Hyperties Hyperties

Verwandte Objeke
![]() Verwandte Begriffe (co-word occurance) | Hyper-G(0.13), HyperCardHyperCard(0.05), SerendipitySerendipity(0.03), ![]() |
Häufig co-zitierte Personen
Statistisches Begriffsnetz 
Zitationsgraph (Beta-Test mit vis.js)
10 Erwähnungen 
- The Society of Text - hypertext, hypermedia, and the social construction of information (Edward Barrett) (1989)
- ICCAL '89 - 2nd International Conference on Computer Assisted Learning, Dallas, Texas, USA, May 9-11, 1989 (Hermann Maurer) (1989)
- Incidental Learning During Information Retrieval - A Hypertext Experiment (Tricia Jones) (1989)
- Incidental Learning During Information Retrieval - A Hypertext Experiment (Tricia Jones) (1989)
- ICCAL '90 - 3rd International Conference on Computer Assisted Learning, Hagen, FRG, June 11-13, 1990, Proceedings (Douglas H. Norrie, Hans-Werner Six) (1990)
- Towards a Typology of Educational Uses of Hypermedia (Tricia Jones) (1990)
- Towards a Typology of Educational Uses of Hypermedia (Tricia Jones) (1990)
- Learning with media (Robert B. Kozma) (1991)
- ICCAL '92 - 4th International Conference on Computer Assisted Learning, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada, June 17-20, 1992 (Ivan Tomek) (1992)
- Why Hypermedia Systems Are Important (Hermann Maurer) (1992)
- Why Hypermedia Systems Are Important (Hermann Maurer) (1992)
- Grundlagen hypermedialer Lernsysteme - Theorie - Didaktik - Design (Rolf Schulmeister) (1996)
- Multimedia, Hypertext und Internet - Grundlagen und Praxis des elektronischen Publizierens (Jakob Nielsen) (1996)
- Entwicklung hypermedialer Lernsysteme (Astrid Blumstengel) (1998)
- Lehrbuch für Lernen und Lehren mit Technologien (Martin Ebner, Sandra Schön) (2011)