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Nothing to Hide

The False Tradeoff between Privacy and Security
Daniel J. Solove , local 


Nothing to Hide"If you've got nothing to hide," many people say, "you shouldn't worry about government surveillance." Others argue that we must sacrifice privacy for security. But as Daniel J. Solove argues in this important book, these arguments and many others are flawed. They are based on mistaken views about what it means to protect privacy and the costs and benefits of doing so. The debate between privacy and security has been framed incorrectly as a zero-sum game in which we are forced to choose between one value and the other. Why can't we have both? In this concise and accessible book, Solove exposes the fallacies of many pro-security arguments that have skewed law and policy to favor security at the expense of privacy. Protecting privacy isn't fatal to security measures; it merely involves adequate oversight and regulation. Solove traces the history of the privacy-security debate from the Revolution to the present day. He explains how the law protects privacy and examines concerns with new technologies. He then points out the failings of our current system and offers specific remedies. Nothing to Hide makes a powerful and compelling case for reaching a better balance between privacy and security and reveals why doing so is essential to protect our freedom and democracy.
Von Klappentext im Buch Nothing to Hide (2011)

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Helen Nissenbaum

KB IB clear
Wer nichts zu verbergen hat, hat auch nichts zu befürchten

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Demokratiedemocracy , false positive rate , Freiheitfreedom , Gewaltenteilung , hindsight bias , Patriot Act , Privatsphäreprivacy , Sicherheitsecurity , Technologietechnology
Jahr  Umschlag Titel Abrufe IBOBKBLB
2010 local  Privacy in Context (Helen Nissenbaum) 7, 5, 7, 4, 2, 4, 2, 3, 3, 7, 6, 3 23 7 3 135



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