Computer Science Education 1/1993

- Introduction to Special Issue - The OOPSLA'92 Educators' Symposium (Seite 1 - 4) (Mary Beth Rosson, James E. Heliotis) (1993)
- Finding an Educational Perspective for Object-Oriented Development (Seite 5 - 12) (Linda M. Northrop) (1993)
- Making Object-Oriented Concepts Play a Central Role in Academic Curricula (Seite 13 - 23) (Wilf R. LaLonde) (1993)
- Computing Curricula 1991 and the Case for Object-Oriented Methodology (Seite 25 - 33) (Martin Osborne) (1993)
- Introducing Object-Orientedness into a Breadth-First Introductory Curriculum (Seite 35 - 44) (Richard G. Epstein, Allen B. Tucker) (1993)
- A Framework for Incorporating Object-Oriented Software Engineering in the Undergraduate Curriculum (Seite 45 - 62) (Raj Tewari, Frank L. Friedman) (1993)
- The Object-Oriented Course in Data Abstraction (Seite 63 - 76) (Joseph Bergin) (1993)
- An Object-Oriented CS2 Course (Seite 77 - 85) (William J. Collins) (1993)
- Practical Object-Oriented Software Engineering Education (Seite 87 - 98) (Mahesh H. Dodani) (1993)
- Object-Orientation and Ada - Towards Ada 9X in a Computer Science/Software Engineering Degree (Seite 99 - 110) (Douglas D. Grant) (1993)
- Teaching OO Software Engineering by Example - The Games Factory (Seite 111 - 121) (Hermann Hüni, Igor Metz) (1993)
- Object-Oriented Concepts for Professional Software Developers (Seite 123 - 134) (David M. West) (1993)
- Teaching Object-Oriented Design Without Programming - A Progress Report (Seite 135 - 156) (Judith Sims-Knight, Richard L. Upchurch) (1993)
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1 Erwähnungen 
- Unterrichtsmethoden für den Informatikunterricht (Andreas Zendler) (2018)
- 2. Konkrete Methoden für den Informatikunterricht (Andreas Zendler, Dieter Klaudt)
- 2. Konkrete Methoden für den Informatikunterricht (Andreas Zendler, Dieter Klaudt)
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