The Child as a Social Actor in Historical SourcesProblems of Identification and Interpretation (1st edition)
Harry Hendrick
Zu finden in: Research with Children, 2000
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Von Beat Döbeli Honegger, erfasst im Biblionetz am 02.12.2022

After a brief introduction, which draws attention to the particularity of children within childhood, the chapter provides a survey and commentary on the range and nature of historical studies to date. It then proceeds to examine sources in relation to identification and interpretation. These matters always pose difficulties, but they are especially acute where children and childhood are concerned, if only because the historian has to be constantly aware of the differences between childhood, as a concept, and children, as people. The chapter then looks at how the problems might be overcome. In broad terms, it argues for a politically sensitive ‘child-centred’ approach, which would be a further development in making the discipline more inclusive and, therefore, more democratic. The specific recommendation is that we look seriously at the relevance of feminist perspectives and analyses for this infant enterprise, while simultaneously informing ourselves about sociological theories of age and generation.
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