Digital LiteracyTools and Methodologies for Information Society
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Digital Literacy: Tools and Methodologies for Information Society strives to define a conceptual framework for understanding social changes produced by digital media and creates a framework within which digital literacy acts as a tool to assist younger generations to interact critically with digital media and their culture, providing scholars, educators, researchers, and practitioners a technological and sociological approach to this cutting-edge topic from an educational perspective.
- Knowledge, Culture and Society in the Information Age (Seite 1 - 25)
- Communicating in the Information Society - New Tools for New Practices
(Seite 26 - 44) (Lorenzo Cantoni, Stefano Tardini)
- Digital Media and Socialization (Seite 45 - 66) (Mario Morcellini)
- New Episthemologies in a Changing Media Environment (Seite 67 - 84) (Giuseppe Ardrizzo)
- Integrating Technology Literacy and Information Literacy (Seite 85 - 97) (Jennifer Sharkey, Scott D. Brandt)
- Growing Up Wireless - Being a Parent and Being a Child in the Age of Mobile Communication
(Seite 99 - 125) (Letizia Caronia)
- Children and Computers - What They Know, What They Do
(Seite 126 - 139) (Paolo Maria Ferri, Susanna Mantovani)
- Adolescents and the Internet - Media Appropriation and Perspectives on Education
(Seite 140 - 165) (Evelyne Bevort, Isabelle Breda)
- Learning with New Media at the University - From Representations to Utilization
(Seite 156 - 175) (Maria Apparecida Mamede-Neves, Flavia Nizia Da Fonseca Ribeiro)
- Rethinking Cognition, Representations, and Processes in 3D Online Social Learning Environments (Seite 176 - 205) (James G. Jones, Stephen C. Bronack)
- Investigating Information in the Multi-screen Society - An Ecologic Perspective
(Seite 207 - 216) (Manuel Joaquim Silva Pinto)
- From Media Education to Digital Literacy - A Paradigm Change?
(Seite 217 - 229)
- Creative Remixing and Digital Learning - Developing an Online Media Literacy Learning Tool for Girls
(Seite 230 - 240) (Renee Hobbs, Jonelle Rowe)
- Educating in the Information Society (Seite 242 - 258) (Kathleen Tyner)
- Media Education, Digital Production, and New Media - What do Teachers Need to Know?
(Seite 259 - 276) (Andrew Burn)
- Globalisation and New Technology - The Challenge for Teachers to Become “Translators” and Children, Knowledge Seekers
(Seite 277 - 291) (Andre H. Caron)
- The Future of Digital Society and the New Values of Media (Seite 292 - 309) (Jose Manuel Perez Tornero)
- Digital Literacy and Cultural Mediations to the Digital Divide (Seite 310 - 340) (Monica Fantin, Gilka Girardello)
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