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'Computer Science in Context' and 'Learning Fields' in Vocational Computer Science Education - Two Unlike Siblings?

Zu finden in: ISSEP 2014 (Seite 54 bis 65), 2014 local web 
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Torsten BrindaVocational and general computer science education in Germany use different teaching approaches in some areas to educate their students. Despite all differences of the school types and their goals of education, there are concepts and ideas which have separately developed, but cover similar pedagogical, basic concepts. The concept of “Learning Field-orientated Computer Science Education” (LFCS – “Lernfeldkonzept”) in vocational computer science education and “Computer Science in Context” (CSiC – “Informatik im Kontext”) in secondary education are such related concepts, as both follow the idea of teaching computer science in an activity-orientated and multidimensional way by developing suitable contexts and learning situations. In this paper we first explore the different aspects of both concepts. Afterwards we compare the similarities and differences of the concepts of “Learning Field-orientated Computer Science Education” and “Computer Science in Context”. As result of this comparison, we derive requirements for a general model of these situated and activity-orientated teaching concepts in computer science education.
Von Simone Opel, Torsten Brinda im Konferenz-Band ISSEP 2014 (2014) im Text 'Computer Science in Context' and 'Learning Fields' in Vocational Computer Science Education - Two Unlike Siblings?

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