby Skinner, Balz Spörri) (2013)
- Der Informatik-Professor, der sich zurückspulen lässt (Mario Stäuble) (2013)
- Sus à l’analphabétisme informatique! (Anna Lietti) (2013)
- Schul-Informatik: Fachleute einigen sich (René Donzé) (2013)
- Digitale Kompetenzen benötigen mehr Verbindlichkeit im Lehrplan 21! (ICTswitzerland, Beat Döbeli Honegger, Claudia Fischer, Werner Hartmann, Juraj Hromkovic, Thomas Merz) (2013)
- Digitale Schule Österreich (Peter Micheuz, Anton Reiter, Gerhard Brandhofer, Martin Ebner, Barbara Sabitzer) (2013)
- HOW to Consider Informatics in Primary Education? (Peter K. Antonitsch)
- From Digital Competence to Informatics Education - Structuring a Wide Field (Peter Micheuz)
- HOW to Consider Informatics in Primary Education? (Peter K. Antonitsch)
- DeLFI 2013 (Andreas Breiter, Christoph Rensing) (2013)
- Nicht auf das 21. Jahrhundert ausgerichtet (Hermann Forneck) (2013)
- Lehrplan 21: Reform oder Kompromiss? (Heinz Moser) (2013)
- Die Diktatur der Daten (Michèle Binswanger) (2013)
- Informatik und Bildung - eine philosophische Annäherung (Ludwig Hasler) (2013)
- Gratuliere, Sie sind schwanger! (Beat Metzler) (2013)
- Informatik erweitert Horizonte - 15. GI-Fachtagung "Informatik und Schule" - INFOS 2013 - 26.- 28.09.2013 (2013)
- Medizinische Informatik in der Sek 1 (Kerstin Strecker)
- «Ich glaube, Google ist so was wie eine Vorhalle des Internets» - Erste Ergebnisse einer qualitativen Untersuchung von Schülervorstellungen von der Suchmaschine Google (Oliver Seifert, Tony Sauck, Maximilian Schwarzbach, Christopher Lerch, Martin Weinert, Maria Knobelsdorf)
- Informatische Kompetenzen im Gebiet «Datenbanken» - eine Lernstandsanalyse in Sachsen und Thüringen (Katrin Büttner, Gregor Damnik, Steffen Friedrich, Thomas Knapp, Martin Rätz, Holger Rohland)
- Ein moderner Ansatz für Anchored Instruction im Informatikunterricht (Jens Gallenbacher, Dominik Heun)
- Physical Computing im Informatikunterricht (Mareen Grillenberger, Ralf Romeike)
- Das 3x3-Schema zur Reflexion kontextorientierter Informatik-Unterrichtsgestaltung (Malte Buchholz)
- Grundvorstellungen zu Klassen und Objekten
- Informatik ist mehr als Informatik! - Oder: Warum sich die Informatik mit dem Leitmedienwechsel befassen muss (Beat Döbeli Honegger) (2013)
- Belebt die Einführung des Schulfachs Informatik die Nachfrage nach einem Informatikstudium? - Eine empirische Langzeitstudie unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Vergleichs der Absolventen von alter (G9) und neuer gymnasialer Oberstufe (G8) in Bayern (Christian Götz, Peter Hubwieser)
- DebuggingAufgaben - Programmfehler als Lernchance (Hanno Schauer) (2013)
- Eine wirksame Langzeitfortbildung für Informatik-Lehrkräfte (Claudia Hildebrandt, Ira Diethelm) (2013)
- Technik «wofür» anstelle Technik «an sich» - Kontextorientierung als Rahmen für genderbewußten Informatikunterricht (Ingrid Schirmer) (2013)
- Konzeption eines InformatikModuls für ein Schülerlabor (Jonas Neugebauer, Dieter Engbring) (2013)
- Diagnose und individuelle Förderung (im InformatikUnterricht) (Jan Vahrenhold) (2013)
- Movingart - ein fächerübergreifendes KunstInformatikProjekt in der Sekundarstufe I (Sönke Schulmeister) (2013)
- Informatik und Mathematik - kombiniert im SchülerlaborModul «Einstieg in die Computergrafik» (Nadine Bergner, Tim Schellartz, Ulrik Schroeder) (2013)
- Vermittlung von Konzepten der Informationstechnik in Oberstufen der beruflichen Bildung technischer Fachrichtungen unter Verwendung mobiler Roboter al (Lars Otten) (2013)
- Medizinische Informatik in der Sek 1 (Kerstin Strecker)
- INFOS 2013 Praxisband (Norbert Breier, Peer Stechert, Thomas Wilke) (2013)
- Modellierung als ein wichtiges Werkzeug der Informatik am Beispiel einer Ampelsteuerung mittels Mikrocontroller (Nadine Bergner, Marc Weintz, Ulrik Schroeder)
- Kinder auf dem Weg zur Informatik - Roboter in der Grundschule (Christian Borowski)
- Erst nehmen wir Greenfoot. Und dann BlueJ? - Etwas mehr als ein Bericht aus der Praxis. (Dieter Engbring)
- Einsatz von Speicherprogrammierbaren Steuerungen im Lernlabor Abenteuer Technik (Jens Gallenbacher, Dominik Heun, Kristin Rammelt)
- Aufgabenqualität im Informatik-Biber (Wolfgang Pohl, Hans-Werner Hein)
- Lehrerinnen und Lehrer für verständnisintensiven Unterricht im Schulfach Informatik (Otto Thiele)
- Schülerprojekte - zwischen Theoriekurs und Firmenpraxis (Michael Unger, Steffi Heinecke)
- Fräulein X: Design von außerschulischen Lernräumen zur Förderung der Selbstwirksamkeit im Bereich der Angewandten Informatik (Katharina Weiß, Claudia Hahn, Michael Herczeg)
- Modellierung als ein wichtiges Werkzeug der Informatik am Beispiel einer Ampelsteuerung mittels Mikrocontroller (Nadine Bergner, Marc Weintz, Ulrik Schroeder)
- Der informatische Mensch - Vom Leben an der Schnittstelle (Dossier Schweizer Monat 10/2013) (2013)
- ICH - jetzt noch besser (Miriam Meckel)
- Wir Simulanten (Helmar Burkhart)
- Nicht Ball werden, sondern Spieler (Elgar Fleisch, Claudia Mäder, Florian Rittmeyer)
- Homo informaticus (Juraj Hromkovic) (2013)
- ICH - jetzt noch besser (Miriam Meckel)
- LOG IN 175 - Cloud-Computing (2013)
- ICER 2013 - International Computing Education Research Conference, ICER '13, La Jolla, CA, USA, August 12-14, 2013 (Beth Simon, Alison Clear, Quintin I. Cutts) (2013)
- A tale of three sites - resource and knowledge sharing amongst computer science educators (Neil Christopher Charles Brown, Michael Kölling) (2013)
- The zones of proximal flow - guiding students through a space of computational thinking skills and challenges (Ashok R. Basawapatna, Alexander Repenning, Kyu Han Koh, Hilarie Nickerson) (2013)
- Identity development of CS and IT students - what's the role of higher education? (Anne-Kathrin Peters) (2013)
- Exploring hypotheses about media computation (Mark Guzdial) (2013)
- Using cognitive load theory to improve the efficiency of learning to program (Briana B. Morrison) (2013)
- A methodology for teaching programming for beginners (Viviane Cristina Oliveira Aureliano) (2013)
- Effect of think-pair-share in a large CS1 class - 83% sustained engagement (Aditi Kothiyal, Rwitajit Majumdar, Sahana Murthy, Sridhar Iyer) (2013)
- Using cargo-bot to provide contextualized learning of recursion (Joe Tessler, Bradley Beth, Calvin Lin) (2013)
- We belong here too - understanding and increasing diversity in computer science education (Michèlle Friend) (2013)
- A tale of three sites - resource and knowledge sharing amongst computer science educators (Neil Christopher Charles Brown, Michael Kölling) (2013)
- Proceedings of the 8th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education, WiPSCE '13, Aarhus, Denmark, November 11-13, 2013 (Michael E. Caspersen, Maria Knobelsdorf, Ralf Romeike) (2013)
- On teaching programming with nondeterminism (Giora Alexandron, Michal Armoni, Michal Gordon, David Harel) (2013)
- Results of an expert interview as foundation for a study about the pedagogical added value by informatics in context (Sven Alisch) (2013)
- A media-reduced approach towards informatics at primary level (Peter K. Antonitsch, Cornelia Gigacher, Liselotte Hanisch, Barbara Sabitzer) (2013)
- The design and implementation of a notional machine for teaching introductory programming (Michael Berry, Michael Kölling) (2013)
- PCK and reflection in computer science teacher education (Malte Buchholz, Mara Saeli, Carsten Schulte) (2013)
- cs4fn and computational thinking unplugged (Paul Curzon) (2013)
- What (else) should CS educators know? - revisited (Judith Gal-Ezer, Ela Zur) (2013)
- Evaluation of games for teaching computer science (Ben Gibson, Tim Bell) (2013)
- Computational thinking skills in Dutch secondary education (Natasa Grgurina, Erik Barendsen, Bert Zwaneveld, Wim van de Grift, Idzard Stoker) (2013)
- Designing productive gradations of tasks in primary programming education (Monika Gujberova, Ivan Kalas) (2013)
- It takes a village to teach information technology (Patricia Haden, Joy Gasson) (2013)
- Pedagogical content knowledge for computer science in German teacher education curricula (Peter Hubwieser, Marc Berges, Johannes Magenheim, Niclas Schaper, Kathrin Bröker, Melanie Margaritis, Sigrid E. Schubert, Laura Ohrndorf) (2013)
- Teaching computer science in secondary education - a technological pedagogical content knowledge perspective (Ioannis Ioannou, Charoula Angeli) (2013)
- Positioning computer science in Flemish K-12 education - a reflection (Bern Martens, Tom Hofkens) (2013)
- Empowering information technology teachers through professional development - an evaluation (Elsa Mentz, Roxanne Bailey, Betty Breed, Marietjie Havenga) (2013)
- «Welcome to Nimrod» to learn CS ideas in the middle school (Claudio Mirolo, Doranna Di Vano) (2013)
- A visual learning tool for database operation (Hiroyuki Nagataki, Yoshiaki Nakano, Midori Nobe, Tatsuya Tohyama, Susumu Kanemune) (2013)
- Measurement of pedagogical content knowledge - students' knowledge and conceptions (Laura Ohrndorf, Sigrid E. Schubert) (2013)
- Arguments for contextual teaching with learning fields in vocational IT schools - results of an interview study among IT and CS training companies (Simone Opel, Torsten Brinda) (2013)
- Practical implementation of learning fields in vocational IT/CS education - a guideline on designing learning situations (Simone Opel, Alexander Höpfl, Torsten Brinda) (2013)
- Scout patrol secret grilles - one more CS unplugged-style activity on cryptography (Pawel Perekietka, Agnieszka Kukla, Przemyslaw Pela) (2013)
- Types of assignments for novice programmers (Alexander Ruf, Marc Berges, Peter Hubwieser) (2013)
- Informatics is COOL - Cooperative and computer-assisted open learning (Barbara Sabitzer, Stefan Pasterk, Sabrina M. Elsenbaumer) (2013)
- Teaching black-box testing to high school students (Amitrajit Sarkar, Tim Bell) (2013)
- Reflections on the role of programming in primary and secondary computing education (Carsten Schulte) (2013)
- Conceptual patterns for student-centered computer science education at secondary school level (Bernhard Standl) (2013)
- Adoption of new computer science high school standards by New Zealand teachers (David Thompson, Tim Bell) (2013)
- Could you help me to change the variables? - comparing instruction to encouragement for teaching programming (Dimosthenis Makris, Kleomenis Euaggelopoulos, Konstantinos Chorianopoulos, Michail N. Giannakos) (2013)
- On teaching programming with nondeterminism (Giora Alexandron, Michal Armoni, Michal Gordon, David Harel) (2013)
- SIGCSE 2013 - The 44th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, SIGCSE '13, Denver, CO, USA, March 6-9, 2013 (Tracy Camp, Paul T. Tymann, J. D. Dougherty, Kris Nagel) (2013)
- Creation of interdisciplinary programs in computational science (abstract only) (Steven I. Gordon)
- How PhD students at research universities can prepare for a career at a liberal arts college (abstract only) (Ann Irvine, Darakhshan Mir, Michael Hay) (2013)
- Cupcake cushions, scooby doo shirts, and soft boomboxes - e-textiles in high school to promote computational concepts, practices, and perceptions (Yasmin B. Kafai, Kristin A. Searle, Eliot Kaplan, Deborah A. Fields, Eunkyoung Lee, Debora Lui) (2013)
- The joy of word games - or, putting the text back into context (abstract only) (Michael P. Rogers) (2013)
- Kodu, alice and lego robotics - a three-step model of effective introducing middle school students to computer programming and robotics (abstract only) (Daniela Marghitu, Taha Ben Brahim, John Weaver, Yasmeen Rawajfih) (2013)
- Technology that educators of computing hail (TECH) - come, share your favorites (abstract only) (Daniel D. Garcia, Daniel Armendariz) (2013)
- Building knowledge and confidence with mediascripting - a successful interdisciplinary approach to CS1 (Samuel A. Rebelsky, Janet Davis, Jerod J. Weinman) (2013)
- Software security testing of an online banking system - a unique research experience for undergraduates and computer teachers (Dianxiang Xu) (2013)
- The relationship between belonging and ability in computer science (Nanette Veilleux, Rebecca Bates, Cheryl Allendoerfer, Diane Jones, Joy Crawford, Tamara Floyd Smith) (2013)
- Classroom interventions to reduce failure & course withdrawal in CS1 (abstract only) (Brian K. Hare) (2013)
- Experiments with network security threats in a safe, easy sandbox (abstract only) (Michael J. Jipping, Acshi Haggenmiller, Matthew Koster, Eric Ostrowski) (2013)
- Replicating exploring computer science (ECS) (abstract only) (Dale Reed, Don Yanek, Gail Chapman) (2013)
- Expanding access to K-12 computer science education - research on the landscape of computer science professional development (Baker Franke, Jeanne Century, Michael Lach, Cameron Wilson, Mark Guzdial, Gail Chapman, Owen L. Astrachan) (2013)
- Encouraging faculty & student involvement in humanitarian free and open source software (HFOSS)(abstract only) (Gregory W. Hislop, Heidi J. C. Ellis, Darci Burdge, Sean P. Goggins, Lori Postner, Stoney Jackson) (2013)
- Investigating factors of student learning in introductory courses (Matthew Hertz, Sarah Michele Ford) (2013)
- Measuring increased engagement using tablet PCs in a code review class (Wade A. Fagen, Samuel N. Kamin) (2013)
- This much I know - thoughts on the past, present and future of educational programming tools (Michael Kölling) (2013)
- Developing game-like instructional modules to enhance student learning in lower level core computer science courses (abstract only) (Jinghua Zhang, Mustafa Atay, Rebecca Caldwell, Elva J. Jones) (2013)
- Pair programming for middle school students - does friendship influence academic outcomes? (Linda L. Werner, Jill Denner, Shannon Campe, Eloy Ortiz, Dawn DeLay, Amy C. Hartl, Brett Laursen) (2013)
- Computer science via digital sound and music - a hands-on introduction to open source tools and new curriculum material to introduce computer science concepts (abstract only) (Jennifer Burg, Susan Reiser) (2013)
- Using an alternate reality game as a course backdrop (abstract only) (Matthew A. Lang) (2013)
- Adding a contributing student pedagogy component to an introductory database course (Henry A. Etlinger) (2013)
- Computing in context (abstract only) (Robert E. Beck, Edward Carr, Wingyan Chung, Edward A. Fox, Christine Nass) (2013)
- ACM/IEEE-CS computer science curriculum 2013 - reviewing the ironman report (Mehran Sahami, Steve Roach, Ernesto Cuadros-Vargas, Richard LeBlanc) (2013)
- MyCS - middle-years computer science (abstract only) (Zachary Dodds, Michael Erlinger) (2013)
- Integrating fantasy role-play into the programming lab - exploring the 'projective identity' hypothesis (Michael James Scott, Gheorghita Ghinea) (2013)
- Hairball - lint-inspired static analysis of scratch projects (Bryce Boe, Charlotte Hill, Michelle Len, Greg Dreschler, Phillip Conrad, Diana Franklin) (2013)
- Evaluation of the emerging scholars program at Columbia University (abstract only) (Rita Manco Powell, Christian Murphy, Adam Cannon, Joshua B. Gordon, Arthi Ramachandran) (2013)
- Computer science-education outreach - an interdisciplinary collaboration (abstract only) (Jennifer Rosato, Chery Takkunen) (2013)
- Collaborative learning and anxiety - a phenomenographic study of collaborative learning activities (Katrina Falkner, Nickolas J. G. Falkner, Rebecca Vivian) (2013)
- Designing and supporting collaborative learning activities (Katrina Falkner, Nickolas J. G. Falkner) (2013)
- Life's a game and the game of life - how making a game out of it can change student behavior (Adrienne Decker, Elizabeth Lane Lawley) (2013)
- Cultivating a K12 computer science community - a case study (Sarah Hug, Richard Guenther, Michael Wenk) (2013)
- How we teach impacts student learning - peer instruction vs. lecture in CS0 (Beth Simon, Julian Parris, Jaime Spacco) (2013)
- The revolution will be televised - perspectives on massive open online education (Mehran Sahami, Mark Guzdial, Fred G. Martin, Nick Parlante) (2013)
- Two models of a cryptography and computer security class in a liberal arts context (Suzanne F. Buchele) (2013)
- Analyzing PHP frameworks for use in a project-based software engineering course (Lisa Lancor, Samyukta Katha) (2013)
- CSTA CS K-12 instructional standards and CS curriculum (abstract only) (Deborah W. Seehorn, Chris Stephenson, Tammy Randall Pirmann, Kelly Powers) (2013)
- Automated generation and grading of programming assignments (abstract only) (Steven C. Shaffer, Clifford A. Shaffer) (2013)
- Characterizing the need for graduate ethics education (Scott D. Dexter, Elizabeth Buchanan, Kellen Dins, Kenneth R. Fleischmann, Keith Miller) (2013)
- Parallel from the beginning - the case for multicore programming in thecomputer science undergraduate curriculum (Yousun Ko, Bernd Burgstaller, Bernhard Scholz) (2013)
- Incorporating metacognition into learning (Murali Mani, Quamrul Mazumder) (2013)
- Enhance computer networks learning with hands-on mobile device based labware (abstract only) (Ming Yang, Kai Qian, Minzhe Guo, Prabir Bhattacharya, Guillermo A. Francia III, Li Yang) (2013)
- OpenDSA - using an active eTextbook to teach data structures and algorithms (abstract only) (Eric Fouh, Daniel A. Breakiron, Mai Elshehaly, T. Simin Hall, Ville Karavirta, Clifford A. Shaffer) (2013)
- Girls on the go - a CS summer camp to attract and inspire female high school students (Janet E. Burge, Gerald C. Gannod, Maureen Doyle, Karen C. Davis) (2013)
- Using version control in the classroom (abstract only) (John Britton, Tim Berglund) (2013)
- Alternatives to lecture - revealing the power of peer instruction and cooperative learning (Scott Grissom, Beth Simon, Leland L. Beck, Alexander W. Chizhik) (2013)
- Cyberbulling and game models (abstract only) (Lila Ghemri, Rattikorn Hewett, Colleen Livingston) (2013)
- On the countably many misconceptions about #hashtables (abstract only) (Elizabeth Ann Patitsas, Michelle Craig, Steve M. Easterbrook) (2013)
- Including HCI and user experience (UX) methodologies in computing curriculum (abstract only) (Debra Lee Davis, Kip Irvine, Dave Berque, Janet Davis, Brian Dorn, Matt Jadud) (2013)
- NetLogo - teaching with turtles and crossing curricular boundaries (abstract only) (Forrest Stonedahl, David Weintrop, Paulo Blikstein, Christine Shannon) (2013)
- A comprehensive software engineering education program for grades 6 to 12 in NYC public schools (abstract only) (Cameron L. Fadjo) (2013)
- A multi-level video game for teaching security (abstract only) (Mário A. M. Guimarães, Huwida Said) (2013)
- A case for course capstone projects in CS1 (Saquib Razak) (2013)
- CSinParallel - using map-reduce to teach parallel programming concepts across the CS curriculum (abstract only) (Richard A. Brown, Elizabeth Shoop, Joel C. Adams) (2013)
- Middle school students using Alice - what can we learn from logging data? (Linda L. Werner, Charlie McDowell, Jill Denner) (2013)
- Empirical evaluation of periodic retrospective assessment (Paul V. Gestwicki, Brian J. McNely) (2013)
- Student development of board game strategies in a web-based graphical infrastructure (abstract only) (Adam Oest, Ivona Bezáková, James E. Heliotis, Sean Strout) (2013)
- Geospatial intelligence as a context for computing education (abstract only) (Sambit Bhattacharya, Bogdan D. Czejdo, Rakesh Malhotra) (2013)
- Technovation challenge - teaching girls computer science & entrepreneurship (abstract only) (Tara Chklovski, AnnaLise Hoopes, Dara Olmsted) (2013)
- Bug catcher - a system for software testing competitions (Renée C. Bryce, Quentin Mayo, Aaron Andrews, Daniel Bokser, Michael Burton, Chelynn Day, Jessica Gonzolez, Tara Noble) (2013)
- Computer scientists put the informatics into bio, health, and medical informatics education (abstract only) (Bonnie K. MacKellar, Margaret S. Menzin, Marc L. Smith, Tammy VanDeGrift) (2013)
- Becoming experts - measuring attitude development in introductory computer science (Brian Dorn, Allison Elliott Tew) (2013)
- A derivation-first approach to teaching algorithms (Ran Libeskind-Hadas) (2013)
- Experience report - CS1 in MATLAB for non-majors, with media computation and peer instruction (Cynthia Bailey Lee) (2013)
- Using sequential pattern mining to increase graph comprehension in intelligent tutoring system student data (abstract only) (Aaron Springer, Matthew W. Johnson, Michael Eagle, Tiffany Barnes) (2013)
- Teaching the CS principles curriculum with App Inventor (abstract only) (Ralph Morelli, David Wolber, Shaileen Crawford Pokress, Franklyn A. Turbak, Fred G. Martin) (2013)
- The inverted classroom and the CS curriculum (Kate Lockwood, Rachel Esselstein) (2013)
- Integrating communication skills into the computer science curriculum (abstract only) (Mark E. Hoffman, Janet E. Burge, Gerald C. Gannod, Mladen A. Vouk) (2013)
- Impacts of adaptive feedback on teaching test-driven development (Kevin Buffardi, Stephen H. Edwards) (2013)
- Constructive use of errors in teaching CS1 (David Ginat, Ronit Shmallo) (2013)
- A combat robotics course - programming meets computer-aided design and fabrication (abstract only) (Lewis Baumstark) (2013)
- Embracing the digital humanities - a course on computing in the humanities for undergraduate computer science minor students (abstract only) (Deena Engel) (2013)
- Creating an educational robot by embedding a learning agent in the physical world (abstract only) (Nan Li 0001, Apoorv Khandelwal, Tung Phan, Dave S. Touretzky, William W. Cohen, Kenneth R. Koedinger) (2013)
- Catalyzing & sustaining change in computing education (abstract only) (Lynn Andrea Stein) (2013)
- Stories from the scratch community - connecting with ideas, interests, and people (Karen Brennan, Mitchel Resnick) (2013)
- A more formal approach to computer science - principles" (Rex L. Page, Ruben Gamboa) (2013)
- Control-Alt-Hack™ - a card game for computer security outreach and education (abstract only) (Tamara Denning, Tadayoshi Kohno, Adam Shostack) (2013)
- A method for incorporating usable security into computer security courses (Binto George, Martha Klems, Anna Valeva) (2013)
- A data-centric introduction to computer science for non-majors (David G. Sullivan) (2013)
- CS circles - an in-browser python course for beginners (David Pritchard, Troy Vasiga) (2013)
- The simulation creation toolkit - an initial exploration into making programming accessible while preserving computational thinking (Ashok R. Basawapatna, Alexander Repenning, Clayton H. Lewis) (2013)
- Demystifying networking - teaching non-majors via analogical problem-solving (Sridhar Iyer, Sahana Murthy) (2013)
- LINQ from a database perspective - querying relations and XML (abstract only) (Suzanne W. Dietrich) (2013)
- Women in technology - an international collaborative celebration (abstract only) (Alison Clear, Annemieke Craig, Catherine Lang) (2013)
- Computer science education for social good (Michael Goldweber, John Barr, Elizabeth Ann Patitsas) (2013)
- A cloud computing curriculum for undergraduate CS majors (abstract only) (Edward Walker) (2013)
- Application of the cognitive apprenticeship framework to a middle school robotics camp (D. Brian Larkins, J. Christopher Moore, Louis J. Rubbo, Laura R. Covington) (2013)
- A cascading mentoring pedagogy in a CS service learning course to broaden participation and perceptions (Yasmin B. Kafai, Jean Griffin, Quinn Burke, Michelle Slattery, Deborah A. Fields, Rita Manco Powell, Michele Grab, Susan B. Davidson, Joseph S. Sun) (2013)
- Interdisciplinary computing, successes and challenges (abstract only) (Lillian N. Cassel, Ursula Wolz) (2013)
- Cloud computing in the curriculum - fundamental and enabling technologies (Charles Border) (2013)
- Methodology education in computing - towards a congruent design approach (Matti Tedre) (2013)
- The entrepreneur's bootcamp - a new model for teaching web/mobile development and software entrepreneurship (Timothy J. Hickey, Pito Salas) (2013)
- .NET gadgeteer - a new platform for K-12 computer science education (Steve Hodges, James Scott, Sue Sentance, Colin Miller, Nicolas Villar, Scarlet Schwiderski-Grosche, Kerry Hammil, Steven Johnston) (2013)
- How AP CS A matches college courses (Renee Ciezki, Lien Diaz, Frances E. Hunt, Henry MacKay Walker) (2013)
- Augmenting introductory computer science classes with GameMaker and mobile apps (abstract only) (Tiffany Barnes, Acey Kreisler Boyce, Veronica Cateté, Katelyn Doran, Andrew Hicks, Leslie Keller) (2013)
- What are we thinking when we grade programs? (Sue Fitzgerald, Brian Hanks, Raymond Lister, Renée McCauley, Laurie Murphy) (2013)
- Principles, priorities, and pressures - personal and organizational (Henry M. Walker) (2013)
- Teaching computer science soft skills as soft concepts (Orit Hazzan, Gadi Har-Shai) (2013)
- The inverted-lecture model - a case study in computer architecture (Edward F. Gehringer, Barry W. Peddycord III) (2013)
- How students learn - ripples in computer science/software engineering curriculum (abstract only) (Alison Clear, Michael Lance, Amitrajit Sakar) (2013)
- Demystifying computing with magic, continued (Daniel D. Garcia, David Ginat) (2013)
- Going mobile with app inventor for android - a one-week computing workshop for K-12 teachers (Jiangjiang Liu, Cheng-Hsien Lin, Phillip Potter, Ethan Philip Hasson, Zebulun David Barnett, Michael Singleton) (2013)
- Engaging mathematical reasoning exercises (Joseph E. Hollingsworth, Joan Krone, Jason O. Hallstrom, Murali Sitaraman, Bruce W. Weide) (2013)
- Bringing computer science back into schools - lessons from the UK (Neil Christopher Charles Brown, Michael Kölling, Tom Crick, Simon L. Peyton Jones, Simon Humphreys, Sue Sentance) (2013)
- Teaching track faculty in CS (abstract only) (Mark Sherriff, Daniel D. Garcia, Jody Paul) (2013)
- Peer instruction in CS - introduction and recent developments (abstract only) (Daniel Zingaro, Cynthia Bailey Lee, John Glick, Leo Porter, Beth Simon) (2013)
- Introducing secure coding in CS0 and CS1 (abstract only) (Matt Bishop, Blair Taylor, Elizabeth K. Hawthorne, Diana Burley, Siddharth Kaza) (2013)
- Alice 3.1 (abstract only) (Wanda Dann, Stephen Cooper, Donald J. Slater) (2013)
- Teaching data structures with BeSocratic (abstract only) (Sam Bryfczynski, Brian C. Dean, Roy P. Pargas, Melanie Cooper, Michael Klymkowsky) (2013)
- Computer science «big ideas» play well in digital sound and music (Jennifer Burg, Jason Romney, Eric Schwartz) (2013)
- Growing a computer science program with a focus on game development (Timothy E. Roden, Rob LeGrand) (2013)
- Computation, complexity, and emergence - an interdisciplinary honors seminar (Marie desJardins) (2013)
- Taking studio-based learning online (abstract only) (Yolanda Jacobs Reimer, Christopher D. Hundhausen, Phillip Conrad) (2013)
- Online python tutor - embeddable web-based program visualization for cs education (Philip J. Guo) (2013)
- Changing the face of computing (Tracy Camp) (2013)
- A town meeting - SIGCSE committee on expanding the women-in-computing community (abstract only) (Gloria Childress Townsend) (2013)
- MDAT - a multithreading debugging and testing tool (Eric Larson, Rochelle Palting) (2013)
- Teaching creativity in computer science (Andrea Salgian, Teresa Marrin Nakra, Christopher Ault, Yunfeng Wang) (2013)
- Starting and sustaining an undergraduate research program in computer science (abstract only) (Adam Anthony, Marie desJardins) (2013)
- Dual degree tracks for computer science majors (abstract only) (Joanne F. Selinski, Kathie A. Yerion) (2013)
- Integrating theoretical and empirical computer science in a data structures course (John W. Coffey) (2013)
- Teaching software engineering with an open-source humanitarian software project (abstract only) (Cameron Macdonell) (2013)
- Teaching garbage collection without implementing compiler or interpreters (Gregory H. Cooper, Arjun Guha, Shriram Krishnamurthi, Jay A. McCarthy, Robert Bruce Findler) (2013)
- Ant colony simulation as an engaging, extendable, and easily gradable programming project(abstract only) (Roger West) (2013)
- From difference to diversity - including women in the changing face of computing (Carol Frieze, Jeria L. Quesenberry) (2013)
- A mid-career review of teaching computer science I (Amruth N. Kumar) (2013)
- Accelerating K-12 computational thinking using scaffolding, staging, and abstraction (David S. Touretzky, Daniela Marghitu, Stephanie Ludi, Debra Bernstein, Lijun Ni) (2013)
- Computing foundations for the scientist (abstract only) (Catherine C. Bareiss, Larry Vail) (2013)
- Computing creativity - divergence in computational thinking (Vicki E. Bennett, Kyu Han Koh, Alexander Repenning) (2013)
- Automated online grading for virtual machine-based systems administration courses (Lewis Baumstark, Edwin Rudolph) (2013)
- A project spine framework for software engineering education (abstract only) (Kevin A. Gary, Srividya K. Bansal, Arbi Ghazarian) (2013)
- Developing a highly interactive ebook for CS instruction (James B. Fenwick Jr., Barry L. Kurtz, Philip Meznar, Reed Phillips, Alex Weidner) (2013)
- Experimenting with and integrating Alice 2.3 into many disciplines (abstract only) (Susan H. Rodger, Steve Cooper, Wanda Dann, Dwayne C. Brown Jr., Jacobo Carrasquel) (2013)
- Unlocking the clubhouse - a decade later and now what? (Jane Margolis) (2013)
- Robobuilder - a computational thinking game (abstract only) (David Weintrop, Uri Wilensky) (2013)
- Pedagogy for engaging diverse students in computing - four effective methods (abstract only) (Joanne McGrath Cohoon, James P. Cohoon, Seth Reichelson, Susan Horwitz, Laura Reasoner Jones) (2013)
- Using scaffolded examples to teach computational thinking concepts (Heidi C. Webb, Mary Beth Rosson) (2013)
- Computer science curriculum 2013 - social and professional recommendations from the ACM/IEEE-CS task force (Elizabeth K. Hawthorne, Florence Appel, Carol Spradling, Lisa C. Kaczmarczyk) (2013)
- How to plan and run computing summer camps for 4th-12th grade students (abstract only) (Barbara J. Ericson, Christopher Michaud, Nannette P. Napier, Krishnendu Roy) (2013)
- Incorporating version control into programming courses (abstract only) (Tommy MacWilliam) (2013)
- CSTA chapters - supporting your local computer science educators (abstract only) (Frances P. Trees, David Reed, Tammy Pirmann) (2013)
- ROS at every level - using the robot operating system in CS 0, 1, 2, and beyond (abstract only) (Julian Mason, Zachary Dodds, William D. Smart) (2013)
- SNAP! (build your own blocks) (abstract only) (Brian Harvey, Daniel D. Garcia, Tiffany Barnes, Nathaniel Titterton, Daniel Armendariz, Luke Segars, Eugene Lemon, Sean Morris, Josh Paley) (2013)
- Teaching secure coding - the myths and the realities (Blair Taylor, Matt Bishop, Elizabeth K. Hawthorne, Kara L. Nance) (2013)
- On plugging «unplugged» into CS classes (Renate Thies, Jan Vahrenhold) (2013)
- Teaching security using hands-on exercises (abstract only) (Richard S. Weiss, Michael E. Locasto, Jens Mache, Blair Taylor, Elizabeth K. Hawthorne) (2013)
- Gaps between industry expectations and the abilities of graduates (Alex Radermacher, Gursimran S. Walia) (2013)
- Selecting and using a parallel programming language (abstract only) (Michael Graf, David P. Bunde, David Ely, David Lucas, Jens Mache, Christopher T. Mitchell, Andrei Papancea, Miriam Robinson, Ben White) (2013)
- Koli Calling 2013 - 13th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research, Koli Calling '13, Koli, Finland, November 14-17, 2013 (Mikko-Jussi Laakso, Simon) (2013)
- Getting to know computer science freshmen (Päivi Kinnunen, Maija Marttila-Kontio, Erkki Pesonen) (2013)
- Why is big-O analysis hard? (Miranda C. Parker, Colleen M. Lewis) (2013)
- Getting to know computer science freshmen (Päivi Kinnunen, Maija Marttila-Kontio, Erkki Pesonen) (2013)
- Informatik ist auch eine Sozialwissenschaft! (Abraham Bernstein) (2013)
- «Vielleicht muss die Schule dereinst wieder weniger machen» (Christian Amsler, Patrick Feuz, Anja Burri) (2013)
- MOOCs - Massive Open Online Courses - Offene Bildung oder Geschäftsmodell? (Rolf Schulmeister) (2013)
- Der Beginn und das Ende von OPEN - Chronologie der MOOC-Entwicklung
- openHPI - das MOOC‐Angebot des Hasso‐Plattner‐Instituts (Christoph Meinel)
- Zwei MOOCs für Udacity - Planung - Produktion - Durchführung (Jörn Loviscach, Sebastian Wernicke)
- Der Beginn und das Ende von OPEN - Chronologie der MOOC-Entwicklung
- Fehler im System (Sarah Mühlberger) (2013)
- Computing in the national curriculum - A guide for primary teachers (Naace, Miles Berry) (2013)
- Die Geschichte der Rechenautomaten - Band 1: Von der Himmelsscheibe von Nebra bis zu den ersten Rechenmaschinen
Band 1: Von der Himmelsscheibe von Nebra bis zu den ersten Rechenmaschinen (Wolfram-M. Lippe) (2013)
- Die Geschichte der Rechenautomaten II - Band 2: Von mechanischen Chiffriergeräten bis zu den ersten programmierbaren Rechnern (Wolfram-M. Lippe) (2013)
- Die Geschichte der Rechenautomaten III - Band 3: Von der Entwicklung der Hardware bis zum WWW (Wolfram-M. Lippe) (2013)
- Schweizer Informatik Gesellschaft (SI) zum Lehrplan 21 (Schweizer Informatik Gesellschaft (SI), Jürg Gutknecht, Juraj Hromkovic, Marc Brandis, Mehdi Jazayeri, Dominik Gruntz, Beat Trachsler, Armin Barth, Stefan Niggli) (2013)
- Nach Kritik: Verzögerung beim Lehrplan21 (René Donzé) (2013)
- Einführung in die Mediendidaktik - Lehren und Lernen mit digitalen Medien (Dominik Petko) (2014)
- Grundlagen der höheren Informatik - Induktives Vorgehen (Bernhard Steffen, Oliver Rüthing, Malte Isberner) (2014)
- Research on e-Learning and ICT in Education - Technological, Pedagogical and Instructional Perspectives (Charalampos Karagiannidis, Panagiotis Politis, Ilias Karasavvidis) (2014)
- 6. Teaching Informatics in Primary School With and Without Educational Software Support (Panagiota Halki, Panagiotis Politis) (2014)
- 6. Teaching Informatics in Primary School With and Without Educational Software Support (Panagiota Halki, Panagiotis Politis) (2014)
- Zero to One - Wie Innovation unsere Gesellschaft rettet (Peter Thiel, Blake Masters) (2014)
- A Practical Guide to Teaching Computing and ICT in the Secondary School - 2. Edition (Andrew Connell, Anthony Edwards, Alison Hramiak) (2014)
- Modul 129: LAN-Komponenten in Betrieb nehmen - Netzwerkgeräte auswählen, Netzwerk aufbauen, konfigurieren und analysieren (Jonas Meier, Domenico Aversa) (2014)
- The False Promises of the Digital Revolution - How Computers transform Education, Work, and International Development in Ways that are Ecologically Unsustainable (C.A Bowers) (2014)
- Informatische Kompetenzen für ein erfolgreiches Hochschulstudium (Helmar Burkhart, Lukas Emanuel Fässler, Werner Hartmann, Hans Hinterberger, Beate Kuhnt) (2014)
- Spielerisches Kombinieren - Kinder lernen Programmieren - Die Pädagogische Hochschule fördert informatische Bildung bereits bei den Jüngsten (Irène Dietschi) (2014)
- Beim Programmieren der Fantasie freien Lauf lassen (Alexander Repenning) (2014)
- Was ist Informatik? (Paul Kleiner) (2014)
- Should Everybody Learn to Code? (Esther Shein) (2014)
- Neue Medien in den Schulen - BKD-Magazin 1/2014 (2014)
- Digitale Medien und Schule - Chancen, Risiken und Herausforderungen (Werner Hartmann)
- Digitale Medien und Schule - Chancen, Risiken und Herausforderungen (Werner Hartmann)
- Medienkompetenz ist heute Glückssache (Lucie Machac) (2014)
- Programmieren im Urnerland (Lukas Fürrer) (2014)
- Learn to Program with Scratch - A Visual Introduction to Programming with Art, Science, Math and Games (Majed Marji) (2014)
- Conceptual Modeling and Innovative Implementation of Person-centered Computer Science Education at Secondary School Level (Bernhard Standl) (2014)
- The Zero Marginal Cost Society - The Internet of Things, the Collaborative Commons, and the Eclipse of Capitalism (Jeremy Rifkin) (2014)
- Software frisst die Welt (Armin Mahler, Thomas Schulz) (2014)
- Bildung und Erziehung in digitalen Welten - NZZ-Beilage vom 9.04.2014 (2014)
- «Medienkompetenz am Gymnasium» (Villö Huszai)
- «Medienkompetenz am Gymnasium» (Villö Huszai)
- Medienbildung in der Primarschule - Ein eigenständiges Fach, als Fachbereich von NMG oder überfachlich integriert? (Marc Farina, Ivo Achermann) (2014)
- Weniger Moral für den Lehrplan (Anja Burri) (2014)
- Computational Thinking for the Modern Problem Solver (David D. Riley, Kenny A. Hunt) (2014)
- 1. What is Computational Thinking?
- 4. Solving Problems
- 5. Algorithmic Thinking
- Informatik und Natur - 6. Münsteraner Workshop zur Schulinformatik (Marco Thomas, Michael Weigend) (2014)
- Erziehung zur digitalen Mündigkeit (Pavel Lokshin) (2014)
- Beyond Minecraft - Facilitating Computational Thinking through Modeling and Programming in 3D (Alexander Repenning, David C. Webb, Catharine Brand, Fred Gluck, Ryan Grover, Susan Miller, Hilarie Nickerson, Muyang Song) (2014)
- Roboter entlassen ihren Vater in die Pension (Simone Luchetta) (2014)
- Besser als Ritalin (Hilmar Schmundt) (2014)
- Programmieren als Pflichtstoff (René Donzé) (2014)
- Programmieren als Pflichtfach ab 3. Klasse (2014)
- c't 14/2014 (2014)
- Für das Leben Lernen - Schulen auf dem Weg zum zeitgemässen Computereinsatz (Dorothee Wiegand) (2014)
- Schulfach «Computing» ab Klasse 1 - Interview mit Simon Peyton Jones (Simon Peyton Jones, Jöran Muuß-Merholz) (2014)
- 20 Jahre und kein Update (Dorothee Wiegand) (2014)
- Computer be-greifen! - Informatik-Unterricht ab der Grundschule (Beat Döbeli Honegger, Jöran Muuß-Merholz) (2014)
- Für das Leben Lernen - Schulen auf dem Weg zum zeitgemässen Computereinsatz (Dorothee Wiegand) (2014)
- Programmieren in der Primarschule (Anja Burri) (2014)
- That Classroom «Magic» - Broadening Participation (Jane Margolis, Joanna Goode, Gail Chapman, Jean J. Ryoo) (2014)
- ACM Transactions on Computing Education (TOCE) - Special Issue on Computing Education in (K-12) Schools - Volume 14 Issue 2, June 2014 (Robert McCartney, Josh Tenenberg) (2014)
- Computing Education in (K-12) Schools from a Cross-National Perspective - Editorial (Josh Tenenberg, Robert McCartney)
- Perspectives and Visions of Computer Science Education in Primary and Secondary (K-12) Schools (Peter Hubwieser, Michal Armoni, Michail N. Giannakos, Roland T. Mittermeir)
- A Tale of Two Countries: Successes and Challenges in K-12 Computer Science Education in Israel and the United States (Judith Gal-Ezer, Chris Stephenson)
- Computing Education in (K-12) Schools from a Cross-National Perspective - Editorial (Josh Tenenberg, Robert McCartney)
- Connected Code - Why Children Need to Learn Programming (Yasmin B. Kafai, Quinn Burke) (2014)
- KEYCIT 2014 - Key Competencies in Informatics and ICT (Torsten Brinda, Nicholas Reynolds, Ralf Romeike) (2014)
- Programmierung interaktiver Grafiken - Eine Einführung mit ACSLogo. Band 1: Polygone, Spirolaterale, Rekursive Grafiken, L-Systeme. (Joachim Wedekind) (2014)
- «Schüler sind keine Memory Sticks» (Alexander Repenning, Raffael Schuppisser) (2014)
- Lessons in Teaching Computing in Primary Schools (James Bird, Helen Caldwell, Peter Mayne) (2014)
- Medienkompetenz im Schulalltag - Für Lehrpersonen und Schulleitungen (Judith Mathez, Nicolas Fahrni, Claudia Fischer, Ronny Standtke, Stanley Schwab, Nicolas Martignoni, Myriam Bouverat, Sarah Genner, Daniel Süss, Fabia Hartwagner, Markus Willi, Karl Wimmer, Felix Würsten) (2014)
- Lernräume gestalten - Bildungskontexte vielfältig denken - Tagungsband der GMW-Jahrestagung 2014 (Klaus Rummler) (2014)
- Informatik und Gesellschaft - Eine sozio-technische Perspektive (Andrea Kienle, Gabriele Kunau) (2014)
- Implementation des Ergänzungsfachs Informatik an Schweizer Gymnasien - Schlussbericht zur externen Evaluation (Markus Roos, Gabriele Stemmer Obrist, Esther Wandeler, Mirjam Mosimann) (2014)
- Programmieren statt Frühfranzösisch (Matthias Schüssler) (2014)
- Von der lnformation zum QR-Code und wieder zurück - QR-Codes als Thema im Informatikunterricht (Beilage zu LOG IN, 34. Jg. (2014), Heft Nr. 178/179) (Claudia Strödter) (2014)
- Informatik in der Grundschule - Welche Kompetenzen sind bereits in der Primarstufe von Relevanz? - Forschungsbericht (Jakob Brakensiek) (2014)
- GML2 2014 - Der Qualitätspakt E-Learning im Hochschulpakt 2020 (Nicolas Apostolopoulos, Harriet Hoffmann, Ulrike Mußmann, Wolfgang Coy, Andreas Schwill) (2014)
- Dueck's Jahrmarkt der Futuristik - Gesammelte Kultkolumnen (Gunter Dueck) (2014)
- 4. Geisteswissenschaft und Informatik
- 10. Culture Technologies - Dreimal mehr in Herz und Kopf!
- 15. Das Erhabene, die Sterne und die Informatik
- 32. Auf der Suche nach gesundem Menschenverstand
- 36. Vorstellungsbilder rund um die Informatik
- 4. Geisteswissenschaft und Informatik
- Sie wissen alles - Wie intelligente Maschinen in unser Leben eindringen und warum wir für unsere Freiheit kämpfen müssen (Yvonne Hofstetter) (2014)
- Engelbarts Traum - Wie der Computer uns Lesen und Schreiben abnimmt (Henning Lobin) (2014)
- Thesen zur Informatik in der Grundschule (Christian Borowski) (2014)
- DeLFI 2014 (Stephan Trahasch, Rolf Plötzner, Gerhard Schneider, Claudia Gayer, Daniel Sassiat, Nicole Wöhrle) (2014)
- ScratchDrone - Systematische Programmierung von Flugdrohnen für den Informatikunterricht (Raphael Zender, Julius Höfler, Patrick Wolfien, Ulrike Lucke) (2014)
- ScratchDrone - Systematische Programmierung von Flugdrohnen für den Informatikunterricht (Raphael Zender, Julius Höfler, Patrick Wolfien, Ulrike Lucke) (2014)
- HDI 2014 - Gestalten von Übergängen - 6. Fachtagung Hochschuldidaktik der Informatik (Peter Forbrig, Johannes Magenheim) (2014)
- ISSEP 2014 - Informatics in Schools - Teaching and Learning Perspectives (Yasemin Gülbahar, Erinç Karataş) (2014)
- 1. Informatics and General Education (Walter Gander) (2014)
- 2. The Many Facets of Scratch (G. Barbara Demo, Lawrence Williams) (2014)
- 3. Bebras Informatics Contest: Criteria for Good Tasks Revised ()
- 4. Big Data - Challenges for Computer Science Education (Andreas Grillenberger, Ralf Romeike)
- 5. Analysis of Computer Science Education in Venezuela Using the Darmstadt Model (Nubia Alejandra Fecht, Ira Diethelm)
- 6. 'Computer Science in Context' and 'Learning Fields' in Vocational Computer Science Education - Two Unlike Siblings? (Simone Opel, Torsten Brinda)
- 7. Reasoning on Children´s Cognitive Skills in an Informatics Contest - Findings and Discoveries from Finland, Lithuania, and Sweden (Valentina Dagiene, Linda Mannila, Timo Poranen, Lennart Rolandsson, Gabriele Stupuriene)
- 8. A High-Availability Bebras Competition System (Nataša Kristan, Dean Gostiša, Gašper Fele-Žorž, Andrej Brodnik)
- 9. Competence Orientation in Vocational Schools - The Case of Industrial Information Technology in Austria (Markus Brunner, Monika Di Angelo)
- 10. Measuring Student Competences in German Upper Secondary Computer Science Education (Jonas Neugebauer, Peter Hubwieser, Johannes Magenheim, Laura Ohrndorf, Niclas Schaper)
- 11. Pupils in the Virtual World and Education (Majherová Janka, Palásthy Hedviga, Janigová Emília)
- 12. Introducing Students to Recursion - A Multi-facet and Multi-tool Approach (Maciej M. Syslo, Anna Beata Kwiatkowska)
- 13. A Present-Day 'Glass Bead Game' - A Framework for the Education of Prospective Informatics Teachers Inspired by a Reflection on the Nature of the Discipline (Claudio Mirolo)
- 14. Teacher Profiles for Planning Informatics Lessons (Ana-Maria Stoffers, Ira Diethelm)
- 15. Extracurricular Activities for Improving the Perception of Informatics in Secondary Schools (Carlo Bellettini, Violetta Lonati, Dario Malchiodi, Mattia Monga, Anna Morpurgo)
- 1. Informatics and General Education (Walter Gander) (2014)
- Informatische Bildung fördern - SATW INFO 2/14 (SATW Schweizerische Akademie der technischen Wissenschaften) (2014)
- Bildungsdirektoren kürzen Informatik-Projekt (René Donzé) (2014)
- The Engineer is King (ergon AG) (2014)
- ICER 2014 - International Computing Education Research Conference, ICER 2014, Glasgow, United Kingdom, August 11-13, 2014 (Quintin I. Cutts, Beth Simon, Brian Dorn) (2014)
- Using case-based reasoning to improve the quality of feedback generated by automated grading systems (Angelo Kyrilov) (2014)
- What pedagogical content knowledge competencies do computer science pre-service teachers have? (Melanie Margaritis) (2014)
- Theoretical underpinnings of computing education research - what is the evidence? (Lauri Malmi, Judy Sheard, Simon, Roman Bednarik, Juha Helminen, Päivi Kinnunen, Ari Korhonen, Niko Myller, Juha Sorva, Ahmad Taherkhani) (2014)
- Diversifying high school students' views about computing with electronic textiles (Kristin A. Searle, Deborah A. Fields, Debora A. Lui, Yasmin B. Kafai) (2014)
- Evaluating diversity initiatives in computer science - do they have unintended side-effects? (Elizabeth Patitsas) (2014)
- Adaptive parsons problems with discourse rules (Barbara J. Ericson) (2014)
- Physical computing in computer science education (Mareen Przybylla) (2014)
- Promoting constructive mindsets for overcoming failure in computer science education (Emily Lovell) (2014)
- The effect of robotics activities on students' learning and attitudes (Fatima Kaloti-Hallak) (2014)
- Measuring cognitive load in introductory CS - adaptation of an instrument (Briana B. Morrison, Brian Dorn, Mark Guzdial) (2014)
- Big data and data management - a topic for secondary computing education (Andreas Grillenberger 0001) (2014)
- Computational thinking curriculum development for upper elementary school classes (Charlotte Hill) (2014)
- Measuring enrichment - the assembly and validation of an instrument to assess student self-beliefs in CS1 (Michael James Scott, Gheorghita Ghinea) (2014)
- Using case-based reasoning to improve the quality of feedback generated by automated grading systems (Angelo Kyrilov) (2014)
- SIGCSE 2014 - The 45th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, SIGCSE '14, Atlanta, GA, USA - March 05 - 08, 2014 (J. D. Dougherty, Kris Nagel, Adrienne Decker, Kurt Eiselt) (2014)
- Identifying elementary students' pre-instructional ability to develop algorithms and step-by-step instructions (Hilary A. Dwyer, Charlotte Hill, Stacey Carpenter, Danielle Harlow, Diana Franklin) (2014)
- Active learning during lecture using tablets (Barry L. Kurtz, James B. Fenwick Jr., Rahman Tashakkori, Ahmad Esmaili, Stephen R. Tate) (2014)
- No tests required - comparing traditional and dynamic predictors of programming success (Christopher Watson 0001, Frederick W. B. Li, Jamie L. Godwin) (2014)
- Teaching creative problem solving in a MOOC (Pascal Van Hentenryck, Carleton Coffrin) (2014)
- An extensible scene graph library for teaching computer graphics along the programmable pipeline (abstract only) (Volker Ahlers) (2014)
- AP CS principles and the beauty and joy of computing curriculum (abstract only) (Daniel D. Garcia, Brian Harvey, Tiffany Barnes, Daniel Armendariz, Jon McKinsey, Zachary MacHardy, Omoju Miller, Barry W. Peddycord III, Eugene Lemon, Sean Morris, Josh Paley) (2014)
- Project rise up 4 CS - increasing the number of black students who pass advanced placement CS A (Barbara J. Ericson, Shelly Engelman, Tom McKlin, Ja'Quan Taylor) (2014)
- State-level advocacy for computing education reform (abstract only) (W. Richards Adrion) (2014)
- Using the new lego MindStorms EV3 robotics platform in CS courses (abstract only) (Frank Klassner, Benjamin Schafer) (2014)
- Developing a game-based learning curriculum for «Big Data» in middle school (abstract only) (Allison G. Martínez-Arocho, Philip Sheridan Buffum, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer) (2014)
- CSTA chapters - building a CS community (abstract only) (Frances P. Trees, Lissa Clayborn) (2014)
- Teaching computing with the IPython notebook (abstract only) (Greg Wilson, Fernando Perez, Peter Norvig) (2014)
- How (not) to introduce badges to online exercises (Lassi Haaranen, Petri Ihantola, Lasse Hakulinen, Ari Korhonen) (2014)
- An ACM 2013 exemplar course integrating fundamentals, languages, and software engineering (Jason O. Hallstrom, Cathy Hochrine, Jacob Sorber, Murali Sitaraman) (2014)
- Creating stimulating, relevant, and manageable introductory computer science projects that utilize real-time web-based data (abstract only) (Eli Tilevich, Clifford A. Shaffer, Austin Cory Bart) (2014)
- Data-driven broadened participation (abstract only) (Michele S. Roberts) (2014)
- Adaptively identifying non-terminating code when testing student programs (Stephen H. Edwards, Zalia Shams, Craig Estep) (2014)
- Looking glass - a C++ library for testing student programs through reflection (abstract only) (Scott Turner) (2014)
- China's perspective from the viewpoint of computational thinking on CS1 for non-majors (abstract only) (Ming Zhang 0004, Bo Li, Ginnie Lo) (2014)
- Framing classroom climate for student learning and retention in computer science (Lecia Barker, Melissa O'Neill, Nida Kazim) (2014)
- A service learning practicum capstone (Aaron Bloomfield, Mark Sherriff, Kara Williams) (2014)
- Transforming introductory computer science projects via real-time web data (Austin Cory Bart, Eli Tilevich, T. Simin Hall, Tony Allevato, Clifford A. Shaffer) (2014)
- Developing a pre- and post-course concept inventory to gauge operating systems learning (Kevin C. Webb, Cynthia Taylor) (2014)
- Guidelines for group work in CS1 (abstract only) (Cecily Heiner) (2014)
- An analysis of difficulties encountered by novice alice programmers (abstract only) (Kuan-Yu Lin, Janet Mei-Chuen Lin, Hue-Ching Kao) (2014)
- Making games and apps in introductory computer science (abstract only) (Tiffany Barnes, Veronica Cateté, Andrew Hicks, Barry W. Peddycord III) (2014)
- Using a real world project in a software testing course (Daniel E. Krutz, Samuel A. Malachowsky, Thomas Reichlmayr) (2014)
- A town meeting - SIGCSE committee on expanding the women-in-computing community (abstract only) (Gloria Childress Townsend) (2014)
- Impact of programming language on success in high school programming contests (abstract only) (Stoney Jackson, Heidi J. C. Ellis, Robert Crouse) (2014)
- Integrating big data into the computing curricula (Yasin N. Silva, Suzanne W. Dietrich, Jason M. Reed, Lisa M. Tsosie) (2014)
- Syrus - providing practice problems in discrete mathematics with instant feedback (Diego Zaccai, Aditi Tagore, Dustin Hoffman, Jason Kirschenbaum, Zakariya Bainazarov, Harvey M. Friedman, Dennis K. Pearl, Bruce W. Weide) (2014)
- Exploring computer science - computational practices in action (abstract only) (Gail Chapman, Joanna Goode) (2014)
- Alternatives to lecture - experience peer instruction and pedagogical code reviews (Scott Grissom, Christopher D. Hundhausen, Phillip Conrad) (2014)
- They can't find us - the search for informal CS education (Betsy James DiSalvo, Cecili Reid, Parisa Khanipour Roshan) (2014)
- Tracking @stemxcomet - teaching programming to blind students via 3D printing, crisis management, and twitter (Shaun K. Kane, Jeffrey P. Bigham) (2014)
- Fighting impostor syndrome (abstract only) (Aidan L. Feldman, Matthew McCullough) (2014)
- SIGCSE plus you equals leverage (Andrea W. Lawrence) (2014)
- The rising renaissance engineer spectrum awards (abstract only) (Martha J. Kosa, Ambareen Siraj) (2014)
- ACM/IEEE-CS computer science curricula 2013 - implementing the final report (Mehran Sahami, Steve Roach, Ernesto Cuadros-Vargas, Elizabeth K. Hawthorne, Amruth Kumar, Richard LeBlanc, David Reed, Remzi Seker) (2014)
- IT curricular guidance for associate-degree granting institutions (abstract only) (Elizabeth K. Hawthorne, Robert D. Campbell, Jim Nichols, Cara Tang, Cindy S. Tucker) (2014)
- Exploring cognitive processes in program comprehension based on eye-movement analysis (abstract only) (Ting-Yun Hou, Yu-Tzu Lin, Yu-Chih Lin, Cheng-Chih Wu) (2014)
- Teaching security using hands-on exercises (abstract only) (Richard S. Weiss, Michael E. Locasto, Jens Mache, Elizabeth K. Hawthorne, Justin Cappos) (2014)
- Developing CS/SE students' communication abilities through a program-wide framework (Janet E. Burge, Gerald C. Gannod, Mike Carter, Alanna Howard, Brian Schultz, Mladen A. Vouk, David Wright 0004, Paul V. Anderson) (2014)
- The design of Sweden's first 5-year computer science and software engineering program (Fredrik Heintz, Inger Erlander Klein) (2014)
- Five years of game programming outreach - understanding student differences (Antti-Jussi Lakanen, Ville Isomöttönen, Vesa Lappalainen) (2014)
- Rediscovering the passion, beauty, joy, and awe - making computing fun again, part 7 (Daniel D. Garcia, Jennifer Campbell, Rebecca Dovi, Cay Horstmann) (2014)
- The absolute beginner's guide to JUnit in the classroom (abstract only) (Stephen H. Edwards, Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones) (2014)
- Learning relational algebra by snapping blocks (Jason Gorman, Sebastian Gsell, Chris Mayfield) (2014)
- Online discussions - improving education in CS? (Radu Paul Mihail, Beth Rubin, Judy Goldsmith) (2014)
- Course-embedded research in software development courses (Sonal Dekhane, Richard Price) (2014)
- Evaluating industry-inspired pair programming communication guidelines with undergraduate students (Mark Zarb, Janet Hughes, John Richards) (2014)
- Intelligence and security informatics - developing curricular modules in context (abstract only) (Wingyan Chung, Albert Chan, Daniel Plante, Ray Villalobos, Joseph Woodside) (2014)
- Utilizing gamification with social network to aid students in programming languages lessons in higher education IT courses (abstract only) (Marcell Amorim Almeida Mesquita, Armando Maciel Toda, Jacques Duilio Brancher, Ricardo Melo Casseb do Carmo) (2014)
- Scratch + Xbox Kinect - a magical combination for outreach (abstract only) (Victor T. Norman) (2014)
- Community engagement and service learning opportunities in computer science (abstract only) (Douglas E. Harms) (2014)
- The relationship between task difficulty and emotion in online computer programming tutoring (abstract only) (Joseph B. Wiggins, Joseph F. Grafsgaard, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, Eric N. Wiebe, James C. Lester) (2014)
- Teaching with HFOSS to provide students with real world experience - an introduction (abstract only) (Darci Burdge, Lori Postner, Becka Morgan, Heidi J. C. Ellis, Stoney Jackson, Gregory W. Hislop, Michelle Purcell) (2014)
- Using a software framework to enhance online teaching of shader-based OpenGL (James R. Miller) (2014)
- Opportunities for android projects in a CS1 course (Ivaylo Ilinkin) (2014)
- Privacy between technological capabilities and society's expectations (abstract only) (Ernst L. Leiss, Lila Ghemri) (2014)
- CrowdGrader - a tool for crowdsourcing the evaluation of homework assignments (Luca de Alfaro, Michael Shavlovsky) (2014)
- Chapel - a versatile tool for teaching undergraduates parallel programming (abstract only) (David P. Bunde, Kyle Burke) (2014)
- Adding unit test experience to a usability centered project course (Christopher Brown, Robert Pastel, Marika Seigel, Charles Wallace, Linda Ott) (2014)
- Khan academy gamifies computer science (Briana B. Morrison, Betsy James DiSalvo) (2014)
- Comparing educational experiences and on-the-job needs of educational software designers (Marisa Exter) (2014)
- Use of mobile application to improve active learning and student participation in the computer science classroom (abstract only) (Debzani Deb, Mohammad Muztaba Fuad) (2014)
- Remediation and student success in CIS programs (Douglas A. Kranch) (2014)
- Making use of the cognitive apprenticeship framework in an undergraduate robotics course (abstract only) (D. Brian Larkins) (2014)
- Curriculum is not enough - the educational theory and research foundation of the exploring computer science professional development model (Joanna Goode, Jane Margolis, Gail Chapman) (2014)
- Supporting computational algorithmic thinking (SCAT) - development of a complex cognitive capability in african-american middle-school girls (abstract only) (Jakita O. Thomas) (2014)
- Teaching service-oriented programming to CS and SE undergraduate students (abstract only) (Xumin Liu, Rajendra K. Raj, Thomas Reichlmayr, Alex Pantaleev, Chunmei Liu) (2014)
- Projects for computing summer camps for 4th-12th grade students (abstract only) (Barbara J. Ericson, Christopher Michaud, Xin Xu, Krishnendu Roy) (2014)
- Studio K - a game development environment designed for gains in computational thinking (abstract only) (Gabriella Anton, Matthew Berland) (2014)
- Towards engaging big data for CS1/2 (abstract only) (Nadeem Abdul Hamid, Steven Benzel) (2014)
- Special session - "hands-on" tutorial: teaching software correctness with RESOLVE (Murali Sitaraman, Bruce W. Weide) (2014)
- PLCC - a programming language compiler compiler (Timothy V. Fossum) (2014)
- Special session - engaging mathematical reasoning exercises (Joseph E. Hollingsworth, Murali Sitaraman) (2014)
- Bringing business intelligence to healthcare informatics curriculum - a preliminary investigation (Guangzhi Zheng, Chi Zhang, Lei Li) (2014)
- Using and sharing programming exercises to improve introductory courses (abstract only) (David Hovemeyer, Jaime Spacco, Robert C. Duvall, Stephen H. Edwards, Amruth N. Kumar, Andrew Petersen, Daniel Zingaro) (2014)
- Student projects are not throwaways - teaching practical software maintenance in a software engineering course (Claudia Szabo) (2014)
- Nifty assignments (Nick Parlante, Julie Zelenski, Josh Hug, John Nicholson, John DeNero, Antti Laaksonen, Arto Vihavainen, Frank McCown, Kevin Wayne) (2014)
- Teaching CS 1 with POGIL activities and roles (Helen H. Hu, Tricia D. Shepherd) (2014)
- Teaching parallel design patterns to undergraduates in computer science (Richard A. Brown, Joel C. Adams, Clayton Ferner, Elizabeth Shoop, Anthony Barry Wilkinson) (2014)
- Introducing CodeWorkout - an adaptive and social learning environment (abstract only) (Kevin Buffardi, Stephen H. Edwards) (2014)
- Inspiring a love of computer science through the education of our youth (abstract only) (Paige H. Meeker) (2014)
- How do we measure success? - a new instrument for evaluating girls' progress in middle and high school computing programs (abstract only) (Catherine S. Ashcraft, Wendy M. DuBow, Zhen Wu) (2014)
- Integrating active learning techniques into systems courses (abstract only) (Michael S. Kirkpatrick, Leo Porter) (2014)
- Selecting open source software projects to teach software engineering (Thérèse Mary Smith, Robert McCartney, Swapna S. Gokhale, Lisa C. Kaczmarczyk) (2014)
- Enhancing computer science education (CSE) with the use of 3D printer technology - Workshop (Robert Lutz, Evelyn Brannock) (2014)
- Introduction to analysing the BlueJ blackbox data (abstract only) (Neil Christopher Charles Brown) (2014)
- Teaching open source (software) (abstract only) (Karl Wurst, Lori Postner, Stoney Jackson) (2014)
- A first-year experience report on a model for statewide deployment of CS principles courses (abstract only) (Jeff Gray, Mokter Hossain, Jonathan Corley, Amber Wagner, Cassidy Lamm, Mary Boehm, Carol Crawford, Kathleen Haynie, Sheryl Packman, Deepa Muralidhar, Jeff Baker, Roy Black, Sandy Falgout, Leella Holt, Albert Lilly, Gina McCarley, James Morse, Jennie Rountree, Jill Westerlund, Carol Yarbrough) (2014)
- Effectiveness of a computational thinking (CS0) course on student analytical skills (Michele Van Dyne, Jeffrey Braun) (2014)
- Kodu alice and computer science unplugged - a model of effective introducing middle school students to computer science and computational thinking (abstract only) (Daniela Marghitu, Lavaris Thomas, Yasmeen Rawajfih, Jillian Hall, Andrew Marshall) (2014)
- ITSEED - hands-on labs for IT security education (abstract only) (Yan Bai, Xinli Wang) (2014)
- Defining and evaluating conflictive animations for programming education - the case of jeliot ConAn (Andrés Moreno, Erkki Sutinen, Mike Joy) (2014)
- Survey courses and AP CS principles (abstract only) (Chris Mayfield, Dennis Brylow) (2014)
- Experiences mapping and revising curricula with CS2013 (David Reed, Andrea Danyluk, Elizabeth K. Hawthorne, Mehran Sahami, Henry M. Walker) (2014)
- Code club - bringing programming to UK primary schools through scratch (Neil Smith, Clare Sutcliffe, Linda Sandvik) (2014)
- Puzzle-based learning - introducing creative thinking and problem solving for computer science and engineering (abstract only) (Raja Sooriamurthi, Nickolas J. G. Falkner, Ed Meyer, Zbigniew Michalewicz) (2014)
- Scala for introductory CS and parallelism(abstract only) (Mark C. Lewis, Konstantin Läufer, George K. Thiruvathukal) (2014)
- An exploration of mentor-protégé relationships and how to train future mentors (abstract only) (Elissa M. Redmiles, Jandelyn D. Plane) (2014)
- An experience report on using gamification in technical higher education (Alexandru Iosup, Dick H. J. Epema) (2014)
- Interdisciplinary computing in many forms (Lillian (Boots) Cassel, Bonnie K. MacKellar, Joan Peckham, Carol Spradling, Han Reichgelt, Suzanne Westbrook, Ursula Wolz) (2014)
- Use and development of entertainment technologies in after school STEM program (Veronica Cateté, Kathleen Wassell, Tiffany Barnes) (2014)
- Toolmaker or scientist? (abstract only) (Brian Patterson, William E. J. Doane) (2014)
- Blackbox - a large scale repository of novice programmers' activity (Neil Christopher Charles Brown, Michael Kölling, David McCall, Ian Utting) (2014)
- Dynamic program visualizations - an experience report (James H. Cross, T. Dean Hendrix, Larry A. Barowski, David A. Umphress) (2014)
- Observations of first learners with different capabilities (abstract only) (Amber Wagner, Jeff Gray) (2014)
- CAT's - not just a furry friend. using active learning in your classrooms (abstract only) (Nina S. Onesti, Saul Blanco, John Duncan, Mitja Hmeljak, Dan Richert) (2014)
- Interactive e-learning modules for teaching secure - a pilot study (abstract only) (Sagar Raina, Blair Taylor, Siddharth Kaza) (2014)
- A first year common course on computational problem solving and programming (abstract only) (Bruce W. Char, Thomas T. Hewett) (2014)
- Integrating computer science and mathematics in middle school with alice (abstract only) (Susan H. Rodger, Daniel MacDonald, Elizabeth Onstwedder, Bella Onwumbiko, Edwin Ward) (2014)
- An undergraduate degree in data science - curriculum and a decade of implementation experience (Paul E. Anderson, James F. Bowring, Renée McCauley, George Pothering, Christopher W. Starr) (2014)
- Increasing the effectiveness of automated assessment by increasing marking granularity and feedback units (Nickolas J. G. Falkner, Rebecca Vivian, David Piper, Katrina Falkner) (2014)
- Altruism among programmers - the availability and effectiveness of on-line, spontaneous peer mentoring in competitive problem solving (abstract only) (David Sturgill) (2014)
- CS principles goes to middle school - learning how to teach "Big Data" (Philip Sheridan Buffum, Allison G. Martínez-Arocho, Megan Hardy Frankosky, Fernando J. Rodríguez, Eric N. Wiebe, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer) (2014)
- NSF/IEEE-TCPP curriculum initiative on parallel and distributed computing - core topics for undergraduates (abstract only) (Sushil K. Prasad, Almadena Yu. Chtchelkanova, Anshul Gupta, Arnold L. Rosenberg, Alan Sussman) (2014)
- Artbotics with lego mindstorms (abstract only) (Adam Norton, Holly A. Yanco) (2014)
- Facilitating human interaction in an online programming course (Joe Warren, Scott Rixner, John Greiner, Stephen Wong) (2014)
- Revitalizing the computer science undergraduate curriculum inside and outside of the classroom using mobile computing platforms (abstract only) (Shiva Azadegan, Josh Dehlinger, Siddharth Kaza) (2014)
- STEM teaching as an additional profession for scientists and engineers - the case of computer science education (Orit Hazzan, Noa Ragonis) (2014)
- Hands-on cybersecurity exercises in the EDURange framework (abstract only) (Richard S. Weiss, Jens Mache, Michael E. Locasto, Vincent Nestler) (2014)
- CS principles professional development - only 9, 500 to go! (Jan Cuny, Diane A. Baxter, Daniel D. Garcia, Jeff Gray, Ralph Morelli) (2014)
- Pythy - improving the introductory python programming experience (Stephen H. Edwards, Daniel S. Tilden, Anthony Allevato) (2014)
- RIT's new minor in free and open source software and free culture (abstract only) (Stephen Jacobs, Amit Ray, Jonathan Schull) (2014)
- Hands-on introduction to computer science at the freshman level (Raghuraman Balasubramanian, Zachary York, Matthew Doran, Aritra Biswas, Timur Girgin, Karthikeyan Sankaralingam) (2014)
- Integrating software testing into programming courses (WISTPC 2014) (abstract only) (Peter J. Clarke, Yujian Fu, James Kiper, Gursimran S. Walia) (2014)
- Teaching tips we wish they'd told us before we started - high school edition (Daniel D. Garcia, Baker Franke, Stephanie Hoeppner, Josh Paley) (2014)
- GENI as a virtual laboratory for networking and distributed systems classes (abstract only) (Vicraj Thomas, Niky Riga, Sarah Edwards) (2014)
- Introduction to programming for scientists and engineers (abstract only) (Peter H. Froehlich, Joanne F. Selinski) (2014)
- Promoting professional responsibility and ethics - the pledge of the computing professional (abstract only) (John K. Estell, Ken Christensen) (2014)
- Technology that educators of computing hail (TECH) - come, share your favorites! (abstract only) (Daniel D. Garcia, Daniel Armendariz) (2014)
- Perspectives on co-linking design and development courses in CS (Yolanda Reimer, Michael Cassens) (2014)
- Interdisciplinary computing classes - worth the effort (Lori Carter) (2014)
- Including HCI and user experience (UX) methodologies in computing curricula (abstract only) (Debra Lee Davis, Dave Berque, Janet Davis, Matt Jadud, Paul Resnick) (2014)
- Ensemble - the sharing community (abstract only) (Lillian N. Cassel, Lois M. L. Delcambre, Gregory W. Hislop) (2014)
- How to decode student bottlenecks to learning in computer science (abstract only) (Adrian German, Suzanne Menzel, Joan Middendorf, John F. Duncan) (2014)
- Web programming (abstract only) (Martin Stepp, Jessica Miller) (2014)
- Techniques for retaining low performing students - high-need student mentoring program (abstract only) (Shearon Brown, Xiaohong Yuan) (2014)
- Taking a walk on the wild side - teaching cloud computing on distributed research testbeds (Yanyan Zhuang, Chris Matthews, Stephen Tredger, Steven Ness, Jesse Short-Gershman, Li Ji, Niko Rebenich, Andrew French, Josh Erickson, Kyliah Clarkson, Yvonne Coady, Rick McGeer) (2014)
- Workplace scenarios to integrate communication skills and content - a case study (Mark E. Hoffman, Paul V. Anderson, Magnus Gustafsson) (2014)
- Mobile computer science principles - a professional development sampler for teachers (abstract only) (Ralph A. Morelli, David Wolber, Jennifer Rosato, Chinma Uche, Pauline Lake) (2014)
- Toward curricular guidelines for cybersecurity (Andrew D. McGettrick, Lillian N. Cassel, Melissa Dark, Elizabeth K. Hawthorne, John Impagliazzo) (2014)
- An environment for learning interactive programming (Terry Tang, Scott Rixner, Joe Warren) (2014)
- On the efficacy of board game strategy development as a first-year CS project (Ivona Bezáková, James E. Heliotis, Sean Strout) (2014)
- Identifying challenging CS1 concepts in a large problem dataset (Yuliya Cherenkova, Daniel Zingaro, Andrew Petersen) (2014)
- Teaching artificial intelligence as a lab science - basic and informed search (abstract only) (Stephanie E. August, Michael A. Fraser, Miguel A. Vazquez) (2014)
- Dynamic program visualizations for Java (abstract only) (James H. Cross, T. Dean Hendrix, David A. Umphress) (2014)
- Improving software engineering education through an empirical approach - lessons learned from capstone teaching experiences (Andrés Neyem, José I. Benedetto, Andres F. Chacon) (2014)
- Sneaking in through the back door - introducing k-12 teachers to robot programming (Jennifer S. Kay, Janet G. Moss, Shelly Engelman, Tom McKlin) (2014)
- Resources for teaching web science to computer science undergraduates (abstract only) (Frank McCown, Michael L. Nelson) (2014)
- Multiple case study of nerd identity in a CS1 class (Don G. Davis, Timothy T. Yuen, Matthew Berland) (2014)
- Data science as an undergraduate degree (Paul Anderson, James W. McGuffee, David Uminsky) (2014)
- Teaching composition quality at scale - human judgment in the age of autograders (John DeNero, Stephen Martinis) (2014)
- Teaching shared memory parallel concepts with OpenMP (abstract only) (Joel C. Adams, Richard A. Brown, Elizabeth Shoop) (2014)
- Identifying elementary students' pre-instructional ability to develop algorithms and step-by-step instructions (Hilary A. Dwyer, Charlotte Hill, Stacey Carpenter, Danielle Harlow, Diana Franklin) (2014)
- WiPSCE 2014 - Proceedings of the 9th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education, Berlin, Germany, November 5-7, 2014 (Carsten Schulte, Michael E. Caspersen, Judith Gal-Ezer) (2014)
- Starting from scratch - experimenting with computer science in Flemish secondary education (Francis Wyffels, Bern Martens, Stefan Lemmens) (2014)
- Software engineering students in the city (Leigh Ann DeLyser) (2014)
- Should your 8-year-old learn coding? (Caitlin Duncan, Tim Bell, Steve Tanimoto) (2014)
- Scratch vs. Karel - impact on learning outcomes and motivation (Alexander Ruf, Andreas Mühling, Peter Hubwieser) (2014)
- Abstraction as a bridging concept between computer science and physics (Rivka Taub, Michal Armoni, Mordechai Ben-Ari) (2014)
- The KOALA team competition for middle schools in algorithmic puzzle-like problem solving (Pawel Perekietka, Lukasz Nitschke, Jadwiga Jagiela, Agnieszka Kukla, Przemyslaw Pela) (2014)
- Physical computing in computer science education (Mareen Grillenberger, Ralf Romeike) (2014)
- Identity development in computing education - theoretical perspectives and an implementation in the classroom (Anne-Kathrin Peters, Detlef Rick) (2014)
- The network of teaching excellence in computer science and master teachers (Sue Sentance, Simon Humphreys, Mark Dorling) (2014)
- Petri nets in secondary CS education (Michael Rücker, Niels Pinkwart) (2014)
- Students' motivations, self-concepts of ability and expectations regarding the subject informatics - results of a school experiment (Claudia Hildebrandt, Ira Diethelm) (2014)
- A comparison of the field data management and its representation in secondary CS curricula (Andreas Grillenberger, Ralf Romeike) (2014)
- On human language and terminology used for teaching and learning CS/informatics (Ira Diethelm, Juliana Goschler) (2014)
- Students' cognition - outcomes from an initial study with student teachers (Laura Ohrndorf, Sigrid E. Schubert) (2014)
- Introducing teachers to computational thinking using unplugged storytelling (Paul Curzon, Peter W. McOwan, Nicola Plant, Laura R. Meagher) (2014)
- Towards agile practices in CS secondary education with a design based research approach (Petra Kastl, Ralf Romeike) (2014)
- Playing with computing at a children's university (Maciej M. Syslo, Anna Beata Kwiatkowska) (2014)
- Examining the effects of an instructional intervention on destabilizing learners' misconceptions about the central processing unit (Ioannis Ioannou, Charoula Angeli) (2014)
- Preparing secondary computer science teachers through an iterative development process (Barbara J. Ericson, Mark Guzdial, Tom McKlin) (2014)
- Informatics concepts for primary education - preparing children for computational thinking (Barbara Sabitzer, Peter K. Antonitsch, Stefan Pasterk) (2014)
- T4T - a peer training model for in-service teachers (G. Barbara Demo) (2014)
- A game to teach network communication reliability problems and solutions (Sam Jarman, Tim Bell) (2014)
- Playing PISA with bebras (Peter Hubwieser, Andreas Mühling) (2014)
- Programming in the wild - trends in youth computational participation in the online scratch community (Deborah A. Fields, Michael Giang, Yasmin B. Kafai) (2014)
- Preparing teachers is different than preparing software developers - [WiPSCE'14 keynote] (Mark Guzdial) (2014)
- Computational thinking skills in dutch secondary education - exploring teacher's perspective (Natasa Grgurina, Erik Barendsen, Bert Zwaneveld, Klaas van Veen, Idzard Stoker) (2014)
- Learning computer science by watching video games (Hiroyuki Nagataki) (2014)
- Code or (not code) - separating formal and natural language in CS education (Quintin I. Cutts, Richard C. H. Connor, Greg Michaelson, Peter Donaldson) (2014)
- Niveau transformations - a tool for method classification and lesson planning (2014)
- Starting from scratch - experimenting with computer science in Flemish secondary education (Francis Wyffels, Bern Martens, Stefan Lemmens) (2014)
- Lehrplan21 ist da: IT-Branche kann aufatmen (Fabian Vogt) (2014)
- Lehrplan 21 (Politisch verabschiedete Fassung) (D-EDK Deutschschweizer Erziehungsdirektorenkonferenz) (2014)
- Medien und Informatik (2014)
- Medien und Informatik (2014)
- Heidi Schelhowe - Mädchen und Informatik - Tagesgespräch vom Donnerstag, 13.11.2014 auf Radio SRF (Heidi Schelhowe, Ivana Pribakovic) (2014)
- Schweiz First Findings - Internationale Computer- und Informationskompetenzstudie (ICILS 2013) - Vorläufiger Bericht: Erste Fassung (Konsortium (2014)
- Koli Calling 2014 - Proceedings of the 14th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research, Koli, Finland, November 20-23, 2014 (Simon, Päivi Kinnunen) (2014)
- Lauren Ipsum - A Story About Computer Science and Other Improbable Things (Carlos Bueno) (2014)
- Vielfalt der Informatik (Anja Zeising, Claude Draude, Heidi Schelhowe, Susanne Maass) (2014)
- Die Informatisierung der Lebenswelt - Der Strategiewandel algorithmischer Alltagsbewältigung (Hans D. Hellige)
- Männlichkeitsbilder in der Geschichte der Informatik (Heidi Schelhowe)
- 1. Einleitung
- Die Informatisierung der Lebenswelt - Der Strategiewandel algorithmischer Alltagsbewältigung (Hans D. Hellige)
- Identifying and formulating teachers’ beliefs and motivational orientations for computer science teacher education (Elena Bender, Niclas Schaper, Michael E. Caspersen, Melanie Margaritis, Peter Hubwieser) (2015)
- Political computational thinking - policy networks, digital governance and ‘learning to code’ (Ben Williamson) (2015)
- Teaching Computing - Developing as a Reflective Secondary Teacher (Carl Simmons, Claire Hawkins) (2015)
- Grundkurs Informatik - Grundlagen und Konzepte für die erfolgreiche IT-Praxis - Eine umfassende, praxisorientierte Einführung (Hartmut Ernst, Jochen Schmidt, Gerd Beneken) (2015)
- Great Principles of Computing (Peter Denning, Craig Martell) (2015)
- Subjektive Theorien von Informatiklehrkraften zur fachdidaktischen Strukturierung ihres Unterrichts (Ana-Maria Stoffers) (2015)
- Code-It: How to Teach Primary Programming Using Scratch (Phil Bagge) (2015)
- Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge - Exploring, Developing, and Assessing TPCK (Charoula Angeli, Nicos Valanides) (2015)
- Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge as a Framework for Integrating Educational Technology in the Teaching of Computer Science (Ioannis Ioannou, Charoula Angeli)
- Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge as a Framework for Integrating Educational Technology in the Teaching of Computer Science (Ioannis Ioannou, Charoula Angeli)
- IT an allgemeinbildenden Schulen - Auswertung internationaler empirischer Studien und Literaturanalyse (Carola Schauer, Hanno Schauer) (2015)
- Die digitale Gesellschaft - Login Nr 180 (2015)
- Die dunkle Seite der Macht (Andrea Knaut, Jörg Pohle)
- Die dunkle Seite der Macht (Andrea Knaut, Jörg Pohle)
- Computational Thinking in der Lehrerbildung (Alexander Repenning) (2015)
- Minding the gap between blocks-based and text-based programming (David Weintrop) (2015)
- Digitale Kompetenzen von Lehrpersonen für den Lehrplan 21 - Auslegeordnung zur Planung von Aus- und Weiterbildung (Beat Döbeli Honegger) (2015)
- SIGCSE 2015 - Kansas City, MO, USA, March 4-7, 2015 (Adrienne Decker, Kurt Eiselt, Carl Alphonce, Jodi Tims) (2015)
- Teaching Parallel & Distributed Computing with MPI - (Abstract Only) (Joel C. Adams, Richard A. Brown, Elizabeth Shoop) (2015)
- Partnering to Promote State-by-State Computing Education Reform - (Abstract Only) (W. Richards Adrion, Mark Guzdial, Barbara J. Ericson) (2015)
- 37 Million Compilations - Investigating Novice Programming Mistakes in Large-Scale Student Data (Amjad AlTadmri, Neil C. C. Brown) (2015)
- Using BlueJ to Code Java on the Raspberry Pi (Amjad AlTadmri, Neil C. C. Brown, Michael Kölling) (2015)
- Evaluating Scratch Programs to Assess Computational Thinking in a Science Lesson - (Abstract Only) (Jennifer Albert, Barry W. Peddycord III, Tiffany Barnes) (2015)
- Sharing Best Practices for Alumni Engagement - (Abstract Only) (Meghan Allen, Ben Coleman, Diane Horton, Lynn Lambert, Michele Ng) (2015)
- A Data Programming CS1 Course (Ruth E. Anderson, Michael D. Ernst, Robert Ordóñez, Paul Pham, Ben Tribelhorn) (2015)
- An Experience Report at Teaching a Group Based Agile Software Development Project Course (Craig Anslow, Frank Maurer) (2015)
- Bringing Grades K-5 to the Mainstream of Computer Science Education (Katie Apone, Marina Umaschi Bers, Karen Brennan, Diana Franklin, Maya Israel, Pat Yongpradit) (2015)
- A Socio-Cognitive Analysis of Summer Camp Outcomes and Experiences (Chulakorn Aritajati, Mary Beth Rosson, Joslenne Pena, Dana Cinque, Ana Segura) (2015)
- Culturally Responsive Computing - An In-depth Examination of Outcomes in COMPUGIRLS (Abstract Only) (Catherine Ashcraft) (2015)
- Computer Science Principles - Expanding the Community (Abstract Only) (Owen L. Astrachan, Lien Diaz, Amy Briggs, Fran Trees, Richard Kick) (2015)
- Scaling High School Computer Science - Exploring Computer Science and Computer Science Principles (Owen L. Astrachan, Ralph Morelli, Gail Chapman, Jeffrey G. Gray) (2015)
- Can We «Flip» Non-Major Programming Courses Yet? (Doug Baldwin) (2015)
- What Math is the Right Math for Computing? - (Abstract Only) (Doug Baldwin, John P. Dougherty) (2015)
- Computer Science - Small Department Initiative (Abstract Only) (Catherine C. Bareiss) (2015)
- Teaching Computing Foundations to Non-Majors - (Abstract Only) (Catherine C. Bareiss, Larry Vail) (2015)
- What Influences CS Faculty to Adopt Teaching Practices? (Lecia Barker, Christopher Lynnly Hovey, Jane Gruning) (2015)
- Situating Computational Thinking with Big Data - Pedagogy and Technology (Abstract Only) (Austin Cory Bart) (2015)
- Closing The Cyberlearning Loop - Enabling Teachers To Formatively Assess Student Programming Projects (Ashok Ram Basawapatna, Alexander Repenning, Kyu Han Koh) (2015)
- SIGCSE Reads - Time for Book Discussion (Rebecca Bates, Judy Goldsmith, Valerie Summet) (2015)
- Using Pencil Code to Bridge the Gap between Visual and Text-Based Coding - (Abstract Only) (David Bau, Matthew Dawson, Anthony Bau) (2015)
- Making Computer Science a First-Class Object in the K-12 Next Generation Science Standards - (Abstract Only) (Marie A. Bienkowski) (2015)
- Improvement of Robot Mapping and Localization Using Combined Sensory Data - (Abstract Only) (Deanna Biesan) (2015)
- Unci - a C++-based Unit-testing Framework for Intro Students (Don Blaheta) (2015)
- FrenchPress Gives Students Automated Feedback on Java Program Flaws - (Abstract Only) (Hannah Blau) (2015)
- Introducing Computing Concepts to Non-Majors - A Case Study in Gothic Novels (Heather Bort, Mimi Czarnik, Dennis Brylow) (2015)
- Speed Estimation Using Computer Vision - (Abstract Only) (Matthew Bowen) (2015)
- Ante Up - A Framework to Strengthen Student-Based Testing of Assignments (Michael K. Bradshaw) (2015)
- Integrating Cutting Edge Devices to Increase Student Retention in Programming - (Abstract Only) (Evelyn Brannock, Robert Lutz, Mai Yin Tsoi) (2015)
- Supporting the Computer Science Learning Process (Amy Briggs, David Bau, Caroline Meeks, Pat Yongpradit) (2015)
- Reconsidering Automated Feedback - A Test-Driven Approach (Kevin Buffardi, Stephen H. Edwards) (2015)
- A Practical Guide to Developing and Validating Computer Science Knowledge Assessments with Application to Middle School (Philip Sheridan Buffum, Eleni V. Lobene, Megan Hardy Frankosky, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, Eric N. Wiebe, James C. Lester) (2015)
- Developing a Robotics Education Platform using Android Based Cellbots - (Abstract Only) (Donald D. Buhl-Brown) (2015)
- Insights into Teaching and Learning - Reflections on MOOC Experiences (Janet Burge) (2015)
- SPOCs - What, Why, and How (Janet Burge, Armando Fox, Dan Grossman, Gerald Roth, Joe Warren) (2015)
- A Module-based Approach to Adopting the 2013 ACM Curricular Recommendations on Parallel Computing (Martin Burtscher, Wuxu Peng, Apan Qasem, Hongchi Shi, Dan Tamir, Heather Thiry) (2015)
- On Beyond Sudoku - Pencil Puzzles for Introductory Computer Science (Abstract Only) (Zack Butler, Ivona Bezáková) (2015)
- Booming Enrollments - Good Times? (Tracy Camp, Stu Zweben, Ellen Walker, Lecia Barker) (2015)
- An Experience Report - Using Mobile Development To Teach Software Design (Jennifer Campbell, Anya Tafliovich) (2015)
- Teaching Cryptography and Access Control Hands-On - (Abstract Only) (Steve Carr, Melissa S. Keranen, Jean Mayo) (2015)
- Towards Incremental Separation of Surmountable and Insurmountable Programming Difficulties (Jason Carter, Prasun Dewan, Mauro Pichiliani) (2015)
- Moving Ahead with Undergraduate Computational Science Programs - (Abstract Only) (Lori Carter, Tim Little, Claire Mathews) (2015)
- Integrating Live Projects Into Computing Curriculum (Joe D. Chase, Premchand Uppuluri, Tracy L. Lewis, Ian Barland, Jeff Pittges) (2015)
- ACEit! - Assist Children in English-language (Abstract Only) (Jae-Hyun Choe) (2015)
- Reactive Game Engine Programming for STEM Outreach (Alan Cleary, Lucas Vandenbergh, John Peterson) (2015)
- Growing a K-12 Community of Practice (Stephen Cooper, Susan H. Rodger, Madeleine Schep, RoxAnn H. Stalvey, Wanda Dann) (2015)
- Computational Creativity in the Culinary Arts - (Abstract Only) (Erol Cromwell) (2015)
- Tutorial - Concurrency with Alice 3 and Java (Wanda Dann, Dennis Cosgrove, Don Slater) (2015)
- Small or Liberal Arts Colleges Adapting to CS2013 - Making It Work (Abstract Only) (Andrea Danyluk, Michael J. Jipping, Rhys Price Jones, David Reed, Brad Richards, Richard Wicentowski) (2015)
- Preparing Undergraduates to Make the Most of Attending CS Conferences - (Abstract Only) (Janet Davis, Christine Alvarado, Miranda C. Parker, Jennelle Nystrom) (2015)
- Steal This Courseware - FOSS, Github, Python, and OpenShift (Abstract Only) (Remy DeCausemaker, Stephen Jacobs) (2015)
- Data Mining - Building Better Bug Messages (Abstract Only) (Mindy DeWaal) (2015)
- Randomized Reduction (Brian C. Dean, Raghuveer Mohan, Chad G. Waters) (2015)
- Summer Programming Boot Camp - A Strategy For Retaining Women In IT (Abstract Only) (Sonal Dekhane, Kristine S. Nagel, Nannette P. Napier) (2015)
- The Emerging Role of Self-Perception in Student Intentions (Jennifer Dempsey, Richard T. Snodgrass, Isabel Kishi, Allison Titcomb) (2015)
- Generating Practice Questions as a Preparation Strategy for Introductory Programming Exams (Paul Denny) (2015)
- The Internet, Creativity and Global Impact - Curriculum Modules for the New AP Computer Science Principles Course (Abstract Only) (Lien Diaz, Richard Kick, Andrew Kuemmel) (2015)
- How to Plan and Run Summer Computing Camps - Logistics (Abstract Only) (Marguerite A. Doman, Barbara J. Ericson, Kristine S. Nagel, Nannette P. Napier, Krishnendu Roy) (2015)
- Scratch - A Way to Logo and Python (Mark Dorling, Dave White) (2015)
- Computing on the Silicon Prairie - The State of CS in Nebraska Public Schools (Brian Dorn, Derek Babb, Dawn M. Nizzi, Cory M. Epler) (2015)
- SEED Labs - Using Hands-on Lab Exercises for Computer Security Education (Abstract Only) (Wenliang Du) (2015)
- Using CABECTPortal as a Case Study to Extend the Capabilities of Penetration Testing Tools - (Abstract Only) (Derek M. Duchesne) (2015)
- Focused Mining of University Course Descriptions from Highly Variable Sources - (Abstract Only) (Thomas D. Effland) (2015)
- Reviewing NSF Proposals - Learn about Effective Proposal Writing via the Review Process (Abstract Only) (Michael Erlinger, Paul T. Tymann) (2015)
- Smartwatches For Junior/Senior Level CS Education - (Abstract Only) (Andrey Esakia) (2015)
- Augmenting Undergraduate Computer Science Education With Programmable Smartwatches (Andrey Esakia, Shuo Niu, D. Scott McCrickard) (2015)
- Research, Resources and Communities - Informal Ed as a Partner in Computer Science Education (Cameron L. Fadjo, Betsy James DiSalvo, Irene Lee, Karen Peterson) (2015)
- An Across-Institution Anytime MOOC in Database (Douglas Fisher) (2015)
- Blended CS Courses using Massive, Open, Online Courses (and other Online Resources) - (Abstract Only) (Douglas H. Fisher, Janet Burge, Mary Lou Maher, Jerry Roth) (2015)
- MIST, The Mathematical Image Synthesis Toolkit (Eileen Fordham, Halley Freger, Amanda Hinchman-Dominguez, Alexander Mitchell, Daniel Rebelsky, Victoria Tsou, Earnest Wheeler, Zoe Wolter, Samuel A. Rebelsky) (2015)
- Developing Computational Thinking Through Image Making and Constructionist Learning - (Abstract Only) (Eileen Fordham, Halley Freger, Amanda Hinchman-Dominguez, Alexander Mitchell, Daniel Rebelsky, Victoria Tsou, Earnest Wheeler, Zoe Wolter, Samuel A. Rebelsky) (2015)
- Algorithmic Thinking - Program that Solve Well-defined Visual Problems (Abstract Only) (Elodie Fourquet) (2015)
- Raspberry HadooPI - A Low-Cost, Hands-On Laboratory in Big Data and Analytics (Abstract Only) (Kenneth Fox, William M. Mongan, Jeffrey L. Popyack) (2015)
- Decoding CS Principles - A Curriculum from (Abstract Only) (Baker Franke, Rebecca Brook Osborne) (2015)
- KELP CS and LaPlaya - A Computational Thinking Curriculum and Development Environment for 4th - 6th Grade (Abstract Only) (Diana Franklin, Hilary A. Dwyer) (2015)
- EarSketch - A Web-based Environment for Teaching Introductory Computer Science Through Music Remixing (Jason Freeman, Brian Magerko, Regis Verdin) (2015)
- Computer Science Principles With EarSketch - (Abstract Only) (Jason Freeman, Brian Magerko, Regis Verdin) (2015)
- E-Assess - A Web-Based Tool for Coordinating and Managing Program Assessment (Abstract Only) (Jean H. French, D. Brian Larkins) (2015)
- Integrating Programming into Physics and Algebra - (Abstract Only) (Eric Andrew Freudenthal, Kien Lim, Karla Carmona, Catherine Tabor) (2015)
- Using App Inventor in Introductory CS Courses (Meimei Gao, Julie Johnson, Dale Reed, Cate Sheller, Franklyn A. Turbak) (2015)
- Computer Science Principles Curricula - On-the-ground; adoptable; adaptable; approaches to teaching (Daniel D. Garcia, Owen L. Astrachan, Bennett Brown, Jeffrey G. Gray, Calvin Lin, Bradley Beth, Ralph Morelli, Marie desJardins, Nigmanath Sridhar) (2015)
- Technology We Can't Live Without! (Daniel D. Garcia, Eric Allatta, Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, Jeff Solin) (2015)
- Resources and Strategies for Flipped Classrooms - (Abstract Only) (Edward F. Gehringer, Mark S. Hall) (2015)
- SOLO Taxonomy for Assessing Novices' Algorithmic Design (David Ginat, Eti Menashe) (2015)
- Study Abroad Experiences in Computer Science - (Abstract Only) (Michael Goldweber) (2015)
- Real Time Occupancy Notification - A Comparison Between Passive Infrared and iBeacon Implementations (Abstract Only) (Brandon Gottlob) (2015)
- A Case Study on Adding Computer Science as a Math Graduation Elective - A Report from the Alabama CS/Mathematics Crosswalk Committee (Abstract Only) (Jeff Gray, Mary Boehm, Carol Crawford, Jeff Baker, Gina McCarley, Kitty Morgan, Kelley Rouze, Jill Westerlund, Carol Yarbrough) (2015)
- A Mid-Project Report on a Statewide Professional Development Model for CS Principles (Jeffrey G. Gray, Kathleen Haynie, Sheryl Packman, Mary Boehm, Carol Crawford, Deepa Muralidhar) (2015)
- Infusing Cooperative Learning into Early Computer Science Courses to Support Improved Engagement (Abstract Only) (Jeff Gray, Fran Trees, Owen L. Astrachan) (2015)
- Using a Message Board as a Teaching Tool in an Introductory Cyber-Security Course (Raymond Greenlaw, Christopher Brown, Zachary Dannelly, Andrew Phillips, Sarah Standard) (2015)
- Working with Undergraduate Teaching Assistants - Best Practices and Lessons Learned (Abstract Only) (Chris Gregg, Colleen M. Lewis) (2015)
- Hugging and Bridging - What It Is And Why You Should Be Doing It! (Abstract Only) (Shuchi Grover) (2015)
- Assessments for Computational Thinking in K-12 - (Abstract Only) (Shuchi Grover, Marie A. Bienkowski, Eric Snow) (2015)
- K12 CS Teaching Methods Courses - (Abstract Only) (Shuchi Grover, R. Benjamin Shapiro, Brian Dorn) (2015)
- Personalized Attention @ Scale - Talk Isn't Cheap, But It's Effective (Dirk Grunwald, Elizabeth Boese, Rhonda Hoenigman, Andy Sayler, Judith A. Stafford) (2015)
- Statistics-infused Introduction to Computer Science (Olaf A. Hall-Holt, Kevin R. Sanft) (2015)
- Automation of Layer 7 DDoS Attacks and Post Forensic Analysis of Server Logs (Barry Hamilton Jr.) (2015)
- Connected, Committed and Social? - The Consequences of Computing for Relationships (Keith N. Hampton) (2015)
- Teaching Computer Science Soft Skills - (Abstract Only) (Orit Hazzan, Gadi Har-Shai) (2015)
- Big Data in Computer Science Education Research (Orit Hazzan, Clifford A. Shaffer) (2015)
- Using Workflow Technology to Create Scenario-based Workflows for Information Security Education - Scenario-based Workflows (Abstract Only) (Wu He, Ashish Kshirsagar, Alexander Nwala, Yaohang Li) (2015)
- Automating Software Engineering Best Practices Using an Open Source Continuous Integration Framework (Abstract Only) (Sarah Heckman, Jason King, Michael Winters) (2015)
- Panel on Flipped Classrooms (Jesse M. Heines, Jeffrey L. Popyack, Briana B. Morrison, Kate Lockwood, Doug Baldwin) (2015)
- Launching CROMA - Computational Research On Music & Audio (David Heise) (2015)
- Floors and Flexibility - Designing a Programming Environment for 4th-6th Grade Classrooms (Charlotte Hill, Hilary A. Dwyer, Tim Martinez, Danielle Harlow, Diana Franklin) (2015)
- Educating for Both Art and Technology (Jessica K. Hodgins) (2015)
- Student Board-Writing to Integrate Communication Skills and Content to Enhance Student Learning (Abstract Only) (Mark E. Hoffman) (2015)
- Gender Differences in High School Students' Decisions to Study Computer Science and Related Fields (Abstract Only) (Hai Hong, Jennifer Wang, Jason Ravitz, Mo-Yun Lei Fong) (2015)
- Interactive Ebooks and Course Materials - A BOF for Authors and Instructors (Abstract Only) (Cay Horstmann, Smita Bakshi, Amruth Kumar, Frank Vahid) (2015)
- Drop, Fail, Pass, Continue - Persistence in CS1 and Beyond in Traditional and Inverted Delivery (Diane Horton, Michelle Craig) (2015)
- Learning Computer Networking Through Illustration - (Abstract Only) (Wen-Jung Hsin) (2015)
- Using POGIL Activities to Teach CS Principles to Diverse Students - (Abstract Only) (Helen H. Hu) (2015)
- Special Session - Perspectives on Adopting and Facilitating Guided Inquiry Learning (Helen H. Hu, Clifton Kussmaul, Deepa Muralidhar, Kristine Nagel) (2015)
- Handling Very Large Lecture Courses - Keeping the Wheels on the Bus (Abstract Only) (Josh Hug, Daniel D. Garcia) (2015)
- Case Studies of Use - Creating Counselor Champions for Change in K12 Computing Education (Abstract Only) (Sarah Hug, Jane Krauss, Catherine Ashcraft) (2015)
- Supporting Programming Assignments with Activity Streams - An Empirical Study (Christopher D. Hundhausen, Adam S. Carter, Olusola O. Adesope) (2015)
- Just Enough Programming for Eight-years Olds - (Abstract Only) (Karen H. Jin, Gavin Kearns) (2015)
- Student Response to Teaching of Memory Cues and Resumption Strategies in Computer Science Classes (Noah John, Jaime Ruiz) (2015)
- Brainstorming How to Use Lego Mindstorms EV3 in the Classroom - (Abstract Only) (Greg Kawell, Benjamin Schafer) (2015)
- Intellectual Property Law Basics for Computer Science Instructors - (Abstract Only) (David G. Kay) (2015)
- Introducing Secure Coding in CS0, CS1, and CS2 - (Abstract Only) (Siddharth Kaza, Blair Taylor, Elizabeth K. Hawthorne) (2015)
- Program Decomposition and Complexity in CS1 (Aaron W. Keen, Kurt Mammen) (2015)
- NeuroSoccer - Neural Network Q-Learning (Abstract Only) (Andrew Keenan) (2015)
- Looking Glass (Caitlin Kelleher) (2015)
- The Need for Voices in CS to Address the #GamerGate Controversy - (Abstract Only) (Joseph Kendall-Morwick) (2015)
- Backward Design - An Integrated Approach to a Systems Curriculum (Michael S. Kirkpatrick, Mohamed Aboutabl, David Bernstein, Sharon Simmons) (2015)
- New Concepts in Database System Education - Experiences and Ideas (Abstract Only) (Carsten Kleiner) (2015)
- Extending SQL Auto-Grading to DML and DDL Statements (Abstract Only) (Carsten Kleiner, Felix Heine, Bastian Fischer) (2015)
- STEM Careers Inforgaphic Project (SCIP) - Teaching Media-Based Computational Thinking Practices (Abstract Only) (Brittany Ann Kos, Elizabeth Sims) (2015)
- Are Females Disinclined to Tinker in Computer Science? (Samantha Krieger, Meghan Allen, Catherine Rawn) (2015)
- The Effectiveness of Visualization for Learning Expression Evaluation (Amruth N. Kumar) (2015)
- MIPSUnit - A Unit Testing Framework for MIPS Assembly (Abstract Only) (Zachary Kurmas, Jack Rosenhauer) (2015)
- Computing in the Classroom - A Workshop for Teachers to Infuse Computational Thinking into K-12 Classrooms (Abstract Only) (Yesem Kurt-Peker, Lydia Ray, Rania A. HodHod, Shamim Khan) (2015)
- Building Code Magnet Labs for Tablets and Other Devices - (Abstract Only) (Barry L. Kurtz, Rahman Tashakkori, Ahmad Esmaili) (2015)
- Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) in Computer Science - (Abstract Only) (Clif Kussmaul, Helen H. Hu, Chris Mayfield) (2015)
- The Effectiveness of Video Quizzes in a Flipped Class (Lisa L. Lacher, Mark C. Lewis) (2015)
- Universal Access to Computing Education - (Abstract Only) (Richard E. Ladner, Brianna Blaser, Daniela Marghitu) (2015)
- What Does It Take to Do Computer Programming? - Surveying the K-12 Students' Conceptions (Antti-Jussi Lakanen, Ville Isomöttönen) (2015)
- The Interpreter In An Undergraduate Compilers Course (John H. E. Lasseter) (2015)
- Structuring Flipped Classes with Lightweight Teams and Gamification (Celine Latulipe, N. Bruce Long, Carlos E. Seminario) (2015)
- A Framework for Teaching Programming Languages (Kent D. Lee) (2015)
- An Educational Networking Framework for Full Layer Implementation and Testing (Keunhong Lee, Joongi Kim, Sue B. Moon) (2015)
- coaster - Teaching Computer Graphics Incrementally (Abstract Only) (Robert R. Lewis) (2015)
- Exploring Computer Science Course and Math Achievement - (Abstract Only) (Daniel W. Lewis, Lisa Kohne, Timothy Mechlinski, Mariana Schmalstig) (2015)
- Development of an Offset Detection Task for MIREX 2015 - (Abstract Only) (Darrion Jarrell Long, David Heise) (2015)
- Illustrating the Interaction of Algorithms and Data Structures Using the Matching Problem (Joan M. Lucas) (2015)
- CSteach - Engaging Latino/a Youth in Computer Science with Social Justice and Near Peers (Abstract Only) (Louise Ann Lyon, Jill Denner, Jacob Martinez) (2015)
- Using Big Data and BKT to Evaluate Course Resources - (Abstract Only) (Zachary MacHardy, Daniel D. Garcia) (2015)
- Flipped Classroom Strategies for CS Education (Mary Lou Maher, Celine Latulipe, Heather Richter Lipford, Audrey Rorrer) (2015)
- Making Music with Computers - Creative Programming in Python (Abstract Only) (Bill Z. Manaris, Andrew R. Brown, Tobias Kohn) (2015)
- A Qualitative Analysis of Students' Difficulties with the Quicksort Algorithm Using Arrays - (Abstract Only) (Amit Maor) (2015)
- Language Migration in non-CS Introductory Programming through Mutual Language Translation Environment (Yoshiaki Matsuzawa, Takashi Ohata, Manabu Sugiura, Sanshiro Sakai) (2015)
- Recursion vs. Iteration - An Empirical Study of Comprehension Revisited (Renée McCauley, Brian Hanks, Sue Fitzgerald, Laurie Murphy) (2015)
- Fibonacci in The Curriculum - Not Just a Bad Recurrence (Saad Mneimneh) (2015)
- Conceptum - An Online Infrastructure for Concept Inventories (Abstract Only) (Guatam Mohan, Benjamin Rempel, Eli Rosenberg, David Wurtele, Cynthia Taylor, Kevin C. Webb) (2015)
- EngageCSEdu: CS1 and CS2 Materials for Engaging and Retaining Undergraduate CS Students (Alvaro E. Monge, Beth A. Quinn, Cameron L. Fadjo)
- AP CS A - Sharing Teching Strategies and Curricular Ideas (Abstract Only) (Paul T. Tymann, Lester Wainright, Sandy Czajka)
- Benefits of Self-explanation in Introductory Programming (Arto Vihavainen, Craig S. Miller, Amber Settle) (2015)
- CS2013 Assessment Exam (Abstract Only) (E. Kent Palmer, Terry Linkletter, Paulette Alexander, Patricia L. Roden, Kewal Dhariwal, Indira R. Guzman) (2015)
- Automatic Fall Detection Using Mobile Devices (Abstract Only) (Melissa Katherine Mulcahy) (2015)
- JavaTutor - An Intelligent Tutoring System that Adapts to Cognitive and Affective States during Computer Programming (Joseph B. Wiggins, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, Alok Baikadi, Aysu Ezen-Can, Joseph F. Grafsgaard, Eunyoung Ha, James C. Lester, Christopher Michael Mitchell, Eric N. Wiebe) (2015)
- Open Educational Resources - What Next? (Abstract Only) (Lillian (Boots) Cassel, Cynthia Lee, Clifford A. Shaffer, Darina Dicheva) (2015)
- A Nearest Neighbors Analysis of Student Academic Performance in Computer Science (Abstract Only) (R. Mitchell Parry) (2015)
- Empirical Research in CS Education (Abstract Only) (Mark Sherriff, Sarah Heckman) (2015)
- Proposed ABET Computer Science Criteria and the CS2013 Curriculum (Abstract Only) (Michael Oudshoorn, Stan Thomas, Barbara Boucher Owens, Deborah Anne Trytten, Mary Jane Willshire) (2015)
- Integrating Role-Playing Games into Computer Science Courses as a Pedagogical Tool (David Toth, Mary Kayler) (2015)
- Data Journalism - Lessons Learned While Designing an Interdisciplinary Service Course (Christopher Plaue, Lindsey R. Cook) (2015)
- Towards Grand Challenges in Computing Education Across Disciplines (Lecia Barker, Stephen Cooper, Andrew D. McGettrick, Jason Bennett Thatcher, Heikki Topi) (2015)
- Nifty Assignments (Nick Parlante, Julie Zelenski, Peter-Michael Osera, Marty Stepp, Mark Sherriff, Luther A. Tychonievich, Ryan Layer, Suzanne J. Matthews, Allison Obourn, David R. Raymond, Josh Hug, Stuart Reges) (2015)
- Embedding Secure Coding Instruction into the IDE - A Field Study in an Advanced CS Course (Michael Whitney, Heather Richter Lipford, Bill Chu, Jun Zhu 0002) (2015)
- An Empirical Study of Iterative Improvement in Programming Assignments (Raymond Pettit, John Homer, Roger Gee, Susan Mengel, Adam Starbuck) (2015)
- The Effects of Formal Undergraduate Research Experiences on Student Aspirations for Graduate Study in Computer Science (Abstract Only) - Explaining the Relative Influence of Racial Identity Status (Ama Nyame-Mensah) (2015)
- Correlation of Topic Model and Student Grades Using Comment Data Mining (Shaymaa E. Sorour, Kazumasa Goda, Tsunenori Mine) (2015)
- Improving Non-CS Major Performance in CS1 (Victor T. Norman, Joel C. Adams) (2015)
- Beyond the Flipped Classroom - Learning by Doing Through Challenges and Hack-a-thons (Michael Skirpan, Tom Yeh) (2015)
- Data Structures Courses - Past, Present, and Future (Mark Allen Weiss) (2015)
- Integrating Mobile Computing and Security into a Computer Science Curriculum (Abstract Only) (Xiaohong Yuan, Kelvin S. Bryant, Kenneth Williams, Jinsheng Xu) (2015)
- Getting Started in Teaching and Researching Computer Science in the Elementary Classroom (Diana Franklin, Charlotte Hill, Hilary A. Dwyer, Ashley Iveland, Alexandria Killian, Danielle Harlow) (2015)
- Teaching Computing as Science in a Research Experience (Jerod J. Weinman, David D. Jensen, David Lopatto) (2015)
- Student Discovery of Network Security Ethics (Abstract Only) (Alisa Neeman, Michael Snider, Allen Hudson) (2015)
- HFOSS-Lite in CS2 - Incorporating the Ushahidi Crowdmapping Program in a Data Structures and Algorithms Course (Abstract Only) (Samuel A. Rebelsky) (2015)
- User Interface Design and Agility - Practices for Integration in CS Classrooms (Abstract Only) (Mohammed Seyam) (2015)
- A Swift Introduction to Swift App Development (Abstract Only) (Michael P. Rogers, William M. Siever) (2015)
- Mechanical TA - Partially Automated High-Stakes Peer Grading (James R. Wright, Chris Thornton, Kevin Leyton-Brown) (2015)
- Students' (Mis)Understanding of Dictionaries (Abstract Only) (Emily Stansbury) (2015)
- Madeup - A Language for Making Things Up (Abstract Only) (Chris Johnson 0001, Peter Bui) (2015)
- Expression of Abstraction - Self Explanation in Code Production (Leigh Ann Sudol-DeLyser) (2015)
- Can Programming Boot Camp Help Under-represented College Students Succeed in Computing Degrees? (Abstract Only) (Kristine S. Nagel, Sonal Dekhane, Nannette P. Napier) (2015)
- Selecting the Optimal Hardware Prefetching Algorithm for Parallel Workloads (Abstract Only) (Saami Rahman) (2015)
- Computer Scientists at the Biology Lab Bench (Andrea Tartaro, Renee J. Chosed) (2015)
- Oh, Snap! Enabling and Encouraging Success in CS1 (Abstract Only) (Michael Ball, Lauren Mock, Jonathan McKinsey, Zachary MacHardy, Daniel D. Garcia, Nathaniel Titterton, Brian Harvey) (2015)
- Student Contributions to Humanitarian Free and Open Source Software (HFOSS) (Abstract Only) (Lori Postner, Stoney Jackson, Ben Coleman, Suzanne Mello-Stark, Samuel A. Rebelsky) (2015)
- Puzzle-Based Learning - Introducing Creative Thinking and Problem Solving for Computer Science and Engineering (Abstract Only) (Raja Sooriamurthi, Nickolas J. G. Falkner, Ed Meyer, Zbigniew Michalewicz) (2015)
- ENGAGE - A Game-based Learning Environment for Middle School Computational Thinking (Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, Philip Sheridan Buffum, Kirby Culbertson, Megan Hardy Frankosky, James C. Lester, Allison G. Martínez-Arocho, Wookhee Min, Bradford W. Mott, Fernando J. Rodríguez, Eric N. Wiebe) (2015)
- Reconsidering the Impact of CS1 on Novice Attitudes (Amber Settle, John Lalor, Theresa Steinbach) (2015)
- DBSnap - Learning Database Queries by Snapping Blocks (Yasin N. Silva, Jaime Chon) (2015)
- MiniOS - An Instructional Platform for Teaching Operating Systems Projects (Rafael Román Otero, Alex A. Aravind) (2015)
- A Cloud Computing Course - From Systems to Services (M. Suhail Rehman, Jason Boles, Mohammad Hammoud, Majd F. Sakr) (2015)
- Hands-On Network Programming Projects in the Cloud (Weiying Zhu) (2015)
- Teaching Cybersecurity Analysis Skills in the Cloud (Richard S. Weiss, Stefan Boesen, James F. Sullivan, Michael E. Locasto, Jens Mache, Erik Nilsen) (2015)
- Using Active Learning Techniques in Mixed Undergraduate / Graduate Courses (Abstract Only) (Brian P. Railing) (2015)
- A Peer Tutoring Model for Small Schools with Limited Funding and Resources (Abstract Only) (Dee A. B. Weikle) (2015)
- A Descent into the Maelstrom - Teaching Legacy Programming and Re-engineering (Michael Wirth) (2015)
- Building CS Research Capacity in sub-Saharan Africa by Implementing a Doctoral Training Program (Mikko Apiola, Jarkko Suhonen, Abbi Nangawe, Erkki Sutinen) (2015)
- Transferring Skills at Solving Word Problems from Computing to Algebra Through Bootstrap (Emmanuel Schanzer, Kathi Fisler, Shriram Krishnamurthi, Matthias Felleisen) (2015)
- A Web-based Simulator for Learning Multiprocessor Real-time Scheduling (Abstract Only) (Yuting Zhang, Xin Shan, Yingyuan Zhang, Juejie Wang) (2015)
- A Comparative Study of the Acceptability of Signs for the Brazilian Sign Language Created in Person and Remotely (Francisco C. de M. B. Oliveira, Gerarda N. C. Gomes, Adriano T. de Freitas, Anibal C. de Oliveira, Lidiane C. Silva, Bruno Queiroz) (2015)
- Curricular Assessment - Tips and Techniques (Henry M. Walker, Sue Fitzgerald, John F. Dooley) (2015)
- Blockly Language Creation and Applications - Visual Programming for Media Computation and Bluetooth Robotics Control (Jake Trower, Jeff Gray) (2015)
- Augmenting introductory Computer Science Classes with GameMaker and Mobile Apps (Abstract Only) (Veronica Cateté, Barry W. Peddycord III, Tiffany Barnes) (2015)
- Using SOLO to Classify the Programming Responses of Primary Grade Students (Linda M. Seiter) (2015)
- Further Evaluations of Industry-Inspired Pair Programming Communication Guidelines with Undergraduate Students (Mark Zarb, Janet Hughes, John Richards) (2015)
- Montessori Methods + A Living Textbook > Traditional CS Instruction (Abstract Only) (Nicole Anderson, Tim Gegg-Harrison) (2015)
- It's Not Just About Functionality Anymore - Expanding Student Projects with Web Ecosystems (Abstract Only) (Samuel A. Rebelsky) (2015)
- A Bottom-Up Approach to Teaching Server-Side Web Development Skills (Abstract Only) (Ariel Ortiz) (2015)
- Birds of a Feather - Mapping Alice Curriculum to Standards (Abstract Only) (Donald J. Slater, Wanda Dann, Stephen Cooper) (2015)
- Best Practices for IRB Approval - Four Perspectives (Michael S. Kirkpatrick, Janice E. Cuny, Mark Guzdial, Amanda M. Holland-Minkley, Clifford A. Shaffer) (2015)
- Teaching Text-based Programming in a Blocks-based World (Abstract Only) (David Weintrop, Uri Wilensky, Jennifer Roscoe, Daniel Law) (2015)
- Simulating IBM Watson in the Classroom (Wlodek Zadrozny, Sean Gallagher, Walid Shalaby, Adarsh Avadhani) (2015)
- Checked Coverage and Object Branch Coverage - New Alternatives for Assessing Student-Written Tests (Zalia Shams, Stephen H. Edwards) (2015)
- Minding the Gap Between Blocks-Based and Text-Based Programming (Abstract Only) (David Weintrop) (2015)
- CS 4 Everyone - Diversifying the K-12 Pipeline for CS at College and High School Level (Abstract Only) (Farzana Rahman, Jennifer Stevens, Sharon Simmons) (2015)
- Teaching Virtualization by Building a Hypervisor (Abhinand Palicherla, Tao Zhang, Donald E. Porter) (2015)
- Addressing Professional Development Needs for K-12 CS - Working with Your Local CSTA Chapter (Abstract Only) (David Reed, Frances P. Trees) (2015)
- Bridging the Divide - Developing Culturally-Responsive Curriculum for K-12 Computer Science Education (Abstract Only) (Alicia Nicki Washington, Legand Burge, Marlon Mejias, Ketly Jean-Pierre, Qi'Anne Knox) (2015)
- The CS Concept Inventory Quiz Show (Nafeesa Dewji, Steven A. Wolfman, Geoffrey L. Herman, Leo Porter, Cynthia Taylor, Jan Vahrenhold) (2015)
- Automatically Generated Feedback for CS student Work - Best Practices (Abstract Only) (Bruce W. Char, Jeffrey L. Popyack, Jeremy R. Johnson, William M. Mongan) (2015)
- Learning from What Works - Improving an Introductory Computing Course for Architects with Teaching Methods from Media Computation (Abstract Only) (Nicholas Senske) (2015)
- Creating a Computer Simulator as a CS1 Student Project (Kian L. Pokorny) (2015)
- Durch Stärkung der Digitalen Bildung Medienkompetenz fördern und digitale Spaltung überwinden - Antrag der Fraktionen der CDU/CSU und SPD im deutschen Bundestag (2015)
- Schlussbericht der Arbeitsgruppe zu Medien und Informatik im Lehrplan 21 (Christoph Mylaeus-Renggli, Ursula Bärtschi, Peter Baumann, Beat Döbeli Honegger, Juraj Hromkovic, Markus Hunziker, Thomas Merz, René Moser, Beatrice Straub Haaf, Beat W. Zemp, Monika Bucher) (2015)
- Lehrplan 21 (Druckversion) (D-EDK Deutschschweizer Erziehungsdirektorenkonferenz) (2015)
- Medien und Informatik - Bereinigte Fassung vom 26.03.2015 (2015)
- Medien und Informatik - Bereinigte Fassung vom 26.03.2015 (2015)
- Medien und Kindheit - merz 2/2015 (2015)
- Nur noch halb so viele Stunden für Medien (Christoph Aebischer) (2015)
- Unter dem Joch der Digitalisten (Ralf Lankau) (2015)
- «Nur Mathematiker zu sein, reicht nicht» (Peter Labudde, Alexandra Kedves) (2015)
- What are we doing when we teach computing in schools? (Sally Fincher) (2015)
- Informatik konkret: 28 Anwendungsbeispiele (Kerstin Strecker) (2015)
- Scratch For Kids For Dummies (Derek Breen) (2015)
- Strategisches Studienmarketing zur Begünstigung der Aufnahme eines Informatik-Studiums (Christian Götz) (2015)
- Teaching with Tablets (Helen Caldwell, James Bird) (2015)
- 8. Computing (Yasemin Allsop)
- Die Zeichen der Zeit erkannt - Die Erziehungsdirektoren haben die Weichen für die digitale Zukunft richtig gestellt. (Walter Gander, Urs Hochstrasser, Aegidius Plüss) (2015)
- Do IT yourself - Fachtagung an der PHSZ in Goldau (Michael Hielscher, Beat Döbeli Honegger) (2015)
- Eröffnung (Beat Döbeli Honegger) (2015)
- 1. Vom Machen und vom Denken - Von Computern und von Menschen (Heidi Schelhowe) (2015)
- 3. Eigenes aktives Tun als Schlüssel zur Erkenntnis (Damayanti Talky)
- Eröffnung (Beat Döbeli Honegger) (2015)
- Programmieren als dritte Fremdsprache (Marc Bodmer) (2015)
- Mobile Devices an Mittelschulen - Ein Arbeitsdokument der Konferenz der Informatikverantwortlichen der Zürcher Mittelschulen zuhanden der SLK (Konferenz der Informatikverantwortlichen des Kantons Zürich (KIV), Patrick Ehrismann, Armin Frischknecht, Daniel Stucki, Guido Trommsdorff) (2015)
- Kinder erklärten Informatik mit 50 Kilo Bananen - Internationale Fachtagung «Do IT yourself» an der Pädagogischen Hochschule Schwyz, Goldau (2015)
- To Block or not to Block, That is the Question - Students’ Perceptions of Blocks-based Programming (David Weintrop, Uri Wilensky) (2015)
- Machines of Loving Grace - The Quest for Common Ground Between Humans and Robots (John Markoff) (2015)
- Spiele, die Schule machen (Simone Luchetta) (2015)
- Bitte brechen Sie bei uns ein! (Mario Stäuble) (2015)
- Informatische Schlüsselkompetenzen (Christina Dörge) (2015)
- Der lange Weg zum Klassenzimmer 2.0 (Beat Döbeli Honegger) (2015)
- Digitale Medien und Interdisziplinarität - Tagungsband der GMW-Jahrestagung 2015 (Nicolae Nistor, Sabine Schirlitz) (2015)
- Digitale Medien und Interdisziplinarität - Herausforderungen, Erfahrungen, Perspektiven
- Braucht die Medienpädagogik Impulse aus der Informatik? - Erkenntnisse aus interdisziplinären Seminaren (Tilman-Mathies Klar, Dieter Engbring) (2015)
- Digitale Medien und Interdisziplinarität - Herausforderungen, Erfahrungen, Perspektiven
- Der digitale Rucksack in vier Versuchsklassen der Stadt Zürich - Schlussbericht zur externen Evaluation (Markus Roos, Esther Wandeler, Mirjam Mosimann) (2015)
- Konzeption eines Informatik-Schülerlabors und Erforschung dessen Effekte auf das Bild der Informatik bei Kindern und Jugendlichen (Nadine Bergner) (2015)
- Digital Didactical Designs - Teaching and Learning in CrossActionSpaces (Isa Jahnke) (2015)
- Der kleine Hacker: Programmieren für Einsteiger - Mit Scratch schnell und effektiv programmieren lernen (Christian Immler) (2015)
- Lehr- / Lerntheorien und mediendidaktisches Handeln - Eine Studie zu den digitalen Kompetenzen von Lehrenden an Schulen (Gerhard Brandhofer) (2015)
- 2. Definitionen und Abgrenzungen
- DeLFI 2015 - Die 13. E-LearningFachtagung Informatik der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (Hans Pongratz, Reinhard Keil) (2015)
- 5Code - Eine integrierte Entwicklungsumgebung für Programmieranfänger (Markus Dahm, Frano Barnjak, Moritz Heilemann)
- 5Code - Eine integrierte Entwicklungsumgebung für Programmieranfänger (Markus Dahm, Frano Barnjak, Moritz Heilemann)
- Medienbildung als Schulentwicklung - Computer + Unterricht Nr. 99/2015 (2015)
- Das Unterrichtsmodul «Information und ihre Darstellung» - Einsatz von Lernplattformen im Informatikunterricht zur Verbesserung der Medienkompetenz (Werner Müller)
- Das Unterrichtsmodul «Information und ihre Darstellung» - Einsatz von Lernplattformen im Informatikunterricht zur Verbesserung der Medienkompetenz (Werner Müller)
- Proceedings of the Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education, WiPSCE 2015, London, United Kingdom, November 9-11, 2015 (Judith Gal-Ezer, Sue Sentance, Jan Vahrenhold) (2015)
- Bringing the Innovations in Data Management to CS Education - an Educational Reconstruction Approach (Andreas Grillenberger, Ralf Romeike) (2015)
- PILeT - an Interactive Learning Tool To Teach Python (Bedour Alshaigy, Samia Kamal, Faye Mitchell, Clare E. Martin, Arantza Aldea) (2015)
- Early Education - What Does Computing Has to Do with it, and in What Ways? (Michal Armoni) (2015)
- Using Interface Design to Develop Computational Thinking Skills (Ana C. Calderon, Tom Crick) (2015)
- Technocamps - Advancing Computer Science Education in Wales (Tom Crick, Faron Moller) (2015)
- A Pilot Computer Science and Programming Course for Primary School Students (Caitlin Duncan, Tim Bell) (2015)
- Usability and Usage of Interactive Features in an Online Ebook for CS Teachers (Barbara J. Ericson, Steven Moore, Briana B. Morrison, Mark Guzdial) (2015)
- Exploring Students' Computational Thinking Skills in Modeling and Simulation Projects - a Pilot Study (Natasa Grgurina, Erik Barendsen, Klaas van Veen, Cor J. M. Suhre, Bert Zwaneveld) (2015)
- Using - Analysing - Creating - Embedding - A Framework for Scaffolded Problem-Based Discovery Learning in Informatics' Education (Lutz Hellmig, Tino Hempel) (2015)
- Informatics teachers - Subjective competence assessments before and after an in-service training (Claudia Hildebrandt, Ira Diethelm) (2015)
- Bebras Contest for Blind Pupils (L'udmila Jasková, Natália Kovácová) (2015)
- A Work in Progress Paper - Evaluating a Microworlds-based Learning Approach for Developing Literacy and Computational Thinking in Cross-curricular Contexts (Craig Jenkins) (2015)
- Constructionist Gaming Beyond the Screen - Middle School Students' Crafting and Computing of Touchpads, Board Games, and Controllers (Yasmin B. Kafai, Veena Vasudevan) (2015)
- Students' Attitudes and Motivation During Robotics Activities (Fatima Kaloti-Hallak, Michal Armoni, Mordechai Ben-Ari) (2015)
- «Now they just start working, and organize themselves» - First Results of Introducing Agile Practices in Lessons (Petra Kastl, Ralf Romeike) (2015)
- Frame-Based Editing - Easing the Transition from Blocks to Text-Based Programming (Michael Kölling, Neil C. C. Brown, Amjad AlTadmri) (2015)
- Dr. Scratch - a Web Tool to Automatically Evaluate Scratch Projects (Jesús Moreno-León, Gregorio Robles) (2015)
- Design and First Results of a Psychometric Test for Measuring Basic Programming Abilities (Andreas Mühling, Alexander Ruf, Peter Hubwieser) (2015)
- What do I have to know and to do? - Development of a Theory-based, Normative Competence Description for the Profession of Computer Specialists (Simone Opel, Torsten Brinda) (2015)
- Physical Computing in STEM Education (Sandra Schulz, Niels Pinkwart) (2015)
- Searching for Barriers to Learning Iteration and Runtime in Computer Science (Philipp Shah, Dino Capovilla, Peter Hubwieser) (2015)
- Master Teachers in Computing - What have we achieved? (Neil Smith, Yasemin Allsop, Helen Caldwell, David Hill, Yota Dimitriadi, Andrew Paul Csizmadia) (2015)
- Teaching Computer Science to 5-7 year-olds - An initial study with Scratch, Cubelets and unplugged computing (Benjamin Wohl, Barry Porter, Sarah Clinch) (2015)
- Challenges of a Computer Science Classroom - Initial Perspectives from Teachers (Aman Yadav, Sarah Gretter, Susanne E. Hambrusch) (2015)
- Launching Swiss Computer Science Education Week (Nora A. Escherle, Dorit Assaf, Ashok R. Basawapatna, Carmine Maiello, Alexander Repenning) (2015)
- Relationships - computational thinking, pedagogy of programming, and Bloom's Taxonomy (Cynthia Collins Selby) (2015)
- Introducing Computer Programming to Children through Robotic and Wearable Devices (Alexandros Merkouris, Konstantinos Chorianopoulos) (2015)
- Bringing the Innovations in Data Management to CS Education - an Educational Reconstruction Approach (Andreas Grillenberger, Ralf Romeike) (2015)
- Informatik allgemeinbildend begreifen - INFOS 2015 (Jens Gallenbacher) (2015)
- E-Learning vor Präsenzveranstaltung - eine "Flipped- Vorlesung" in der Lehrerausbildung der TU Dresden (Peter Arnold, Michael Rudolph, Holger Rohland)
- Lichtharfe - ein interdisziplinäres Unterrichtsprojekt (David Baumgärtel, Christopher Bednorz, Bastian Boger, Leonore Dietrich)
- Datenschutz im 21. Jahrhundert - Ist Schutz der Privatsphäre (noch) möglich? (Bettina Berendt, Gebhard Dettmar, Bernhard Esslinger, Andreas Gramm, Andreas Grillenberger, Alexander Hug, Helmut Witten)
- Informatik Enlightened - Informatik (neu) beleuchtet dank Physical Computing mit Arduino (Nadine Bergner, Ulrik Schroeder)
- Das Bild der Informatik von Sachunterrichtslehrern - Erste Ergebnisse einer Umfrage an Grundschulen im Regierungsbezirk Münster (Alexander Best, Sarah Marggraf)
- Agile Softwareentwicklung - Erfahrungsbericht eines Oberstufenprojekts im Wahlpflichtunterricht (Peter Brichzin)
- Repositories zur Unterstützung von kollaborativen Arbeiten in Softwareprojekten (Peter Brichzin, Thomas Rau)
- Ein Bild vom Wesen der Softwareentwicklung - Erfahrungen aus zwei agilen Projekten (Leonore Dietrich, Andreas Gramm, Petra Kastl, Ralf Romeike)
- Gestrandet auf der Schatzinsel - Schätze heben mit Informatik in der Grundschule (Jens Gallenbacher, Karola Gose, Dominik Heun) (2015)
- Ein Bild vom Wesen der Softwareentwicklung - Erfahrungen aus zwei agilen Projekten (Leonore Dietrich, Andreas Gramm, Petra Kastl, Ralf Romeike) (2015)
- Agiler Informatikunterricht als Anfangsunterricht (Lennard Kerber, Petra Kastl, Ralf Romeike) (2015)
- Programmierunterricht für Kinder und deren Lehrpersonen - Unterrichtsmaterialien, didaktische Herausforderungen und konkrete Erfahrungen (Giovanni Serafini) (2015)
- Entwicklung eines agilen Frameworks für Projektunterricht mit Design-Based Research (Petra Kastl, Ralf Romeike) (2015)
- Persönliche Lernumgebungen - ein Beitrag zur Individualisierung des Lernens (Stefanie Gaßmann, Henry Herper) (2015)
- Projektarbeit im Informatikunterricht - Bau und Anwendung eines 3D-Druckers (Henry Herper, Volkmar Hinz, Philipp Schüßler) (2015)
- Prozessorientierte Software-Entwicklung im Informatikunterricht (Hanno Schauer) (2015)
- Schüler für Fachthemen interessieren und motivieren - Informatikunterricht im Fokus (Stefanie Jäckel) (2015)
- Wahlverhalten zum Schulfach Informatik in der SI - eine Studie im Regierungsbezirk Münster (Irina Janzen, Marco Thomas, Angélica Yomayuza) (2015)
- Automatox - Ein Spiel für den Informatikunterricht (Ulrike Klein) (2015)
- Das Kreativlabor als generationsverbindendes Angebot im Bereich der praktischen Informatik (Katharina Weiß, Torben Volkmann, Michael Herczeg) (2015)
- Ein RFID-Projekt in der Fachinformatiker-Ausbildung unter Berücksichtigung von Threads, Software-Reviews und der Methode Webquest (Peer Stechert) (2015)
- Benutzen - Analysieren - Gestalten - Verankern als didaktische Schrittfolge im Informatikunterricht (Lutz Hellmig, Tino Hempel) (2015)
- Concept-Maps als Mittel zur Visualisierung des Lernzuwachses in einem Physical-Computing-Projekt (Mareen Grillenberger, Ralf Romeike) (2015)
- Punkt, Punkt, Semikolon, Strich - Grafikorientierte Einführung in die Programmierung mit Processing (Daniel Wunderlich) (2015)
- Vom Gatter zum Compiler - Im Unterricht durch sieben Abtraktionsebenen (Urs Lautebach) (2015)
- Modellvorstellungen zum Aufbau des Internets (Martin Hennecke) (2015)
- Jubel, Trubel, Informatik - Ein Schülerworkshop für den Klassenraum (Jens Gallenbacher, Dominik Heun, Wiebke Kothe) (2015)
- Big-Data-Analyse im Informatikunterricht mit Datenstromsystemen - Ein Unterrichtsbeispiel (Ralf Romeike) (2015)
- Agile Softwareentwicklung im Informatikunterricht - Ein Best-Practice-Beispiel am Spiel "Pengu" (Petra Kastl, Silva März, Ralf Romeike) (2015)
- Ganzjähriger Projektunterricht mit agilem Framework (Ulrich Kiesmüller, Petra Kastl, Ralf Romeike) (2015)
- Grafische Programmiersprachen im Abitur (Kerstin Strecker) (2015)
- Mobiles Programmieren mit Android und Python im Informatikunterricht (Daniel Spittank) (2015)
- Einstieg in das Thema Datenkollision am Beispiel des ALOHA-Protokolls (Patrick Dyrauf) (2015)
- Big Data im Informatikunterricht - Motivation und Umsetzung (Ralf Romeike) (2015)
- E-Learning vor Präsenzveranstaltung - eine "Flipped- Vorlesung" in der Lehrerausbildung der TU Dresden (Peter Arnold, Michael Rudolph, Holger Rohland)
- Die Herrschaftsformel - Wie Künstliche Intelligenz uns berechnet, steuert und unser Leben verändert (Kai Schlieter) (2015)
- ISSEP 2015 - Informatics in Schools. Curricula, Competences, and Competitions (Andrej Brodnik, Jan Vahrenhold) (2015)
- 1. Surprising Computer Science (Tim Bell)
- 2. The Theory Behind Theory - Computer Science Education Research Through the Lenses of Situated Learning (Maria Knobelsdorf)
- 3. Robotics Activities-Is the Investment Worthwhile? (Ronit Ben-Bassat Levy, Mordechai Ben-Ari) (2015)
- 4. Dimensions of Programming Knowledge (Andreas Mühling, Peter Hubwieser, Marc Berges)
- 5. Defining Proficiency Levels of High School Students in Computer Science by an Empirical Task Analysis Results of the MoKoM Project (Jonas Neugebauer, Johannes Magenheim, Laura Ohrndorf, Niclas Schaper, Sigrid E. Schubert)
- 6. Classification of Programming Tasks According to Required Skills and Knowledge Representation (Alexander Ruf, Marc Berges, Peter Hubwieser)
- 7. Online vs Face-To-Face Engagement of Computing Teachers for their Professional Development Needs (Sue Sentance, Simon Humphreys)
- 8. Programming in Scratch Using Inquiry-Based Approach (Jiří Vaníček)
- 9. Olympiad in Computer Science and Discrete Mathematics (Athit Maytarttanakhon, Vasiliy Akimushkin, Sergei Pozdniakov)
- 10. CS Unplugged: Experiences and Extensions (Irena Demšar, Janez Demšar)
- 11. Computing at School in Sweden - Experiences from Introducing Computer Science within Existing Subjects (Fredrik Heintz, Linda Mannila, Karin NygÃ¥rds, Peter Parnes, Björn Regnell)
- 12. A Snapshot of the First Implementation of Bebras International Informatics Contest in Turkey (Filiz KalelioÄŸlu, Yasemin Gülbahar, Orçun Madran) (2015)
- 13. Introducing a New Computer Science Curriculum for All School Levels in Poland (Maciej M. Sysło, Anna Beata Kwiatkowska)
- 14. Analyzing the Twitter Data Stream Using the Snap! Learning Environment (Andreas Grillenberger, Ralf Romeike)
- 15. Is Coding the Way to Go? (Violetta Lonati, Dario Malchiodi, Mattia Monga, Anna Morpurgo)
- 16. Visual Literacy in Introductory Informatics Problems (Françoise Tort, Béatrice Drot-Delange)
- 1. Surprising Computer Science (Tim Bell)
- Digitale Kompetenz - Was die Schule dazu beitragen kann (Werner Hartmann, Alois Hundertpfund) (2015)
- Professionalisierung in den Fachdidaktiken - Einblick in aktuelle Entwicklungen und den Fachdiskurs - 33. Jahrgang Heft 2/2015 (2015)
- Fachdidaktik Medien und Informatik - Ein Beitrag zur Standortbestimmung (Beat Döbeli Honegger, Thomas Merz) (2015)
- Fachdidaktik Medien und Informatik - Ein Beitrag zur Standortbestimmung (Beat Döbeli Honegger, Thomas Merz) (2015)
- ICER 2015 - Proceedings of the eleventh annual International Conference on International Computing Education Research, ICER 2015, Omaha, NE, USA, August 09 - 13, (Brian Dorn, Judy Sheard, Quintin I. Cutts) (2015)
- Designing a Data-Driven Tutor Authoring Tool for CS Educators (Kelly Rivers) (2015)
- Worked Examples with Errors for Computer Science Education (Jean Griffin) (2015)
- Measuring Knowledge of Misconceptions in Computer Science Education (Laura Ohrndorf) (2015)
- Computer Science Is Different! - Educational Psychology Experiments Do Not Reliably Replicate in Programming Domain (Briana B. Morrison) (2015)
- Computer Science Meets Social Studies - Embedding CS in the Study of Locally Grounded Civic Issues (Sarah Jane Van Wart) (2015)
- The Effects of Procrastination Interventions on Programming Project Success (Joshua Martin, Stephen H. Edwards, Clifford A. Shaffer) (2015)
- Subgoals, Context, and Worked Examples in Learning Computing Problem Solving (Briana B. Morrison, Lauren E. Margulieux, Mark Guzdial) (2015)
- Exploring Changes in Computer Science Students' Implicit Theories of Intelligence Across the Semester (Abraham E. Flanigan, Markeya S. Peteranetz, Duane F. Shell, Leen-Kiat Soh) (2015)
- Exploring Learning Analytics for Computing Education (Daniel Olivares) (2015)
- Boys' Needlework - Understanding Gendered and Indigenous Perspectives on Computing and Crafting with Electronic Textiles (Kristin A. Searle, Yasmin B. Kafai) (2015)
- Comparing Text-based, Blocks-based, and Hybrid Blocks/Text Programming Tools (David Weintrop) (2015)
- Learning Together - Expanding the One-To-One ITS Model for Computer Science Education (Rachel Harsley) (2015)
- Using Commutative Assessments to Compare Conceptual Understanding in Blocks-based and Text-based Programs (David Weintrop, Uri Wilensky) (2015)
- Scaling up Women in Computing Initiatives - What Can We Learn from a Public Policy Perspective? (Elizabeth Patitsas, Michelle Craig, Steve M. Easterbrook) (2015)
- Modeling-First Approach for Computer Science Instruction (Karen Doore) (2015)
- Privilege and Computer Science Education - How can we level the playing field? (Miranda C. Parker) (2015)
- Designing a Data-Driven Tutor Authoring Tool for CS Educators (Kelly Rivers) (2015)
- Computational thinking - A guide for teachers (Andrew Csizmadia, Paul Curzon, Mark Dorling, Simon Humphreys, Thomas Ng, Cynthia Selby, John Woollard) (2015)
- Pflichtfach Informatik - Bildungsexperten fordern verpflichtenden Unterricht an allgemeinbildenden Schulen (Beate Barrein, Dorothee Wiegand) (2015)
- Perceptions of non-CS majors in intro programming - The rise of the conversational programmer (Parmit K. Chilana, Celena Alcock, Shruti Dembla, Anson Ho, Ada Hurst, Brett Armstrong, Philip J. Guo) (2015)
- Fritz & Fränzi 8/2015 (2015)
- Wie man Lehrer fernsteuert (Manfred Dworschak) (2015)
- Die Revolution von Niederhasli - Gregory Turkawka sorgt als Schulleiter mit neuen Lernmethoden für Aufruhr (Simone Luchetta) (2015)
- Digitale Schlüsselkompetenzen von Jugendlichen beim Übertritt in die Berufslehre (Helen Stadelmann) (2015)
- Die vier Dimensionen der Bildung - Was Schülerinnen und Schüler im 21. Jahrhundert lernen müssen (Charles Fadel, Maya Bialik, Bernie Trilling) (2015)
- Learner-Centered Design of Computing Education - Research on Computing for Everyone (Mark Guzdial) (2015)
- Informatik wird an der Kanti Pflichtfach (Jörg Meier) (2015)
- Big Data und Medienbildung - Zwischen Kontrollverlust, Selbstverteidigung und Souveränität in der digitalen Welt (Harald Gapski) (2015)
- Lehrer bleibt trotz Roboter (Fritz Bichsel) (2015)
- Koli Calling 2015 - Proceedings of the 15th Koli Calling Conference on Computing Education Research, Koli, Finland, November 19-22, 2015 (Päivi Kinnunen, Judy Sheard) (2015)
- Second year computer science and IT students' experience of participation in the discipline (Anne-Kathrin Peters, Anders Berglund, Anna Eckerdal, Arnold Pears) (2015)
- Exploring societal factors affecting the experience and engagement of first year female computer science undergraduates (Jane Sinclair, Sara Kalvala) (2015)
- Binary instant feedback on programming exercises can reduce student engagement and promote cheating (Angelo Kyrilov, David C. Noelle) (2015)
- Informal CS learning through games - benefits to formal education? (Lassi Haaranen, Päivi Kinnunen) (2015)
- Gender differences in programming - research results and teachers' perception (Alexandra Funke, Marc Berges, Andreas Mühling, Peter Hubwieser) (2015)
- Multidimensional analysis of creative coding MOOC forums - a methodological discussion (Aletta Nylén, Neena Thota, Anna Eckerdal, Päivi Kinnunen, Matthew Butler 0002, Michael Morgan) (2015)
- Collaborative course project for practicing component-based software engineering (André L. Santos 0001) (2015)
- Second year computer science and IT students' experience of participation in the discipline (Anne-Kathrin Peters, Anders Berglund, Anna Eckerdal, Arnold Pears) (2015)
- Orientierungsrahmen Medien und Informatik im Unterricht (Claudia Fischer, Monika Schraner Küttel, Stanley Schwab, Marianne Bättig, Nicolas Fahrni) (2015)
- Erst denken, dann klicken (Arno Rolf, Thomas Kerstan) (2015)
- Schöner smarter Staat (Stefan Schmitt) (2015)
- Review and Discussion of Children’s Conceptions of Computers (Michael T. Rücker, Niels Pinkwart) (2016)
- Künstliche Intelligenz - Wann übernehmen die Maschinen? (Klaus Mainzer) (2016)
- Das Elektronische Schulbuch 2016 - Fachdidaktische Anforderungen und Ideen treffen auf Lösungsvorschläge der Informatik (Michael Schuhen, Manuel Froitzheim, Katrin Schuhen) (2016)
- Modul 122: Abläufe mit einer Skriptsprache automatisieren - Einführung in das Arbeiten mit Shell-Skripts mit Praxisbeispielen, Repetitionsfragen und Antworten (Didier Buclin, Markus Ruggiero, Candidus Waldispühl) (2016)
- Feedback - Wie Rückkopplung unser Leben bestimmt und Natur, Technik, Gesellschaft und Wirtschaft beherrscht (Jürgen Beetz) (2016)
- Kompetenzen in der Informatik zur Prävention von Cybermobbing - Chancen und Wege des Informatikunterrichts an Schulen (André Hilbig) (2016)
- Der Berufswahlprozess von Informatiklehrkräften (Dorothee Müller) (2016)
- Bildungsstandards Informatik für die Sekundarstufe II - Empfehlungen der Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V. erarbeitet vom Arbeitskreis »Bildungsstandards SII« (Gerhard Röhner, Torsten Brinda, Volker Denke, Lutz Hellmig, Theo Heußer, Arno Pasternak, Andreas Schwill, Monika Seiffert) (2016)
- Computational Participation - Understanding Coding as an Extension of Literacy Instruction (Quinn Burke, W. Ian O’Byrne, Yasmin B. Kafai) (2016)
- Interactive Machine Learning (iML) (2016)
- Bildung in der digitalen vernetzten Welt - Dagstuhl-Erklärung (Torsten Brinda, Ira Diethelm, Rainer Gemulla, Ralf Romeike, Johannes Schöning, Carsten Schulte, Thomas Bartoschek, Julia Behrens, Nadine Bergner, Leonore Dietrich, Beat Döbeli Honegger, Rüdiger Fries, Werner Hartmann, Lutz Hellmig, Bardo Herzig, Jürgen Hollatz, Benjamin Jörissen, Sven Kommer, Alexander Mittag, Peter Kusterer, Andreas Oberweis, Torsten Otto, Alexander Rabe, Gerhard Röhner, Heidi Schelhowe, Björn Scheuermann, Birgit Schmitz, Hartmut Sommer, Martin Zimnol) (2016)
- SIGCSE 2016 - Memphis, TN, USA, March 02 - 05, 2016 (Carl Alphonce, Jodi Tims, Michael E. Caspersen, Stephen H. Edwards) (2016)
- Enhancing Teaching of Big Data by Using Real World Datasets (Anurag Nagar) (2016)
- Crossing the Streams - Exploring the Interplay between Students' Online Social Activity and Programming Behavior (Abstract Only) (Adam S. Carter, Christopher D. Hundhausen) (2016)
- Investigating Differences in Wiki-based Collaborative Activities between Student Engagement Profiles in CS1 (Adam Eck, Leen-Kiat Soh, Duane F. Shell) (2016)
- Measuring Effects of Modality on Perceived Test Anxiety for Computer Programming Exams (Robert Deloatch, Brian P. Bailey, Alex Kirlik) (2016)
- A (Updated) Review of Empiricism at the SIGCSE Technical Symposium (Ahmed Al-Zubidy, Jeffrey C. Carver, Sarah Heckman, Mark Sherriff) (2016)
- Computational Thinking as a Liberal Study (Dave Mason, Irfan Khan, Vadim Farafontov) (2016)
- ParseIT - A Tool for Teaching Parsing Techniques (Amey Karkare, Nimisha Agrawal) (2016)
- Multi-Track Programming Competitions with Scratch (Jason Arnold, Heather Bort, Ryan Naugle, Casey O'Hare, Dennis Brylow) (2016)
- Impact of Student Achievement Goals on CS1 Outcomes (Daniel Zingaro, Leo Porter) (2016)
- Can Students Design Software? - The Answer Is More Complex Than You Think (Chenglie Hu) (2016)
- Memory Diagrams - A Consistant Approach Across Concepts and Languages (Toby Dragon, Paul E. Dickson) (2016)
- Uncommon Teaching Languages (Mark C. Lewis, Douglas Blank, Kim B. Bruce, Peter-Michael Osera) (2016)
- Experiences from an Experiential Learning Course on Games Development (Stephan Krusche, Barbara Reichart, Paul Tolstoi, Bernd Bruegge) (2016)
- Hackathons as an Informal Learning Platform (Arnab Nandi 0001, Meris Mandernach) (2016)
- Service as Rent (Barbara Boucher Owens) (2016)
- Just-In-Time Learning for the Just Google It Era (Elizabeth Boese) (2016)
- How to Use Open Source Software in Education (Judith Bishop, Carlos Jensen, Walt Scacchi, Arfon Smith) (2016)
- Why Don't Some CS0 Students Succeed? - How Important Are Background, Experience, Culture, Aptitude, Habits and Attitude? (Daniel D. Garcia, Colleen M. Lewis, Stuart Reges, Nathan L. Ensmenger) (2016)
- Towards a Common Framework for Evaluating Computing Outreach Activities (Adrienne Decker, Monica M. McGill, Amber Settle) (2016)
- ITCH - Individual Testing of Computer Homework for Scratch Assignments (David E. Johnson) (2016)
- Developing a Computer Science Concept Inventory for Introductory Programming (Ricardo Caceffo, Steven A. Wolfman, Kellogg S. Booth, Rodolfo Azevedo) (2016)
- On the Interplay Between Bottom-Up and Datatype-Driven Program Design (Francisco Enrique Vicente Castro, Kathi Fisler) (2016)
- The Influence of Problem Solving Abilities on Students' Performance on Different Assessment Tasks in CS1 (Alex Lishinski, Aman Yadav, Richard J. Enbody, Jon Good) (2016)
- SPOCK - A System for Encouraging Interaction in Small Private Online Courses (Abstract Only) (Ryan Hardt, Grant Wuerker) (2016)
- Training Teachers to Integrate Computational Thinking into K-12 Teaching (Rania A. HodHod, Shamim Khan, Yesem Kurt-Peker, Lydia Ray) (2016)
- Computational Making (Abstract Only) (Jennifer A. Rode, Andrea Marshall, Houda el Mimouni, Jennifer Booker) (2016)
- A Practical and Sustainable Model for Learning and Teaching Data Science (Bina Ramamurthy) (2016)
- A Course on Programming and Problem Solving (Swapneel Sheth, Christian Murphy, Kenneth A. Ross, Dennis E. Shasha) (2016)
- Animated Examples as Practice Content in a Java Programming Course (Roya Hosseini, Teemu Sirkiä, Julio Guerra, Peter Brusilovsky, Lauri Malmi) (2016)
- Nifty Assignments (Nick Parlante, Julie Zelenski, Baker Franke, Arvind Bhusnurmath, Karen Her, Kristen Gee, Eric Manley, Timothy Urness, Marvin Zhang, Brian Hou, John DeNero, Josh Hug, Kevin Wayne) (2016)
- OpenDSA - An Interactive eTextbook for Computer Science Courses (Clifford A. Shaffer) (2016)
- The Micro-Cluster Showcase - 7 Inexpensive Beowulf Clusters for Teaching PDC (Joel C. Adams, Jacob Caswell, Suzanne J. Matthews, Charles Peck, Elizabeth Shoop, David Toth, James Wolfer) (2016)
- Applying the Communal Goal Congruity Perspective to Enhance Diversity and Inclusion in Undergraduate Computing Degrees (Bo Brinkman, Amanda Diekman) (2016)
- Special Session - ACM Joint Task Force on Cyber Education (Diana Burley, Matt Bishop, Elizabeth K. Hawthorne, Siddharth Kaza, Scott Buck, Lynn Futcher) (2016)
- Lessons Learned from «BJC» CS Principles Professional Development (Thomas W. Price, Veronica Cateté, Jennifer Albert, Tiffany Barnes, Daniel D. Garcia) (2016)
- Teaching Big Data with a Virtual Cluster (Joshua Eckroth) (2016)
- Panel - Engage in Reasoning with Tools (Gregory Kulczycki, Murali Sitaraman, Nigamanth Sridhar, Bruce W. Weide) (2016)
- A Programming Contest Strategy Guide (Aaron Bloomfield, Borja Sotomayor) (2016)
- The Impact on Student Learning and Satisfaction When a CS2 Course Became Interactive (Abstract Only) (Steven Huss-Lederman) (2016)
- Differentiating for Diversity - Using Universal Design for Learning in Elementary Computer Science Education (Alexandria K. Hansen, Eric R. Hansen, Hilary A. Dwyer, Danielle Boyd Harlow, Diana Franklin) (2016)
- Integrating Sustainability Concepts into Introductory Programming Courses (Abstract Only) (Jeffrey A. Stone) (2016)
- chidb - Building a Simple Relational Database System from Scratch (Borja Sotomayor, Adam Shaw) (2016)
- The Speech Recognition Virtual Kitchen Toolkit (Rebecca Bates, Euisung Kim) (2016)
- Combining Big Data and Thick Data Analyses for Understanding Youth Learning Trajectories in a Summer Coding Camp (Deborah A. Fields, Lisa Quirke, Janell Amely, Jason Maughan) (2016)
- Investigating the Role of Being a Mentor as a Way of Increasing Interest in CS (Jody Clarke-Midura, Vicki Allan, Kevin Close) (2016)
- BRIDGES - A System to Enable Creation of Engaging Data Structures Assignments with Real-World Data and Visualizations (David Burlinson, Mihai Mehedint, Chris Grafer, Kalpathi R. Subramanian, Jamie Payton, Paula Goolkasian, Michael Youngblood, Robert Kosara) (2016)
- Visualizing Algorithm Analysis Topics (Abstract Only) (Mohammed F. Farghally, Eric Fouh, Sally Hamouda, Kyu Han Koh, Clifford A. Shaffer) (2016)
- OSBLE+ - A Next-Generation Learning Management and Analytics Environment for Computing Education (Daniel M. Olivares, Christopher D. Hundhausen) (2016)
- The Video Collaboratory as a Learning Environment (Vikash Singh, Sarah Abdellahi, Mary Lou Maher, Celine Latulipe) (2016)
- Rediscovering the Passion, Beauty, Joy, and Awe - Making Computing Fun Again, part 8 (Daniel D. Garcia, Josh Caldwell, Pamela Fox, Jeremy Keeshin) (2016)
- Security Injections 2.0 - Increasing Ability to Apply Secure Coding Knowledge using Segmented and Interactive Modules in CS0 (Sagar Raina, Siddharth Kaza, Blair Taylor) (2016)
- A Study on the Impact of Multidisciplinary Collaboration on Computational Thinking (Sarah Monisha Pulimood, Kim Pearson, Diane C. Bates) (2016)
- Students' Initial Course Motivation and Their Achievement and Retention in College CS1 Courses (Duane F. Shell, Leen-Kiat Soh, Abraham E. Flanigan, Markeya S. Peteranetz) (2016)
- Sisters Rise Up 4 CS - Helping Female Students Pass the Advanced Placement Computer Science A Exam (Barbara J. Ericson, Miranda C. Parker, Shelly Engelman) (2016)
- Incorporating Analogies and Worked Out Examples as Pedagogical Strategies in a Computer Science Tutoring System (Rachel Harsley, Nick E. Green, Mehrdad Alizadeh, Sabita Acharya, Davide Fossati, Barbara Di Eugenio, Omar AlZoubi) (2016)
- Seeing Is Believing - Helping Students Visualize Multithreaded Behavior (Joel C. Adams, Patrick A. Crain, Christopher P. Dilley, Serita M. Nelesen, Javin B. Unger, Mark B. Vander Stel) (2016)
- The Development of Internationalized Computational Thinking Curriculum in Hong Kong Primary Education (Abstract Only) (Gary K. W. Wong, Kening Zhu, Xiaojuan Ma, John Man Ho Huen) (2016)
- Creating and Grading IPython/Jupyter Notebook Assignments with NbGrader (Jessica B. Hamrick) (2016)
- An Examination of Layers of Quizzing in Two Computer Systems Courses (Cindy Norris) (2016)
- The MoveLab - Developing Congruence Between Students' Self-Concepts and Computing (Kayla DesPortes, Monet Spells, Betsy DiSalvo) (2016)
- Effects of a Program Integrating Course for Students of Computer Science and Engineering (Viggo Kann, Anna-Karin Högfeldt) (2016)
- Testing Strategies for the Automated Grading of Student Programs (Chris Wilcox) (2016)
- Bringing Real-World Data And Visualizations Into Data Structures Courses Using BRIDGES (Kalpathi R. Subramanian, Jamie Payton, David Burlinson, Mihai Mehedint) (2016)
- You Wouldn't Know It from SIGCSE Proceedings, but We Don't Only Teach CS1 (Abstract Only) (Colleen M. Lewis) (2016)
- Lean In to the Evidence - Breaking the "Glass Slipper" of Technical Professions (Karen Lee Ashcraft) (2016)
- A Survey of Ethical Agreements in Information Security Courses (Benedict Chukuka, Michael Locasto) (2016)
- MyCS at 5 - Assessing a Middle-years CS Curriculum (Brenda Castro, Terrence Diaz, Marissa Gee, Rebekah Justice, David Kwan, Preethi Seshadri, Zachary Dodds) (2016)
- An Effective Approach to Enhancing Compiler Error Messages (Brett A. Becker) (2016)
- CodeSnaps - Block-Based Robotic Programming for the Low-Budget Classroom (Jennifer Sabourin, Lucy Kosturko, Scott W. McQuiggan) (2016)
- Landscape of K-12 Computer Science Education in the U.S. - Perceptions, Access, and Barriers (Jennifer Wang, Hai Hong, Jason Ravitz, Sepehr Hejazi Moghadam) (2016)
- An Experience Report Assessing A Professional Development MOOC For CS Principles (Jeff Gray, Jonathan Corley, Brian P. Eddy) (2016)
- Automated Analysis of Student Programmer Coding Behavior Patterns (Abstract Only) (Corey Ford, Clinton Staley) (2016)
- The Performance of Female Computer Science Students across Three Caribbean Islands (Daniel T. Fokum, Daniel N. Coore, Yewande E. Lewis-Fokum) (2016)
- Demystifying Computing with Magic, part III (Daniel D. Garcia, David Ginat) (2016)
- Understanding How Research Experiences for Undergraduate Students May Foster Diversity in the Professorate (Burçin Tamer, Jane G. Stout) (2016)
- A Data-Driven Analysis of Informatively Hard Concepts in Introductory Programming (R. Paul Wiegand, Anthony Bucci, Amruth N. Kumar, Jennifer L. Albert, Alessio Gaspar) (2016)
- Teaching «Lawfulness» With Kodu (David S. Touretzky, Christina Gardner-McCune, Ashish Aggarwal) (2016)
- Computer History on the Move (Graham Farr, A. Barbara Ainsworth, Chris Avram, Judy Sheard) (2016)
- Assessing the Tier-1 Core Learning Outcomes of CS2013 (James W. McGuffee, E. Kent Palmer, Indira R. Guzman) (2016)
- Raising the Awareness of Accessibility Needs in Block Languages (Abstract Only) (Amber Wagner, Jeff Gray, Daniela Marghitu, Andreas Stefik) (2016)
- Automatic Inference of Programming Performance and Experience from Typing Patterns (Juho Leinonen, Krista Longi, Arto Klami, Arto Vihavainen) (2016)
- Enhancing Teaching of Big Data by Using Real World Datasets (Anurag Nagar) (2016)
- Ozobot Projektideen (Michael Hielscher, Beat Döbeli Honegger) (2016)
- Gute Noten für Tablets - Der Einsatz mobiler Geräte fördert die Lust der Schüler am Lernen (René Donzé) (2016)
- Mehr als 0 und 1 - Schule in einer digitalisierten Welt (Beat Döbeli Honegger) (2016)
- TigerJython4Kids - Eine exemplarische Einführung ins Programmieren mit Python und der Lernumgebung TigerJython (Jarka Arnold, Tobias Kohn, Aegidius Plüss) (2016)
- Klötzchen-Kommando - Roboter bauen und steuern mit Lego WeDo 2.0 (Thomas Feibel) (2016)
- Was ist denn binär? - Zahlendarstellung im Binärsystem einfach erklärt (Jens Gallenbacher) (2016)
- Bundesgesetz betreffend die Überwachung des Post- und Fernmeldeverkehrs - BüPF (2016)
- Wir brauchen Digitalkunde ab der ersten Klasse (Stephan Noller) (2016)
- Bildung Schweiz 4/2016 (2016)
- Interview: Mehr als 0 und 1 - Schule in einer digitalisierten Welt (Beat Döbeli Honegger, Gallus Zahno) (2016)
- «Mehr als 0 und 1» - Mehr als eine Publikation zu mehr Medien und Informatik (Jürg Fraefel) (2016)
- Das ist kein Spiel (Jochen Bettzieche) (2016)
- Algorithms to Live By - The Computer Science of Human Decisions (Brian Christian, Tom Griffiths) (2016)
- Didaktik der Informatik (Eckart Modrow, Kerstin Strecker) (2016)
- 1. Einleitung
- 2. Der didaktische Rahmen
- 3. Informatik und Gesellschaft
- 4. Informatische Grundlagen
- 5. Programmieren
- 6. Methodik
- 1. Einleitung
- Denkcodes - Wie die Informatik menschliches Verhalten verändert hat. Und wie sie dies künftig tun wird. (Themendossier Schweizer Monat 5/16) (2016)
- Das Zeitalter der Informatik (Juraj Hromkovic)
- Den Menschen entschlüsseln (Thomas Thurnherr, Olivia Kühni) (2016)
- Das Zeitalter der Informatik (Juraj Hromkovic)
- Die Informatik aus der Spielkiste (Andreas Lorenz-Meyer) (2016)
- 'Digitale Geräte bringen Lerngelegenheiten' (Beat Döbeli Honegger, Bianca Fritz) (2016)
- Lernen im digitalen Wandel - Stellungnahme zum Antrag 'Informatische Allgemeinbildung gewährleisten - Pflichtfach Informatik an allen Schulformen einführen" (Richard Heinen, Michael Kerres) (2016)
- Bildung Schweiz 6/2016 (2016)
- Keller: «Jeder weiss, was der andere verdient» (Patrick Burkhalter, Gabriela Keller, Pascal Wiederkehr) (2016)
- Pflichtfach: Primarschüler sollen programmieren lernen (2016)
- Introduction to Computing and Programming in Python - 4th Edition (Mark Guzdial, Barbara J. Ericson) (2016)
- Ada Lovelace - LOG IN 183/184 (2016)
- Informatik - reine Männersache? (Friederike Klan)
- Die Geschlechterkluft im Informatikunterricht - Teil 1 (Marco Thomas)
- Programmiereinstieg für Schülerinnen - - und auch für Schüler (Petra Nußdorfer)
- Informatik - reine Männersache? (Friederike Klan)
- Die Wahrheit ans Licht - Whistleblower unter Druck (Detlef Borchers) (2016)
- Medien und Informatik in der Volksschule - Empfehlungen an die Gemeinden und an die Schulleitungen (Erziehungsdirektion des Kantons Bern) (2016)
- Auf dem Lehrplan der Siliziumtalschule (Adrian Lobe) (2016)
- Die dunklen Seiten (Luca De Carli) (2016)
- Modality matters - Understanding the Effects of Programming Language Representation in High School Computer Science Classrooms (David Weintrop) (2016)
- DeLFI 2016 - Die 14. E-Learning Fachtagung Informatik (Ulrike Lucke, Andreas Schwill, Raphael Zender) (2016)
- go4IT! und InfoSphere - Mädchen (und Jungs) für die Informatik begeistern (Ulrik Schroeder)
- go4IT! und InfoSphere - Mädchen (und Jungs) für die Informatik begeistern (Ulrik Schroeder)
- Die Macht der Digitalisierung - Eine Serie in fünf Teilen (Tages Anzeiger) (2016)
- 2. Die effizienten Anarchisten (Christoph Fellmann) (2016)
- 3. Error 404 im Bundeshaus (Philipp Loser) (2016)
- 4. Sind wir bereit für die Zukunft? (Balthasar Glättli, Marcel Dobler, Jean Christoph Schwaab, Philipp Loser) (2016)
- 2. Die effizienten Anarchisten (Christoph Fellmann) (2016)
- ICER 2016 - Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research, ICER 2016, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, September 8-12, 2016 (Judy Sheard, Josh Tenenberg, Donald Chinn, Brian Dorn) (2016)
- Mixed Methods for the Assessment and Incorporation of Computational Thinking in K-12 and Higher Education (Joshua Levi Weese) (2016)
- Learning and Collaboration in Physical Computing (Kayla DesPortes) (2016)
- Computational Thinking as a Computer Science Education Framework and the Related Effects on Gender Equity (Jon Good) (2016)
- Bringing the Innovations in Data Management to Secondary CS Education (Andreas Grillenberger) (2016)
- Evidence That Computer Science Grades Are Not Bimodal (Elizabeth Patitsas, Jesse Berlin, Michelle Craig, Steve M. Easterbrook) (2016)
- Geospatial Analysis of Computer Science Course Offerings in Wisconsin Public High Schools (Heather Bort) (2016)
- Improving Scientific Inquiry through Physical Computing (Sandra Schulz) (2016)
- Teaching - Learning of Troubleshooting Skills for Computer Science Undergraduates (Kavya Alse) (2016)
- Mobile Learning Application for Computer Science Students - A Transactional Distance Perspective (Pakapan Limtrairut, Stuart Marshall, Peter Andreae) (2016)
- «I Don't Code All Day» - Fitting in Computer Science When the Stereotypes Don't Fit (Colleen M. Lewis, Ruth E. Anderson, Ken Yasuhara) (2016)
- Computer Science Principles - Impacting Student Motivation & Learning Within and Beyond the Classroom (Kara Alexandra Behnke, Brittany Ann Kos, John K. Bennett) (2016)
- Perceived Instrumentality and Career Aspirations in CS1 Courses - Change and Relationships with Achievement (Markeya S. Peteranetz, Abraham E. Flanigan, Duane F. Shell, Leen-Kiat Soh) (2016)
- Mixed Methods for the Assessment and Incorporation of Computational Thinking in K-12 and Higher Education (Joshua Levi Weese) (2016)
- HDI 2016 - HDI2016 – 7. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs Informatik und Ausbildung/Didaktik der Informatik (Andreas Schwill, Ulrike Lucke) (2016)
- Proceedings of the 11th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education (WiPSCE 2016) - Münster, Germany, October 13-15, 2016 (Jan Vahrenhold, Erik Barendsen) (2016)
- Teacher Feedback on Delivering Computational Thinking in Primary School (Tim Bell, Caitlin Duncan, James Atlas) (2016)
- What children ask about computers, the Internet, robots, mobiles, games etc (Christian Borowski, Ira Diethelm, Henning Wilken) (2016)
- A Case Study of Physical Computing in Computer Science Education (Michael Brinkmeier, Daniel Kalbreyer) (2016)
- Utilizing Sprego and Sprego contents (Maria Csernoch, Piroska Biró) (2016)
- Introducing Student Assessments with Evidence of Validity for NYC's CS4All (Leigh Ann DeLyser, Bryan Mascio, Kelsey Finkel) (2016)
- Computer science experimenter's kit for use in preschool and primary school (Anja Gärtig-Daugs, Katharina Weitz, Maike Wolking, Ute Schmid) (2016)
- Thanks for Sharing - CS Pedagogical Content Knowledge Sharing in Online Environments (Susannah Go, Brian Dorn) (2016)
- Extension of a didactic media competence model by privacy risk (Alexander Hug, Rüdiger Grimm) (2016)
- Starting out with Projects - Experiences with Agile Software Development in High Schools (Petra Kastl, Ulrich Kiesmüller, Ralf Romeike) (2016)
- Toward a Developmental Epistemology of Computer Programming (Raymond Lister) (2016)
- Teacher professional development through a physical computing workshop (Tom Neutens, Francis Wyffels) (2016)
- Identification of the Emergent Leaders within a CSE Professional Development Program (Tracie Evans Reding, Brian Dorn, Neal Grandgenett, Harvey P. Siy, Jon Youn, Quiming Zhu, Carol Engelmann) (2016)
- Drops and Kinks - Modeling the Retention of Flow for Hour of Code Style Tutorials (Alexander Repenning, Ashok R. Basawapatna) (2016)
- From Scratch to Patch - Easing the Blocks-Text Transition (William Robinson) (2016)
- Towards Supporting Scientific Inquiry in Computer Science Education (Sandra Schulz, Niels Pinkwart) (2016)
- Teacher Research Projects in Computing (Sue Sentance, Jane Sinclair, Carl Simmons, Andrew Paul Csizmadia) (2016)
- Teaching Abstract Thinking in Introduction to Computer Science for 7th Graders (David Statter, Michal Armoni) (2016)
- Sharing as a Means for Reflection - Seeing Differences, Understanding Affordances of Peers' Programming Solutions (Marleen Villeroy) (2016)
- The 'I' in MINT - A Tale of Two Translations (Marc J. de Vries) (2016)
- Measuring computer science pedagogical content knowledge - An exploratory analysis of teaching vignettes to measure teacher knowledge (Aman Yadav, Marc Berges, Phil Sands, Jon Good) (2016)
- CTWINS - improving Computational Thinking confidence in educators through paired activities (Richard Millwood, Glenn Strong, Nina Bresnihan, Pamela Cowan) (2016)
- Educational Robotics in the service of CSE - A study based on the PanHellenic competition (Anastasios Theodoropoulos, Angeliki Antoniou, George Lepouras) (2016)
- Abstraction and common classroom activities (Jane Waite, Paul Curzon, William Marsh, Sue Sentance) (2016)
- Teacher Feedback on Delivering Computational Thinking in Primary School (Tim Bell, Caitlin Duncan, James Atlas) (2016)
- Informatics in Schools: Improvement of Informatics Knowledge and Perception - 9th International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution, and Perspectives, ISSEP 2016, Münster, Germany, October 13-15, 2016 (Andrej Brodnik, Françoise Tort) (2016)
- 1. Teaching Computer Image Processing Subject to Middle School Students - Cognitive and Affective Aspects (Khaled Asad)
- 2. Analyzing Conceptual Content of International Informatics Curricula for Secondary Education (Erik Barendsen, Tim Steenvoorden)
- 3. It's Computational Thinking! - Bebras Tasks in the Curriculum (Valentina Dagienė, Sue Sentance)
- 4. How to Attract the Girls - Gender-Specific Performance and Motivation in the Bebras Challenge (Peter Hubwieser, Elena Hubwieser, Dorothee Graswald)
- 5. Attitudes Towards Computer Science in Secondary Education - Evaluation of an Introductory Course (Daniel Lessner)
- 6. Typifying Informatics Teachers´ PCK of Designing Digital Artefacts in Dutch Upper Secondary Education (Ebrahim Rahimi, Erik Barendsen, Ineke Henze)
- 7. Students´ Success in the Bebras Challenge in Lithuania - Focus on a Long-Term Participation (Gabrielė Stupurienė, Lina Vinikienė, Valentina Dagienė)
- 8. What Makes Situational Informatics Tasks Difficult? (Jiří Vaníček)
- 9. A New Informatics Curriculum for Secondary Education in The Netherlands (Erik Barendsen, Natasa Grgurina, Jos Tolboom)
- 10. And Now What Do We Do with Our Schoolchildren? (G. Barbara Demo)
- 11. Defining and Observing Modeling and Simulation in Informatics (Natasa Grgurina, Erik Barendsen, Bert Zwaneveld, Klaas van Veen, Cor Suhre)
- 12. K-12 Computer Science Education Across the U.S. (Hai Hong, Jennifer Wang, Sepehr Hejazi Moghadam)
- 13. Combining the Power of Python with the Simplicity of Logo for a Sustainable Computer Science Education (Juraj Hromkovic, Tobias Kohn, Dennis Komm, Giovanni Serafini)
- 14. A New Interactive Computer Science Textbook in Slovenia (Nataša Mori, Matija Lokar)
- 15. Computer Science in the Eyes of Its Teachers in French-Speaking Switzerland (Gabriel Parriaux, Jean-Philippe Pellet)
- 16. IT2School - Development of Teaching Materials for CS Through Design Thinking (Ira Diethelm, Melanie Schaumburg)
- 17. 'Why Can´t I Learn Programming? - The Learning and Teaching Environment of Programming (Zsuzsanna Szalayné Tahy, Zoltán Czirkos)
- 1. Teaching Computer Image Processing Subject to Middle School Students - Cognitive and Affective Aspects (Khaled Asad)
- Entwicklung und Validierung eines Instruments zur Messung des Wissens über Fehlvorstellungen in der Informatik (Laura Ohrndorf) (2016)
- Medienbildung und informatische Bildung - quo vadis? (Klaus Rummler, Beat Döbeli Honegger, Heinz Moser, Horst Niesyto) (2016)
- Through the Interface - Medienbildung in der digitalisierten Kultur (Heidi Schelhowe) (2016)
- Zur Relevanz informatischer Bildung in der Schule für den Erwerb computer- und informationsbezogener Kompetenzen als Teilaspekt von Medienbildung. Ergebnisse für Deutschland und die Schweiz im internationalen Vergleich (Birgit Eickelmann, Kerstin Drossel) (2016)
- Through the Interface - Medienbildung in der digitalisierten Kultur (Heidi Schelhowe) (2016)
- Scalable Game Design - Ein Erfolgsmodell - Kurzfassung des Schlussberichts (2016)
- Teaching Computing Unplugged in Primary Schools - Exploring primary computing through practical activities away from the computer (Helen Caldwell, Neil Smith) (2016)
- Digitale Zukunft beginnt in Deutsch und Mathe (Silvia Camenzind) (2016)
- Hungriges Datenmonster - Auszug aus c't 24/2016 (2016)
- Brüchiges Recht - Wie schwer es ist, Datenschutzverstöße von Facebook juristisch zu ahnden (Holger Bleich)
- Brüchiges Recht - Wie schwer es ist, Datenschutzverstöße von Facebook juristisch zu ahnden (Holger Bleich)
- Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science in Education (Martin Kandlhofer, Gerald Steinbauer, Sabine Hirschmugl-Gaisch, Petra Huber) (2016)
- Bildung Schweiz 12/2016 (2016)
- Da wird getüftelt,experimentiert und nach Lösungen gesucht (Peter Krebs)
- BYOD in der Schule - eine rechtliche Einordnung (Peter Hofmann)
- Da wird getüftelt,experimentiert und nach Lösungen gesucht (Peter Krebs)
- Medien- und ICT-Empfehlungen - für die gemeindlichen Schulen im Kanton Zug (Urs Aregger, Markus Honegger, Pascal Schauber, Ursula Schwarb, Olivier Wüest, Philipp Wüthrich, Martina Krieg, Direktion für Bildung und Kultur des Kantons Zug) (2016)
- «Programmieren, so wichtig wie schreiben und lesen» (Juraj Hromkovic, Irena Ristic) (2016)
- Eile mit Weile für «Medien und Informatik» (Heinz Moser) (2017)
- Emerging Research, Practice, and Policy on Computational Thinking (Peter J. Rich, Charles B. Hodges) (2017)
- 2. Making Computer Science Attractive to High School Girls with Computational Thinking Approaches - A Case Study (Oshani Seneviratne)
- 4. Computational Thinking as an Interdisciplinary Approach to Computer Science School Curricula - A German Perspective (Jan Delcker, Dirk Ifenthaler)
- 8. A Computational Approach to Learning Programming Using Visual Programming in a Developing Country University (Ago MacGranaky Quaye, Salihu Ibrahim Dasuki)
- 11. Teaching Computational Thinking Patterns in Rural Communities (Carla Hester Croff)
- 14. Computational Thinking Conceptions and Misconceptions - Progression of Preservice Teacher Thinking During Computer Science Lesson Planning (Olgun Sadik, Anne-Ottenbreit Leftwich, Hamid Nadiruzzaman)
- 2. Making Computer Science Attractive to High School Girls with Computational Thinking Approaches - A Case Study (Oshani Seneviratne)
- Hello World 1 (2017)
- Big Data in Education - The digital future of learning, policy and practice (Ben Williamson) (2017)
- 3. Software, Code and Algorithms - Programming, automating and governing everyday life
- Cracking the code - girls' and women's education in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) (UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Org.) (2017)
- Coding Literacy - How Computer Programming Is Changing Writing (Annette Vee) (2017)
- Artificial Intuition - The Improbable Deep Learning Revolution (Carlos E. Perez) (2017)
- Calliope Lehrerhandreichung (Hans Haase, André Hilbig, Ludger Humbert, Dorothee Müller, Philipp Rumm) (2017)
- Lehrplan 21, Marschhalt im Thema Medien und Informatik - Postulat P 1/17 (Othmar Büeler) (2017)
- Programmiert auf Erfolg (Maximilian Nowroth, Max Haerder) (2017)
- Sprich, und ich sag dir, wer du bist (Steve Przybilla) (2017)
- Fostering Creativity through Computing (Aman Yadav, Steve Cooper) (2017)
- L. A. multimedia 1-2017 (2017)
- Informatik als Kulturtechnologie? (Peter A. Henning)
- Programmieren in der Schule (Bardo Herzig, Johannes Götz, Peter Liggesmeyer, Christoph Meinel)
- Informatik als Kulturtechnologie? (Peter A. Henning)
- Informatik für dummies - Das Lehrbuch (E. G. Hafner) (2017)
- «Digitalisierung völlig verschlafen!» (Patrick Schellenbauer, Reto Stauffacher) (2017)
- Misconceptions About Computer Science (Peter Denning, Matti Tedre, Pat Yongpradit) (2017)
- Pädagogischer Mehrwert? - Digitale Medien in Schule und Unterricht (Christian Fischer) (2017)
- Pädagogischer Mehrwert? - Digitale Medien in Schule und Unterricht - eine Einführung (William Middendorf)
- Pädagogischer Mehrwert? - Digitale Medien in Schule und Unterricht - eine Einführung (William Middendorf)
- «Die Tablets werden das Buch nicht verdrängen» (Bernhard Ott) (2017)
- SIGCSE 2017 - Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGCSE Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, Seattle, WA, USA, March 8-11, 2017 (Michael E. Caspersen, Stephen H. Edwards, Tiffany Barnes, Daniel D. Garcia) (2017)
- Cyber Crime Investigators - Pathways from High School to Cybersecurity Careers for First Generation College-Bound Students (Abstract Only) (Nicole Simon, Megan Banford) (2017)
- Interested In Class, But Not In The Hallway - A Latent Class Analysis (LCA) of CS4All Student Surveys (Kenneth E. Graves, Leigh Ann DeLyser) (2017)
- Infrastructure for Continuous Assessment of Retained Relevant Knowledge (Kathleen Timmerman, Travis E. Doom) (2017)
- Introducing Data Science to School Kids (Shashank Srikant, Varun Aggarwal) (2017)
- From Blocks to Text and Back - Programming Patterns in a Dual-Modality Environment (David Weintrop, Nathan R. Holbert) (2017)
- Nifty Assignments (Nick Parlante, Julie Zelenski, Dave Feinberg, Kunal Mishra, Josh Hug, Kevin Wayne, Michael Guerzhoy, Jackie Chi Kit Cheung, François Pitt) (2017)
- CS for SC - A Landscape Report of K-12 Computer Science in South Carolina (Abstract Only) (Quinn Burke, Madeleine Schep, Travis Dalton) (2017)
- Evaluation and Impact of a Required Computational Thinking Course for Architecture Students (Nick Senske) (2017)
- A Game-Driven Approach to Teaching Bit Manipulation (Abstract Only) (Paul Voelker, Chris Johnson) (2017)
- Building Bridges - How the Southeast is Increasing the Representation of Students with Disabilities in STEM (Abstract Only) (Daniela Marghitu, Amber Wagner) (2017)
- Writing Autograders for Snap! And Integrating them Into Your Course (Abstract Only) (Michael Ball) (2017)
- Evaluating Student Learning from Collaborative Group Tests in Introductory Computing (Yingjun Cao, Leo Porter) (2017)
- CS1 - Computation & Cognition - An Evidence-Based Course to Broaden Participation (Abstract Only) (Clif Kussmaul) (2017)
- Communicating What Liberal Arts Colleges Contribute to Computer Science (Abstract Only) (Janet Davis, Angela Berardinelli, Amanda M. Holland-Minkley, Ellen Walker) (2017)
- Folk Pedagogy and the Geek Gene - Geekiness Quotient (Robert McCartney, Jonas Boustedt, Anna Eckerdal, Kate Sanders, Carol Zander) (2017)
- Creativity in Authentic STEAM Education with EarSketch (Shelly Engelman, Brian Magerko, Tom McKlin, Morgan Miller, Doug Edwards, Jason Freeman) (2017)
- Access to Computing Education for Students with Disabilities (Abstract Only) (Richard E. Ladner, Andreas Stefik, Daniela Marghitu) (2017)
- Improving Students' Learning and Achievement in CS Classrooms through Computational Creativity Exercises that Integrate Computational and Creative Thi (Duane F. Shell, Leen-Kiat Soh, Abraham E. Flanigan, Markeya S. Peteranetz, Elizabeth Ingraham) (2017)
- Investigating the Impact of Unsolicited Next-Step and Subgoal Hints on Dropout in a Logic Proof Tutor (Abstract Only) (Christa Cody, Behrooz Mostafavi) (2017)
- The Power of Analogies in Introductory CS Education (Abstract Only) (Yingjun Cao, Scott D. Anderson) (2017)
- Improving Effectiveness of CS Teacher Professional Development (Abstract Only) (Karen Parker, Sloan Davis, Chris Stephenson, Jason Ravitz) (2017)
- Micro Projects - Putting Light and Magic into Learning Computer Systems Concepts (Abstract Only) (Edwin Franklin Barry) (2017)
- A Literature Review through the Lens of Computer Science Learning Goals Theorized and Explored in Research (Kathryn Rich, Carla Strickland, Diana Franklin) (2017)
- Advancing Data Science for Students of All Majors (Abstract Only) (Lillian N. Cassel, Michael Posner, Darina Dicheva, Don Goelman, Heikki Topi, Christo Dichev) (2017)
- Strategies for Including Soft Skills and Interdisciplinary Content in CS Education (Abstract Only) (Amanda M. Holland-Minkley, Thomas E. Lombardi, Madeline E. Smith) (2017)
- How to Plan and Run Effective Teacher Professional Development (Abstract Only) (Barbara J. Ericson, Rebecca Dovi, Ria Galanos) (2017)
- A Pathway to Strengthening Support for Beauty and Joy of Computing Teachers (Meghana Subramaniam, Veronica Cateté) (2017)
- Getting Students to Earnestly Do Reading, Studying, and Homework in an Introductory Programming Class (Alex D. Edgcomb, Frank Vahid, Roman Lysecky, Susan Lysecky) (2017)
- Researching the K-12 Computer Science Framework (Abstract Only) (Pat Yongpradit) (2017)
- CS 1 - Beyond Programming (Doug Baldwin, Valerie Barr, Amy Briggs, Jessen T. Havill, Bruce Maxwell, Henry M. Walker) (2017)
- Evaluating the Effect of Using Physical Manipulatives to Foster Computational Thinking in Elementary School (Ashish Aggarwal, Christina Gardner-McCune, David S. Touretzky) (2017)
- Diversity Barriers in K-12 Computer Science Education - Structural and Social (Jennifer Wang, Sepehr Hejazi Moghadam) (2017)
- Seeking Evidence for Basing the CS Theory Course on Non-decision Problems (Abstract Only) (John MacCormick) (2017)
- Accessibility as a First-Class Concern in Teaching GUIs and Software Engineering (Abstract Only) (Joel Ross, Andrew J. Ko, David L. Stearns) (2017)
- Teach Access - Preparing Computing Students for Industry (Abstract Only) (Megan Lawrence, Mary Bellard) (2017)
- POGIL Activities in Data Structures - What do Students Value? (Tammy VanDeGrift) (2017)
- Investigating Student Plagiarism Patterns and Correlations to Grades (Jonathan Pierce, Craig B. Zilles) (2017)
- Examining PhD Student Interest in Teaching - An Analysis of 19 Years of Historical Data (Abstract Only) (Travis Mandel, Jens Mache) (2017)
- Reflecting on Three Offerings of a Community-Centric MOOC for K-6 Computer Science Teachers (Katrina Falkner, Rebecca Vivian, Nickolas J. G. Falkner, Sally-Ann Williams) (2017)
- Bringing Real-Time Collaboration to Visual Programming (Abstract Only) (Brian Broll, Ákos Lédeczi) (2017)
- Making Robot Challenges with Virtual Robots (Kevin J. Gucwa, Harry H. Cheng) (2017)
- Workshop - Guiding Students to Discover CS Concepts & Develop Process Skills Using POGIL (Abstract Only) (Clif Kussmaul, Chris Mayfield, Helen H. Hu) (2017)
- Broadening Secure Mobile Software Development (SMSD) Through Curriculum Development (Abstract Only) (Kai Qian, Hossain Shahriar, Fan Wu, Cassandra Thomas, Emmanuel Agu) (2017)
- Using AppVis to Build Data-rich Apps with MIT App Inventor (Abstract Only) (Fred Martin, Samantha Michalka, Harry Zhu, Jere Boudelle) (2017)
- An interactive Web Application Visualizing Memory Space for Novice C Programmers (Abstract Only) (Ryosuke Ishizue, Kazunori Sakamoto, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa) (2017)
- The Micro - bit: Hands-on Computing for the New Generation (Abstract Only) (Thomas Ball, Judith Bishop, Jonathan de Halleux) (2017)
- How to Collect, Analyze and Act on Learning Data in Computer Science Courses (Abstract Only) (Ananda Gunawardena) (2017)
- Cracking the Code - Bringing Introductory Computer Science to a Charleston Middle School (Abstract Only) (Clare A. Rumsey, Quinn Burke, Chris Thurman) (2017)
- Assessing and Teaching Scope, Mutation, and Aliasing in Upper-Level Undergraduates (Kathi Fisler, Shriram Krishnamurthi, Preston Tunnell Wilson) (2017)
- GP - A General Purpose Blocks-Based Language (Abstract Only) (John Maloney, Michael Nagle, Jens Mönig) (2017)
- Computing Education in Liberal Arts Colleges - A Status Report of the SIGCSE Committee (Doug Baldwin, Grant Braught, Amanda M. Holland-Minkley) (2017)
- Assessment of Introducing Algorithms with Video Lectures and Pseudocode Rhymed to a Melody (Benjamin J. Schreiber, John P. Dougherty) (2017)
- Collaborative research into Game Jams, Hackathons and Event-Based Teaching in Higher Education (Abstract Only) (Ian Pollock, Lonny Brooks) (2017)
- Integrating Computer Science into Music Education (John Peterson, Greg Haynes) (2017)
- Improving SAT-solving with Machine Learning (Haoze Wu) (2017)
- Successful First-Year Experience for At-Risk Students (Alice Armstrong) (2017)
- Interactive Problem Solving Using Mobile Devices in the Classroom (Abstract Only) (M. Muztaba Fuad) (2017)
- The ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct - Teaching Strategies and the Coming Update (Abstract Only) (Bo Brinkman, Karla Carter) (2017)
- Urban Archivist Application (James W. Belford) (2017)
- Preparing and Supporting Industry Professionals as Volunteer High School Computer Science Co-Instructors (Anthony Papini, Leigh Ann DeLyser, Nathaniel Granor, Kevin Wang) (2017)
- Enhancing Cybersecurity Education Using POGIL (Abstract Only) (Xiaohong Yuan, Li Yang 0001, Wu He, Jennifer T. Ellis, Jinsheng Xu, Cynthia K. Waters) (2017)
- Increasing Diversity in the Face of Enrollment Increases (Wendy M. DuBow, Ignatios Vakalis, Laura K. Dillon, Helen H. Hu) (2017)
- Identifying and Exploiting Vulnerabilities in Civilian Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Systems and Evaluating and Countering Potential Threats Against the Uni (Philip J. Costello) (2017)
- An Introduction to the Weka Data Mining System (Abstract Only) (Ingrid Russell, Zdravko Markov) (2017)
- Assessing Children's Understanding of the Work of Computer Scientists - The Draw-a-Computer-Scientist Test (Alexandria K. Hansen, Hilary A. Dwyer, Ashley Iveland, Mia Talesfore, Lacy Wright, Danielle Boyd Harlow, Diana Franklin) (2017)
- How to Integrate Interactive Learning into Large Classes (Abstract Only) (Stephan Krusche, Andreas Seitz, Nadine von Frankenberg, Bernd Bruegge) (2017)
- Holistic Development of Underrepresented Students through Academic - Industry Partnerships (Legand Burge, Marlon Mejias, KaMar Galloway, Kinnis Gosha, Jean Muhammad) (2017)
- On the Integration of Big Data and Cloud Computing Topics (Abstract Only) (Debzani Deb) (2017)
- Comparing Outcomes Across Different Contexts in CS1 (Bruce A. Maxwell, Stephanie R. Taylor) (2017)
- Can we really do it? - Conducting Significant Computer Science Research in Primarily Undergraduate Institutions (PUIs) (Abstract Only) (Farzana Rahman, Suzanne Matthews, Kelly A. Shaw 0001, Andrea Danyluk) (2017)
- CSPd Week - A Scalable Model for Preparing Teachers for CS for All (Tracy Camp, Emmanuel Schanzer, Joanna Goode, Owen L. Astrachan, Ed Campos) (2017)
- Special Session - ICER UP CS Ed Research Workshop Summary-Essence of Illustrative Projects (Eileen Kraemer, Aubrey Lawson, Murali Sitaraman) (2017)
- Teaching CS to CS Teachers - Addressing the Need for Advanced Content in K-12 Professional Development (Dan Leyzberg, Christopher Moretti) (2017)
- Teacher Configurable Coding Challenges for Block Languages (Nath Tumlin) (2017)
- Teaching Computer Science in the Victorian Certificate of Education - A Pilot Study (Richard Cox, Steven Bird, Bernd Meyer 0001) (2017)
- UTeach CS Principles - Broadening Participation Through K-12 Computer Science Education and Teacher Professional Learning and Support (Abstract Only) (Bradley Beth, Amy Moreland) (2017)
- Merging MyCS - Lessons from a District-wide Middle-school CS pilot (Abstract Only) (Sam Andow, Kaitlyn Eng, Julia McCarthy, Olivia Palenscar, Thomas Schneider, Adam Schulze, Zachary Dodds, Bryan Twarek) (2017)
- Using Professional Development to Move Toward a Guided Discovery Approach in the Classroom (Abstract Only) (Susan B. Miller) (2017)
- ACM Joint Task Force on Cybersecurity Education (Diana Burley, Matt Bishop, Siddharth Kaza, David S. Gibson, Elizabeth K. Hawthorne, Scott Buck) (2017)
- Digitalizing Paper-Based Exams - An Assessment of Programming Grading Assistant (Hannah E. Murphy) (2017)
- Bringing Undergraduate Research Experience in Non-R1 Institutions (Farzana Rahman, Helen H. Hu, Dennis Brylow, Clif Kussmaul) (2017)
- Impact of Prior Exposure to the PLP Instruction Set Architecture in a Computer Architecture Course (Sohum Sohoni, Scotty D. Craig, Shaowen Lu) (2017)
- Using and Customizing Open-Source Runestone Ebooks for Computer Science Classes (Abstract Only) (Bradley N. Miller, Paul Resnick, Barbara J. Ericson) (2017)
- Building CS Teaching Capacity - Comparing Strategies for Achieving Large Scale Impact (Kimberly Hughes, Carol L. Fletcher, Leigh Ann DeLyser, Anthoy Owen) (2017)
- Recommendations for Designing CS Resource Sharing Sites for All Teachers (Mackenzie Leake, Colleen M. Lewis) (2017)
- Building a Statewide Computer Science Teacher Pipeline (Helen H. Hu, Cecily Heiner, Thomas Gagne, Carl Lyman) (2017)
- In-Lab Programming Tests in a Data Structures Course in C for Non-Specialists (Edwin M. Knorr, Christopher Thompson) (2017)
- My Digital Hand - A Tool for Scaling Up One-to-One Peer Teaching in Support of Computer Science Learning (Aaron J. Smith, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, Jeffrey Forbes, Sarah Heckman, Ketan Mayer-Patel) (2017)
- Building Tools, Gathering Data - Precursors for Assessing Students' Programming Process (Abstract Only) (Carl Alphonce, Jacob Condello, Bina Ramamurthy, Simran Singh) (2017)
- A Two-Course Sequence of Real Projects for Real Customers (Christian Murphy, Swapneel Sheth, Sydney Morton) (2017)
- Gender Differences in Students' Behaviors in CS Classes throughout the CS Major (Christine Alvarado, Yingjun Cao, Mia Minnes) (2017)
- Pre-College Computing Outreach Research - Towards Improving the Practice (Adrienne Decker, Monica M. McGill) (2017)
- The Role of CS Departments in The US President's «CS for All» Initiative (Mark Guzdial, Barbara J. Ericson, W. Richards Adrion, Megean Garvin) (2017)
- A Study of the Use of a Reflective Activity to Improve Students' Software Design Capabilities (John W. Coffey) (2017)
- Agile Development in Project-based Curriculum at Scale for Middle and High School Girls (Abstract Only) (Sarah Judd, Megan Sullivan, Jeff Stern) (2017)
- Motivating K-12 Students Toward Computer Science, and Computer Science Students Toward Teaching (Abstract Only) (Peter A. Tucker, Robert Bryant) (2017)
- Creative Computing and Society - When Undergraduates Design a Curriculum for an Introductory Computing Course (Sierra Magnotta, Anushikha Sharma, Jingya Wu, Darakhshan J. Mir) (2017)
- Tapped-based Authentication for Mobile Device Security (Lukasz Brodowski, Cameron Dziurgot, Donald Moretz) (2017)
- Teaching Big Data and Cloud Computing with a Physical Cluster (Jesse Eickholt, Sharad Shrestha) (2017)
- Designing Blended Learning Models to Support Computational Learning - Minecraft Edition (Abstract Only) (Dominic A. Amato, Ugochi Acholonu) (2017)
- Examining the Relationship Between Introductory Computing Course Experiences, Self-Efficacy, and Belonging Among First-Generation College Women (Jennifer M. Blaney, Jane G. Stout) (2017)
- Variable Evaluation - an Exploration of Novice Programmers' Understanding and Common Misconceptions (Tobias Kohn) (2017)
- Time Lord - Covert Timing Channel Implementation and Realistic Experimentation (Eduardo J. Castillo, Xenia Mountrouidou, Xiangyang Li) (2017)
- Mixed-initiative Personal Assistants (Joshua W. Buck, Saverio Perugini) (2017)
- Increasing Student Interest in Data Structures Courses with Real-World Data and Visualizations Using BRIDGES (Abstract Only) (Kalpathi R. Subramanian, Jamie Payton) (2017)
- Open Extensible System for Dynamic Problem Creation for Computer Science (Abstract Only) (Keith Irwin, Darina Dicheva, Christo Dichev) (2017)
- Should Your College Computer Science Program Partner with a Coding Boot Camp? (Abstract Only) (Louise Ann Lyon, Quinn Burke, Jill Denner, Jim Bowring) (2017)
- App Lab - A Powerful JavaScript IDE for Rapid Prototyping of Small Data-backed Web Applications (Abstract Only) (Alice Steinglass, Baker Franke, Sarah Filman) (2017)
- Using Programming Process Data to Detect Differences in Students' Patterns of Programming (Adam Scott Carter, Christopher David Hundhausen) (2017)
- Teaching Track Faculty in CS (Abstract Only) (Mark Sherriff, Christopher Gregg, Shawn Lupoli) (2017)
- Applications of Specifications Grading in Computer Science Courses (Abstract Only) (Christian Roberson) (2017)
- What's New in BlueJ 4 - Git, Stride and more (Abstract Only) (Neil C. C. Brown, Amjad AlTadmri) (2017)
- Lessons learned from an EPIC course - Mobile Application Development for Mobile Health (Abstract Only) (Chen-Hsiang Yu) (2017)
- A Collaborative Approach to Teaching Software Architecture (Arie van Deursen, Mauricio Finavaro Aniche, Joop Aué, Rogier Slag, Michael de Jong, Alex Nederlof, Eric Bouwers) (2017)
- A Flexible Late Day Policy Reduces Stress and Improves Learning (Abstract Only) (Jeramey Tyler, Matthew Peveler, Barbara Cutler) (2017)
- Progsnap - Sharing Programming Snapshots for Research (Abstract Only) (David Hovemeyer, Arto Hellas, Andrew Petersen, Jaime Spacco) (2017)
- Concepts and Practices - Designing and Developing A Modern K-12 CS Framework (Miranda C. Parker, Leigh Ann DeLyser) (2017)
- Using Scratch and Female Role Models while Storytelling Improves Fifth-Grade Students' Attitudes toward Computing (Raza Zaidi, Isabel Freihofer, Gloria Childress Townsend) (2017)
- Arts Coding for Social Good - A Pilot Project for Middle-School Outreach (Anita DeWitt, Julia Fay, Madeleine Goldman, Eleanor Nicolson, Linda Oyolu, Lukas Resch, Jovan Martinez Saldaña, Soulideth Sounalath, Tyler Williams, Kathryn Yetter, Elizabeth Zak, Narren Brown, Samuel A. Rebelsky) (2017)
- Two Birds - Teaching Coding and Math in Primary Schools and Beyond (Abstract Only) (Victor Winter, Betty Love) (2017)
- Quadrilateral Mesh Generation with a Provably Good Aspect Ratio Bound (Christopher Gillespie, Mark Moore, Colin Brown) (2017)
- Perspectives on Teaching Humanitarian Free and Open Source Software (Abstract Only) (Becka Morgan, Heidi J. C. Ellis, Gregory W. Hislop, Grant Braught, Lori Postner) (2017)
- Panel - Teaching To Increase Diversity and Equity in STEM (Helen H. Hu, Douglas Blank, Albert Chan, Travis E. Doom) (2017)
- Micro-Classes - A Structure for Improving Student Experience in Large Classes (Christine Alvarado, Mia Minnes, Leo Porter) (2017)
- Practical Systems Programming in Computer Science Education (Abstract Only) (Peter H. Fröhlich, Borja Sotomayor) (2017)
- A Curriculum Model Featuring Oral Communication Instruction and Practice (Karen Anewalt, Jennifer A. Polack) (2017)
- Understanding High School Students' Reading, Remixing, and Writing Codeable Circuits for Electronic Textiles (Breanne K. Litts, Yasmin B. Kafai, Debora Lui, Justice T. Walker, Sari Widman) (2017)
- Capture the Flag Unplugged - an Offline Cyber Competition (Vitaly Ford, Ambareen Siraj, Ada Haynes, Eric L. Brown) (2017)
- From Professional Development to the Classroom - Findings from CS K-12 Teachers (Lori L. Pollock, Chrystalla Mouza, Amanda Czik, Alexis Little, Debra Coffey, Joan Buttram) (2017)
- Choosing Face-to-face or Video-based Instruction in a Mobile App Development Course (Matthew R. Boutell) (2017)
- Broadening Participation in Computer Science - Key Strategies from International Findings (Rebecca Vivian, Katrina Falkner, Claudia Szabo) (2017)
- Testing Across the Curriculum (Abstract Only) (Zachary Kurmas) (2017)
- CSTA K-12 CS Standards for All (Abstract Only) (Deborah W. Seehorn, Lissa Clayborn) (2017)
- Implementing «In-Lab» Autograding for Snap! - (Abstract Only) (Michael Ball) (2017)
- GitHub, Tutors, Relatives, and Friends - The Wide Web of Plagiarism (Abstract Only) (Amardeep Kahlon, Bonnie K. MacKellar, Anastasia Kurdia) (2017)
- ThoTh Lab - A Personalized Learning Framework for CS Hands-on Projects (Abstract Only) (Yuli Deng, Dijiang Huang, Chun-Jen Chung) (2017)
- Can Undergraduate Computing Research Be Student-Driven? (Abstract Only) (Chelsea Patek, Ankur Chattopadhyay) (2017)
- CS4What? - A Game-based Discussion about the Purposes of Universal Computer Science Education (Abstract Only) (Rafi Santo, David Phelps) (2017)
- Sharing and Using Programming Log Data (Abstract Only) (Thomas W. Price, Neil C. C. Brown, Chris Piech, Kelly Rivers) (2017)
- Submitty - An Open Source, Highly-Configurable Platform for Grading of Programming Assignments (Abstract Only) (Matthew Peveler, Jeramey Tyler, Samuel Breese, Barbara Cutler, Ana Milanova) (2017)
- Technology We Can't Live Without! - revisited (Ria Galanos, Whitaker Brand, Sumukh Sridhara, Mike Zamansky, Evelyn Zayas) (2017)
- Developing Big Data Curriculum with Open Source Infrastructure (Abstract Only) (Anurag Nagar) (2017)
- Using Tangible Manipulatives for Hands-on Activities in Undergraduate Computer Science Classes (Abstract Only) (Stephanie Ludi, Stan Kurkovsky) (2017)
- What We Say vs. What They Do - A Comparison of Middle-School Coding Camps in the CS Education Literature and Mainstream Coding Camps (Abstract Only) (Anita DeWitt, Julia Fay, Madeleine Goldman, Eleanor Nicolson, Linda Oyolu, Lukas Resch, Jovan Martinez Saldaña, Soulideth Sounalath, Tyler Williams, Kathryn Yetter, Elizabeth Zak, Narren Brown, Samuel A. Rebelsky) (2017)
- A Comparative Analysis of Online and Face-to-Face Professional Development Models for CS Education (David C. Webb, Hilarie Nickerson, Jeffrey B. Bush) (2017)
- Can We Conduct A Social Construction Based Epistemology for CS1 and CS2 Students? (Abstract Only) (Frisque Brennen, Ankur Chattopadhyay) (2017)
- Do Enhanced Compiler Error Messages Help Students? - Results Inconclusive (Raymond S. Pettit, John Homer, Roger Gee) (2017)
- Employing Retention of Flow to Improve Online Tutorials (Ashok R. Basawapatna, Alexander Repenning) (2017)
- Do Computer Science Exposure Activities and Courses Influence the Pursuit of Computing Majors in Higher Education among Underrepresented High School S (Allison Scott, Alexis Martin, Frieda McAlear) (2017)
- Collecting Participation Data Across NSF CS10K-Funded Professional Development Providers (Abstract Only) (Rebecca Zarch, Alan Peterfreund) (2017)
- Exploring Gender Diversity in CS at a Large Public R1 Research University (Monica Babes-Vroman, Isabel Juniewicz, Bruno Lucarelli, Nicole Fox, Thu D. Nguyen, Andrew Tjang, Georgiana Haldeman, Ashni Mehta, Risham Chokshi) (2017)
- Making Noise - Using Sound-Art to Explore Technological Fluency (Erik Brunvand, Nina McCurdy) (2017)
- A Modern Wearable Devices Course for Computer Science Undergraduates (Chris Gregg, Raewyn Duvall, Kate Wasynczuk) (2017)
- A Visual Programming Environment for Learning Distributed Programming (Brian Broll, Ákos Lédeczi, Péter Völgyesi, János Sallai, Miklos Maroti, Alexia Carrillo, Stephanie L. Weeden-Wright, Chris Vanags, Joshua D. Swartz, Melvin Lu) (2017)
- On the (Mis) Understanding of the «this» Reference (Noa Ragonis, Ronit Shmallo) (2017)
- CORP - Co-operative Remote Practicum Work Experience Model for Software Engineering Education (Dannie M. Stanley) (2017)
- Special Session - Converting Your Teaching (or Even Your Whole Department!) to Active Learning via POGIL (Helen H. Hu, Chris Mayfield, Janice L. Pearce) (2017)
- SAFE - Smart Authenticated Fast Exams for Student Evaluation in Classrooms (Kameswari Chebrolu, Bhaskaran Raman, Vinay Chandra Dommeti, Akshay Veer Boddu, Kurien Zacharia, Arun Babu, Prateek Chandan) (2017)
- Eliminating Gender Bias in Computer Science Education Materials (Paola Medel, Vahab Pournaghshband) (2017)
- Distributed Programming with NetsBlox is a Snap! (Abstract Only) (Brian Broll, Ákos Lédeczi) (2017)
- Using Undergraduate Teaching Assistants in Small Classes (Paul E. Dickson, Toby Dragon, Adam Lee) (2017)
- The Code Mangler - Evaluating Coding Ability Without Writing any Code (Nick Cheng, Brian Harrington) (2017)
- Embracing Uncertainty (Jeannette M. Wing) (2017)
- Social Justice and Equity in CS Education - Inaugural Launch of AP Computer Science Principles (Lien Diaz, Frances P. Trees, Dale Reed, Richard Kick, Andrew Kuemmel) (2017)
- Scaling Up Automated Verification - A Case Study and Formal-IDE for the Construction of High Integrity Software (Daniel Welch 0001) (2017)
- Curriculum Design for 'Explorations in Computing' (a New General Education Course at USC) (Abstract Only) (Saty Raghavachary) (2017)
- Professional Recognition Matters - Certification for In-service Computer Science Teachers (Sue Sentance, Andrew Paul Csizmadia) (2017)
- Learning and Identity in YWIC - An Analysis of Program Implementation and Design as Promoting Agency in Computing (Abstract Only) (Sarah Hug, Enrico Pontelli, Raena Cota, Suzanne Eyerman) (2017)
- Evaluating the Long-Term Impact of Pre-college Computing Activities (Abstract Only) (Adrienne Decker, Monica M. McGill, Alan Peterfreund) (2017)
- Cybersecurity for Future Presidents - An Interdisciplinary Non-majors Course (Aparna Das, David Voorhees, Cynthia Choi, Carl E. Landwehr) (2017)
- Forming Strong and Effective Student Teams (Abstract Only) (Anya Tafliovich, Jennifer Campbell, Daniel Zingaro, Francisco J. Estrada, Leo Porter) (2017)
- CodeBox64 - A Tactile Input Modality for Block Programming (Abstract Only) (Max Paulk, Amber Wagner) (2017)
- Die perfekte Lehrerin (Anja Burri) (2017)
- Informatik muss unsere fünfte Landessprache werden (Lino Guzzella) (2017)
- Die Volksschule wird digital (Ev Manz) (2017)
- Gehört Code zum künftigen Bildungskanon? (Stephan Noller, Andreas Schleicher, Eva Wolfangel) (2017)
- Bildungsstandards Informatik für den Primarbereich - zur Diskussion (Arbeitskreis Bildungsstandards Primarbereich) (2017)
- Unsere digitale Zukunft - In welcher Welt wollen wir leben? (Carsten Könneker) (2017)
- 11. Eine Ethik für Nerds (Gerhard Weikum)
- 11. Eine Ethik für Nerds (Gerhard Weikum)
- Motiviert - Wenn Kinder spielend lernen, macht das Lernen Spass (Martin Winkel) (2017)
- Eingebettete Systeme - LOG IN 185/186 (2017)
- Physical Computing im Informatikunterricht - Eindrücke und Erfahrungen von Schülerinnen und Schülern (Andreas Kiener) (2017)
- Einstieg ins Programmieren mit dem Raspberry Pi (Emil Müller, Aegidius Plüss) (2017)
- Zauberhafte Kleidung und intelligente Accessoires - Intelligente Kleidung im Unterricht (Antje Moebus, Nadine Dittert, Eva-Sophie Katterfeldt)
- Physical Computing im Informatikunterricht - Eindrücke und Erfahrungen von Schülerinnen und Schülern (Andreas Kiener) (2017)
- fnm Magazin 1/2017 (2017)
- Schweizer Monat 4/2017 - Themendosssier Digitalisierung (2017)
- Warum Informatik an die Schulen gehört (Alain Gut) (2017)
- Warum Informatik an die Schulen gehört (Alain Gut) (2017)
- Schwieriger Wechsel in den digitalen Modus (Angelika Hardegger) (2017)
- «Man kann vor der Informatik nicht davonlaufen» (Juraj Hromkovic, Angelika Hardegger) (2017)
- Denken wie eine Maschine (Barnaby Skinner) (2017)
- Analysis of Scratch Projects of an Introductory Programming Course for Primary School Students (Alexandra Funke, Katharina Geldreich, Peter Hubwieser) (2017)
- Handreichung Medien und Informatik (Amt für Volksschule oder Sport Graubünden) (2017)
- Seminar 1/2017 - Medien in Schule und Lehrerausbildung - 50. Seminartag in Leipzig (2017)
- Die deutsche Schule 2/2017 - Bildung in der digitalen Welt (Isabell van Ackeren, Götz Bieber) (2017)
- «Die Schüler sind ihren Lehrern weit voraus» (A. Schawalder, D. Pomper) (2017)
- Are We All In The Same Boat? - Informatics Education in Europe (The Committee on European Computing Education (CECE), Jan Vahrenhold, Enrico Nardelli, Cristina Pereira, Gérard Berry, Michael E. Caspersen, Judith Gal-Ezer, Michael Kölling, Andrew D. McGettrick) (2017)
- Attraktivität von ICT-Berufen - Synthesebericht - Steigerung der Attraktivität von ICT-Berufen für Frauen und Männer - Herausforderung der geschlechterspezifischen Segregation der Arbeit im ICT-Sektor (Dörte Resch, Iris Graf, Anke Dreiling, Jonas Konrad) (2017)
- Kantis könnten digitalen Wandel verschlafen (Marc König, Michel Burtscher) (2017)
- Wenn Primarschüler Programmieren lernen (Rebecca Blum) (2017)
- Wie viel ICT braucht die Schule? (Fabrice Müller) (2017)
- Wie kann die Schule mit der Digitalisierung umgehen? (Beat Döbeli Honegger, Franziska Schwab) (2017)
- ZLV Magazin Juni 2017 - Das neue Fach Medien und Informatik (2017)
- So gelingt aktive Medienbildung (Roland Schaller) (2017)
- Spannende und intensive Weiterbildung (Roland Schaller) (2017)
- So gelingt aktive Medienbildung (Roland Schaller) (2017)
- Software takes command - Herausforderungen der «Datafizierung» für die Medienpädagogik in Theorie und Praxis (Sabine Eder, Claudia Mikat, Angela Tillmann) (2017)
- Software takes command - Herausforderungen der «Datafizierung» für die Medienpädagogik in Theorie und Praxis
- Wie informatische Bildung hilft, die digitale Gesellschaft zu verstehen und mitzugestalten (Ralf Romeike) (2017)
- Software takes command - Herausforderungen der «Datafizierung» für die Medienpädagogik in Theorie und Praxis
- Befreit die Kinder vom Code-Wahn! (Bettina Weiguny) (2017)
- Medienbildung und informatische Bildung in der Volksschule des Kantons Luzern - Eine Analyse von Gelingensbedingungen zur Implementierung auf der Basis von Schulentwicklungs- und -steuerungsprozessen (Martina Ammer) (2017)
- Informatik in der Schule: Umsetzung bereitet Kopfzerbrechen (Méline Sieber) (2017)
- Die offene Zukunft der digitalen «Schule 4.0» (Doris Helmberger) (2017)
- Fälschungssicheres Netzwerk (Christoph Behrens, Alexandra Bröhm) (2017)
- Programmieren ist das Chemielabor der Informatik (Beat Döbeli Honegger) (2017)
- Analyse und Klassifikation der Aufgaben des Lehrmittels «Programmieren mit LOGO» (Jens Maue, Juraj Hromkovic) (2017)
- Informatik ohne Strom (Michael Hielscher, Beat Döbeli Honegger) (2017)
- Bau mir einen Roboter (Barnaby Skinner) (2017)
- Wenn Maschinen intelligenter werden als Menschen (Matthias Sander) (2017)
- Zehn Jahre Elementarinformatik – Elementare Informatikkompetenzen als Basis für nicht-konsumierenden und reflektierten Umgang mit Computer-Medien in der Vor- und Grundschule, 2008-2017 - Werkstattberichte zur Elementarinformatik, Band 1 (Ute Schmid, Anja Gärtig-Daugs) (2017)
- Tomorrow's Learning: Involving Everyone. Learning with and about Technologies and Computing - 11th IFIP TC 3 World Conference on Computers in Education, WCCE 2017, Dublin, Ireland, July 3-6, 2017 (Arthur Tatnall, Mary Webb) (2017)
- 43. Computer Science in the School Curriculum - Issues and Challenges (Mary Webb, Tim Bell, Niki Davis, Yaacov J. Katz, Nicholas Reynolds, Dianne P. Chambers)
- 49. Measuring Learners’ Interest in Computing (Education) - Development of an Instrument and First Results (Torsten Brinda, David Tobinski, Stefan Schwinem)
- 53. Smartwalk - Computer Science on the Schoolyard (Michael Weigend)
- 54. Informatics Teachers’ Self-efficacy - A Survey Instrument and First Results - Computer Science on the Schoolyard (Claudia Hildebrandt)
- 55. Utilizing the Repertory Grid Method to Investigate Learners’ Perceptions of Computer Science Concepts - Computer Science on the Schoolyard (Nils Pancratz, Ira Diethelm)
- 56. What Teachers and Students Know About Data Management - Computer Science on the Schoolyard (Andreas Grillenberger, Ralf Romeike)
- 64. Student Retention - Towards Defining Measures for Improved Quality of Teaching and Learning in the First Year of Computer Science Studies (Bernhard Standl, Elisabeth Wetzinger, Gerald Futschek)
- 65. How to Implement Computing Education for All – Discussion of Alternative Organisational Models - Towards Defining Measures for Improved Quality of Teaching and Learning in the First Year of Computer Science Studies (Torsten Brinda)
- 66. Education in the Digital Networked World - Towards Defining Measures for Improved Quality of Teaching and Learning in the First Year of Computer Science Studies (Torsten Brinda, Ira Diethelm)
- 67. Activation of Computer Science Teachers in Slovenia - Towards Defining Measures for Improved Quality of Teaching and Learning in the First Year of Computer Science Studies (Andrej Brodnik, Matija Lokar, Nataša Mori)
- 43. Computer Science in the School Curriculum - Issues and Challenges (Mary Webb, Tim Bell, Niki Davis, Yaacov J. Katz, Nicholas Reynolds, Dianne P. Chambers)
- Grosse Zerlegung der CS-Informatik (Lukas Hässig) (2017)
- Wegleitung «Medien und Informatik» für Lehrpersonen der Primarstufe (5./6. Klasse) (Iwan Schrackmann, Morena Borelli, Urs Frischherz, Michael Hielscher) (2017)
- Programmieren statt Häkeln (Petar Marjanovic) (2017)
- International Conference on Computational Thinking Education - Hong-Kong, 13.-15.07.2017 (Siu Cheung Kong, Josh Sheldon, Robert Kwok-yiu Li) (2017)
- Computational Thinking as a Key Competence - a Research Concept (Amelie Labusch, Birgit Eickelmann)
- Computational Thinking as a Key Competence - a Research Concept (Amelie Labusch, Birgit Eickelmann)
- Computer Science Teacher - Insight into the computing classroom (Beverly Clarke) (2017)
- Jobmotor Digitalisierung - Artikel-Serie des Tages Anzeigers im Sommer 2017 (2017)
- 3. Vom PC aus den Krebs bekämpfen (Franziska Kohler) (2017)
- 4. Der Lokführer steuert am Bildschirm (Andreas Valda) (2017)
- 3. Vom PC aus den Krebs bekämpfen (Franziska Kohler) (2017)
- Im Chauvi-Valley (Simone Luchetta) (2017)
- Fachleute plädieren für spielerisches Lernen in Informatik (SDA Schweizerische Depeschenagentur) (2017)
- Riesiger Bedarf an Weiterbildung der Lehrer (Charlotte Jacquemart, Eveline Kobler) (2017)
- Automatisierte Bewertung in der Programmierausbildung (Oliver J. Bott, Peter Fricke, Uta Priss, Michael Striewe) (2017)
- ICER 2017 - Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research, ICER 2017, Tacoma, WA, USA, August 18-20, 2017 (Josh Tenenberg, Donald Chinn, Judy Sheard, Lauri Malmi) (2017)
- K-8 Learning Trajectories Derived from Research Literature - Sequence, Repetition, Conditionals (Kathryn M. Rich, Carla Strickland, T. Andrew Binkowski, Cheryl Moran, Diana Franklin) (2017)
- Conceptions and Misconceptions about Computational Thinking among Italian Primary School Teachers (Isabella Corradini, Michael Lodi, Enrico Nardelli) (2017)
- Principled Assessment of Student Learning in High School Computer Science (Eric Snow, Daisy Rutstein, Marie A. Bienkowski, Yuning Xu) (2017)
- Comprehension First - Evaluating a Novel Pedagogy and Tutoring System for Program Tracing in CS1 (Greg L. Nelson, Benjamin Xie, Andrew J. Ko) (2017)
- Taking Advantage of Scale by Analyzing Frequent Constructed-Response, Code Tracing Wrong Answers (Kristin Stephens-Martinez, An Ju, Krishna Parashar, Regina Ongowarsito, Nikunj Jain, Sreesha Venkat, Armando Fox) (2017)
- Using Mediational Means during Learning and Understanding of Proof Assignments from Theory of Computation (Christiane Frede) (2017)
- Describing Elementary Students' Interactions in K-5 Puzzle-based Computer Science Environments using the Collaborative Computing Observation Instrumen (Maya Israel, Quentin M. Wherfel, Saadeddine Shehab, Oliver Melvin, Todd Lash) (2017)
- Students and Teachers Use An Online AP CS Principles EBook Differently - Teacher Behavior Consistent with Expert Learners (Miranda C. Parker, Kantwon Rogers, Barbara J. Ericson, Mark Guzdial) (2017)
- Physical Computing as an Inquiry Working Technique (Sandra Schulz) (2017)
- Theorem Provers as a Learning Tool in Theory of Computation (Maria Knobelsdorf, Christiane Frede, Sebastian Böhne, Christoph Kreitz) (2017)
- Folk Pedagogy - Nobody Doesn't Like Active Learning (Kate Sanders, Jonas Boustedt, Anna Eckerdal, Robert McCartney, Carol Zander) (2017)
- K-8 Learning Trajectories Derived from Research Literature - Sequence, Repetition, Conditionals (Kathryn M. Rich, Carla Strickland, T. Andrew Binkowski, Cheryl Moran, Diana Franklin) (2017)
- «Zürich soll ein Tech-Biotop sein» (Lino Guzzella, Walter Niederberger) (2017)
- «Die Digitalisierung macht uns Menschen noch mächtiger» (Michael Hengartner, Lino Guzzella, Peer Teuwsen) (2017)
- Entdecke die Informatik - Informatik Z1 (2017)
- Nutze die Macht der Algorithmen - Algorithmen Z2 (Urs Meier, Michel Hauswirth) (2017)
- Reiseführer durch den digitalen Dschungel - Informatiksysteme Z3 (2017)
- Informatik entdecken - mit und ohne Computer (Stiftung Haus der kleinen Forscher) (2017)
- Coding - Computer + Unterricht Nr. 107/2017 (Stefan Aufenanger) (2017)
- Pflichtfach Informatik (Ludger Humbert, Dorothee Müller)
- Raus aus dem Computerraum! (Daniel Siebrecht)
- Spione an der Zimmerdecke? (Adrian Salamon)
- Voll digital - Das Informatikschulbuch inf-schu/e. de (Heiko Jochum, Klaus Becker, Peter Dauscher, Daniel Jonietz)
- Combat und Coding (Alexander König)
- Informatik wird zum Thema - Aktuelle Entwicklungen in der Bildungspolitik (Rudolf Peschke, Gerhard Röhner)
- Pflichtfach Informatik (Ludger Humbert, Dorothee Müller)
- Hello World 3 (2017)
- Creating the Coding Generation in Primary Schools (Steve Humble) (2017)
- DeLFI 2017 (Christoph Igel, Carsten Ullrich, Martin Wessner) (2017)
- Metriken zur Messung von Lernerfolg im Informatik-Grundlagen-Unterricht (Simon Rupp, René Pawlitzek, Carlo Bach)
- Metriken zur Messung von Lernerfolg im Informatik-Grundlagen-Unterricht (Simon Rupp, René Pawlitzek, Carlo Bach)
- schulpraxis 2/2017 - Digitalisierung (2017)
- Es geht um mehr als analog oder digital (Beat Döbeli Honegger, Franziska Schwab) (2017)
- Mit Informatik das Denken schulen (Jakob Schaerer, Ramona Imhof)
- Es geht um mehr als analog oder digital (Beat Döbeli Honegger, Franziska Schwab) (2017)
- Informatische Bildung zum Verstehen und Gestalten der digitalen Welt - 17. GI-Fachtagung Informatik und Schule (Ira Diethelm) (2017)
- Vom Lehrplan zur Lehrerinnenbildung - Erste Erfahrungen mit obligatorischer Informatikdidaktik für angehende Schweizer Primarlehrerinnen (Beat Döbeli Honegger, Michael Hielscher) (2017)
- Allgemeinbildung in der digitalen, gestalteten Lebenswelt (Jens Gallenbacher)
- Verstehen - Vernetzen - Verantworten - Warum Medienbildung und informatische Bildung uns alle angehen und wir sie gemeinsam weiterentwickeln sollten (Thomas Knaus)
- Calliope mini - Informatik zum Anfassen für GrundschülerInnen (Stephan Noller)
- Zieldimensionen für frühe informatische Bildung im Kindergarten und in der Grundschule (Nadine Bergner, Hilde Köster, Johannes Magenheim, Kathrin Müller, Ralf Romeike, Ulrik Schroeder, Carsten Schulte)
- Was Grundschulkinder über Informatik wissen und was sie wissen wollen (Nadine Bergner, Sandra-Jasmin Petrut, Ulrik Schroeder)
- Algorithmisieren im Grundschulalter (Katharina Wendlandt, Matthias Wendlandt, Sabrina Hoffmann)
- Bild der Informatik von Grundschullehrpersonen - Erste Ergebnisse aus qualitativen Einzelfallstudien (Alexander Best)
- Aufbau des Internets - Vorstellungsbilder angehender Lehrkräfte (Andreas Dengel, Ute Heuer)
- Unterrichtsqualität in der digitalen Welt (Hilbert Meyer) (2017)
- 3D-Druck als Motivation für die Einführung in die Programmierung in der Realschule (Oliver Krisch, Petra Kastl, Ralf Romeike)
- Aller Anfang ist schwer! Wie gelingt der Einstieg in den Informatikunterricht? (Dieter Engbring)
- Alltagsvorstellungen in der Informatik - Erhebungsmethodik und Implikation für den Unterricht (Michael T. Rücker, Nils Pancratz, Carolin Gold-Veerkamp, Niels Pinkwart, Torsten Brinda)
- Berufswahl Informatiklehrkraft (Dorothee Müller)
- Der Biber der Informatik in Österreich - Anmerkungen und Perspektiven (Peter Micheuz, Gerald Futschek)
- Ein Durchgang durch das Grundfach Informatik (nur) mit dem elektronischen Schulbuch (Heiko Jochum, Klaus Becker, Martin Zimnol, Daniel Jonietz, Oliver Schneider, Manuel Froitzheim)
- Empirische Ermittlung der Schlüsselkonzepte des Fachgebiets Datenmanagement (Andreas Grillenberger, Ralf Romeike)
- Ergänzendes eLearning-Angebot für pädagogische Fachkräfte aus dem Vor- und Grundschulbereich zum leichten Einstieg in die Elementarinformatik (Anke Steinhäuser)
- Fünf Argumente für einen grafischen Programmiereinstieg - eine Studie über vier Jahrgangsstufen (Nadine Bergner, Thiemo Leonhardt, Ulrik Schroeder)
- Ein gamebasierter Ansatz zum Programmierunterricht in der Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung (Nico Steinbach, Eckart Zitzler)
- Hamburg 2050, Land unter? (Jonathan Otto, Michel Welke, Andreas Gramm, Leonard Diekmann, Maria Knobelsdorf)
- Der Hamster hat das Programm erfolgreich beendet - Grundschulkinder lernen Programmieren (Otto Thiele, Petra Jückstock)
- Hochschule als außerschulischer Lernort für Schülerinnen und Schüler - Ein pragmatisches Angebot (Lars Prädel, Gerlinde Schreiber)
- «Informatik entdecken – mit und ohne Computer» (Christine Günther)
- «Informatik im Unterricht – So geht’s» – Informatik im Primarbereich (Martin Fricke, Kathrin Haselmeier, Ludger Humbert, Dorothee Müller, Daniel Siebrecht)
- Informatik in der Elementarpädagogik - Herausforderung für die Professionalisierung pädagogischer Fachkräfte (Maarit Stierle)
- Informatische Bildung in der Sekundarstufe I an nordrhein-westfälischen Schulen (Johanna Borsch, Marco Thomas)
- Jugendwettbewerk Informatik: BWINF füllt die Lücke (Wolfgang Pohl, Robert Czechowski)
- Das Konzept Nature of Computer Science (Yannick Schneider, Andreas Mühling)
- Mit dem Glauben Berge versetzen … (Claudia Hildebrandt)
- Ein Modell zur Analyse von Vorstellungen über Roboter und ihrer Funktionsweise (Kathrin Müller, Carsten Schulte)
- Modularisierung im Informatikunttericht aus lernpsychologischer Perspektive (Johannes Fischer, Arno Pasternak)
- Motivierung im Informatikunterricht - eine quantitative Online-Studie zu Planungsgrundlagen von Lehrpersonen (Stefanie Jäckel)
- Musikprogrammierung mit Sonic Pi - Entwicklung und Untersuchung einer gendersensiblen Unterrichtseinheit zum Programmieren in der Sekundarstufe I. (Esther Alzate Romero, Leonore Dietrich)
- Musikprogrammierung mit Sonic Pi - (Workshop) (Esther Alzate Romero, Leonore Dietrich)
- Online kooperieren im Informatikunterricht (Thomas Rohde, Kolja Strauss, Gregor Alexander Benedikt, René Levens, Lina Haji, Olaf Müller)
- Quadrologik - Modellbildung und Modularisierung auf Basis von Rechnertechnik (Tobias Jördens, Jens Gallenbacher)
- Schülerinteresse an Informatik und Informatikunterricht (Torsten Brinda, David Tobinski, Stefan Schwinem)
- Schülervorstellungen im Zusammenhang mit Smartphones (Torsten Brinda, Friedericke Braun)
- Sei selbst der Igel! (Daniel Siebrecht)
- Vom Flaggenalphabet zur Vorratsdatenspeicherung - Schülerinnen und Schüler als Multiplikatoren technischer Aspekte der digitalen Welt (Klaus-Tycho Förster)
- Von Eingebetteten Systemen zu Physical Computing - Grundlagen für Informatikunterricht in der digitalen Welt (Mareen Grillenberger, Ralf Romeike)
- Wie stellen sich Schülerinnen und Schüler informatische Konzepte vor und welche sprachlichen Bilder nutzen sie? (Arne Saathoff)
- Willkommen im Programmierzirkus - Ein Programmierkurs für Grundschulen (Katharina Geldreich, Alexandra Funke, Peter Hubwieser)
- Zur Berechnung der Komplexität von einfachen objektorientierten Programmen (Marc Roßner)
- Vom Lehrplan zur Lehrerinnenbildung - Erste Erfahrungen mit obligatorischer Informatikdidaktik für angehende Schweizer Primarlehrerinnen (Beat Döbeli Honegger, Michael Hielscher) (2017)
- Dem Computer ins Hirn geschaut - Informatik entdecken, verstehen und querdenken (Eckart Zitzler) (2017)
- Lernen und Lehren mit Technologien: Vermittlung digitaler und informatischer Kompetenzen - Erziehung & Unterricht 7&8/2017 (2017)
- Informatische Bildung mithilfe eines MOOC (Stefan Janisch, Martin Ebner, Wolfgang Slany)
- Coding und Robotik im Unterricht (Gerhard Brandhofer) (2017)
- Informatische Bildung mithilfe eines MOOC (Stefan Janisch, Martin Ebner, Wolfgang Slany)
- Coding als Baustein der digitalen Grundbildung (2017)
- Koli Calling 2017 - Proceedings of the 17th Koli Calling Conference on Computing Education Research, Koli, Finland, November 16-19, 2017 (Calkin Suero Montero, Mike Joy) (2017)
- Medien und Informatik: Umsetzung im Kontext Lehrplan 21 - Positionspapier (LCH Dachverband Schweizer Lehrerinnen und Lehrer) (2017)
- Das digitale Gymnasium (Walter Bernet) (2017)
- Schule: Hürden für die Informatik (Maja Briner) (2017)
- 20 Jahre lang falsch unterrichtet (Luca De Carli) (2017)
- «Ein paar Befehlszeilen herumschieben, das reicht nicht» (Martin Lehmann, Luca De Carli) (2017)
- Rahmenlehrplan Informatik - verabschiedet durch die EDK-Plenarversammlung am 27. Oktober 2017 (EDK Schweizerische Konferenz der kantonalen Erziehungsdirektoren) (2017)
- Technisierte Gesellschaft - Bestandesaufnahmen und kritische Analyse eines Hypes (Hans Baumann, Martin Gallusser, Walter Herzog, Ute Kotz, Christine Michel, Beat Ringger, Holger Schatz) (2017)
- Wie bedeutsam ist die digitale Transformation für die Bildung? (Fitzgerald Crain) (2017)
- Wie bedeutsam ist die digitale Transformation für die Bildung? (Fitzgerald Crain) (2017)
- Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Primary and Secondary Computing Education, WiPSCE 2017, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, November 8-10, 2017 (Erik Barendsen, Peter Hubwieser) (2017)
- How Pupils Classify Digital Artifacts (Ira Diethelm, Torsten Brinda, Nina Schneider) (2017)
- Settings and Contexts for Physical Computing in CS Classes (Mareen Grillenberger, Ralf Romeike) (2017)
- Teaching with physical computing devices - the BBC micro: bit initiative (Sue Sentance, Jane Waite, Lucy Yeomans, Emily MacLeod) (2017)
- How Pupils Classify Digital Artifacts (Ira Diethelm, Torsten Brinda, Nina Schneider) (2017)
- Die digitale Volkshochschule (Patrick Imhasly) (2017)
- Informatics in Schools: Focus on Learning Programming - 10th International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution, and Perspectives, ISSEP 2017, Helsinki, Finland, November 13-15, 2017 (Valentina Dagiene, Arto Hellas) (2017)
- 1. The Computer Science Way of Thinking in Human History and Consequences for the Design of Computer Science Curricula (Juraj Hromkovic, Regula Lacher)
- 2. Adolescent and Adult Student Attitudes Towards Progress Visualizations (Onni Aarne, Petrus Peltola, Antti Leinonen, Juho Leinonen, Arto Hellas)
- 3. 3D Printing as Medium for Motivation and Creativity in Computer Science Lessons (Petra Kastl, Oliver Krisch, Ralf Romeike)
- 4. Teaching Materials in Informatics for Lower Secondary School Blind Students (L’udmila Jašková, Mária Stankovičová)
- 5. Teachers' Expectations and Experience in Physical Computing (Mareen Grillenberger, Finn Henning, Carla Schreiber, Ralf Romeike)
- 6. Investigating Informatics Teachers´ Initial Pedagogical Content Knowledge on Modeling and Simulation (Natasa Grgurina, Erik Barendsen, Cor Suhre, Klaas van Veen, Bert Zwaneveld)
- 7. A Notation for Sets, Sequences and Series (Susanna H. du Plessis, Vreda Pieterse)
- 8. Bebras Task Analysis in Category Little Beavers in Slovakia (Lucia Budinská, Karolína Mayerová, Michaela Veselovská)
- 9. Promoting Computational Thinking Skills: Would You Use this Bebras Task? (Annalisa Calcagni, Violetta Lonati, Dario Malchiodi, Mattia Monga, Anna Morpurgo)
- 10. Introducing Programming and Digital Competence in Swedish K-9 Education (Fredrik Heintz, Linda Mannila, Lars-Åke Nordén, Peter Parnes, Björn Regnell)
- 11. Preparedness of Japan´s Elementary School Teachers for the Introduction of Computer Programming Education (Yutaro Ohashi)
- 14. A Preliminary Investigation on Computational Abilities in Secondary School (Ugo Solitro, Margherita Pasini, Debora De Gradi, Margherita Brondino)
- 15. Solving Everyday Challenges in a Computational Way of Thinking (Bernhard Standl)
- 16. Teaching Basic Elements of OOP in School Informatics During Constructing Virtual Micro-worlds (Evgeny A. Eremin)
- 17. Real-Time Data Analyses in Secondary Schools Using a Block-Based Programming Language (Andreas Grillenberger, Ralf Romeike)
- 18. XLogoOnline - A Single-Page, Browser-Based Programming Environment for Schools Aiming at Reducing Cognitive Load on Pupils (Juraj Hromkovic, Giovanni Serafini, Jacqueline Staub)
- 19. Introduction to Bebras Challenge Management - Overview and Analyses of Developed Systems (Valentina Dagiene, Gabriele Stupuriene, Lina Vinikiene, Rimantas Zakauskas)
- 1. The Computer Science Way of Thinking in Human History and Consequences for the Design of Computer Science Curricula (Juraj Hromkovic, Regula Lacher)
- Die Schule wird zur digitalen Welt (Rebekka Haefeli) (2017)
- So wird das Programmieren zur fünften Landessprache (Patrick Aebischer) (2017)
- «Informatik ist mehr als Klicken und Gucken» (Juraj Hromkovic, Christoph Aebischer) (2017)
- Programmieren für alle? «Absurd!» (Lorenz Honegger) (2017)
- Zeitgemässe digitale Lern- und Lehrumgebung für die Schweizer Schulen (Pascal Sieber, Philipp Bachofner, Norman Briner) (2017)
- Schule digital - der Länderindikator 2017 - Schulische Medienbildung in der Sekundarstufe I mit besonderem Fokus auf MINT-Fächer im Bundesländervergleich und Trends von 2015 bis 2017 (Ramona Lorenz, Wilfried Bos, Manuela Endberg, Birgit Eickelmann, Silke Grafe, Jan Vahrenhold) (2017)
- The Profession of IT - The Forgotten Engineer (Peter Denning) (2017)
- Hochschule der Zukunft - Beiträge zur zukunftsorientierten Gestaltung von Hochschulen (Ullrich Dittler, Christian Kreidl) (2017)
- 7. Die Rolle der Bildungsinformatik für die Hochschule der Zukunft (Martin Ebner, Philipp Leitner, Markus Ebner, Behnam Taraghi, Maria Grandl)
- 7. Die Rolle der Bildungsinformatik für die Hochschule der Zukunft (Martin Ebner, Philipp Leitner, Markus Ebner, Behnam Taraghi, Maria Grandl)
- Handbook of Technology Education (Marc J. de Vries) (2017)
- 55. Formative Assessment of Creativity (Remke Marleen Klapwijk)
- 55. Formative Assessment of Creativity (Remke Marleen Klapwijk)
- «Ich bin komplett gegen die Akademisierung» (Sarah Springman, Yannick Nock, Patrik Müller) (2017)
- Tablet im Unterricht: Das meinen Pädagogische Hochschule und Lehrerschaft (Mark Liebenberg) (2017)
- Wahres Wissen ist human (Heinz Rhyn) (2017)
- Regula: erste Schritte ins Programmieren - Grundlagen der Informationstechnik spielerisch lehren und lernen (Armin Ruch) (2018)
- Unterrichtsmethoden für den Informatikunterricht (Andreas Zendler) (2018)
- Werkzeuge der digitalen Wirtschaft: Big Data, NoSQL & Co. - Eine Einführung in relationale und nicht-relationale Datenbanken (Andreas Meier) (2018)
- Digitalisierung und Bildung (Silke Ladel, Julia Knopf, Armin Weinberger) (2018)
- 11. Studieren und Probieren (Harald Schöning)
- 11. Studieren und Probieren (Harald Schöning)
- Second Handbook of Information Technology in Primary and Secondary Education (Joke Voogt, Gerald Knezek, Rhonda Christensen, Kwok-Wing Lai) (2018)
- 6. Computer Science and Computational Thinking in the Curriculum - Research and Practice (Aman Yadav, Phil Sands, Jon Good, Alex Lishinki)
- 6. Computer Science and Computational Thinking in the Curriculum - Research and Practice (Aman Yadav, Phil Sands, Jon Good, Alex Lishinki)
- Development and Evaluation of Concepts and Tools to Reinforce Gender Equality by Engaging Female Teenagers in Coding (Bernadette Spieler) (2018)
- Computational Thinking - Die Welt des algorithmischen Denkens - in Spielen, Zaubertricks und Rätseln (Paul Curzon, Peter W. McOwan) (2018)
- Artificial Unintelligence (Meredith Broussard) (2018)
- Die Medienpädagogik ist tot. Lang lebe das #Pflichtfachinformatik! (Matthias Andrasch) (2018)
- Die digitale Unterwerfung (Wolfgang Schimpf) (2018)
- Was heisst «programmieren»? (Beat Döbeli Honegger) (2018)
- The big Ideas in Computer Science for K-12 Curricula (Tim Bell, Paul Tymann, Amiram Yehudai) (2018)
- Empowering learners with tools in CS education - Physical computing in secondary schools (Mareen Grillenberger, Ralf Romeike) (2018)
- Zu wenig Lehrer für neues Schulfach (Katrin Oller) (2018)
- Medieneinsatz im mathematisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht - Fachübergreifende Perspektiven auf zentrale Fragestellungen (Mathias Ropohl, Anke Lindmeier, Hendrik Härtig, Lorenz Kampschulte, Andreas Mühling, Julia Schwanewedel) (2018)
- Informatik für alle (Urs Lautebach) (2018)
- SIGCSE 2018 - Proceedings of the 49th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, SIGCSE 2018, Baltimore, MD, USA, February 21-24, 2018 (Tiffany Barnes, Daniel D. Garcia, Elizabeth K. Hawthorne, Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones) (2018)
- The Importance of Producing Shared Code Through Pair Programming (Mehmet Celepkolu, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer) (2018)
- CS for All - Catering to Diversity of Master's Students through Assignment Choices (Sohail Alhazmi, Margaret Hamilton, Charles Thevathayan) (2018)
- Weather Radar Algorithm Development using Google Blockly - (Abstract Only) (Eric Tilley) (2018)
- Student Misconceptions of Dynamic Programming (Shamama Zehra, Aishwarya Ramanathan, Larry Yueli Zhang, Daniel Zingaro) (2018)
- Thematic Analysis of Students' Reflections on Pair Programming in CS1 (Mehmet Celepkolu, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer) (2018)
- Using Discord to Understand and Moderate Collaboration and Teamwork - (Abstract Only) (Lisa L. Lacher, Cydnee Biehl) (2018)
- How to Build a Student-Centered Research Culture for the Benefit of Undergraduate Students - (Abstract Only) (Farzana Rahman, Perry Fizzano, Evan M. Peck, Shameem Ahmed, Stu Thompson) (2018)
- The Persistent Effect of Pre-College Computing Experience on College CS Course Grades (Christine Alvarado, Gustavo Umbelino, Mia Minnes) (2018)
- Bitcoins, Blockchains and Cybersecurity - Teaching Emerging Technologies in the Classroom (Abstract Only) (Debasis Bhattacharya) (2018)
- Achievement Goals in CS1 - Replication and Extension (Daniel Zingaro, Michelle Craig, Leo Porter, Brett A. Becker, Yingjun Cao, Phillip Conrad, Diana Cukierman, Arto Hellas, Dastyni Loksa, Neena Thota) (2018)
- Future-Oriented Motivation and Retention in Computer Science (Markeya S. Peteranetz, Abraham E. Flanigan, Duane F. Shell, Leen-Kiat Soh) (2018)
- Goals, Topics and Tools of Computer Science for All University or College Courses - (Abstract Only) (Stefan Seegerer, Ralf Romeike) (2018)
- Priming the Pump - Reflections on Training K-5 Teachers in Computer Science (Michele Roberts, Kiki Prottsman, Jeff Gray) (2018)
- Exploring a Student-centered Approach to Innovating Computer Science Education - (Abstract Only) (Madeleine Lorås, Trond Aalberg) (2018)
- Getting Unstuck - New Resources for Teaching Debugging Strategies in Scratch (Abstract Only) (Paulina Haduong, Karen Brennan) (2018)
- An Experience Report on a Boot-Camp Style Programming Course (Yu-Cheng Tu 0001, Gillian Dobbie, Ian Warren, Andrew Meads, Cameron Grout) (2018)
- Understanding Professional Identities and Goals of Computer Science Undergraduate Students (Amanpreet Kapoor, Christina Gardner-McCune) (2018)
- Does Native Language Play a Role in Learning a Programming Language? (Adalbert Gerald Soosai Raj, Kasama Ketsuriyonk, Jignesh M. Patel, Richard Halverson) (2018)
- Coding and Programming - What Do Italian Primary School Teachers Think? (Abstract Only) (Isabella Corradini, Michael Lodi, Enrico Nardelli) (2018)
- Access to Computing Education for Students with Disabilities - (Abstract Only) (Richard E. Ladner, Brianna Blaser, Daniela Marghitu) (2018)
- Creativity, Customization, and Ownership - Game Design in Bootstrap: Algebra (Emmanuel Schanzer, Shriram Krishnamurthi, Kathi Fisler) (2018)
- Teaching Students a Systematic Approach to Debugging - (Abstract Only) (Roman Lysecky, Frank Vahid) (2018)
- GLIDE (Git-Learning IDE; Integrated Development Environment) - In-class Collaboration in Web Engineering Curriculum for Youths (Abstract Only) (Seongtaek Lim, Rama Adithya Varanasi, Tapan Parikh) (2018)
- Portable Parallel Computing with the Raspberry Pi (Suzanne J. Matthews, Joel C. Adams, Richard A. Brown, Elizabeth Shoop) (2018)
- Mixed Approaches to CS0 - Exploring Topic and Pedagogy Variance after Six Years of CS0 (Zoë J. Wood, John Clements, Zachary Peterson, David S. Janzen, Hugh Smith, Michael Haungs, Julie Workman, John Bellardo, Bruce DeBruhl) (2018)
- Supporting Team Submissions and Peer Grading within Submitty - (Abstract Only) (Barbara Cutler, Matthew Peveler, Samuel Breese, Evan Maicus, Ana Milanova, Buster Holzbauer, Andrew Aikens, James Anderson, Josh Barthelmess, Timothy Cyrus, Marisa Lee, Leon Montealegre, Jessica Wang) (2018)
- Longitudinal Data on Flipped Class Effects on Performance in CS1 and Retention after CS1 (Celine Latulipe, Audrey Rorrer, Bruce Long) (2018)
- Examining the Role of Informal Education in K-12 Computing Pathways & CS Education Reform Efforts - (Abstract Only) (Sarah T. Dunton, Stephanie Rodriguez) (2018)
- Nifty Assignments (Nick Parlante, Julie Zelenski, Ben Stephenson, Ali Malik, Phil Ventura, Michael Guerzhoy, David Reed, Josh Hug) (2018)
- Toward Teaching Strategies for Block-based Languages - Possibilities, Challenges, and Experiences (Abstract Only) (Sven Jatzlau, Ralf Romeike) (2018)
- Computer Science Living-Learning Community for Women at Rutgers - Initial Experiences and Outcomes (Abstract Only) (Rebecca N. Wright, Jane Stout, Geraldine Cochran, Thu Nguyen, Cynthia Sanchez Gomez) (2018)
- Who Teaches Accessibility? - A Survey of U.S. Computing Faculty (Kristen Shinohara, Saba Kawas, Ami/Andrew J. Ko, Richard E. Ladner) (2018)
- Instructional Design + Knowledge Components - A Systematic Method for Refining Instruction (Luke Gusukuma, Austin Cory Bart, Dennis G. Kafura, Jeremy Ernst, Katherine Cennamo) (2018)
- Alternative Paths to Computing Careers and Their Role in Broadening Participation (Kathleen J. Lehman, Maureen Doyle, Louise Ann Lyon, Kyle Thayer) (2018)
- Designing Classroom Activities to Improve Student Engagement and Learning - (Abstract Only) (Leland L. Beck, Alexander W. Chizhik, Patty Kraft, Alan Riggins) (2018)
- What to do about Comp Org? - (Abstract Only) (Michael P. Rogers, Bill Siever) (2018)
- Repositories You Shouldn't Be Living Without (Adrienne Decker, Monica M. McGill, Leigh Ann DeLyser, Beth Quinn, Miles Berry, Kathy Haynie, Tom McKlin) (2018)
- Growing the High School CS Teacher Workforce - Predictors of Success in Achieving CS Certification (Abstract Only) (Jayce R. Warner, Carol L. Fletcher, William Wesley Monroe, Lisa S. Garbrecht) (2018)
- Preparing, Visualizing, and Using Real-world Data in Introductory Courses (Austin Cory Bart, Kalpathi Subramanian, Ruth E. Anderson, Nadeem Abdul Hamid) (2018)
- Novice Programmers' Reasoning about Reversing Conditional Statements (Cruz Izu, Claudio Mirolo, Amali Weerasinghe) (2018)
- Culturally-Centric Outreach and Engagement for Underserved Groups in STEM (Danielle Cummings, Loretta H. Cheeks, Rosario Robinson) (2018)
- Enhancing Robotic Experiences throughout the Computing Curriculum (Michael V. Doran, George W. Clark) (2018)
- Computational Creativity Exercises for Improving Student Learning and Performance - (Abstract Only) (Leen-Kiat Soh, Elizabeth Ingraham, Duane F. Shell) (2018)
- Map-based Algorithm Visualization with METAL Highway Data (James D. Teresco, Razieh Fathi, Lukasz Ziarek, MariaRose Bamundo, Arjol Pengu, Clarice F. Tarbay) (2018)
- Role of Prior Experience on Student Performance in the Introductory Undergraduate CS Course - (Abstract Only) (Subhajit Chakrabarty, Fred Martin) (2018)
- Models for Early Identification of Struggling Novice Programmers (Jonathan P. Munson, Joshua P. Zitovsky) (2018)
- The Role of Gestures in Learning Computer Sciences - (Abstract Only) (Amber Solomon, Vedant Pradeep, Sarah Li, Mark Guzdial) (2018)
- Do Social and Emotional Learning Outcomes and Instructional Practices Promote Persistence in Computer Science for Underrepresented Secondary Students of Color? - (Abstract Only) (Frieda McAlear, Allison Scott, Sonia Koshy, Alexis Martin) (2018)
- Toward Continuous Assessment of the Programming Process - (Abstract Only) (Ayaan M. Kazerouni) (2018)
- What's the Big Idea with CS Education in K-12? (Tim Bell) (2018)
- Quantifying the Benefits of Prior Programming Experience in an Introductory Computer Science Course (Chris Wilcox, Albert Lionelle) (2018)
- GUI-Based vs. Text-Based Assignments in CS1 (Robert Ball, Linda P. DuHadway, Spencer Hilton, Brian Rague) (2018)
- A «Loopy» Encounter - Teaching Elementary Students the Concept of Loops (Abstract Only) (Karen H. Jin) (2018)
- Exploring Instructional Support Design in an Educational Game for K-12 Computing Education (Rui Zhi, Nicholas Lytle, Thomas W. Price) (2018)
- AutoQuiz - A Personalized, Adaptive, Test Practice System (Abstract Only) (Zhiping Xiao, Siqi Li, Zachary A. Pardos) (2018)
- Computational Thinking for All - An Experience Report on Scaling up Teaching Computational Thinking to All Students in a Major City in Sweden (Fredrik Heintz, Linda Mannila) (2018)
- Reconciling the Promise and Pragmatics of Enhancing Computing Pedagogy with Data Science (Austin Cory Bart, Dennis G. Kafura, Clifford A. Shaffer, Eli Tilevich) (2018)
- Designing an Introductory Course in Data Science - Topics and Pedagogy (Abstract Only) (Lillian N. Cassel, Christo Dichev, Darina Dicheva, Don Goelman, Michael A. Posner) (2018)
- Connecting Evaluation and Computing Education Research - Why is it so Important? (Adrienne Decker, Monica M. McGill, Jason Ravitz, Eric Snow, Rebecca Zarch) (2018)
- Supporting Differentiated Instruction in Programming Courses through Permanent Progress Monitoring (Nuno Gil Fonseca, Luís Macedo, António José Mendes) (2018)
- Developing a Blocked Based Language for the Adafruit Circuit Playground - (Abstract Only) (Blayde Dill) (2018)
- Introducing Computational Thinking through Non-Programming Science Activities (Youwen Ouyang, Katherine L. Hayden, Julie Remold) (2018)
- Qualitative Analysis of Open-ended Comments in Introductory CS Courses - (Abstract Only) (Zack Butler, Ivona Bezáková, Kimberly Fluet) (2018)
- Writing in CS - Why and How? (Mia Minnes, Bruce A. Maxwell, Stephanie R. Taylor, Phillip Barry) (2018)
- Analysis of Collaborative Learning in a Computational Thinking Class (Bushra Chowdhury, Austin Cory Bart, Dennis G. Kafura) (2018)
- An Explicit Strategy to Scaffold Novice Program Tracing (Benjamin Xie, Greg L. Nelson, Andrew J. Ko) (2018)
- Software Engineering Education - (Abstract Only) (William Zamora) (2018)
- «I Think We Should...» - Analyzing Elementary Students' Collaborative Processes for Giving and Taking Suggestions (Jennifer Tsan, Fernando J. Rodríguez, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, Collin Lynch) (2018)
- On the Use of Semantic-Based AIG to Automatically Generate Programming Exercises (Laura Zavala, Benito Mendoza García) (2018)
- Improving Classroom Preparedness Using Guided Practice (Saturnino Garcia) (2018)
- Subgoal Labeled Worked Examples in K-3 Education (Johanna Joentausta, Arto Hellas) (2018)
- Calypso for Cozmo - Robotic AI for Everyone (Abstract Only) (David S. Touretzky, Christina Gardner-McCune) (2018)
- A Domain Analysis of Data Structure and Algorithm Explanations in the Wild (Jeffrey Young, Eric Walkingshaw) (2018)
- OpenCSF - An Online Interactive Textbook for Computer Systems Fundamentals (Abstract Only) (Michael S. Kirkpatrick) (2018)
- Nand to Tetris - Building a Modern Computer System from First Principles (Abstract Only) (Shimon Schocken) (2018)
- How to Foster Creativity? - Curriculum of Creativity Development Program for Computer Science Students (Abstract Only) (Rentaro Yoshioka, Tastuki Kawaguchi) (2018)
- Integrating Project Based Learning and Project Management for Software Engineering Teaching - An Experience Report (Maria Lydia Fioravanti, Bruno Sena, Leo Natan Paschoal, Laíza R. Silva, Ana P. Allian, Elisa Yumi Nakagawa, Simone R. S. Souza, Seiji Isotani, Ellen F. Barbosa) (2018)
- Special Session - Exploring and Discovering Concepts via POGIL (Helen H. Hu, Clifton Kussmaul, Lisa M. Olivieri) (2018)
- Team-Teaching with Colleagues in the Arts and Humanities (Keith J. O'Hara, Sven Anderson, David Musicant, Amber Stubbs, Thomas Way) (2018)
- K-12 CS Teacher Certification - What Should New CS Teachers Know and Be Able to Do? (Abstract Only) (John Owen, Carol L. Fletcher, Pat Yongpradit, David Benedetto) (2018)
- Assessing the Impact of a National Cybersecurity Competition on Students' Career Interests (Michael H. Dunn, Laurence D. Merkle) (2018)
- Teaching NoSQL Databases to Undergraduate Students - A Novel Approach (Sriram Mohan) (2018)
- Designing Active Mediated Learning Tasks - Can Small Failures Enhance Student Learning? (Abstract Only) (Cruz Izu, Olga Sanchez Castro) (2018)
- SIGCSE Filk Circle - CS Parody Songs for Learning, Engagement, and Fun (Patrick Virtue, Steven A. Wolfman, John P. Dougherty) (2018)
- A Study of Pair Programming Enjoyment and Attendance using Study Motivation and Strategy Metrics (Onni Aarne, Petrus Peltola, Juho Leinonen, Arto Hellas) (2018)
- Connecting Colleges/Universities and Local High Schools - A New Model for High School CS Teacher Development (Robin Y. Flatland, Ira Goldstein, MaryAnne L. Egan, Scott VandenBerg, Meg Fryling, Sharon Small) (2018)
- Chrome Home - Six Fun Activities Introducing Basic Web Programming Techniques (Abstract Only) (Denise Case, Douglas Hawley) (2018)
- Tracing vs. Writing Code - Beyond the Learning Hierarchy (Brian Harrington, Nick Cheng) (2018)
- What Would You Say if... - Responding to Microaggressions, Bias, and Other Nonsense (Colleen M. Lewis, Catherine Ashcraft, Kyla McMullen) (2018)
- Teaching Inclusive Thinking to Undergraduate Students in Computing Programs (Stephanie Ludi, Matt Huenerfauth, Vicki L. Hanson, Nidhi Rajendra Palan, Paula Garcia) (2018)
- Active Learning in Systems Courses - (Abstract Only) (Brian P. Railing, Cynthia Taylor, Saturnino Garcia) (2018)
- Informal Mentoring of Adolescents about Computing - Relationships, Roles, Qualities, and Impact (Andrew J. Ko, Leanne Hwa, Katie Davis, Jason C. Yip) (2018)
- Teaching Parallel and Distributed Computing with MPI on Raspberry Pi Clusters - (Abstract Only) (Richard A. Brown, Joel C. Adams, Suzanne J. Matthews, Elizabeth Shoop) (2018)
- WebTA - Online Code Critique and Assignment Feedback (Abstract Only) (Leo C. Ureel II, Charles R. Wallace) (2018)
- Visualization, Assessment and Analytics in Data Structures Learning Modules (Matthew Mcquaigue, David Burlinson, Kalpathi R. Subramanian, Erik Saule, Jamie Payton) (2018)
- Leveraging the Raspberry Pi for CS Education (Joel C. Adams, Richard A. Brown, Jalal Kawash, Suzanne J. Matthews, Elizabeth Shoop) (2018)
- Effective POGIL Implementation Approaches in Computer Science Courses - (Abstract Only) (Farzana Rahman, Mohsen Dorodchi) (2018)
- Game based Cybersecurity Training for High School Students (Ge Jin, Manghui Tu, Tae-Hoon Kim, Justin Heffron, Jonathan White) (2018)
- Best Practices in Academia to Remedy Gender Bias in Tech (Ursula Wolz, Lina Battestilli, Bruce Maxwell, Susan H. Rodger, Michelle Trim) (2018)
- Effects of Teacher Training in a Computer Science Principles Curriculum on Teacher and Student Skills, Confidence, and Beliefs (Karla R. Hamlen, Nigamanth Sridhar, Lisa Bievenue, Debbie K. Jackson, Anil Lalwani) (2018)
- CSforALL School District Implementation Facilitators Workshop - Just Follow the SCRIPT! (Abstract Only) (Leigh Ann DeLyser, Jumee Song) (2018)
- Summit Selection - Designing a Feature Selection Technique to Support Mixed Data Analysis (Abstract Only) (Duc Manh Doan, Clayton Gordon, Dong H. Jeong) (2018)
- A Middle-School Code Camp Experience Emphasizing Data Science for Social Good - (Abstract Only) (Caelin Bryant, Jonathan Gilmour, Beatriz Herce-Hagiwara, Anh Thu Pham, Halle Remash, Marli Remash, Jonah Zimmerman, Sarah Dahlby Albright, Samuel A. Rebelsky) (2018)
- A Biology-themed Introductory CS Course at a Large, Diverse Public University (Tanya Y. Berger-Wolf, Boris Igic, Cynthia Taylor, Robert H. Sloan, Rachel Poretsky) (2018)
- What We Can Learn About Student Learning From Open-Ended Programming Projects in Middle School Computer Science (Shuchi Grover, Satabdi Basu, Patricia K. Schank) (2018)
- Developing Soft Skills with a Classroom Behavior Management Game - (Abstract Only) (Stacey Watson, Julio César Bahamón, Harini Ramaprasad, Heather Richter Lipford) (2018)
- Learning Discrete Structures Interactively With Alloy - (Abstract Only) (Charles Wallace) (2018)
- Bridging the Research to Practice Gap with Project TACTICal Briefs - (Abstract Only) (Todd Lash, Maya Israel) (2018)
- Pair Programming Interactions in Middle School - Collaborative, Constructive, Dismissive, or Disengaged? (Abstract Only) (Shannon Campe, Jill Denner, Emily Green, Linda L. Werner) (2018)
- An Analysis of a Media-Based Approach to Teach Programming to Middle School Students (Luis Gustavo J. Araujo, Roberto Almeida Bittencourt, David Moises B. dos Santos) (2018)
- Pros and Cons of Using Data Analytics for Predicting Academic Performance in Computer Science Courses - (Abstract Only) (Jennifer Bivens, Ashwin Satyanarayana, Jan Way Chen) (2018)
- Evaluating the Impact of the Girls Who Code Summer Immersion Program - (Abstract Only) (Ryan Clarke, Sarah Judd) (2018)
- Open Source Student Clubs - (Abstract Only) (Darci Burdge, Gregory W. Hislop, Joanna Klukowska) (2018)
- Do I Need an IRB? - Computer Science Education Research and Institutional Review Board (IRB) (Abstract Only) (Jian Zhang, Kimberly Huett, Jonathan Gratch) (2018)
- CS as a Graduation Requirement - Catalyst for Systemic Change (Lucia Dettori, Ronald I. Greenberg, Steven McGee, Dale Reed, Brenda Wilkerson, Don Yanek) (2018)
- Using Gamification Strategies to Motivate and Engage Students in Computer Science Courses - (Abstract Only) (Darina Dicheva, Christo Dichev, Elva J. Jones, Peter J. Clarke, Lillian N. Cassel) (2018)
- Tangibles for Graph Algorithmic Thinking - Experience with Children (Abstract Only) (Andrea Bonani, Vincenzo Del Fatto, Gabriella Dodero, Rosella Gennari) (2018)
- A Computer Science Study Abroad with Service Learning - Design and Reflections (Lori L. Pollock, James Atlas, Tim Bell, Tracy Henderson) (2018)
- From Spreadsheets to Programs - Data Science and CS1 in Pyret (Abstract Only) (Joe Gibbs Politz, Kathi Fisler, Shriram Krishnamurthi, Benjamin S. Lerner) (2018)
- Evaluating Two Methods for Integrating Secure Programming Education (Madiha Tabassum, Stacey Watson, Bill Chu, Heather Richter Lipford) (2018)
- WebBCI - An Electroencephalography Toolkit Built on Modern Web Technologies (Abstract Only) (Pierce Stegman) (2018)
- PVC - Visualizing C Programs on Web Browsers for Novices (Ryosuke Ishizue, Kazunori Sakamoto, Hironori Washizaki, Yoshiaki Fukazawa) (2018)
- Programming Web Services on the Cloud with Node.js - (Abstract Only) (Ariel Ortiz) (2018)
- Five Slides About - Abstraction, Arrays, Uncomputability, Networks, Digital Portfolios, and the CS Principles Explore Performance Task (Colleen M. Lewis, Leslie Aaronson, Eric Allatta, Zachary Dodds, Jeffrey Forbes, Kyla McMullen, Mehran Sahami) (2018)
- Quantum Artificial Intelligence for Natural Language Processing Applications - (Abstract Only) (Ramin Ayanzadeh) (2018)
- A Middle-School Module for Introducing Data-Mining, Big-Data, Ethics and Privacy Using RapidMiner and a Hollywood Theme (Amber Dryer, Nicole Walia, Ankur Chattopadhyay) (2018)
- Performance Impact of Computer Science Course Load and Transfer Status - (Abstract Only) (William Gregory Johnson, Raj Sunderraman, Anu G. Bourgeois) (2018)
- Beyond the Flipped Classroom - Implementing Multiple, Simultaneous Pedagogical Styles Using Scrumage (Abstract Only) (Shannon Duvall, Dugald Ralph Hutchings, Robert C. Duvall) (2018)
- CSTA - Connecting Colleges and K-12 CS Teachers (Abstract Only) (David Reed, Fred Martin, Deborah W. Seehorn, Chinma Uche) (2018)
- Early Detection on Students' Failing Open-Source based Course Projects using Machine Learning Approaches - (Abstract Only) (Yifan Guo, Yang Song, Edward F. Gehringer) (2018)
- Programming for the Humanities - A Whirlwind Tour of Assignments (Abstract Only) (Brian Kokensparger, Wade Peyou) (2018)
- Language, Thinking, Code - Interactive Essays with Twine (Abstract Only) (Darren Tirto, Alexander Hamme, Keith J. O'Hara, Sven Anderson) (2018)
- Storyteller - A New Medium for Guiding Students Through Code Examples (Abstract Only) (Mark Mahoney) (2018)
- Combating the Wide Web of Plagiarism - the Discussion Continues (Abstract Only) (Amardeep Kahlon, Bonnie K. MacKellar, Anastasia Kurdia) (2018)
- Computing and Values - (Abstract Only) (Lori Carter, Derek C. Schuurman) (2018)
- Successfully Engaging Early Undergraduates in CS Research - (Abstract Only) (Christine Alvarado, Neil Spring) (2018)
- Bringing Computer Science Education to Secondary School - A Teacher First Approach (Tom Neutens, Francis Wyffels) (2018)
- Technology We Can't Live Without!, revisited (Ria Galanos, Michael Ball, John Dougherty, Joe Hummel, David J. Malan) (2018)
- Data Modeling for Undergraduate Data Science - (Abstract Only) (Karen C. Davis, Brandeis Marshall, Lancie Affonso) (2018)
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS) - Opportunities of Spatial Data Processing for Computer Science Education (Abstract Only) (Ali Erkan, John Barr) (2018)
- Integrating Social Justice Topics into CS1 - (Abstract Only) (Colleen M. Lewis, Eleanor Rackoff, Emily Cao, Saber Khan, Cynthia Bailey Lee, Saturnino Garcia) (2018)
- Docendo Discimus - Students Learn by Teaching Peers Through Video (Pablo Frank-Bolton, Rahul Simha) (2018)
- Fostering Meaningful Collaboration in an Interdisciplinary Capstone Course (Liz Hutter, Halcyon M. Lawrence, Melinda McDaniel, Marguerite Murrell) (2018)
- Scrumage - A Method for Incorporating Multiple, Simultaneous Pedagogical Styles in the Classroom (Shannon Duvall, Dugald Ralph Hutchings, Robert C. Duvall) (2018)
- Increasing Student Self-Efficacy in Computational Thinking via STEM Outreach Programs (Russell Feldhausen, Joshua Levi Weese, Nathan H. Bean) (2018)
- Bringing Up Cybersecurity Degree Programs - (Abstract Only) (Rajendra K. Raj, Allen Parrish) (2018)
- Correcting Novice Programmers' Misconceptions Through Personalized Quizzes - (Abstract Only) (Reza Soltanpoor, Charles Thevathayan) (2018)
- Introducing Secure Coding in Undergraduate (CS0, CS1, and CS2) and High School (AP Computer Science A) Programming Courses - (Abstract Only) (Siddharth Kaza, Blair Taylor) (2018)
- Programming the Central Dogma - An Integrated Unit on Computer Science and Molecular Biology Concepts (Anna M. Ritz) (2018)
- Infusing Visual Programming and Interactive Learning to Teach an Introductory Programming Course with Positive Learning Outcomes - (Abstract Only) (Md Mahmudur Rahman 0003) (2018)
- GP - A New Blocks Language for CS Education (Abstract Only) (John Maloney) (2018)
- Challenges and Approaches for Data Collection to Understand Student Retention - (Abstract Only) (Henry M. Walker, Mehran Sahami, Christine Alvarado) (2018)
- Teaching Variability in a Core Systems Course - (Abstract Only) (Godmar Back, Lance Chao, Pratik Anand, Thomas Lux, Bo Li 0032, Ali Raza Butt, Kirk W. Cameron) (2018)
- Evaluating the Tracing of Recursion in the Substitution Notional Machine (Preston Tunnell Wilson, Kathi Fisler, Shriram Krishnamurthi) (2018)
- Facilitating Multiple Programming Languages in One Space - (Abstract Only) (Jared O'Leary) (2018)
- Perfect Harmony - Team Teaching Computing & Music (Richard Weiss, James Caristi, Jesse M. Heines, Aaron Koehl, Kelly Rossum) (2018)
- Micro - bit Magic: Engaging K-12, CS1/2, and Non-majors with IoT & Embedded (Abstract Only) (Bill Siever, Michael P. Rogers) (2018)
- Implementing Malloc - Students and Systems Programming (Brian P. Railing, Randal E. Bryant) (2018)
- Curriculum Design for a Multidisciplinary Embedded Artificial Intelligence Course - (Abstract Only) (Mehmet Ergezer, Bryon Kucharski, Aaron Carpenter) (2018)
- Unencapsulated Collection - A Teachable Design Smell (Giuseppe De Ruvo, Ewan D. Tempero, Andrew Luxton-Reilly, Nasser Giacaman) (2018)
- Examining the State of CS Education in Virginia's High Schools (Chris Rhoton) (2018)
- Enhancing Interest in Cybersecurity Careers - A Peer Mentoring Perspective (Vandana P. Janeja, Abu Zaher Md Faridee, Aryya Gangopadhyay, Carolyn B. Seaman, Amy Everhart) (2018)
- Timely Feedback in Unstructured Cybersecurity Exercises (Jan Vykopal, Radek Oslejsek, Karolína Burská, Kristína Zákopcanová) (2018)
- Python Versus C++ - An Analysis of Student Struggle on Small Coding Exercises in Introductory Programming Courses (Nabeel Alzahrani, Frank Vahid, Alex D. Edgcomb, Kevin Nguyen, Roman Lysecky) (2018)
- Attracting Secondary School Students to Computer Science through Training Teachers to Establish Computer Clubs - (Abstract Only) (Neal Mazur, Joseph Zawicki, Sarbani Banerjee) (2018)
- Upward Mobility for Underrepresented Students - A Model for a Cohort-Based Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science (Sathya Narayanan, Kathryn Cunningham, Sonia M. Arteaga, William J. Welch, Leslie Maxwell, Zechariah Chawinga, Bude Su) (2018)
- Computer Science Pathways for Latino/a Youth in a Community Technology Center - (Abstract Only) (Jill Denner, Shannon Campe) (2018)
- Guiding Students to Discover CS Concepts & Develop Process Skills Using POGIL - (Abstract Only) (Helen H. Hu, Clifton Kussmaul, Chris Mayfield) (2018)
- Global Awareness for Computing Educators and Scholars - (Abstract Only) (Barbara Boucher Owens, Alison Clear, John Impagliazzo, Mirella M. Moro, Ming Zhang 0004) (2018)
- Reflections of a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Working Group based on Data from a National CS Education Program (Nwannediya Ada Ibe, Rebecca Howsmon, Lauren Penney, Nathaniel Granor, Leigh Ann DeLyser, Kevin Wang) (2018)
- Design and Evaluation of an Undergraduate Course on Software Development Practices (Paul Gestwicki) (2018)
- Improv for Computer Scientists - (Abstract Only) (Russell E. McMahon) (2018)
- Integrating A Career Preparedness Module into CS2 Curricula Through The Teaching C++ and Java Side-by-Side (Ryan Rybarczyk, Lingma Acheson) (2018)
- Developing Software Engineering Skills using Real Tools for Automated Grading (Sarah Heckman, Jason King) (2018)
- Understanding the Software Development Industry's Perspective on Coding Boot Camps versus Traditional 4-year Colleges (Quinn Burke, Cinamon Bailey, Louise Ann Lyon, Emily Greeen) (2018)
- A Mental Approach to Software Testing - (Abstract Only) (Pedro Valdivia) (2018)
- A Functional Approach to Data Science in CS1 (Sarah Dahlby Albright, Titus H. Klinge, Samuel A. Rebelsky) (2018)
- Modeling Student Engagement and Attrition in BJCx, a CS Principles MOOC - (Abstract Only) (Yifat Amir) (2018)
- How Do We Provide Effective Student Advising and Mentoring During Record Growth? - (Abstract Only) (Christopher Gregg, Benjamin Hescott) (2018)
- The Math Gap in an Inclusive CS1 Course - (Abstract Only) (Kris Jordan, Gabi Stein) (2018)
- A National Study of Undergraduate Research Experiences in Computing - Implications for Culturally Relevant Pedagogy (Audrey Smith Rorrer, Joseph Allen, Huifang Zuo) (2018)
- An Interactive Tutorial for Learning to Manipulate References - (Abstract Only) (Mostafa Mohammed, Sushma Mandava, Jieun Chon, Margaret Ellis, Clifford A. Shaffer) (2018)
- Building and Nurturing Communities of Practice among K-12 CS Teachers - (Abstract Only) (Linda Ott, Leo C. Ureel II, Charles Wallace) (2018)
- Air Pollution Data Analysis Platform for Computer Science Education Projects - (Abstract Only) (Nina Angelvik) (2018)
- Linked-List vs Array in Memory - an Unplugged Active Learning Experience (Abstract Only) (Elizabeth Boese) (2018)
- AP CS Principles and The Beauty and Joy of Computing Curriculum - (Abstract Only) (Alexandra Milliken, Michael Ball, Lauren Mock) (2018)
- NSF/IEEE-TCPP Curriculum Initiative on Parallel and Distributed Computing - Status Report (Sushil K. Prasad, Charles C. Weems, John P. Dougherty, Debzani Deb) (2018)
- A Survey of Instructors' Experiences Supporting StudentLearning using HFOSS Projects (Lori Postner, Heidi J. C. Ellis, Gregory W. Hislop) (2018)
- Machine Learning Online Education Experience for Non-technical People - (Abstract Only) (Xiaochun Yang, Jiawei Liang) (2018)
- Organizing a High School Programming Contest - (Abstract Only) (Aaron Bloomfield, Blythe Samuels, Andrew Norton) (2018)
- The Craft of Code - Exposing Elementary Students to Computing Through Tangible Crafts (Abstract Only) (Caelin Bryant, Jonathan Gilmour, Beatriz Herce-Hagiwara, Anh Thu Pham, Halle Remash, Marli Remash, Jonah Zimmerman, Sarah Dahlby Albright, Samuel A. Rebelsky) (2018)
- A Four Point Student-Led Strategy for Attracting Diverse Small College Commuter Campus Students to Computer Science - (Abstract Only) (Gabrielle I. Zahuantitla, Aryanna Holder) (2018)
- Bricklayer - Elementary Students Learn Math through Programming and Art (Michèlle Friend, Michael Matthews, Victor Winter, Betty Love, Deanna Moisset, Ian Goodwin) (2018)
- Using Scapy in Teaching Network Header Formats - Programming Network Headers for Non-Programmers (Abstract Only) (Robert Montante) (2018)
- A Multi-Institution Exploration of Peer Instruction in Practice - (Abstract Only) (David P. Bunde, Cynthia Taylor, Jaime Spacco, Andrew Petersen, Soohyun Nam Liao, Leo Porter) (2018)
- Lessons Learned From an Interactive Educational Computer Game About Concurrent Programming - (Abstract Only) (Katelyn Bright Alderfer, Brian K. Smith, Santiago Ontañón, Bruce Char, Jessica Nebolsky, Jichen Zhu, Anushay Furqan, Evan Freed, Justin H. Patterson, Josep Valls-Vargas) (2018)
- Key Concepts for a Data Science Ethics Curriculum (Jeffrey S. Saltz, Neil I. Dewar, Robert Heckman) (2018)
- An Active and Collaborative Approach to Teaching Discrete Structures (Lijuan Cao, Audrey Rorrer) (2018)
- Quick-Sort - A Pet Peeve (Arthur Nunes-Harwitt, Matthew Gambogi, Travis Whitaker) (2018)
- Analysis of the Difference in Designs between CS 1 and CS 2 Students - (Abstract Only) (Shannon Ernst, Jennifer Parham-Mocello) (2018)
- Providing Meaningful Feedback for Autograding of Programming Assignments (Georgiana Haldeman, Andrew Tjang, Monica Babes-Vroman, Stephen Bartos, Jay Shah, Danielle Yucht, Thu D. Nguyen) (2018)
- Automation for Instruction Enhancing Feedback - (Abstract Only) (Luke Gusukuma) (2018)
- The Effects of Enhanced Compiler Error Messages on a Syntax Error Debugging Test (Brett A. Becker, Kyle Goslin, Graham Glanville) (2018)
- Creating a Classroom Programming Lab Using Android and Blockly - (Abstract Only) (Don Kerrigan) (2018)
- Active Learning in a Discrete Mathematics Class (Saúl A. Blanco) (2018)
- How Near Peer Mentoring Affects Middle School Mentees (Jody Clarke-Midura, Frederick Poole, Katarina Pantic, Megan Hamilton, Chongning Sun, Vicki Allan) (2018)
- Teacher in Residence - (Abstract Only) (Meg J. Ray, Diane Levitt, Maya Israel) (2018)
- Specification-Based Testing in Software Engineering Courses (Gene Fisher, Corrigan Johnson) (2018)
- Working Together to Provide Equitable CS K-12 Educator Professional Development at Scale - (Abstract Only) (Sloan Davis, Olga Garcia, Chris Stephenson) (2018)
- Introducing Bioinformatics Algorithms in Computer Science Courses - (Abstract Only) (Sami Khuri) (2018)
- Computer Science Curricular Guidance for Associate-Degree Transfer Programs (Cara Tang, Cindy S. Tucker, Christian Servin, Markus Geissler) (2018)
- Study Genie - An Intelligent and Collaborative Web-based Study Platform (Abstract Only) (Jiaqi Wu, Terry Wen) (2018)
- The Tablet Game - An Embedded Assessment for Measuring Students' Programming Skill in App Inventor (Abstract Only) (Fred Martin, Chike Abuah, Subhajit Chakrabarty, David Nguyen, Mark Sherman, Diane Schilder) (2018)
- The Authentic Inclusion and Role of Community Colleges in National Efforts to Broaden Participation in Computing - (Abstract Only) (Amardeep Kahlon, Cheryl Calhoun, Wendy M. DuBow, Jill Denner, Louise Ann Lyon, Deborah Boisvert, Melanie Williamson) (2018)
- Analysis of Container Based vs. Jailed Sandbox Autograding Systems - (Abstract Only) (Matthew Peveler, Evan Maicus, Buster Holzbauer, Barbara Cutler) (2018)
- Building Community in Large or Virtual Classrooms - (Abstract Only) (Jacqueline Smith, Diane Horton) (2018)
- We're All in This Together - CS Students, the Tech Industry, and Mental Health (Abstract Only) (Christian Murphy, Jennifer Akullian) (2018)
- Coding the Coders - Creating a Qualitative Codebook for Students? Commenting Patterns (Abstract Only) (Mahnas Jean Mohammadi-Aragh, Phyllis J. Beck, Amy Barton, Donna Reese, Bryan A. Jones, Monika Jankun-Kelly) (2018)
- Recursion or Iteration - Does it Matter What Students Choose? (Ramy Esteero, Mohammed Khan, Mohamed Mohamed 0003, Larry Yueli Zhang, Daniel Zingaro) (2018)
- iSnap - Automatic Hints and Feedback for Block-based Programming (Abstract Only) (Thomas W. Price) (2018)
- Authenticity and Personal Creativity - How EarSketch Affects Student Persistence (Tom McKlin, Brian Magerko, Taneisha Lee, Dana Wanzer, Doug Edwards, Jason Freeman) (2018)
- Diversity Across a Decade - A Case Study on Undergraduate Computing Culture at the University of Illinois (Heather E. Metcalf, Tanya L. Crenshaw, Erin Wolf Chambers, Cinda Heeren) (2018)
- A Town Meeting - SIGCSE Committee on Expanding the Women-in-Computing Community (Abstract Only) (Gloria Childress Townsend, Paula Gabbert, Wendy Powley) (2018)
- Mobile Web App Development for All! - (Abstract Only) (David Hayes) (2018)
- A Collaborative Course for Learning How to Teach Summer Java Coding Camps (Kelvin Sung, Karen Gourd, Ann McMahon, Kulsoom Mansoor, Riley Gaggero) (2018)
- Quantified Self - An Interdisciplinary Immersive Theater Project Supporting a Collaborative Learning Environment for CS Ethics (Michael Skirpan, Jacqueline Cameron, Tom Yeh) (2018)
- Interactive, Language-neutral Flowcharts and Pseudocode for Teaching Core CS0/1 Programming Concepts - (Abstract Only) (Alex D. Edgcomb, Frank Vahid) (2018)
- Modelling Correct Operation of Webcams for Security Purposes - (Abstract Only) (Blaine Billings, Xenia Mountrouidou) (2018)
- Two-Stage Programming Projects - Individual Work Followed by Peer Collaboration (Lina Battestilli, Apeksha Awasthi, Yingjun Cao) (2018)
- BlueBook - A Computerized Replacement for Paper Tests in Computer Science (Chris Piech, Chris Gregg) (2018)
- The Dual Ladder - Academic vs. Industrial Experience - What kind of Experience should Computer Science Students Gain during their Undergraduate Studies and How? (Abstract Only) (Orit Hazzan) (2018)
- Teaching «Blinky Flashy» - Best Practices and Helpful Tips for Teaching eTextiles to a Wide Range of Students (Abstract Only) (Gina Likins, Jen Krieger) (2018)
- Effective Models for Integrating Computational Thinking into NYC Elementary Schools - A Proposed Research Agenda (Abstract Only) (Thea Charles, Amber Oliver, Kate Mulloy) (2018)
- Computer Programming Training for Under-Served Groups - (Abstract Only) (Dante Ciolfi) (2018)
- The Impact of AP Computer Science Principles - Are You Ready to Change Your Undergraduate Courses? (Paul T. Tymann, Dale Reed, Chinma Uche, Carol S. Yarbrough) (2018)
- An Agile Conversion Masters Degree Programme in Software Development (Karsten Lundqvist, Craig Anslow, Michael Homer, Kris Bubendorfer, Dale Anthony Carnegie) (2018)
- Developing Computer Forensics Minor - Challenges and Opportunities - (Abstract Only) (Adam Fischbach, Yana Kortsarts, Suk-Chung Yoon) (2018)
- Improve Feedback Mechanism in Programming Assessment Systems with Progress Indicators and Reward to Foster Students' Growth Mindset - (Abstract Only) (Zhiyi Li) (2018)
- Program Analysis Tools in Automated Grading of Homework Assignments - (Abstract Only) (Ana Milanova, Barbara Cutler, Buster Holzbauer, Evan Maicus, Samuel Breese, Elizabeth Dinella, Matthew Peveler) (2018)
- Teaching Deduction Using Athena and Related Tools - (Abstract Only) (Ramachandra B. Abhyankar) (2018)
- Challenges Arising from Prerequisite Testing in Cybersecurity Games (Valdemar Svábenský, Jan Vykopal) (2018)
- 1 Grant + 2 Institutions + 3 Course Variations = Data Science 4 All - (Abstract Only) (Michael A. Posner, Darina Dicheva, Christo Dichev, Don Goelman, Lillian (Boots) Cassel) (2018)
- SIGCSE Special Session - Evaluating CS4All Initiatives - Challenges and Opportunities (Cheri Fancsali, Linda Tigani, Paulina Toro Isaza, Rachel Cole, Wendy Martin) (2018)
- Social Software Design To Facilitate Service-learning In Interdisciplinary Computer Science Courses (Brian Thoms, Evren Eryilmaz) (2018)
- Proposed Cybersecurity Merit Badge for the Boy Scouts of America - (Abstract Only) (Michael H. Dunn, Robert J. Caruso, Laurence D. Merkle, Ray Trygstad) (2018)
- Applying the Mathematical Work of Teaching Framework to Develop a Computer Science Pedagogical Content Knowledge Assessment (Yvonne Kao, Katie D'Silva, Aleata Hubbard, Joseph Green, Kimkinyona Cully) (2018)
- Integrating Hands-on Cybersecurity Exercises into the Curriculum in 2018 - (Abstract Only) (Richard Weiss, Ambareen Siraj, Jens Mache, Blair Taylor, Siddharth Kaza, Ankur Chattopadhyay, Michael E. Locasto) (2018)
- The Effect of Reporting Known Issues on Students' Work (Iris Gaber, Amir Kirsh) (2018)
- Implementation of a District-Level CS for All Policy - What Can We Learn? (Abstract Only) (Sara-Lynn Gopalkrishna) (2018)
- Broadening Participation in Computing via Professional Development for Community College CS/IT Faculty (Beth A. Quinn, Wendy M. DuBow, Jamie Huber Ward) (2018)
- The CECE Report - Creating a Map of Informatics in European Schools (Michael E. Caspersen, Judith Gal-Ezer, Enrico Nardelli, Jan Vahrenhold, Mirko Westermeier) (2018)
- Coding Tutorials for any Programming Language or Interactive Tutorials for C and Arduino - (Abstract Only) (Rémi Sharrock, Baptiste Gaultier, Petra Taylor, Michael Goudzwaard, Mathias Hiron, Ella Hamonic) (2018)
- Using Needs Assessment to Inform a Rural School District's Efforts to Expand Access to Computer Science Education - (Abstract Only) (Kim C. Huett, Carl Westine) (2018)
- Change Impact using Dynamic History Analysis - (Abstract Only) (Sydney Pugh, David W. Binkley) (2018)
- Reported Development of Computational Thinking, Through Computer Science and Programming, and its Benefits for Primary School Students - (Abstract Only) (Caitlin Duncan) (2018)
- Deep Learning in the Classroom - (Abstract Only) (Douglas S. Blank, Lisa Meeden, Jim Marshall) (2018)
- Updating Introductory Computer Science with Creative Computation (Dianna Xu, Ursula Wolz, Deepak Kumar, Ira Greenburg) (2018)
- The Importance of Producing Shared Code Through Pair Programming (Mehmet Celepkolu, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer) (2018)
- Schulblatt 2/2018 (2018)
- Eine Bereicherung für den Unterricht - Medien und Informatik (Walter Aeschimann)
- Eine Bereicherung für den Unterricht - Medien und Informatik (Walter Aeschimann)
- Education 1/2018 - Thema Digitalisierung (2018)
- «Die Klassenzimmer öffnen sich» (Rahel Tschopp, Catherine Arber)
- «Die Klassenzimmer öffnen sich» (Rahel Tschopp, Catherine Arber)
- Hello World 4 (2018)
- Informatik mit Snap! - Snap! In Beispielen (Eckart Modrow) (2018)
- Der Computer ist Programm (Markus Schmid) (2018)
- Vorgaben und Empfehlungen zur ICT-Infrastruktur an den Volksschulen des Kantons Schwyz (Bildungsdepartement des Kantons Schwyz) (2018)
- Computer Science Education - Perspectives on Teaching and Learning in School (Sue Sentance, Erik Barendsen, Carsten Schulte) (2018)
- 2. The Nature of Computing as a Discipline (Matti Tedre) (2018)
- 3. Computational Thinking - A Competency Whose Time Has Come (Shuchi Grover, Roy Pea) (2018)
- 6. Introducing Aspects of Teaching and Learning Computer Science (Sue Sentance)
- 7. Designing a School Curriculum for Computer Science (Erik Barendsen, Carsten Schulte)
- 10. Teaching Computing in Primary Schools (Tim Bell, Caitlin Duncan)
- 11. Assessment of Computer Science (Sue Sentance, Cynthia C. Selby, Maria Kallia) (2018)
- 2. The Nature of Computing as a Discipline (Matti Tedre) (2018)
- Kinder brauchen mehr als digitale Tools (Sarah Genner) (2018)
- Digitale Bildung - Medienbezogene Bildungskonzepte für die «nächste Gesellschaft» (Jasmin Bastian, Tobias Feldhoff, Marius Harring, Klaus Rummler) (2018)
- Notwendigkeit der Integration elementarinformatischer Lerneinheiten in den Vor- und Grundschulunterricht (Ute Schmid, Anja Gärtig-Daugs)
- Notwendigkeit der Integration elementarinformatischer Lerneinheiten in den Vor- und Grundschulunterricht (Ute Schmid, Anja Gärtig-Daugs)
- Einfach Informatik 7-9 - Daten darstellen, verschlüsseln, komprimieren (Juraj Hromkovic) (2018)
- Einfach Informatik 7-9 - Strategien entwickeln - Strategien entwickeln (Juraj Hromkovic) (2018)
- Einfach Informatik 7-9 - Programmieren (Juraj Hromkovic, Tobias Kohn) (2018)
- Information Technology 2/2018 (2018)
- Computing Education (Torsten Brinda)
- Tensions in specifying computing curricula for K-12 - Towards a principled approach for objectives () (2018)
- Computing Education (Torsten Brinda)
- Informatik wie aus dem Bilderbuch (Roman Schurter) (2018)
- Umweltmediziner warnen: Hyperaktiv durch WLAN? (Eckhard Stengel) (2018)
- Im Tresorraum der Demokratie (Christoph Lenz) (2018)
- Förderung des Informatik-Interesses bei Frauen am Beispiel der Itgirls@HSLU Workshops der Hochschule Luzern (Claudia Meier Magistretti, Jana Koehler, Marco Schraner, Etienne Fux, Oriana Gebhard Ludwig) (2018)
- Scale or Fail - Moving beyond self-selected computer science education in Switzerland (Alexander Repenning) (2018)
- Rundgang 2/2018 (2018)
- «Wir müssen vom Rollendenken wegkommen» (Jacqueline Staub, Yvonne Bugmann)
- Programmieren mit dem Bundesrat (Yvonne Bugmann)
- «Wir müssen vom Rollendenken wegkommen» (Jacqueline Staub, Yvonne Bugmann)
- Informatik 1 (Peter Brichzin, Ulrich Freiberger, Klaus Reinold, Albert Wiedemann) (2018)
- Informatik in der Primarschule: Es kommt gut! (Beat Döbeli Honegger) (2018)
- Kompetenzen für informatische Bildung im Primarbereich (Entwurfsfassung) - Entwurfsfassung für Empfehlungen der Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V. (Arbeitskreis Bildungsstandards Primarbereich) (2018)
- Programming Paradigms and Beyond (Shriram Krishnamurthi, Kathi Fisler) (2018)
- Achtung, Fertig, Code! - Spielend programmieren lernen mit der Oxocard (Thomas Garaio) (2018)
- Digitale Bildung versus Informatikunterricht? (2018)
- Bildung in der digitalen Welt - Anmerkungen zum Strategiepapier der KMK (Steffen Friedrich)
- Ist der Informationsbegriff für die Schulinformatik hilfreich? (Eckart Modrow)
- Datenmanagement als Thema für den Informatikunterricht - Ein Überblick über die Grundlagen des Fachgebiets aus informatikdidaktischer Sicht (Andreas Grillenberger, Ralf Romeike) (2018)
- Big Up 4 Big Data - Ein Stationsspiel zur Einführung in den Themenkomplex "Big Data“ (Katharina Gmeinwieser) (2018)
- friendzone - A Social Network is Rising (Julian Dorn) (2018)
- Visuelles Programmieren - Eine Einführung in das objektorientierte Programmieren mit SQUEAK/SMALLTALK (Teil 4) (Rüdeger Baumann)
- Bildung in der digitalen Welt - Anmerkungen zum Strategiepapier der KMK (Steffen Friedrich)
- (Un)berechenbar? - Algorithmen und Automatisierung in Staat und Gesellschaft (Resa Mohabbat Kar, Basanta Thapa, Peter Parycek) (2018)
- 4.0 oder Die Lücke die der Rechner lässt (Dirk Baecker) (2018)
- Lehrplan Informatik - (Kanton St. Gallen) (Amt für Mittelschulen St. Gallen) (2018)
- Mit Bot-E durch die digitale Welt (Mathias Möller) (2018)
- Weltweite Webkunst (Thomas Preusse, Hanna Wick) (2018)
- EdMedia 2018 (2018)
- Kissed by the Muse - Promoting Computer Science Education for All with the Calliope Board (Maria Grandl, Martin Ebner)
- Kissed by the Muse - Promoting Computer Science Education for All with the Calliope Board (Maria Grandl, Martin Ebner)
- ICLS 2018 1/3 (2018)
- Blocks or Text? - How Programming Language Modality Makes a Difference in Assessing Underrepresented Populations (David Weintrop, Heather Killen, Baker Franke)
- Blocks or Text? - How Programming Language Modality Makes a Difference in Assessing Underrepresented Populations (David Weintrop, Heather Killen, Baker Franke)
- Einfach Informatik 5/6 - Programmieren (Juraj Hromkovic) (2018)
- phsz fokus 2017 (Pädagogische Hochschule Schwyz (PHSZ)) (2018)
- Einfach Informatik 7-9 - Programmieren - Begleitband - Begleitband (Juraj Hromkovic, Tobias Kohn) (2018)
- Computational Thinking mit BBC micro:bit - Digitale Bildung in der Sekundarstufe (A. Bachinger, Martin Teufel) (2018)
- Teaching How to Teach Computational Thinking (Anna Lamprou, Alexander Repenning) (2018)
- ETH Zürich bildet bis 3000 Lehrer weiter (Marisa Eggli) (2018)
- Die ETH Zürich hilft Glarner Informatik-Lehrern (Marco Häusler) (2018)
- IT-Entwickler sind auch nur Männer (Lucie Machac) (2018)
- Informatik braucht auch Ethik (Roberto Simanowski) (2018)
- Pragmatiker machen die Krypto-Revolution (Simon Schmid) (2018)
- Digitale Bildung für Informatiker (Arno Rolf) (2018)
- Hello World 5/2018 - The Magazine for Computing & Digital Making Educators (2018)
- merz 4/2018 - Medienpädagogik und Informatik (2018)
- Junge GLP will Programmierkurse schon für Siebtklässler (Florian Wicki) (2018)
- Mit Bits und Bytes umgehen - Neu eingeführtes Schulfach ist unter Pädagogen umstritten (Sabine Olff) (2018)
- ICER 2018 - Proceedings of the 2018 ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research, ICER 2018, Espoo, Finland, August 13-15, 2018 (Lauri Malmi, Ari Korhonen, Robert McCartney, Andrew Petersen) (2018)
- Investigating the Relationship Between Spatial Skills and Computer Science (Jack Parkinson, Quintin I. Cutts) (2018)
- Using Social Cognitive Career Theory to Understand Why Students Choose to Study Computer Science (Amnah Alshahrani, Isla Ross, Murray I. Wood) (2018)
- Using Computational Thinking to Transform Elementary Mathematics Instruction (Kathryn M. Rich) (2018)
- A Study on the Assessment of Introductory Computational Thinking via Scratch Programming in Primary Schools (Janne Fagerlund) (2018)
- Exploring how Students Perform in a Theory of Computation Course using Final Exam and Homework Assignments Data (Christiane Frede, Maria Knobelsdorf) (2018)
- TA Marking Parties - Worth the Price of Pizza? (Brian Harrington, Marzieh Ahmadzadeh, Nick Cheng, Eric Heqi Wang, Vladimir Efimov) (2018)
- Professional Learning in the Midst of Teaching Computer Science (Aleata Hubbard, Katie D'Silva) (2018)
- What are they thinking? (Cazembe Kennedy) (2018)
- Practical Thinking while Programming - A Deweyan Approach to Knowledge in Computer Science (Kristina Von Hausswolff) (2018)
- Developing Students' Cognitive Processes Required for Software Design Verification (Prajish Prasad) (2018)
- Starting from Scratch - Outcomes of Early Computer Science Learning Experiences and Implications for What Comes Next (David Weintrop, Alexandria K. Hansen, Danielle B. Harlow, Diana Franklin) (2018)
- Fixed versus Growth Mindset Does not Seem to Matter Much - A Prospective Observational Study in Two Late Bachelor level Computer Science Courses (Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho, Ville Tirronen) (2018)
- Socioeconomic Status and Computer Science Achievement - Spatial Ability as a Mediating Variable in a Novel Model of Understanding (Miranda C. Parker, Amber Solomon, Brianna Pritchett, David A. Illingworth, Lauren E. Margulieux, Mark Guzdial) (2018)
- Towards an Analysis of Program Complexity From a Cognitive Perspective (Rodrigo Duran, Juha Sorva, Sofia Leite) (2018)
- Investigating the Relationship Between Spatial Skills and Computer Science (Jack Parkinson, Quintin I. Cutts) (2018)
- Berufe der Informatik (Hasler Stiftung) (2018)
- Constructionism 2018 - August 20-25, Vilnius, Lithunia (Valentina Dagiene, Eglė Jasute) (2018)
- Hello World 6 (2018)
- Medien im Mathematikunterricht - Tagungsband (Michael Fothe, Birgit Skorsetz, Kinga Szűcs) (2018)
- Digitaler Humanismus - Eine Ethik für das Zeitalter der Künstlichen Intelligenz (Julian Nida-Rümelin, Nathalie Weidenfeld) (2018)
- HDI 2018 - 8. Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs Informatik und Ausbildung/Didaktik der Informatik (Nadine Bergner, René Röpke, Ulrik Schroeder, Detlef Krömker) (2018)
- Was jeder über Informatik lernen sollte - Eine Analyse von Hochschulkursen für Studierende anderer Fachrichtungen (Stefan Seegerer, Ralf Romeike)
- Analysing & Predicting Students Performance in an Introductory Computer Science Course (Alexander Tillmann, Detlef Krömker, Florian Horn, Thorsten Gattinger)
- Ein Lehr- und Lernkonzept für die Softwareentwicklung im Team (Dennis Schmitz, Daniel Moldt)
- Förderung überfachlicher Kompetenzen in praktischen Software- Engineering-Veranstaltungen der RWTH Aachen (René Röpke, Kathrin Larisch, Ulrik Schroeder)
- Explorative Datenanalyse der Studierendenperformance in der Theoretischen Informatik (Christiane Frede, Maria Knobelsdorf)
- Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten lernen - Eine Problemanalyse (Christoph Greven, Ulrik Schroeder)
- Was jeder über Informatik lernen sollte - Eine Analyse von Hochschulkursen für Studierende anderer Fachrichtungen (Stefan Seegerer, Ralf Romeike)
- From Embedded Systems to Physical Computing - Challenges of the Digital World in Secondary Computer Science Education (Mareen Przybylla) (2018)
- Login 189/190 (2018)
- Informatische Kompetenzen in der Grundschule - Sichtweisen und Bausteine (Marco Thomas)
- Informatische Kompetenzen in der Grundschule - Sichtweisen und Bausteine (Marco Thomas)
- Calliope Mini - Eine Explorationsstudie im pädagogisch-didaktischen Kontext (Lydia Murmann, Heidi Schelhowe, Iris Bockermann, Simon Engelbertz, Saskia Illginnis, Antje Moebus) (2018)
- Koli Calling 2018 - Proceedings of the 18th Koli Calling International Conference on Computing Education Research, Koli, Finland, November 22-25, 2018 (Mike Joy, Petri Ihantola) (2018)
- The Teacher's Role in Educational Robotics Competitions (Nicolai Pöhner, Martin Hennecke) (2018)
- Role of Live-coding in Learning Introductory Programming (Adalbert Gerald Soosai Raj, Jignesh M. Patel, Richard Halverson, Erica Rosenfeld Halverson) (2018)
- The Teacher's Role in Educational Robotics Competitions (Nicolai Pöhner, Martin Hennecke) (2018)
- Proceedings of the 13th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education, WiPSCE 2018, Potsdam, Germany, October 04-06, 2018. (Andreas Mühling, Quintin I. Cutts) (2018)
- Are boys more confident than girls? - the role of calibration and students' self-efficacy in programming tasks and computer science (Maria Kallia, Sue Sentance) (2018)
- What do secondary school students associate with the digital world? (Torsten Brinda, Stephan Napierala, Gero Alexander Behler) (2018)
- Successes and challenges in implementing a progressive K-8 computer science curriculum (Laura Mayfield Tomokiyo) (2018)
- Are children perceiving robots as supporting or replacing humans? - first empirical results and classification of preconceptions within a theoretical framework (Kathrin Müller, Carsten Schulte) (2018)
- Co-de - an online learning platform for computational thinking (Zimcke Van de Staey, Tobias Verlinde, Bart Demoen, Bern Martens) (2018)
- Computing in the physical world engages students - impact on their attitudes and self-efficacy towards computer science through robotic activities (Anastasios Theodoropoulos, Prokopis Leon, Angeliki Antoniou, George Lepouras) (2018)
- Infusing computational thinking into middle grade science classrooms - lessons learned (Veronica Cateté, Nicholas Lytle, Yihuan Dong, Danielle Boulden, Bita Akram, Jennifer Houchins, Tiffany Barnes, Eric N. Wiebe, James C. Lester, Bradford W. Mott, Kristy Boyer) (2018)
- Are boys more confident than girls? - the role of calibration and students' self-efficacy in programming tasks and computer science (Maria Kallia, Sue Sentance) (2018)
- Informatics in Schools: Fundamentals of Computer Science and Software Engineering (Sergei Pozdniakov, Valentina Dagienė) (2018)
- Autonomous Recovery from Programming Errors Made by Primary School Children (Martina Forster, Urs Hauser, Giovanni Serafini, Jacqueline Staub)
- On Preferences of Novice Software Engineering Students - Temperament Style and Attitudes Towards Programming Activities (Tatjana Jevsikova, Valentina Dagienė, Vladimiras Dolgopolovas)
- Standards for Higher Secondary Education for Computer Science in Germany (Arno Pasternak, Lutz Hellmig, Gerhard Röhner)
- Computer Science Teachers Perspectives on Competencies - A Case Study in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Fayiq Alghamdi, Arnold Pears, Aletta Nylén)
- A Core Informatics Curriculum for Italian Compulsory Education (Luca Forlizzi, Michael Lodi, Anna Morpurgo, Violetta Lonati, Claudio Mirolo, Alberto Montresor, Mattia Monga, Enrico Nardelli)
- Comparative Analysis of the Content of School Course of Informatics in Russia and Subjects of the International Competition Bebras (Liudmila Bosova)
- Investigating the Pedagogical Content Knowledge of Teachers Attending a MOOC on Scratch Programming (Ebrahim Rahimi, Ineke Henze, Felienne Hermans, Erik Barendsen)
- Case Study on the Process of Teachers Transitioning to Teaching Programming in Python (Eva Klimeková, Monika Tomcsányiová)
- The Quality of Teaching - Is There Any Difference Between University Teachers and School Teachers? (Elisa Reçi, Andreas Bollin)
- Piaget’s Cognitive Development in Bebras Tasks - A Descriptive Analysis by Age Groups (Christine Lutz, Marc Berges, Jonas Hafemann, Christoph Sticha)
- Music Computer Technologies in Informatics and Music Studies at Schools for Children with Deep Visual Impairments: From the Experience (Irina Gorbunovа, Anastasia Govorova)
- Autonomous Recovery from Programming Errors Made by Primary School Children (Martina Forster, Urs Hauser, Giovanni Serafini, Jacqueline Staub)
- Frühe informatische Bildung - Ziele und Gelingensbedingungen für den Elementar- und Primarbereich - Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zur Arbeit der Stiftung "Haus der kleinen Forscher" (Nadine Bergner, Hilde Köster, Johannes Magenheim, Kathrin Müller, Ralf Romeike, Ulrik Schroeder, Carsten Schulte) (2018)
- Medienpädagogik und Didaktik der Informatik - Eine Momentaufnahme disziplinärer Bezüge und schulpraktischer Entwicklungen (2018)
- Algorithmische Kunst als Bildungsgegenstand - Gedanken zu einer fachlichen Bildung über Fächer hinaus (Susanne Grabowski, Frieder Nake) (2018)
- Digitale Bildung: ein interdisziplinäres Verständnis zwischen Medienpädagogik und Informatik (Andreas Dengel)
- Scalable Game Design Switzerland (Alexander Repenning, Anna Lamprou, Nicolas Fahrni, Nora A. Escherle)
- A Design-Based Research Approach for introducing Algorithmics and Programming to Bavarian Primary Schools - Theoretical Foundation and Didactic Implementation (Katharina Geldreich, Alexandra Simon, Peter Hubwieser)
- Algorithmische Kunst als Bildungsgegenstand - Gedanken zu einer fachlichen Bildung über Fächer hinaus (Susanne Grabowski, Frieder Nake) (2018)
- How Machine Learning impacts the Undergraduate Computing Curriculum (R. Benjamin Shapiro, Rebecca Fiebrink, Peter Norvig) (2018)
- The effects of first programming language on college students’ computing attitude and achievement - a comparison of graphical and textual languages (Chen Chen, Paulina Haduong, Karen Brennan, Gerhard Sonnert, Philip Sadler) (2018)
- Medien und Schule - Unterrichten mit Whiteboard, Smartphone und Co. (Heike Schaumburg, Doreen Prasse) (2018)
- Einfach Informatik 5/6 - Programmieren (Begleitband) (Juraj Hromkovic) (2018)
- Adoption d'un plan d'action et lancement des travaux de coopération en faveur de l'ÉDUCATION NUMÉRIQUE dans l'espace latin de la formation (Conférence intercantonale de l'instruction publique de la Suisse romande et du Tessin (CIIP)) (2018)
- Zürich macht mit Tablets Schule (Ev Manz) (2018)
- Physical Computing als Mittel der wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnisgewinnung - in der Informatik und als fächerverbindende MINT-Arbeitsweise (Sandra Schulz) (2018)
- Das zähe Ringen um verpflichtenden Informatikunterricht an Schulen (Lisa Becker) (2018)
- Zum Interesse von Grundschulkindern an informatischen Lernmaterialien (Hilde Köster, Philipp Straube, Martin Brämer, Tobias Mehrtens, Volkhard Nordmeier, Julia Voigt) (2019)
- Einfach Informatik 5/6 - Lösungen finden (Juraj Hromkovic, Regula Lacher) (2019)
- Bildung Schweiz 1/19 (2019)
- Roboter erobern die Schulen (Peter Krebs) (2019)
- Roboter erobern die Schulen (Peter Krebs) (2019)
- Informatik 2 - Internet und Algorithmen (Peter Brichzin, Ulrich Freiberger, Klaus Reinold, Albert Wiedemann) (2019)
- Digitalkunde als Schulfach (Frederik Weinert) (2019)
- Was ist so schlimm am Kapitalismus? - Antworten auf die Fragen meiner Enkelin (Jean Ziegler) (2019)
- Philosophische Nachhilfe für Nerds (Nina Himmer) (2019)
- Stiftung stellt 2 Mio. bereit (Ruggero Vercellone) (2019)
- Digitalisierung als De-Humanisierung von Schulen - Vom Unterrichten zum Vermessen. Bildungseinrichtungen unter dem Diktat von Betriebswirtschaft und Datenökonomie (Ralf Lankau) (2019)
- Sie digitalisieren das Klassenzimmer (Christoph Lenz) (2019)
- «Why Do We Have to Learn This Baby Language?» (Brian Harvey) (2019)
- Envisioning AI for K-12 - what should every child know about AI? (David Touretzky, Christina Gardner-McCune, Fred Martin, Deborah Seehorn) (2019)
- Kompetenzen für informatische Bildung im Primarbereich (Arbeitskreis Bildungsstandards Primarbereich) (2019)
- Do We Really Need Computational Thinking? (Enrico Nardelli) (2019)
- Mittelschulen werden digitalisiert (Daniel Schneebeli) (2019)
- Worauf ich Wert lege, wenn es um die zunehmende Digitalisierung geht... (Ralf Lankau) (2019)
- Postschiff Enterprise (Adrienne Fichter, Andreas Moor, Patrick Recher) (2019)
- Von Datenmanagement zu Data Literacy - Informatikdidaktische Aufarbeitung des Gegenstandsbereichs Daten für den allgemeinbildenden Schulunterricht (Andreas Grillenberger) (2019)
- SIGCSE 2019 - Proceedings of the 50th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, SIGCSE 2019, Minneapolis, MN, USA, February 27 - March 02, 2019 (Elizabeth K. Hawthorne, Manuel A. Pérez-Quiñones, Sarah Heckman, Jian Zhang 0036) (2019)
- Achieving Gender Balance through Creative Expression (William H. Bares, Bill Z. Manaris, Renée McCauley, Christine Moore) (2019)
- Story Programming - Explaining Computer Science Before Coding (Jennifer Parham-Mocello, Shannon Ernst, Martin Erwig, Lily Shellhammer, Emily Dominguez) (2019)
- The Zones of Proximal Flow Tutorial - Designing Computational Thinking Cliffhangers (Ashok R. Basawapatna, Alexander Repenning, Mark Savignano) (2019)
- Defining and Designing Computer Science Education in a K12 Public School District (Chris Proctor, Maxwell Bigman, Paulo Blikstein) (2019)
- A Middle-School Camp Emphasizing Data Science and Computing for Social Good (Caelin Bryant, Yesheng Chen, Zhen Chen, Jonathan Gilmour, Shyamala Gumidyala, Beatriz Herce-Hagiwara, Annabella Koures, Seoyeon Lee, James Msekela, Anh Thu Pham, Halle Remash, Marli Remash, Nolan Schoenle, Jonah Zimmerman, Sarah Dahlby Albright, Samuel A. Rebelsky) (2019)
- Special Session - AI for K-12 Guidelines Initiative (David S. Touretzky, Fred Martin, Deborah W. Seehorn, Cynthia Breazeal, Tess Posner) (2019)
- Beauty and Joy of Computing - 2016-17 Findings from an AP CS Principles course (June Mark, Kelsey Klein) (2019)
- Computing Education as a Foundation for 21st Century Literacy (Mark Guzdial) (2019)
- Comparing Jailed Sandboxes vs Containers Within an Autograding System (Matthew Peveler, Evan Maicus, Barbara Cutler) (2019)
- Achieving Gender Balance through Creative Expression (William H. Bares, Bill Z. Manaris, Renée McCauley, Christine Moore) (2019)
- STEAM Education - Theory and Practice (Myint Swe Khine, Shaljan Areepattamannil) (2019)
- Informatik in Bewegung: Computer Science unplugged (Katinka Penert) (2019)
- «Frauen bauen keine Sex-Roboter» (Aleksandra Przegalinska, Michael Marti) (2019)
- Programmieren im Klassenzimmer: Der Kanton ist Vorreiter in Sachen Informatikunterricht (Noëlle Karpf) (2019)
- Schule im «Digitalisierungswahn» (Juraj Hromkovic) (2019)
- The Cambridge Handbook of Computing Education Research (Sally Fincher, Anthony V. Robins) (2019)
- An Important and Timely Field (2019)
- 1. The History of Computing Education Research (Mark Guzdial, Benedict du Boulay) (2019)
- 2. Computing Education Research Today (Sally Fincher, Josh Tenenberg, Brian Dorn, Christopher D. Hundhausen, Robert McCartney, Laurie Murphy) (2019)
- 3. Computing Education (Paulo Blikstein, Sepehr Hejazi Moghadam) (2019)
- An Important and Timely Field (2019)
- PÄDAGOGIK 04/2019 (2019)
- Wie funktioniert eigentlich ein Computer? (Julian Dorn)
- Wie funktioniert eigentlich ein Computer? (Julian Dorn)
- Informatik Spektrum Sonderheft: Bildung und Informatik - Volume 42, Issue 2, April 2019 (2019)
- Informatik im Kontext der allgemeinen Bildung (Juraj Hromkovic)
- Informatik am Gymnasium (Michael Barot, Daniel Baumgartner)
- Programmierunterricht von Kindergarten bis zur Matura in einem Spiralcurriculum (Jacqueline Staub, Michelle Barnett, Nicole Trachsler)
- Wie Mathematik und Informatik im Unterricht voneinander profitieren können - Teil I (Urs Hauser, Dennis Komm, Giovanni Serafini)
- Informatik im Kontext der allgemeinen Bildung (Juraj Hromkovic)
- Auf dem Weg zur digitalen Schule - Bildungsbeilage der NZZ am Sonntag (2019)
- Mission Informatik gestartet (René Donzé) (2019)
- Mission Informatik gestartet (René Donzé) (2019)
- Informatik für alle (Julia Bernewasser) (2019)
- Informatik auf der Sekundarstufe (1. Klasse) (Simone Meier, Urs Meyer, Lukas Dettwiler) (2019)
- Computational Thinking (Peter Denning, Matti Tedre) (2019)
- 4. Computer Science
- 8. Teaching Computational Thinking for all
- The Effect of Reading Code Aloud on Comprehension - An Empirical Study with School Students (Alaaeddin Swidan, Felienne Hermans) (2019)
- Informatik auf der Sekundarstufe (2. Klasse) - Module für den Unterricht im 3. Zyklus, 2. Klasse (Simone Meier, Urs Meyer, Eveline Hak, Lukas Dettwiler) (2019)
- Digitale Bildung ist mehr als Medienkompetenz - Informatik findet in den Lehrplänen zu wenig Beachtung (Matthias Ammann) (2019)
- Lernen mit Bildungstechnologien - Praxisorientiertes Handbuch zum intelligenten Umgang mit digitalen Medien (Helmut M. Niegemann, Armin Weinberger) (2019)
- Basiswissen Informatik - Grundideen einfach und anschaulich erklärt (Eckart Zitzler) (2019)
- Block-based programming in computer science education (David Weintrop) (2019)
- Agile Schule - Methoden für den Projektunterricht in der Informatik und darüber hinaus (Peter Brichzin, Petra Kastl, Ralf Romeike) (2019)
- Grundlagen - Medien, Informatik und Anwendungskompetenzen (Felix Meisel, Urs Meier, Ursula Schwarb, Olivier Wüest) (2019)
- Unterrichtseinheit Variablenkonzept auf der Sekundarstufe - Misskonzepte und deren Überwindung bei der Entwicklung des Variablenkonzepts auf der Sekundarstufe in Scratch (Christian Rauter) (2019)
- ICER 2019 - Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research, ICER 2019, Toronto, ON, Canada, August 12-14, 2019 (Robert McCartney, Andrew Petersen, Anthony V. Robins, Adon Moskal) (2019)
- From Theory Bias to Theory Dialogue - Embracing Cognitive, Situated, and Critical Framings of Computational Thinking in K-12 CS Education (Yasmin B. Kafai, Chris Proctor, Debora Lui) (2019)
- Toward Understanding and Enhancing Novice Students' Mental Models in Computer Science - Doctoral Consortium Abstract (Briana Bettin) (2019)
- Designing for Integrated K-5 Computing and Literacy through Story-making Activities (Robert Whyte, Shaaron Ainsworth, Jane Medwell) (2019)
- Computing Education Theories - What Are They and How Are They Used? (Lauri Malmi, Judy Sheard, Päivi Kinnunen, Simon, Jane Sinclair) (2019)
- Towards a Model of Conceptual Transfer for Students Learning New Programming Languages (Ethel Tshukudu) (2019)
- Machine Learning Education for Young People without Programming Experience - Doctoral Consortium Abstract (Abigail Zimmermann-Niefield) (2019)
- Helping Social Studies Teachers to Design Learning Experiences Around Data - Participatory Design for New Teacher-Centric Programming Languages (Bahare Naimipour, Mark Guzdial, Tamara Shreiner) (2019)
- Too Much Technology (?) - Pre-service Teachers' Perceptions, Concerns, and Interest in CS Education (Jung Won Hur) (2019)
- Supporting Elementary Teacher's Reflections on Equity in CS Education - A Case Study Approach (Florence Sullivan, Catherine Tulungen, Sneha Veeragoudar, Emrah Pektas) (2019)
- Understanding our Human Resources - District Leadership-Efforts at Understanding CS Education Implementation in Their Own Buildings (Leigh Ann DeLyser, Stephanie Wortel-London, Lauren Wright, Anisa Bora) (2019)
- Doors, Walls and Windows? - The Gender Gap in Ontario High School Computer Science (Steven Floyd) (2019)
- Computer Science Teacher Preparation in an International Context - A Comparative Study (Tomás Prucha) (2019)
- CS1 Scaffolded Activities - The Rise of Students' Engagement (Mohsen Dorodchi, Aileen Benedict, Erfan Al-Hossami) (2019)
- Defining What Empirically Works Best - Dynamic Generation of Meta-Analysis for Computer Science Education (Monica M. McGill, Tom McKlin, Errol Kaylor) (2019)
- From Theory Bias to Theory Dialogue - Embracing Cognitive, Situated, and Critical Framings of Computational Thinking in K-12 CS Education (Yasmin B. Kafai, Chris Proctor, Debora Lui) (2019)
- Algorithmisches Denken im Bildnerischen Gestalten (Hanna Züllig) (2019)
- Anmerkungen zum Editorial des Informatik Spektrums 2/2019 (Lutz Hellmig, Werner Hartmann) (2019)
- Intelligenz, künstlich und komplex (Dirk Baecker) (2019)
- Der Kampf ums Log-in (Tim Wirth) (2019)
- DELFI 2019 (Niels Pinkwart, Johannes Konert) (2019)
- Greifbares Lernen von Informatikinhalten - Aktive Tangibles auf kapazitiven Multitouch-Tischen (Thiemo Leonhardt, Matthias Ehlenz) (2019)
- Informatik Grundbildung im Alter - Ein eLearning Konzept (Svenja Noichl, Ulrik Schroeder) (2019)
- Greifbares Lernen von Informatikinhalten - Aktive Tangibles auf kapazitiven Multitouch-Tischen (Thiemo Leonhardt, Matthias Ehlenz) (2019)
- Informatik für alle - 18. GI-Fachtagung Informatik und Schule (Arno Pasternak) (2019)
- Zur Entwicklung des Masterstudiengangs «Medien und Informatik» (Beat Döbeli Honegger, Martin Hermida, Regina Schmid) (2019)
- Allgemeinbildung und Informatik (Hans Werner Heymann)
- Informatikunterricht in der Grundschule? - Erprobung und Auswertung eines Unterrichtsmoduls mit Calliope mini (Kevin Baum, Nadine Kirsch, Kerstin Reese, Pascal Schmidt, Lukas Wachter, Verena Wolf)
- Bild der Informatik von Grundschullehrpersonen - Ergebnisse eines mehrjährigen Projekts zu informatikbezogenen Vorstellungen (Alexander Best)
- Analyse von Curricula auf Abdeckung der Kompetenzen zur Bildung in der digitalen Welt (Ira Diethelm, Sebastian Glücks)
- Beobachtungen zum informatischen Problemlösen im Escape-Adventure-Spiel «Room-X» (Alexander Hacke, Mareen Przybylla, Andreas Schwill)
- Informatik in der Grundschule - Stellschraube Lehrerbildung - Zur Notwendigkeit nachhaltiger informatischer Bildung für angehende Grundschullehrkräfte (Kathrin Haselmeier)
- Interesse an Informatik und Informatikselbstkonzept bei Schülerinnen und Schülern zu Beginn der fünften Jahrgangsstufe des Gymnasiums - Eine empirische Untersuchung (Kathrin Haselmeier, Ludger Humbert, Klaus Killich, Dorothee Müller)
- Informatikunterricht - Ein Muss zur politischen Mündigkeit (Niko Hausner, Katharina Wendlandt, Matthias Wendlandt)
- Was haben Staubsaugerroboter, Spielekonsolen und Smartphones gemeinsam? - Schülervorstellungen von Teil-Ganzes-Beziehungen in Informatiksystemen (Nils Pancratz, Ira Diethelm) (2019)
- TPA-Modell - Vom Denken zum Handeln in der informatischen Bildung (Urs Meier)
- Informatikwissen im Schulalltag sichtbar machen - «Wie funktioniert das Internet?» in Kinderzeichnungen (Bettina Waldvogel) (2019)
- AI Unplugged - Wir ziehen Künstlicher Intelligenz den Stecker (Stefan Seegerer, Annabel Lindner, Ralf Romeike) (2019)
- Aufhören oder weitermachen? (Juliane Wegner, Mona Arndt)
- «Bildung in der digital vernetzten Welt» Ohne Informatik nicht denkbar!? (Dieter Engbring)
- Blöcke, Blumen, Mikrocontroller und das Internet of Things (Nils Pancratz, Anatolij Fandrich, Christos Chytas, Mareike Daeglau, Ira Diethelm)
- Debuggen im Unterricht – Ein systematisches Vorgehen macht den Unterschied (Tilman Michaeli, Ralf Romeike)
- Einsatz von Jupyter Notebooks am Beispiel eines fiktiven Kriminalfalls (Florian Kapp, Carsten Schulte)
- Einsatz von Skill Cards und Story Cards für einen kreativitätsfördernden Informatikunterricht auf der Sekundarstufe I (Thomas Schmalfeldt)
- Entwicklung ökologischen Denkens im Informatikunterricht (Ilona Petrenko, Marco Thomas)
- Erfahrungsbericht zur Qualifizierungsmaßnahme Informatik als Erweiterungsfach (Lehramt Realschule) in Bayern (Marc Berges, Matthias Ehmann, Rainer Gall, André Greubel, Nicole Günzel-Weinkamm, Verena Haller, Martin Hennecke, Ute Heuer, Julia Kronawitter, Annabel Lindner, Nicolai Pöhner)
- Fit für den Lehrplan 21 - Wie Klassenlehrpersonen auf den Informatikunterricht vorbereitet werden (können) (Andrea Gumpert, Pascal Zaugg)
- FLACI – Eine Lernumgebung für theoretische Informatik (Michael Hielscher, Christian Wagenknecht)
- Identifizierung leistungsstarker Schülerinnen und Schüler in der Informatik (Claudia Hildebrandt, Matthias Matzner)
- Informatik spannend präsentieren – Ein Einstieg in den Studiengang Lehramt Informatik (Lisa Göbel, Lutz Hellmig)
- Informatische Bildung und inklusive Pädagogik (Dino Capovilla)
- Innovative Gestaltung und Einsatz von Erklärvideos im Informatikunterricht (Tamara Hochthurn, Jens Gallenbacher)
- JavaScript als ideale textbasierte Programmiersprache im Unterricht anhand von ada7 differenziert und motivierend unterrichten. (Julian Dorn)
- Mischen possible - Didaktische und unterrichtspraktische Überlegungen zum Mischen im Informatikunterricht (Peter Micheuz)
- «Wie funktioniert das?» - Informatische Konzepte in der Vor- und Grundschule spielerisch begreifen und anwenden (Anja Gärtig-Daugs, Alexander Werner, Ute Schmid)
- Wie gelingt eine obligatorische Weiterbildung für tausende von Lehrpersonen der Volksschule? Ein Erfahrungsbericht mit erlebbaren Praxisteilen aus dem Grundlagenkurs Medien und Informatik (Tobias M. Schifferle, Eike Rösch, Peter Suter)
- Zur Relevanz eines Prozessbereiches Interaktion und Exploration im Kontext informatischer Bildung im Primarbereich (Kathrin Müller, Carsten Schulte, Johannes Magenheim)
- Zur Entwicklung des Masterstudiengangs «Medien und Informatik» (Beat Döbeli Honegger, Martin Hermida, Regina Schmid) (2019)
- Hello World 10 - maths and computer science (2019)
- Was, Ihr Kind kann nicht programmieren? (Jakob von Lindern) (2019)
- Informatik 2019 - Konferenzbeiträge der 49. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Informatik (2019)
- Informatik für alle - Eine Analyse von Argumenten und Argumentationsschemata für das Schulfach Informatik (Stefan Seegerer, Tilman Michaeli, Ralf Romeike) (2019)
- Critical Computational Thinking - Konzeptentwurf zur Vermittlung von Informatikwissen für die Digitalisierungsgestaltung (Esther Ruiz Ben)
- Informatik für alle - Eine Analyse von Argumenten und Argumentationsschemata für das Schulfach Informatik (Stefan Seegerer, Tilman Michaeli, Ralf Romeike) (2019)
- Warum werden Frauen so selten MINT-Fachkräfte? - Zur Bedeutung der Differenz zwischen mathematischen Kompetenzen und Selbstkonzept (Ben Jann, Sandra Hupka-Brunner) (2019)
- ITiCSE 2019 - Proceedings of the 2019 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK, July 15-17, 2019 (Bruce Scharlau, Roger McDermott, Arnold Pears, Mihaela Sabin) (2019)
- Digital Storytelling and Group Work - Integrating the Narrative Approach into a Higher Education Computer Science Course (Ari Korhonen, Marianna Vivitsou) (2019)
- Understanding CS Undergraduate Students' Professional Identity through the lens of their Professional Development (Amanpreet Kapoor, Christina Gardner-McCune) (2019)
- Applying Case-Based Learning for a Postgraduate Software Architecture Course (Eng Lieh Ouh, Yunghans Irawan) (2019)
- Learning through Construction's Influence on IT Students' Identity Formation (Justyna Szynkiewicz) (2019)
- From Data To Insights in CS1 (Ananda Gunawardena) (2019)
- Exploring the Correlation Between Teacher Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Content Knowledge in Computer Science Classrooms (Tom McKlin, Taneisha Lee, Dana Wanzer, Brian Magerko, Doug Edwards, Sabrina Grossman, Emily Bryans, Jason Freeman) (2019)
- If Memory Serves - A Game to Supplement the Instruction of Concepts Related to Pointers (Monica M. McGill, Ian Pollock) (2019)
- A Survey of Introductory Programming Courses in Ireland (Brett A. Becker) (2019)
- Making Computer Science Education Mandatory - Exploring a Demographic Shift in Switzerland (Alexander Repenning, Anna Lamprou, Serge Petralito, Ashok R. Basawapatna) (2019)
- A Large-Scale Experimental Study of Gender and Pair Composition in Pair Programming (Lindsay Jarratt, Nicholas A. Bowman, K. C. Culver, Alberto Maria Segre) (2019)
- Effective Computer Science Teacher Professional Development - Beauty and Joy of Computing 2018 (Alexandra Milliken, Christa Cody, Veronica Cateté, Tiffany Barnes) (2019)
- More Effective Contextualization of CS Education Research - A Pair-Programming Example (Briana Bettin, Linda Ott, Leo Ureel) (2019)
- 1.5 Degrees of Separation - Computer Science Education in the Age of the Anthropocene (Ian Pollock, Bedour Alshaigy, Andrew Bradley, Birgit R. Krogstie, Viraj Kumar, Linda Ott, Anne-Kathrin Peters, Charles Riedesel, Charles Wallace) (2019)
- Text-based Programming in Elementary School - A Comparative Study of Programming Abilities in Children with and without Block-based Experience (Marcos J. Gomez, Marco Moresi, Luciana Benotti) (2019)
- The Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich Challenge as an Approach to Improve Students Abilities in Test Case Writing (Kiev Gama, Andrew Diniz, Ricardo Almeida, Hendi Coelho) (2019)
- Below C Level - A Student-Centered x86-64 Simulator (Caitlin Fanning, Saturnino Garcia) (2019)
- Infusing Computing - Analyzing Teacher Programming Products in K-12 Computational Thinking Professional Development (Yihuan Dong, Veronica Cateté, Nicholas Lytle, Amy Isvik, Tiffany Barnes, Robin Jocius, Jennifer Albert, Deepti Joshi, Richard Robinson, Ashley Andrews) (2019)
- We Need to Talk!! - A Chatroom Application Using a Student-Designed Protocol (Greg Gagne) (2019)
- Making CS Learning Visible - Case Studies on How Visibility of Student Work Supports a Community of Learners in CS Classrooms (Amber Solomon, Vanessa Oguamanam, Mark Guzdial, Betsy DiSalvo) (2019)
- Designing Engaging Learning Experiences (Raghav V. Sampangi, Angela A. Siegel) (2019)
- - Resources for Primary and SecondaryComputer Science Education Research (Monica M. McGill, Adrienne Decker) (2019)
- Digital Storytelling and Group Work - Integrating the Narrative Approach into a Higher Education Computer Science Course (Ari Korhonen, Marianna Vivitsou) (2019)
- Computer Science and PISA 2021 (Andreas Schleicher, Hadi Partovi) (2019)
- Ein Algorithmus hat kein Taktgefühl - Wo künstliche Intelligenz sich irrt, warum uns das betrifft und was wir dagegen tun können (Katharina A. Zweig) (2019)
- Proceedings of the 14th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education, WiPSCE 2019, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, October 23-25, 2019 (2019)
- Computer Science Replugged - What Is the Use of Virtual Reality in Computer Science Education? (Andreas Dengel) (2019)
- The Effects of a Professional Development Workshop Focusing on Action Research on the Practice of High-School Computer Science Teachers (Ofra Brandes, Michal Armoni) (2019)
- Discipline-Specific Language Learning in a Mainstream Computer Science Classroom - Using a Genre-Based Approach (Fatma Batur, Jan Strobl) (2019)
- Technoteach - Supporting Computing Teachers Across Wales (Faron Moller, Stewart Powell) (2019)
- Interdisciplinary Data Education - Teaching Primary and Secondary learners how to be data citizens (Kate Farrell, Judy Robertson) (2019)
- Discriminating Programming Strategies in Scratch - Making the Difference between Novice and Experienced Programmers (Max Kesselbacher, Andreas Bollin) (2019)
- Development of a Questionnaire on Self-concept, Motivational Beliefs, and Attitude Towards Programming (Luzia Leifheit, Katerina Tsarava, Korbinian Moeller, Klaus Ostermann, Jessika Golle, Ulrich Trautwein, Manuel Ninaus) (2019)
- How to Transform Programming Processes in Scratch to Graphical Visualizations (Alexandra Simon, Katharina Geldreich, Peter Hubwieser) (2019)
- Developing Teaching Materials on Artificial Intelligence by Using a Simulation Game (Work in Progress) (Simone Opel, Michael Schlichtig, Carsten Schulte) (2019)
- Improving Debugging Skills in the Classroom - The Effects of Teaching a Systematic Debugging Process (Tilman Michaeli, Ralf Romeike) (2019)
- Computer Science Replugged - What Is the Use of Virtual Reality in Computer Science Education? (Andreas Dengel) (2019)
- Verlagsbeilage Spotlight Schweiz - Die Initiative stellt die Menschen ins Rampenlicht, die digitalen Wandel an den Schulen vorantreiben (2019)
- Aktivitäten der Digitalindustrie im Bildungsbereich (GEW Gewerkschaft Erziehung und Wissenschaft) (2019)
- Bildung Schweiz 11/2019 (2019)
- Viele Baustellen in «Medien und Informatik» (Michael Späth, Beat A. Schwendimann) (2019)
- Viele Baustellen in «Medien und Informatik» (Michael Späth, Beat A. Schwendimann) (2019)
- hep magazin 10 (2019)
- Digitale Bildung - Note genügend oder ungenügend? (Matthias Ammann, Beat Döbeli Honegger) (2019)
- Digitale Bildung - Note genügend oder ungenügend? (Matthias Ammann, Beat Döbeli Honegger) (2019)
- Wie Maschinen lernen - Künstliche Intelligenz verständlich erklärt (Kristian Kersting, Christoph Lampert, Constantin Rothkopf) (2019)
- Niklaus Wirth - eine lebende Informatik-Legende (Sarah Genner) (2019)
- Informatics in Schools. New Ideas in School Informatics (Sergei Pozdniakov, Valentina Dagienė) (2019)
- What Are Computer Science Educators Interested In? - The Case of SIGCSE Conferences (Ragonis Noa, Orit Hazzan)
- Inquiry-Based Learning in Computer Science Classroom (Zuzana Tkáčová, Ľubomír Šnajder, Ján Guniš)
- Introducing Informatics in Primary Education: Curriculum and Teachers’ Perspectives (Valentina Dagienė, Tatjana Jevsikova, Gabrielė Stupurienė)
- Unplugged Activities in the Context of AI (Annabel Lindner, Stefan Seegerer, Ralf Romeike)
- About Classes and Trees: Introducing Secondary School Students to Aspects of Data Mining (Andreas Grillenberger, Ralf Romeike)
- Person-Thing-Orientation and the Choice of Computer Science Courses in High School (Jascha Kemper, Michael Brinkmeier)
- Introduction to Computational Thinking for University Students (Zsuzsa Pluhár, Hajnalka Torma)
- Computer Science Problem Solving in the Escape Game “Room-X” (Alexander Hacke)
- What Are Computer Science Educators Interested In? - The Case of SIGCSE Conferences (Ragonis Noa, Orit Hazzan)
- E-Learning - Erwartungen, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen (Juraj Hromkovic, Regula Lacher) (2019)
- How to Speak Machine - Computational Thinking for the Rest of Us (John Maeda) (2019)
- Hello World 11 (2019)
- «Ein Computerzimmer reicht oft aus» (Juraj Hromkovic, Silvia Staub) (2019)
- Digitalisierung - Wie wir heute für morgen lernen - Bildungsbeilage der NZZ (2019)
- Login 191/192 (2019)
- Lehrer klagen über «toxische Mischung» - Schweizer Schulen liegen bei der Digitalisierung im Rückstand (Lea Hartmann) (2019)
- Gretchenfrage 4.0 (Armin Grunwald) (2019)
- Medienbildung und Informatik verbinden – aber wie? (Gerhard Tulodziecki) (2020)
- Handbook of Research on Integrating Computer Science and Computational Thinking in K-12 Education (Jared Keengwe, Patrick Wachira) (2020)
- Rundgang 1/2020 - Magazin für Unterricht und Bildung (2020)
- Informatik für den ersten Zyklus (Yvonne Bugmann) (2020)
- Findest du, was du suchst? (Juraj Hromkovic, Regula Lacher) (2020)
- Informatik für den ersten Zyklus (Yvonne Bugmann) (2020)
- Künstliche Intelligenz - Wie man Robotern das Denken beibringt (2020)
- DÉCODAGE C1 (Anne Christe de Mello, Bertrand Magnin, Didier Roy, Anne Nicole, Boris Beaude, Dominique Boullier, Isabelle Collet) (2020)
- Human Compatible - Künstliche Intelligenz und wie der Mensch die Kontrolle über superintelligente Maschinen behält (Stuart Russell) (2020)
- Pixel & Co. - Informatik in der Grundschule (Katja Köhler, Ute Schmid, Lorenz Weiß, Katharina Weitz) (2020)
- Deepfakes - Wie gefälschte Botschaften im Netz unsere Demokratie gefährden und unsere Leben zerstören können (Nina Schick) (2020)
- «Kein gutes Zeichen» (Juraj Hromkovic, Nora Leutert) (2020)
- Medienmitteilung betreffend Interview in der «Schaffhauser AZ» vom 8. Januar 2020 betreffend Medien und Informatik mit Professor Hromkovic (Erziehungsdepartement Kanton Schaffhausen) (2020)
- Informatik verändert die Sicht auf uns selbst (2020)
- A Naturalistic Inquiry into Student Conceptions of Computing Technology and their Role for Learning and Transfer (Michael Rücker) (2020)
- Developing Computational Solutions With Humility - Recommending Morgan Ames' 'The Charisma Machine' (Mark Guzdial) (2020)
- Von wegen vorbildliche Schweiz (Patrick Meier) (2020)
- Informatik - Kompetenzentwicklung bei Kindern (Ludger Humbert, Alexander Best, Peter Micheuz, Lutz Hellmig) (2020)
- Let's rock education - Was Schule heute lernen muss (Daniel Jung) (2020)
- Das ICE–Modell für die Ausbildung von Lehrpersonen - Konzeption und konkrete Umsetzung (Thomas Schmalfeldt) (2020)
- Gemeinsamer Referenzrahmen Informatik (GeRRI) - Mindeststandards für die auf Informatik bezogene Bildung, Empfehlungen des MNU - Verband zur Förderung des MINT-Unterrichts, Empfehlungen der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI) (Gerhard Röhner, Torsten Brinda, Martin Fricke, Marius Gevers, Alexander Hug, Daniel Losch, Hermann Puhlmann) (2020)
- Jahrbuch Medienpädagogik 17 - Lernen mit und über Medien in einer digitalen Welt (Klaus Rummler, Ilka Koppel, Sandra Aßmann, Patrick Bettinger, Karsten D. Wolf) (2020)
- Digitale Medien in der Grundschullehrerbildung (Horst Niesyto, Thorsten Junge)
- Digitale Medien in der Grundschullehrerbildung (Horst Niesyto, Thorsten Junge)
- Falsche Selbsteinschätzung hält Frauen von technischen Berufen fern (Ben Jann, Sandra Hupka-Brunner) (2020)
- Constructionism 2020 (Brendan Tangney, Jake Rowan Byrne, Carina Girvan) (2020)
- Was macht die Digitalisierung mit den Hochschulen? - Einwürfe und Provokationen (Marko Demantowsky, Gerhard Lauer, Robin Schmidt, Bert te Wildt) (2020)
- PHSZ fokus 2019 - Lehrerinnen- und Lehrerbildung im digitalen Wandel (Pädagogische Hochschule Schwyz (PHSZ)) (2020)
- Informatik trifft Theaterpädagogik - Von Gegensätzen und noch mehr Gemeinsamkeiten (Beat Döbeli Honegger, Annette Windlin)
- Informatik trifft Theaterpädagogik - Von Gegensätzen und noch mehr Gemeinsamkeiten (Beat Döbeli Honegger, Annette Windlin)
- ICT-Professionalisierung und ICT-Beliefs - Professionalisierung angehender Lehrpersonen in der digitalen Transformation und ihre berufsbezogenen Überzeugungen über digitale Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien (ICT) (Robin Schmidt) (2020)
- 1. Forschungsstand: Lehren und Lernen in der digitalen Transformation
- Sie programmieren auch mal bis zum Exzess (2020)
- If They Build It, Will They Understand It? - Exploring the Relationship between Student Code and Performance (Jean Salac, Diana Franklin) (2020)
- LOG IN 193/194 2020 - Künstliche Intelligenz und Unterricht (2020)
- Künstliche Intelligenz und der Sinn des Lebens - Ein Essay (Richard David Precht) (2020)
- Datenschutz und Informatikunterricht - Entwicklung eines Datenschutzkompetenzmodells und Erhebung der Datenschutzkompetenz bei Schülerinnen und Schülern zur Entwicklung von Handlungsempfehlungen für den Informatikunterricht (Alexander Hug) (2020)
- Informatik auf der Sekundarstufe (3. Klasse) (2020)
- ICER 2020 - International Computing Education Research Conference, Virtual Event, New Zealand, August 10-12, 2020 (Anthony V. Robins, Adon Moskal, Amy J. Ko, Renée McCauley) (2020)
- Teaching Teachers to Teach Computer Science - Unplugged or Plugged-in? (Tim Bell) (2020)
- Exploring the Enacted Computing Curriculum in K-12 Schools in South Asia - Bangladesh, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka (Tehreem Anwar, Arturo Jimenez, Arsalan Bin Najeeb, Bishakha Upadhyaya, Monica M. McGill) (2020)
- MatchingRef - Matching Variable Names in a Reference Page to Help Introductory CS Students Fix Compiler Errors (Thuc Nhi Le, Shokhzodbek Saidov, Justin Smith 0001) (2020)
- Structural Barriers to Computer Science Education in NZ High Schools (Chamindi K. Samarasekara) (2020)
- Mapping Empathy in the Computer Science Classroom (Lariza Laura de Oliveira) (2020)
- Adaptive Immediate Feedback Can Improve Novice Programming Engagement and Intention to Persist in Computer Science (Samiha Marwan, Ge Gao, Susan R. Fisk, Thomas W. Price, Tiffany Barnes) (2020)
- Diagramming as a Strategy for Primary/Elementary-Age Program Comprehension (Jean Salac) (2020)
- Restorying through Computational Quilts - A Critical Approach Towards Reimagining Computer Science (Mia S. Shaw) (2020)
- Gender Differences in Upper Elementary Students' Regulation of Learning while Pair Programming (Jessica Vandenberg, Jennifer Tsan, Madeline Hinckle, Collin F. Lynch, Kristy Elizabeth Boyer, Eric N. Wiebe) (2020)
- First Bytes - Preparing K-12 Educators for CS Inclusion (Melissa C. Stange) (2020)
- An Analysis of Use-Modify-Create Pedagogical Approach's Success in Balancing Structure and Student Agency (Diana Franklin, Merijke Coenraad, Jennifer Palmer, Donna Eatinger, Anna Zipp, Marco Anaya, Max White, Hoang Pham, Ozan Gökdemir, David Weintrop) (2020)
- Exploring Quantum Reversibility with Young Learners (Diana Franklin, Jen Palmer, Woorin Jang, Elizabeth M. Lehman, Jasmine Marckwordt, Randall H. Landsberg, Alexandria Muller, Danielle Harlow) (2020)
- Why do CS1 Students Think They're Bad at Programming? - Investigating Self-efficacy and Self-assessments at Three Universities (Jamie Gorson, Eleanor O'Rourke) (2020)
- Affinity for Technology and Teenagers' Learning Intentions (Fufen Jin, Monica Divitini) (2020)
- Medienpädagogik als Schlüsseldisziplin in einer mediatisierten Welt - Perspektiven aus Theorie, Empirie und Praxis - Festschrift für Dorothee M. Meister (Henrike Friedrichs-Liesenkötter, Lara Gerhardts, Anna-Maria Kamin, Sonja Kröger) (2020)
- «Big Data» aus der Perspektive von Informatischer Bildung und Medienpädagogik - Bildung in einer datifizierten Gesellschaft (Johannes Magenheim)
- «Big Data» aus der Perspektive von Informatischer Bildung und Medienpädagogik - Bildung in einer datifizierten Gesellschaft (Johannes Magenheim)
- Macht das Fach «Medien & Informatik» fit für die Digitalisierung? (Reto Widmer) (2020)
- Mehr Flexibilität statt alter Zöpfe im gymnasialen Lehrplan (Miriam Missura) (2020)
- Non-Formal and Informal Science Learning in the ICT Era (Michail N. Giannakos) (2020)
- 4. Web-Based Learning in Computer Science - Insights into Progress and Problems of Learners in MOOCs (Johannes Krugel, Peter Hubwieser)
- 4. Web-Based Learning in Computer Science - Insights into Progress and Problems of Learners in MOOCs (Johannes Krugel, Peter Hubwieser)
- Digitale Medien und informatische Bildung - Lehrplan (Rudolf Steiner Schulen Schweiz, Robin Schmidt) (2020)
- A robot wrote this entire article. Are you scared yet, human? (2020)
- DELFI 2020 - Die 18. Fachtagung Bildungstechnologien der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (Raphael Zender, Dirk Ifenthaler, Thiemo Leonhardt, Clara Schumacher) (2020)
- Fertigkeiten erkennen und Interesse für Informatik wecken - Der Informatiktest von MINTFIT Hamburg (Helena Barbas, Esther Bender, Fabian Hamann, Daniel Sitzmann, Marcus Soll)
- Kompetenzmodellierung für die grundlegende Programmierausbildung - Eine kritische Diskussion zu Vorzügen und Anwendbarkeit der Anderson Krathwohl Taxonomie im Vergleich zum Kompetenzmodell der GI (Natalie Kiesler)
- Selbsteinschätzung leicht gemacht - Studienergebnisse aus der Theoretischen Informatik (Arno Wilhelm-Weidner)
- Teaching Machine Learning and Data Literacy to Students of Logistics using Jupyter Notebooks (Marvin Kastner, Janna Franzkeit, Anna Lainé)
- VITMaze – Die Java Coding-Challenge für Verwaltungsinformatiker (Patrick Stalljohann, Maik Merten)
- Was bedeutet „Digitaler Unterricht“? (Marcel Lehmann, Timon Bauer, Stefanie Kersten, Sven Hofmann, Silvia Schöneburg-Lehnert)
- Fertigkeiten erkennen und Interesse für Informatik wecken - Der Informatiktest von MINTFIT Hamburg (Helena Barbas, Esther Bender, Fabian Hamann, Daniel Sitzmann, Marcus Soll)
- Homo Informaticus or Informatics as Integral to Human Culture Since Ever (Juraj Hromkovic, Regula Lacher) (2020)
- Vorerfahrungen, Interessen und Selbstwirksamkeitserwartungen von Grundschullehramtsstudierenden und -lehrkräften bezüglich informatischer Inhalte (Martin Brämer, Daniel Rehfeldt, Caroline Bauer, Hilde Köster) (2020)
- Für eine schlauere Bildungselite - Bildungsbeilage der NZZ am Sonntag, 27.09.2020 (2020)
- «Eine mündige Teilhabe an der digitalen vernetzten Welt» (Ira Diethelm) (2020)
- Wie lehrt man Informatik erfolgreich? (Mareen Przybylla) (2020)
- Perspektiven der Informatik in Deutschland (Deutscher Wissenschaftsrat) (2020)
- IT-Spezialisten sind gar nicht so begehrt (Moritz Kaufmann) (2020)
- WiPSCE 2020 - The 15th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education (2020)
- «Draw us how smartphones, video gaming consoles, and robotic vacuum cleaners look like from the inside» - students' conceptions of computing system architecture (Nils Pancratz, Ira Diethelm) (2020)
- «Draw us how smartphones, video gaming consoles, and robotic vacuum cleaners look like from the inside» - students' conceptions of computing system architecture (Nils Pancratz, Ira Diethelm) (2020)
- WiPSCE '20 - Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education, Virtual Event, Germany, October 28-30, 2020 (Torsten Brinda, Michal Armoni) (2020)
- Dealing with (pre-)conceptions - introduction of a "first aid kit" for "learning doctors" in computer science classes (Nils Pancratz) (2020)
- Using semantic waves to analyse the effectiveness of unplugged computing activities (Paul Curzon, Jane Waite, Karl Maton, James Donohue) (2020)
- Effects of robotics courses on student's attitude, motivation, self-concept and self-efficacy - an empirical study (Florian Kempf, Sandra Schulz, Niels Pinkwart) (2020)
- Keeping secrets - K-12 students' understanding of cryptography (Anke Lindmeier, Andreas Mühling) (2020)
- Process modelling in upper secondary school computer science courses (Hanno Schauer, Carola Schauer) (2020)
- CSAwesome - AP CSA curriculum and professional development (practical report) (Barbara Ericson, Beryl Hoffman, Jennifer Rosato) (2020)
- Exploring the K-12 computer science curriculum standards in the U.S (Meize Guo, Anne T. Ottenbreit-Leftwich) (2020)
- Primary school teachers' beliefs on computer science as a discipline and as a school subject (Alexander Best) (2020)
- Students' performance on computer science tasks and their predictors (Claudia Hildebrandt, Matthias Matzner) (2020)
- A study of high school computer science teacher confidence levels (Clare McInerney, Chris Exton, Mike Hinchey) (2020)
- Dealing with (pre-)conceptions - introduction of a "first aid kit" for "learning doctors" in computer science classes (Nils Pancratz) (2020)
- Informatische Bildung - on. Lernen in der digitalen Welt Nr. 3/2020 (2020)
- Was dahinter steckt - Informatische Bildung in Schule und Unterricht (Gerrit Müller)
- Fairness ist relativ - Wie Algorithrnen arbeiten und unser Leben beeinflussen (Timo Speith)
- KI unter der Lupe (Annabel Lindner, Stefan Seegerer)
- Kompetenz- und Ideenschmiede GMI (Tobias M. Schifferle)
- Was dahinter steckt - Informatische Bildung in Schule und Unterricht (Gerrit Müller)
- Informatics in Schools: Engaging Learners in Computational Thinking - 13th International Conference, ISSEP 2020, Tallinn, Estonia, November 16-18, 2020 Proceedings (Külli Kori, Mart Laanpere) (2020)
- Bebras Based Activities for Computer Science Education: Review and Perspectives (Sébastien Combéfis, Gabrielė Stupurienė)
- A Two-Dimensional Classification Model for the Bebras Tasks on Informatics Based Simultaneously on Subfields and Competencies (Valentina Dagiene, Juraj Hromkovic, Regula Lacher)
- Upper- and Lower-Secondary Students’ Motivation to Study Computer Science (Külli Kori, Piret Luik)
- Tips and Tricks for Changing the Way Young People Conceive Computer Science (Cécile Lombart, Anne Smal, Julie Henry)
- Engagement Taxonomy for Introductory Programming Tools - Failing to Tackle the Problems of Comprehension (Tomas Šiaulys) (2020)
- Ready for Computing Science? - A Closer Look at Personality, Interests and Self-concept of Girls and Boys at Secondary Level (Andreas Bollin, Max Kesselbacher, Corinna Mößlacher) (2020)
- Factors Influencing Lower Secondary School Pupils’ Success in Programming Projects in Scratch (Miroslava Černochová, Hasan Selcuk, Ondřej Černý)
- Design- and Evaluation-Concept for Teaching and Learning Laboratories in Informatics Teacher Education (Bernhard Standl, Anette Bentz, Mattias Ulbrich, Annika Vielsack, Ingo Wagner)
- Identification of Dependencies Between Learning Outcomes in Computing Science Curricula for Primary and Secondary Education - On the Way to Personalized Learning Paths (Yelyzaveta Chystopolova, Stefan Pasterk, Andreas Bollin, Max Kesselbacher)
- Student-Centered Graduate STEM Education Integrated by Computing - An Insight into the Experiences and Expectations of Doctoral Students (Vladimiras Dolgopolovas, Valentina Dagienė, Tatjana Jevsikova)
- Bebras Based Activities for Computer Science Education: Review and Perspectives (Sébastien Combéfis, Gabrielė Stupurienė)
- Worlddidac Award 2020: Interview mit Regula Lacher und Jacqueline Staub (Regula Lacher, Jacqueline Staub, Elke Bülow) (2020)
- Digitale Innovationen und Kompetenzen in der Lehramtsausbildung (Michael Beißwenger, Björn Bulize, Inga Gryl, Florian Schacht) (2020)
- Informatik für alle?! – Informatische Bildung als Baustein in der Lehrkräftebildung (Mike Barkmin, Nadine Bergner, Leena Bröll, Johannes Huwer, Andreas Menne, Stefan Seegerer)
- Informatik für alle?! – Informatische Bildung als Baustein in der Lehrkräftebildung (Mike Barkmin, Nadine Bergner, Leena Bröll, Johannes Huwer, Andreas Menne, Stefan Seegerer)
- Debugging im Informatikunterricht (Tilman Michaeli) (2020)
- Orientierungen in der digitalen Welt (Bardo Herzig, Tilman-Mathies Klar, Alexander Martin, Dorothee M. Meister) (2020)
- Subjektorientierte Softwareentwicklung als medienpädagogische Herausforderung (Bianca Burgfeld-Meise, Dorothee M. Meister, Björn Senft)
- Subjektorientierte Softwareentwicklung als medienpädagogische Herausforderung (Bianca Burgfeld-Meise, Dorothee M. Meister, Björn Senft)
- Weiterentwicklung der Gymnasialen Maturität - Projekt Rahmenlehrplan: Kapitel II - Transversale Bereiche (EDK Schweizerische Konferenz der kantonalen Erziehungsdirektoren) (2020)
- Vorstellungen zum Aufbau des Internets als Ausgangspunkt für eine konzeptuelle Rekonstruktion im Informatikunterricht (Claudia Hildebrandt, Nils Pancratz) (2021)
- <DÉ>CODAGE (Kanton Waadt) (2021)
- Coding Art - The Four Steps to Creative Programming with the Processing Language (Yu Zhang, Mathias Funk) (2021)
- Polanyi’s Revenge and AI’s New Romance with Tacit Knowledge (Subbarao Kambhampati) (2021)
- le numérique à l’épreuve du confinement – et après? - prismes 27 (2021)
- Oh nein, Mathematik! (Alexandra Kedves) (2021)
- Stop Calling Everything AI, Machine-Learning Pioneer Says (Kathy Pretz) (2021)
- Entwicklung und langfristige Wartung interaktiver Lernumgebungen für den Informatikunterricht - Arbeitsbericht April 2021 (Michael Hielscher, Ruedi Arnold, Werner Hartmann) (2021)
- Login 195/196 (2021)
- Contact Tracing ohne Überwachung? (Mareen Przybylla, Beat Döbeli Honegger, Michel Hauswirth, Michael Hielscher) (2021)
- Alltägliches im digitalen Zeitalter (Andreas Grillenberger, Bernhard Koerber)
- Big Data aus Perspektive der Informatikdidaktik (Andreas Grillenberger)
- Methodik für Datenprojekte im Informatikunterricht (Lukas Höper, Sven Hüsing, Hülya Malatyali, Carsten Schulte, Lea Budde)
- InstaHub - Gründe dein eigenes soziales Netzwerk! (Julian Dorn) (2021)
- Datenflussorientierte Big-Data-Analyse (Andreas Grillenberger)
- Von Media Computation zu Data Science - in SNAP! (Jens Mönig, Jadga Hügle)
- Für bessere Luft im Klassenzimmer - Wir bauen uns ein CO2-Messgerät (Mareen Przybylla, Stefan W. Huber) (2021)
- Contact Tracing ohne Überwachung? (Mareen Przybylla, Beat Döbeli Honegger, Michel Hauswirth, Michael Hielscher) (2021)
- Das Patriarchat der Dinge - Warum die Welt Frauen nicht passt (Rebekka Endler) (2021)
- Entwürfe der Fachlehrpläne (EDK Schweizerische Konferenz der kantonalen Erziehungsdirektoren) (2021)
- Computer programming skills - A cognitive perspective (Irene Graafsma) (2021)
- Auf dem Weg zu einer gendergerechten Informatikdidaktik - Einstellungen und Erfahrungen von Lehrpersonen auf verschiedenen Stufen des schweizerischen Bildungssystems (Jessica Bollag, Caroline Bühler, Isabelle Clerc, Mira Ducommun, Sonja Schär) (2021)
- Programming in K–6 - Understanding Errors and Supporting Autonomous Learning (Jacqueline Staub) (2021)
- «iMake-IT» - Projekt facile - Erfinde, programmiere und baue dir deine Welt! (Dorit Assaf, Claudia Hunziker, Beat Döbeli Honegger) (2021)
- Informatik und Digitale Kompetenz - OCGJournal 01-02 2021 (2021)
- So funktioniert das neue Covid-Zertifikat (Fabian Fellmann) (2021)
- Éducation numérique (2021)
- INFORMATIK - Programmieren und Robotik (Jarka Arnold, Cédric Donner, Urs Hauser, Matthias Hauswirth, Juraj Hromkovic, Tobias Kohn, Dennis Komm, David Maletinsky, Nicole Roth) (2021)
- Digitale Revolution und Bildung - Für eine zukunftsfähige Medienkompetenz (Roberto Simanowski) (2021)
- Minecraft: Wie Pippi Langstrumpf im IT-Bergwerk (Wolfgang Machreich) (2021)
- Programmierkompetenzen von Lehrpersonen des Zyklus 3 - Aktueller Stand der Aus- und Weiterbildung von Lehrpersonen des Zyklus 3 bezüglich persönlicher Programmierkompetenzen (Adrian Degonda) (2021)
- Digitalisierung in der Bildung - Bericht im Auftrag des Staatssekretariats für Bildung, Forschung und Innovation (SBFI) und der Schweizerischen Konferenz der kantonalen Erziehungsdirektoren (EDK) im Rahmen des Bildungsmonitorings ( Schweizerisches Medieninstitut für Bildung und Kultur) (2021)
- 4. Rahmenbedingungen für das Bildungswesen (2021)
- 8. Sekundarstufe II
- 4. Rahmenbedingungen für das Bildungswesen (2021)
- Informatik - Bildung von Lehrkräften in allen Phasen - 19. GI-Fachtagung Informatik und Schule (Ludger Humbert) (2021)
- Aufbau und Funktionsweise des Internets in Onlinequellen (Johannes Peschers, Fatma Batur, Torsten Brinda)
- Bildungsstandards Informatik für die Sekundarstufe I (Lutz Hellmig, Hermann Puhlmann)
- Den Blick zurück nach vorn (Arno Pasternak, Dieter Engbring)
- »Digitaler Informatikunterricht - Geht da noch was (mehr)?« (Marcel Lehmann, Sven Hofmann)
- Digitaler Kindergarten - Informatik und digitale Kompetenz in der Frühförderung (Stefan Pasterk, Andreas Bollin)
- Einsatz eines für den Unterricht konzipierten Mikrocontrollers im ersten Modul der Informatikausbildung von angehenden Lehrkräften der Sekundarstufe I (Thomas Schmalfeldt)
- Erfahrungsbericht zu einer forschungsbezogenen Ringvorlesung für Schüler*innen (Fabian Graap)
- Erhebungsinstrument für Überzeugungen zum Physical Computing (Thomas Schmalfeldt, Mareen Przybylla)
- Fachfremd unterrichten – Chancen und Grenzen (Mina Ghomi, Hendrik Lohmann, Andreas Mühling, Niels Pinkwart)
- Informatik fürs Leben lernen (Till Tantau)
- Weil informatische Bildung nicht erst in der Sekundarstufe beginnen darf - Integration informatischer Bildung ins Grundschullehramtsstudium (Christin Nenner, Gregor Damnik, Nadine Bergner)
- KI im Toaster? - Schüler:innenvorstellungen zu künstlicher Intelligenz (Annabel Lindner, Marc Berges, Magdalena Lechner)
- Kinderfragen: Was Grundschulkinder (immer noch) über Computer, Handy, Internet usw. wissen wollen (Jana Gerdes, Mareike Daeglau, Ira Diethelm)
- Konzeption und Erprobung eines handlungs- und problemorientierten Unterrichts unter Einsatz eines Mikrocomputers (Andreas Schnirch, Nadine Ridinger, Felix Weschenfelder)
- Künstliche Intelligenz und maschinelles Lernen im Informatikunterricht der Sek. I mit Jupyter Notebooks und Python am Beispiel von Entscheidungsbäumen und künstlichen neuronalen Netzen - (Workshop) (Klaus Bovermann, Yannik Fleischer, Sven Hüsing, Christian Opitz)
- Lehrerperspektiven auf die Rekonstruktion von Schülervorstellungen im Informatikunterricht (Nils Pancratz, Alexander Schlegel)
- Motivation, Fachinteresse und Schulleistung in Informatik (Andreas Dengel, Ute Heuer)
- Programmiereinstieg mit Python interaktiv und grafisch mit der CMU CS Academy - (Workshop) (Antje Kazimiers, Thiemo Leonhardt, Nadine Bergner)
- Quanteninformatik als Thema und Aufgabengebiet informatischer Bildung (Tilman Michaeli, Stefan Seegerer, Ralf Romeike)
- Reflexionsförderung bei Lehramtsstudierenden durch den Einsatz von videobasierten Aufgaben (Johannes Fischer, Martin Weinert)
- Reise in die Quantenzeit - Quanteninformatik erleben und verstehen (Workshop) (Stefan Seegerer, Tilman Michaeli, Andreas Woitzik, Ralf Romeike)
- Semantik statt Syntax - Entwicklung einer Plug & Play Lernumgebung für Datenbankabfragen (Sven Jacobs, Steffen Jaschke)
- Eine Synopse zum Informatikunterricht in Deutschland im Jahr 2020 (Richard Schwarz, Lutz Hellmig, Steffen Friedrich)
- Vorwort
- Zentrale Fachkonzepte Eingebetteter Systeme (Jörg Bader, Mareen Przybylla)
- Zentrale Webseite zur Übersicht von Projekten zur Informatik im Primarbereich - Darstellung der Vorarbeiten, des Status Quo und Erweiterung der Liste aktueller Projekteinträge (Workshop) (Alexander Best, Martin Fricke, Katharina Geldreich)
- Zum Stand der Lehramtsausbildung für einen inklusiven Informatikunterricht (Kensuke Akao, Johannes Fischer)
- Aufbau und Funktionsweise des Internets in Onlinequellen (Johannes Peschers, Fatma Batur, Torsten Brinda)
- Wie unsere Gymnasien Exzellenz verhindern (Nicole Althaus) (2021)
- Informatik für alle - Beitrag und exemplarische Ausgestaltung informatischer Bildung als Grundlage für Bildung in der digitalen Transformation (Stefan Seegerer) (2021)
- 2. Digitale Transformation und Bildung in der digitalen Transformation
- 3. Beitrag informatischer Bildung zu Bildung in der digitalen Transformation
- 6. Inhaltliche Ausgestaltung informatischer Bildung als Grundlage für Bildung in der digitalen Transformation
- 2. Digitale Transformation und Bildung in der digitalen Transformation
- DELFI 2021 (Andrea Kienle, Andreas Harrer, Jörg M. Haake, Andreas Lingnau) (2021)
- Accuracy of self-assessments in higher education (Jörg M. Haake, Niels Seidel, Marc Burchart, Heike Karolyi, Regina Kasakowskij)
- Dashboard für Lehrende zur Darstellung von Lerndaten anhand eines kollaborativen Informatik-Lernspiels für die Grundschule (Anne Hamann, Thiemo Leonhardt)
- Developing a Web-based Training Platform for IT Security Education (Mandy Knöchel, Sebastian Karius, Sandro Wefel)
- Digitale Bildung in verschiedenen Phasen der Aus- und Weiterbildung von Lehrkräften (Florian Funke, Sven Hofmann, Peter Kießling)
- Herausforderungen bei der Integration von Teamarbeit in die Lehre am Beispiel einer Lehrveranstaltung aus der Informatik (Anja Hawlitschek, Galina Rudolf, Sebastian Zug)
- InfoBiTS: Auswirkungen auf die Kontrollüberzeugung im Umgang mit Technik (Svenja Noichl, Ulrik Schroeder)
- Inside the Router - Ein interaktives VR Lernspiel zur Vermittlung von Routing in Netzwerken im Informatikunterricht (David Baberowski, Lanea Lilienthal, Niklas M. Keerl, Maximilian E. J. Rieske, Thiemo Leonhardt)
- Leveraging Data Science and Social-Impact Analysis to Broaden Participation in Introductory Computer Science Courses (Kati Fisler)
- Serious Games zur Berufsorientierung in digitale Arbeitswelten (Britta Hesse, Anne Jellinghaus, Esther Ruiz Ben)
- Warum Onlinelehre sowie Open-Books-Klausuren und das Fach Informatik zusammenpassen (Elisaweta Ossovski, Michael Brinkmeier, Daniel Kalbreyer)
- Wer ist GeRRI? - Eine kritische Diskussion des Gemeinsamen Referenzrahmens Informatik (Natalie Kiesler)
- Wie kann IT-Gestaltung diversity-gerechter werden? - Grundlagen, Voraussetzungen und Herausforderungen für Informatik-Forschung und -Lehre (Claude Draude)
- Accuracy of self-assessments in higher education (Jörg M. Haake, Niels Seidel, Marc Burchart, Heike Karolyi, Regina Kasakowskij)
- Frauen für die Informatik begeistern (Heidi Kölliker) (2021)
- Bericht Lehrmittel im Fachbereich Medien und Informatik (Stephanie Appius, Arvid Nagel, Amanda Nägeli, Judith Pekarek) (2021)
- 2. Ist-Situation Lehrmittel im Fachbereich Medien und Informatik
- 3. Trends und Bedarf der Schulpraxis
- 2. Ist-Situation Lehrmittel im Fachbereich Medien und Informatik
- Vorstellungen von Lernenden zum Aufbau von Informatiksystemen - eine multimethodische Untersuchung von Lernvoraussetzungen zum Denken in Teilen von Ganzen (Nils Pancratz) (2021)
- Whitepaper Frauen in der IT - Warum der Frauenanteil in ITBerufen noch immer zu niedrig ist und wie Unternehmen zu einer positiven Entwicklung beitragen können (Jürgen Astl, Cara Fried, Sandrine Rossi) (2021)
- HDI 2021 (Jörg Desel, Simone Opel, Juliane Siegeris) (2021)
- The Big Book of Computing Pedagogy (2021)
- «Es gab einen grossen Drang, endlich Informatiker:innen auszubilden» - Interview mit Carl August Zehnder (Teil 1 von 2) (Carl August Zehnder, Beat Döbeli Honegger) (2021)
- «Eine Quote wollen wir nicht» (David Pfeifer) (2021)
- Gymnasium Helvetium 4/2021 (Verein Schweizerischer Gymnasiallehrerinnen und Gymnasiallehrer (VSG)) (2021)
- Interne Konsultation zum Rahmenlehrplan (RLP) - Position des VSG, verabschiedet an der Präsident*innenkonferenz vom 15. September 2021 (2021)
- Interne Konsultation zum Rahmenlehrplan (RLP) - Position des VSG, verabschiedet an der Präsident*innenkonferenz vom 15. September 2021 (2021)
- Stellungnahme zur Weiterentwicklung der KMK-Strategie «Bildung in der digitalen Welt» (SWK Ständige Wissenschaftliche Kommission der KMK) (2021)
- WiPSCE '21 - The 16th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education, Virtual Event / Erlangen, Germany, October 18-20, 2021 (Marc Berges, Andraes Mühling, Michal Armoni) (2021)
- A Decade of CS Education in New Zealand's High Schools - Where Are We At? (Chamindi K. Samarasekara, Claudia Ott, Anthony V. Robins) (2021)
- What do Students Want to Know About the Digital World? - Investigating Students' Interest in CS through self-generated Questions (Stephan Napierala, Fatma Batur, Torsten Brinda) (2021)
- Data-driven Analysis of Gender Differences and Similarities in Scratch Programs (Isabella Graßl, Katharina Geldreich, Gordon Fraser) (2021)
- Computational Thinking in the Mathematics Classroom - Fostering Algorithmic Thinking and Generalization Skills Using Dynamic Mathematics Software (Sylvia van Borkulo, Christos Chytas, Paul Drijvers, Erik Barendsen, Jos Tolboom) (2021)
- "And It's Just That Many Girls Don't Follow As Good or Aren't Able to Follow." - A Single Case Study to Explore Habitual Orientations of Computer Science Teachers (Sven Schibgilla, Fatma Batur, Torsten Brinda) (2021)
- Quantum Computing As a Topic in Computer Science Education (Stefan Seegerer, Tilman Michaeli, Ralf Romeike) (2021)
- Designing a Teacher PD Programme for AI - First Steps (Annabel Lindner) (2021)
- A Decade of CS Education in New Zealand's High Schools - Where Are We At? (Chamindi K. Samarasekara, Claudia Ott, Anthony V. Robins) (2021)
- «Du bist doch zu hübsch für IT» (Anielle Peterhans) (2021)
- Informatische Bildung für alle (Dorothee Wiegand) (2021)
- «Wo man klickt, ist hier nicht der Bildungsauftrag» (Ira Diethelm, Dorothee Wiegand) (2021)
- Ergon: Gründerkultur par excellence (Gabriela Keller, Teddy Graf) (2021)
- «Man muss vorsichtig sein, dass nicht die Lautesten automatisch am meisten Geld kriegen» (Carl August Zehnder, Beat Döbeli Honegger) (2021)
- starke Seiten Informatik 5/6 (André Hilbig, Daniel Losch, Tamara Malzahn, Christian Seifert, Sanna Streitberg) (2021)
- Datengetriebene Schule - Forschungsperspektiven im Anschluss an den 27. Kongress der DGfE (Mandy Schiefner, Sandra Hofhues, Andreas Breiter) (2021)
- Informatics in Schools. Rethinking Computing Education - 14th International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution, and Perspectives, ISSEP 2021, Virtual Event, November 3–5, 2021 (Erik Barendsen, Christos Chytas) (2021)
- Towards Classification of Interactive Non-programming Tasks Promoting Computational Thinking (Tomas Šiaulys, Valentina Dagienė)
- Tell, Draw and Code - Teachers’ Intention to a Narrative Introduction of Computational Thinking (Karin Tengler, Oliver Kastner-Hauler, Barbara Sabitzer)
- A Multi-dimensional Approach to Categorize Bebras Tasks (Christian Datzko)
- Girls’ Summer School for Physical Computing - Methodology and Acceptance Issues (Gabrielė Stupurienė, Anita Juškevičienė, Tatjana Jevsikova, Valentina Dagienė, Asta Meškauskienė)
- Towards a Compulsory Computing Curriculum at Primary and Lower-Secondary Schools - The Case of Czechia (Jiří Vaníček)
- Professional Development for In-Service Teachers of Programming - Evaluation of a University-Level Program (Majid Rouhani, Miriam Lillebo, Veronica Farshchian, Monica Divitini)
- Problems, Professional Development and Reflection - Experiences of High-School Computer Science Teachers in Serbia (Vojislav Vujošević)
- Towards Classification of Interactive Non-programming Tasks Promoting Computational Thinking (Tomas Šiaulys, Valentina Dagienė)
- Gymnasiale Bildung in der digitalen Gesellschaft - Überlegungen und Empfehlungen des Schweizerischen Wissenschaftsrates SWR (Schweizerischer Wissenschafts- und Innovationsrat, Michael Geiss) (2021)
- Computational Thinking in Education - A Pedagogical Perspective (Aman Yadav, Ulf Dalvad Berthelsen) (2021)
- 2. Computational Thinking Today (Shuchi Grover)
- 4. Democracy and Computation - A Normative Perspective on the Magic of the New Millennium (Ulf Dalvad Berthelsen, Carsten Fogh Nielsen)
- 9. Preparing the Next Generation of Teachers - Revamping Teacher Education for the 21st Century (Anne T. Ottenbreit-Leftwich, Aman Yadav, Chrystalla Mouza)
- 11. Computational Thinking as District Strategy - Moving the CS vs CT Debate from the Ivory Tower to the Schoolhouse (Rafi Santo, June Ahn, Leigh Ann DeLyser)
- Positionspapier zur Weiterentwicklung der KMK-Strategie «Bildung in der digitalen Welt» (Tom Braun, Andreas Büsch, Valentin Dander, Sabine Eder, Annina Förschler, Max Fuchs, Harald Gapski, Martin Geisler, Sigrid Hartong, Theo Hug, Hans-Dieter Kübler, Heinz Moser, Horst Niesyto, Horst Pohlmann, Christoph Richter, Klaus Rummler, Gerda Sieben) (2021)
- Critically Conscious Computing - Methods for Secondary Education (Ami/Andrew J. Ko, Anne Beitlers, Brett Wortzman, Matt Davidson, Alannah Oleson, Mara Kirdani-Ryan, Stefania Druga) (2021)
- Teaching Computational Thinking - An Integrative Approach for Middle and High School Learning (Maureen D. Neumann, Lisa Dion) (2021)
- Hello World 15 (2021)
- INFORMATIK - Daten verwalten, schützen und auswerten - Grundlagen der Informatik für Schweizer Maturitätsschulen (Michael Barot, Britta Dorn, Ghislain Fourny, Jens Gallenbacher, Juraj Hromkovic, Regula Lacher) (2022)
- Formale Sprachen, abstrakte Automaten und Compiler - Lehr- und Arbeitsbuch mit FLACI für Grundstudium und Fortbildung (Christian Wagenknecht, Michael Hielscher) (2022)
- Computational Thinking Education in K–12 - Artificial Intelligence Literacy and Physical Computing (Siu Cheung Kong, Harold Abelson) (2022)
- Informatische Bildung in der Grundschule und Zentren für Digitale Bildung (Alexander Best, Martin Brämer, Volker Frederking, Katharina Geldreich, Ilka Goetz, Henry Herper, Ludger Humbert, Ulrich Kortenkamp, Günter Krauthausen, Silke Ladel, Carsten Schulte) (2022)
- Bund übergeht bei Cloud-Projekt Datenschutzbedenken (Charlotte Walser) (2022)
- Warum ist der Anteil von MINT-Absolventinnen in Marokko höher als bei uns? (Louisa Hizli, Annina Mösching, Margit Osterloh) (2022)
- Untersuchung: Weibliche Beteiligung an den Bundesweiten Informatikwettbewerben (Christiane Dienel) (2022)
- Informatics Reference Framework for School (Michael E. Caspersen, Ira Diethelm, Judith Gal-Ezer, Andrew D. McGettrick, Enrico Nardelli, Donald Passey, Branislav Rovan, Mary Webb) (2022)
- The Robots Are Coming - Exploring the Implications of OpenAI Codex on Introductory Programming (James Finnie-Ansley, Paul Denny, Brett A. Becker, Andrew Luxton-Reilly, James Prather) (2022)
- Nie allein im Netz - Fokusthema Kryptographie im Schweizer Monat Februar 2022 (2022)
- «Unsere Systeme sind inhärent unsicher» (Ueli Maurer, Jannik Belser) (2022)
- «Unsere Systeme sind inhärent unsicher» (Ueli Maurer, Jannik Belser) (2022)
- Was Facebook über Vorlieben von Männern und Frauen verrät (Armin Müller) (2022)
- Digitalisierungen in Schule und Bildung als gesamtgesellschaftliche Herausforderung - Perspektiven zwischen Wissenschaft, Praxis und Recht (Julia Hugo, Raphael Fehrmann, Shirin Ud-Din, Jonas Scharfenberg) (2022)
- Von Digitalisierung zu Digitalisierungen - Ansätze zur Vermessung einer multidimensionalen Herausforderung (Jonas Scharfenberg, Julia Hugo, Raphael Fehrmann, Shirin Ud-Din)
- Von Digitalisierung zu Digitalisierungen - Ansätze zur Vermessung einer multidimensionalen Herausforderung (Jonas Scharfenberg, Julia Hugo, Raphael Fehrmann, Shirin Ud-Din)
- Kompetenzmodelle für den Digitalen Wandel - Orientierungshilfen und Anwendungsbeispiele (Ralf Knackstedt, Jürgen Sander, Jennifer Kolomitchouk) (2022)
- 1. Kompetenzen für den digitalen Wandel erfordern Orientierungshilfe (Ralf Knackstedt, Marco Di Maria, Jennifer Kolomitchouk, Jürgen Sander)
- 9. Gendersensible Gestaltung eines Computational-Thinking-Kurses mithilfe des PECC-Modells (Bernadette Spieler)
- 1. Kompetenzen für den digitalen Wandel erfordern Orientierungshilfe (Ralf Knackstedt, Marco Di Maria, Jennifer Kolomitchouk, Jürgen Sander)
- Die Entwicklung der Fachdidaktiken als wissenschaftliche Disziplinen in der Schweiz: Bilanz und Perspektiven - Vorpublikation der 5. Tagung Fachdidaktiken (2022)
- Programming concepts and misconceptions in grade 5 and 6 children - Developing and testing a new assessment tool (Marco Hartmann, Peter Edelsbrunner, Michael Hielscher, Giulia Paparo, Beat Döbeli Honegger, Eva Marinus) (2022)
- Assessing computer program reading comprehension skill in pre-service teachers - The development and piloting of a screening instrument in Scratch (Eva Marinus, Michael Hielscher, Beat Döbeli Honegger) (2022)
- Überlegungen zu einem Perspektivrahmen Medien & Informatik (Adrian Regez, Caroline Conk, Martin Lehmann, Markus Michel, Sonja Schär, Thierry Schluchter, Pascal Zaugg, Urs Zuberbühler) (2022)
- Programming concepts and misconceptions in grade 5 and 6 children - Developing and testing a new assessment tool (Marco Hartmann, Peter Edelsbrunner, Michael Hielscher, Giulia Paparo, Beat Döbeli Honegger, Eva Marinus) (2022)
- Beyond Coding - How Children Learn Human Values through Programming (Marina Umaschi Bers) (2022)
- Reform@Work: Lehrpersonenbefragung Medien und Informatik - Auswertungen zentraler Themen (Marina Grgic, Michelle Jutzi, Mira Stocker, Thomas Wicki, Ueli Hostettler) (2022)
- Algorithmisches Denken in der Primarschule (Dennis Komm, Ulrich Hauser-Ehninger, Bernhard Matter, Nicole Roth, Jacqueline Staub) (2022)
- Vom Wachmann nicht ins Seminar gelassen (Sascha Zoske) (2022)
- Digitalisierungsbezogene Kompetenzen fördern - Herausforderungen, Ansätze und Entwicklungsfelder im Kontext von Schule und Hochschule (Ulrike Schütte, Nicoletta Bürger, Melanie Fabel-Lamla, Peter Frei, Katrin Hauenschild, Jürgen Menthe, Barbara Schmidt-Thieme, Christof Wecker) (2022)
- Was kostet es, eine Frau zu sein, Bea Knecht? (Bea Knecht, Patrizia Laeri) (2022)
- Digitale Grundbildung - Noch immer wird über die Inhalte des neuen Pflichtfachs gestritten (2022)
- Fachliche Bildung in der digitalen Welt - Digitalisierung, Big Data und KI im Forschungsfokus von 15 Fachdidaktiken (Volker Frederking, Ralf Romeike) (2022)
- Fachliche Bildung im Zeichen von Digitalisierung, KI und Big Data
- Informatische Bildung in der digitalen Welt - Die digitale Transformation im Fokus der Informatikdidaktik ± Theorie, Empirie, Praxis (Ralf Romeike, Stefan Seegerer)
- Fachliche Bildung im Zeichen von Digitalisierung, KI und Big Data
- Nun kann ohne Bank mit Aktien gehandelt werden (Bernhard Kislig) (2022)
- The Google engineer who thinks the company’s AI has come to life (Nitasha Tiku) (2022)
- Internet for the People ( Ben Tarnoff) (2022)
- Engaging girls in computer science - gender differences in attitudes and beliefs about learning scratch and python (Christina Zdawczyk, Keisha Varma) (2022)
- Digitale Grundbildung (Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung (BMBWF)) (2022)
- Technologien der Krise - Die Covid-19-Pandemie als Katalysator neuer Formen der Vernetzung (Dennis Krämer, Joschka Haltaufderheide, Jochen Vollmann) (2022)
- Lemoine und die Maschine – eine Beziehungsgeschichte (Eva Wolfangel) (2022)
- In der Maschine steckt kein Ich (Markus Kneer) (2022)
- Launching Registered Report Replications in Computer Science Education Research (Neil Brown, Eva Marinus, Aleata Hubbard Cheuoua) (2022)
- ICER 2022 - ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research, Lugano and Virtual Event, Switzerland, August 7 - 11, 2022, Volume 1 (Jan Vahrenhold, Kathi Fisler, Matthias Hauswirth, Diana Franklin) (2022)
- Research Proposal - Exploring Quantum Informatics for Middle School Students (Giulia Paparo) (2022)
- Exploring Group Dynamics in a Group-Structured Computing Undergraduate Research Experience (Katherine Izhikevich, Kyeling Ong, Christine Alvarado) (2022)
- Research Proposal - Exploring Quantum Informatics for Middle School Students (Giulia Paparo) (2022)
- Ist Gerechtigkeit programmierbar? (Roberto Simanowski) (2022)
- Frauen und Digitalität - jetzt! - Wie die Bildungstransformation von weiblichen Perspektiven profitiert (Kati Ahl) (2022)
- Algorithmen und Autonomie - Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf das Verhältnis von Selbstbestimmung und Datenpraktiken (Dan Verständig, Christina Kast, Janne Stricker, Andreas Nürnberger) (2022)
- Informatik für alle! - Informatikunterricht zur gesellschaftlichen Teilhabe und Chancengleichheit (Felix Suessenbach, Eike Schröder, Mathias Winde, Stifterverband) (2022)
- Informatikunterricht: Lückenhaft und unterbesetzt - Informatikunterricht in Deutschland – ein Flickenteppich auch hinsichtlich der Datenlage (Eike Schröder, Felix Suessenbach, Mathias Winde, Stifterverband) (2022)
- DELFI 2022 - Die 20. Fachtagung Bildungstechnologien der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (Peter A. Henning, Michael Striewe, Matthias Wölfel) (2022)
- Digitales Lernen in der Grundschule III - Fachdidaktiken in der Diskussion (Birgit Brandt, Leena Bröll, Henriette Dausend) (2022)
- Die fundamentale Idee ‚Algorithmus‘ im Mathematikunterricht der Primarstufe (Mira Wittenberg, Barbara Schmidt-Thieme) (2022)
- Die fundamentale Idee ‚Algorithmus‘ im Mathematikunterricht der Primarstufe (Mira Wittenberg, Barbara Schmidt-Thieme) (2022)
- Informatik mit Snap! - Snap! in Beispielen - Version 2 (Eckart Modrow) (2022)
- Digitalisierung im Bildungssystem - Handlungsempfehlungen von der Kita bis zur Hochschule - Gutachten der Ständigen Wissenschaftlichen Kommission der Kultusministerkonferenz (SWK) (SWK Ständige Wissenschaftliche Kommission der KMK) (2022)
- Informatics in Schools. A Step Beyond Digital Education - 15th International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution, and Perspectives, ISSEP 2022, Vienna, Austria, September 26–28, 2022 (Andreas Bollin, Gerald Futschek) (2022)
- A Tool to Create and Conduct Custom Assessments in Turtle Graphics (Jeremy Marbach, Alexandra Maximova, Jacqueline Staub)
- Informatics at Primary Education - Teachers’ Motivation and Barriers in Lithuania and Turkey (Gabrielė Stupurienė, Yasemin Gülbahar)
- Robotics-Enhanced Natural Science in Primary Schools (Bence Gaál)
- Clear the Ring for Computer Science - A Creative Introduction for Primary Schools (Marina Rottenhofer, Lisa Kuka, Barbara Sabitzer)
- Design and Analysis of a Disciplinary Computer Science Course for Pre-service Primary Teachers (Jean-Philippe Pellet, Gabriel Parriaux, Morgane Chevalier) (2022)
- Textbooks and Materials for Teaching Computer Science in Slovenia (Špela Cerar, Matija Lokar, Gregor Anželj, Andrej Brodnik, Irena Nančovska Šerbec)
- A Tool to Create and Conduct Custom Assessments in Turtle Graphics (Jeremy Marbach, Alexandra Maximova, Jacqueline Staub)
- Building a gender-inclusive secondary computer science program - teacher led and stakeholder supported (Michael Karlin, Anne T. Ottenbreit-Leftwich, Yin-Chan Liao) (2022)
- Die Informatikbranche überholt die Schweizer Banken (Edith Hollenstein) (2022)
- «Ich höre zu oft: ‹Du siehst gar nicht aus wie eine Softwareentwicklerin›» (Lisa Stähli, Beat Metzler) (2022)
- Siglistorfer Schüler als Beta-Tester (2022)
- Machine Learning and the Five Big Ideas in AI (David Touretzky, Christina Gardner-McCune, Deborah Seehorn) (2022)
- WiPSCE '22 - The 17th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education, Morschach, Switzerland, 31 October 2022 - 2 November 2022 (Mareen Grillenberger, Marc Berges) (2022)
- Addressing challenges of constructionist modeling of adaptive systems (Uwe Lorenz, Ralf Romeike) (2022)
- Imagine Yourself as a Media and Computer Science Teacher (Pascal Zaugg, Andrea Gumpert) (2022)
- «Roteco» - a Swiss teacher community for educational robotics (Dorit Assaf, Sophia Reyes Mury, Lucio Negrini, Melissa Skweres) (2022)
- Use of storytelling to increase engagement and motivation in computing in lower primary schools (Saman Rizvi, Sue Sentance, Katharine Childs, Hayley C. Leonard, Oliver Quinlan, Jane Waite) (2022)
- Beliefs and Expectations of Primary Student Teachers in Informatics (Bernadette Spieler, Tobias M. Schifferle, Tobias Berner) (2022)
- Designing a Research Approach to Investigate Computer Science Student Teachers' Beliefs on AI in School (Gia Minh Vo, Alexander Best, Nils Pancratz) (2022)
- 2. Digital Education and Informatics - You can't have One without the Other (Ira Diethelm) (2022)
- 5. Common Problems and Effects of Feedback on Fun When Programming Ozobots in Primary School (Luisa Greifenstein, Isabella Graßl, Ute Heuer, Gordon Fraser) (2022)
- 6. Gender-dependent Contribution, Code and Creativity in a Virtual Programming Course (Isabella Graßl, Gordon Fraser) (2022)
- 9. BYTE Challenge - from competition to STEM platform (Clarissa Sabrina Arlinghaus, Stefan Hildebrand, Carolin Neumann) (2022)
- 10. Grasping the Concept of Decentralized Systems for Instant Messaging (Luisa Gebhardt, Marc Leinweber, Florian Jacob, Hannes Hartenstein) (2022)
- 11. Quantifying the Corona Effect - How much the pandemic-induced switch from face-to-face to online teaching increased students' self-efficacy - a practical report (Nicolas Fahrni, Alexander Repenning) (2022)
- 13. Comparing Teachers' and Preservice Teachers' Opinions on Teaching Methods in Computer Science Education (Andreas Dengel, Rupert Gehrlein) (2022)
- Addressing challenges of constructionist modeling of adaptive systems (Uwe Lorenz, Ralf Romeike) (2022)
- State of Computer Science Education Research in Switzerland - Report of the WiPSCE’22 workshop in Morschach, November 2nd, 2022 (Engin Bumbacher, Mareen Grillenberger, Alexander Repenning) (2022)
- Tages Anzeiger Spezialausgabe Künstliche Intelligenz (2022)
- You Are Not Expected to Understand This - How 26 Lines of Code Changed the World (Torie Bosch, Kelly Chudler, Ellen Ullman) (2022)
- The End of Programming (Matt Welsh) (2023)
- Grundschule und Digitalität - Grundlagen, Herausforderungen, Praxisbeispiele (Thomas Irion, Markus Peschel, Daniela Schmeinck) (2023)
- Mehr als Coden - Informatische Bildung in der Primarstufe (Hans Peter Bergmann)
- Mehr als Coden - Informatische Bildung in der Primarstufe (Hans Peter Bergmann)
- Informatik für Maturitätsschulen (Christian Datzko, Nicolas Ruh, Beat Trachsler) (2023)
- DÉCODAGE C2 - Éducation numérique pour le Cycle 2 (Nathalie Jaccard, Didier Roy, Anne Nicole, Boris Beaude, Dominique Boullier, Isabelle Collet) (2023)
- Ist das auch garantiert handgeschrieben? (Hannes Bajohr) (2023)
- Wenn Computer Software schreiben (Piotr Heller) (2023)
- 11 Prinzipien guten Medien & Informatik Unterrichts - Ein Diskussionsanstoss (Daniel Hürzeler, Michel Markus, Corinne Reber, Adrian Regez, Sonja Schär, Pascal Zaugg) (2023)
- Eine neue KI-Zeit bricht an - Wie wir ChatGPT und Co. nutzen (Yasmin Billeter, Gabriela Bonin) (2023)
- Professionalisierung für Digitale Bildung im Grundschulalter - Ergebnisse des Forschungsprojekts P³DiG (Thomas Irion, Traugott Böttinger, Rudolf Kammerl) (2023)
- Professionalisierung für das Primat des Pädagogischen in der Digitalen Grundbildung - Projekteinführung und -überblick zum BMBF-Projekt „Grundsatzfragen und Gelingensbedingungen in der Professionalisierung von pädagogischen Akteur:innen für Kinder im Grundschulalter“ (P3DiG) (Thomas Irion, Rudolf Kammerl, Traugott Böttinger, Niels Brüggen, Andreas Dertinger, Sabine Martschinke, Marlen Niederberger, Senta Pfaff-Rüdiger, Melanie Stephan, Mareike Thumel, Carina Ziegler)
- Professionalisierung für das Primat des Pädagogischen in der Digitalen Grundbildung - Projekteinführung und -überblick zum BMBF-Projekt „Grundsatzfragen und Gelingensbedingungen in der Professionalisierung von pädagogischen Akteur:innen für Kinder im Grundschulalter“ (P3DiG) (Thomas Irion, Rudolf Kammerl, Traugott Böttinger, Niels Brüggen, Andreas Dertinger, Sabine Martschinke, Marlen Niederberger, Senta Pfaff-Rüdiger, Melanie Stephan, Mareike Thumel, Carina Ziegler)
- Chat GPT revolutioniert die künstliche Intelligenz (Heinz Moser) (2023)
- So verändert ChatGPT die Bildungs- und Berufswelt (Martin Volk, Joël Orizet) (2023)
- Tabu um den Lohn fällt auch bei uns (Simone Luchetta) (2023)
- Large language models will change programming... a little (Amy J. Ko) (2023)
- Teaching Coding in K-12 Schools - Research and Application (Therese Keane, Andrew Fluck) (2023)
- The Need for Programming and Computational Thinking from Early Childhood Education Through to Secondary Schooling - Introduction (Therese Keane)
- Integrating Programming in Other Subjects at Primary Level - Tool, Glue or Ideation (Linda Mannila)
- Introducing Programming Concepts Through the Bebras Tasks in the Primary Education (Lina Vinikienė, Valentina Dagienė, Gabrielė Stupurienė)
- Why and How to Teach Physical Computing - Research and Practice in Computer Science Education at Secondary Schools (Mareen Grillenberger) (2023)
- Coding Across the Curriculum - Challenges for Non-specialist Teachers (Karen Woo, Garry Falloon)
- Initial Steps in Teaching Python at Lower Secondary School Using the Platform (Miroslava Černochová, Hasan Selcuk, Martin Beneš) (2023)
- Computational Thinking in Pre-vocational Education - A Focus on Coding Unplugged (Diane van der Linde-Koomen, Herma Jonker, Joke Voogt)
- The Need for Programming and Computational Thinking from Early Childhood Education Through to Secondary Schooling - Introduction (Therese Keane)
- «Ein Chatbot kann nicht logisch denken» (Emily M. Bender, Ruth Fulterer) (2023)
- Die neue Weltmacht - Wie ChatGPT und Co. unser Leben verändern (Titelthema Spiegel 10/2023) (2023)
- Informatik - Gymnasiale Oberstufe - Band 1 (Peter Brichzin, Florian Janus, Franz Jetzinger, Johannes Neumeyer, Klaus Reinhold, Stefan Seegerer, Albert Wiedemann) (2023)
- Was gegen den Informatiknotstand hilft (Martin Gropp) (2023)
- Computing Education in (the digital) Transformation (Tilman Michaeli) (2023)
- Unlocking the Power of Generative AI Models and Systems such as GPT-4 and ChatGPT for Higher Education - A Guide for Students and Lecturers (Henner Gimpel, Kristina Hall, Stefan Decker, Torsten Eymann, Luis Lämmermann, Alexander Mädche, Maximilian Röglinger, Caroline Ruiner, Manfred Schoch, Mareike Schoop, Nils Urbach, Steffen Vandirk) (2023)
- info7 1/2023 - Das Magazin für Medien, Archive und Information (2023)
- Historiker bangen um ihr Fach (Alessandra Paone) (2023)
- Programmieren in der Grundschule - Eine Design-Based-Research-Studie (Katharina Geldreich) (2023)
- You & AI - Alles über Künstliche Intelligenz und wie sie unser Leben prägt (Anne Scherer, Cindy Candrian) (2023)
- 1. Hallo! - Hier ist KI
- Past, Present and Future of Computing Education Research (Mikko Apiola, Sonsoles López-Pernas, Mohammed Saqr) (2023)
- What is Computing Education Research (CER)? (Mats Daniels, Lauri Malmi, Arnold Pears, Simon)
- The Venues that Shaped Computing Education Research - Dissemination Under the Lens
- A Scientometric Perspective on the Evolution of the SIGCSE Technical Symposium: 1970–2021 (Sonsoles López-Pernas, Mikko Apiola, Mohammed Saqr, Arnold Pears, Matti Tedre)
- Computer Science Education Research in Israel (Michal Armoni, Judith Gal-Ezer)
- What is Computing Education Research (CER)? (Mats Daniels, Lauri Malmi, Arnold Pears, Simon)
- Der Lernbereich «Künstliche Intelligenz» in der Jahrgangsstufe 11 des Gymnasiums - Erläuterungen und Materialien für Lehrkräfte (Alexander Ruf, Marco Hegmann, Christoph Gräßl, Wolfgang Pfeffer) (2023)
- «Frauen können nicht logisch denken!» (Andreas Eugster) (2023)
- Der KI-Visionär hat einen Notknopf (Philipp Bovermann) (2023)
- «Gefragt sind Kreativität, Fantasie und kritisches Denken» (Juraj Hromkovič, Caroline Kienberger) (2023)
- Forschung und Lehre 5/23 (2023)
- Künstliche und natürliche Intelligenz - Zur Gestaltung einer zukünftigen Bildung (Reinhard Oldenburg) (2023)
- Künstliche und natürliche Intelligenz - Zur Gestaltung einer zukünftigen Bildung (Reinhard Oldenburg) (2023)
- Machine Learning Unplugged - Training Decision Trees and Artificial Neural Networks with Children (Lukas Lehner) (2023)
- KI ist kein Zufall (Marcel Waldvogel) (2023)
- Generative künstliche Intelligenz in der Hochschullehre - Positionspapier der HSLU (Stefan Jörissen, David Loher) (2023)
- Conjuring With Computation - A Manual Of Magic And Computing For Beginners (Paul Curzon, Peter W. McOwan) (2023)
- How Computers Entered the Classroom, 1960–2000 (Carmen Flury, Michael Geiss) (2023)
- Computer Education in Switzerland - Politics and Markets in a Highly Decentralized Country (Michael Geiss)
- Computer Education in Switzerland - Politics and Markets in a Highly Decentralized Country (Michael Geiss)
- Authentische Kontexte für MINT-Lernumgebungen - Eine zweiteilige Interventionsstudie in den Fachdidaktiken Physik und Technik (Andrea Schmid) (2023)
- Gewissensbisse - Fallbeispiele zu ethischen Problemen der Informatik (Christina B. Class, Wolfgang Coy, Constanze Kurz, Otto Obert, Rainer Rehak, Carsten Trinitis, Stefan Ullrich, Debora Weber-Wulff) (2023)
- «Alle Akten sind zu vernichten» (Christian Brönnimann, Catherine Boss, Sven Cornehls, Roland Gamp, Thomas Knellwolf, Lukas Lippert, Anielle Peterhans) (2023)
- Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) in Schule und Unterricht - Eine Handreichung für Lehrkräfte zum Umgang mit KI-basierten Anwendungen (Hessisches Kultusministerium) (2023)
- Informatik im Gymnasium (Walter Gander, Urs Hochstrasser) (2023)
- Wer knackt den Hirncode? (Eva Wolfangel) (2023)
- Künstliche Intelligenz in der Bildung - Positionspapier der Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V. (GI) (Steffen Jaschke, Matthias Klusch, Daniel Krupka, Daniel Losch, Tilman Michaeli, Simone Opel, Ute Schmid, Richard Schwarz, Stefan Seegerer, Peer Stechert) (2023)
- Technology in education: A Tool on whose Terms? (UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Org.) (2023)
- Informatikunterricht: Meh als Word, imfall! (Christina Utzinger) (2023)
- Das Potential von Physical Computing als Teil von Schultheaterprojekten (Christian Renggli) (2023)
- MIT Technology Review 6/2023 (2023)
- Programmieren lernen funktioniert nicht für alle (Joy Lisi Rankin) (2023)
- Programmieren lernen funktioniert nicht für alle (Joy Lisi Rankin) (2023)
- The Coming Wave - Technology, Power, and the Twenty-first Century's Greatest Dilemma (Mustafa Suleyman, Michael Bhaskar) (2023)
- Rahmenlehrplan Maturitätsschulen - Vernehmlassungsfassung vom 8. September 2023 (EDK Schweizerische Konferenz der kantonalen Erziehungsdirektoren) (2023)
- HDI 2023 - Hochschuldidaktik Informatik (Jörg Desel, Simone Opel) (2023)
- AI-PACK - Ein Rahmen für KI-bezogene Digitalkompetenzen von Lehrkräften auf Basis von DPACK (Uwe Lorenz, Ralf Romeike)
- Informatik-Grundlagen für Lehrkräfte aller Fächer - Eine Befragung von Lehramtsstudierenden zu Relevanz und eigenen Kompetenzen (Daniel Braun, Melanie Seiss, Barbara Pampel) (2023)
- AI-PACK - Ein Rahmen für KI-bezogene Digitalkompetenzen von Lehrkräften auf Basis von DPACK (Uwe Lorenz, Ralf Romeike)
- Die KI war's! - Von absurd bis tödlich: Die Tücken der künstlichen Intelligenz (Katharina A. Zweig) (2023)
- 1. Wie begründet man eine Entscheidung?
- 2. Apples Pay Card: Sexismus pur?
- 3. Das kleine ABC der Informatik
- ibis 1/1 (2023)
- Das Prinzip des verstärkenden Lernens im Rollenspiel erkunden (Kerstin Strecker) (2023)
- KI in der Kiste (Annabel Lindner, Michaela Müller-Unterweger, Marc Berges, Mathias Rösch)
- SoekiaGPT - ein didaktisches Sprachmodell (Michael Hielscher) (2023)
- Perzeptron Unplugged (Thomas Zurfluh) (2023)
- Filterblasen verstehen (Nicolai Pöhner) (2023)
- Coraline als begehbarer Roman (Thomas Rau) (2023)
- Unterstützende Werkzeuge zum Einstieg in die Algorithmik (Ozobots, Calliope Mini, Arduino) (Ulrich Kiesmüller) (2023)
- Das Prinzip des verstärkenden Lernens im Rollenspiel erkunden (Kerstin Strecker) (2023)
- Informatikunterricht zwischen Aktualität und Zeitlosigkeit - 20. GI-Fachtagung Informatik und Schule (Lutz Hellmig, Martin Hennecke) (2023)
- 20x INFOS – 40 Jahre Informatikunterricht (Werner Hartmann) (2023)
- Integrating research and practice - opportunities in computing education (Sue Sentance)
- Von Autonomem Fahren bis Zahnarzt - Vorstellungen von Schüler:innen zu Künstlicher Intelligenz und ihre Integration in den Informatikunterricht (Annabel Lindner, Michaela Müller-Unterweger, Patrick Löffler, Dominic Lohr, Marc Berges) (2023)
- Assoziationen und Kompetenzzuschreibung angehender Sachunterrichtslehrkräfte zur Informatik (Stefan Napierala, Jan Grey, Inga Gryl) (2023)
- Bringing research to practice: opportunities in computing education (Sue Sentance) (2023)
- Individuelle Unterstützung beim Debuggen - Video-Vignetten für die Lehrkräftebildung (Till Zoppke, Tilman Michaeli, Ralf Romeike) (2023)
- Fachdidaktische (Forschungs-)Formate in der Informatikdidaktik (Torben Bjarne Wolff, Alke Martens) (2023)
- Quanteninformatik: Schlüsselkonzepte und Kompetenzen (Giulia Paparo, Bettina Waldvogel, Mareen Grillenberger) (2023)
- Die Henne und das Ei - Absolvent: innen im Lehramt Informatik 20 Jahre nach Einführung des Schulfaches in Bayern (Tilman Michaeli) (2023)
- Vorstellung einer Lernumgebung für ein fächerübergreifendes MINT-Projekt - Das gläserne Ökosystem (Jonathan Grothaus, André Greubel, Lars Dickmeis, Anna Herold, Markus Elsholz, Martin Hennecke, Thomas Trefzger) (2023)
- Digitale Grundbildung in Österreich - Genese, Status Quo und Herausforderungen (Peter Micheuz) (2023)
- Grundschullehrkräfte zwischen informatischer Bildung und Medienbildung (Denise Schmitz) (2023)
- Informatische Fachkompetenzen von Grundschullehrkräften sichtbar machen - Ein Messinstrument mit selbsteinschätzungs- und aufgabenbasierter Komponente (Christin Nenner, Nadine Bergner) (2023)
- Softwarequalität im Informatikunterricht? - Eine Auswertung nationaler und internationaler Curricula (Elena Starke, Tilman Michaeli) (2023)
- Die Befähigung zum Darstellungswechsel im Informatikunterricht als Aufgabe der Fach- und Sprachförderung?! (Fatma Batur, Maxime Schnieders, Torsten Brinda) (2023)
- 20x INFOS – 40 Jahre Informatikunterricht (Werner Hartmann) (2023)
- Künstliche Intelligenz, Large Language Models, ChatGPT und die Arbeitswelt der Zukunft (Michael Seemann) (2023)
- WIPSCE '23 - The 18th WiPSCE Conference on Primary and Secondary Computing Education Research (Sue Sentance, Mareen Grillenberger) (2023)
- «What Is Inside a Computer?» - Preconceptions About Computer Principles in 6-9-Graders (Anna Yaghobová, Anna Drobná, Marek Urban, Cyril Brom) (2023)
- Emerging Practices for Integrating Computer Science into Existing K-5 Subjects in the United States (Monica M. McGill, Laycee Thigpen, Alaina Mabie) (2023)
- Ensuring Sustainability and Progression for Students Interested in Technology Careers (Rebecca Odom-Bartel, Brian Harper, Lisa Bievenue, Crystal Franklin, Chelsey Kohn, Debbie K. Jackson, Aliyah Rogers) (2023)
- Elaborating Student Engagement in Compulsory K-12 Computer Science Class (Pamina Maria Berg, Maria Knobelsdorf) (2023)
- Developing a Computer Science Content Knowledge Test for 10th Grade Students (Tobias Bahr) (2023)
- Broadening Participation in Computing - Experiences of the Hour of Code in an African Country (Ethel Tshukudu, Maria Kallia, Katharine Childs, William Darragh) (2023)
- Analysis of Multiple Disciplines while Working with Physical Computing Devices (Eric Schätz, Alke Martens, Lutz Hellmig) (2023)
- Using Concept Cartoons for Assessing Children's Conceptions about the Internet (Parvaneh Babari, Michael Hielscher, Peter Adriaan Edelsbrunner, Beat Döbeli Honegger, Bettina Waldvogel, Eva Marinus) (2023)
- The Roles of Confidence and Perceived Usefulness in Female Student Engagement in High School Computing Science (Sultanah Albakri, Mireilla Bikanga Ada, Alistair Morrison) (2023)
- AI Education in German K-10 Computer Science Curricula (Gia Minh Vo, Nils Pancratz) (2023)
- Impact of Generative AI on K-12 Students' Perceptions of Computing - A Research Proposal (Carrie Anne Philbin) (2023)
- Scaffolding Block Coding Through Multiple Entry Points (Joanne Barrett, Maya Israel) (2023)
- Project-Based Software Engineering Curriculum for Secondary Students (Isabella Gransbury, Janet Brock, Emily Root, Veronica Cateté, Tiffany Barnes, Shuchi Grover, Ákos Lédeczi) (2023)
- Behind the Screens - The Security & Privacy Advice Landscape of Children in Grades 5 & 6 (Alexander Löbel, Frederic Salmen, Ulrike Meyer, Ulrik Schroeder) (2023)
- CS Outreach to Inform Secondary School Students' Perceptions of CS - Initial Findings (Karen Nolan, Roisin Faherty, Keith Quille, Keith Nolan, Amanda O'Farrell, Brett A. Becker) (2023)
- A Systematic Literature Review on Physical and Action Based Activities in Computing Education for Early Years and Primary (Anaclara Gerosa, Maria Kallia, Quintin I. Cutts) (2023)
- Exploring Effects of Online and Face-to-Face Teaching Formats on Students' Interest and Engagement (Kai Marquardt, Lucia Happe) (2023)
- What Works for Girls in Computing? - Insights from Teachers on Supporting Gender Diversity in Computing (Meggie Copsey-Blake, Peter E. J. Kemp, Billy Wong, Jessica Hamer) (2023)
- «What Is Inside a Computer?» - Preconceptions About Computer Principles in 6-9-Graders (Anna Yaghobová, Anna Drobná, Marek Urban, Cyril Brom) (2023)
- Code for what? - Computer Science for Storytelling and Social Justice (Clifford Lee, Elisabeth Soep) (2023)
- Informatik-Monitor 2023/24 (Lutz Hellmig, Bentley Schieckoff, Richard Schwarz, Felix Süßenbach) (2023)
- The Unintended Consequences of Artificial Intelligence and Education (Wayne Holmes) (2023)
- Hello World 22 - Teaching & AI (2023)
- Informatics in Schools. Beyond Bits and Bytes: Nurturing Informatics Intelligence in Education - 16th International Conference on Informatics in Schools: Situation, Evolution, and Perspectives, ISSEP 2023, Lausanne, Switzerland, October 23–25, 2023 (Jean-Philippe Pellet, Gabriel Parriaux) (2023)
- What Is AI-PACK? - Outline of AI Competencies for Teaching with DPACK (Uwe Lorenz, Ralf Romeike)
- The Function of Note-Taking in Problem Solving in the Computer Science Escape Game Room-X (Alexander Hacke, Nadine Dittert)
- An Exploratory Investigation on High-School Students’ Understanding of Threads (Emanuele Scapin, Nicola Dalla Pozza, Claudio Mirolo)
- Reshaping Unplugged Computer Science Workshops for Primary School Education (Martina Landman, Sophie Rain, Laura Kovács, Gerald Futschek)
- Evaluating the New Secondary Informatics Curriculum in The Netherlands (Nataša Grgurina, Jos Tolboom, Bart Penning de Vries) (2023)
- Navigating the Implementation of the Curriculum Digital Education in Austrian Secondary Schools: Challenges and Teacher Perspectives (Corinna Hörmann, Eva Schmidthaler, Barbara Sabitzer)
- Bridging the Gap: Infusing Natural Science Classes with Computer Science Concepts and Skills (Elena Yanakieva, Annette Bieniusa, Thomas Becka, Brian B. Moser, Dominik Jerger, Christoph Thyssen)
- What Is AI-PACK? - Outline of AI Competencies for Teaching with DPACK (Uwe Lorenz, Ralf Romeike)
- ISSEP 2023, Local Proceedings (Jean-Philippe Pellet, Gabriel Parriaux) (2023)
- Künstliche Intelligenz in der Bildung (Claudia de Witt, Christina Gloerfeld, Silke Elisabeth Wrede) (2023)
- Erklärbare Künstliche Intelligenz im Kontext von Bildung und Lernen (Katharina Weitz)
- Erklärbare Künstliche Intelligenz im Kontext von Bildung und Lernen (Katharina Weitz)
- Künstliche Intelligenz - Dem Menschen überlegen - wie KI uns rettet und bedroht (Manfred Spitzer) (2023)
- Informatikkompetenzen für alle Lehrkräfte - Empfehlungen der Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V. erarbeitet vom Arbeitskreis Lehrkräftebildung (Ira Diethelm, Nadine Bergner, Torsten Brinda, Nadine Dittert, Beat Döbeli Honegger, Rita Freudenberg, Florian Funke, Marc Hannappel, Claudia Hildebrandt, Ludger Humbert, Matthias Kramer, Daniel Losch, Christin Nenner, Barbara Pampel, Denise Schmitz, Wolf Spalteholz, Martin Weinert) (2023)
- Handeln im Feld der Medien- und informatischen Bildung - Eine explorative Interviewstudie mit Bildungspraktiker*innen über deren teilformalisierte Aktivitäten mit Kindern im mittleren Kindesalter (Mareike Thumel) (2023)
- Parldigi direkt: Es braucht mehr Programmier-Know-how in der Politik (Dominik Blunschy) (2023)
- Beat Döbeli: «Mit ChatGPT sind alle überfordert» (Beat Döbeli Honegger, Ivana Pribakovic) (2023)
- Critical Data Literacies - Rethinking Data and Everyday Life (Luci Pangrazio, Neil Selwyn) (2023)
- Künstliche Intelligenz - Mehr als nur ein Hype? - Bildungsbeilage der NZZ vom 22.11.2023 (2023)
- «Wir hatten fast keine Ahnung von KI» (Robin Schwarzenbach)
- «Wir hatten fast keine Ahnung von KI» (Robin Schwarzenbach)
- Informatische Bildung im Sachunterricht - Evaluationsstudie zum Express Kurs 2021 (Viola Backhau) (2023)
- analog vor digital - Medien- und Informatikprojekte zum Begreifen (Brigitte Pemberger) (2023)
- 7. Vom Ordnen, Suchen und Finden mit praktischen binären Suchalgorithmen (Brigitte Pemberger, Kathrin Seeger-Chesnais) (2023)
- 8. Geheime Botschaften, sichere Passwörter und die Kryptologie (Brigitte Pemberger, Kristine Belewsky, Paula Bleckmann, Nino Mindiashvili) (2023)
- 9. Eingabe – Verarbeitung – Ausgabe in lebensgroßen Informatik-Systemen erleben (Samir Hajal) (2023)
- 10. Informatik am Ur-Computer - Pixel-Bilder, binäre Zahlenmagie und das EVA-Prinzip begreifen (Nino Mindiashvili, Brigitte Pemberger, Paula Bleckmann) (2023)
- 7. Vom Ordnen, Suchen und Finden mit praktischen binären Suchalgorithmen (Brigitte Pemberger, Kathrin Seeger-Chesnais) (2023)
- Teaching Gender in MINT in der Pandemie - Chancen und Herausforderungen digitaler Transformation (Yves Jeanrenaud) (2023)
- Education for the Age of AI (Charles Fadel, Alexis Black, Robbie Taylor, Janet Slesinski, Katie Dunn) (2024)
- Digitalisierung und Digitalität - Interdisziplinäre Einblicke in technische Möglichkeiten und gesellschaftliche Phänomene (Michael Feiten, Henning Stahlschmidt) (2024)
- Danke, Nein! (Anna-Lena Scholz, Martin Spiewak) (2024)
- Pädagogik 3/2024 - KI in der Schule (2024)
- ibis 2/1 (2024)
- Generative AI and CS Education (Maggie Johnson) (2024)
- Californication an der Limmat (Guido Schätti, Markus Städeli) (2024)
- Generative AI and Creative Learning - Concerns, Opportunities, and Choices (Mitchel Resnick) (2024)
- Grundlagenfach Informatik: Drei Generationen, ein Ziel (Dennis Komm, Juraj Hromkovic, Walter Gander, Sandra Herkle, Anna Janka) (2024)
- Informatik-Escape Room für Schulen in Zivilschutzanlage Sonnenberg (2024)
- Escape Room in der Zivilschutzanlage Sonnenberg eröffnet (David Kunz) (2024)
- Nur 60 Minuten zum Entkommen – neuer Escape Room für Schulen in Luzerner Bunker (Sandro Renggli) (2024)
- Lernen mit Spass: PH Schwyz entwickelt Rätselraum (Christoph Clavadetscher) (2024)
- Wirksamer Informatikunterricht (Dennis Komm) (2024)
- Das müssen Sie über KI wissen - c't 11/2024 (2024)
- Die Säulen der Moderne (Jan Mahn)
- Lernblockade - Wie sich Autoren und Künstler gegen den Missbrauch ihrer Werke zum KI-Training wehren können (Hartmut Gieselmann, Jo Bager, Andrea Trinkwalder)
- Die Säulen der Moderne (Jan Mahn)
- MINT Nachwuchsbarometer 2024 (acatech, Joachim Herz Stiftung) (2024)
- Wenn KI das Tempo vorgibt - Lernen mit und trotz künstlicher Intelligenz (Doris Weßels, Klaus Zierer, Isabel Grünewald) (2024)
- Vergleich der Informatikausbildung für angehende Primar- und Sekundarlehrpersonen an Deutschschweizer Pädagogischen Hochschulen (Larissa Meyer-Baron, Adrian Degonda, Bernadette Spieler, Thomas Schmalfeldt) (2024)
- Technologische Perspektive der digitalen Souveränität - Blick auf die Schweiz, internationale Trends sowie Empfehlungen für die «Strategie Digitale Souveränität der Schweiz» (Matthias Stürmer) (2024)
- Warum KI kein Hype ist und die Medienpädagogik sich damit befassen sollte (Thomas Knaus) (2024)
- Konzeption eines integrativen Schulfaches «Digitale Welt» für hessische Schulen (Christoph Meinel, Michael Galbas, Andreas Dengel, Matthias Wendlandt) (2024)
- Rahmenlehrplan Gymnasiale Maturitätsschulen (EDK Schweizerische Konferenz der kantonalen Erziehungsdirektoren) (2024)
- Aufarbeitung der Entwicklungen der Informatikdidaktik im deutschsprachgen Raum zwischen ca. 1990 - 2023 (Philipp Rüeger) (2024)
- The Impact of AI on Computer Science Education - Understanding why “working hard and struggling is … an important way of learning.” (Esther Shein) (2024)
- Learning to Program Matters for Liberal Arts and Sciences Students in the Age of AI (Mark Guzdial) (2024)
- Informatikunterricht im Zyklus 2: Variablen - Eine Design-Based-Research Studie (Lea Gisler) (2024)
- Fragmentierung in der Lehrkräftebildung - Das Lehramtsstudium im Spannungsfeld von Professionsorientierung, Bildungstheorie und (Fach-)Wissenschaft (Anne Gräf, Simon Helling, Daniel Losch, Thassilo Polcik, Pia Rojahn, Sebastian Wendland) (2024)
- Erstickt künstliche Intelligenz an sich selbst? (Ruth Fulterer) (2024)
- DELFI 2024 (Sandra Schulz, Natalie Kiesler) (2024)
- Challenges of Computer Science Tutors in Their Teaching - How can Educational Technology help? (Armin Egetenmeier, Sven Strickroth) (2024)
- Beyond Realism - Rethinking Presence in Virtual Environments for Abstract Concept Learning (David Baberowski, Thiemo Leonhardt, Lanea Lilienthal, Nadine Bergner) (2024)
- Supporting Constructive Alignment - Visualization of the Alignment of Teaching Goals and Developed Assignments (Imen Azaiz, Sven Strickroth) (2024)
- Towards Computer-Aided Teaching of Reductions in Theoretical Computer Science (Maurice Herwig, Norbert Hundeshagen, Marit Kastaun, Cedric Kollenberg) (2024)
- Enhanced Program Comprehension - Individualized Learning of Code Tracing with the Feedback Buddy (Nadine Nicole Koch, Ann-Kathrin Kapfenstein, Niklas Meißner, Maria Wirzberger) (2024)
- Entwicklung und Evaluation einer KI-Assistenz zur didaktisch-pädagogischen Unterstützung des Lernprozesses mit Programmieraufgaben (Peter Kießling, Florian Funke 0003, Sven Hofmann) (2024)
- (Re)-Using the Data - Address Challenges in Research Data via FAIR and APIs (Daniel Schiffner) (2024)
- Hackathon als Pflichtmodul im ersten Semester - Eine Fallstudie (Marc Stelzner, Sarah Scheer, Max Kaussow, Stefan Fischer 0001) (2024)
- A novel project assignment fostering self-competence and reflection using robotics for first-year CS students (Melanie Baur, Johanna Sedlmair, Sebastian Speiser) (2024)
- Challenges of Computer Science Tutors in Their Teaching - How can Educational Technology help? (Armin Egetenmeier, Sven Strickroth) (2024)
- Nexus - Eine kurze Geschichte der Informationsnetzwerke von der Steinzeit bis zur künstlichen Intelligenz (Yuval Noah Harari) (2024)
- KI-Nerds im Goldrausch (Ruth Fulterer) (2024)
- WIPSCE '24 (Tilman Michaeli, Sue Sentance, Nadine Bergner) (2024)
- Improvement of Computational Thinking skills through unplugged activities in Upper Secondary Education (Christian Andrés Benavides-Escola, Estefanía Martín-Barroso, María Zapata-Cáceres, Marcos Román-González) (2024)
- Unpacking Approaches to Learning and Teaching Machine Learning in K-12 Education - Transparency, Ethics, and Design Activities (Luis Morales-Navarro, Yasmin B. Kafai) (2024)
- Systematic Debugging of Logical Errors in Source Code (Felix Ziemann, Florian Reuß) (2024)
- Improvement of Computational Thinking skills through unplugged activities in Upper Secondary Education (Christian Andrés Benavides-Escola, Estefanía Martín-Barroso, María Zapata-Cáceres, Marcos Román-González) (2024)
- Aufbau fachwissenschaftlicher und fachdidaktischer Informatikkompetenzen bei Grundschullehramtsstudierenden (Christin Nenner) (2024)
- The 5th Paradigm: AI-Driven Scientific Discovery (Yannis Ioannidis) (2024)
- Selbstorganisation macht Sinn - Ein Leitfaden zu zeitgemässer Zusammenarbeit in KMU (2024)
- Autonome Teams als Basis für Wachstum und Zusammenarbeit (Gabriela Keller, Stefan Lenz, Andreas Enz)
- Digitaler Adventskalender über Eingang der PHSZ (Christian Ballat) (2024)
- Was alle über Künstliche Intelligenz wissen sollen und wie KI-bezogene Kompetenzen in der Schule entwickelt werden können - Weiterführende Überlegungen zum GI-Positionspapier „Künstliche Intelligenz in der Bildung“ (Daniel Losch, Steffen Jaschke, Tilman Michaeli, Simone Opel, Ute Schmid, Stefan Seegerer, Peer Stechert) (2025)
- Digitalisierung in der Bildung - ein Kinderspiel? (2025)
- «Man muss naiv sein und sich selbst überschätzen» (Urs Hölzle, Markus Städeli, Guido Schätti) (2025)
- Digital Degrowth - Radically Rethinking Our Digital Futures (Neil Selwyn) (2025)
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