Machine Learning macht Programmierkenntnisse obsolet | ![]() |
With the advent of tools like Microsoft’s Copilot chatbot, for example, some might wonder why they should bother learning to code.
Von Esther Shein im Text The Impact of AI on Computer Science Education (2024) The skill of code reading and understanding is becoming increasingly important, as is the ability to assess and test the correctness, safety, security and reliability of generated code.
Von Maggie Johnson im Text Generative AI and CS Education (2024) Programmierer, die Teile ihrer Arbeit an
die KI outsourcen, scheinen also den
Blick für das große Ganze zu verlieren.
das liegt womöglich daran, dass die Systeme
selbst diesen Blick nicht haben.
Von Piotr Heller im Text Wenn Computer Software schreiben (2023) 

However, it is still important to teach people how to code, simply because part of becoming a computer scientist is about understanding processes, Simmons said. “My analogy is teaching seven-year-olds arithmetic. By the time you get to middle school, no one does arithmetic by hand; you use calculators.”
Von Esther Shein im Text The Impact of AI on Computer Science Education (2024) 
In this new computer science — if we
even call it computer science at all — the
machines will be so powerful and already
know how to do so many things that the
field will look like less of an engineering
endeavor and more of an an educational
one; that is, how to best educate the machine, not unlike the science of how to
best educate children in school.
Von Matt Welsh im Text The End of Programming (2023) 
Reid Gordon Simmons, a research professor at the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, adds that in the same way compilers translate a programming language’s source code into machine code, removing the need for computer science engineers to understand assemblers, “use of AI and ML will make it less and less necessary for them to understand the details of coding.”
Von Esther Shein im Text The Impact of AI on Computer Science Education (2024) 

At the recent World Government Summit in Dubai, Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang made a counterintuitive break with what he thinks is a long tradition of tech CEOs advising youngsters to learn how to code. Huang argued that, even at this early stage of the artificial intelligence (AI) revolution, programming is no longer a vital skill. With coding taken care of by AI, humans can instead focus on more valuable expertise like biology, education, manufacturing, or farming, reasoned the Nvidia head.
Von Mark Tyson im Text Jensen Huang says kids shouldn't learn to code — they should leave it up to AI (2024) Programming will be obsolete. I believe
the conventional idea of “writing a
program” is headed for extinction, and
indeed, for all but very specialized applications,
most software, as we know it, will
be replaced by AI systems that are trained
rather than programmed. In situations
where one needs a “simple” program
(after all, not everything should require a
model of hundreds of billions of parameters
running on a cluster of GPUs), those
programs will, themselves, be generated
by an AI rather than coded by hand.
Von Matt Welsh im Text The End of Programming (2023) 

The reality is that while writing code is hard, the harder part for students (and really anyone) is understanding how it executes and then making decisions about what it should do differently. Program comprehension is what makes APIs hard to use (because they intentionally hide what they do, capturing behavior only through poorly written natural language). It’s what makes programming languages hard to use (because debugging tools are so poor slowing down enough to teach). It’s what makes large software systems hard to change and evolve (because of the sheer amount of code to understand). LLMs do nothing to make this comprehension or decision making easier.
Von Amy J. Ko im Text Large language models will change programming... a little (2023) First, LLMs will reduce complexity. And for somewhat obvious reasons: the world of open source shares a massive collection of solutions to common messy problems in programming languages and API usage, and so for the past two decades of the internet, the problem hasn’t been so much about solving those problems, but finding the solutions that someone has already written down. This was what enabled the explosive popularity of Stack Overflow and the decades of research on code search. LLM-driven code synthesis will be, and already are to an extent, better search engines for finding those solutions (albeit without giving anyone credit). This future will be a slightly better one for programmers, just like better documentation and better search has always been. It will make it easier to find the useful design patterns amidst an infinite space of wrong answers.
Von Amy J. Ko im Text Large language models will change programming... a little (2023) Im professionellen Selbstverständnis wird es zunehmend wichtiger, dass man die von ChatGPT erzeugten Inhalte kontrollieren, adaptieren und kontextualisieren kann. Das betrifft sowohl die Text- wie auch die Code-Erzeugung. In der Informatik muss man beispielsweise überprüfen, ob die generierte Codezeile die gewünschte Funktion erfüllt und ob sie in die bestehende Programmierumgebung hineinpasst. Ist dieser Vorschlag tatsächlich das, was ich brauche? Ist diese Lösung effizient? Kann man Teile davon automatisieren, indem man systematisch Tests fährt? Die Aufgabe von Programmiererinnen und Programmierern wird sich also verschieben: Die Softwareentwicklung „from scratch“ verliert an Bedeutung – umso wichtiger wird hingegen die Fähigkeit der kritischen Beurteilung von Code. Und wie gesagt: Das betrifft nicht nur die Informatik. Wir müssen alle lernen, kritischer zu lesen.
Von Martin Volk im Text So verändert ChatGPT die Bildungs- und Berufswelt (2023) 
3 Vorträge von Beat mit Bezug
- ChatGPT und die (informatische (Schul-))Bildung
Ausschuss "Bildung, Fachkräfte und Diversität" von digitalswitzerland, 07.03.2023 - Schule, Digitalisierung und die Rolle der Informatik
Landesinformatiktag Hamburg und Schleswig-Holstein, 25.03.2023 - Antworten auf Knopfdruck?
Mitarbeitendenklausur der PHSZ, 19.02.2024
Zitationsgraph (Beta-Test mit vis.js)
18 Erwähnungen 
- Mehr als 0 und 1 - Schule in einer digitalisierten Welt (Beat Döbeli Honegger) (2016)
- The End of Programming (Matt Welsh) (2023)
- Wenn Computer Software schreiben (Piotr Heller) (2023)
- The Premature Obituary of Programming - Why deep learning will not replace programming (Daniel M. Yellin) (2023)
- So verändert ChatGPT die Bildungs- und Berufswelt (Martin Volk, Joël Orizet) (2023)
- Large language models will change programming... a little (Amy J. Ko) (2023)
- Die neue Weltmacht - Wie ChatGPT und Co. unser Leben verändern (Titelthema Spiegel 10/2023) (2023)
- «Jobs zu schützen wäre ökonomischer Wahnsinn» (Andrew McAfee, Simon Book, Patrick Beuth)
- «Jobs zu schützen wäre ökonomischer Wahnsinn» (Andrew McAfee, Simon Book, Patrick Beuth)
- «ChatGPT: What is your IQ?» (Jürg Gutknecht) (2023)
- Eines der mächtigsten Instrumente der Menschheitsgeschichte (Sascha Lobo) (2023)
- The Coming Wave - Technology, Power, and the Twenty-first Century's Greatest Dilemma (Mustafa Suleyman, Michael Bhaskar) (2023)
- Jensen Huang says kids shouldn't learn to code — they should leave it up to AI (Mark Tyson) (2024)
- Generative AI and CS Education (Maggie Johnson) (2024)
- Generative AI and Creative Learning - Concerns, Opportunities, and Choices (Mitchel Resnick) (2024)
- Das müssen Sie über KI wissen - c't 11/2024 (2024)
- Kodierkompagnon - Wie KI beim Programmieren hilft (Peter Siering)
- Kodierkompagnon - Wie KI beim Programmieren hilft (Peter Siering)
- The Impact of AI on Computer Science Education - Understanding why “working hard and struggling is … an important way of learning.” (Esther Shein) (2024)
- Learning to Program Matters for Liberal Arts and Sciences Students in the Age of AI (Mark Guzdial) (2024)
- Was alle über Künstliche Intelligenz wissen sollen und wie KI-bezogene Kompetenzen in der Schule entwickelt werden können - Weiterführende Überlegungen zum GI-Positionspapier „Künstliche Intelligenz in der Bildung“ (Daniel Losch, Steffen Jaschke, Tilman Michaeli, Simone Opel, Ute Schmid, Stefan Seegerer, Peer Stechert) (2025)
- Handbuch Lernen mit digitalen Medien (3. Auflage) - Wege der Transformation (Gerold Brägger, Hans-Günter Rolff) (2025)
- Generative Machine-Learning-Systeme - Die nächste Herausforderung des digitalen Leitmedienwechsels (Beat Döbeli Honegger) (2025)
- Generative Machine-Learning-Systeme - Die nächste Herausforderung des digitalen Leitmedienwechsels (Beat Döbeli Honegger) (2025)