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There is a noticeable paucity of research on cyberbullying and
victimization, despite the high level of concern associated with
its occurrence (Patchin & Hinduja, 2006). The available research
on cyberbullying to date relates to its prevalence, frequency among
specific groups, and negative outcomes; information that would be
expected in the early formative stage of research. The way research
on cyberbullying can advance beyond this stage is by surveying
what is already known and establishing a roadmap of where future
research should be directed. The end goal of the present review is
to direct research toward exploring those areas that still remain
Von Robert S. Tokunaga im Text Following you home from school (2009) More than 97% of youths in the United States are connected to the Internet in some way. An unintended outcome of the Internet’s pervasive reach is the growing rate of harmful offenses against children and teens. Cyberbullying victimization is one such offense that has recently received a fair amount of attention. The present report synthesizes findings from quantitative research on cyberbullying victimization. An integrative definition for the term cyberbullying is provided, differences between traditional bullying and cyberbullying are explained, areas of convergence and divergence are offered, and sampling and/or methodological explanations for the inconsistencies in the literature are considered. About 20–40% of all youths have experienced cyberbullying at least once in their lives. Demographic variables such as age and gender do not appear to predict cyberbullying victimization. Evidence suggests that victimization is associated with serious psychosocial, affective, and academic problems. The report concludes by outlining several areas of concern in cyberbullying research and discusses ways that future research can remedy them.
Von Robert S. Tokunaga im Text Following you home from school (2009) Dieser wissenschaftliche Zeitschriftenartikel erwähnt ...
Personen KB IB clear | Albert Bandura , Lew Semjonowitsch Vygotsky | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Begriffe KB IB clear | cyber-mobbingcyber-mobbing , Internetinternet , Kinderchildren , Mobbing | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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- Students, Computers and Learning - Making the Connection (OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) (2015)
- Digitalisierung in der Grundschule - Grundlagen, Gelingensbedingungen und didaktische Konzeptionen am Beispiel des Fachs Sachunterricht (Michael Haider, Daniela Schmeinck) (2022)
- Online-Risiken und -Chancen - Kinder und Jugendliche unterwegs im Internet (Moritz Harder)
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