rebound effect / Jevons' paradox |
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rebound effect, Rebound-Effekt, Bumerang-Effekt, Jevons-Paradoxon

To better understand the complexity of rebound effects of investments in efficiency improvements, system-theoretical approaches and dynamic models have to be used. Systems thinking and modeling instruments, such as causal loop diagrams and System Dynamics simulation, by highlighting the causal structure of the system and feedback effects, provide effective approaches to conceptualizing such complex phenomena and communicating model-based insights.
Von Mohammad Ahmadi Achachlouei, Lorenz M. Hilty im Text Using Systems Thinking and System Dynamics Modeling to Understand Rebound Effects (2016)
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25 Erwähnungen 
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- Using Systems Thinking and System Dynamics Modeling to Understand Rebound Effects (Mohammad Ahmadi Achachlouei, Lorenz M. Hilty) (2016)
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