Wieviel Stellenprozente benötigt ICT-Wartung an Schulen?

Von Yvan Grepper, Beat Döbeli Honegger in der Broschüre Beschaffung und Betrieb von Informatikmitteln an allgemeinbildenden Schulen (1999)

Athena Project Formula:
Staff members = (Number of workstations/500) + (Number of Users/1,000) + (Number of clusters sharing servers, printers and other peripherals/15) +(Number of applications supported/50) + (Number of distinct vendor operating systems and applications/1) + (Number of Software Licenses required/25)
Von J. M. Arfman, P. Roden im Text Project Athena (1992) Staff members = (Number of workstations/500) + (Number of Users/1,000) + (Number of clusters sharing servers, printers and other peripherals/15) +(Number of applications supported/50) + (Number of distinct vendor operating systems and applications/1) + (Number of Software Licenses required/25)

No magic formula. For many reasons, no absolute formula can be constructed, even though there is a demand for one
in educational settings. Needs in education vary according to a great number of factors and priorities. Complexity of network administration and number of services offered is a prime consideration. Different districts offer a wide range of services to their staff members and students. If a district provides web page services, e-mail, network accounts, voice mail, and other similar services, more technical support staff is needed to configure, maintain, and upgrade these different services.
in der Broschüre Michigan Technology Staffing Guidelines (2000) auf Seite 14Staffing Levels Worksheet Formula (short form):
Staff members = (Number of workstations & peripherals/500) +(Number of Users/1,000) +(Number of teachers/150) + (Number of major LANs, servers, databases, etc. /5) +(Average number of software applications that must be installed and maintained on each computer multiplied by number of computers in full-time use/5000) + (Number of staff required to handle web site content, telephone, video, satellite, broadcast, and other non-computer technologies)+(Number of management, administrative and administrative support staff) - (Number of positions outsourced or handled by volunteers).
Total should be increased by 10-20% for environmental factors that significantly increase support requirements. Total may be decreased by up to 25% for low-tech districts and increased by up to 25% for high tech districts, or districts with a goal to substantially improve their use of technology.
in der Broschüre Michigan Technology Staffing Guidelines (2000) auf Seite 19Staff members = (Number of workstations & peripherals/500) +(Number of Users/1,000) +(Number of teachers/150) + (Number of major LANs, servers, databases, etc. /5) +(Average number of software applications that must be installed and maintained on each computer multiplied by number of computers in full-time use/5000) + (Number of staff required to handle web site content, telephone, video, satellite, broadcast, and other non-computer technologies)+(Number of management, administrative and administrative support staff) - (Number of positions outsourced or handled by volunteers).
Total should be increased by 10-20% for environmental factors that significantly increase support requirements. Total may be decreased by up to 25% for low-tech districts and increased by up to 25% for high tech districts, or districts with a goal to substantially improve their use of technology.
Zitationsgraph (Beta-Test mit vis.js)
13 Erwähnungen 
- Project Athena - Supporting distributed computing at MIT (J. M. Arfman, P. Roden) (1992)
- InformationsTechnologie-Planer für Schulen - Leitfaden für allgemeinbildende Schulen zur Planung, Kostenabschätzung und Finanzierung der Medienintegration (Andreas Breiter, Herbert Kubicek) (1999)
- Tipps für die Hardwarebeschaffung - Fassung 2001 (Bildungsdirektion des Kantons Zürich, Peter Bucher, Urs Ingold) (1999)
- Beschaffung und Betrieb von Informatikmitteln an allgemeinbildenden Schulen - Empfehlungen für ... (Yvan Grepper, Beat Döbeli Honegger) (1999)
- Michigan Technology Staffing Guidelines - Section I-IV (2000)
- Empfehlungen der Gesellschaft für Informatik e. V. zur Planung und Betreuung von Rechnersystemen an Schulen (2001)
- Online Befragung der Informatikbeauftragten und Mitgliedern von Schulleitungen (Heinz Moser, Walter Scheuble) (2002)
- Erhebung zum Support der Computer in der Volksschule des Kantons Schwyz (Iwan Schrackmann) (2002)
- Technology in Schools - Suggestions, Tools and Guidelines for Assessing Technology in Elementary and Secondary Education (NCES National Center for Educational Statistics (USA)) (2002)
- 5. Maintenance and Support
- Konzept der TaskForce ICT der Pädagogischen Hochschule Zentralschweiz zur Realisierung des Projekts 'Lehren und lernen mit Notebooks an der PHZ' (Heinz Küng, Hermann Lichtsteiner, R. Osterwalder, B. Schoedler, Iwan Schrackmann) (2003)
- Stand der Informatikintegration an der Volksschule des Kantons Zürich 2002 - Auswertungsbericht der Erhebung 2002 (Bildungsdirektion des Kantons Zürich, Silvie Spiess, Martin Wirthensohn) (2003)
- Workshop ICT - SATW-tic-EDU 9/04 - Münchenwiler September 2004 (Arbeitsgruppe e-Education der SATW) (2004)
- Konzepte und Wirkungszusammenhänge bei Beschaffung und Betrieb von Informatikmitteln an Schulen (Beat Döbeli Honegger) (2005)