story problem story problem


- represent the unknowns by letters;
- translate relationships about unknowns into equations;
- solve the equations to find the value of the unknowns; and
- verify values found to see if they fit the original problem (Rich, 1960).

Verwandte Objeke
![]() Verwandte Begriffe (co-word occurance) | troubleshooting problemtroubleshooting problem(0.32), designs problemdesigns problem(0.28), strategic performance problemstrategic performance problem(0.22), rule-using problemrule-using problem(0.19), case analysis problemcase analysis problem(0.19), diagnosis-solution problemdiagnosis-solution problem(0.19), decision making problemdecision making problem(0.12), logical problemlogical problem(0.1), algorithmic problemalgorithmic problem(0.07) |
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9 Erwähnungen 
- Designing Research-Based Instruction for Story Problems (David H. Jonassen)
- Toward a Design Theory of Problem Solving (David H. Jonassen) (2000)
- Designing Research-Based Instruction for Story Problems (David H. Jonassen) (2003)
- Learning to Solve Problems with Technology (2nd ed.) - A Constructivist Perspective (David H. Jonassen, Jane Howland, Joi Moore, Rose M. Marra) (2003)
- 2. Problem Solving Is Meaningful Learning (Jane Howland, David H. Jonassen, Rose M. Marra, Joi Moore)
- Learning to Solve Problems - An Instructional Design Guide (David H. Jonassen) (2004)
- E-Learning - Alltagstaugliche Innovation? - 11. Europäische Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medien in der Wissenschaft GMW (19.-22.9.06) (Eva Seiler Schiedt, S. Kälin, Christian Sengstag) (2006)
- Learning to Solve Problems - A Handbook for Designing Problem-Solving Learning Environments (David H. Jonassen) (2010)