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AI Education in German K-10 Computer Science Curricula

Gia Minh Vo, Nils Pancratz
Zu finden in: WIPSCE '23, 2023
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Nils Pancratz

The growing importance of artificial intelligence (AI) in our daily lives leads to an increasing demand for AI in learning, teaching, and education. Recent developments, such as ChatGPT, have further pushed the significance of AI, garnering media attention and prompting politicians to require stakeholders in education to place a stronger emphasis on AI education in schools. As a result, a growing number of computer science (CS) curricula are expanding to include the topic of AI. This paper aims to contribute to the understanding of AI in K-10 education in Germany by analyzing CS curricula for lower secondary school education across the 16 federal states of Germany. The results indicate that AI-related content is inconsistently addressed in the CS curricula of various federal states, with a noticeable absence of standardized AI competencies for K-10 education. In several federal states, AI-related content is only implicitly addressed from a socio-cultural perspective. To ensure up-to-date education, it is essential to include mandatory AI content in K-10 CS curricula. These contents should be considered holistically by taking into account the technological, socio-cultural, and user-oriented perspectives, in accordance with the Dagstuhl Triangle.

Von Gia Minh Vo, Nils Pancratz im Konferenz-Band WIPSCE '23 im Text AI Education in German K-10 Computer Science Curricula (2023)

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