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logical problem logical problem

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David H. JonassenLogical problems tend to be abstract tests of reasoning that puzzle the learner. They are used to assess mental acuity, clarity, and logical reasoning.
Von Jane Howland, David H. Jonassen, Rose M. Marra, Joi Moore Personenreihenfolge alphabetisch und evtl. nicht korrekt im Buch Learning to Solve Problems with Technology (2nd ed.) (2003) im Text Problem Solving Is Meaningful Learning auf Seite  21
David H. JonassenLogical problems tend to be abstract tests of reasoning that puzzle the learner. They are used to assess mental acuity, clarity, and logical reasoning.
Von David H. Jonassen im Text Toward a Design Theory of Problem Solving (2000)
David H. JonassenLogic problems tend to be abstract tests of logic that puzzle the learner. They are used to assess mental acuity, clarity, and logical reasoning. Classic games such as missionaries and cannibals or tower of Hanoi challenge learners to find the most efficient (least number of moves) sequence of action. Rubik’s Cube was a popular game in the 1970s requiring the user to rotate the rows and columns of a threedimensional cube to form patterns. In each of these “problems,” there is a specific method of reasoning that will yield the most efficient solution. It is up to the learner to discover that method. Research has shown that the ability to solve these problems does not transfer to other kinds of problems (Hayes & Simon, 1977; Reed, Ernst, & Banerji, 1974).
Von David H. Jonassen im Buch Learning to Solve Problems (2010) im Text How das Problem Solving Vary? auf Seite  12


David H. JonassenFew if any logical problems are embedded in any common situation, making them necessarily more abstract and therefore less transferable.
Von David H. Jonassen im Buch Learning to Solve Problems (2010) im Text How das Problem Solving Vary?
David H. JonassenLogic problems have been the focus of considerable psychological research. However, the usefulness of that research to instructional design is limited by their lack of relevance to education or training.
Von David H. Jonassen im Buch Learning to Solve Problems (2010) im Text How das Problem Solving Vary? auf Seite  13
David H. JonassenFew if any logical problems are embedded in any authentic context, making them necessarily more abstract and therefore less transferable. Logic problems have been the focus of considerable laboratory-based psychological research. However, the usefulness of that research to instructional design is limited by the lack of ecological validity.
Von David H. Jonassen im Text Toward a Design Theory of Problem Solving (2000)

iconVerwandte Objeke

Verwandte Begriffe
(co-word occurance)
designs problemdesigns problem(0.36), strategic performance problemstrategic performance problem(0.29), rule-using problemrule-using problem(0.24), diagnosis-solution problemdiagnosis-solution problem(0.24), troubleshooting problemtroubleshooting problem(0.18), decision making problemdecision making problem(0.16), case analysis problemcase analysis problem(0.13), story problemstory problem(0.1), algorithmic problemalgorithmic problem(0.09)

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