Human Nature Prepares for a Momentous LeapClare W. Graves
Erstpublikation in: The Futurist, 1974, pp. 72-87
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A new psychological theory holds that human beings exist at
different ‘levels of existence.’ At any given level, an individual
exhibits the behavior and values characteristic of people at that
level; a person who is centralized at a lower level cannot even
understand people who are at a higher level. In the following
article, psychologist Clare Graves outlines his theory and what
it suggests regarding man's future. Through history, says
Graves, most people have been confined to the lower levels of
existence where they were motivated by needs shared with
other animals. Now, Western man appears ready to move up
to a higher level of existence, a distinctly human level. When
this happens there will likely be a dramatic transformation of
human institutions.
Von Klappentext im Text Human Nature Prepares for a Momentous Leap (1974)
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2 Erwähnungen 
- Spiral Dynamics - mastering values, leadership, and change (Don Eward Beck, Christophe C. Cowan) (1996)
- The Never Ending Quest (Clare W. Graves) (2005)
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