This article discusses 1:1 learning initiatives in Europe in the context of a mapping framework of ICT-enabled innovation for learning. The aim of the framework, visualised as a spider's web, is two-fold: (i) to provide a further understanding of the nature of ICT-enabled innovation for learning; and (ii) to depict the impact of existing and emerging innovative initiatives using ICT in the Education and Training context. We present 1:1 learning initiatives in Europe as a case of ICT-enabled innovation for learning with significant scale, scope, and impact at system level and being implemented in real settings. We identified and analysed 29 1:1 learning initiatives from 19 European countries reaching a total of approximately 620,000 schools and 16,800,000 students. The application of the framework to the case of 1:1 learning in Europe (implemented in multi-faceted educational settings) showed the current state of development and the emerging trends regarding the nature, the reach, the target groups and the impact of 1:1 innovation in learning. Regarding the nature of innovation, 1:1 learning strategies in Europe can be considered as mostly incremental. There is a need to progressively move the focus away from the devices and infrastructure to the learners and to 1:1 pedagogies. The framework can contribute (i) to policy interventions -at micro, meso and macro level- aimed at diversity and systemic implementation and (ii) to strategic planning by a multiplicity of actors such as policy makers, researchers and practitioners, increasing the impact of ICT-enabled innovation in Education and Training.
Von Stefania Bocconi, Panagiotis Kampylis, Yves Punie im Text Framing ICT-enabled Innovation for Learning (2013)
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![]() Nicht erwähnte Begriffe | Bildung, Digitalisierung, Kinder, Schule, Tablet PCs in education, Unterricht |
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3 Erwähnungen 
- Elektronische Medien im Unterricht - Eine empirische Studie über neu eingerichtete Notebook-Jahrgänge (1:1-Modelle) in der Sekundarstufe I und II an Braunschweiger Schulen (Inga Niehaus, : Sylvia Brink, Roderich Henrÿ, Kerstin Pohl, Sören Schmidt, Verena Radkau, Friederike Vorwergk) (2014)
- Elektronische Medien im Unterricht - Eine empirische Studie über neu eingerichtete Notebook-Jahrgänge (1:1-Modelle) in der Sekundarstufe I und II an Braunschweiger Schulen (Inga Niehaus) (2014)
- Tablets in Schule und Unterricht - Forschungsmethoden und -perspektiven zum Einsatz digitaler Medien (Jasmin Bastian, Stefan Aufenanger) (2017)
- 3. Tablets im Schulunterricht in Skandinavien - Der Ansatz des Digitalen Didaktischen Design (DDD) für empirische Studien: Designs-in-Practice (Isa Jahnke)
- 3. Tablets im Schulunterricht in Skandinavien - Der Ansatz des Digitalen Didaktischen Design (DDD) für empirische Studien: Designs-in-Practice (Isa Jahnke)
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