Instructional design of a programming coursea learning theoretic approach
Zu finden in: ICER 2007 (Seite 111 bis 122), 2007
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We present a brief overview of a model for the human cognitive architecture and three learning theories based on this model: cognitive load theory, cognitive apprenticeship, and worked examples (a key area of cognitive skill acquisition). Based on this brief overview we argue how an introductory object-oriented programming course is designed according to results of cognitive science and educational psychology in general and cognitive load theory and cognitive skill acquisition in particular; the principal techniques applied are: worked examples, scaffolding, faded guidance, cognitive apprenticeship, and emphasis of patterns to aid schema creation and improve learning. As part of the presentation of the course, we provide a characterization of model-driven programming---the approach we have adopted in the introductory programming course. The result is an introductory programming course emphasizing a pattern-based approach to programming and schema acquisition in order to improve learning.
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![]() Begriffe KB IB clear | cognitive load theory (CLT)
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4 Erwähnungen 
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- Medienpädagogik und Didaktik der Informatik - Eine Momentaufnahme disziplinärer Bezüge und schulpraktischer Entwicklungen (2018)
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