BEIGE / SurvivalSense / AN-State / Der Existierende |
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BEIGE / SurvivalSense, Der Existierende, BEIGE, SurvivalSense
Level 1: Existieren, Überleben und Bedürfnisse befriedigen
Von Ingo A. Steufmehl im Text Das Modell der Entwicklungsstufen von Personen und Organisationen nach Claire Graves (2001) 
First Subsistence Level (A-N): Man at this level is motivated only by imperative periodic physiological needs. He seeks to stabilize his individual body functions. This level of existence is perfectly adequate to preserve the species, but it is seldom seen today except in rare instances, as in the Tasaday tribe, or in pathological cases.
Von Clare W. Graves im Text Human Nature Prepares for a Momentous Leap (1974) 
- Automatic, autistic, reflexive
- Centers around satisfaction of human biological needs
- Driven by deep brain programs, instincts, and genetics
- Little awareness of self as a distinct being (undifferentiated)
- Lives 'off the land' much as other animals
- Minimal impact on or control over environment
Second Being Level (H-U): People operating in an H-U fashion have been rare in Graves's studies. Almost all of Graves’s subjects who so behaved have been in their late fifties and beyond. What typifies them is a ‘peculiar’ paradoxical exploration of their inner world. They treat it as a new toy with which to play. But even though playing with it, they are fully aware that they will never know what their inner selves are all about. Graves says this idea is best illustrated by a poem of D. H. Lawrence, “Terra Incognita."
Von Clare W. Graves im Text Human Nature Prepares for a Momentous Leap (1974) Man at the first subsistence level (A-N), the automatic state of physiological existence, seeks only the immediate satisfaction of his basic physiological needs. He has only an imperative need-based concept of time and space and no concept of cause or effect. His awareness excludes self and is limited to the presence of physiologically determined tension when it is present, and the relief of such tension when it takes place. He lives a purely physiological existence. Man the species, or man the individual, does not have to rise above this level to continue the survival of the species. He can continue the survival of the species. He can continue the survival of the species through the purely physiological aspect of the process of procreation. He can live what is for him, at the A-N level, a productive lifetime, productive in the sense that his built-in response mechanisms are able to reduce the tensions of the imperative physiological needs and a reproductive lifetime. But this level of existence seldom is seen in the modern world except in pathological cases.
Von Clare W. Graves im Text Human Nature Prepares for a Momentous Leap (1974)
Graves ging in seinem evolutionären, kulturhistorisch geprägten Ansatz - ähnlich wie Maslow
- davon aus, daß am Anfang zunächst die elementaren Grundbedürfnisse befriedigt werden
müssen. „Erst kommt das Fressen und dann kommt die Moral“, wie dies Brecht ausdrückte.
Es geht für den Menschen zunächst eben darum, in einer feindlichen Umwelt zu überleben
und Wettereinflüsse, Temperaturschwankungen, feindliche Angriffe, Nahrungsmangel etc.
zu überleben. Darwinismus beherrscht das System und prägt die Verhaltensmuster, so wie
dies auch heute noch in Extremsituationen wie nach Schiffs- oder Flugzeugunglücken zu
beobachten ist. Level 1 ist die erste Stufe, aber noch keine (Werte-)Evolution im Sinne von
Von Ingo A. Steufmehl im Text Das Modell der Entwicklungsstufen von Personen und Organisationen nach Claire Graves (2001)
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6 Erwähnungen 
- Human Nature Prepares for a Momentous Leap (Clare W. Graves) (1974)
- Spiral Dynamics - mastering values, leadership, and change (Don Eward Beck, Christophe C. Cowan) (1996)
- 2. The Nature of Value MEME Systems
- 9. BEIGE Survival/Sense - The Instinctive value meme
- 2. The Nature of Value MEME Systems
- Das Modell der Entwicklungsstufen von Personen und Organisationen nach Claire Graves (Ingo A. Steufmehl) (2001)
- The Never Ending Quest (Clare W. Graves) (2005)
- New Work braucht New Learning - Eine Perspektivreise durch die Transformation unserer Organisations- und Lernwelten (Jan Foelsing, Anja Schmitz) (2021)
- Ein Teil des Ganzen - Perspektiven auf unser Umfeld im Wandel
- Ein Teil des Ganzen - Perspektiven auf unser Umfeld im Wandel